Wednesday, August 17

Me, Myself and I

After much debate and many deliberate deferments ;-) I have been compelled to write 99 facts about me, mainly because I was moved to tears by m000nie's beautiful dedication to me here. If an e-mate can go that far to find out about me and write up such a wonderful post on me (based on some of my fav pieces from the past), then I have to consider myself really blessed for knowing them and to be appreciated by them this way. Hence I have to honor their love and affection and return that with what they desire. So here it goes m000nie and z000nie who so wanted me to just get on with this mission from day one. Apologies for the delay and I hope I don't bore any of you with this, you may quite happily ignore this post and I won't mind at all :)

99 facts about me...

1.My first childhood memory is of a 4yr old me and how I refused to go to playschool.
2.When I was about 6 I had the habit of knocking on doors and hiding.
3.I like to talk alot and as a kid I used to talk to the walls all the time.
4.On my first few days in school I refused to budge from my sister's class and sat next to her all day.
5.A friend and I once went to a church wedding way too early so we knocked on the priest's door :)
6.I went to a private school in Colombo, one of the best girls' schools in Sri Lanka.
7. When I was born mum cried as she wanted her 2nd child to be a boy.
8.I used to love watching the fishes swim down the streams in my dad's ancestral estate.
9.One of my fav childhood dreams was to become a rock star with a mad guitar.
10.I have big expressive eyes.
11.My dad taught me how to have compassion for animals 'cos he was an avid dog-lover.
12.I can be a tough customer 'cos I expect quality of service, not quantiy.
13.I don't understand people who have piercings in weird places and walk around looking hurt.
14.I am interracial.
15.I was once on a Air NZ jet that jolted all the way to Auckland and I thought I'd never see my family again.
16.My fav colors are barbie pink, apple green, lilac and turquoise.
17.When I was about 5 I met with a major bicycle accident.
18.I hate needles and witnessing blood among tons of other fears.
19.I can be moody and quite stubborn.
20.I have fainted twice on the bus and once on the train.
21.I have a black-halter neck top and a long skirt to go with it that's just so hot.
22.The best thing I ever got for myself was my car.
23.People with heavy accents drive me up the walls 'cos it's so damn hard to understand them.
24.I like compliments but I can stand criticism quite well.
25.I use LUX shower gel.
26.'Everybody loves Raymond' and 'My wife and kids' used to be my fav TV shows
27.I like fragrances, scented candles and body oils.
28.My pet hates are people without manners and TV soaps like 'Bold and the Beautiful' that have someone hanging on a cliff for days!
29.I'm a photo queen - I have albums and albums of treasured moments.
30.Robbie William is ULTRA hot.
31.Every woman should have a razor - I go 'ewwww' at hairy legs.
32.I like seafood and Italian cuisine next to Indian.
33.I am overall a nervous wreck.
34.I like long hot showers.
35.You could say I have premonitions - most of my dreams come true.
36.I type without looking at the keyboard.
37.Apparently my best facial features are my eyes and nose.
38.I'm a child at heart.
39.A vision of a car accident keeps coming to my head since I was like 8.
40.I can be very picky even if it's a b'day card that I'm looking for.
41.My sister thinks I'm silly and my friends actually adore me for that.
42.If you invite me over for dinner be prepared to yak.
43.I dont like people who yak non-stop though.
44.I admire people's cute soft accents and different smiles.
45.I like quiet moments with myself.
46.I believe in excercising, not dieting.
47.I speak/read/write 2 languages fluently apart from English.
48. I have a small black birth-mark under my left eye and at the edge of my right eye.
49.Someday I want to go to Greece and Spain.
50.I like where I am today 'cos I earned it myself.
51.I'm proud of my heritage and will never sell my soul.
52. I believe everyone has something we can learn from.
53.I can't get over the song 'Sweet Child O mine' by Guns N Roses.
54.Generally speaking life stinks.
55.I still remember how my dad used to press my shoulders every now and then.
56.I have a habit of playing with my hair when I'm in deep thought.
57.There were few boys I thought were Mr.Right.
58.I used to own a study table that's still in Sri Lanka the way it was left when I came to Aus.
59.I believe in destiny.
60.I like clothes that are decently sexy.
61.I love sweet surprises but usually find it out even before it comes to me.
62.I hate constant whingers.
63.I don't like alcohol and I don't know why people booze.
64.Things I value the most are my freedom and individuality.
65.My first driving instructor got fired by me because of bad breath.
66.I got prizes all my school life and I have a bookcase full of those books.
67.I never boast of my achievements but I wish I did cos some dumb people are damn irritating.
68.I was a prefect back in school and used to go on rounds to check if girls were misbehaving.
69.I can sing and I have sung in public.
70.I once blasted a male hairdresser who cut my hair way too short and I cried for months.
71.Children always caught my eye.
72.I don't try hard to impress anyone.
73.I have never committed a crime apart from being a pain in the butt sometimes :)
74.I hate when people ruin my plans indirectly or not.
75.My fav doll was Helen and she used to say 'I'm hungry' when pressed in the belly.
76.I observe people very well if he/she catches my attention.
77.I can be quite clumsy and careless at times.
78.I respect discipline and value responsibility.
79.Havent been to a nightclub more than twice and I hated it each time.
80.I think e-friends are a boost to my sense of self and they just rock my world.
81.I'm an Analyst programmer for electronic banking.
82.I sleep all curled up - in fetal position.
83.I'm a clean-freak.
84.I used to climb trees with my cousin when I was about 7.
85.Playing hide and seek with me was hard cos I hid in impossible places.
86.I'm wearing a light green top and black pants right now.
87.I worship God but I believe in the quote 'Hands that do service are holier than the lips that pray'
88.My fav past time is music and blogging or yakking with someone.
89.I do grocery shopping at Coles where NV dobbed on someone.
90.People who meet their soul-mates are just geuninely blessed.
91.If tears or the PC didn't exist I would have killed myself ages ago.
92.I believe good things don't always happen to good people and vice versa.
93.I aint a sports freak but I went to see the Olympics in Sydney just for the sake of it :)
94.My fav junk food is KFC hot and spicy with Mountain Dew.
95.I have attended funk, hip-hop and yoga classes apart from aerobics.
96.I have always had the feeling I'm going to die young.
97.Thunder and lightening scares me.
98.Gingivitis scares me even more.
99.I have a wicked sense of humor and my cosmetic bag is of a brand called 'wicked sister' :)

98 Cranium Signets:

tulipspeaks said...

i am the first k000kie..let me go through your facts!


Jim said...

another post so soon?
wat u gott going wid yr boss?

u dont seem to be doing any work in office

u blackmailing him or wat ?

tulipspeaks said...

29.I'm a photo queen - I have albums and albums of treasured moments.

ahem ahem..mind sharing one or two snaps of yours?

=am000nie-still-in-daze-with-k000kie's fact=

Jim said...

and dis looks kinda DEJA VU

heyyyyyyyyyy !
ru doing dis for the benefit of dat Justine ???

Jim said...

heyyyy AMUTHA
we did it simultaneously
dats difficult uno !

tulipspeaks said...

oh yea.. we did :)

strawy said...

wowwww keshu got know so much about u , u wont believe u r like me in many ways ... even i use to knock the doors n hide .. hehehe

10.I have big expressive eyes.... can i get a pic of ur eyes ??? i m crazy bout beautiful eyes.

79.Havent been to a nightclub more than twice and I hated it each time. ..... even i havent been to any night club yet , tried once ,couldnt stand there for more then 2 mins eewwww hated the smell ..lolzz

nice facts babess .... u rockzzz
hugzzzz , muahhhhhhhhzzzzz

....... st000nie .......

Anonymous said...

No u ain't boring me atleast, it was nice to know u in length...:)

Justin Thyme said...

As always, great post! Thanks for sharing so much about yourself to EVERYONE who visits your blog - it is truly a wonderful and generous gift that you do so!

messys musings said...

urghhhhhhhhhh me 11th...damnnnnnnnn ok let me read thn i'll comment :)

saurav said...

not bad 12th....ok now let me go thru'

messys musings said...

wow talking to the walls...did they answer???..
*knock knock (says the wall): hey k00kie ur a sweetheart*

lol k00kie i m sure ur mum wont cry now to know wat a wonderful kid shes got...

hehe eyes here too... lol

oh i love lilac colour... suits me well whn i wear it

urghhhhh wat made u faint?? lol some hunk??

awww we want to see ur albums :)

eye liner... me too, me too

lol k00kie dream something nice abt me too...

oh i so wanna see ur eyes... u know i m an eye freak :)

hey i believe in destiny too

aww come on tell me u didnt know abt my surprise post... tell me u didnt dream abt it :)

hey i can sing too... n i have sung in public too...hehe

lol babez u rock our world too..

oh sweet u aint dying young dont b silly

hehe wicked sister sounds wicked :)

wonderful post..thanx for this one... :-)

Dewdrop said...

Awesome facts, Seems like I've known you for a long long time:)
I was once on a Air NZ jet that jolted all the way to Auckland and I thought I'd never see my family again
-- this must be scary!

pls refer here

Vivhyd said...
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Vivhyd said...

Whoa.. thas so many things abt u.. we know.. now.. hmm.. can add this as ur 100th thing

100 .. Currently I have one of the best blogs around...and not to forget I hit century comments most of the time...

so its only fair to add this 100th thing .. :) .. nice one Keshi

saurav said...

OOOO Kookie u're so cutie........
moooooooaaaaahhhh !!!

saby plzzzz.. no....

De.vile said...

Wow. Neat eyes.

The wall talking, I still do that. Tho cielings are better. But I dont talk much, not sense anyway

Theres stuff in ere I love. The hot showers, yip, yip.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Me herer at 19th
Lemme read n bounce back

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Finally K000kie is out with her facts about herself. Thanks to m000nie and her tears. It worked….it worked!!

Know wht? I got my GPRS activated in eve and knew there was going to be a new post here. However, GMAIL is not opening. I can’t even log into blogger to post a comment :(

So I had to take a cab and come down to office at 10pm to make this comment. Damn, blog addiction is at its peak…hehehe

Anyway, so here I am.

I like to talk alot and as a kid I used to talk to the walls all the time.
No wonder…now those walls have been replaced by Computer screen and you are busy punching keyboard all da time.

When I was born mum cried as she wanted her 2nd child to be a boy.
I’m sure now she will be a proud mommy to have a daughter like you :)

I have big expressive eyes
Z000ns drooling.
M000nie can you please renew the mission to MISSION K000kie EYES so that we can get to see her eyes pretty soon

I was once on a Air NZ jet that jolted all the way to Auckland and I thought I'd never see my family again.
Oh my GOD!!
Damn I still freak out during landing and try to look at possible escape points in case of screw up. But think your incident was more scary. Hugzzz

I hate needles and witnessing blood among tons of other fears
Awwww….same here

People with heavy accents drive me up the walls 'cos it's so damn hard to understand them.
I initially had probs handling Americans while I used to audit for them. Now kinda understand them pretty well. Still have problems dealing with British and Jap-American’s

I'm a photo queen - I have albums and albums of treasured moments.
M000nie please note. You can change the mission to MISSION K000kie PHOTOS if required. I’m anytime ready to travel to Aussie for this.

A vision of a car accident keeps coming to my head since I was like 8.
Awwww…come on. Remove all these fears from your mind. Hugzzz

I like where I am today 'cos I earned it myself.
Way to go gal!! You rock!!

I don't like alcohol and I don't know why people booze.
Pretty impressive.

I never boast of my achievements but I wish I did cos some dumb people are damn irritating.
That is so sweet. I read your facts twice and the only thing that popped up in my mind was, these are coming from a down to earth person. Nothing fancy…no jazz stuff. Too kewl!!

I can sing and I have sung in public.
Boy…that is amazing. M000nie has loads of tear shedding to do. Can you pls get K000kie to send us her audio recording? Plsss….hmmm…will give you life time supply of Ferrors. Hehehehe

Havent been to a nightclub more than twice and I hated it each time.
Read something similar in Kr00pz blog too. I respect both you ladies for this. I don’t know why, but most of my friends who recently moved to US have changed there life style totally. Visiting night clubs is like a fashion for them, which Im still not able to get it. Luv ya. Im way to impressed.This is awesome K000kie. Gimme one more hug.(Boy…for 99 awesome facts, I could have hugged you 99 times.)

I think e-friends are a boost to my sense of self and they just rock my world.
Don’t worry about the boost to your senses. As long as internet is available, I’m not gonna leave you that easily.

I have always had the feeling I'm going to die young.
You said this in Strawy’s blog too few days back and think you gone completely crazy here. Not gonna gonna stay for loooooongg...for me..for 000nie family :D

Those were amazing facts K000kie. Just love reading them. Thanks to m00nie for her post (& tears of course) too. I got to know you a lot more and definitely to have you as a blogger pal is an awesome feeling. Hugzzz to ma K000kie for being a simple and beautiful person by heart. God bless you!!

Now me can have a peaceful sleep and can wake up late too. Gnite!!

Dawn said...

ohh gosh!!! keshi...leaving some of the incidents...most of it was like I was reading about self...:D...what a coincidence :D

cheers! gal!!!!

Justin Thyme said...

If anyone was paying attention, they actually learned 104 things about you, Keshi... you repeated numbers 31, 32, 33, 45 and 46 twice, adding a bonus "five things we love about Keshi" to the mix!

I matched you on exactly half of them! And no, they did not include the use of eye liner or my favorite skirt... :-)

Paul said...

Is "Keshi" your name or a handle? It sounds like a name, but no such name in the states that I've ever come across.

Might as well make it an even 100 facts?

Kerry M. Conway said...

hello darling! i am glad to find you dewing well! i am behind on blogs-tears-i have missed reading your blog too...

*big hugs*

Lorena said...

well it was nice getting to know you. we have many things in common.

Keshi said...

hey am000nie lol ur first again sweet woohoo! hehe sharing pics will come soon...dun worry n thanks sweety :)

Saby now dun act like ur my bos...duh lol!

lolllz st000nie babezz when I read ur 99facts I thought the same - that u n I r alike in many ways...hehe n yep I hate night-clubs...n u know some Indians/Sri Lankans who r overseas think it's a fashion so they follow the trend...but I seriously dun dark n dingy smokey spots with alot of drunk ppl...not my kind of pleasure. Thanks st000nie sweety :)

Hey Thanks South :)


Keshi said...

lollz Justin ur too smart...u picked up the errors and guess wut I corrected em ;-) thanks mate! I guess I was sleepy when I posted this hence the mistakes :)i dunno Justin, thank m000nie cos she got me doing this...n I could say I enjoyed doing it :)

LOL Pithaly I see that Dewdy helped ya...hehe..


Anonymous said...

31.Every woman should have a razor - I go 'ewwww' at hairy legs.
loll what if you end up marrying a really extra hairy man?

38.I'm a child at heart.
I agree with that one :)

65.My first driving instructor got fired by me because of bad breath.
loll hahaha mate you know I did the same :P

89.I do grocery shopping at Coles where NV dobbed on someone.
He deserved it ok??

I knew some of those facts, but it was nice knowing you more :)

Keshi said...

m000nieeeeeee muahhhhzzz!

knock knock did they answer? lol na once a man waited to cath the culprit and as soon as I lifted my hand to knock, he opened the door! And started to yell at me n my cuzn...we ran down the steps and hid behind my dad's car - my dad was looking for us n I cried like there was no tomorrow :(

my mum dun cry now but she yells at me lol!

Yep eyezz...hehehe...boootiful eyes catch my eye too :) Like ur big brown ones. Ur an eye-freak? lol u scare m now m000nie hahaha!

aww u like Lilac!

I wish my reason to faint was a hunk...but it wasnt :( In Sri Lanka buses can get really tuna-packed lol! And I hated that...with the petrol smell n cheap perfumes from some ppl - it's all too much ti bear n ofcourse I gave up lol! On the train here I once fainted...God knows why...maybe some sorta black-out...

hmm's just what I dream comes true's a pain sometimes...I dun like it :( Well I'll definitely tell ya if I dream something abt ya sweety :)

m000nie u sing too wowwwwwww! That's cool. I used to sing devotional songs at the prayer center...then they asked me to sing in big Hindu festivals here in NSW...I sang 4times in Public...was damn nervous but alot of ppl complimented me afterwards...hehe boasting here :) And sing English/Sinhalese songs at parties for fun cos friends luv to hear me singing...yep boasting again :)

Thanks to u for giving me the chance to write abt me...that was an awesome experience gurl! Huggggggggggggz!


Keshi said...

Dewdy thanks gurl n I'm sure we shar alot in common - rem great minds think alike ;-) Yep the Air NZ jet was dodgy...hehehe. And thanks for helping Pithaly out :)

Vivhyd aww thanks that's the highest compliment I can get here - hugggggz!

Avik look who's talkin...ur the one who's so damn cute with that laughing cat everytime I see it I crack up, it's sooooo cuttte! Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Chikka u still talk to the walls? wow interesting. But I guess it's much more sensible than talkin to some humna nuts :) GO hot showers yeyyyyyyy! lol! Thanks n muahhh gurl!

Dawn WB sweety! It's no wonder that u n I may be sharing alot of the facts here cos alot of us here have the same ideas and thoughts abt the world and I'm honored to be thinking like u...thanks n so good to see u bak!

Hey Paul Keshi is just my nic on the net - but in Sri Lanka Keshini is a common name and Keshi for short. Keshini in Sanskrit means the girl with beautiful hair :)
I will let u know my real name secretly ok :)

Thanks all!

Keshi said...

Kerry muahhhhhhhhhhhhh missed ya hunnz! It's ok u missed the recent posts but u might like to read the one b4 this one...Glass daffodils...have a read when u have time. Hugggz deary!

Lorena hey WC to mah bloogy...thanks n huggggz!

Icy take ur time gurl :)


Keshi said...

z000nie hugggggggz!

***Thanks to m000nie and her tears. It worked….it worked!!

yep her tears did the trick :)

***Know wht? I got my GPRS activated in eve and knew there was going to be a new post here...
So I had to take a cab and come down to office at 10pm to make this comment.

u really caught a cab just to comment? omgg that's addiction in block letters LOL mate! ur so sweeeeeeeeet :)

***No wonder…now those walls have been replaced by Computer screen...

God finds a way to help the psychotic lol :)

***I’m sure now she will be a proud mommy to have a daughter like you :)

I wouldnt say she's too proud of me...she always says that we r mere ornaments of God and we have to be humble in every possible way :)

***Z000ns drooling.
M000nie can you please renew the mission to MISSION K000kie EYES so that we can get to see her eyes pretty soon...

lol duhhh I aint Salma Hayek so dun drool too much z000nie :)

***Oh my GOD!!
Damn I still freak out during landing and try to look at possible escape points in case of screw up.

LOL u do that? hahaha thats funny! I always lissen to the safety instructions carefully... :)

***I initially had probs handling Americans while I used to audit for them.
3days this week we had to deal with a yank - he came here just for that project...oh boyy his accent!! I u'stood him clearly but he had a strong 'George-Bush' like accent :) I dun u'stand Chinese/Jap ppl with heavy accents so I wont even go there...hehehe...

***You can change the mission to MISSION K000kie PHOTOS if required. I’m anytime ready to travel to Aussie for this.

LOL I do have a stalker-000nie bro now - confirmed!

***I read your facts twice and the only thing that popped up in my mind was, these are coming from a down to earth person. Nothing fancy…no jazz stuff. Too kewl!!

Thanks z000nie! It takes another down-to-Earth person to see that side of me.

***Boy…that is amazing. M000nie has loads of tear shedding to do. Can you pls get K000kie to send us her audio recording? Plsss….hmmm…will give you life time supply of Ferrors.

z000nie ur sure u want to hear me singing? Could be hazardous to ur sleep lol!

***I don’t know why, but most of my friends who recently moved to US have changed there life style totally.

I'm not like that. I have lived here for quite sometime now but one trend I never adopted was the night life and drinking...certainly not me. I hate drunk ppl and I hate clubs...sorry folks. For me pleasure is something else...walking along the beach or having a picnic with my loved-ones...or even driving mum to her friends'.

***Don’t worry about the boost to your senses. As long as internet is available, I’m not gonna leave you that easily.

hehehe so ur gonna tie me with an e-rope?

****You said this in Strawy’s blog too few days back and think you gone completely crazy here. Not gonna gonna stay for loooooongg...for me..for 000nie family :D

aww that was touching HUGGGGGGZ mah chweet 000nies!

***I got to know you a lot more and definitely to have you as a blogger pal is an awesome feeling. Hugzzz to ma K000kie for being a simple and beautiful person by heart. God bless you!!

aww thanks babester and Hugggggggz n muahhhhhhhhhz to u too! Thanks for taking the time to read!

***Now me can have a peaceful sleep and can wake up late too. Gnite!!

~~ding dong Keshi is here wake up!


Keshi said...

NV mahhhhhhhhhh matey muahhhhhhhh! I missed ya - where were ya?

***loll what if you end up marrying a really extra hairy man?

I'd pass him through a sheep sheerer lol!

***I agree with that one :)

lol thru mah hissy fits?

***loll hahaha mate you know I did the same :P
wutt u fired him cos of bad breath too? LOLLL! U know it was only one lesson with him n I came home puking...rang up TRENT n told em I want a new one...they sent a clean-breath Italian the next day :)

***He deserved it ok??

lol he did yep yep calm down :)

***I knew some of those facts, but it was nice knowing you more :)

hehe thanks matey huggggggggggz n muahhhhhhhhhhhhz NV!


:) said...

**I'm a photo queen - I have albums and albums of treasured moments**
--me too hv loads of photos..
**I believe everyone has something we can learn from.**
--i do agree
**I believe in excercising, not dieting.**
--aww good me too..
**Havent been to a nightclub more than twice and I hated it each time.**
--cool.. huggzz i dont like that either..

aww nice to knw ya more k000kie.. awesome facts.. huggzzz


Justin Thyme said...

Thanks for the very "kind" post Mouse, or should I say Sabina?

I feel really sorry for you, Sabina. What a very sad life you must live to have to derive pleasure from trying to "rag" on someone else. To post such a comment against a post that talks about friendship? I sincerely hope that you get the professional help that you so desperately require for your bipolar disorder:

My father always said that a man is nothing if he does not have his word, and apparently your word means nothing, even to Keshi, whom you pretend to criticize all the while hiding behind a facade and fake name. Not only that, but you lied to her in performing this childish act.

You are 54? Then for God's sake man, act like it and quit being a little girl! You claim to be wiser but what kind of man would have wisdom and act like such a child?

I only hope that the daughter you claim to be protecting never had to deal with a creep, or see her father act like one.

Sad, sad little man, Sabina. You will get no emotion from my but my pity.

Justin Thyme said...

... and I have to admit I am quite flattered to have gotten under your skin so much, purely by not doing a thing other than conversing intelligently with my dear friend Keshi. Do you honestly think you are getting me riled? Think again, little man... I merely pointed out to my dear friend Keshi that your comments were disrespectful and might perhaps chase away OTHER bloggers who come to visit her site because of her words of kindness on theirs. Your rude words of complete disrespect to others on her site are in fact disrespectful to her.

I honestly do feel a tremendous sense of pity for you, and certainly hope that your daughter never witnesses what a complete and utter childish non-orgasm-giving wimp her father really is... no one should ever have to have such a tarnished image of their father.

Seriously though - I do hope you get some professional help for that bipolar disorder of yours (hey - those were your words from your blog posting, not mine...) and develop enough wisdom and common sense to realize when you are making a complete fool of yourself. Such childish attempts don't warrant my ire or anger, as I have said, but will get my pity... these attempts of yours are nothing more than a cry for attention because you don't feel complete as a man unless you are putting someone else down.

Gosh - is that not the exact same philosophy you criticize Bush for in his invasion of Iraq? A wise man would realize that although not to the degree of Bush, you are indeed behaving exactly as he does and that, my friend, not only makes you a man whose word means nothing - it also makes you a hypocrite.

I hope your daughter has enough sense to be learning life's lessons from her mother because yours is certainly not the kind of example in civilized behavior I would want to set for my child...
Lesson 1) find a man who knows how to bring a woman to orgasm.
Lesson 2) find a man who does not whine or cry in bed
Lesson 3) find a man who knows how to be a man, act like a man, and can be man enough to provide for his family
Lesson 4) find a man who is not psychotic, crazy, or bipolar.
Lesson 5) find a man who does not need the largest porn collection in India because he already knows how to be with and please a woman

Light and Love, Sabina. I sincerely wish both for you, no matter what personal demons you may be battling in your own head.

firacub said...

Hi Keshi,

Nice to know these 99 facts abt u. Your pics are highly anticipated and so is my reply. I think u can spend 10 mins on that length mail of urs. :))))))


Justin Thyme said...

Keshi - in case you have not already seen it, just a little something for you to say thanks for sharing your beautiful soul with the rest of the world and for being my friend...

Keshi said...

Pariiiii muahhh n thanks! Glad to know u believe in exercising too and not dieting n that ur a photo queen :) I cant stop clicking wherever I go lol!

Firaaaaaaa hugggz! Thanks matey...same goes to u :)


Invincible said...

me 43rd !! wow !!
at least i cud make it to this before the new post is spawned.

I m such a nut !!

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

z000nie ur sure u want to hear me singing? Could be hazardous to ur sleep lol!
Dont worry about my sleep anyway dont get good sleep these ur song will not affect it anyway.

Thanks for taking the time to read!
Anytime for am amzing person I;ve met

Take care and have a nice day ahead....hugzzzzzzzzzzzz

Keshi said...

z000nie why dun u sleep these days??


Invincible said...

Keshi, i dont know why u had to do this.
You always write what you think, You always write what u feel.
You nearly write urself.
Even the fact that you wrote these facts after reading musings' post, tells a lot about you !

I went thru all the 99 facts and even they reinforce the same thing.

I had never expected i wud run into someone like you thru somthing like blogging !!

Lemme confess something. I m always late to ur blog cos i know i need to put enf time reading it as u put so much into it. A casual spurt of ineffectual n animated 'great post, wow, such an interesting topic, oh how funny, you write so well', and other assortements cant do justice to wot u inscribe.

And i normally dont say 'mmuahZ n hugZ' in comments tenderly! so fickle it sounds.

It is really a pleasure n honor knowing you Keshi !!

Keshi said...

Hey v000nie twas a very honroble compliment to me :) thanks but do I even desreve that...I'm just another person like any of u, n boy am I not learning from all of u...and tell me something...if not for u n the rest of my mates who visit me here, what wud I be? Basically it's u who give me the courage n hope to write good stuff n smile everyday...Thanks to u guys too!

Can I hug ya :) wont wait for an!

Keshi said...

lol Pithaly ok laugh at me :(


Invincible said...

Hugzzzz :) :)

you do deserve it !! if not then probably i shud quit blogging.

I do put spouted comments regularly on ur blog, of course not toooo elaborate, but ur posts make me think (even a few other bloggers too indulge me) and more often than not, i find my comments understood well (& not just taken well. )

n it has nothing to do with the ever growing list of ur readers and the perpetually increasing count of comments. Bloggin is all about the blogger him/herself. N ur blog greatly goes strikingly close to wot u are (IMO).

u wd still b wot u r sans any comment. rather u wd always find readers. OK let's not dig this deep. You can take it on its face value.

Invincible said...

n 'crashing into my place' ..
anytime !!

Keshi said...

aww thanks v000nie...that just made my day :)

hehehe u mean I have to catch Air Vanuatu or does Qantas fly there?


Invincible said...

so this is my 5th contribution to humanity :) I shud get a treat from dewdrop now. :)

Y did u miss VBM? all my details were revealed there. Anyways, i am going to be back to 'desh' soon.

hav a gr8 day gurl :)

PuNeEt said...

Hiiiiii Keshiiiiiii
99 Facts... I'm also working on it ;-)
Damn cool to know about you...
Wow... actually I was waiting for this ;-)

@ I have fainted twice on the bus and once on the train.
Why dear what happened?

@ I don't understand people who have piercings in weird places and walk around looking hurt.
This reminds me of “Antra Mali” in the movie “Road” (did u see?)

@ I have big expressive eyes
Can we be blessed to look into it ;-).

@ I type without looking at the keyboard.
Me 2

@ If you invite me over for dinner be prepared to yak.
Invited… when are you coming? ;-)

@ Generally speaking life stinks.
This came to me as a surprise

@ There were few boys I thought were Mr.Right
Puneet is fantasising his own wild chances… wild card entry in your thoughts ;-)

@ I like clothes that are decently sexy
Hmmm decently sexy… I like that

@ I don't like alcohol and I don't know why people booze
I don’t u see… (Trying all efforts to come in that Mr. Right)
I’ll keep my room tidy too ;-)

@ I don't try hard to impress anyone
Do u really need to?

@ If tears or the PC didn't exist I would have killed myself ages ago
That was a fantastic statement

@ I have always had the feeling I'm going to die young
My wishes are that you stay young forever :-) u deserve :-)

Dear pls put a clock showing Australian timings on ur blog... hate to be so down in your list...

I love this post....:-)

Huggzzz and Smilzzzz

Keshi said...

aww v000nie so sorry I missed it...but even if I came it wud have been hard to catch up with ya with so many bloggers wut a party it must have been! Guess we'll meet quietly when the time comes...

Good on ya on going bak to India...Im sure ur happy abt getting bak with family n friends :)


Keshi said...

Puneeeeeeeeeeet huggggggggggz!

That 'Hi Keshi' felt extra special today...dunno why but must be cos of that pic ;-)

***99 Facts... I'm also working on
it ;-)

OMG I cant wait...I wanna be the first to comment in it plz plz plz temme the date/time ur posting it :( plzzzz!

***fainted-Why dear what happened?

Oh well guess I hate packed buses - this was in Sri Lanka. But I fainted here too once on the train...maybe I saw some hunk like u ;-)

***This reminds me of “Antra Mali” in the movie “Road” (did u see?)

LOL nope tell me about it...

***Can we be blessed to look into it ;-).

Very soon u will :)

**Invited… when are you coming? ;-)

aww that was so cutttte! :) Date? And wut u gonna cook for me n wut so we do after dinner hehehe?

***@ Generally speaking life stinks.This came to me as a surprise

I'm sorry to sound so negative...but I have a reason for saying that...I have my moments too Puneet :(

***Puneet is fantasising his own wild chances… wild card entry in your thoughts ;-)

LOL aww...u wud certainly fall in that category! Ur just exceptional Puneet - none of those guys I knew wud even come close to ur sweetness. Oh well btw u r already a Mr.Right to someone na? :):)

***Hmmm decently sexy… I like that

LOL hahaha!

***I don’t u see… (Trying all efforts to come in that Mr. Right)
I’ll keep my room tidy too ;-)

hahaha so cuttte! u dun drink? ur sure? ok n ur room is neat n clean too....gosh u fulfilled the criteria for Mr.Right hehehe :)

***@ I don't try hard to impress anyone -Do u really need to?

Maybe I dun...but some ppl say I dun make an effort to be impressive to certain ppl...not that I care.

***@ If tears or the PC didn't exist I would have killed myself ages ago - That was a fantastic statement

LOL yep :)

***My wishes are that you stay young forever :-) u deserve :-)

aww thanks n same goes to u - ur so caring n affectionate abt others n so lively!

***Dear pls put a clock showing Australian timings on ur blog... hate to be so down in your list...

LOL aww. Puneet u may be down the list in comments section, but ur at the very top in my heart's list of special ppl...

Luv ya heaps n thanks alot Puneet! U just rock...

Jim said...

, , Oh GOD!, ,

save me from Justine
he took my private confession

and made it public
and he has the temerity to call ME a creep

Jim said...

PS: am not too sure wat 'temerity' means

Keshi said...

lollllllllz Icy sooooooooo cute! I feel like hugging u right now :) I can picture u a baby n checking on mummy lol so sweet!

I did the same for a while. I rem dad coming to my bed every morning and telling me that I must go to Kindy. I was like 'I'll go tomorrow dad, I promise'. but I had to go dad was tough. Then I cry n cry n cry n take my mum too..she sat with me in Kindy for few days...n then I changed Kindy n that's when I sat in my sister's class for few days lol! finally got used to it when I started in another new school after we moved to the City :)

Take ur time Icy...huggggz!

Jim said...

i love her legs
i dont go eeeeeewwww at hairy legs

Jim said...

and Justine,
u gott me rong

dat mouse opiniion was not mine
dat mouse opiniion blogg was created by me

on request by an annony mouse
nobody will no who is the author

Keshi said...

Saby and Justin plz patch up...u both r good buddies of Keshi's. Saby ccud u puhlllllllllzzzz stop annoying Justin, thanks!


Jim said...

justine and kesh pleeez go here

messys musings said...

awww k00kie now i want my unltd supply of ferrerros :)... come on send that cd soon..hehhe

Keshi said...

hehe m000nie how abt I send u a container's supply of ferros all the way from Aus instead? :)


Jim said...

, , Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you., ,
-Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist
Quote WorldFamous Quotes at

Anonymous said...

Yo keshi, i've replied to ur quest in my space.

Keshi said...

So Saby I have a weak ego...wut else?


Jim said...


wwww said...

My facts are countless but one fact I couldn’t forget until today was…

My first time - After I have done.. I asked her “Is that the correct place?”

Funny but, I was a naïve boy at that time.

Jim said...

a mouse has hijacked the password
the original pass word dont work no more

, , we are at the mercy of dis annony mouse, ,

and kesh i tot u wud recognize my views

these arent mine

Jim said...


u shud visit my SEX COUNSELLOR page

PuNeEt said...

Ur comment ticker runs faster than the taximeter of Mumbai ;-)
I appreciate how you manage to keep the top spot in everyone’s heart :-)

@ I wanna be the first to comment in it plz plz plz temme the date/time ur posting it :( plzzzz!
Ha ha ha ha surely… how should you I tell you so that others wont know ;-)

@ maybe I saw some hunk like u ;-)
he he he… I’m blushing ;-)

@ LOL nope tell me about it
I’ll post the pic and will give u the link..
But she was looking hot ;-)

@ Very soon u will
That wait will kill me

@ And wut u gonna cook for me n wut so we do after dinner hehehe
My cooking… ha ha ha ha… I’m better with words ;-)
After dinner… ;-) desserts ofcourse ;-)

@ I have my moments too Puneet
I can understand… but never thought they have left such strong impressions, knowing you more now :-)

@ u wud certainly fall in that category! Ur just exceptional Puneet
I’m on the top of the world and blushing ;-)
Am I … cant believe it :-)

u r already a Mr.Right to someone… Yes :-)

@ u dun drink? ur sure?
That should come as “BOLD” in my 99 facts…
Never tasted :-)

@ but ur at the very top in my heart's list of special ppl...
that makes me proud :-)

Thanks so much for all those sweet words dear… ur the sweetest :-)

I’m yet again reading the 99 facts… I know it won’t increase in next read… but still… I’m

@ I am interracial.
I didn’t got what u meant by this :-(

@ I like long hot showers.
Before dinner or after ;-)

So many points are similar to mine… friends do have similarities
and close friends …

luv n hugggggzzzzz


Autumn Storm said...

I think, Justin and Saby should set up a blog together - it would if nothing else be entertaining!
Sorry, guys, couldn't resist!

Keshi, informative post - liked your facts, many to be very proud of!

Sindhuja Parthasarathy said...

ahhhhhhh!!! i know a lot about u now!

Jim said...

Heyyyyy Justin,
AUTUMN has a point there
lets call it , , JUSTINE loves to hate SABY, , blogg

Rupa (BNB) said...

he he now I came to know your secret. ;) 36.I type without looking at the keyboard. so u can post so many comments.
Good one Kookie.

Vinz said...

To write about oneself is too hard..

And u did it very nicely..Great to know what exactly u r..And b proud to be like that...

Good thinking..Good nature..Good way of leading life..Way to Go,Keshi..

Justin Thyme said...

LOL Sabina. You got it all wrong... I don't hate you. I never hated you. You are a child of creation - I however do not have to like or condone what you say. Like I said, all I feel is pity (and a sense of slight amusement that you are trying so desperately hard to try to get under my skin... just isn't going to happen, mate).

Interesting choice of words that you would accuse me of making your private confession public... that post was on your blog, which therefore makes it public, not private. I was merely reminding you of your own words.

Light and Love, Sab.

Manish Kumar said...

Nice to know all these facts about u keshi! Writing 99 things abt self ohh real tough ask. U did it beautifully!

Keshi said...

LOL Jay ewwww!

Saby yep u said I have a weak ego n that was in that dumb mouse site :)


Keshi said...

Puneeeeeeeeeet muah!

***Ur comment ticker runs faster than the taximeter of Mumbai ;-)

LOL hahaha good one! Ahemm btw I type very fast too :)

***I appreciate how you manage to keep the top spot in everyone’s heart :-)

aww I guess all of us love each other alot here :)

***Ha ha ha ha surely… how should you I tell you so that others wont know ;-)

ooops...dumb me didnt think abt it lol! hmmm how abt u think of me just b4 posting it...I will get the vibes for sure ;-)

***That wait will kill me

ohh I dun wanna kill anyone lol...I will do it soon ok, be patient ok - good things happen to ppl who wait :)

***My cooking… ha ha ha ha… I’m better with words ;-)

omg that laugh itself told me alot abt ur cooking that might leave me hungry all nite lol!

***After dinner… ;-) desserts ofcourse ;-)

LOL what kinda dessert? Indian or Aussie?

***but never thought they have left such strong impressions, knowing you more now :-)

I'm very sensitive...wish I wasnt.

***I’m on the top of the world and blushing ;-) Am I … cant believe it :-)

why cant u believe it? U r one of the best guys I ever chatted to...seriously! U have alot of great qualities in u, that's so rare in this crazy world.

***u r already a Mr.Right to someone… Yes :-)

~~Keshi cries buckets...and buckets...and buckets....

***I’m yet again reading the 99 facts… I know it won’t increase in next read… but still… I’m

LOL aww...

***@ I am interracial.- I didn’t got what u meant by this :-(

I'm mixed race...mum is Tamil (from Kerala) and dad is Sinhalese (Sri Lankan - ancient Aryans lol).

***@ I like long hot showers.
Before dinner or after ;-)

lol Puneet u really want to know? hmm usually b4 dinner...sometimes late at night b4 going to why did u ask that?

***friends do have similarities
and close friends …

They sure do :) So does this mean u like long showers too? ;-)

Hugggggggies n thanks!

Keshi said...

Mistyyyyyy muahhh! No worries abt the delay gurl - what matters is u being my good friend always - huggggz!

Samudra WC to mah bloggy n thanks!

Caraf babezz whether ur at 79 or 1 in comments, ur at the top in my heart - and I never let one comment go without being read and answered. So thanks for dropping by n hugggggggz!

Autumn hey hugggggz! LOL yep this Saby n Justin r being real sweet fighting n all. I too think they should have a blog ;-) And hey thanks for that sweet note :)


Keshi said...

Vinu thanks...I was compelled to write that for my friends :)

Manish that took me like 15mins only lol! It wasnt hard...all in my head :)

Thanks guys!


Gaurav said...

U too keshi !!

Keshi said...

LOL g000nie I was moved by m000nie's request hence I had to :)


PuNeEt said...

Hi Keshiiiiiiiiiiiii


I don’t doubt ur typing speed… its sensational (as ur)

@ I guess all of us love each other alot here
I’m sure they do… I’ve experienced it more than twice ;-)

I’m trying to be patient to see ur eyes…
infact not only eyes… u as a person (I thought I should clarify)

Can I keep u hungry sweeti… I’ll look out for options ;-)

If in India then Indian deserts… what say ;-)

Good to be sensitive… it keeps u human
even I’m… don’t know if I appear to be

@ U r one of the best guys….
Oooh that is sooooooooo sweeeeeeeeet….
U r such a sweet heart

Hey I’m sooooooooo sorry to make u cry :-(
Plssssss don’t …… plllllssssssssss

@ Will get vibes for sure…
ya I’ll give u some hints tooo

@ interracial…
thank u for clarifying… I thought in those lines but was not sure

@ showers…
ooh b4 dinner… look I have invited u for dinner so just wanna make sure that all arrangements are done properly ;-)
flirting sweeti

ya me too like long showers… ;-)

hey wish to read 999 things about u…
I would like to borrow you from Li-Ve-brary
Infact every weekend for 45 mins (I know its less but still…)
May ask for special permission to take u home also ;-)
Ha ha ha hahaha

Ur choooooo chweeeeeeeeeeeet


Keshi said...

Goshhh Puneet u dunno how much u made me smile just then by that comment! :):):):):):):) I think if smiles cud build bridges it wud have reached Mumabi by now lol!

***@ I guess all of us love each other alot here - I’m sure they do… I’ve experienced it more than twice ;-)

Twice? lol tell me more...

***infact not only eyes… u as a person (I thought I should clarify)

aww thats sooo sweet! How abt we meet halfway across the skies...:)

***Can I keep u hungry sweeti… I’ll look out for options ;-)

LOL ahemmm I dun think I want any food in that case ;-)

***If in India then Indian deserts… what say ;-)

I like all Indian sweets - they r soo yummy but as I'm spoilt-rotten u wud have to feed me lol!

***Good to be sensitive… it keeps u human even I’m… don’t know if I appear to be

U r sensitive for the right reasons...whereas I cry for the slightest thing lol - think that's silly na.

***@ Will get vibes for sure…
ya I’ll give u some hints tooo

All hintzz plzzz... :)

***showers - ooh b4 dinner… look I have invited u for dinner so just wanna make sure that all arrangements are done properly ;-)

LOLLLLLLLLLLL hahahaha! Gosh ur damn naughty too :)

***ya me too like long showers… ;-)

hmm we can think of ways to save water lol!!

***hey wish to read 999 things about u…

omahgosh writing 99 was long enough lol - how abt u now? I want to see ur 99facts now!!

***I would like to borrow you from Li-Ve-brary -Infact every weekend for 45 mins (I know its less but still…) - May ask for special permission to take u home also ;-)

Very interesting wut r u prejudiced againt me for then? lol! And why EVERY weekend? R u sure u want to take me home - I might yak so much u might leave ur home, giving it all to me lol :)

Thanks matey...huggggz for a great weekend for u n take care!
Gonna miss u till Mon :(

messys musings said...

wats going on between u two here??? do we add puneet in our 00nie list :)

PuNeEt said...

U know what Keshi… u were absolutely correct by saying that we have some previous life relation ;-)>

@ if smiles cud build bridges it wud have reached Mumabi by now
no doubt about it… and
may be u would have been spending this weekend with me ;-)

@I guess all of us love each other alot here - I’m sure they do…
I’ve experienced it more than twice ;-) Twice? lol tell me more...

Ooops… u didn’t got the co-relation right… it was supposed to be a taunt…
Hard luck Puneet

@ Half way across the Sykes
Surely… but I like to keep my feet grounded… people ne ways tag me as arrogant ;-)

@ dun think I want any food in that case ;-)
oooh… but being a good host… I’ll keep food as back up…
if u get tired… ;-)
I mean u’ll be travelling all the way from Australia
Ha ha hahahahahahahhahahaha

@ I'm spoilt-rotten u wud have to feed me
My pleasure… but u like to be fed by hands only or… ;-)

@ I cry for the slightest thing …
do u… I don’t think so…

@ ur damn naughty
trying to match u ;-)

@ we can think of ways to save water
people say I’m naughty ;-)
ya we will be saving food… water… wow…

@ I want to see ur 99facts now
Some one told me “be patient ok - good things happen to ppl who wait :)”

@ so wut r u prejudiced againt me for then? lol! And why EVERY weekend? R u sure u want to take me home - I might yak so much u might leave ur home, giving it all to me lol :)

me prejudiced against u… impossible… (Actually looking for reasons to meet u)… ya every weekend… y u want whole week!!! ;-)
U r doubting me Keshi… I won’t allow you to yak so much ;-)
I’ll feed u…
With Indian deserts ;-)

Hey Sweetiiiiiiiiiiii u r just toooooooo good…
Have a great weekend… already missing you ;-)


PuNeEt said...

@ Musings...
I n Keshi are back to our flirting world... getting better with every day...
I dont have any idea about ur "ooonie" family


Amit said...

35 and 39 read together --- beware

messys musings said...

@ puneet

urrr come on y do u think k00kie wrote this post??? lol ask her she'll tell u its bcoz of our club... n y do u think she's flirting wth ya??? coz thats one of the rules of our club :)...

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

wow!! good yaa!!

somehow i can so much connect myself to you.....and i cudnt stop laughing @ ppl having piecings done at weird places nd walking arnd looking hurt! hahaha!!

even i get a feeling tht am gonna die really young, i dunno y though!

i love wearing decently sexy clothes too....once i went to buy a halter neck top with mom, bt ended up buyin a tank i dunno whre to wear too shy to do tht!

ewww @ hairy legs too!!

i cud go on n on.......very nicely put keshi!!

rock on babez!!

P.S I put it in bold so tht ma comment cud be seen...coz i feel am really

Sonia said...

wow! 99 things abt urself, and 99 comments about it!

Keshi said...

Puneet may I kiss ya? :) muahhhh! I aint gonna wait for ur!

>U know what Keshi… u were >absolutely correct by saying that >we have some previous life >relation ;-)>

told ya na...I hit it straight away with ya too :) guess we met at the Crunch gym then ;-)

>may be u would have been spending >this weekend with me ;-)

aww wut a boooootful weekend it wud have been then...

>it was supposed to be a taunt…
>Hard luck Puneet

lol missed it! tell me...

>I’ll keep food as back up…
>if u get tired… ;-)
>I mean u’ll be travelling all the >way from Australia

lol jeeez I got u there! hahahaha! ur soooooo chweet :)

>My pleasure… but u like to be fed >by hands only or… ;-)

ahemmm tell me other means plz... ;-)

>CRY - do u… I don’t think so…

I do Puneet...I'm a tear-machine :(

>ya we will be saving food… water… >wow…

LOL imagine how much Savings we'll be doing...hehehe...

>Some one told me “be patient ok - >good things happen to ppl who >wait :)”

doppppe!! Not fair lol!

>Actually looking for reasons to >meet u)… ya every weekend… y u >want whole week!!! ;-)
>allow you to yak so much ;-)
>I’ll feed u…
>With Indian deserts ;-)

yep I wud like to spend time with ya like maybe an hour a day...u sound very interesting...something tells me we will have so much fun. Hehe awww only Indian deserts...I thought i'll feed me rice too :(

>Have a great weekend… already >missing you ;-)
I missed u heaaaaapppps!


Keshi said...

lol m000nie u see me n Puneet r in so much love...we r flirting everywhere n u know the rules na babezz lolll!

We gotta get Puneet into the 000nie family...mebbe not 'cos he'll automatically be an 000nie when I snatch him away n bring him to our 000nie home ;-)

ok now think of an 000nie name for him abt pun000nie awww so cuttte!


Keshi said...

Niki n Sonia thanks n WC to mah blog mates!

Cheesy awww hugggz sweet gurl!
>somehow i can so much connect >myself to you

I cud connect to u alot too when I read ur 99 facts...we r all together here for a reason...

>even i get a feeling tht am gonna >die really young

U sure babez? I hope not. For me it was like since I was very young I had that mum n few close cousins know that I have a premonition of some sort of accident..I'm going to write a post abt it soon...u'll know then.

>....once i went to buy a halter >neck top with mom, bt ended up >buyin a tank top.

lol sweety why dun u just wear it...dun think abt it too much...:)

>I put it in bold so tht ma >comment cud be seen...coz i feel >am really

aww I wud neva miss anyone's comments (bold or not). lol but it was sweet n u sure were striking hot :)

Thanks babezz!

Keshi said...

Mit hey wc to mah blog n thanks! Yep I know 35 n 39 put together is scary...I always had the feeling I'd died/die from some accident...I dunno if it's from a past life (if there is such a thing)...I'm writing a post abt it...u can shed some light then :) thanks for ur concern, I appreciate that.


PuNeEt said...

U made me wait for the entire weekend for this reply…

@ muahhhh! I aint gonna wait for ur
I was wondering how u asked for it in the first place…muaaahhh

@ guess we met at the Crunch gym then ;-)
now even I think so ;-)

@ tell me other means plz... ;-)
do u really wanna know!!! I’m sure u know them already ;-)

@ I'm a tear-machine :(
Still don’t believe… u make every1 smile…
How can tears find a place in ur eyes… I’ll negotitate with tears n will request them to come only if there is a smile on ur face ;-)

@ I wud like to spend time with ya like maybe an hour a day...u sound very interesting...something tells me we will have so much fun. Hehe awww only Indian deserts...I thought i'll feed me rice too :(

Yep same here… thanks sweeti… it will be amazing fun…
I thought u were saving food so I didn’t said rice… but ne thing for u ;-)

BTW, I’ve no clue about ur “ooonie” family…and the governing rules…
But I don’t flirt coz of ne rules… its just second nature to me ;-)
And I know I’m good it ;-)

Cheers n Huggggzzz

PuNeEt said...

hey regarding point 35 n 39
dont be scared...
nothing of that sort will happen...
nd it has nothing to do with ur past life also coz we wer together in pas life... remember...
i'll just run down my memory lane to find out how we died in our past life ;-)

Keshi said...

aww Puneet that was sooooo damn sweet...thanks n hugggggggz!

I'm sure we met sometime in the past...I have that feeling with ya...dunno why but I do..freaky na?


uttara said...

yesssss mez here @ur 99 ...with my 99 ........lolll
was that ryhming.........loll bad withthat ...;)

here i dive ...k000kiee...

****1.My first childhood memory is of a 4yr old me and how I refused to go to playschool.

lollzzzzzzz i kniow u told me..:p

***2.When I was about 6 I had the habit of knocking on doors and hiding.
lolzzzzzzzzz same pinchhhhh boiiiii

***3.I like to talk alot and as a kid I used to talk to the walls all the time.

lolzzzzzz as mebt u talking a lot .. can u define lot ???loll

***4.On my first few days in school I refused to budge from my sister's class and sat next to her all day.

lollzzzzzzzz scared puppy ..:p

***5.A friend and I once went to a church wedding way too early so we knocked on the priest's door :)

ROTFL . thats gr88 did he treat u with a cuppa coffeee..loll

***6.I went to a private school in Colombo, one of the best girls' schools in Sri Lanka.


***7. When I was born mum cried as she wanted her 2nd child to be a boy.

awww hugzzzzzzzzz dont be sad

***8.I used to love watching the fishes swim down the streams in my dad's ancestral estate.

wow .. tahts awesome ..its really relaxing :))

**9.One of my fav childhood dreams was to become a rock star with a mad guitar.

ahem ahem ... amstanding behind u n listening to watu playinggg...loll

***10.I have big expressive eyes.

wowwwwwwww ...:)...same pinchhhhhh

***11.My dad taught me how to have compassion for animals 'cos he was an avid dog-lover.

awwwwwww thats soo sweet

***12.I can be a tough customer 'cos I expect quality of service, not quantiy.

yeh same here .. but depends on the situation

***13.I don't understand people who have piercings in weird places and walk around looking hurt.

loll...yeh i too feel hurt looking @them ..boi ..scared of tatooing also ( permanent 1 ) which i wanna get it done

***14.I am interracial.

okie okie.... mom n dad from diff comunittee???

***15.I was once on a Air NZ jet that jolted all the way to Auckland and I thought I'd never see my family again.

awwwwwwwww hugzzzzzzzzz

***16.My fav colors are barbie pink, apple green, lilac and turquoise.

awwwwwwwww i too like them not apple green tho...:))

***17.When I was about 5 I met with a major bicycle accident.

awwwwwwww hugzzzzz

***18.I hate needles and witnessing blood among tons of other fears.
it does feras me too .. but am quite strong to accept it .. i will not fainttt i know :))

***19.I can be moody and quite stubborn.
same here .. quite stubborn means no yes means yes types

***20.I have fainted twice on the bus and once on the train.

lol hunks arnd???loll

***21.I have a black-halter neck top and a long skirt to go with it that's just so hot.

haaaaawwwwwwtttttttt ...loll

***22.The best thing I ever got for myself was my car.

i gotta get :))

**23.People with heavy accents drive me up the walls 'cos it's so damn hard to understand them.

yes yes .. me too artificial once ..eekkkkkkkzzzzzzzz

24.I like compliments but I can stand criticism quite well.

me tooo quite well...:))

**25.I use LUX shower gel.
mez pamolive gel :p ..(pamolive ka jawab nahi )loll that was a punch line in the ad lol

***26.'Everybody loves Raymond' and 'My wife and kids' used to be my fav TV shows

Friendzzzzzzzz my FAVVVVVVVVVVV

***27.I like fragrances, scented candles and body oils.
wwwwwwwwooooooooooowwwwwwwww me too ...perfumes tooo......loll

****28.My pet hates are people without manners and TV soaps like 'Bold and the Beautiful' that have someone hanging on a cliff for days!

lollllzzzzzzzz BNB ... men my momused to watch ...lolll

***29.I'm a photo queen - I have albums and albums of treasured moments.

awwwwwww i tooooo love ittttttt
wen we together .. we will beat the count of that album :p

***30.Robbie William is ULTRA hot.

do i have to say anything ...:)

***31.Every woman should have a razor - I go 'ewwww' at hairy legs.

ewwwwwwww lol me too.. got sexy legs .lolll

***32.I like seafood and Italian cuisine next to Indian.

umm me veggie .. so anything in veggie ..italiano ..loll

***33.I am overall a nervous wreck.

**34.I like long hot showers.
ahem ahem ..loll
i like cold water .. its always hot here so ..:p

***35.You could say I have premonitions - most of my dreams come true.

wowwwwwwwww...dream something abt me na ...:p lollll
u have my snap tooo loll

***36.I type without looking at the keyboard.
duh i cant ..practising ..loll

***37.Apparently my best facial features are my eyes and nose.

yes yes ..s beautyyyyyyy
i donno abt me ..ummme eyes n lips may be

***38.I'm a child at heart.
aww choo chweettt
me tooo kiddooo

***39.A vision of a car accident keeps coming to my head since I was like 8.

watthe hell i dont get vision but i fear of some accident ..OMG

***40.I can be very picky even if it's a b'day card that I'm looking for.

ahem ahem .. watre too ..gosh ..wats happenionggg

***41.My sister thinks I'm silly and my friends actually adore me for that.

loll .. ever house its the same case..loll

****42.If you invite me over for dinner be prepared to yak.

***43.I dont like people who yak non-stop though.

ahem ahem ..okie

**44.I admire people's cute soft accents and different smiles.

me me

****45.I like quiet moments with myself.
me me sgain ...lolll

**46.I believe in excercising, not dieting.

duh ...i dont do both ..loll stopped exercisinng .. lazyyyyyyyyy

***47.I speak/read/write 2 languages fluently apart from English.

i know s/r/w hmmm eng / hindi/ marathi / read sanskrit
talk ... telugu, tamil, gujrati

***48. I have a small black birth-mark under my left eye and at the edge of my right eye.


***49.Someday I want to go to Greece and Spain.

can i join u ??/loll

***50.I like where I am today 'cos I earned it myself.
gr888888888 love it still doing that

**51.I'm proud of my heritage and will never sell my soul.


**52. I believe everyone has something we can learn from.

yesssssss bingo thats very true ..
umm am learning to talk from u ..loll( lying okie)

**53.I can't get over the song 'Sweet Child O mine' by Guns N Roses.

hmmmmmmm u want me to tell anything on this .. duh !!! i know ..loll

***54.Generally speaking life stinks.

i say life is a Bitch

**55.I still remember how my dad used to press my shoulders every now and then.

awww i simplyyy love it wen any1 does that ..woooowww

***56.I have a habit of playing with my hair when I'm in deep thought. tooo
else my nails is cut by another ..i chip it off..lolll

***57.There were few boys I thought were Mr.Right.

ahemahem ... its okie ..noprobs..loll

58.I used to own a study table that's still in Sri Lanka the way it was left when I came to Aus.

sooo sweet ...
my study is in a mess that reminds me toclean it else am dead ...lolll

***59.I believe in destiny.

okie .. now we r the P n VP of the club ..loll

***60.I like clothes that are decently sexy.

loll u too ha .. loll

**61.I love sweet surprises but usually find it out even before it comes to me.

hey i give sweet surprises to all my loved ones...u will not find out abt that at alll..
u donno me tehn .lol

**62.I hate constant whingers.

***63.I don't like alcohol and I don't know why people booze.

oh boiiiiiii hmmm.... i willtell u later

***64.Things I value the most are my freedom and individuality.

YES BINGO ..i too self respect tooo

***65.My first driving instructor got fired by me because of bad breath.

lolzzzz i cant stand ppl with bad breathe .. yukkkkkkkkkkkk

***66.I got prizes all my school life and I have a bookcase full of those books.

awwwwwww me no big reader tho ..:((

***67.I never boast of my achievements but I wish I did cos some dumb people are damn irritating.

lolzzzzzzzz me too neva do that ..loll

***68.I was a prefect back in school and used to go on rounds to check if girls were misbehaving.

lolzzz i was neva .. cozme tooo mischevious lolll

***69.I can sing and I have sung in public.

me no singinggg lolll

***70.I once blasted a male hairdresser who cut my hair way too short and I cried for months.

hugzzzzzzzzz none of the hairdresser were ready to cut my hair .. coz my hair is straight n silky n long

***71.Children always caught my eye.
me me me tooo

***72.I don't try hard to impress anyone.

loll me tooo
they get automatically

***73.I have never committed a crime apart from being a pain in the butt sometimes :)

loll yes yes kidding

***74.I hate when people ruin my plans indirectly or not.

I hate them tooo ..grrrrrrrrr @ them

**75.My fav doll was Helen and she used to say 'I'm hungry' when pressed in the belly.

mine is barbie dol ..i still have it has long hair beautiful... my uncle got it coz i had :)

***76.I observe people very well if he/she catches my attention.
ahem ahem .. see see me me .lol

***77.I can be quite clumsy and careless at times.

loll too boiiiii too clumsy at times

***78.I respect discipline and value responsibility.
yepieeeeeeeeeeee its priority for me

***79.Havent been to a nightclub more than twice and I hated it each time.

awwwwwwwww i like it :((

***80.I think e-friends are a boost to my sense of self and they just rock my world.

lets rock babyyyyyyyyyy

***81.I'm an Analyst programmer for electronic banking.


***82.I sleep all curled up - in fetal position.
me too re boiiii WTH is this

***83.I'm a clean-freak.

hmm me tooo but lazyyyyyyyyyyy

***84.I used to climb trees with my cousin when I was about 7.

SHIT u freaking me now .... lol
i used to do this soooooooo many times

***85.Playing hide and seek with me was hard cos I hid in impossible places.

keshi now do i have to say u writting abt me ..loll

***86.I'm wearing a light green top and black pants right now.
no u not ..loll


***87.I worship God but I believe in the quote 'Hands that do service are holier than the lips
that pray'

awwwwwwwww i tooo believe in god awwwwwww nice quote

***88.My fav past time is music and blogging or yakking with someone.

mine tooo

***89.I do grocery shopping at Coles where NV dobbed on someone.
me too help momma:))

***90.People who meet their soul-mates are just geuninely blessed.

i met u .. so am blessed n blissed

***91.If tears or the PC didn't exist I would have killed myself ages ago.

PC not that much but ye tears n smile :))

**92.I believe good things don't always happen to good people and vice versa.

u my twin sis by anychance

***93.I aint a sports freak but I went to see the Olympics in Sydney just for the sake of it :)

i like sport.... am sportyyyyyyyyy

***94.My fav junk food is KFC hot and spicy with Mountain Dew.
mountain dew yes .. donno abtthe otehr

***95.I have attended funk, hip-hop and yoga classes apart from aerobics.

duh .. dance class n gym

***96.I have always had the feeling I'm going to die young.

me tooon i want to

**97.Thunder and lightening scares me.

hugzzzzzzzz they scare me .. but then i take care of myself

***98.Gingivitis scares me even more.

awwwwwwwww hugzzzzzzz
cancer n major disease scares me

***99.I have a wicked sense of humor and my cosmetic bag is of a brand called 'wicked sister' :)


boiiiiiiiiii me thru with this .. u know wat .. i just had to copy urs on my 99 except few ....
am glad that i met u babes
u r my STAR
