I used to plan my life
Then it all crashed down on me...
Now I live one day at a time
And tears just don't stop...
I'm not lonely yet I'm alone
I'm not sad yet my heart cries...
Yesterday will never return
Tomorrow I don't know...
Today as I look outside my window
Life looks back at me
Telling me a story...
Of someone who used to be
Someone who learnt to take her tears
And turn them into smiles
How could I have planned so much?
When my path was only made of tears...
Current Music: Plan On Forever by Sue Ann Carwell & Mervyn Warren
194 Cranium Signets:
what happened dear ?? sounding sad??
I used to plan every step of my life too , until i realised that it's futile, living each moment as it comes ,takes off loads of pressure.
*light your heart :) *
sometimes life gives tears. only to wash away the past and look up to a beautiful present!
simply superb...it reflects the heart in the words of feeling's...keshi...u know i am always there to share ur tears and rub them off ur face...just have a small smile thinking of me ...and dont ruin ur sunday :)...
love ya keshi :)...hugs ..:)..
nicely written...
~~How could I have planned so much?When my path was only made of tears...~~
i thinnk those tears only paved the path for you to plan and move ahead..!!
stay going Keshi..!!
i know what you must be going through.... take heart
tough times dont last but tough people do :)
Something very sad and melancholic about it.
Very sad poem! Some how doesnt go well with Keshi - the bubbly girl.
I pray for your happiness only dear always and I do the same now also.
Keep your heart strong and smile always...don't let it go
with love always
when you turnback at this moment..lott of things..:)undone,,done,...:)
Nice video ya..Ilike jennifer lopez..i like the way she talks ans wlks..i have wtached that movie..
the wedding planner:)
its good..
whe you like someone..you start liking evrything bat them:)
hey me and jennifer lopez share brithday togther:)
wat happened?????
i hope allz well with u!!
im so sorry i havnt been able to catch up with u all this while :( new job n all that has kept me busy!!
thanks a tonn fo ur diwali wishes babe!! meant a lot
n yea...same to u too:)
what happened?
hmmm. Keshi write about smiles :):)
Since you know tamil, let me tell you this
Netru enbadhu udaindha paanai,
naalai enbadhu madhil mael poonai,
indru enbadhu azhagiya veenai
Hey girl
Cheer Up dudette..
I know there r times wen everything around us seems vacuum.. but life has got soo much to offer.. loneliness can only be cured by juz ignoring it :)
WOW! You on Sunday!! No outing this weekend?
See! if you are at home, you'll think about the past.
it's better to go with the flow than to plan each and everything just to see that nothing is going according to the plan.
***How could I have planned so much?When my path was only made of tears.
if your path was only made up of smiles, you don't need to plan anything, right? Anyways, tears are essential, to grow up as a good person, or that's what life taught me 'coz we alway learn more from tears than from smiles.
You sound so sad, Keshi girl. Very sad. What happened? Did you come across something/someone you didn't want to?
Let me tell you something, you are going to make at least a hundred others from across the globe sad now.
Do something for me. Tune into the music album of a new Hindi film called "Dostana." Get to the track called Deshi Girl. Just replace the D with K.
darn i thought we neva plan the tears keshi! but apparently u did and yeah i have learnt how to plan the tears too.
but u wouldn't be you without those tears and me wouldn't be me.
i would only like to say this ..i say this for me too...
ancient boards creaking beneath my feet
silhouette cut into headlights
the helplessness of being within inches
WOW Keshi! That was great! Planning on takes more planning!
You are so so sooooooo In my head with this right her!
You plan on a better life and smiles and Laughter but at the same time.. More plans are being made for you! *Sighs* Happens all the time over here!...
Hey Keshi,
..m a bit short on words..but you know ..that someone who used to turn tears into smiles is still here...
...you turn many tears into many smiles..so the path really is of many smiles..
Hey Keshi what happened gurl? Why so upset?
keshi, that is bad. we don't expect posts like this frm u. keshi n sneha(solitaire) r the people who r like our elder sisters(even though u may b younger) who show us all those hidden n correct paths in life through your posts. ok, i take this as ur first mistake n pardon u.
hey wait, don't let those cheeks turn red with anger. i was jus joking. this was a gem of a poem. straight to the point n touches the heart.
thats exactly what i felt now
and i am quite stunned to read it as a poem in ur blog...
awesome !
Famous quote :
kabhi kisi ko mukammal jahan nahin milta, kahin zameen to kahin aasman nahin milta...
I am lonely too in some or other way.
enjoy !
take care, keshi.
and never lose the ability to turn tears into smiles. for urself. and for those who're precious to u.
Hi Keshi, this is very touching. Do not be sad my fren. Be happy. Take care.
Great post!
The title itself has its own magical effect."planning for tears"
but as the chinese says "this too will pass"
take care
I missed a lot of your posts...
yeaahh jus when we think we've reached the end of it..somethin new starts to rolls around.so i'm callin it "back 2 back action"!!
Every tear dries away into us,
only to blossom as a smile another day.
take care...
because you turn them to smiles :) :)...
Beautifully written Keshi...of tears, heartbreak and lonliness...
ohh that was purely senti.
It's so touching
>>Life looks back at me. Telling me a story...
these two lines speak millions.
Nice post dear!
that s a sad poem ;( sweetie ;( hope u are allright ;)
u take care or urself, give urself a treat;)
PS: i got my new tattoo yesterday ;)
Good Poem.
Life is what happens to you when all your plans fail ...and fail they will.
i have my strong shoulder.. lending it now.. you can cry for sometime.. but dont make me cry by crying too much on my shoulder
hey keshi,
whta happened , u sad ???????? cant help saying ...very well written lines and if the reason is sadness, I would like to refer you to a amzing post "Unveiling The Veiled". Im sure you know how to get to it ..
Cheer up baby !!!!!
this is so touching :)
Hey.. the poem is very poignant... I dunno what its supposed to indicate but its lovely...
Tears clear ur eyes and helps u view the world with clearer eyes.. :)
it really makes me feel disappointed..n defeated..
U sound Sad..
Everythin' Fine ??
So True A Poem..
touching words...
who would teach you the meaning of a smile if not tears?
lucky are those who could cry, atleast they have the freedom to express!
you are alone no matter who ever is with you. your mind is your own, no one reads it. friends [me included] could offer jokes, but smile or not, you decide!
cheer up girl. life's a pain if nothing were to be won. you got the whole world to conquer!
awwww babez..
that was sooo touching..
sometimes thats what happens.. when u really don't know whats happening.. and the person whom u turn to for that reassurance is not there.. and then u feel the whole world crashing down..
we end up doubting ourselves and our capabilities and all that is left is our tears..
but then there is this ray of hope.. which leads us along..
lovelyy post.. huggggzzz x x x
No one understands the heartache,
No one understands the pain,
No one see's the tears,
When ya crying in the rain!
I'm speechless Keshigirl...
You are... I dunoo.. A role model in more ways than one
yes Truthful...moments r all that matter.
tnxx hun!
I agree Deepz...just that sometimes I feel Im destined for tears no matter what. Every path I take ends up being a sad story.
tnxx Hemz HUGS!
I know u really care...I do.
ty Vinu!
My path is made of tears and I row my boat somehow in that sea of tears...
ty Phoenix for u'standing HUGGGGGGGGZ!
Kiran Im made of all kinds of emotions...
tnxx hun!
ty Dawny!
Im not all positive all the time..I hv my downtime too sweetz.
ty Crazy!
**whe you like someone..you start liking evrything bat them
I agree...no matter how sad they make u.
JLo is cool yes.
hey Gunj nice to see ya after a long time. TC HUGS!
Hi Keshi
A very sad poem--you okay?
This weekend was a downer for me too. Saturdays are for weddings, but we had to attend a funeral. On Monday (still Sunday here) we have to drive to the cemetery (150 kilometres) for the burial because there’s no interment on Saturday afternoons.
So this weekend has been awful. So, I know where you’re coming from when writing this piece.
Vish hey!
**what happened
dunno wut happened...but alot of things didnt happen as planned...
ty Preetz!
I somewhat u'stood wut u wrote...its abt yesterday, tomorrow and TODAY right? :)
tnxx hun I agree HUGZ!
ty Richa!
**I know there r times wen everything around us seems vacuum
yes...that emptyness can be so overwhelming sometimes.
how long can we ignore it for girl?
ty Aneesh!
**it's better to go with the flow than to plan each and everything just to see that nothing is going according to the plan
Now I do that.
** Anyways, tears are essential, to grow up as a good person, or that's what life taught me 'coz we alway learn more from tears than from smiles.
I agree...but when its ALL tears wut d u do?
ty Soul!
yes I was v sad yday...so many heartbreaking things happened all in one day.
**Deshi Girl. Just replace the D with K.
hehe I know that song. Cute one there Soul. tnxx n HUGZ!
ty Utopia!
I was planning tears thinking they were gonna be smiles...
**but u wouldn't be you without those tears and me wouldn't be me.
I agree.
ty Vicky!
**ancient boards creaking beneath my feet
silhouette cut into headlights
the helplessness of being within inches
haunting...too beautiful!
ty Ne MWAH!
**You plan on a better life and smiles and Laughter but at the same time.. More plans are being made for you
yes...we plan plan n plan our lives, but life has its own plan for us.
aww ty Prakhar HUGGGGGGGZ! That means alot to me.
SMM I dunno...nothing really happened the way I thought they wud..
hehe Satish ty HUGS!
** keshi n sneha(solitaire) r the people who r like our elder sisters(even though u may b younger) who show us all those hidden n correct paths in life through your posts
On top of this, I feel v sad that Sol is leaving too...
WC Karthik!
Im glad u cud relate to this feeling...
ty Hobo!
I feel so lonely amidst a huge crowd...and I know Im alone even when Im with ppl...
ty Raysh!
I know wut u mean...tho it may seem futil at times, the ability in itself is a rare gift.
aww ty Venus!
hey MIP tnxx!
**The title itself has its own magical effect."planning for tears"
yes...cos often plans end up being tears.
**this too shall pass
it all passed long time ago...but the feeling is still very raw.
hey Krithika!
yes...just when we think we've conquered the hurt, something else starts...its a vicious cycle.
ty Arv!
**Every tear dries away into us,
only to blossom as a smile another day.
beautifully put!
I hv no more tears left to cry...does that mean no more smiles too?
ty Jira!
**because you turn them to smiles
aww HUGZ! I hv that ability yes...I hope it wont die on me.
ty Arunima!
Cess hey tnxx hun!
wow lovely! Wuts it this time?
hey!!! chin up , girl...u sound terribly hurt...hope everything's okay?
take care...
ty Suresh!
**Life is what happens to you when all your plans fail ...and fail they will.
I love wut u said there. Its so true. Cos we plan life not knowing that life has its own plan for us.
hey Chriz!
Nah Im not worried..neither am I complaining...just a tad tired rowing this boat in a sea of tears and never seeing the sands...
**i have my strong shoulder.. lending it now.. you can cry for sometime.. but dont make me cry by crying too much on my shoulder
haha u made me laff so much! ty n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! :):) wut if I put snot on ur shoulder? LOL!
ty Prashanti!
**I would like to refer you to a amzing post "Unveiling The Veiled". Im sure you know how to get to it ..
awww :) I know..I re-read that post already. MWAH ur so sweet!
ty for the encouragement!
ty Dee MWAH!
**Tears clear ur eyes and helps u view the world with clearer eyes
they sure do...now I dun hv anymore left to shed..
Joi why d u feel defeated sweetie?
Truthful I got ur comment...will check it out soon. ty n MWAH! :)
OMG Truthful my Blog is ELEMENTARY level hahahahaha! well no surprises there cos Im still a kindy kid na? :)
*HUGZ* ty for the smiles!
ty Trance!
everything 'seems' fine yes...:)
ty Sawan!
**you are alone no matter who ever is with you. your mind is your own, no one reads it. friends [me included] could offer jokes, but smile or not, you decide!
I agree...we r all lonely souls trying our best to be together somehow.
**we end up doubting ourselves and our capabilities and all that is left is our tears..
yes...we tend to put all our capabilities on someone else and when that person is no longer there to hold em, we feel our wings r clipped...
ty Steve!
**No one see's the tears,
When ya crying in the rain!
yes no one will really know your tears but u.
ty Maca!
nah girl...I can be the worst role-model ever :)
aww ty for u'standing Bev HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
My wknd was a downer too...lonely, sad, gloomy, dull, alot of bad news...
I hate funerals btw...I try to avoid em somehow...cos I get all depressed.
Suma tnxx hun HUGGGGGGGZ!
Dun worry..I'll be ok.
hey wat happened keshi dear..r u fine?
wookay!! go read my post hav written sumthing abt u I guess it'll meje u happy
tears are not the only source for a smile da...
you know that...
Very sad, but beautiful post sweetie.
:)just imagine how i manage....
*HUGZ* Keshi.
so sad, but beautifully written
here's wishing you brighter days
Joyce Im not sure wuts happening to me anymore..
tnxx for the lovely n warm tribute HUGZ!
tnxx Arv!
ty Jay HUGZ!
Southy I can only imagine..it must be so very hard!
HUGZ Amy tnxx alot! Ur post was really apt for me.
RLL ty so much HUGZ!
Every plan doesn’t get thus, what drop out dear plan don’t know but u were sad I know. move on... Hugss.
i am backkkkkk...:P..heheh...gud mornin sweet :)....so did i rub ur tears off..:)..
I know your down, but life always has a way of turning things around and making you smile again..
Take care and remember you a couple of hundred ppl who are concerned ..so cheer up quick..
this is pure stupidity. People just think about themselves wat abt me , wat abt me. Come on growp up. money, food,sex, glamor, property, job, friends.. nothing can give u pure and true joy. Satisfaction lies within.
these days you seem quite sad and introspective. all well?
ty for u'standing Jeevan HUGGGGGGGGZ!
I know u really care abt me...
ty Hemz...u always put a smile on my dial anyways :)
hey Anu ty sweetie HUGGGGGGGZ!
Vinod who d u thik u r? First time on my blog and u think u know me so well to call this stupid? D u even know 1% of wut my life is or wut it has been so far?
** Come on growp up. money, food,sex, glamor, property, job, friends.. nothing can give u pure and true joy. Satisfaction lies within
Ur the one who has a massive growing up to do, not me. If u talk to ppl the way u do, then ur the one who needs to learn how to TALK in the first place!
I'd appreciate it if u stop calling my feelings stupid. Im not a whinger like u r!
mood change????
it happens I had been in such phases..
so I can understand....
But wat i say do plan the things coz if u don't plan the world won't treat u well..there is nothin random in this world...
So don't loose hope...
at least m there...so don't be alone :)
Jitterz I hv my reasons..I cant lay em all out in the open...cos of super dumb ppl like the commentor above u, who thinks they know everything abt a person thru one blog post.
ty Bro I knew u'd u'stand..HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
mee too. that's was why i mentioned her name specifically
Hey dear..what hap? Throw away what is troublg you... you deserve a better life.
By the way..those lines were really touching
coomon keshi give captions to all my pics or i am goin to come to aus to kill ya...and no mood will change again :P..heheh..
I know how u feel Satish...its very hard when someone u looked upto suddenly decides to leave...
ty Chap!
And HAPPY BDAY again :)
Hemz if u kill me who will give captions to ur pics? :)
What happened baby!?? Why such a sad poem?? I dont like to c u so sad. Plz cheer up!! For my sake and for all those ppl who want to see u happy.
Ria it was one of those DOWNER wknds...u know, the kind that refuses to make ya feel good even if u dress up nicely n try to be happy...there's that emptyness lurking deep down...and then u wanna rip ur clothes off hehehe...
keshi ... nobody's path is full of tears ..they'll watyer the flowers to come ...nd dont bother bout plannin ..it hardly ever goes right ..
luv ya...now smile :)(this smiley has a very small smile ..make urs longer)
This one is awesome.
very well narrated.
keep it up.
I haven't been to ur blog since long due to my marriage preparation which is on 22nd November.
If you are in india during that time then do join with us.
Keep Rocking,
Tejas Lakhani
E.mail ?
exactly..i feel this way all the time n then, i stop thinkin abt it
feel better?
see, youve got so many ppl out here to wipe of those tears!
uve got a reply waiting @ ripples.
hey there .... you seem to be down ... hmmm ... no worries ... plan a trip down to Mumbai ... and my company will cheer you up :) ... okay ... okay .. will take you to meet up John as well :-p
didnt knew that you can write poems too ...
you take care mate ... and keep smilin ...
hey hun..y sound sad? dun wory..it wil b alrite tommrow..:-D god bless u! tcare dear
hey i m sorry, dont wanted to hurt u. But wat i told is right.
the words are indeed too meanigful dear....looks like u r having a down time....my huge huggsssss for ya.....
life does take unexpected turns and we wonder how things turned this way...we mite regret things we dint do, be happy also that we dint do certain things, that we did some etc...
after all life is a mixture of taers and happiness na....
i dunno..its just makess me feel lik dat wen i read ur poem
hello... all well?
So, you are good now? Feeling better? That's more like it. That's more like you.
As I said in my reply, Kesh, this is the way of life. Some good, some bad.
That's the way it's going to be.
Hey Waht happenined dear....??
u sound saaaddd!!
Btw never knew u write poems as well :))
good one:))
was out on a vacation... :DDD
Cheer up,my babY! :)
I love these lines-->
"How could I have planned so much?
When my path was only made of tears..."
Touched me deep down..
Wow!..you can write poems well tooo..to think of the fact that I had the motion tht Kesh was the girle-and-girlie types :P..kiddin'
Nice work!
PS-If you want to dedicate something to my blog..the last time is today evening..!
hey no point in getting depressed.. wake up and move on.. we have to do this till the end.. no one can experience what u r going thru...
i cam here lokin 4 dat post whch u said u hv written & tears are wot i see.... HUUUGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
u row thru de sea of tears ...& its hurts dat u hvt yet seen de sands ...but y do v wnt 2 c de sands , y do v luk forward to somthn better tan wot v r havn , y don v jus accept de sea whr u nw live ....& look ...wow...de beauty of de water glistening ..
de sand charm u , but dey ar dull too ... hw do v noe dey r any better tan de tears...
u were euphoric yday & nw ders pain ..hell lot of it..
i wonder somtimes keshi .....y ..its de same wit me , one moment i wll b lost n tears of joy ...& den der is a emptiness ...whch i often shy away from ..at de most i jus take a peek at it , mayb its time to face it to de eye...
wll i b consoling u wen i say dis is de story everyhwr ....life is ultimately a journey whr v need 2 walk alone ....som ppl hv de illusion dat dey hv thier partners or kids or parents or friends wit dem ....but ...v noe , don v...der is an emptineess none can fill......
i cld relate to de verse ..need i tell u hw beautiful it is....tears ...ahh..let dem flow, i noe u r not sad , yet....
u okay now?
the poem is nice but really sad...
Heartfelt poetry Keshi x
its wonderful.. but hope you arent feeling that blue..
Keshi.. Lovely post. Sad? Im Tiffanys friend Steven.. she has introduced me to you. We are doing a collaboration and im starting from scratch while she has some time out. Just wantd to introduce myself and say hello. Steven
u ok ma? i will pray for u ma... Don t worry... Do yr prayers... God will help u definately to wah away all yr problems... Take care dear :)
wat happened gal...
***when its ALL tears wut d u do?
Just cry it out 'N finally I'll learn to smile even in tears
Beautifully written, but you are young and there will be many times in your path through life that you will have heart aches and heart breaks. We grieve but must go on and happier days will come again. I am truly sorry for your sorrow.
I don't know what to plan and what not to plan.... I just end up planning for things which are best left unplanned (and visa versa).... clumsy me....
Hi,Keshi-believe me,that was really touching..I mean,even I get thoughts about how things in life go totally against plans,but,can't really put them in poetic form like you did!!Fav. lines?
'Now I live one day at a time'.
'Life looks back at me telling a story'...that's just given me the inspiration for the next topic of my post..let's see.:)
Beautiful and True.
TT tnxx hun!
**they'll water the flowers to come
that was very encouraging TY!
Tejas ur getting married? WOW! :) Im so very happy for ya!
ty so much for that kind invitation too! I really wish I cud be there but I dun think I'll be in India so soon :(
All the best mate!
Hobo Im ok tnxx! :)
Krithika yes I stop thinking abt it too..only for a while.
hey ty Sawan!
ty Hiren!
yes even John dun help sometimes :)
hey ty Anits HUGS!
Vinod hey!
**hey i m sorry, dont wanted to hurt u. But wat i told is right
u say u dun wanna hurt my feelings after calling them STUPID? And further u say wut u said is RIGHT? WOW!
I agree Enigma...its a mixture of tears and smiles. HUGS n ty!
Joi I know wut u mean...u plan something and u dun get there, so that feels like defeat.
Anks Im ok dear...ty! :)
I know Soul...just that sometimes u wanna give it some thought and express it..
ty Chakoli!
mebbe I got all sad cos u were missing for so long? :) HUGGGGGGGGZ n WB!
ty Crystal HUGZ!
**to think of the fact that I had the motion tht Kesh was the girle-and-girlie types
hehehehe d u mean Im a tomboy? LOL!
I wrote a dedication for ya...
I know Uttsy...no one can get in another's shoes 100%. Well-said n ty for the encourgament!
*HUGZ* luv ya!
awwww ty so much for u'standing my feelings so weel Enchanted!
I knew it that u wud get the meaning behind this post really well. And how u wrote ur comment lifted my spirits...it just made me feel that someone out there knows exactly wut Im saying and hv been thru the same feelings. ty so much for that. HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**life is ultimately a journey whr v need 2 walk alone ....
spot on! No matter wut, we r all alone...and if u realised that, then I think we r doing fine. :)
Ur wisdom at this tender age amazes me girl! u just rock!
ty Anjuli!
Im ok yes :)
ty Milady HUGZ!
hey Harini Im doin ok girl..tnxx!
Hello Aphrodite's friend Steven! :)
tnxx for dropping by...I will come ard soon. I miss her already :(
ty My_Life!
Nirmal some things didnt happen..but its ok..its all for the good right?
Aneesh I hv no tears left to cry...I think I hv to rent some tears now LOL!
hey Exsenso WC n ty so much!
I know I hv to move on...I hv...and I will...
I know Akshay! When u plan nothing really happens..
hey Amit tnxx! :)
wow I inspired u to write ur next post? woohoo!
hey Luscious ty sweetie HUGS!
very very very b'u'tiful lines keshi....
Dunno Y I so much relate 2it...
A wondeful post!
Hope ur ok now!
Marriage is on 22nd Nov.
its 4 day function u can say coz
On 21st we have sangeet ceremony and as being a gujarati so dandiya will be there later in the evening.
22nd is marriage date.
On 23rd We have Marriage Reception.
and on the same day when clock ticks 12 at the midnight this brat is turning a year older.
yup u guessed it right. Its my birthday on 24th november.
Tear never and should never stay beyond TIME...
as Time sets itself in motion (which is anyway bound to happen)..tears will give way to smiles ad sometimes viceversa..
without we being responsible anyway...
and that itself is the fall and rise of Time in motion -- you read me, no?
will read the rest later, Keshi!
sometime i ahve the same feeling, but as human being we should never lose our derection or objective why are we here, and that drives to lfe and sometime make sense, but check my blog check my poetry and check how i find the life just click on this .http://wwwsebastiaograciamind.blogspot.com/
Wow you have a beautiful place here :)
Have to say, the poem is very sweet. It's simple, yet conveys what the writer must have had in her mind :)
Nice work :)
ty Sins! :)
hey Tejas so many great events coming up for u altogether..lovely!
**its 4 day function
wow! :) 4 days ha!!
I'll make sure I come ard to wish u on ur wedding day and on ur bday.
tnxx mate n all the very best!
ty Devika!
**Tear never and should never stay beyond TIME...
I agree...everything has a time...
hey Sebastiao WC n ty!
I agree..never lose direction in ur life!
ty Sunshine!
When you look at the mirror, our past comes and goes. Heart always stays alone or lonely no matter who is with you. When you speak to urself it makes feel better and that motivates you to keep going. You can live alone as long as you have inner strength, but never feel lonely coz its kills our confidence.
beautifully put Priya!
**You can live alone as long as you have inner strength, but never feel lonely coz its kills our confidence.
yes...but how d u not get lonely?
we don't need tears to cry? do we
Alone to me is basically spending time to yourself in your own way. Lonely is something like you are dropped of with nothing around you even to think and then it leads to fear.
We shud not feel lonely coz inside our heart they are good and bad memories to think and bounce back. Only when you feel everything is lost and u cannot control of yourself including mind and body, lonely comes in.
I agree Aneesh.
true Priya...I agree. tnxx hun!
i cant find my comment here...keshi, this is hard work, scrolling 2 miles of comments to see your reply...but hey, wudnt do it for anyone else. :)
chin up girl...
ty Tys HUGZ!
when ur looking for my reply to ya, just search for 'Tys' :)
lovely...just simple lovely babes.....you just described what i have been feeling for a long long time....
HUGZ Sushmita!
We all hv our share of tears, I know.
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