Monday, August 15

Night is here to stay...

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What starts as a minor loss of conscience if not rectified, can end up as a major tranformation of an entire person. The latest political victim of terrorism in Sri Lanka was the foreign minister honorable Lakshman Kadirgamar who was shot dead at his home by an LTTE sniper on Friday night, just as he got out of his swimming pool. In comparison to many other politicians in Sri Lanka, this was a man of honor, integrity and excellence who genuinely fought against terrorism without any selfish motives behind his work. He was an Oxford-educated lawyer and was a Tamil by race but he lived as a true Sri Lankan and worked hard to bring an end to the on-going war in Sri Lanka. Being a man of good conscience and being ethnically unbiased was his only felony.
But this story is just one of the millions of senseless slayings over the years by terrorists around the world. How many lives have been destroyed, how many properties damaged, how many intellectuals erased, how many children orphaned? Why does the concept of terror fascinate some? My strong belief is nothing can ever be achieved by terror, even if there are righteous causes for doing so. Worst of all most terrorists claim that they are doing these bloody deeds for achieving peace and harmony for their race or religion! I find this quite ridiculous a theory. How can peace come out of terror? How can peace come out of blood-shed? How can peace come out of a gun, a suicide bomb, a dead body?
What I really think is that each and every terrorist out there walks around with a lost conscience, maybe due to whatever personal experience they faced. Their familes may have been tortured, killed or purely because he/she is brainwashed by some religious literature. But whatever they may have faced, no one has the right to kill another person in retribution or in the hope of gaining peace or whatever it is that they want. I myself have lost 2 close uncles (Police) in the on-going war but it never made me bitter against any race - I'm very concerned about acheiving peace in my country (and the world) but never through terror! Using scare tac-tics to gain anything at all is cowardly and unlawful. It's only doing your whole objective wrong! So having said that a terrorist's consience is lost, how can these individuals ever get it back? I know this is not something that's quite achievable for those who are terrorists already but for those who are thinking about being one think twice please.
You are about to enter a night that will never make you see the dawn of day. All you will be achieving is befriending violence that will distance you further from the very reason you're about to fight for. Rebuild your conscience and fight the right way - through sense and law.

54 Cranium Signets:

tulipspeaks said...

for the first time...i am the first :P


saurav said...

i'm second......he he ....

tulipspeaks said...

A very strong arguement on terrorism..

myself have lost 2 close uncles (Police) in the on-going war
I am so sorry for your loss k00kie.. something i only read in newspaper or watched in a way, i am glad that i belong to a nation where we never experienced terror..this is despite the fact that Malaysia had been always linked to Muslim terrorist..

Yes, i read the news on the war...i think i grew up reading and watching news related to war in Sri Lanka and also between India-Pakistan (i hope i am not touching any sensitive issues here)..and i do wonder what kind of peace are these people fighting for amidst the blood-shed..

and k00kie..i think your are asking questions which cannot be answered by anyone :(


Jim said...

today is independence day
and our Sardar PM is having a nervous moment on Red Fort

dont scare the sradar pleeezz

Jim said...

, , do visit me and caraff,
i got her linked

sorry kesh !
, ,

TZ said...

keshi, you have quite some comments here, don't mind I suck a bit of your er-hem.. bandwith?

Jim said...

its kinda funny
take a look at TANVI's blogg

she mises TANVI
more than TANVI misses me

hey guys !
do u tink kesh is les ?

Jim said...

amutha, evik,
the race doesnt always go to the swiftest guys

wat is required is tenacity

Day Dreamer said...

Really don't know what terrorists acheive out of all this, how can killing innocent people prove a point?

It also seems like a game for the politicians coz at the end of the day its not the politicians who die.

Autumn Storm said...

The incorrigible few will always do their best to spoil it for the rest.
Every person makes a difference and therein lies our hope that peace is not unobtainable

KJ said...

sorry to hear about your uncles. I pray that we can make the world a better place for out kids atleast.
Remember that saying "The darkest hour is just before the dawn"
have faith & hope


saurav said...

k000kie heart is bleeding...
stop violence.....................
Human kind has to get out of violence only through nonviolence. Hatred can be overcome only by love. Counter-hatred only increases the surface as well as the depth of hatred.........


Jim said...

, , terrorist or freedom fighter ??, ,

today on August 15
we honour Shahid Bhagat Singh
he was hanged as a terrorist by the British in India

Jim said...

the Palestinians, the IRA, the IRAQI's, the kashmiris, the Khalistan movement, the ULFA, the LTTE .........

the victor decides the labels

the USA used Atomic bombs on Hiroshima civilian population, surely a war crime

and the USA attacked IRAQ for WMD

, , its a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD, ,

Michelle said...

even i find it ridiculous as to how ppl can actually think tht their soul reason for violence is to create peace and harmony...wat they dont get is is the opposite...once they stop terroism and violent means to get wat they want,only then will peace and harmony prevail.
informative post kesh

Michelle said...

i meant *sole reason* typo error :)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Terrorism and terrorists cant be removed totally from this world. Why?? Its a large n/w in the first case and people involved take it as a religious war. This is something even Im not able to understand till now.

The other day I Was reading this article on a terrorist who is building up team in Pakistan to spread terror in India. Why? Coz around 25-30 of his family members were killed during partition war. How does this falls into Holy war?

But again...if you put urself into his shoes for a while, how would you feel??
will you feel like taking revenge?
wht do u need for that?
Money? Resources?
Who provides this?
Guys who are already present in the n/w. n this is how a team is build up.

Recent suicide bombings in US itself proved that people are joining "holy war" out of frustration, boredom, to add spice in there life. So got more reasons here now :)

Keshi said...

hehe am000nie ur first! yeyyyy! And av000nie 2nd woohoo!

Amu ur lucky that ur ina country where peace always prevailed. Sri Lanka is in blood-shed for 20yrs now and still going...there were various scholars n law-enforcement officers murdered from both sides...nearly 70,000 civilians have died in the war. It's shocking that a concept like terror can prevail this long. And thanks gurl, hugggz!

lol Saby thats ok.

n000nie ur right...some politicians play games and this is why ppl rebel as terrorists. But terrorism is still the wrong approach.

Autumm yep the few who dun have a clear conscience end up loving terror n spoiling life for the others.
***Every person makes a difference and therein lies our hope that peace is not unobtainable
That's exactly wut I hope too...if each n every person train themselves to see what's good and bad clearly the we can have global peace some day, if not now. Thanks darl!

KJ thanks for that very encouraging quote...I sure hope atleast the next generations will see peace n not know terrorism, atleast not how we know it!

Avik so well-said! But there're always going to be ppl who run amock with emotions...who wont see whats right/wrong clearly. We need to find a way to teach them that violence is never a solution. Thanks mate!

Yes Saby it's total madness. The LTTE has a website of their own too...n they claim that their fighting for their blood - the Tamils. But to be honest there r many llearned Tamils who hate the sane persom wants terrorism. In the end, the LTTE has given a bad name to the Tamils too - cos everywhere a Tamil goes, people think he/she is LTTE!

p000nie yep only when they stop the violence will peace arrive...cos peace n violence r antonyms n will not live together...

z000nie we cant completely remove terrorism true...but we can stop em breeding...then the old ones will eventually die and there wont be any new ones. The trick lies in educating young people...and also cleaning up unfair political acts. It's a tough call but Im sure it's achievable.

***But again...if you put urself into his shoes for a while, how would you feel??

2 of my closest uncles dies in the hands of the LTTE...they were Police officers. They had very young kids then - families shattered and what-not. But none of their kids ended up as terrorists...then why only this guys?

***Recent suicide bombings in US itself proved that people are joining "holy war" out of frustration, boredom, to add spice in there life.

Gosh really?!! I mean out of boredom? duhhh! That's so sick. That's why I say that we really can do something to stop em joining terroris groups. Most young people r mislead or brainwashed...

Thanks all!

strawy said...

i have seen terrorism so closely when i was young ( punjab revolution for Khalistan ), we were not allowed to go out of houses for several days , not allowed to switch on lights at night time , shcools were closed , damnnn i just hated it , v cant stop terrorism and that is a bitter fact that v have to live with . Even i have missed some of my closed relatives in that bloodshed .
Terrorists r just some brain-washed idiots created by our leaders n politicians .

....... st000nie .......

Anonymous said...

Strawy rightly said terrorists are nothing but brain-washed idiots created by our leaders and politicians. And unfortunately we all hv to stay with that coz u can kill a million terrorists but it very very difficult to kill that feeling which leads them to terrorism, these things should be dealt with iron hands right when they r about to raise or the next option is to bring that same war to their own yard.

--pearl-- said...

i aint in d rite frame of mind to go thru ur post.
ur title scares me.nite aint here to stay... i hate d dark now..get nitemares of dead bodies n blood.

De.vile said...

Didnt quite expect it here. Amen, though.

Paul said...

Keshi, at first I was thinking I might disagree with where you were going with this. Because I do think that terrorism has quite a number of different motivations - that terrorism is a tactic used in cases of asymetrical warfare. Terrorists can't field an army to match that of a more powerful enemy, so they disrupt.

But be that as it may, I think in so far as a terrorist deliberately aims at non military targets, becoming a terrorist has to involve the loss of conscience you describe. In many cases, however, I think that loss of conscience is understandable and even inevitable. Far from condoning it, I'm suggesting that we need more than a military "war" on terrorism to eradicate it. The causes need to be addressed.

If any large enough group of people is oppressed/neglected long enough by the larger world and more powerful nations, some fraction of that group will learn to love to hate, so to speak. They can't see that there's anything else left for them to do.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

2 of my closest uncles dies in the hands of the LTTE...they were Police officers. They had very young kids then.....
Ohhhh boy :(
That was scary. Hope things are fine for them now.

but we can stop em breeding...then the old ones will eventually die and there wont be any new ones.
Stop breeding?? Is it a possible? Im not sure....
Sounds like an imaginary concept to me...

The trick lies in educating young people...
In most Islamic countries, ppl are taught about terrorism. Young ppl are brain washed with the help of these teachings. To end terrorism, such schools must be closed down first.

But in da end, its in individuals hand, how he thinks abuot terrorism. Its not possible to remove hatred from inside the people...they need to work it out on there own. Though knowledge can be spread to stop hatred.

Justin Thyme said...

Keshi - as always, extremely eloquent and thought provoking. I am truly sorry for that loss and that such senseless acts of violence have hit so close to home for you.

What I do find interesting in some of the comments people have left is that they perpetuate the same negative racial and national origin stereotypes that terrorists themselves use:

"hanged as a terrorist by the British in India... "

People need to stop and think for a moment: the British did not hang this person as a terrorist - another person did (be it a politician or military leader), but the British themselves did not. It is exactly that kind of ignorant one-sided thinking terrorists use to justify their actions against innocent civilians.

No one, under any circumstance, deserves to have violence inflicted upon them in the name of another or for any reason.

firacub said...

Hi Keshu,
Now what should I say about Terrosism. I grew up to the sounds of blasts and gunshots rather than muh mum's lulabyes. Have seen it and been there and all I can say is that its a very messy world. They way young kids are brain washed on the pretext of Jehad just pisses me off. I feel like slaying those bloody maulvis the very moment I see them.

Neways as about my whereabouts, I had been a little busy here. I think you skipped my post that was below the Independence day post or else you would have not asked me where I have been...

TAke care and keep in touch.


Trée said...

Keshi, thanks again for a wonderful post. So sorry to hear of your lost. I'm encouraged with the attitude you show in the face of such--for that I applaud you girl!

I've always felt that the only thing that can ever come out of us is that which is in us. Change can only come from within, in the heart and in the mind. Until we look inward and take 100% responsibility for what is there, we will forever be victims of our own minds and our own delusions.

Thanks again for expressing yourself so well--always a joy to read.

Keshi said...

st000nie muah!
***v cant stop terrorism and that is a bitter fact that v have to live with...
But then how come that in my granma's days terrorism was so rare...before that it would not have exited even! So terrorism spread like fire only recently...there must be something very wrong that we're doing. We need to identify that.

***these things should be dealt with iron hands right when they r about to raise...
Yep that's exactly what I mean. When a young mind strays, his/her parents or someone close will notice...they have to try hard to restore that conscience.

aww Pearly sorry if I scared ya :( I hate the darkness too. What I meant by Night is here to stay is that once one becomes a terrorist, he will never see light again...meaning he will have no conscience. Hope u'll feel betta soon - huggggggggggggggggggz!

Chikka heyy hows ya! hehe why didnt u expect it here? :)

Thanks for those great words of wisdom.
***Far from condoning it, I'm suggesting that we need more than a military "war" on terrorism to eradicate it. The causes need to be addressed.
Exactly! But what sort of plan can we use to eradicate them entirley? Causes are do we address them all?

z000nie huggggz!
**Stop breeding?? Is it a possible? Im not sure....
Sounds like an imaginary concept to me...
Well I know we cannot stop terrorism altogetherm but I firmly believe that we somehow can...if we think of it as IMPOSSIBLE, it will always be IMPOSSIBLE. What I'm trying to say is look at how wide-spread terrorism is now...what about say 100yrs ago? There were hardly any terrorists or suicide bombings why now? We r all doing something wrong I think...we need to find out why it's this wide-spread now than before...and address those causes.

Justin hows ya mate?
I think ur 100% right when u say that we need to stop thinking in terms of racism...that's the root of all evil. I think Saby made that 'British' statement that - Saby plz explain why u said it that way...

Firaaaaaaa huggggggggz!
aww u grew up with terrorism...gosh! That must have been a scary experience. I guess even I feel like shooting all these idiots but then we must u'stand that if we do that, we're nothing more than a terrorist...that's where most pliticians go wrong too - they retaliate using the same tool - terror. So the hatred goes on.
I will read ur post now, thanks :)

Tre, wow what a beautiful concept...
***Change can only come from within, in the heart and in the mind.
That's an awesome line...that's exactly what I meant too...but for some people they need help to realise that their conscience is lost and that they need to restore when there r no ppl ard to help such souls, they end up acting their mind...thats how terrorists breed.

Thanks all u lovely ppl!

Keshi said...

Thansk Pithaly...yep one was my mum's sis' husband, the other was my dad's sis' husband...they both died in action blown up by LTTE bombs...bodies had to be re-constructed for the funeral.


Paul said...

Keshi, I could need as much as a few weeks to come up with the solution to world-wide terrorism.

Meanwhile, although you don't seem to have a blogroll, do you mind being blogrolled? I'm fairly used to non reciprocal relationships with women as well as trees...

Keshi said...

Paul that's ok :) thanks for ur continual support and great words of wisdom.

Yes u may blogroll me, thanks!


Vivhyd said...

Sorry 2 hear abt ur uncles Keshi..
ya.. when it wud get into these idiots' minds that terrorism doesn't solve problems.. GOK.. hmm..

Jim said...

, , dis is for u guys
especially Justinne
, ,

Jim said...

arz00N ... 2 of my closest uncles dies in the hands of the LTTE...they were Police officers. They had very young kids then.....

my condolences to u
, , but entering Sri Lanka as peace-keeping force was a bad move by Rajeev Gandhi

and he paid for it
, ,

i feel sorry for the jawans dying in a foren soil for a war dat was not ours to start with

same as BUSH is doing in IRAQ

Jim said...


your uncles ??

Keshi said...

Thanks Vivhyd...

Saby, Rajiv Gandhi was another distinguished man who had respect for the human race...that's why he sent the IPKF to help stop the war whether it was on alien soil or not...but yeah, ultimately he had to pay the heaviest price. Thats how narrow-minded and uncivilised terrorists r...


Keshi said...

yes my uncles Saby why?


Vinz said...


Terrorism is ,i think, one single word which terrorise the whole world.

I think no sane person can agree to their ideology. No one support this process. No body wants this.

BUT...still it exists...Why? I think its just because lack of education, lack of experiance and win of revenging emotions over humanitarian emotions.

Our world is not a 100% literate world. If taken into a survey we can know that hardly 10 % or 20% are well aware of humanity. For others what it matters is their lives and their well wishers life.For them there is no humanitarian values if they are hurt.

All these terrorists are not born terrorists. They are made. Yeah, we can say not all goes to the path of terrorism. True. But we can see not all are the same in any field. So in the emotions. When a groups of uneducated people are hurt and they find the people who are culprits roam around they feel like acting. But our system is such that there are always loo[ holes and power for the culprits. Then is whn these people turn towards terrorism. I am not warding for them. But thats their mentality.

They cant console themselves for any lose. They are like volcanoes to erupt. And when such similar thinking meet troops are formed and terrorism evolve...

Anyways i think the only way is to educate more and more people...That too more to the rural areas...And one important thing is to change our system...Unless and untill our corrupt,inhuman,partial governing system doesnt change this is going to say it is very painful,but a fact..

Keshi said...

Vinu well laid out thanks! Thats what's needed to be done - Educate people, especially in the 3rd world and in the rural areas...those who r likely to be brainwashed need to be addresses and informed that terrorism is wrong and that nothing comes out of violence except misery and more trouble...

Thanks Vinu that was excellent! I believe terrorism can be eradicated if the efforts are made towards it...spend money on education than on weapons...


Anonymous said...

****When a young mind strays, his/her parents or someone close will notice...they have to try hard to restore that conscience****Thats one good option but by my personal experience i must tell u its very hard to notice the change in their behaviours so i would still stick to taking down the elements to hell who mislead the youth.

Keshi said...

aha South correct. But child soldiers are a common thing now and there is something that every parent can do...that's what I meant.


PuNeEt said...

Hey I’m sorry to know about your Uncles
Agree with your feelings with my heart and soul…
But there is a very high level politics, which runs behind all this…
Did you see “Fahrenheit 9/11”… its an amazing movie…basically a documentary on US supported terrorism…

Sponsoring terrorism is the main line of business for so many rich businessmen all around the world…
Almost every country is facing this… we are hearing about Kashmir issue since we were born… its disgusting…

Keshi said...

Hey Puneet :)

Yes I have seen 'Farenheit 9/11'...Yes I agree..alot of big ppl r promoting terrorism - that's exactly wut we have to stop! Arrest ppl who promote terrorism, even politicians who r indirect terrorists...even if that means arresting a president.

The whole world needs to get together n boycott's gone way too far that watching bloodshed on TV has become second's appalling how something as bad as terror can prevail for so long and win over security and peace each time.


Anonymous said...


Keshi said...

hehe South aww :)


messys musings said...

k00kie so well said... 'night is here to stay'... its so very disgusting that such things r happening the world over... look at wat happened in kashmir yesterday.... all this for what??? religion?

oh if all this is for religion i guess we're not fit to follow ny religion at all.. its best to not believe in God rather than flaunt all His teachings...which religion says that killing other humans is good??? which religion permits terrorism?? these r all power gaining tactics... power tactics in the name of God...

Keshi said...

so true m000nie! terrorism is an excuse to gain's just a bloody shame that ppl think this way. yes, which religion teaches violence...jihad wuteva is total crap - I have good Muslim friends n they laugh at Jihad followers - they r an ignorant bunch, that's all.

Animals love the smell of blood...thats all I can say.

Thanks gurl! Hugggggz!

Jim said...

dis is not fair Kesh

u having the last word all the time
i demand justice

i havent finished wat i wanted to say
i wanted to finger Justine some more
is he an english man?

i got a whole blogg on english men

Justin Thyme said...

Keshi - as always, great discussion. It would be even better though if some of those participating in the conversation did not have to resort to infantile insults and inane put-downs in order to "attempt" to make a point (which generally remains lost).

Yes, there are indeed horrific atrocities performed against other human beings... but we have to remember that it is not an entire country or its entire population performing these acts. It's a handful of people who have risen to power who are accountable for these deeds. To blame the entire populace is the same racism and idiocy that is perpetuated by the terrorists themselves.

And for the record (and you know who you are) - I'm half Native American (on my mother's side). Does that mean I should blame every person who resides in every country that invaded the land of my people and forced my ancestors onto tiny, disease-ridden reservations? The current population of the US is a melting pot of EVERY other nation on the globe, so to attribute a belief or an attitude to the US is to attribute it to yourself and your people.

I am all for national and ethnic pride, but why does that mean in order for some to feel better about themselves that they must put others down? Those who do so are just as guilty as those who perform acts of terrorism, because it is exactly that kind of insane rhetoric that inspires terrorists into action.

So (and you know who you are... not you, Keshi, and I apologize for my little rant here) check your attitude at the door, think before you open your mouth or stop typing, and just get over yourself.

PuNeEt said...

Keshi Keshi Keshi...

I agree with your thought once agian but do you think its possible...

They are the ones who have power in their hands plus the deadly politics...

Even if its is possible the question is "How"...


Keshi said...

Saby I think how u interpreted the Indian's killing was wrong...You should not have said 'the British hanged him''s generalising the wrong deed to all British people. It's like saying Keshi is part of LTTE, when I'm not. I think u owe an apology to the British who r innocent, dun u think so?

Justin I u'stand ur what a great comment that stands so righteously against racism and terrorism. I applaud u for ur courage and coming out honest. I sincerely regret that Saby blurted out something here that would have upset u Justin. Hope both of u patch up brothers of one human race...


Keshi said...

Puneet Puneet Puneet :)

We r the ones who have given power to terrorism...our leaders, our education systems that fail, parents that dont pay attention to their kids, pseudo-religions that preach of death n destruction...all of these have to looked at and addressed...I know it's a tough job but it can be done...maybe the UN got to start acting on it BEFORE anymore war, than just bringing peace AFTER war...


Keshi said...

And Justin ur perfectly alright...u can say anything u want here even if it's a rant :) I value freedom of speech and I liked every bit of ur carried alot of valuable messages to all of us. Thanks!


Keshi said...

h000gi I wanna see that movie...will definitely get the DVD thanks!

***I do belive that it is not possible for me to change the world.. but i can educate , give moral values to those who are close to me.. may be if each one of us decides to do that .. we may end up staying in a better world.

Exactly my thoughts! Thanks for making me realise there r others who actually 'think' it's really possible! No matter how hard and time-consuming it may sound, if there's a will there's a u say if each one of us spread the word and the morals, some day we might have a terror-free world. Lovely thought h000gie, just wonderful, thanks!!
