Friday, August 12

Blue Genes

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Last night I watched a very interesting documentary on SBS which was about human genes. It was fascinating to realise that the genes one carry is the reason for one's IQ level, rather than the school one may attend or the extra work one may put in. Scientists have found out through genetic tests that certain diseases, IQ level, emotional equilibrium etc are all dependant on the DNA being passed to you from your family, just as much as your physical features . So yes you are born with it all. The tendency to develop a disease like Cystic Fibrosis, Manic Depression, Down Syndrome or even Breast Cancer is initially designed in the chromosomes of a developing fetus. And that's what this post is going to be about...those mutated genes that doctors these days can track down even before a child is born.
The program showed how doctors in the US are screening embryos for certain diseases so that parents expecting the child are informed of what the child may develop. Thereafter it is upto the parents to decide if they want to go ahead with the pregnancy or terminate it. These doctors and the parents seem to classify a potential genetic disease-bearing fetus as a drawback to the society if allowed to the see the light of this world. On the other hand there was a woman who had a son with Down Syndrome and was quite content with her life. Having a family history of Down Syndrome, she stated that when she got pregnant with this child, she was informed about the embryo-screening for genetic diseases. She refused to take the test as how she thought about it was that all she wanted was a child and it doesn't matter who he/she would be - at that point I had tears in my eyes because I think she is a selfless mother with a beautiful heart. There was another lady who was a manic depressive and was told by her doctor not to get pregnant as her child would some day be a problem to himself/herself and the society. She was very upset about it and in tears not knwoing what to do as she badly wanted a child. She is a doctor herself and has written many books about depression, and she also found out that people who have depression-developing genes are also uniquely creative and intelligent than the rest! So yes they can also be assets to this world if given a chance to be born!
My question to you is should a DNA screening for potential genetic diseases be done on a developing fetus that allows the parents to decide whether to have the child or abort it? Or by doing this are we tampering with the fetus' right to live? Personally I am against the screening and I firmly believe it's a violation of the fetus' rights even though it's not born yet. We must not forget that unborn babies breathe too, just that they don't get their say yet. Should the mother-to-be have that right then, but then again isn't a mother supposed to give birth to a child and lookafter it irrespective of what abnormality the baby might have? In fear of not being able to give light, should the sun be compelled to set even before it's risen?

79 Cranium Signets:

Trée said...

I not sure where love fits in here. If the child was conceived in love, I want the fruit of that love, for better or worse. This sort of screening gives me the heebie geebees (is that a word or I can't spell--lol).

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

No wonder I Wanna marry a gal with brains...hehehe
I want my kids to have her genes...coz I know I dont have any

lemme read further :D

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I think in India, its banned to get Sonogrpahy done while pregnancy coz of the stupid backward thinking that gals are burden to a family.

Now this DNA thing is something new to me....I didnt knew analysis of unborn baby has reached to this level.

I believe this is ridiculous to do. But again, what if the chils is born with a retardation and this was possible to predict through DNA testing. Would it be fair to bring this child in this world?? Whats his future going to be?

I not saying mentally challenged people are burden...but think of the worst case.

Keshi said...

Fruit of that love it is Tre, wonderful sentiment. even I dunno how to spell that :)

lolzz z000nie aww...wut u talkin abt, u saying u dun have brains...jeeeeeeez u have too much brain power man :) Rem ur Brilliant! And hey ur 2nd in this post :)

***But again, what if the child is born with a retardation...
True I's for this very purpose that they are doing these tests. I u'stand that such a child may face so many difficulties in life but how can even decide that for him/her? Isnt that for the child to decide..I mean such a child can also be a bright and be someone worthwhile to the society.Usuallly the parents think he/she will suffer and perhaps abort it but we don't know what the child is going to be until it's given a chance to live...isnt it?


Jim said...

Pssssttt !
kesh no time to read
i gott sone one hotter than u wid me

messys musings said...

k00kie... hi... forget about tampering wth foetus n all.. i think we r playing a lot with nature... scientific development n all is ok... but just coz the child mite (or mite not) get cancer later is not a valid reason to make it suffer so much when its not even born... not for me babez.. id rather wait n see the troubles later than go on troubling over it since the time its in my womb...

i m totally against abortion unless the child to b born is abnormal...

Jim said...

and i dont get along wid yr friend circle

u guys talk Philosophy and theology and shit like dat
(kroopa is an exception)

i want a girl
who justs wants to do it !

again and again the whole nite through

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Its the risk that parents dont wanna take.

Things might turn up in both good and bad for the chils in future....but everyone looks for the worst case scenario. Yes its for the child to decide whether he needs to be born or not...but then ultimately its the parents who have to raise this kid. And to see a child suffer, if he is not able to be a someone worthwhile to the society.

Keshi said...

I agree m000nie but r u saying u r willing to abort a baby if it's going to be abnormal?

lolz Saby ok then.


Keshi said...

Ok I see ur point z000nie...true...but isnt that being selfish? It's basically that the parents dont want to go through the embarassment and the stress of having an abnormal child, isnt it? Whether the child is going to be 'worthwhile' to the society or not is only to be seen after it's born...physical disabilities should not be a bar to becoming 'someone', isnt it?


messys musings said...

no k00kie that not wat i meant.. but if someone would want to thn i think its ok.. but for ny other reason naah

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

K000kie I agreee your point here...
but parents are not going to stay for life long with their "challenged" kid. Right? Once they are no more, who is gonna take care of him/her?

Vivhyd said...

enlightening post Keshi.. Mez taken a Genetics class and I got to c a lot of videos and ofcourse the lectures which made me aware of these things.. learnt abt Down's Syndrome and other genetic diseases too... kept me interested thruout the semester

Day Dreamer said...

The key question is here is it really fair to bring a child into
this world where the chances of it being loved is very minimal?

Keshi said...

whoaaa some very smart views there from z000nie n n000nie! Thanks guys u r so right - no point bringing a child when the chances of it being loved is quite minimal and then parents are also not going to be around forever...hmmm got me thinking. Thanks guys!

Yep m000nie I agree...thanks :)

Hey Vivhyd thanks for dropping u learnt so much abt Genetics...r u in the medical field?


Vinz said...


After reading the post and then the comments i gave a deep thought...

That was a tough question i must say..

Like Musings said technology development is sometimes a problem in our society. Just imagine the condition hundred years back. No sonograms, no testing..but still birth moved on...tensions were were more simpler...

But now, before a child see's this world its been diagonised...It almost complete characteristics are predicted...Gosh! ridiculous... If the child is conceived then it got all the rights to come into this world, no matter what all defects it will have...

And then these technology should be used for their remedies and their treatment..Like Arz00n said its difficult to see a retarded kid living in this fast society...but life never goes on smooth wheels...We have to live up with that.. get them all the possible support to stand on themselves as far we could...there are many living examples in this world of those cases...

Anywyas abortion is never a remedy for anything,infact its a crime as same as murder.


Keshi said...

Very impressive analysis Vinu...brilliant in fact!

You got some great points there.

****Just imagine the condition hundred years back. No sonograms, no testing..but still birth moved on...tensions were were more simpler...

So true - in my granma's days, life was peaceful even if it meant giving birth without a doctor for delivery. Now that we have achieved so much technology-wise, it also has introduced many tensions and worries..isnt that sad.

***We have to live up with that.. get them all the possible support to stand on themselves as far we could...there are many living examples in this world of those cases...

That's it - that's exactly my point. Life is no bed of roses and even if we achieve physical perfection, there r heaps of ppl out there with horrible minds...what if we were given a chance to screen such minds lol and then the world would certainly be a better place :) And yep extra-ordinary people with physical challenges are all around.

***Anywyas abortion is never a remedy for anything,infact its a crime as same as murder.

Well-said's murder whether it's justified or not.


--pearl-- said...

kesh-awesum post...i jus glanced thru..aint got da tyme to read it..but yeh..ill read it b4 i comment on it...anyways catch ya soon..miss hugzzzzzzzzzz

Keshi said...

huggggz Icy!

I did think that this topic might interest u more than the others and seems like it did, which is great. Hey no Sorry for long comments - u can write as much as u want and I like it. U know I too am famous for writing books as comments :)

Yes u got a great point there. Screening is good so that parents know wut to prepare for but it also makes people take negative that reason itself screening shouldnt be done.

I believe God sends a child to this Earth (be it normal or abnormal) for it to learn things here...n for others to learn too. o.w. God wouldnt have made a child like that in the first place. So let everyone learn...

Thanks Icy!

Keshi said...

no worries Pearly muahhhhhhhhhz n hugggggggz TC now ok :) I'm gonna miss ya heaps!


Anonymous said...

I am completely against such screenings, instead of doing all that it should be made mandatory to have a complete medical and psychological test before getting married legally so that u know what u r heading for and what u may expect in future, rather than getting screened afterwards and screw ur peace of mind.
I think he(arif) is terribly busy with work these days since he was planning to have an off in the later half of this month to go for a small vacation.

Keshi said...

****instead of doing all that it should be made mandatory to have a complete medical and psychological test before getting married legally so that u know what u r heading for...

South that's one sensible way to deal with this, thanks! :)

aww so Fira is a busy bee now...hehehe...thanks for letting me know.


Anonymous said...

Anytime the way it was a very nice post.

Keshi said...

Icy why I thought u might like this post alot is 'cos u r studying to become an obs na?

lollz Pithaly u already know the DNA patterns of my babies...they will carry blog-manic-depressive genes hehehe...

Well I wud certainly want to have those kids so they will meet 'real' people like u n the rest of my blog-mates here :)


Keshi said...

danka South :)


Autumn Storm said...

Hi Keshi.
Another thought-provoking topic.
I touched upon abortion in a blog some time back. I have always said, I am pro-abortion, i.e. I think, women should have the choice - however, I do not like the concept of it at all, and there needs to be very, very, very good reason to abort a child - it IS robbing a person of their life, before it even begins, and there are no two ways about that fact!
Feutus' should not be screened for heriditory disease - somethings should be left alone or in the hands of God (depending on religeous beliefs). The road down which we are headed, is definitely one to be feared. In the end we may live like all those futuristic, sci-fi films, where there is "eternal" (too long at least) life and everyone looks like someone's idea of perfect. It all links together in a worrying web comprising such things as genetic engineering, cloning, plastic surgery and man-made organs.
Whatever "defect" a child is born with, rare is the parent who does not love him/her just as much anyway. Such a child need not have less to offer their immediate environment or the world at large.
The whole thing is just plain wrong!

PuNeEt said...

“In fear of not being able to give light, should the sun be compelled to set even before it's risen?”
Wow amazing Keshi… I’m once again “Fida” on u :-)

First when I read your post the thought came in my mind is … its ridiculous
and all those social and moral values figured in my thought…

But when I keep myself in the position of the parent… my views change… no parents would like their child to be abnormal… more than parents it will be difficult for the child to build up his future…

I agree with the comments and arguments of Arzooon…

But the only fear is, the decision should be taken in the right spirit with the right intentions…
In India parents abort their kid knowing it to be a girl child…
Infact there are people who will have kids unless a boy child is born…
Disgusting… I don’t have any respect for them…

Another thought provoking post…

I wonder if ever I’ll be able to post in your top 10 comments… what a competition

Vivhyd said...

Keshi. no I am not in medical field.. Mez an Engineer.. but as I had mentioned in my post that I took notes for the deaf/hard of hearing students... Genetics was one of the class.. apart frm others.. :))

Justin Thyme said...

Boy, Keshi, you are the goddess of these intense issues... :-)

This kind of screening will open Pandora's Box. Who makes the determination as to what is to be considered a defect and what is not? Who establishes that criteria and under what basis? If you ask me, it's just another Holocaust in the making.

Dewdrop said...

Another very interesting topic, Keshi.

If there is any genetic history in the family then parents should definitely go for screening and monitoring the fetus for normal development. I think by screening the parents are much better prepared to face the worse if anything at all is abnormal with their baby. They are in a prepared state of mind as to what to expect at the birth of their disabled baby. There is nothing wrong in getting monthly sonograms, DNA or the amnio test done on the fetus. That the baby will develop ear infection or have abnormal effects of multiple sonograms and miscarraiges due to amnio is a myth.

In the US abortion is banned in many states after 4 months or so I think. And unfortunately if any abnormality at all on fetus is only determined after the fifth month. So again, termination of pregnancy becomes a big decision

I am personally against abortion, but if anything at all is not normal with the fetus, its totally upon the parents to decide whether to terminate the pregnacny or continue. Its a life long dedication to cope up with a disabled child, it takes a lot of courage and determination to raise a special need child. Those who are weak, afraid and lack resources are the ones who would to choose to commit the crime of abortion.

I personally think if the baby is concieved, shes got the rights to live, no matter what her defects are. Instead of aborting, parents should be brave enough to face the challenge and help their child cope up with the fast paced world.

Jim said...

suggest next post
, , 'they abort girls dont they, in Mumbai', ,

'i tink dats a good ting' says Kesh,
'hence i get 100 starved guys
evry time i post'

Jim said...

frankly me tinks dat guy above dewdy shuda been aborted

dont u tink so desis ?
he is a foren invasion on our bharatiya nari

i just hate foren AID(s)

Jim said...

A for attitude
TIT for tits
U for u
D for desirable
E for ever more

Jim said...

another ting i cant stand is desi guys going american

the right word is attribute
personal attributes

Jim said...

it should be made mandatory to have a complete medical and psychological test before getting married legally so that u know what u r heading for...

not dat Kesh,
more important indian guys and girls marry early in life

they dont no nutting about parenting

they dont even no how to do it properly
how cud they?

they all were virgins
very few indian girls experience orgasm in bed wid their guy

some like janice dont probably even no wat is an orgasm

some no and they fake it

Jim said...

OK, i did my job
i beter get out
b4 i get thrown out

Paul said...

Keshi, are you sure the program went that far? I thought the "nature vs. nurture" thing was pretty well decided: that it's both. I know I've heard/read stuff about, for example, the harmful effects of failing to provide infants and young children with stimulating environments.

I guess I tend to be A) a pragmatist and B) tend to have a mindset of "the more information the better." To me, not taking in available info is a way of taking the easy way out. Having such information would sometimes cause difficult decisions, but at other times, a condition might clearly result in a child who'd have such a terrible quality of life that the decision wouldn't be hard.

And I think there's no pat answer about what God would "want." If God's will = no human interference, we defy it every day in ways too numerous to count.

Michelle said...

personally,i agree wid u cuz i think tht its totally unfair to abort the child juz cuzza some abnormality...i feel it shud b given its fair chance to live be it for a few seconds...
it was sent by god into this world
wat say?

nice post!

Justin Thyme said...

Somebody wanna get Saby his Ridilin? (I am still trying to figure out what his inability to bring a woman to orgasm has to do with the topic of fetal screening...)

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

Again, this is debatable. There are a few ways of looking at it. I agree with you that even unborn babies breathe and we don't have any right to take their lives away.

Then again, if a 'problem'-child (forgive the expression but I hope you understand what I mean) is born and is unable to care for himself/herself, then was it any point of it being born? The parents are not going to be around forever, what will happen after this child's main care-givers die? What will this child do? Who will he/she depend on? Is this suffering worth bringing this child into the world- just bringing him/her in to let him/her struggle with weakness/illness and watch others grow and flourish? Is this feeling of shame/failure/incompetence worth bringing this person in?
I won't agree or disagree with you on this topic because there are so many different ways of lookig at it and its very difficult to say which one is 'correct' :-)

Invincible said...

darn !!
me no. 45 !!!!!

* clenches his wrist n slams on the desk !!!!!!! *

tulipspeaks said...

k00kie..this is debatable topic..just give me couple of hours..i will come up with my comment ;)


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

me was online...n didnt knew wht to do while surfing blogs :(
so came to leave my 49th comment..hehehe

Hope you having an awesome weekend there...njoy!!

PuNeEt said...

hi.. completing half century...
where have u disappeared...

waitng to hear from u


Invincible said...

wot if for some time we assume, everyone is born with his/her own fate.
AS far as i know, the organogenesis (i hope this is correct term) happens in 3rd month. So at the most, the parents should be allowed to veto the upcoming birth till 3rd month MAX.

Jim said...

dont be mad at me

Jim said...

me tinks dat ROHIT cant father a child

Jim said...

getting a wooman to orgasm is tuff
getting him to orgasm is easy

i just gotta lay him on my knees

tulipspeaks said..., i am all for the screening and identification of genetic defect in feotus..

rather from being emotional and jumping into conclusion based on religious view..try to see it in scientific and psychological aspects as well..

science is here to help us out..and techonology such as these type of screening would in fact save a lot problems later..don't you think knowly let a baby to be born with defects which not only will torture the poor baby but also cost emotional/mental torture to the parents is a sin by its own right?

abortion should be considered if the feotus is found with severe defects which will surely will burden the poor baby as it grows up, although we know those with certain genetic syndrome rarely live pass their teens..

tulipspeaks said...

by the way, where have u been k00kie???

am00nie missing you ;)

Jim said...

she is a kanjoos marwari
she only bloggs from office PC

Jim said...

dis is a message for all my friemdz

which means justine will not read dis

KJ said...

your post is very thot provoking.


firacub said...

Hi Keshi,
The Realm of God starts where science ends. The more we mortals barge the forbidden zones, the more doom we invite upon ourselves. The life that a woman concieves should be accepted regardless of what he/she has. Its the curiousity of we humans that led us to sick process of sex determenation of an embryo and then terminate the pregnancy if it was a girl. Science has given us an edge in life but we fools just use that as a tool to question the very existence of God himself. I am STRICTLY AGAINST DNA screening.


Łóòň Ġãĺ said...


I am against it...completely!! We humans have no right to alter natural processes...i hv said this on avik's blog too!!

Nicely put up keshi!


Keshi said...

Hello my dear ones :) I'm here...didnt have time this weekend to check the comments - Sat was flu day :( Sun I drove mum n 2 other aunts to their fav temple (Puneet note :) - Murugan temple in Westmead...twas great just to spend half the day with the ladies...then went over to my cuzn's for a real vegetarian lunch n some time with her lil ones..twas awesome.

Hope all of u had a great weekend...n u too z000nie...aww u misse me? And am000nie huggggggz I missed ya too!

Thanks all for the wonderful thoughts on this post. Ok let me write replies now..


Keshi said...

***In the end we may live like all those futuristic, sci-fi films, where there is "eternal" (too long at least) life and everyone looks like someone's idea of perfect.***

SPOT ON u said it girl! This is what the world is going to be in few years time when good wouldnt be able to be enjoyed cause there's no cuh thing as bad...everything is going to be just 'perfect'. I fear that more than anything else.

Caraf that's a wonderful story! Can u temme what the movie is, I wanna see it.
***genes may show who's weak and who's strong. But ATTITUDE changes everything.

It sure is!! U raised a very imp point there. genes may suggest what physical traits u may have but it can never dampen the attitude - thanks Caraf!

Puneet ur Fida on me aww lol! Me Fida on u too -
Aaja mere yaara, yaara aaja aa bhi jaa, dil ne dil se tujhe pukaara...@Punnet ;-)

Well yeah I see ur's n z000nie's point...such a child prolly wont have an enjoyable life...but how do we even know that? He/she might embrace life like how Helen Keller did amidst one of the darkest lives anyone could ever have...
Ohh aborting babies just because they r females is just plain selfish - I think ppl who do that r uneducated no matter how informed they may think they r.

d000die thanks for that well-balanced point of view.
***Those who are weak, afraid and lack resources are the ones who would to choose to commit the crime of abortion.
That's so true. I think it's also those who r weak and afraid of challenges that even take those tests...

***Who makes the determination as to what is to be considered a defect and what is not?
Exactly! I believe it's not even in our hands to call someone 'less fortunate' (just based on physical features) hence not suitable for the world, when there r so many 'physically perfect' ppl with
poor souls walking everywhere on this Earth!

Saby hey hows ya? Yep I agree that India and many 3rd world countries have cultural barriers when it comes to accepting a baby as it is. And that kinf of thinking need to be eradicated. But like Justin is asking, what does an orgasm have to do with this post? lol!

Paul hows ya mate?
***Having such information would sometimes cause difficult decisions, but at other times, a condition might clearly result in a child who'd have such a terrible quality of life...
Yep Paul I agree...but my Q is how do we decide the quality of life of a fetus when we don't even know how it's going to see it as? The parents who'd most prolly be physically near-perfect will always think that an abnormal life is 'abnormal'. But a child who will be born abnormal will never know what it is to be 'normal'. So may he/she will adjust to it's life and live a 'quality' life in his/her own little world.

Exactly p000nie! That's wut I'm saying. It's not right to take someone's life based on any's still murder.

Kroopz I agree but I think of it as this. What we 'normals' most fear is being 'abnormal'. And that's because we r born 'normal'. But like I said above, when a child is born 'abnormal' he/she would never know what it it be 'normal'...though it's a sad event for we 'normals' to fathom, that child would only know abnormality and therefore will why deprive of his/her life to protect our feelings?

v000nie hugggs! According to the medical dictionary, organogenesis means the formation and development of the organs of living things. So u mean since this occurs from the 3rd month onwards, parents should be allowed to reject the fetus if it's genetically doomed? awww I find that cruel. Even if it's organs aint developed yet, life has been created already. I think aborting based on DNA screening is genetic injustice...dun u think so?

am000nie hugggz gurl!
***rather from being emotional and jumping into conclusion based on religious view..try to see it in scientific and psychological aspects as well..

I dun usually rely completely on science so any point of view...that will be forgetting my origin. I understand it's logical to see it in a scientific point of view rather than being emotional n religious...but the very essence of us beings is 'emotions'. And some great sculptor would have moulded this human body in his fav past time...n I believe that man as scientists try hard to cross boundaries that this great sculptor set us. And in the process of doing that Science makes the man forget his origin, his nature and his sculptor. My point is Science needs to know it's limits and never underestimate the power of that sculptor :)

Thanks KJ n huggz for dropping by!

Fira u said it all...wonderful words of wisdom.
***The more we mortals barge the forbidden zones, the more doom we invite upon ourselves.
I wish the great scientists would u'stand this. Also if we kill all the Cystic Fibrosis/Down Syndrome etc carrying embryos, then how r they ever gonna learn abt these diseases n find cures? I think finding a cure is better than prevention in this case.
btw where have u been FIRA??

Pithaly wut a verr interesting and an insightful quote!
***Karma is hereditary genes.
I always thought abt this. But modern minds will tell me ur crazy n ur taking the easy explanation for all the misery in the world. But I dun think it's the easy's a very complex reason that's going to take sometime for the high-tech minds to fathom...thank you Pithaly!!

Annaaaaaaa muahhh! Where u been? I missed ya.
***We humans have no right to alter natural processes...
Ur absolutely right there girl. We have no right....but the fact that scientists r going way beyond they should (trespassing natural territory) is a sad event in this era. I hope the world soon wont become one giant plastic surgery patient lol!


Keshi said...

Guys thanks all for ur MOST valuable thoughts on this topic. I found some very deep sentiments here and even tho some of them dont agree with mine, they were fascinating and very respectable thoughts that will now be a part of my thought process too...thanks once again for enlightening me with all the wisdom that u all r blessed with!


saurav said...

Hiiii Keshi....
It was true that i discontinued blogging temporarily......
But Cookie, sorry K000kie HOW CAN I QUIT VISITING YOUR BLOG ???????????
It's simply irresistible...........
I didn't comment on ur post as the topic happened to be the same as mine...i was waiting for ur next post......
"Thought of you comes into my mind so many times, every thought that comes along brings happiness my way."

Keshi said...

aww Avik WEBBY! Alot has been happening in ur brief sabbatical - we formed a loving 000nie family n we'd like u to join too. m000nie (Musings/MesmerisingEyes) will offcially christen ya n I think u should be called av000nie :)

hugggggz n thanks!

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Z000nie is in smiles to see K000kie back. Yes he did missed her on weekends.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...


Hope you are doing good today morning :(

talldarkman said...

Hmmm Interesting. A copy paste that came to my notice......for the benefit of all of you, concerning this topic :)



> If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids
> already, three who were deaf, two who were blind,
> one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you
> recommend that she have an abortion?
> Read the next question before looking at the answer for this one.
> Question 2:
> It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote
> counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.
> Candidate A -
> Associates with crooked politicians and consults with
> astrologers. He's had two mistresses. He also chain
> smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
> Candidate B -
> He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used
> opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
> Candidate C -
> He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't
> smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
> Which of these candidates would be your choice?
> Decide first, no peeking, then click here for the answer.
> Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
> Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
> Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
> And, by the way, the answer to the abortion question:
> If you said yes, you just killed Beethoven.
> Pretty interesting isn't it?
> It makes a person think before judging someone



Invincible said...

hey keshi,
"wot if for some time we assume, everyone is born with his/her own fate."
So y kill him/her for any reason at all !!

Now, from wotever info i have, the soul enters the body n then organogenesis starts.. it may sound crap .. :) so ignore this.
so i said it as MAX.

neway, i wont advocate killing fetus at all.

Invincible said...

Happy Independece Day !!!!

saurav said...

Is there any terms and conditions ???

- av000nie (lot) ....(lots of tears)..

Autumn Storm said...

Personal traits you possess and appreciate: Glowing,Beautiful,Pleasant

Traits you admire in others: Innocent,Elegant,Soft

Keshi said...

z000nie aww so sweet thanks! Yep I'm better now but a lil sore in my throat...will be alright once I have another cup of coffee - lol great excuse to have the 2nd coffee for the day :)

Tally thank u so much for that very well-related story! I have read that b4 n fits so perfect here to demonstrate the fact that what matters is the person's attitude and not the genes, to achieve almost anything in life.

No v000nie wut u said aint crap at all. Infact I believe in all that. But my point was once the soul entered the womb, then it's living. In that case no one has the right to kill it. But I see ur point too, thanks! Hey thanks for the wishes n same to ya! :)

av000nie lol so cute! No specific terms except for thou shall flirt, flirt n flirt AND respect n love every other 000nie :)

Autumn that was the most beautiful thing I ever heard from a blogger...I didnt know u were going to interpret my answers this damn cute, thank n huggggggggggz!


tulipspeaks said...

k00kie..............i miss ya!!


saurav said...

WOW !!! I love to join ur club......but anxious about the fate of my

Keshi said...

amuuuuuuu-000nie awww I'm here :) Huggggggggggz!!

av000nie why anxious abt the nic? lol tell me...


Invincible said...

new post plz :)

Keshi said...

haaaaaa v000nie lol wut!

new post will be coming soon :) hang ten mate...

k000kie :)

saurav said...


Keshi said...

Gomess wut d u mean...plz explain further, thanks!

av000nie how u doing? :):)


saurav said...

no more post plzzzzz..

messys musings said...

can we have a new post babez???

Jim said...

heyyy Autumn !
u forgot nice ass

PuNeEt said...

hi dear...
I've noted ur point... and I'm impressed too...
temple visit with mom... hmmmmmm
