Tuesday, August 30

You were 'made' for me baby...

How many of you believe in destiny when it comes to Love? You meet someone special in life and you think 'Yes he/she is made for me!' But how right/wrong could you be? There are so many lovely people out there who could have been made just for you, but ofcourse eventually you can be with only one person, I agree :) (z000nie poly-crushes are allowed not polgamy I know duhh!) However, how can you look at someone and say for sure that he/she was made just for you, just beacuse you two are compatible or just because you two got married ? It could be that you really haven't met that person who was infact really made for you. But if he/she was MADE for you, then you WILL meet him/her wont you? So does that mean destiny really makes us meet that person somehow? Or do WE really have to find him/her somehow and are there chances that we may really not find him/her but we settle with someone else? Seriously I think Cupid is torturing us with his retraded arrows - in my case he's on a sleeping pill overdose.

I think the best way to conquer this puzzle is to know exactly what your criteria of 'you were made for me' is :) so that you know for sure when you found him/her and you know exactly that that is when you can stop the search. So tell me what your criteria is...spill the beans and after that maybe all of you can apply for each other's vacant positions...lol I'm kidding :) Anyways if you have found the one who was 'made' for you, what made you realise that he/she is the one? If you still haven't found that person, what does it take him/her to be the one who's 'made' for you?

Many great singers have written songs about 'you're the one'...'you were made for me' etc. I would like to include 2 of may favs to you all...

~~And you were made for me
You were made for me...you weren't born to be alone
And you were made for me...
You were made for me
You were made for me...flesh and bone, it's etched in stone
That you were made for me...~~

By Elton John.

~~You're still the one I run to...the one that I belong to
You're the one I want for life (you're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of..you're still the one I kiss good night

By Shania Twain

You too can say it with a song if you like...:)

122 Cranium Signets:

Pallavi said...

This is deep! i am gonna go get some ice cream and reply to this in detail

Day Dreamer said...


3rd...I get the bronze medal :)

Vinz said...


Hmm..Destiny. It always had intrigued me.

It one excuse people find to put all the blames upon,i guess.

Personally i dont beleive in destiny. Just because i am not convinced about that concept yet. I believe in Karma and destiny is never nigh to that..

And for those who believe destiny is there,one question, are those who are suffering in this world pre destined..?? I dont know..

We draw our own destiny...Nothing is pre destined..

Vinz said...

Oh forgot about the post and got behind detiny..hehe

About that 'particular one' made for us, i dont think there is something like that..But yeah i dont think everyone will be comapatable with each others...

In relationships there is no perticular one who is predestined for us. The more we know each other the more we feel we are made for each other.Thats it..Who know we might be more compatable with some other person also who is very very far from us..Just because we haven met it doesnt mean that the one we marry is the one made for us...

So i believe in making the person or the relationship the best and be happy for being together understanding each other..


Keshi said...

Thumbs up @ Gomess for coming first hehe...

**if we're dumb enough to kill ourselves then we end up fuckin up His plans...

Are we capable of changing His plans? not sure abt this...I myself is still finding that out. Btw Gomey u havent answered the Q in my post...did u eva read it? lol!

**Gome 3:16
LOL cute :)

Pallavi Ice cream for me too plz :)

NV lol 3rd is better than 4th na?

Vinu heyyy...thanks :)
**We draw our own destiny...
How do we even know that?

Thanks guys but anyways none of u answered the question I asked in the post...it's not mainly abt Destiny but how destiny does/does not play apart in Love and it's mainly abt 'you were made for me' and what your criteria is for that person...:)


Keshi said...

Thanks for that Vinu :)

**The more we know each other the more we feel we are made for each other.Thats it.

Goshhh that sounds so right now Vinu...hmmm but I still wanna believe there is someone 'made' for each and everyone...yes with alot of manufacturing defects lol...but he/she is 'made' for u...dunno why I believe in that but I do...mebbe cos I see some ppl falling in love totally (even tho I have a track record of doomed r'ships)...


Day Dreamer said...

This is way too deep for me Keshi.

All I believe is that there is someone made for everyone and at some point in our lives we will eventually meet them.

However, Its very tough to decide upon who is exactly made for us. There are some people who we get along with just fine, after just 1 meeting you know them inside-out on the other hand there are those other people who you don't exactly have anything in common with but like thier company.

My criteria would be:
- she has to be simple
- she has to be sweet
- she has to be sensitive
- she has to have a great sense of humour
- she has to be understanding (not only towards me but also the people I love)
- She had to have a beautiful heart
- and of course she has to be cute ;)

I know my list sounds a bit cliched, but thats just me.

>>>Seriously I think Cupid is torturing us with his retraded arrows - in my case he's on a sleeping pill overdose.
LOLLLLLLLL hahahaha don't worry Kesh you'll find a top bloke someday :)

BTW I need to talk to you, can you mail me on my yahoo??

Day Dreamer said...

OH SHIT sorry bout the massive list, I thot you were serious.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

not bad

Keshi said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwn n000nie u r one of the most adorable 'TOP' blokes I eva met ;-)...that was such a sweet list and goshhh so undemanding...well u have a golden heart and no wonder u found that person who also has a golden heart...winky winky Pearly ;-)

- she has to be simple
If I ever fall for a guy it wud be cos of his simplicity...I agree.

- she has to be sweet
He betta be too...:) someone like u matey...sniff sniff ur taken :( baaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

- she has to be sensitive
He has to too...goshh Im too sensitive I dun think he will beat me on that lol!

- she has to have a great sense of humour
This is my top-most criteria!

- she has to be understanding (not only towards me but also the people I love)

- She had to have a beautiful heart
A must have!

- and of course she has to be cute ;)
This too! It's a must for someone as cute as u r!

You have a very simple yet ultra hot list NV...Im happy for ya n yes I too believe that everyone has that someone who's 'made' for em...well I guess my one is still in the making lol or hasn't been sent out of the factory yet cos he looks real mental...duhh!

Ok let me email ya matey...

Thanks NV!

Keshi said...

I am serious NV n thanks for that wonderful comment...n u know I luv books :)


Pallavi said...

1.How many of you believe in destiny when it comes to Love?
**Naseeb...i say it counts a little. As somehow we are all its children... i am semi destiny's child!

2.But how right/wrong could you be?
**You dont know if you are right or wrong till you actually make the move, and sometimes its too late either way.

3.However, how can you look at someone and say for sure that he/she was made just for you, just beacuse you two are compatible or just because you two got married?
**Love at first sight is something not practiced much now days. So its friendship then more than friends..and then the next step. I personally think you have to climb this ladder to realize that you like/love this person..and even after that you dont konw if you two were made for eachother. Compatibility proves your strong friendship towards a successful relationship.

4.It could be that you really haven't met that person who was infact really made for you.
**Very well POSSIBLE!! thats what some call, "seeing/dating/talking-to" girls/guys.

5.But if he/she was MADE for you, then you WILL meet him/her wont you?

6.So does that mean destiny really makes us meet that person somehow? Or do WE really have to find him/her somehow?
**I think its destiny + some work on our end... its like the teacher teaches us but unless the pupil accepts teachers knowledge and takes it his/her mind they wont become knowledgble. Similarly, Desinty maybe actually throwing relationship our way..and we just have to make sure we take the right ones up and learn through the rights and wrongs of it.

7.And are there chances that we may really not find him/her but we settle with someone else?
**This is where i say ... Make Do. Well kept secret of contentment.
And NO that is not always the right thing to do...specially not when it comes down to making the most important decision of your life.

8.Seriously I think Cupid is torturing us with his retraded arrows - in my case he's on a sleeping pill overdose.
**Cupid is tough eh! I Agree. And how cute... he's on a sleeping pill overdose... or maybe he's going thru temporary memory loss.

9.I think the best way to conquer this puzzle is to know exactly what your criteria of 'you were made for me' is :) so that you know for sure when you found him/her and you know exactly that that is when you can stop the search.
**a friend of mine made a list of things she would want a guy to have and i think sometimes that can limit ur choices..you may have something wayy better than wat we really have in our heart..and just cuz we are putting boundries on our own minds we are setting something free which may never return due to our own 'rules'
at the same time, i agree that you should have bare minimums figured out as far as what you are looking for in a guy/girl!

10.So tell me what your criteria is...spill the beans and after that maybe all of you can apply for each other's vacant positions...lol I'm kidding :)
**ahhaah i like it =)

11.Anyways if you have found the one who was 'made' for you, what made you realise that he/she is the one?
**My feelings towards him and my strong instinct. Gosh! its Strong! and i hope it stays like that forever.

12.If you still haven't found that person, what does it take him/her to be the one who's 'made' for you?
**Not Applicable!

Excellent blog once again Keshi!

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

How many of you believe in destiny when it comes to Love?
I dont have any destiny...I never thought of this..
anyone who is nice to me and cares for me, I get attacehd to that person....it cant be categorised as love...but yes, it might turn in love after sometime

But how right/wrong could you be?
I think I was so wrong in my prev relationship..I judged her improperly and gave her the position in my life which I dont think she deserved it in the first case.

how can you look at someone and say for sure that he/she was made just for you,
you just cant tell this in one go...only time can tell...time you guys spend with each other.

or just because you two got married
not every marriage is successful. relationship is based on trust and understanding.

who was infact really made for you.
who decides who has been made for me? if HE decides then HE will see to it that I meet the right person no matter how many times I screw up before. ultimately one or the other day this DECISION maker will somehow make me meet this person who is really made for me...thts wht I strongly believe

destiny really makes us meet that person somehow?
Yes...thts wht I meant above

eriously I think Cupid is torturing us
at times he does...by making us meet the wrong person and then suffer :(

what your criteria of 'you were made for me' is
awwww...comeon now
criteria changes from chick to chick you come across..
I just cant cook up my criteria and put down on a list and go to HIM and ask me to bump me into someone just like the one mentioned in this list.

you can apply for each other's vacant positions
I dont think I have apply any for this vacancy ;)

what made you realise that he/she is the one?
Its just the feeling...you cant put down in words...
When you realise all those steam of thoughts running inside you, that keeps u awake all night...thoughts from which you are fighting from all the time...stop after you meet someone SPECIAL. tht person may not be THE ONE, but the presence itself makes you happy..makes you be urself. You have tht smile on you all the time :)

I hear to that shania twains song all the time..I have that video too..she has that INDIAN look in that dress...n she looks amazing when she opens th door and enters that concert thats going on. With an attitude...mwwaaah to SHANIA..she is ma fav :)

and hugz to ma k000kie for this amazing post...coming out at the right time :)
take care k000kie-piez....have a nice day ahead

Jim said...


, all dis is SHIT IN CAPS,
when will u young punks learn!

a person made for u ??
dat is bull shit

who is you ?
evry body changes from day to day

i married a girl
she is totally a different person today

and so am i

u just gotta take the plunge
go for a live-in

and after about 6 months
if either of u is preg
or if u get tax benefits

then only get legally married

Jim said...

, GOMEY, is the first animal in today

hsahahahahahahhaha ...

Day Dreamer said...

Icy mate I think you want a SUPERMAN.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...


Do lemme know if you meet someone with all those qualities....

I would luv to meet that Dream-Doctor-turned-Hubby of yours :)

Really wishing hard for you..
Good lucks ICY-piez!!!

Keshi said...

LOL aww Icy next time I will tell u just b4 I post ok :)

Pallavi dear muahhh that was n awesome analysis...whoaa u r one strong woman I must say.

Does this mean Destiny in Hindi? wow!
~~Mere naseeb mein tu hai ke nahi...hehe luv that song :)

lol cuttte!

**I think its destiny + some work on our end..
I think so too Pallavi...w.o. an effort u cant achieve anything...

**cuz we are putting boundries on our own minds we are setting something free which may never return due to our own 'rules'...

Gosh Pallavi that was a good one! I neva thought abt it that way...u opened my eyes! Thanks matey!

**My feelings towards him and my strong instinct

way to go Pallavi...I rely on my Insticnts too..but each time I fell in love it fooled me :( I went against my deep Instincts then ;-)

Thanks gurl u rock!

Pallavi said...

ICY, I hope you dont mind me asking you this..but what if the guy your parents choose does not meet all these qualities you've listed? or is it your parents who have somehow convinced you maybe your brain that this is what "you" like, instead you deciding it for yourself. i am totally cool with arranged marriages and they seem to work just well but at the same time i know a lot of people who end up compromising their entire life... if you are going to have an arrange marriage, promise you will make sure you have the RIGHT to not continiously compromise. And please pardon me as i maybe speaking from very little knowledge i have about "life/marriages/people...etc."

Keshi said...

z000nie mah mannnnnnn! muahhh!

**I dont have any destiny...
aww dun say that...u do...just that u havent felt that way yet...

**I judged her improperly and gave her the position in my life which I dont think she deserved it in the first case.

yes poor judgement can make u take weird decisions...bet it's good to have list z000nie but like Pallavi sais dun be too obsessed with it...just allow differences within ur tolerance levels...

**only time can tell...time you guys spend with each other.

True! Time is the teacher...

**relationship is based on trust and understanding.

spot on! The top-most needed elements for a r'ship to work..

**ultimately one or the other day this DECISION maker will somehow make me meet this person who is really made for me...thts wht I strongly believe

In my case I think HE wants to date me lol so Im single on Earth :(

**comeon now criteria changes from chick to chick you come across..

LOL that wa a good one z000nie!

**I dont think I have apply any for this vacancy ;)

which vacany? lol!

**thoughts from which you are fighting from all the time...stop after you meet someone SPECIAL.

wow nice one z000nie...

**mwwaaah to SHANIA..she is ma fav :)

She's awesome..so simple and sooo beautiful with a great voice too! I too have many CDs DVDs of her...

**and hugz to ma k000kie for this amazing post...coming out at the right time :)

Hugggggggz to u too! Right time? hmmm why may I ask?


messys musings said...

hey k00kie hello :)... nice one but not very easy to answer....

i dont really think theres this concept of 'one person made for u'...

because if this was true then people would not b able to fall in love again...

i dont believe in the concept of 'u can love only once'... again coz humans cant live without love... we move on... mayb ud never forget the person but that doesnt mean theres no one else around who u can give urself to...

life isnt so simple... n sometimes u think u have undying love for a person just bcoz u could not b with him/her... it might just be possible that u think 'he was made for u' bcoz ur love for him was unfulfilled....

Day Dreamer said...

Right time for me too :)

Cupids been shooting arrows at me mercilessly :P

*winks at keshi*

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

just that u havent felt that way yet
Maybe you right here...I need to define my destiny as far as meeting THE ONe is concerned :)

Im single on Earth :(
Oh boy....the way you post comments on every blog...I thouhgt you must have got blog-engaged by now :D
Poor judgment from Z000nie :(

Right time?
Oh yeah...me feeling very mushy-mushy these days and no wonder I'm wathching HUM-Tum, KAL HO NA HO, and wht not....Hehehe

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Can you please ask him to divert few arrows on ma side too??

Plsss...plsss...I will update your blog template in return....hmmmm...and will comment first on each new post too...

Hahahaha :)

Keshi said...

now Icy mah baby!

Icy ur comment is gonna spark fireworks from many lol so be prepared to answer all of em ok...like the usual smarty that u r ;-)

*since i belive in arrange marriages way too much. i've just left it all on my parents

Icy can I ask u why u say u sooo believe in arranged marriages? Havent u come across a love-marriage that has worked? just a q...:)

**so never really bothered to think of how i will find THE ONE for myself...

Sweety pie, being the smart gurl u r, why havent u 'bothered' to think abt how u might also be able to find him ursefl? :):)

Now lemme look at her list...hmmm...;-)

**must be a doctor.

huhhhh!! Why is that? Is a doctor the only eligible bachelor? Icyyyyy!!

**must be very tall.
Sure must ;-) I like tall blokes too...hehehe..

**must have deep manly sexy voice
whoaa luv sexy voices!

**must have big sexy eyes

**must have great personality

**must be honest
yep yep...for me too...

**must be very very loyal to wife
yes if not loyal he can leave...lol!

**must be very funny
Sense of humor is a MUST!

**must be ooo soo very romantic
oooooo lalaaaa yess! :) The candle-lit dinner kinda guy na? :)

**must be very sincere and generous
Sure must be...

**must have great sense of fashion
hmmm not really for me...I dun care if he's not so fashionable in cloths as long as he's fashionable in love ;-)

Thanks Icy hugggggggz n good luck in finding that lucky bloke!

Keshi said...

Sabyyyy hugggz!

**a person made for u ??
dat is bull shit

u think so? awww...

** I married a girl she is totally a different person today

That doesnt mean she was NOT made for ya na Saby?

**u just gotta take the plunge
go for a live-in

yes u have to dive in n see...but wut u'll see is either the one was 'made' for ya or someone else na?


Keshi said...

m000nie muuuuuahhhhh! U feeling better now darllz?

**i dont really think theres this concept of 'one person made for u'

Me neither...totally agreed. This gives me the chance to flirt with z000nie now lol!

**because if this was true then people would not b able to fall in love again...

very true! But falling in love again...doesnt that mean the previous one wasnt THE ONE? I dunno Im confused here...:(

**again coz humans cant live without love

So true m000nie! We r being of love n we need love to survive....just like we need food...

**it might just be possible that u think 'he was made for u' bcoz ur love for him was unfulfilled...

can u elaborate on this one m000nie..Im not sure I got it...

Some great words of wisdom there m000nie...thanks!

Keshi said...

NV lol!

**Cupids been shooting arrows at me mercilessly

hmm did u get injured by those arrows or r u collecting arrows now? lollllz!

**I need to define my destiny as far as meeting THE ONe is concerned...

LOL tell me abt it z000nie..I need to put up a board in front of mah house saying...
'Cupid THIS WAY mann!' :):)


hell na z000nie...FYI im the president of the Lonely-blog-hearts club lol!

**...me feeling very mushy-mushy these days...

u r? and why is that? aww KAL HO NA HO sent me to therapy...gosh I cried heaps cos SRK died in it :(


Sonia said...

Rhett Butler! ;o)

Keshi said...

~~Keshi awaits arrows her way but none r coming so she steals NV's arrows...lol!

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

And Z000nie steals arrows from K000kie. She is left with no more of em now. Poor K00kie-piez :(

Keshi said...

Sonzz isnt Rhett Butler the guy from Gone with the wind?

z000nie dun u dare steal mah arrows cos they r already stolen goods mann lol!

Gomess thats no excuse not to ans me...ur mah slave here lol ans plzz ;-)


strawy said...

keshu : i dunno wat to say , will say nice post ...


Keshi said...

Icy hugggiiii!

**Icey answers wid fireworks too

LOL I know ur a smarty bomb :)

**nope havn’t come across a love marriage dat has work.

Icy cud that be becos the married ppl u know r only from ur family? U know cos most Indians have arranged marriages...

**And I belive in it cuz, I’ve seen all the arrange marriages work...

Allof em work? R u sure they work or they somehow put up with it cos of culture n duty?

**Besides if I go toward love marriage, my rents are gonna be disappointed. So why hurt them for just to make me happy. M sure they’ll find the right person.

Icy that's it - u said it na girl! It's not cos u dun believe in Love marriage its just that u dun wanna think abt it cos u dun wanna go beyond ur parents words, hai na?

**Its like how many ppl u go thru. And even after finally they stick to sumone, and marry them, they are most likely to get divorced.

But sometimes u got to try a few partners b4 u really find the right one na? I mean if u dun try couple of shoes how wud u know ur correct size?
C'mon most r not likely to get divorced...why d u say that sweety? :)

** And they totally understand the workload docs have.

I can understand this...it's a good reason babezz :)

**ooo lala I love candle-lit-dinner, be it anywhere,

me too me too :) last time I had candle-lit dinner was like ages ago n now when I think of it I wanna burn those candles to ashes lol :( am I proving to ya that Love suxx duhhh!

**I mean think bout if he wears a kurta wid sneakers..

ewwwwwwwww I dun mean that lol! No ways...I mean I dun want a too-fsahionable guy like a model or someone lol...thats real fashion na :)

Over to ya fireworks lady :)

Keshi said...

st000nie dus that mean ur bored by it? lol aww thanks anyways baby...no need to say anything if u dun feel like, luv ya anyways!


strawy said...

Keshu : m not bored but , i really dont know wat to say , destiny: hate that word ... thats all i will say


Keshi said...

Icy no probz matey I know u...everyone is brought up with different beliefs...and whether we r more right or more wrong than the other doesnt matter at all...u should do what makes u happy n content :) ur an awesome daughter to ur rents...thats what I gather n they should be really proud of ya...hugggggz! sleep well sweety catch ya tomorrow...

st000nie thats ok dolly...I hope the word Destiny isnt scaring ya...didnt mean to awww :(


messys musings said...

**because if this was true then people would not b able to fall in love again...

thats wat i m trying to say... theres no concept of 'the one' in our life... there could b others... i dont believe in 'life main ek hi baar pyar hota hain' concept

**it might just be possible that u think 'he was made for u' bcoz ur love for him was unfulfilled...

ok let me try explaining... i dont think the moment u see a person u know its him... the one for u... u meet someone... u like someone... u fall for someone... but mayb circumstances dont allow u to marry him/her... or u two couldnt get together.... so what happens here... u start believing that this person was the only one for u... u want to b with him so much... but u 'cant'... so u live in a sort of a bubble....

now if they would have got together (as in had an affair or something)... then one of them might have realised that he/she is not the right person...

awww i dont know if u getting wat i m trying to say... tell me if u understood :)

Jim said...

, i take my words back
GOMEY is not an animal

animals are honest beings
if they like u it shows
it hangs out for all to see

GOMEY is a civilized animal
a human being

he is scared to say wat he feels
bcoz it may not be the majority opinion

GOMEY, u dumb ass
just say wat u feel

it dont matter if no one agrees

Jim said...

the first time i read dat
i read 'u were made for me saby'

Keshi said...

this time ard I got ya m000nie :) Thanks! Yes, the lost opportunity to be together can make u feel that he/she was the one...spot on! didnt think of it that way b4...see how many angles Im seeing it from now, becos of all u smart ppl...gosh Im mega blessed!

Saby aka Jim :)
**the first time i read dat
i read 'u were made for me saby'

awww lolllz that was a cuttte one! who knows u cud be too ;-)


saurav said...

anybody-interested ???

Michelle said...

its really coincidental,cuz i juz saw the movie ''seredipity'' before i logged in!!
the movie is lovely!! it really makes u think bou destiny...if u shud really believe in destiny if u shud have faith in destiny...
nd yea i do believe in destiny...sumtimes...it makes sense.i also believe in karma.

It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me''

''pieces of me'' by ashlee simpson. :)

Michelle said...

''serendipity'' lol

saurav said...

-he has to be simple.
-he has to be sweet.
-he has to be sensitive.
-he has to have a great sense of humour.
-he has to be understanding (not only towards me but also the people I love).
-he had to have a beautiful heart.
-and of course he has to be rich.

Ok I am sending my bio-data for ur perusal....

saurav said...

Hey Ice !!! what r u doing here ???
u're not eligible for the post ...

Keshi said...

Avik heyy :)

looking only...but not seeing anything...:( other than a drunk n snoring cupid...lol!

p000nie mah babes!
**nd yea i do believe in destiny...sumtimes...it makes sense.i also believe in karma

Im glad u believe in destiny.. I do too...there must be some reason why each n everyone of us is different n carry a different love story...

Now I sooo wanna see Serendipity...someone else recommended it too...

**I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me...

wowww wut great lyrics...Im waiting for someone to solve mah puzzle too ;-) guess Im too much of a messy puzzle (lost pieces) for anyone to even approach...

That was a very nice note p000nie thanks n huggggz!


Keshi said...

Avikkkk ;-);-)

-he has to be simple.
how simple r ya? elaborate plz...

-he has to be sweet.
no doubt abt that :) chooo chweet!

-he has to be sensitive.
aww u sure r...with all those great posts abt ppl n their feelings...

-he has to have a great sense of humour.
u sure have one rem fukitol lol!

-he has to be understanding (not only towards me but also the people I love).
hmmm..dunno abt this yet lol!

-he had to have a beautiful heart.
u have just that...hugggs!

-and of course he has to be rich.
no this is not a necessity for me...is it for u?

Ok I am sending my bio-data for ur perusal....
hehe...aww accepted...in processing...awaiting more details lolll!

hugggggggz Avik!

tulipspeaks said...

hmm..took me a day to think what i really want in someone i consider 'made' for me..

and even after soooooooooo many hours..i can't put it in words!

k000kie, i failed in this one!!

Keshi said...

Amu no excuses..I need ur smarty-beans ans...cos u r too smart n ur input is highly appreciated in this Loveria topic...

me gonna go to bed now...expecting am000nie's ans on Lubbb tomorrow moring ok baby?

k000kie-in-night-gown :) tata dear!

saurav said...

"k000kie-in-night-gown" ???
OMG !!! OMG !!!

Sonia said...

he sure is! *grin*

sandeip said...

quite a few songs in fact:

i've been waiting for a gal like you;by code red

or;blue night;by MLTR(did u listen to it?its been a year since i recommended that one)

but i guess for fellows like me it ought to be STILL LOVING YOU by scorpions :(

yeah;destiny does make u feel that made for each other feeling;but life lets you realise how wrong you can be..............

i have come to believe that no one no where is made for anybody;we just choose the people we like to share our space with;and then if it happens;then well;it does.

and then;well;uh;call it cynicism if u like;but then u have seen two rail tracks;aint you.............parallel lives never destined to meet?that can happen to anybody!!

Justin Thyme said...

Great post as always Keshi!
Here's a song for you - "The Power of Love" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Very 80's I know, but definitely a classic!

Gaurav said...

Cupid is kinda old fashioned and lame now.

* Start Brit accent*
Bloody guy is still using "Arrows"
* End the Brit accent*

With so many ppl around it is impossible to strike the right "one".
And that's the reason for all misunderstanding about the "one", wrong ppl get the arrow and ppl realise it layterzz..

My advise to cupid:
Step up ur game man, and start using guided missiles for-god-sake!


tulipspeaks said...

what i want in my man..passion

what i cherish in my man..politeness

what i crave for from my man..devotion

what i look for in my man..his attention and care

what i expect from my man..his dedication to the relationship

what i yearn for from my man..he seeking comfort in my arms

what i love in my man..his love for me

k000kie..it's past midnight here and i can't believe what i have just wrote!! galssssss..look what is roaming inside my head at this odd hour!!!


tulipspeaks said...

**am000nie still looking and wondering at post num 63..

PuNeEt said...

hi Keshu

How many of you believe in destiny when it comes to Love ?
I do...

Every pretty girl I meet and I feel she is made for me ;-)

It's a very fundu topic for discussion bt rt now heavy work loads so can't say much... if i'll get time I'll revert back on this...

one thought... cant resist...
dont find a person based on criteria... u wont ever find a right person... people may not be what they seem to be....

wen that special person will come he will win u irrespective of the fact that he meets x number of ur criterias...

have a great time babz...

I don't dedicate songs to some1 whom i feel is made for me...
i write something orginal for them... :-)>
that's me

cheers n huggz

Dawn said...

hi keshi...:) dear..am a believer and hence I believe in my karma..:) so...everything is in what we do and how we do :)...about the right one...its true that there is someone for one person...and to find that person ..again depends on our karma ..;)

good post ..I liked it!!!


Keshi said...

**OMG !!! OMG !!! avik-faints.

LOL Avik wake up...it's morning now n k000kie in pants n top - no more flimsy gowns to make u dizzy ;-)

aww Sonia :) u want someone like him? whoaaa very good choice ;-)

Deips hugggz where u beann matey? I missed ya...
Still Loving You is a booootiful song...awww...n ofcourse I checked out MLTR Blue Night when u first told me abt it...n I told u twas quite nice..:) I've been waiting for a gal like u is also a great song...wow u have some taste there!

**u have seen two rail tracks;aint you.............parallel lives never destined to meet...

ok that had me in tears....dun ask me why...twas a very touching line n somehow I felt sad...thanks Deips!

Justinnnn WB n great to have ya here again huggggz!
**The Power of Love" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood...

aww thats a rad song!! I like ti n thanks :) way to express it isnt it...

Gaurav heyya lol luv ur Brit accent! hehehe good one :) btw d u sound like Hugh Grant when with that accent...I think he's got the cutest accent! ;-)

**wrong ppl get the arrows..

LOLLL good one! I think Cupid was so bored with me he donated many arrows to the wrongs ones n now
he's asleep...duhhh!

**Step up ur game man, and start using guided missiles for-god-sake!

ROTFLAMO! I wud hate to imagine that the hip cupid is partying with Bush lol!

Thanks all!

Keshi said...

am00onie wut a hottt list at that timne of the ngiht? goshhhh u r some smarty-beans, told ya na!

**what i want in my man..passion

I need passion baby passion ;-)

**what i cherish in my man..politeness

yep rude men r a turn off...

**what i crave for from my man..devotion

yess indeed...

**what i look for in my man..his attention and care

it MUST be there na...

**what i expect from my man..his dedication to the relationship

yep yep...

**what i yearn for from my man..he seeking comfort in my arms

hmm my arms will be his...his arms will be mine ;-)

**what i love in my man..his love for me

so nicely put...

Thanks am000nie Im sure the one 'made' for ya is some very lucky dude..


Keshi said...

Mistyyy huggggz!

**You took my heart away

who sings this? seems like a lovely song...

**Sometimes, everything feels just right.

yess! We think all is well so this must be the one...yep yep but it cud not be so...

** You soulmate could be your best friend, your husband, your mom, dad...anyone.

awww Misty thats a beautiful thought and so very true. soulmate cud be just anyone...woww no one thought abt it that way...thanks for making me think Misty, as always...


:) said...

How many of you believe in destiny when it comes to Love?
..i do little bit...

how can you look at someone and say for sure that he/she was made just for you
..i dont believe in love at 1st sight ..for me a good n strong fship is very necessary as a base for any successful relationship.. only time can tell this..

But if he/she was MADE for you, then you WILL meet him/her wont you?
..yes.. i hope so.. dil to pagal hai:P

So does that mean destiny really makes us meet that person somehow?
.. yes..but i do think that if u wont take rt step at rt time.. then even destiny cant do anything.. so its a combo of destiny + yr own instincts..

Seriously I think Cupid is torturing us with his retraded arrows
..cupid..ehh.. loll.. in my case i think its me who is torturing myself:P

If you still haven't found that person, what does it take him/her to be the one who's 'made' for you?
..lolll ..i dont want to set any limits here.. may be i deserve more than i think.. may be am asking too much.. still there r sm basic things that r essential for any rship... trust.. honesty.. commitment.. understanding.. n ever burning flames of passion:P

kabhi kabhi mere dil mei.. :)

beautiful post gorgeous.. hugggzzz..


Keshi said...


Im glad u believe in love being destined...cos I do too...

**Every pretty girl I meet and I feel she is made for me ;-)

LMAO! oh okkk then :):)

**dont find a person based on criteria... u wont ever find a right person... people may not be what they seem to be....

Very true! But wut I mean is a marginal outline...not a serious list lol! I mean I really wont gel with someone who hasnt got a great sense of humor...whereas my friend's BF lacks any humor at all but she loves him alot...I dunno how she lives with him lol!

**wen that special person will come he will win u irrespective of the fact that he meets x number of ur criterias...

Thats so true Puneet. Ok that just confirmed my special person came n went lol!

**I don't dedicate songs to some1 whom i feel is made for me...
i write something orginal for them...

ahemm woww that's so romantic! Puneet now how many songs have u written so far? ;-)

Take care n dun work too hard...blog in between lol!

Keshi said...

Dawwwwwwwn huggggz!

** believer and hence I believe in my karma..:)

way to go!

**its true that there is someone for one person...

yes. Dawn sweety have u found him? ;-) I havent :( cos he's still mebbe in the making..lol!

**and to find that person ..again depends on our karma ..;)

Makes good sense dear...I think so too...I often think abt perfect lovers who dun get to be together..n I u'stand that by using Karma...thanks!


Keshi said...

Zilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii balle balle!! awwwwww WC to mah bloggy!!! Hugggggggz! Wut a pleasant surprise this morning!! So great to have u in mah online home...:)

**Iceyyyyy :p i felt so qualified in ur LIST hehe..but the "doc" part..umm gimmie some more years ;) im jus messin ... lol

LOL doc na...yep yep u n Icy will make a great Obs couple woww! And I can come to u 2 when I plan to have kids lol!

**Keshiiiiiiiiiiii this is the first time im Writing in ur Blog..r u excited ??? i noe i am :p well well i wana include myself in this im a very philosophy typo guy so hear me outtt but after i finish my Daal Roti ;)yum..

lol am I excited? have a look up there how I greeted ya :) Im OVA-excited matttte! So good to see u here - it really is.
U n Phil? hmmm I thought u wud say 'Im a very gynaecological guy'...lol...but anyways :)
I see that u n ur Dall Roti hasnt parted...good good :) Enjoy it n come bak fast na...hugggggggggz to mah handsome doc friend ;-)


Keshi said...

Pari babester good morning! :)

**..i do little bit...

lol Pari ur so cute when u say that!

**i dont believe in love at 1st sight

aww u just confirmed all I have been feeling on the train is 'Lust at first sight'...sighhhh...duhh Pari u had to na..:(

**for me a good n strong fship is very necessary as a base for any successful relationship..

very true!

**..yes.. i hope so.. dil to pagal hai:P

aww yessssss!! :)

**so its a combo of destiny + yr own instincts..

look at this Pari smart ha...wow wut a smart view of it, thanks, I think so too...

**in my case i think its me who is torturing myself:P

LOLLL aww why u?

**i dont want to set any limits here.. may be i deserve more than i think.. may be am asking too much..

so very true...

**still there r sm basic things that r essential for any rship... trust.. honesty.. commitment.. understanding.. n ever burning flames of passion:P

woooooooo wut a smart list! trust n honesty is a must for me...u'standing n committment too...passion is like a MUSTTTT! lol!

**kabhi kabhi mere dil mei.. :)

means sometime in my heart?? check mah Hindi out plzz Pari deary lol!

Pari here's a song for u...

~~muhabbat dil ka sukuun hai etbaar...
muhabbat dil kii tarap hai yehi ntazaar...~~

(translation for others:
Love, the heart's peace is faith
Love, the heart's torture is waiting...:)


Vivhyd said...

keshi.. well there is definitely fate involved to get two ppl together.. I believe that.. but we need to leave the final choice to fate and make an effort to get to that final point.. I mean if u sit and say oh if we are destined.. we will end up together then god save u. :) .. so yes there is fate but its in the final equation.. to which we need to get to..

how do u come up with amazing posts huh? I struggle so much to get a decent one..

Keshi said...

Vivhyd heyyy :)

**we need to leave the final choice to fate and make an effort to get to that final point.

Spot on! Defintely it's a combination of fate and effort...thats the smart way to go abt this :)

how do I come up with these posts? lol they aint that hot...c'mon...most of em come to my head within mins n I just write em quickly...I dun plan...but thanks for the compliments, I think u have some cool posts too...we all r unique in our own ways...thats why the blog world is so beautiful n helpful for all of us to grow in many ways...


:) said...

hey gorgeous thanks for those beautiful lines..
here is the translation of song i was humming..
Sometimes the thought comes to my mind..that you've been created just for me..you before this were living in some far off stars ..you were summoned to earth just for me..


tulipspeaks said...

awww..i hope he is a lucky bloke..hmm..just not sure who is he..where is he..**sighh..guess i have wait for a long time :(

Keshi said...

**you before this were living in some far off stars ..you were summoned to earth just for me

goshh u had me spellbound with those words there...wut a truly magical way to put it...thanks!

am000nie ur sure u'll have to wait a long time? lol!


Anonymous said...

Peace, love and Happiness...

Keshi said...

Thanks Vincentt u have n awesome blog!


Invincible said...

Does someone remember 'Kabhi kabhi mere dil mein .. ' I recently heard it in m000nie's honeyed voice in the VBM :) (it wsnt for me).

In Search of 'the one' ... i think there are better things to do in life.
No one's perfect and hence one shudnt expect everything that s/he wants from her/his partner. It's no news that the couples who think 'they r made for each other' later discover they are better off separate n meet in courts.

I wud say there is no cupid. It's all hormones that titilate some desires and it's archies/hallmark and the likes who supply the arrows. 'Someone somewhere is made for you !!' Alright, Somewhere someone was also meant to be my Mom, my Dad. Are they not made for me !! May be cos they've already found me i shud now find my soulmate !

Falling in luv with someone is a beautiful feeling, no doubt. I highly respect that. But doesnt mean you r 'soul'mates (not just this life .. all the lives).

Spilling the beans :) well .. next comment !

Keshi said...

lol v000nie good one - very articulate to the core :)

**It's all hormones that titilate some desires and it's archies/hallmark and the likes who supply the arrows...

hehehe good one..but do those hormones titilate for anyone? I think not :)

**well .. next comment...

Cant wait ;-)


Keshi said...

Moments thanks! But I dunno who u r from IT?? Any guesses anyone? :)

Well I believe in Destiny too...n boy u have great knowledge of Destiny n Karma etc...Im impressed.

**I also believe that it is not necessary for soulmates to be together throughout their lifetime...

Spot on Moments! The 'made' for each other factor doesnt thrive on the amount of time 2 ppl spend together...it's timeless and thats the beauty of it...how ephemeral the r'ship may be, it's the power within it that counts...


Keshi said...

no Moments I dun recall...sorry but I have discussed this topic with too many chatters :) so it wud be nice if u tell me who u r...thanks!


Invincible said...

:D :D

Keshi said...

thanks v000nie duhhhhhhhhhh!

Moment na it wont torture me...until u wanna tell me who u r, I will see u as Moments, thats all :) thanks!


Keshi said...

v000nie u cant pass...lol ans NOW! ;-


Keshi said...

Moments thats fine :)

If by any chance ur another reincarnation of that despo ITCC, I sympathise with ur deteriorating mental status. But if ur not him, Im sorry and ur most WC here. TC!


Keshi said...

Ok Moments...even if ur not Im not gonna start emailing/exchagning pics/sharing my life etc with u until I really 'know' who u r...so dun dream too much.

After all if ur a friend of mine why the hiding?


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

dropped by to make century :D

How ya doing, k000kie piez??

Keshi said...

Hey me doing fine z000nie u ok? huggggggz so good to see ya!


Keshi said...

ok sorry Moments if ur not ITCC. Not that I hate him, just that his moronic nature makes me wanna puke.

ok so if ur not him...then thats fine...just tell me who u r.


Keshi said...

ohh c'mon Moments now u dun have to take me on a guilt trip...either u tell me who u r or lets just blog happily...thats what we r here for na...if ur not ITCC then u nuttin I said abt shud affect ya...thats all I can say.


Jim said...

i hate such , moments,

Jim said...

i hate mysterious moments too

Jim said...

is Keshi God?

she nos too much about evry body

Keshi said...

Ok Moments done deal no more infor abt ya, u have my word.

Anyways I dunno why u r so agitated by the fact that I told ITCC off...besides I did say Im sorry if u were not him.

U may/may not visit my blog...it's totally up to u.

Thanks anyways!

Keshi said...

lol Jim heyy hows ya?


Jim said...

i dont tink i have any chance of winning the blogg oscars
she has far too many friendz

and an equal number of enemies

Keshi said...

lol Jim yess...enemies in the making with each new post :(

But u have always been a friend :)


Jim said...

, GOMEY !,
where can i find Gome 3:16

i didnt no there is an animal version of the Bible too

Jim said...

yes Kesh,
but life is all about change
u change
i change
and Gomey changes too

and friendz can become enemies too
lovers get married
and then they divorce

then they find new lovers
and then they ....

its the circle of life

Jim said...

as a wise guy said
'the only ting u can be sure of in life is death and Taxes'

tulipspeaks said...

**am000nie wondering whats going on in keshi's blog now..

Keshi said...

Jim yes its abt changes...r u intending that u can be an enemy of mine tomorrow :( the I wont be able to cope with that change...duhh!

lol Icy yeah ask Zilli for the list...he went off with a daal roti n neva came bak :(

Gomess yep its abt settling...but cud that settline be pre-destined...just a thought...

am000nie Im jaded to the core...:(


Pallavi said...

is there a blog chat area? or do we usually converse thru here? Keshi, wat does ur name mean? isnt that a chineese name?

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...


yes..but i do think that if u wont take rt step at rt time.. then even destiny cant do anything..

I thought about this post last night...n tried to understand wht destiny is. How will we know that she is not my destiny and someone else is. If you go in that loop, you will never be satisfied with the person whom are with.

I believe, you need to set your destiny ofcourse...but I do believe in taking rt steps at right time and build towards making her as the destiny rather than hoping to meet someone in future.

so its a combo of destiny + yr own instincts..
Excellent :)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Keshi actually means AUSSIE-Kung-Fu masta coming from the holy ground of SHAOLIN-CHINA.

Z000nie is running as fast as possible towards PariWorld coz thts the only place where he can hide and not get his a** kicked from MASTA

Day Dreamer said...

LOLLLLLLLL Pallavi hahaha

Chinese name?? hahahaha

Keshi said...

lol jeeeez Pallavi me no Chinese hahahahaha! Kesh means hair in Sanskrit...Keshini means the one with beautiful hair...:)

z000nie wow ur a grown person...u make some awesome statements as of late...Im impressed. Good on ya too matey!

n000nie LOLLLZ Chinese is mah favvv na...u see now Im destined to be mistaken as Chinese too :(


Keshi said...

whoaaa zilliiii! lemme take gather mah breath...wait...

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Ohhh okie
I didnt knew it means one with beautiful hair

coz I when I heard ur real name, I thoguht its related to LORD KRISHNA or something...

Now tht I have a meaning...I need to give up my myths about KESHI :D

Me a grown up man...
yeah..I think so...I'm planning to have a french beard now.

Keshi said...

thats was an amzingggggggggggg list mannn zilli! Gosh where d u come up with all that...I mean even tho I have it all in my head i can never out it down in writing so perfectly as u did! Im so damn impressed with ur lis mate...

aww hows Alisha btw?

**someone who inspires me to be the best that i can be...not just to myself... not just to her... but even to others...

touchin touchin...woww...n so true...

**someone whos there for me where ever i am she never leaves my side.. not in a suffocatin way oye i need my leg room...

LOL I get it...

**someone whos in the indian bracet

damn I lost my chance :( lol!

**shes got A CUTE SMILE..

hehe yes cos u got some smile there mate...
~~keshi faints just thinking abt it...

heyyy good one zillli...whoeva who gets ya as the soulmate is one lucky gal! btw r u taken? Just asking on behalf of all mah single 000nie sisters here...lol!


Keshi said...

**Me a grown up man...
yeah..I think so...I'm planning to have a french beard now

LOLL c'mon z000nie u know wut I mean..hehehe..btw a Frenchy wud be nice on ya na?


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

You think so?
Frenchy with a iPAQ in hand...
Can that be a deadly combination?


Jim said...

, Good news or bad ??,

a new feature from blogger by google

Why We Created "Flag As Objectionable"
It is our strong belief that blogs help make the Web an important medium of self-expression; Blogger has given a voice to millions of people. Our users gossip, joke, rant, publish, share, and on occasion might post potentially objectionable stuff. We generally do not review the content posted through our service but our responsibility extends beyond Blogger users to casual readers of Blog*Spot.

The "Flag?" button is a means by which readers of Blog*Spot can help inform us about potentially questionable content, so we can prevent others from encountering such material by setting particular blogs as "unlisted." This means the blog won't be promoted on Blogger.com but will still be available on the web — we prefer to keep in mind that one person's vulgarity is another's poetry. Or something like that.

For more serious cases, such as spam blogs or sites engaging in illegal activity, we will continue to enforce our existing policies (removing content and deleting accounts when necessary).

Here's How It Works
When a person visiting a blog clicks the "Flag?" button in the Blogger Navbar, it means they believe the content of the blog may be potentially offensive or illegal. We track the number of times a blog has been flagged as objectionable and use this information to determine what action is needed. This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. Have you read The Wisdom of Crowds? It's sort of like that.

Special Case for Hate Speech
When the community has voted and hate speech is identified on Blog*Spot, Google may exercise its right to place a Content Warning page in front of the blog and set it to "unlisted."

Note: users may click the "Unflag" button if they change their mind.

, sure hope i dont get flagged,

Keshi said...

**Frenchy with a iPAQ in hand..

cud be a killer combination lol...go for it ;-)

Jim ok let me make a library appt to read that...lol...


Pallavi said...

Ahh! i know someone who's name is Keshi and they are like chineese or japaneese..i knew you were indian..but was trying to figure out where the "keshi" came from...
Keshini..Beautiful Name!

Jim said...

me,i prefer the name Pallavi

Pallavi said...

Thanks jim! so kind.

do u know if there is a blog where all the mates chat?

Nupur said...

Will you believe.....the third post on 10 mins..about the thing called "Luuurve"!! :D

There was a time when I believed that 'someone - some where is made for me'.

Hmm....I have found him - just sometimes when he makes me really mad - I'm not sure!! :P

Jim said...

heyyyyy Kesh,
the him is not me

Jim said...

its not dat i am madly in love wid Kesh

just dat when i go visiting Janice or Devile or Ashes or Gomey or ...

i find Kesh there
and i get kinda curious abt wat michief she is up to now

Keshi said...

Hey Pallavi no probzz lol! Keshini is pronounced 'kayshini'... :)

Hey MisNupur WC to mah blog! Glad to see ur beautiful face here ;-)

**the third post on 10 mins..about the thing called "Luuurve

lol yeah we r all 'luuking for luuuurve' arnt we? (In true Aussie accent :)

So u found him...great! hehehe...me found him a while bak n then lost him...destiny destiny come looking for me hehehe...

heyya hotdocs zilli..lol that was a good one...wut u have some Trinidad enemies..loll ur so obsessed with Trinidad hehehe. Ok ok I get wut u mean...u want a gal to appreciate ur family n gel well with em n ur culture etc :) good thinking...that's imp for a r'ship to work...cos Love isnt only abt the 2 involved, it's also abt the families n the ppl they know...Thanks mate!

Wuttt 3 for $1 choc chip cookies in Mc's LOL! How abt McNuggets for$2 more? lol!


Keshi said...

Jim me MissChief yess lol!


Keshi said...

**finally i get to see keshi's post

huh Icy? ok tell me if ur sleepy or u just had an exam...lol cos u DID read thi post ages ago btw n we had few comments bak n forth lolll wuts with ya gurl?

**we'll charge em loads of feee

I know doctors r like way too rich n still rip us poor ppl off...LOL wut stingy buggers :)


Keshi said...

Pithaly, Shania Twain adoes not suck - she's HOTTTTT n I luv her voice and her songs...she's my bestest country singer ok???

And where have u been and now suddenly dropping a bomb abt mah favvv country singer :(


Keshi said...

no I wont get over...I wont just argue cos u will get over it someday, if not just shut up lol!
