The richest of people could be living the poorest of lives. The most beautiful of all could be having the ugliest of minds. The quietest of all could make the loudest of impressions. The brightest of all could be walking the darkest of paths. The happiest of all could be bearing the saddest of burdens. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, as it may seem. Be content with who you are and what you have. [pic update: one of the many pics I took on NY's eve at the Sydney harbor - 2010 is in dawn!]
We are all awaiting the kiss of 2010...burning with desire for a kiss...a kiss of new dawn. Let this fresh dawn be the change you were waiting for. Do not seek for others to change, cos it will take forever. Make the change within you. Let the world around look at you and want to be like you. Live the life you want to see others living. Be the example that others are waiting for. Don't search for a guiding light, be the guiding light yourself. Don't wait for me forever...find 'yourself'. Lead yourself in the dark when everyone else is sleeping or not within your reach. Be the light in the mist around the question and be the solution too.
I can see you burning with desire for a kiss.... Find new depths in you that you never knew of...anything is possible if you give it a TRY. Don't let anyone tell you that you cant do something or that you're not upto it. You are who you CAN and WANT to be, not what they want you to be. HAPPY 2010 my mates here! May it be the new dawn you were waiting for. What a year 2009 has was the one I decided to stop blogging...and twas the one in which MJ died - what could be worse than that. I think 2009 was blue for me in alot of ways. 2010...well I have some travel plans and I'm hoping to take a big step in one aspect of my life. I'm gonna take that risk cos I'm the only one who can change my own life. Also 2010 could be one without me here like I used to, but it would certainly be one with alot of new 'kisses' for ya and me, I hope. Kisses of new all the best to everyone here! I'm gonna rock it on NY's eve in the Sydney harbour *mobile will be switched off hehe ;-)*. I hope you have alot of exciting plans too. Live life to the max people - and that doesn't mean drink and dance so desperately means LOVE all no matter what, cos I think that's what alot of us find so hard to do. TC too.
We are all awaiting the kiss of 2010...burning with desire for a kiss...a kiss of new dawn. Let this fresh dawn be the change you were waiting for. Do not seek for others to change, cos it will take forever. Make the change within you. Let the world around look at you and want to be like you. Live the life you want to see others living. Be the example that others are waiting for. Don't search for a guiding light, be the guiding light yourself. Don't wait for me forever...find 'yourself'. Lead yourself in the dark when everyone else is sleeping or not within your reach. Be the light in the mist around the question and be the solution too.
I can see you burning with desire for a kiss.... Find new depths in you that you never knew of...anything is possible if you give it a TRY. Don't let anyone tell you that you cant do something or that you're not upto it. You are who you CAN and WANT to be, not what they want you to be. HAPPY 2010 my mates here! May it be the new dawn you were waiting for. What a year 2009 has was the one I decided to stop blogging...and twas the one in which MJ died - what could be worse than that. I think 2009 was blue for me in alot of ways. 2010...well I have some travel plans and I'm hoping to take a big step in one aspect of my life. I'm gonna take that risk cos I'm the only one who can change my own life. Also 2010 could be one without me here like I used to, but it would certainly be one with alot of new 'kisses' for ya and me, I hope. Kisses of new all the best to everyone here! I'm gonna rock it on NY's eve in the Sydney harbour *mobile will be switched off hehe ;-)*. I hope you have alot of exciting plans too. Live life to the max people - and that doesn't mean drink and dance so desperately means LOVE all no matter what, cos I think that's what alot of us find so hard to do. TC too.
I'm burning with desire for a kiss...psychobabble all upon my lips... XOXOXO
Music: Tigerlily by La Roux