Once upon a frikkin time, I used to wish for a perfect world...atleast around me...great everlasting friendships, boy next-door being a Tom Cruise or Hugh Grant look-a-like (yeah right...Keshi roll her eyes...), going to parties dressed up in JLO kinda clothes, cat-walking the ramp strutting my stuff ;-), being an air hostess who's the hottest in the air lol!, perfect days with sun and sun alone, mum to be happy forever, dad to be by my side when I marry that over-dosed guy, husband and kids that look like the Brady Bunch family, cooking food that look and taste like something out of a recipe book...oh how I wish! 'Cos not all friends remained forever, no Cruise look-a-alike next door but alot of Richard Symmonds look-a-likes hell yeah, no JLO kinda clothes could be worn out cos mum simply wouldnt let me :(, no air-hostess job 'cos my teachers figured out I had the kind of cranium that could be used on ground, no perfect days
I think Dreams are different...they are kind of goals in life and most of us achieve atleast some of them in our lives...but wishes are always wishes...why? Right now I wish for a genie to come out of nowhere and make this one wish come true...I wish that all your wishes come true - quick, give me one current wish dudes :)
129 Cranium Signets:
I wish I cud give u "one current wish". :) well I have so many.. like anyone.. if indeed wishes cud come true!!
i am sorry about your dad hun. i am afraid because i have so many dreams in life and i can onley hope at least one of them come true.
hey keshi.. now how are we supposed to knw if we r 1st to comment? guess wait till the results r out eh?
i wish dat girl in the pic wud look my way
heyyy friend! nice post.
dreams and wishes - well in my experience some do come true.
but that is probably due to random events :-(
imo we should not expect too much of things we can not control.
on the other hand of things we can or expect to control, we should wish and try for what we want.
they do come true most of the time if one wishes and tries hard enough.
Like dat guy wished dat evryting he touched turned to gold
most wishes are bad
and wud lead to misery
like if dat girl were to give me the glad eye
i probably wud go all out for her
and even divorce my wife who has stood by me all through my turbulent life
and i no dat very soon dis new wife wud get boredd wid me and marry another
and then i wud wish i never wished wat i wished
so true dear...we often wish so many things and try to achieve some and some we...just live in those memories and dreams which kinder our thoughts and inspire to live ahead..:)
some wishes are to be just wished...n not to be fulfilled..:)
as imagine if all the wishes will come true then there wont be any eagerness or desire for anything...!
God makes everything to be earned :)
good topic...I liked the way you presented it dear..
3 cheers to u ;)
adversity brings out the best in us
steel wud not be steel widout being tempered in the hot fire and struck wid heavy blows and finally subjected to a thermal shock by dunking in cold water
tank god for bringing u bad times
and giving u the courage to face dem
many take the easy way out like i tried to
I wish for .......WORLD PEACE! *smiles smartly*
Ok I'm kidding [not about world peace but um i think you know what i mean???]
I wish that I do get a 4.0 [ out of 4.0 duhh im brown rmr?!] on my physiology and genetics this semester.
Current wish-I just wanna finish up my job successfully and get back home, someone needs me badly back in ahmedabad.
U r 1st :) CONFIRMED lol!
U wish u could give me one wish...lol...awww....so give it :)
WC Sunniee and thanks.
Some will come true dun worry...but when we wish for something, it's not like when we dream. Usually we wish for the impossible...altho even that may come true...:)
huggggggggggz Dawn aww...
**some wishes are to be just wished...n not to be fulfilled
thats so true! It's like, if those wishes came true, the novelty of em will dispear....
**as imagine if all the wishes will come true then there wont be any eagerness or desire for anything.
aha..so true!
**God makes everything to be earned
He sure does...however He's overworking me and underpaying lol!
Ur wishes wont be her command...cos that's JLO and she's with Mark Anthony right now :)
**and then i wud wish i never wished wat i wished
hahaha good one!
**and finally subjected to a thermal shock by dunking in cold water
Sounds like u have felt this shock many times...hehehe...
heyyyyy hows ya?
Dun u think dreams and wishes r 2 different things...I mean we dream of certain things we can possibly achieve...but when we say 'I wish', it's usually the impossible...
**they do come true most of the time if one wishes and tries hard enough.
yes and effort is needed on our part...thanks mate hugggggggz!
hello Dee :)
**I wish for .......WORLD PEACE! *smiles smartly*
aww how sweet! I wish the Genie will grant it real quick...we really need Peace...what a noble wish.
**I wish that I do get a 4.0 [ out of 4.0 duhh im brown rmr?!] on my physiology and genetics this semester.
aww lol u will..dun worry...good luck! Genie will be there at ur exam granting ur wish ;-)
helllo Southy hows ya today? Too busy?
**I just wanna finish up my job successfully and get back home, someone needs me badly back in ahmedabad
aww home sick ha? dun worry u will be home real fast...Genie is working on it ;-)
btw i forgot to give my current wish, i wish a certain sicko will get treated.
have a great day!
**btw i forgot to give my current wish, i wish a certain sicko will get treated.
lol Sittingnut...sorry to say ur wish wont come true...will never come true...cos it's simply the most impossible thing in this world hahaha!
i wish keshi gets 500+ comments dis time
i wud like to see how she handles 500+, wid a personal note to each and still keeps her job at the office
Saby na that wish wont come true...lol!
hey Gurl,
You've been tagged.. Check out ma blog..Will get back to u regarding ya new post..YAY! in a bit..
Good day aights!
hey!! First time I get a chance to be heard. First time, in first 15 comments..
Wish forever, deep within my heart which I know will never be granted:The one wish is:
To meet with the departed souls closer to me than anyone else. Which I know will never ever happen coz they are immortal up there in the sky.And as we all know, they just twinkle:(
Beautiful Post Keshi. Something close to the heart. :) And You mum did a great job with ya sweets. (: A great personality with a lot of character and a great heart. :)
I dun know.hmm..there are many things i wishes for at times.Like sometimes i wish neva did this and that. Sometimes i wish i neva fell in love yet. Sometimes i wish I neva did some things that i should not have started. hmm my current wish..
I can't really think of one. I wish my heart neva got broken so bad da last time. :)
I just watched a J.Lo movie yesterday. haha..A media preview again..hehe..may be writing a post sometime soon. She looks hot in dat pic. I think She's hot..:D
Heyyy Kesh
i need comments too
i want to grab some of your christian friends
Down with tyhpoid. will come back soon!
Ever since I first saw spiderman my only wish was for superpowers..and since no radioactive spider came my way I am still the same(I was euphoric the day a spider finally bit me but i had an itchy time)..so this i would classify as a wish..
But my dream is a happy,fulfiling life with lots of things to do..and in the process make others happy too:)
hey Ms.Taggy ;-)
** great personality with a lot of character and a great heart.
aww thanks...she'd be happy to hear that. ur mum is the same kinda lady...what a beautiful daughter she has raised.
**JLO movie
which one? yes she's really good looking...and she can dance...and I love her attitude and down-to-Earth nature at the same time...
**Sometimes i wish i neva fell in love yet. Sometimes i wish I neva did some things that i should not have started.
aha...so many wishes but its only wishes ha...
**I can't really think of one. I wish my heart neva got broken so bad da last time. :)
awww huggggggggz Amy! Always rem that I have some glue...:) Hearts r meant to be broken cos if not they will never learn the goodness of an unbroken heart...
hey Rays WC!
**To meet with the departed souls closer to me than anyone else....
what a beautiful wish...however it's not gonna happen na..atleast not until we r alive here...mebbe afterwards...who knows...so fingers crossed :)
Hoping ur wish is gonna come true...my Christian friends plz go to Saby's blog...:)
Your wish is granted...
I've lend u a hand :-))
Thats a very touching post dear...
Ye even I used to have that perfect world wish...
bt good that we grow up wth time...
Well certain wishes do come true...
My current wish...
Mumbai roads should have bare minimum traffic...
Its sucks every morning and evening to travel like dogs...
I pitty for the ones who use public transport... thats even worse..
I wish... politician do something for the country...
I wish... for honesty to rule...
I wish... that much hyped city Mumbai gives a better life to the people out here...
I wish...
See again am talking about the perfect Mumbai ;-)
... deep down inside I know it will never happen... still I wish... :-))
howssss ya ...
ummm do i have a genie for me ...awwww
i wish i vanish from here ...lollsss ok dont panic...vanish from here n be next to u . so that we can do some jigggy types dance .. hehehh
wowww i can imagine ...ROTFL
southyy... first some1 in mum is missing u loaadsss na ..lolllsss then ahmd .. ok i sound meanie here ...
i think the rehab is wrkng ..right keshi ???;)
commeeee sooonnn ok lemme count down on days :p ... ummmm 4 more ...yepieeeeeeeeee
am waiitng in my salsa outfit so that u can come n we dance ...lolssss
This is my wish ...I wish George Bush would get hit by a Pershing II missile . Also my it please kill Dick Chaney too ?
Maybe that's not the type of wishes you wanted eh ?
OK , please God help find a cure for diabetes . That's ones for my daughter !
i seriously need a genie now .. i got too many wihes .. but it never comes true but still i dont be sad na ..lolsss
i wish .... i wish ..... iwish ...
forget it ..lollsss lemme not wish for me ... hahahhh
ya but i can wish for u
i wish u luck babes n tearless life n may all ur wishes come true n may ur life be like a new sunshine n rainbow...
You do have a good taste, seeing the pics you post alongside ur posts...
Nice thoughts!
keshi this wishing stuff reminds me of something ..leme share with u ..lolssss
wenever i pray 99% its for others ..one day wen i was in the temple mom asked did u pray for urself i was like no!! i dint ..loll n then i realised i gotto pray for me n wish for me too..lolsss ya quiet funny ...heheheheh
but always others come first n then me .. n am happy for wat i am i dont need to be greedy na ...lolll
so dont worry my close onces are always there in my prayers ....
hugggzzzzzzzzzzz babes ..
Hey Kesh, x
Wishes do come true sometimes, a few of mine have. Don't give up completely, just be realistic about them.
Great big hugs to you - hope you are doing okay.
i wish the genie be always with you so that u can always get wotever u desire and (on selfish note) even i can look up to you during tough times.
the comment which i posted first came second and which i posted second came first...
now howz that...
so its ur wish that rules on ur blog isnt it ;-)
i think god made an agreement with me a long time back - ill give u the small ones if you wont throw a tantrum when i dont give u the big ones ;)
ah but i rather be strong then not know what life is ;)
my current wish.. hmm.. that my date on saturday will turn out to be a good, memorable one..lolz...
huh..date?? am i moving on or what? :P
I wish all your wishes come true right now sweetie kesh^_~ but i can't give you Hugh Grant hehe...he's mine.Oh ok ..let's talk about it off-cam haha..let him decide.(sorry im crazy naa^_~)jokin'..
But you know what?i wish i can fly to india right now...to meet my dearest friends there(of course you're one of them too) and come back before dinner hehe..coz my hubby will kill me if im late^_^oops you're in sydney naa..ok that would be my next flight,dont worry lol^_~
Be careful what you wish for. A wish has great power. I wish you all the best in everything. :)
Hey, what do you know... You've been tagged. Please check my blog for details.
Aww thanks for da hug :) and u said it so beautiful that hearts are meant to be broken..*smiles*
ofcourse desire differs from the wish, finally the deserve one wins!
genie....hahah...everyone needs! ;)
hey not fair! you can`t simply expect me to throw a wish in a moment`s notice. i have millions! ok, maybe not millions, but close, alright..lol. of angel keshi, i wish the ones i love will have long life, at least as long as i am alive.
**are you a dentist? i am confused.i viited saby`s blog, and i thought..i don`t know..just tell me, ok.
i am right here as always. as for wishes i don't think i really have any, i am happy with myself and everything around me. it isn't perfect but hey it is there and that is all i could ask for. by the way your blog is acting funny i had a real hard time just looking at it, for some reason it wouldn't load up on numerous attempts.
but as for your wishes if you keep positive (as i have learned you most definitely are most of the time) you are sure to get what you desire. provided that it is made of noble stuff. and remember when it comes to passed incidences of trauma it is best to look at them as experience. trust me i know what i am talking about. they are sad but that is growth, growth is good.
Hiya Keshi!!
Nice post...both funny and touching at the same time!
Sad to know u lost ur father at a young age, and hats off to ur mom for bringing u up to b the amazing person tht u are!
Really well composed! :)
Well my 1 wish right now wud be to get that much awaited 3-month stay at my current project's onsite location in Paris!!!
Let's c if and wen it happens ;)
(Then more wishes after tht...lol)
hope ur wish is granted buddy...:)
There are people who I wish I could go back in time and save their lives.
I wish everyone could be happy.
don't give up
i wish i will be 18 till i die like Bryan Adams
*sob* mez missing one post already ...*sob*
ma current wish is to catch ur previous post rt now...which is granted i think..hehehe
would come back
Aaaah nice postttiieeee!!
my current wish...
the whole process of completing the degree and getting a GOOD job be quick! i so so wish to start earning n spend my way! :(
hmmm i have a wish too....just like others all though its just one wish...and sooner or later it will come true...but wht.. i can't say....u will not understand it no one wud......tcc byee
I think wishing gives us something to strive for--goals etc. Although it would be nice to snap your fingers and just make a wish come true.
good morning !
how are you today?
i don't normally differentiate dreams and wishes as you do, but your definitions are fine for the post.:-)
btw my wish above will come true, during this year! lol won't to bet on it?
dat was cruel
wat u did to dating master in jerusalem
hey ur not well? awww...genie plz make Mr.Mediocre get better...n real fast too...I wish I wish I wish for Mr.Mediocre's good health :)
aww super powers...lol @ichty times..hahaha...poor u sweety...
well I wished for super powers too...like what if I can climb up to the towers and help those ppl stuck on 9/11..that was the day I really wished for super powers..and I realised how helpless I was...and useless...
**But my dream is a happy,fulfiling life with lots of things to do..and in the process make others happy too
wonderful wish! Im sure genie is already on it ;-)
hiii again...:)
**I wish that i meet a girl who cooks food for me... earns for me.. bears my children.. looks after them...while i watch TV all day (and night) long...
lol ok I think most girls here will throw rotten tomatoes and eggs at ya...watch out Laks loll!
Any takers?
oiii Pu bear :)
**ur wish is granted...
I've lend u a hand :-))
huh? when? OMG Pu bear has eaten Lying honey..omg omg lol!
**My current wish...
Mumbai roads should have bare minimum traffic...
goshh Mumbai traffic sounds terrible...Im scared to come n visit u now..lol...hope ur wish is granted b4 I arrive there...genie plz look Puneet's way..plz plz...
**I know it will never happen... still I wish... :-))
hey never say never...u never know...ooops I just used NEVER lol!
Thanks Pu Bear huggggz!
Hugggggggggiez missy sweety! :)
yep yep me ur genie...the irritatingly emotional genie...lol...
**vanish from here n be next to u . so that we can do some jigggy types dance .. hehehh
lets jiggy with it...nanananana...nanananana..lollllllz! aww ur so sweet!
**i think the rehab is wrkng ..right keshi ???;)
lol na...now the rehab needs rehab...hahahahaha!
**am waiitng in my salsa outfit so that u can come n we dance ...lolssss
huh?? so u mean u go to work in Salsa outfit? hmmm..okkkkk. As Pu said, no wonder Mumbai traffic is not moving..lol!
**ya but i can wish for u
i wish u luck babes n tearless life n may all ur wishes come true n may ur life be like a new sunshine n rainbow...
ok Im crying now...goshhh that was SO SWEET of u to wish for me...I wish the same for u babeh..cos u deserve the BEST. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
heyyy Wally hows ya?
**This is my wish ...I wish George Bush would get hit by a Pershing II missile . Also my it please kill Dick Chaney too ?
lol hahahaha awwww poor Georgii boy...hehehe...Dick is hmm...a Richard Cranium...?
**Maybe that's not the type of wishes you wanted eh ?
na na any old wish..lol its ok :)
**OK , please God help find a cure for diabetes . That's ones for my daughter!
Ur daughter has Diabetes? OMG Im so sorry to hear that...how old is she?
I know ur a genie urself...cos u always care abt others n not urself...but genies need a genie too...and Im ur Genie ;-)
I wish for Uttsy...that she gets everything good in life with no hassles, and that she will have a nice hubby and babies who will one day grow and spread ard the magical light and love their mum gave to me...
May UTTARA be the mother of a 100 sons
hey Sonny long time...thanks for ur sweet words...wish u the best :)
hey babeh I missed ya so much! So glad to see u here...muahhhhh!
**i wish the genie be always with you so that u can always get wotever u desire and...
aww thats a real sweet wish..my gosh I was touched by ur sweetness! Thanks v000nie, I wish u the same :)
**(on selfish note) even i can look up to you during tough times.
omahgosh dun tell me..hehehe...that was such a great compliment coming from someone as special as u r...thanks and hugggggggggz!
i wish justine wud visit me some day
hey girl...
**i think god made an agreement with me a long time back - ill give u the small ones if you wont throw a tantrum when i dont give u the big ones ;)
that's a very inetersting thought...Im learning so much from u girl...thankssss!
**ah but i rather be strong then not know what life is ;)
true...to be realistic, we will never know completely what life is in one lifetime...it's a journey that only God knows where it ends...
Amuuuu huggggggggz how r we today?
**my current wish.. hmm.. that my date on saturday will turn out to be a good, memorable one..lolz...
lolz so cuttte! Dun worry...it'll be sizzling ;-)
**huh..date?? am i moving on or what? :P
not that fast babez...slow down, chillax, take it easy...go with the flow...just go out n have fun w.o. thinking too far ahead...good luck babez, genie will be there in h sexy halter neck top lol,watching over ya ;-)
***lil _kath
keyy lil Kathzz muahhhh WB!
**I wish all your wishes come true right now sweetie kesh^_~ but i can't give you Hugh Grant hehe...he's mine.
lolllllllllz hahahahaha! U can have him forever but just lend me for night out will ya? I promise I'll send him back home safe n sound lol!
**Oh ok ..let's talk about it off-cam haha..let him decide.(sorry im crazy naa^_~)jokin'..
ROFL! ok ok lets do that then :):) ur too sweetv re...
**coz my hubby will kill me if im late^_^oops you're in sydney naa..ok that would be my next flight,dont worry lol^_~
awwww hat a genuine wish! I wish we can all meet too..wow that would be just perfect...ur married? wow :)
Muahhhhhhhh sweety!
Heyy Pradeep hows ya?
**Be careful what you wish for. A wish has great power. I wish you all the best in everything. :)
hey yeah...one of my friends said the same...never wish for bad things...
**Hey, what do you know... You've been tagged. Please check my blog for details.
lol ok...I've been playing Taggy Maggy ever since Amy tagged me 2days ago...ok ok let me go there soon :)
lol Amy see now even Pradeep tagged me...I better change my surname to Taggyloma for good na? lolllz!
**u said it so beautiful that hearts are meant to be broken..*smiles*
cos my heart has been in ICU for many years..hehehe...
hey WB!
**world peace..for sure past my bedtime.
Noble wish...but Genie's having a hard time trying to make that wish come true...only cos alot of losers rule this world...
hey Vishnu!
**ofcourse desire differs from the wish, finally the deserve one wins!
is it...ok then, I dun deserve much..
**genie....hahah...everyone needs! ;)
hehe...since I realised Genie doesnt come my way much, I decided to take up her job..lol!
hey SFO!
**hey not fair! you can`t simply expect me to throw a wish in a moment`s notice. i have millions!
lol awww..
**of angel keshi, i wish the ones i love will have long life, at least as long as i am alive.
awwwwwwwwwwww u brought tears to my eyes with that wish...there'r tears dancing in my eyes right now...
**are you a dentist? i am confused.i viited saby`s blog, and i thought..i don`t know..just tell me, ok.
lol naaaa hahahah wut made u think that? Im an IT person :)
hi there!
**it isn't perfect but hey it is there and that is all i could ask for.
very simple wish...ur right...sometimes ppl rnt happy with the simple thing sin life and look too hard for happiness...when it's right there next to em...
** for some reason it wouldn't load up on numerous attempts.
really? must have been some Blogger issue...it's ok now.
**trust me i know what i am talking about. they are sad but that is growth, growth is good.
yess u r right...it's all for growth...but sometimes I feel like I dun wanna grow in any way w.o. my dad...no point...no one appreciates me as much as he did...anyways that's been very negative..I always held my head up high and crossed the trecherous waters...I hope to continue...thanks! huggggggz!
heyy Rebzz!
**Nice post...both funny and touching at the same time!
sounds like me na :)
**Sad to know u lost ur father at a young age, and hats off to ur mom for bringing u up to b the amazing person tht u are!
mebbe Im like this cos he died...I dunno if I wud have been different if he lived...not knowing what sorrow is...
**Well my 1 wish right now wud be to get that much awaited 3-month stay at my current project's onsite location in Paris!!!
WOW granted babez ;-) hehehe...me a genie now lol!
**Let's c if and wen it happens ;)
(Then more wishes after tht...lol)
haha no worries...keep wishing and hoping...nothing greater than that :)
hi mate and thanks!
**hope ur wish is granted buddy...
my wish is for ur wishes to come true..hehe..now that u wished my wish to come true, it'll all come true :) WOW!
hey hows ya?
**There are people who I wish I could go back in time and save their lives.
omg in ur life? who r they?
**I wish everyone could be happy.
aww what a noble wish Cheesie!
***Datingmaster, Jerusalem
Hi :)
**of course wishing is so important
it is about hope and love of life
**anyway come over and read my poem
I will be there soon ok...thanks!
hey WC and thanks!
**don't give up
I try not to...thanks :)
oiii Sabzz hows ya?
**i wish i will be 18 till i die like Bryan Adams
Genie cant reallt help u with that but she says u can always be 18 at heart :)
**May UTTARA be the mother of a 100 sons
100? lol na...poor girl...she cant change nappies for that many...sorry that wish wont be fulfilled Saby :)
hi there Misty!
**wish - to go back in time and rectify all that has gone bad.
yesss! I always wish for that...but I know I can never turn back the clock...what a pity!
hey Niti how have ya been? hugggggggggz!
**ma current wish is to catch ur previous post rt now...which is granted i think..hehehe
aww...dun sob now...lol...plzz dun cry...all u got to do is read n come back :) wish is granted..hehehe...
***Rohit Talwar
hey Rohit glad u like this post :)
**my current wish...
the whole process of completing the degree and getting a GOOD job be quick! i so so wish to start earning n spend my way! :(
aww lol...when I was at Uni I used to think the same...it's so slow when ur studying...damnnn!
~~genie starts working on Rohit's wish straight away :)
**i can't say....u will not understand it no one wud.....
awww u never know..we may u'stand ya....but if u dun wanna share it thats fine Jackal...tc and hope ur wish comes true real fast!
WC Kiki and thanks!
**I think wishing gives us something to strive for--goals etc. Although it would be nice to snap your fingers and just make a wish come true.
hehe true...we r made to wish for things...altho we cant have it all..life is just that...wishes, hopes and dreams...some come true and some dun...
hey good morning! Im pretty good thanks and urself?
**btw my wish above will come true, during this year! lol won't to bet on it?
lolllllllllllz ok lets bet on it...I say she wont change for life NEVER....so whats the bet? :):)
i wish there were no muslim and christian fanatics
i wish the crusades and jehad wud be fought to root out the evil in one's own heart
i wish corruption wud not exist in india
i wish the mahatma wud be re-incarnated
my wish for the 00nies
wish they wud speak hinglish and not amerikaan
wish they wud eat tandoori chicken and not KFC
vada paav and not potato burgers at Mc Donalds
drink nariyal paani and not COKE/ PEPSI
guess i used up too much wish space
no more wishes
no more cusses either
like UTTARA having to change a 100 nappies
I believe I heard it in a song but the line is 'Wishes are dreams the heart makes.' I don't know where that came from and in fact it sounds like something that I really would rather not admit that I heard.
A little boy was overheard praying:
"Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it.
I'm having a real good time like I am."
:( aww.. my last comment couldn't be published by blogger..
btwn, is that genie is u? :p than i can go for the date with confident..hehehe..
heyyy keshi
I am fine
i will bet anything.
Morning Ms Taggyloma,
haha!! Gosh that name sure crack me up Keshi..hehe!!! haha i think its gonna run like crazy..Tag here, tag there, tag everywhere..Probbys da season or somethang...HEhehe!!
and hey ICU...I hope it has been discharged by now..
Morning hugs!!
***:P Fuzzbox
I think u heard that right...
**'Wishes are dreams the heart makes.'
cos heart sometimes dun get all what it desires...cos the head rules...
lol I must say u have some ver unrealisitc wishes...we cant change all the ppl in the world..but we can start with ourselves...:)
which comment? aww...
yep me UR genie..lol!
lolls I cal bet the whole world on it, s/he wont change mate...s/he's one of those who r born with very low levels of cranium...trust me when I say that cos I know this lunatic for more than a year now.
lol @Ms.Taggyloma hahahahahaha! Im just out the ICU but dunno how soon I might have to go back there...lol!
Morning to u too Amy...n hugggggggggggggz Taggy Queen!
one current wish - tht i can make some sense of this world..
hmmmm...my wish... a small one... To be happy and cheerful always, in times of happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, depression...everything..!
May all ur wishes come true dear..
Icy :)
Nice post keshi...:)
I already have an angel Rajbir, whom you all know as southpaw. When God took away my entire family, he sent me this angel to guide me, and i wish that i get him as my friend in all my forthcoming lives if there is something like that in real.
i wish we have a new post soon
i have wished for all i wanted
if u dont comply
i will start wishing on behalf of Uttara, Dawn, Nikita, Autumn
i wud have already
if it werent for Miss moderator
hey Im with u on that wish...cos I cant make sense of this world too...
aww Icy I wish for u the same..to be Happy always...even if u get the blues that u soon recover...hugggggggggz!
Hello Sunita WC to my world!
I know that ur South's good friend...wow Im happy to have u here...
**When God took away my entire family, he sent me this angel to guide me...
WHATTTT? What happened to ur family, may I ask? Im so sorry to even hear something like that, I can only imagine ur pain...
Saby ur wish aint gonna come true today lol!
My daughter has had diabetes since she was 7 she's 8 now .
I wish that I can touch at least one persons heart in an everlasting, wonderful way.
hey girl ...i wish i could take u in my arms now after reading the post ...take care kesh.....i know u are a strong female .......
well i wish this wish comes true sometime in my life ...
well my take on wishes and dreams
we wish first ...which becomes a dream(a state of perpectual wishing) ...and work (take concret steps to get it done) for it and then we get it (the result)if we are lucky (god's blessings)...sounds a bit weird to me too ....!!;)
these terms like best wishes have become like sorry or thankyou or please nowadays..so used to use them that we just say it ...
have a gr8 week girl
lots of love ...
(i feel nowadays that i have known u for a loong loong time)
Take LiFe as it comes.... ;-)
What woomen shud wish for
Hey yeah its funny that we both posted in almost same topic.
Awesom post.It was so realistic yet dreamy.
Also say hi to Miss kitte Monroe ;)
Amazing pix. Loved the expression! :-)
So agree with your post. What intrigues me about 'wishes' is the fact that almost all of them are accompanied by a sigh...
My current wish?! Hmmmmm...I wish I had a job that just involved reading, reading and more reading... :P
Take care mate.
It's kind of sad that the very thing you wish for, is the very thing you can't get...
I wish my life partner loves me and no other women...
I wish that you would never again, have to wish for happiness.
Hey... I was just browsing around and I saw your blog in the updated section.
Nice blog... Now, you are in my favourites.
Sometimes, I wish life can be just much more easier. No torture and no trouble but I know that will make life very boring.
My parents, my elder brother and sister-in-law, they all died in a road accident eight years back, i do have a few relatives for name sake in delhi and shimla, in reality rajbir and his family is my immediate family since last 7 years. By the way keshi...thanks for the concern.
I wish to see you keshi girl...
hi :)))))))))))
some of my wishes have come true ... and one of my most important wishes has come true ... but i am scared to talk about it coz i dont wanna lose the happiness of gaining my wish ... i mean i am scared to lose what has been given to me ...
but yes , i spent like days praying that my wish would come true ... and now , i am all thanx to God for making them come true :))
>>hehe...since I realised Genie doesnt come my way much, I decided to take up her job..lol!
lolzz....so where are you my genie.....F1 pls... lolzzz
have a nice weekend!
Hehe....thnx for wishing for my wish! :>
Oh,btw u mite wanna chk out a link towards the end of my post on Goa...;)
i wish ur every wish come true :). thats what i always happiness and good wishes for my friends and family.
meaningful post
yeah wishes only express one's desires but many are alwyas buried but some possible wishes are granted if we r lucky enough
some wishes need miracle to happen n some just need blessing hand...in a way both r the same thing........
nice one sweetheart...was actually thinking how many of ma wishes has been granted till date...hehehe
Faith makes everything possible..
Wishes make everything work..
Love makes everything beautiful..
so keep on wishing..
Wish u a happy weekend.. huuggggzzz :))
where's the genie!!!!!!! PLEASE HURRY UP!!!!!!
have a rocking weekend!
Move that video at bottom of page, I was not able to read this post. Every time I start girls on video keep distracting me reading this. That was not enough and you put that black & white dressed girl on such a sxxy outfit...too much distraction for me. This much lust not enough so I am going back to post to read...I mean to watch. But wait before I leave let me do wish.....I wish either this girl (B&W) just popped out from screen and sit in same pose on my desk OR those video girls popped from screen and do same dance here....after all today is friday yaar....
I used to wish on the first star I saw...a long time ago when I was a kid. I used to wish I was grown up and independent. Not that I'm grown up and independent, I wish I was a kid again.
if only i cud catch Richard Cranium wid his pants down
when i have a red hot rod in my hand
- Keshis wish
i wish all the men here were to suddenly turn 30 years younger
wudnt dat be just great!
i wud be 25
and all the male 000nies wud be just a tot in their parent's mind
i wish dat heart were mine
i wish they had reliable condoms in the early 50's
-all the 00nies in dis room
i wish ash's wishes were directed to me
I wish I could meet you some day!
Dreams are what we're made of.
A Dream is a wish your heart makes goes the song....
The beauty is dreams can come true.
Best wishes ;)
If wishes were horses...
Gr8 post girl! ... gr8 pics as usual .... ;)
My only wish is .... that I have 10 more wishes .... :)
But, if that's not possible, My wish is that my soulmate and I find each other soon ...
Hi Keshi,
Hey my current wish..hmmm..
Let it be a wish unknown, until it hopefully (should in fact, now that Keshi has the genie power with her) comes true this year pretty soon!! :)
Take care, Bbye 4 now...
Hey keshi just thought I'd let you know I made some 'adjustments' to my Mehendi Memories series of fiction for you :)
take care!
i wish i could find "the one" i am seeking. i wanna be in love...
:) Keshi,
If not all, some wishes surely come true. It's just that our 'rate of wishing' is always much greater than the 'rate of wish fulfillment'. by the time few of our wishes come true, we have already made so many more new wishes that we don't realize that one of our old wishes have come true.
U know there was a time when i had shifted to a new city where i didn't hv even a single friend, and more than anything else i wished for one good friend. And know wat, i made friends in that city later, not one but many - and even now so many years later my wish is still coming true, i am still finding many wonderful friends like you thru blogging.
I wish your wishes come true as well. :o)
Hey Keshi! I started to comment here, but it just got to be waaaaaaaay to long, so I turned it into a post instead... :-)
Hope all is well with you!!!!
hey Keshi
Happy new year sweety.. How are you?
Wishes :) let me read later
I wish for ur daughter to reach complete remission soon...angel hugs coming her way!
Hey MayIMakeUSmile u sure did make me smile with that nic :) WC!
**I wish that I can touch at least one persons heart in an everlasting, wonderful way.
I think u just did....awwww thanks matey!
Ash baby hows ya?
**hey girl ...i wish i could take u in my arms now after reading the post ...
thats such a warm thing to say! HUGGGGZ!
**well i wish this wish comes true sometime in my life ...
Im sure it will Ash :) We will meet...awwwwwww..
**if we are lucky (god's blessings)...sounds a bit weird to me too ....!!;)
ur right...in the end, it all is in His hands...
**(i feel nowadays that i have known u for a loong loong time)
I believe that we r all meant to meet...
Hey Vikkkz WC :)
**We wish because that's the least we can do to see the thing we wish for gets done.
true..it's the very first step of a possible achievement...
**Whoa! 87 comments. I didn't read through them but I get a feeling someone would have something similar to what I have. haha
lol hehehe...
*** p¡£®®£(X000nie)
aww I have an another 000nie here...WC!
**Take LiFe as it comes.... ;-)
I sure am doing that just that..thanks matey ;-)
heyyy Sumi!
**I've TAGGED you on the subject "My perfect lover". Hope u like like and come out with yours...
lol okkk thanks Sumi!
heyy mate!
**Hey yeah its funny that we both posted in almost same topic.Awesom post.It was so realistic yet dreamy.
oh I gotta read urs then...thanks!
**Also say hi to Miss kitte Monroe ;)
lol awww she's no more :*(
hey Pele!
**Amazing pix. Loved the expression! :-)
**So agree with your post. What intrigues me about 'wishes' is the fact that almost all of them are accompanied by a sigh...
so true! I wish I wish I wish...duhhhh!
**My current wish?! Hmmmmm...I wish I had a job that just involved reading, reading and more reading... :P
lol goshhh u like to read so much???
Hey QueenBee WC!
**It's kind of sad that the very thing you wish for, is the very thing you can't get...
so true...
**I wish my life partner loves me and no other women...
D u mean ur future partner?
hey RunAway WC!
**i have wishes too
Dun we all :)
heyyy :)
**I wish that you would never again, have to wish for happiness.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so touching!
WC Blu3!
**Nice blog... Now, you are in my favourites.
Thanks :):)
**Sometimes, I wish life can be just much more easier. No torture and no trouble but I know that will make life very boring.
no it wont make it boring...it woulf be just great if life could be just a lil bit more painless...dun u think so?
Heyyy girl WB!
**My parents, my elder brother and sister-in-law, they all died in a road accident eight years back,
U know wut Sunita...when I read this line I had goosebumps! I was truly saddened to hear that one's family could just disappear like that in an accident! IM SO SORRY to hear that..i just wonder how u cope....HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! If u need anyone to talk to, Im here ok...plz know that God works in very strange ways..;eave it all up to Him...nothing I'd say now would make ur pain any less than what it is right now, but I want u to know that Im with u...always...ok??
**i do have a few relatives for name sake in delhi and shimla, in reality rajbir and his family is my immediate family since last 7 years. By the way keshi...thanks for the concern.
U have found a gem of a friend Sunita...cos South has a golden heart. TC and know that life is just temp..the pain and the loss u have encountered is simply not comprehensible by anyone else but u...but in this darkness u will find light...always have hope...huggggggggggggz!
aww Vanathi u wanna see me? hehehe...why not ha..:) Gimme ur email..
hey Deeppppz!
**i mean i am scared to lose what has been given to me ...
Never be scared to lose something u have received...only cos He gives and it is who He takes too...so it's really beyond ur control. Besides Happiness is short-lived anyways...nothing lasts forever...so we have to be prepared to face it. However Im so glad that one of ur wishes have come true :) wow!
heyyy mate!
**lolzz....so where are you my genie.....F1 pls... lolzzz
hahaha Vishnu try pressing Esc key then lol! Escape to a magic dream world :):)
heyyy Rebbzzz!
**Oh,btw u mite wanna chk out a link towards the end of my post on Goa...;)
awwwww thank ye thank ye thank ye..lol cos I searched n searched n searched n got almost teary hehehe...I'll be there in a sec THANKS!
oiii Niki hows ya? :)
**i wish i could have asked the phone no. of that steward when he was wearing an apron and asking "tea or coffee?". haha~
lol u could have asked if he needed any help in the kitchen :):)
heyy Het hows ur driving going?
**thats what i always happiness and good wishes for my friends and family.
awww so sweet! Isnt it amazing that some ppl u never have met wish some beautiful things for u and ppl u know in real dun wish that much goodness at all?
Thanks and hugggggggz Het!
Hey Akshay WC!
Hey Akshay...Sittingnut is a good mate of mine...a avery good person by heart. The problem really is with an Imposter who have cloned me and who leaves dirty and stupid comments ard in ppl's blog using my Id. Cos this person has no other life. So my close friends have told this Imposter off - still he/she doesnt get it cos we figured out that he/she is a psycho...
Anyways I'll drop by in ur blog and see whats happening, thanks!
Hey Niti muahhhhhhhh!
**yeah wishes only express one's desires but many are alwyas buried but some possible wishes are granted if we r lucky enough
yes LUCK plays a huge part!
**some wishes need miracle to happen n some just need blessing hand...in a way both r the same thing........
miracles r blessings yes...aww nicely put thanks Niti hugggggggz!
Ur wishes will come true..cos Im the genie na ;-)
Sudddddz hows ya?
**Faith makes everything possible..
Sure it does!
**Wishes make everything work..
does it? I mean not all wishes come true so how can wishes make everything work?
**Love makes everything beautiful..
THATS IT! LOVE is the WORD :) Thanks Suddz!
**so keep on wishing..
I cant stop wishing..hehe cos then life will be so dull...wish wish wish even if some wont come true...cos wishing atleast makes u happy for a moment...
Thanks and huggggggggz!
hey Rohit :)
**where's the genie!!!!!!! PLEASE HURRY UP!!!!!!
LOL wussup???
hey Tarun!
**Every time I start girls on video keep distracting me reading this.
lol hahahaha!
**I wish either this girl (B&W) just popped out from screen and sit in same pose on my desk OR those video girls popped from screen and do same dance here....after all today is friday yaar....
ROFL! Tarun is in Heaven ;-)
heyyy mate!
**Not that I'm grown up and independent, I wish I was a kid again.
awwwwwwwwwwww see what I mean..wishes always cheat us :(
I'd never wanna see RC with his pants down..cos it sure is a sissy boy LOLLL!
hey Kiran sweety!
**go globe trotting soon...
Genie starts working on it :)
**own a strech limo....
n this is for my sweeetuuuuu.....
aww how posh!
**"damm !!! i wish i was ur lover...song by sophie hawkinns"
my lover? lolll hope not cos I aint a lesbian hahahahhaa!
hey Loki WB!
**I wish I could meet you some day!
aww thats such a beautiful wish...I wish I could meet u too..and I guess we will...let fate decide that...:)
**Dreams are what we're made of.
A Dream is a wish your heart makes goes the song....
**The beauty is dreams can come true.
It sure can...and even if some dun, then atleast we dreamed...
Neel hows ya?
**If wishes were horses...
....I'd ride them hehehe :)
Anup hows ya?
**My only wish is .... that I have 10 more wishes ....
lol cheaterzz peterzzz :):)
**But, if that's not possible, My wish is that my soulmate and I find each other soon ...
awww bless ya boy!
hello there!
**Hey my current wish..hmmm..
Let it be a wish unknown, until it hopefully (should in fact, now that Keshi has the genie power with her) comes true this year pretty soon!! :)
lol yes yes...wait n watch...it will come true. Then u tell me if I wasnt a true genie or not ok :)
heyy Dee!
**Hey keshi just thought I'd let you know I made some 'adjustments' to my Mehendi Memories series of fiction for you :)
aww I will check it out soon, thanks dear!
hey babez!
**i wish i could find "the one" i am seeking. i wanna be in love...
U SHALL...wait n see ;-)
Heyy Amit :)
**It's just that our 'rate of wishing' is always much greater than the 'rate of wish fulfillment'.
my wishing:fulfilment rate is like 20/1 lol...
**by the time few of our wishes come true, we have already made so many more new wishes that we don't realize that one of our old wishes have come true.
that is SOOOOO true!
**i am still finding many wonderful friends like you thru blogging.
thats an eye-opener for me WOW! Thats so true again.
**I wish your wishes come true as well. :o)
aww THANKS and I wish the same to u!
heyyy J :)
oh ok then..lol I'll come n check it out soon...thanks!
heyyyyyyyyyyyyy B&B I MISSED YA TONZ! Awwww so good to see ya! Happy new Year to u too matey! MUAHHHHHHH!
See u soon :)
Hey keshi, thanks a lot for the concern, really appreciate that and you are right about rajbir, he has never made me felt about that pain, has always been there whenever i needed him.
Careful with that old genie. You can never get him back into the bottle. Not fully.
My wish? Hmmmmmmmmm……?
I am not sure, but there would be big kisses for Rex in there somewhere!
Rock on!
hey no worries...btw ur in safe hands...very safe and genuine...tc!
I have a partner at the moment but our relationship is in a complicated stage now. So my wish is for my life partner, whoever he may be...
keshi ...
watever u told sunitha applies to u first ...
its not for others only .. i was shocked wen i read urt reply to her ...lolll
anywyas am happy that u r becoming a strongggg girl ... thanx to me ;)
hahahhaha kidding
but am seriously happy for u keshi
love u
:) :)
aww I wish for u the same...look up in the sky, and wish upon a star...good luck!
lol why r u annonymous? hahahaha so sweet!
Anyways, I know wut u mean...that advice is for me too...but it's so easy to give advice to someone else na :)
hey sweety u smiling ha awwww :)
Thanks, Keshi :)
hey u have a very nice blog here...I am adding u to my links...hope ya don't mind:)
wishes!!...ya, I could go on and on them...but I’ve realized something, I don't know how many will agree, but if you sincerely wish for something, u will get it!!
keep pouring ur thoughts:)
Hey i got to know abt ur blog from my friend Bringshu and thank god he told me else i couldn't hve met someone so thoughtful!!dnt take it as flattery of any kind...i was going through all the comments..and i daresay,u deserve all the praises you've recieved there!1thing i really liked about ur this post was that your optimistic nature..somewhere down the line you know that everything isn't so rosy...every wishes doesn't come true but somewhere hope or "wishes"as u'd like to interpret,is still a working force in you!!and thats proves the universality of the power of hope in human heart!After all we dnt always get what we want,we dont always want what we get......Maybe this is the biggest paradox of the life!!Anyways loved ur blog!
Hey Hermis WC and thanks! Im so sorry Im replying to u very late cos I only saw ur comment today :)
yeah...wishes give us hope...but we must remain sensible as not to expect every wish to come true.
Thanks so much!
Hope all your wishes come true. I loved the music (is it Whitney?) u play in your blog :)
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