Tuesday, August 9

Hello stranger!

hello_stranger Posted by Picasa

Ok tell me are you the kind of person who freaks out when you meet someone totally different to your familiar 4 walls? The point of this post is to make you realise that being 'strange' in maybe color, culture, attitude, views, nature, age, career, marital status etc does not mean he/she is not worth getting to know. Alot of people even subtly refuse to know someone else unless they share atleast one element of their lives...for example, perhaps you only mingle with the singles :). Perhaps you only mix with your age group or even your color...or even someone who is from your country. But there's so much to learn from people of all kinds and all traits. One example is my friendship with a very old Aussie lady - she lives next door to where I used to live before. Although she is in her late 70s, her heart is only 16yrs old! She was an absolute inspiration to me with her laughs, happy nature and the vast knowledge that she blessed me with. She used to teach me how to cook pasta the Italian way and today I'm an expert in it :) She used to teach me how to save money when buying shoes and certain cosmetics and how to shop wisely in general. Oh the great lessons I learnt from knowing her!

What I'm trying to convey is this: don't look too far for an inspirational friend and don't limit the spectrum to what you are already and what you already know. Because he/she might be that 50yr old Chinese lady in the grocery store or your neighbor who works as a garbage-collector or your 5yr old nephew that you never really paid attention to just because they didnt fall in your designated psyche of friends. Every stranger can be an inspiration in some unique way that would help you to grow, only if you open the gates to your heart. Have you ever let a stranger teach you about the world?

103 Cranium Signets:

sandeip said...

back after a long gap.............

and i am the first!!!!!

messys musings said...

yoooo hooooooooo me firsttttttttt

messys musings said...

urrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh wordyyyyyyyyyyyy go away !!! :)

sandeip said...

haha m000nie;beat someone to the first at last;sorry it had to be ya........



sandeip said...

hey moo0nie;talk to me at my YM.its on my blog

saurav said...

oooo...so cutee......k0000nie...

Keshi said...

w0000nie n m000nie hey lolz na none of u beat anyone cos I was still writing my post with only the pic being put up when u guys wrote all these comments :)

Pithaly u sure have that program na? lol! Wut do we call Pithaly? pith000nie?


Keshi said...

los Wanderer I aint k000nie I'm k000kie :)

sandeip said...

will read the post now.but i still was the first!!!!!!!


sandeip said...

thats another worthwhile read from you :)


no;oi dont let strangers teach me anything............lol

this life is a process of continuous learning.till death.

Keshi said...

hehe ok w000nie :) hmm but if life is a process of continuous learning till death then u must know some strangers to learn those lessons from na? hehehe :):)

pith000nie wut u suspecting abt me? shoot :)


Keshi said...

lolz pith000nie even the anonymouse commentors who abuse me have been an inspiration in my life...they boost my motivation for continueing to shine :)


saurav said...

Hii K000kie(or C000kie )....
thanx for the inspiring post...
"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." - Luciano de Crescenzo.
take care...C000kie

PuNeEt said...

Dear .... ur updating ur site with astonishing speed...
I excuse myself for the delay...
Will try to catch with ur post ASAP...
Cheers n Hugggzz

wwww said...

To cut the matter short, I am no racist.

That should answer your question, does it not?

Keshi said...

ok pith000nie I can wait :)

thanxxx for that 'b000tieful' quote Wanderer :) twas awesome!

heyyyya Puneet muahhh! lolz sorry abt the speed I'm a speed_devil both in blogging as well as driving :)

Jay na I didnt mean racism only here...I meant all differences between each and everyone :)

Thanks all!

Jim said...

PithOOOnie sounds like someone spat out a pith.


u killing me
u sonova byth !

messys musings said...

oh k00kie i got frnds of all age groups too...:)...

yesterday 2 kids from my colony got me a friendship band... lol made me think of all the bands i used to tie whn i was in school n college...

Autumn Storm said...

Billy Connoly and the Beige People. The beiges are the ones, who stick to themselves, never stray and have no desire to learn about the world outside of their metaphorical four walls. One has to pity them, fore they know not what they miss, nor will they ever know. However, they will not ever understand the pity and are content, and for this, one has to also envy them.
The more the merrier - and the more varied the better.
Keshi - you have a great, great talent for coming up with subject matters that evoke discussion. And its plain, you care deeply for the world and its inhabitants - a most admirable trait, rarer than you might think or hope! Good on you.

Rupa (BNB) said...

Hey, wonderful post. Simply loved it. :)

Happy friendship day.

Keshi said...

muah m000nie! yep I have lil friends too n they luv me too :) The other day my cuzn's 4yr old said 'I'd like to make u my brides maid' lol! Friendship bands were n awesome trend...I used to have many n lovely colors!!

Autumn I agree...some ppl r group-oriented n they protect a culture that never goes stray.
***However, they will not ever understand the pity and are content, and for this, one has to also envy them.
yep I agree they need to be admired for their unshakable faith in themselves...
Hey thanks for the encouraging words :) My spirits lifted so high.

Hey B&B long time no see...hope all is well with u. Thanks n hugggz!

pithl00nie ok :)

Jules n Jim wussup guys? ;-)


PuNeEt said...

hey dear...
I just wanted do know... does Australia also have nights...

Ur online all the time ;-)
I've commented on ur previous post... this will take further more time as giving consecutive comments to Keshi's post is beyond my capacity...

Btw speed devil... would love to go on a fast drive wth u...thats my taste too ;-)


tulipspeaks said...

well keshi..remember u were the first one to drop by in my blog one day..strictly speaking, u were a stranger to me then..but u made a difference in my life..u introduced me to the world of bloggers..and u got no idea how much it means to me :)

muuaxxx and huggiiess to keshi

--pearl-- said...

grrrrrrr i wish i can update my blog at d rate at which u doo!! ur awesum at this..!

Kesh...everyone in dis world has sumthin to get inspired from..its ur perception..even d smallest things can inspire ...a smile..a song..d sea..d weather...anythin.. every single person has sum good qualities in em...so every single person has dat inspirational quality in them..its for you to get inspired...
Yeh soo many strangers haf inspired me..d lil kid on d roads beggin..n still smiling n playing around...

Every single person sumthin for u to get inspired from...i think a person cant be only restricted to his ways or his thinking...let others make an impact(positive) on you..b flexible so dat u can mould into a beautiful person(by heart)...
i jus remembered d line on MISTY's blog "Nothing of me is original. I am a combined effort of everybody I have ever known" dats wat make a beautiful person..wen u can ge inspired by others n learn sumthin new every day ...
btw u inspire me to blog... :)

strawy said...

u know wat 000nies , v r having guests rite now , they came from Denmark , they r south indians , old friends ,,, hehehe i met them 1 st time , u wont believe guys ,, i think its real cool to make old ppl ur friends , one of them thought me how to make a south indian dish ,,, damn forgot the name of the dish hehhee , but it was damn damn damn yummy .
so in friendship there shundt be any age bar.
muahhhh k000kie for another fantastic post ,, love ya .

:) said...

uumm one more awesome post k000kie as always:)
well yes i believe anyone anything can inspire u or can teach u new things.. uumm dont have any old friend.. but earlier i used to go library to do story time for kids:).. n believe me that was a gr88 experience.. i learned sm very cute things fr those little munchkins:)


Jim said...


DAMN u Kesh !
u made an old man cry

Jim said...

if u were a guy
i wud call u a sobovabytch !

Invincible said...

Keshi !!!! u run regular in marathons ? .. how do u manage to post @ everyday !!!!!!!

or is it

a post a day keeps icy (doctor) away :)

me not read ur post yet .. 42 comments already !!

Invincible said...

i m gonna take a dozen friendship bands with me whn i come back .. :)

Invincible said...

yes, u r right(yet again)
that some ppl mingle only with certain set of ppl. Their choice !!

There r so many things to learn..
I believe there is something to learn from in everyone of us, right from a child to a person aged wth knowledge/wisdom.

So i always try to see the brighter side of everyone i meet.

One can't him/herself find out everything/understand everything.
the world is too vast !!
the ppl around you offer a great insight into different aspects of life
thts y i prefer diversity .. all the diff types of ppl around u present as many new things to learn. all the time !!

(therez so much to learn frm nature too ... me digressing)

Manish Kumar said...

Don't be so fast KESHI! hee hee
And I am not alone even buddy Puneet is missing ur post!

hmmmm strangers I love to mingle with them listen to them & observe them! so age race class no boundaries for me :)

Vivhyd said...

Keshi.. 1st thing.. how to cook pasta in Italian way? can u pls tell me that? .. hmm.. ya we shdn't limit ourselves to the well known ppl.. and try open our ears and hands to others too.. ur r rite... we get a whole different perspective on life that way.. btw.. befriending a chinese lady .. esp with their english and no other means of comm is tough I can tell u :).. well jokes aside.. u r rite as always ...

Dewdrop said...

I see people are aghast by your daily updates.(incl me, missed commenting on your prev post)
Girl, take a breather. Give your readers some time to absorb one topic before you proceed to another. (just a recommendation, ofcourse suit yourself :)

Every stranger I meet casts an impression on me. Amazing how some people are familiar strangers. Or maybe they're just living, breathing oxymorons.

Keshi said...

Puneet lolz sorry abt the speed at which I'm posting new posts :) Just that right now I have heaps of work to do - no time to even eat so I stop in between to take a break :) n ofcourse my fav past time is blogging...n I write all these posts within 15mins...yep...yeah why dun u hop on a Qantas n come over visit down under so I can speed with ya in my silver babez along teh boootiful Aussie country roads :)

True Jan...not all matured ppl on the net r jerks. Look at Saby - he's been a blessing to us all na? hehehe...

Pithaly wut u jabbering abt? :)

aww Amu that was touching thank n hugggz n muahhhz to u too! Well I was thinking this blog network itself is a great example for my post. Look at all of us - we dun even know wut all of us look like n we all come from different parts of the world, all from different walks up like and ages n we still glue together n learn so much from each other - that's the wonder of blogging :) n I found u...woohoo!

Gosh gomey pie u dun have to make me so emotional now..aww that was so sweet I had tears in mah eyes...thank n I respect n luv ya too. I rem how we met...twas Saby pie who asked me to check ur animal farm...lol...n I was so mad at ya for putting up those pics n yess I yelled at u there n came bak lol! n then u came here n smirked at me lol n then we somehoe ended up patchin up n becoming great friends..aww I'm so lucky! hugggggggz!

Pearlllzzz thats so true...everything n everyone in life inspires us in some special way...just that most ppl dun realise that. U inspired me to be calm n cool n sweeeeeeeeet...u really did! Hugggz hunnnz!

st000nie hotty muah! I'm sure ur having loadzza fun with ur visitors. Great that u relate this post with what u r doing right now. So wuts the name of the dish, I may know it :)

hugggz Pari thanks for those compliments :) Well yep kids teach us alot of things...they remind us of the kid in us that we have forgotten long ago...

aww Saby dear dun cry...u have taught me alot of things too...I'll tell ya u have been one hell of an inspiration on the net for me. U made me tough in character, always stood by me n u have taught me many great lessons of life that I wud never have known if I hadnt met ya...Saby where r ya? Gone to get tissues? hehehehe...

v0000nie lolz yep I run marathons...heheh na kidding...but Im fast in many things...lol...my mum asks me to slow down...it's like my clock is ticking faster n I have to get things done faster...I dunno...I'm usually hyper lol! Yep this world is too vast for anyone to learn everything...but we can learn alot by knwoing all sorts of ppl n letting them teach us...thanks for those pure words of wisdom!

Manish I'm a speed devil - sorry to rush u mate hehehe n thanks for following me at the same speed :)

Vivhyd making Pasta the Italian way takes more time :) ppl usually use off-the-shelf sauces for convenience. But the right way to do it is to make ur own sauce at home using tomatoes n the rest of the ingredients. ppl in Italy make their own pasta noodles at home too, which I dun think I can do lol! True true :) some Chinese folks have a string accent hehehe...but they all have the same feelings as us :) Thanks!

d0000die muah! :) yep me too fast lol! I'll try my best to slow me down...hehehe..
@Or maybe they're just living, breathing oxymorons...
I think that's the best line of the day! well-said Dewdy thanks!

aww Jules wut di I say b4...scroll up man :)


Jim said...

saby said...
Here I go, looking towards the horizon and not at what's there at my backside

uno all u need to no
u dont need a teacher

perhaps u cud teach me
not to look at my ass

saby said...
in egypt
they have the dance of the 7 veils (strip tease)

when the last veil is down
the show is over
u cease to be interesting

when u do dat to yr mind and soul
u become more vulnerable

just a cautionary note

saby said...
its wat happens in psychological ragging

saby said...
in college

it completely changed my personality

i becmae a diffrent man

Post a Comment

Jim said...

Half of the following are true, half are false.

I've had 3 lovers on the go at once, and neither of them knew of the two others. However, I felt much too guilty and gave up all 3.
I've smuggled drugs, but only once.
I have had one novel published, but have never been able to write a second.
I single-handedly rescued my cousin, when he was being held hostage by a motorcycle gang.
My first kiss was in Russia with a very drunk, much older Norwegian. It was horrible.

,i like the way she done it
revealing yet not revealing

Jim said...

dat goes for my disclosure too
Pithaly must be laffing his ass off

wasnt ever a lady killer
but i am learning now

God teaches u tings when yr ting is on the verge of expiry

Anonymous said...

I think I usually get along with everyone. I talk to people regardless of their age, skin colour, sex etc etc however I feel most comfortable talking to people of my own age group.

Nice post Kesh.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I never initiate a communication with a stranger and I have this bad habit of judging people by there appearance.

I remember making mistakes lot many times by either not being friendly with new people I met....though I maynot say or do something to hurt them...I'll just avoid them. Unles they open up and you know, a proper conversation takes place.

After that...believe me they pray for me to leave them alone...hahaha

Nice one :)

Jim said...


he dont get along wid me

Anonymous said...

sorry saby I should rephrase my answer....I GET ALONG WITH SANE PEOPLE

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

I agree with you there, Keshi. Some of us are too tied down or just not bothered to see the different things we may learn from the different people around us. Unfortunately some of them are looked down upon and the elderly are rendered 'useless' but we don't realise they know way more than we do. Just something we have to stop and think about I guess

Jim said...


who she ?

Jim said...

i think its kinda funny
while we give her shit here

Keshi is chewing up ITCC there

Keshi said...

Saby unveiling can be done in many subtle ways while still protecting the identity... :)

thanxx n000nie I know I can believe u when u say that u get along well with most ppl...ur truly open-minded n friendly irrespective of where ppl come from. lol @SANE !!

z000nie huggggz ur somewhere at the bottom today na...lol...dun worry I know u will be the first in my next post...just that I got too cranky yday I had to post another post lol!
Well alot of ppl do that - judge ppl by their looks cos that's the first impression n we r not saints - so ur not wrong there. But what we need to realise is that we have to learn to see beoynd what the naked eye could see. Just keep that in mind, gosh I sound like Agony Aunt from a newspaper column now lol!

Krooopz WB darl! Yep alot of the oldies r invisible to the younger generation today...but they have been thru so much in life than us n we need to spend more time with em n take their advice...thanks gurl!

Jim aka Saby aka Jules aka s000kie ty :) lol!


Keshi said...

ok all mah mates r saying Im too fast in posting ne posts :( :( who votes for a new post today n who does not? lol!

k000kie-with-a-ballot-box :)

Vinz said...

~~don't look too far for an inspirational friend and don't limit the spectrum to what you are already and what you already know.~~

True... I am one of the perfect example in millions in this world...I always tried to befriend strangers. But the closeness u had with a stranger will entirely depend upon th reaction of the other person too...

Like, if th aussie lady{wit due respect} had been indifferent then a gud relation between u wud nt hav been occured....
Yeah, here also we can learn something...the way others behave..i just love to study that..hehe..

Its just because of my this nature, i guess, am having these comments posting on ur blog...U were a total stranger to me...And now am learning u and in process many many new things...


Keshi said...

Vinu thats true...the feelings have to be mutual. U cant go n be friendly with someone who's not willing to be friendly. In this post wut I meant was approaching strangers who r willing to get to know u too...:)

Thanks for those words of wisdom..I sure am learning alot from ur blog too. A month ago we were strangers n now we r friends who learn alot from one another...isnt that amazing!


Keshi said...

hey Icy muah! did u have a good sleep last night?

yep friends should be class-free/group-free wateva :) thanks gurl!


Invincible said...

correcsun ..
those who run looooong marathons arent the Fastest ppl.
They just have enormous Stamina and appetite for running.

n u have ever greater for blogging :) :) :)

Keshi said...

hehe v000nie encouragement feeds Keshi lol...I might start up a blog-o-thon now...watch out!


Thaozee said...

Nice blog. You sparked a memory in me. Awhile back, I had the pleasure of hearing a young girl play her cello at 3am in some small bar. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. Not really a stranger teaching me something, but a stranger giving me something. I remember all I could do was message my friend saying "wow".

Thaozee said...

Oh, I see you listed up Guns n Roses.. I might have to strike rock poses with you :P awesome

Keshi said...

This post has reached a significant number - 69 lol!

Hence a joke related to the number 69:

A couple was making out in their car which was parked at the side of the road. A cop booked them for speeding and wrote a ticket. What did he write on it?

For doing 69 in a 60 zone.

Keshi said...

Goodday mate Thaozee! Melbourne roxx anyways n Sydney supa-roxx ;-)

Yupp me luvs Axl Rose's voice...n his lyrics...

Thanks for visiting mah blog matey n keep coming.

Keshi said...

@a young girl play her cello at 3am in some small bar...

thats beautiful...strangers can do strange things to ur soul...lovely thoughts there Thaoze!


messys musings said...

lol k00kie funny joke :)

Brood Mode said...

good post! so very true

Looks like u guys had a major chat session here!

PuNeEt said...

Hiiiii Keshi........
Finally :-)>
Do I have to yet say its a good post... or take it for granted from me ;-)

We were stranger until we met for the first time…
This holds good for most of the relationship…

For me its all about initiating… most of the times I’m not the one who will go out of the way to take the first step… that is not natural to me…be it anyone

Recently I was travelling by train… there was girl sitting bang opposite… the weather was damn cool… it was raining out… and I was in my own world… for almost 4 hrs we were just sitting and no one spoke, she was reading some novel and me enjoying nature, writing poems and reading shayaris…although we observed each other but no one took the initiative to chat;-)

But its not that I’m egoistic and I don’t speak with people… I have some starting problem ;-)

I agree that with you that we get to learn a lot by talking to strangers… I need to practice this more often so that it comes as a part of my nature ;-)

Cheers ......

Jim said...

Hi Punnet !

Jim said...

he does havea prob
he didnt respond

Jim said...

how do u do a 60 Kesh ?

Jim said...

heyyyyy guys,
i just posted janice pic here
its not in the nude
dont be silly!

but i cud do a potrait from memory

Jim said...

for those guys at ITCC
Kesh logged out at 5:34 PM

office closing time

Paul said...

But those suspicious or violent looking strangers - these are well to avoid, no? (ha ha...)

My favorite place to live, as far as people goes, was just outside Washington DC. The diversity was incredible, and because it was so pervasive, the kids at the elementary school I worked didn't seem to have a clue what bigotry was. Friendships cut across all lines.

I mean, you couldn't avoid "the other" in Arlington unless you stayed in your apartment!

Keshi said...

lolz m000nie :)

heyyy broooody howz it going?

heyy Puneet hugggz! Yep I agree that even I can get quite awkward when it comes to initiating a convo with a 'stranger'...u wudnt' believe how shy I am :) But then once I start someone has to stop me lol! U cud have talked to that gal...mebbe she was a chatterbox too like me lol...u cud only have found out had u said something first...n if she wasn't very friendly then u can just forget abt her...isnt it?

lollz Saby thanks for informing ITCC when I logged out n this is for ITCC too:
Keshi logged in from office at 9:20am...happy dorkster?

aww Paul that's nice to know.
**** kids at the elementary school I worked didn't seem to have a clue what bigotry was...
That's why kids can be the most honest friends ever...thanks!


Justin Thyme said...

If anyone can reach out to a stranger like that, it's you chica! Everyone in this world has something we can learn from, if we only take the time to see it. Well done!

Keshi said...

Goshhh twas so sweet Justin hugggggggggggiezzzz!


Jim said...

Justin !
u cant swim
can u ?

Keshi said...

Saby chuppp lol! Justin is a yank n Im sure he's a dolphin too :)


Justin Thyme said...

Can I swim? LOL... does the pope s*** in the woods? I live in a beach community on the ocean... they kick you out if you CAN'T swim (kidding)

Keshi said...

hehe told ya Saby, Justin is a dolphin :)


Anonymous said...

THATS IT!! I can't take this anymoreeeeee can you plzzzzzz post something newwwww. plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Jim said...

Saby gives a upper rite
or was dat a left hook to Justin

Justin in pain writhing on the floor
and blood on the carpet

and Keshi,

Psssst! i love u

Jim said...

did i just say dat?

i am crazier than i look
i no i am going to be killed soon

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

u gonna post something new today???

Hmmm..me will again miss the chance to reply back in first 50. Have loadsa work here :(

PuNeEt said...

Ya I agree I culd have started... but thats wat is the probs with me too...
Don't tell me ur SHY...
and you want me to believe that...
I mean seriouly...
I've to check what the dictionary defines "Shy" as...

HI Saby...
Trust me..
this is the response time...
wanna try again

Keshi said...

lolz chill guys...Saby aww thanks mate n I luv u tooooo hugggggz! twas really sweet!

n000nie n z000nie many complained I post new posts too fast and that they cant cope up with the speed...besides n000nie_pie put me on poll for being the most notorious n addicted blogger lol! So yeah u guys will have to wait till tomorow for a new posty...

~~k000kie sips her coffee n smilezz at z000nie...awww...

Jim said...

heyyy Pith-th00ly, P00000-neet (name sounds like cat shit)


Keshi said...

lolzz Puneet I am very shy! I have a big mouth at home and here in my blog but u wudnt believe it if u met me...

first of all I have to quite LIKE the other person from first impressions wateva that may be for that situation...and then I have to be motivated to START saying something, or the other person need to...and then I have to LIKE his/her attitude to carry on the conversation to a certain level...so yeah it's quite a slow process lol!


Jim said...


hey kesh dis is for Rex Venom
tell him

like P00neet
i am shy

Jim said...

sorry kesh,
i got a beeg moth too

Jim said...

heyyyy Kesh,
i scored

a century wid u
cocktail dinner tonite

then my place or yours ?

Jim said...

ooooopss !
i better run

Keshi said...

Was an awesome site sweet mate o' mine :)


Anonymous said...

Last time i paid attention to a stranger, i fell in love with her......:):):), u r absolutely right sometimes we find the best of friends where we least expect. The second best example is Arif(firacub) we bumped into each other kicking somebody's ass on IT and became good friends.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Every post scores century in comments. Thats is so kewl :)

Z000n claps with his hands and legs together.

messys musings said...

congrats 100 comments :)

tulipspeaks said...

wooo hoo...k00kie just passed her 100th comment..way to go girl..congrats!

Jim said...

W T K !
is she trying for 200 now ?

Jim said...

and wtf is GOMEY talkng about?

uno sumting GOMEY
where i come from FUUD dont mean wat u put in yr mouth

though i like to and many others too
it tastes better than chicken leg

i mean FUUD is not dal roti chawal or chicken kleg in komkani

its sumting else

ask Jainice wat is FUUD ?

Jim said...

and GOMEY got the rite mail id
char sow beez

Keshi said...

lol Gomess I dunno how to make Samosas...but i know how to eat em :) Indian food is just yummy - with all the spices yep. Added u into mah address book, thanks!

h000gie grttt u have such a wise friend. Yep age or any other feature abt someone isnt a barrier for friendship.

z000nie dun clap with ur feet lol aww so sweet! thanks m000nie n am000nie! D u guys realise that even if it's 100 comments here that most of the comments r by me and Saby lol!

South lol see wut I mean! Hey wut happened to Fira?

lol na Saby I aint aiming any number of comments...just too lazy to write anything new :)


Anonymous said...

loll ok k000kie the blog-world has spoken, you are now officially declared a blog addict.

Keshi said...

and NV wut d u think u r?? jeeeez ok I wont write anything anymore...how abt that?


Justin Thyme said...

Kesh - I wanted to reflect once again on this post and thank you for you tremendously kind words, encouragement and support. You have such a beautiful soul, and offer so much to so many not just in the thought-provoking posts of your own blog, but in the kind comments you leave on the blogs of others.

It is a shame though that in your kindness you draw so many to your blog only to have them chased away by the insults and put-downs of someone who is obsessed with the apparent inability of Indian women to obtain an orgasm with him... I have a strong feeling that you would have more people contributing worthwhile ideas and opinions to the conversation, but end up chased away by the inane rantings and insults of one commenter in particular (I think you know of whom I speak).

Just a thought...

Keshi said...

Hey Justin thanks for those lovely thoughts abt me...same goes to u, u spark knowledge and thinking in everyone. I luv ur blog n ur poetry is just remarkable!

Well abt Saby...he's too blunt with his what he's saying...I know that most will find it annoying and even insulting. At the beginning I had major fights with him too...but later I found out he's an extremely free talker...he just speaks his mind even if that means blurting out something really sick :) I know that many dun appreciate that but that's him...and sometimes I really value his views...

Yep abt the orgasms was just plain irrelevant to this post...I'll give him a good whipping now...but plzz dun stop visiting my blog Justin...I value ur thoughts. If Saby is annoying jut ignore his comments, don't read him...but I really value and respect ur presence here Justin...plz know that. Thanks n hugggggggggggz!


Keshi said...

Justin I will speak to Saby and ask him not to post crap that annoy ppl...


Justin Thyme said...

Hey Kesh - definitely no worries mate! As far as I am concerned, we are all part of the human race, and all carry a part of the Light within each of us... therefore I am obligated to love and appreciate that in everyone even if I do not agree with someone or like what someone does. I just thought it might be something you want to keep in mind because I really bit my tongue up until today, but he's really done nothing but insult me for no other reason that I have commented on your blog. My instincts tell me that he has a bit of a cyber crush on you and feels a bit threatened by anyone with whom you might share a cerebral connection... know what I mean? All is well though.

Keshi said...

I totally agree with u there Justin...we r one human race and we all carry part of the light - well said!

Saby often tests the patience of ppl. Not only u Justin he has done this to almost ALL my best mates...that includes 4u2nvau and Arz000n...they have faught their own fights among each other...but I get what u mean...he does this when he realises that I'm getting close to someone on an intellectual/emotional level n u r one of my latest mates...this makes us even stronger right? Lets keep yakking as always and test his patience now :)

Anyways I'll speak to him soon.

Thanks alot and keep smiling always Justin...u rock!

Justin Thyme said...

LOL... you got it!
(would it be considered catty or in poor taste if I started referring to him as Sabina, since he has a penchant for calling me Justine? hehe)

Keshi said...

Ur wish Justin...if someone hurt u, make sure they know that.
