Hey guys do you know my pics came up in Vogue, Rolling Stone, Modelling Int, Cosmo and Tru Love? Move over Gemma Ward, Naomi Campbell and Helena Christensen urggggggg! Keshi is here to occupy all the Fashion pages now aha aha! So pack up your boob-tubes, roman straps, heavy makeup bags and please leave girls. You can't compete with a natural fashionista now can ya? ;-)
THANKS Curry I really loved doing this tag...got an awesome feeling having my pics up on famous mags, feeling like a supermodel now meoooooow scratch scratch LOL! And in Cosmo of all mags woohoo I FEEL GOOD! Mag me hunny, all over again ahhhhhh! btw guys please continue reading my last post with the winning quotes by some very famous people from 2 posts down. (I just couldn't stay away from this gorgeous new post so I published these 2 posts within a couple of hours from each other hehehe). So how do you like my humps ha? ;-)
Now girls and boys, which mag would you buy out of the 5 above? Meaning which one looks the best on first impressions and why? (Comments from you would allow us to analyse the psychology of a Mag buyer). Please don't say none ok LOL! plz plz plz be kind.
Like to be on a magazine cover girls? To strut your stuff in style contact Miss.Keshi Versace aha ***says that with a mega attitude and all***. Happy Week ahead babies!
Current Music: My Humps by Black Eyed Peas
Current Music Update: Atomic by Blondie
284 Cranium Signets:
Love this.... how did you do that with your pics?
Modelling Int. No reason except I like that pic best.
I like the Cosmo cover because they way your hair is over your eye is mysterious. I thought it was very nice photo, but the others are also good. You take good pictures.
Hey! The rolling stones looks seductive....grr... :P
Have a great week superstar lady. :)
You really could be a model. Your eye contact is piercing!!
gimme one reason y i ld lie to u????
and i ld go with cosmo n vogue..damn..if looks cud kill :D
(( faints )))
Lisa hun come work for me in my Modelling Inc. LOL!
btw u didnt tell me which one u liked the best?
u forgot PLAYBOY
wudnt u want to be a calendar girl?
aww tnxx Andrew!
I think it's got a touch of innocence...but no makeup at all LOL!
tnxx Nadine MWAH!
I like the Cosmo one the best too :)
meowwwwwwwwwww @Ghosty!
LOL! ;-)
RS one is great too...a bedroom one sorta ha...nice choice u've got.
Stepher hun MWAH n tnxx for dropping by this 'famous' chick's blog ;-)
omg Mav those 2 r my top 2 as well! good taste u've got.
lie? hmmm just because! ;-)
lol Jim wake up! dun die on me!
Jim Im not a Playboy model..Im quite a decent model ok :)
how about a nude center spread
WTH is that Jim? urrrrg!
@keshi..lol..i knw i ve good taste wen it comes to models :D
so u mean Im modelish? LOL! @mav
u sure like to look in the mirror dont u
is that a legit word?
yeah Jim Im one of them...lol get a life now!
I wanna be the photographer when you do the Maxim centerfold spread! No I'm not a professional photographer. Why do you ask? ;-)
I like the true love the best. I just like the way you are staring at me in that one. I know everybody else thinks you are staring at them, but I'm pretty sure you where staring directly at me when you took that picture.
And, it makes me feel all tingly inside.
well not too sure but i gues u give heidi klum a run for her money??Wat say?
its a good thing u dont allow annony mouses in here
the poor guys wud go crazy
i got shock of my life when i saw the first magz! hehehehe.. keshi keshi.. :P
hard to make my choice. can i grab them all? ;)
even after 'careful' consideration, i'm still torn between Cosmo, TruLove and Rolling Stone!
check out ur mailbox dearie. gtg now.
IS that cosmo's 'grandma edition' by any chance???
u sure are a super model
u have the looks
u have what it takes
but speaking as an Indian
I wudnt want the pic of my love to be on the glossies
i was hoping to see a Maxim cover shot.. hahahha.. how are you girl...
Kajole married Ajay Devgan
(wonder what she saw in him)
both are actors
though Kajole is a better actor and more prettier
I read a recent interview
they been married 7 years
a Bollywood record
Kajole: I am a mother first
Ajay is the actor and Director
He brings home the bacon
if u want to stay happily married to your man
u better not out shine him
Indian males have very fragile egos
the Aishwarya Abhishek marriage is doomed
heyya Jay tnxx for dropping by for the 2nd time today :) HUGS!
**Maxim centerfold spread
WTH is that? I mean Im not so mag-savvy after all LOL!
** know everybody else thinks you are staring at them, but I'm pretty sure you where staring directly at me when you took that picture.
wow tnxx! Thats a revelation abt a mag-buyer. See, ppl wanna feel that it's them that the mag models r looking at/starung at...so the mag ppl need to get that right with the model they display. Wow im learning stuff here :)
tnxx alot Jay! Still tingly? ;-)
awwwwww tnxx for making me feel so super special Mav..even thos it cud be just lies. LOL!
Jim arent the anony mice already crazy beyond recognition? :)
aww tnxx Ammmu! U should do this one too..wud be lovely to see ya on Mags. :)
**i'm still torn between Cosmo, TruLove and Rolling Stone!
dun be..buy em all. LOL!
me a big Mag whore now. :)
heyya Stygian college kid. LOL!
**cosmo's 'grandma edition' by any chance???
if this is the Granma edition I wonder what the College kid edition wud be like? perhaps with diapers? LOL!
the most ideal marriage in Bollywood is
SRK and Gauri
heyya Jim the Indian husband of all times. LOL!
**I wudnt want the pic of my love to be on the glossies
well I dun give a damn ok..let me be famous now. LOL!
heyy DIDI tnxx :)
do I know ya from b4?
heyya Jim somehow Ajay has a cuteness..even tho his teeth r screwed up. :)
**u better not out shine him
Indian males have very fragile egos
well who said Im gonna marry such a man, one witha fragile ego, Indian or not?
yep I like SRK n Gauri..the BEST couple in the world!
**Aishwarya Abhishek marriage is doomed
how d u know?
Amitabh was smart
when he married Jaya
he kept her at home
no more acting
same with Rishi Kapoor
and Dimple
and Anil Ambani and Tina Munim
So wut d u want all men to do Jim..keep their women indoors like keeping the cattle? bah! Those days r gone.
Hi Keshi
If I was to run with any of the mags, I would choose Comos. It’s got more in the way of appeal, mystique, and a nice blend of appealing colors. The photo is excellent. The photo is balanced compared to the other mags where your picture takes more away than it adds to the overall appeal.
You asked. You got.
well sumtimes...these statements are knwn as true lies... :D
got ur msg :)
Keshi, international super model!! You look better than the usual girls they have on those magazines!
Balraj Sahni married Santoshji
at parties
she was introduced as Mrs Balraj Sahni
she resented it
Santoshji is a very creative person
a writer of children stories
and a great singer
she lived her life in the shadow of the great Balraj Sahni
a wasted life
she hated the filmi parties and never went to any
she made sure none of her daughters married filmstars
Heylo Keshi..
I would buy Rolling Stones, Cosmo and Trul Love.
The three cover shots i like best!:P
it will take a 100 years for Indian men to change
maybe more
heyya Bev tnxx hun!
**The photo is balanced compared to the other mags where your picture takes more away than it adds to the overall appeal.
lol u b###h! ok tnxx for being so bloody honest then. hahahaha!
Hi Keshi
Still laughing on this end. Hahahaha
Balraj-ji was a nice guy
'when I had no money I enjoyed my life
going places on my scooter
swimming at Juhu Beach ...'
after he became famous
'now i have the moolah
I still have the inclination
but I dont have the time'
Bev b###h come get my humps. LOL!
You can look but you can't touch it..
If you touch it I'ma start some drama!
Jim who the F is Balraj?
Rolling Stone hands down. I'm going to have to take a cold shower with that look you are giving. The slightly wild look of your hair is so HOT!
I wud go with Tru Love :D
U look fab! ;) DANG!
u never heard of Balraj Sahni??
I lived my childhood in Juhu
most of the aspiring filmstars lived in juhu then
the Feroz Khan clan:
Sanjay khan
Akbar Khan
I know their roots
Balraj lived in a rented appartment then
I cud write a book on
(Pithaly too)
the intimate secrets of the film stars
Hi Keshi
I studied drama for 4 years, only to become a comedy writer.
Kinda ironic. LOL
mav hey!
**true lies
jee tnxx Phoso! :)
heyya Amy!
**I would buy Rolling Stones, Cosmo and Trul Love.
aww I like em too. :) tnxx hun!
oii Jim!
**it will take a 100 years for Indian men to change
who said I'd even wait that long LOL!
heyya BB tnxx ;-)
**The slightly wild look of your hair is so HOT!
looks like BB's got his fire-alarm going off LOL!
ty Impressionist! :)
**Tru Love
that I hv lol!
Jim ok :)
hi again Bev! :)
**I studied drama for 4 years, only to become a comedy writer.
LOL! Kinda like how I wanted to be a model and ended up being a murderer...I mean IT consultant. ahem!
haha...keshi's claim to fame eh? ;)
all those pics are hot babes...but i liked the 'rolling stones' pic of u best...no particular reason as such...somehow liked it more than the rest...:)
and keep rockin!!
then there was this guy
Ashok Bala, tall dark and handsome
(Pithalys hero)
he used to walk the length of Juhu Beach in a skimpy bathing suit
he cud have any girl he wanted
he had technik
Bala wud stroll past the girl
and whisper a few words
and walk by
then after a few more steps ahead
he wud turn
to see the lady looking back
giving him the look
they wud be seen walking hand in hand in front of Pithaly
Ashok wud give Pithaly the wink
meaning he had bedded her
Pithaly begged and pleaded
but Ashok never told no one those lines
@keshi..lol..being an IT consultant is also like drama..u just ve to convince the client and make a fool out of them :D..replied to ur comment on my blog
Hi Keshi
I must sign off now, but that last line was funny. You should write comedy.
See ya
Pri baby...
You can look but you can't touch it..
If you touch it I'ma start some drama!
LOL tnxx hun!
:) Jim
Mav I so know that IT trick LOL!
**rolling eyes***
hehe my life is a comedy Bev ;-)
catch ya laterz!
Pittz tried it too
he pulled his pants down in front of Meena
Pittz was only 10 then
I am outta here
Pittz will kill me for this
Cosmo all the way ;)
and oh where r these mags available...wuld like to see more of u ;)
@keshi..thnx..gues i made a big baboon outta myself eh??lol..sorry abt it :)
No Playboy or Penthouse covers? :P
LOL... :P me disappointed :P
Just kidding... u r a super model :D
Jim yukk he did that? LOL!
Dhruv ty I like Cosmo the best too :)
Where r these mags? LOL I dunno haha!
ty Icemaaaaan! :)
**No Playboy or Penthouse covers?
hmmm thats not Keshi's area of u know ;-)
The last one........
i can't tell you here!
aww Stevo tnxx!
but I didnt hv a Playboy mag here for u to be so shy abt telling me WHY right? LOL!
i think rolling stone...esp your article on your guitar ...lol :P
sorry luv.
Those type of mags don't interest me....
I like .........?
Cosmo ofcourse .. tht hair duo does give a modellin feeling .. else thr shud hav been some half-nekked pics ..atleast on the cover .. hehe ..thts wht helps the mags sell baby ;)
though d rolling stones shows those luscious red lips on the white .. umm .. i wnt speak further :P
PS: thnx a ton keshi .. I really appreciate that u put d sng again fr me ..thts so sweet of u. hugzz :)
The COSMO cover has the best 'come hither' expression. You need to do a full length shot, and don't feel weird about tweaking it with photoshop like the real ones...
wasn't there a Playboy cover?
I could email you some Bunny Ears and a fluffy tail if that would help. Just a thought.
Definitely Cosmo - you look great, and the articles are appealing to both men and women - I knew a guy once who aways bought Cosmo because he "wanted to know how women thought"... what fun!
you are stunning! and so famous!
wow! they're all SO good.
you are absolutely just the most charming, likeable, fun and interesting person in the world! maybe even the whole universe.
that's all.
hey thats wonderful....you being on the cover of all those magazines.
I would not like to buy any of those magazines bcoz I hate reading magazines. :-)
Hope you had a great weekend.
Cool! How did you do that???
Betcha working on a woman of the year cover for TIMES featuring the one and only poppy doll-pearl :D
what awesome covers - totally hot all of them!!!
hmm....I like the Cosmo one - as well as the Tru Love one actually - ur smile is very cheeky and sweet.
Ohhhhhhhhh they r all good - but I'll go with Cosmo because u look stunning and I'd buy it!
all of them!
My my my my.....you are awesome dear :) I remember mine was done one time when I visited Dallas ;) few people still ask me were you a model for real ;)
But yours is done a marvelous job...good work who ever did it :)
Now I know the secret of your "famousness" :D
Keep it up I would buy all of them if the cover page has Keshi ;)
Luv ya
uyooo...its really great ..u really look like a model...y not to give a try.. ;)
ok supermodel hv a great week..muahhh
Modelling and Cosmo' my favorites.
I would buy the Rolling Stone, 'coz everybody wants to get their picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone!
The "Rolling Stone" cover rocks! And where's the "Playboy" cover?
cosmopolitan is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
make me a model too!
I will buy TruLove first
then Cosmo ;)
Keshi baby ans the polls on my blog n leave ur comment for my latest post.Will be back to read the posts I have missed out on ur blog.
ps: will you model for me? i promise I'll be good. :0)
Oh wow!! You look HOT!
[Thanks for the sweet email gorgeous gal. I turned my comments off on that last post.] x
Heyyy Keshi!!
I have been a bit unwell hence the disappearing act.. :)
Wow...Awesome pictures!! I liked the first n the last..coz I found the pics most captivating.. :)
You are a stunner...
n how about sm fashion n makeover tips from the supermodel??? ;) will be waiting... hehehe
keep smiling!!
I like more the TruLove and Rolling stone, because they are truly cool and young ;)
Happy weekdays for you too dear!
wowowow! lol i might do this really soon too now ;p
i loved the cosmopolitan one! looks real to the core!!! :D :D :D and u look haaaawwwwwtttt!
They are all gorgeous shots Keshi and it is hard to select only one!
If I must - then I would pick the Vogue cover shot - your eyes look amazing!
They are all gorgeous shots Keshi and it is hard to select only one!
If I must - then I would pick the Vogue cover shot - your eyes look amazing!
Great post . Liked it. I would prefer buying cosmopolitan as I feel the pic is better than other ones. BTW which phone do u use? LOL
Joke apart, try your hands in bolywood. There are many dumb gals out there. U will surely shine with your intelligence ang gorgeous looks!
What about date yaar? LOL
Hey rolling stone is the cutest pic in all. U look beautiful in it!
Hi,Keshi-wow-congrats- now,I can say I know a true celebrity.:)(Now,we know you're a blog celebrity,of course!)
I almost felt like shooting off a LTTE(Letter To The Editor),you know, complimenting them for a good choice of cover model.
Which one'd I pick?The Cosmo one,of course.Why?Coz the cover's more tantalizing than the other mags,and,coz I read Cosmo,as such!!..hehehe.:)Or,if I was in one of my mag-buying moods,I'd probably buy all??*muses*..cheers and have a nice day!
hehehe...I would buy all of them ....:)
I need you autograph...u r celeberty......:)
nice thing u have found.......:)
Oi.. where's the sports illustrated gone???
I saw that site in other blogs too, looks very nice.
I would buy the Cosmopolitan mag, you look great there!:)
Happy Monday sweets.
Keshi.. i m back!
1) how to take really gorgeous pics of mine!!!! like u do.. hmphhh
thats the main hurdle...
2) how do u convert it into this..
umm waow.. i cant take my eyes of yu... seriously!
Fantastic photos Ms Keshi - had you ever considered Playboy at all?
No ?...oh well..
keshi keshi keshi keshi keshi keshi keshi,
wonder why i thought different?
it's not like i haven't seen your name 1,000 times!
senior moment.
you are darling.
OOhh...u r in all these mag!Interesting....congrats! :)
Yes, I'd say you're a Cosmo-gal.
how did u do dat???
I think I like Cosmo picture better. How did u get hooked up there? :-]
lurve those!!!
been missing ya beautiful gal...and these covers make me go ooooooooooohhhh all over again!! :)
you still rock babe...remember my date from three years back?when can i cash that raincheck? [;)]
I love the true love mag... It feel like you're really a model with hot pose! Cool keshi!
THank for doing this tag. I know you will love this.. hehe...
It has been a long time we didn't chat or comment in each other blog. Miss this moment a lot... But I'm busy recently with my activities. Will come back whenever I can.. promise..
Cool pics there gal!
I always thought you resembled someone,it struck me now on seeing the Rolling Stones pic - Mallika Sherawat :)
Keep rocking!
I had lots of fun with this too--except I put all my friends on mag covers that I felt were apt for them.They loved it!!
Among all your pics I liked the one on cosmo cover the best.
ROlling Stone - cuz you look like a rock star!!!!
I would definately buy the Rolling Stone one. You look hot and edgy and sexy on that. You look a bit angry on the Cosmo one like you're PMSing ;)
hey babe m soooooooooooooo sowwwiiieee i came here afta sucha long time!!
was a lil too occupied :(
n sexy pics there....boy u look like a real supermodel...are u one by any chance??
n i think d cosmo cover looks d best...its just too real!!
(I like how it's pronounced in Spanish...
Cohzmohpohleetahn en EspaƱol: )
You look great in all the mag covers!! A "Natural" : )
Hugs & Blessings
Girl...I totally luuurrrved this. The vogue one's from me. And i got one for myself too...on NatGeo though..
Brain stuff.....he he...
You look red hot...!!
I love it!!!!
That last cover... grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
You're a Lemur baby, yeah! Dig baby, now burrow!!!!
Sorry Mav I nearly missed ur comment in the crowd...
**gues i made a big baboon outta myself
ofcourse not! chill :) ur ok mate.
aww tnxx Vish :) Im a rolling stonish gal alrite hehe.
heyy Steve Im glad ur not into Playboy mags etc. they r just cheap.
**I like .........?
hmmm...Cosmopolitan? :)
hey Anuj tnxx! ;-)
**thts wht helps the mags sell baby
u think so? I mean I know that many men buy mags for sex/porn etc...but I guess women buy mags for other reasons. Like style tips, beauty, r'ship advice etc..
Alot of girls liked the Cosmo cover.
So u like the Rolling Stone one..alot of guys liked that one.
So it's officical...girls go after Beauty and boys go after Sex. LOL!
heyya Homey HUGS!
**You need to do a full length shot, and don't feel weird about tweaking it with photoshop like the real ones...
hmmm I mite hv to look a bit anorexic to do that LOL!
Bunny ears? ooh lala Homey is into Playboy n all ;-)
heyya Terry tnxx hun!
**he "wanted to know how women thought"..
hehe cute. I know alot of guys who read Cosmo..it's a Unisex mag actually. I love Cosmo.
heyya Willz aww tnxx alot n HUGS!
**you are absolutely just the most charming, likeable, fun and interesting person in the world! maybe even the whole universe.
really? WOW I feel so happy yeyyyyyyy! U r too kind Willz. :)
hey Rama!
**I would not like to buy any of those magazines bcoz I hate reading magazines
wow not even for Keshi? :(
hey Saffy I got tagged..thats how I did it :)
It's easy..go here:
hey Silvara sweetz!
** but I'll go with Cosmo because u look stunning and I'd buy it!
aww tnxx girl!
Actually u should do this..I tag ya. Go here:
I'd love to see ur stunning beauty on the cover hun...go on, do it soon. :)
aww ty LaVida!
**bats her eyelashes**
heyya Dawny tnxx hun!
**I remember mine was done one time when I visited Dallas
u mean u did a Glamour photoshoot? WOW! I did one too hehehe...long time ago.
ty Anits!
**y not to give a try
nah too late. These days Modelling careers start at the age of 15 or so. LOL!
aww tnxx Priya!
U like the Modelling Int one ha? Not many ppl mentioned that one. tnxx sweetz n HUGS!
hehehe Judge I like that one too..;-)
My life-long dream came true..I was on the cover LOL!
Bla tnxx!
Playboy? hmm...that'll only be shown to my playboy ;-)
heyya Solitaire tnxx!
go here:
I'd love to see ur's done :)
ty Veenz I like those 2 the best too :)
Mez no worries hun, tnxx!
:) I read it..u cheeky girl!
ty Toothey
** will you model for me? i promise I'll be good
sure, I trust ya..where when? ;-)
oh ok Nora tnxx hun!
aww Swati tnxx hun!
**how about sm fashion n makeover tips from the supermodel
I dun do makeovers...cos this is the only ME i hv ever known. LOL!
btw u get better soon now. HUGS!
tnxx Jeevan!
**because they are truly cool and young
u mean I look YOUNGER in em? LOL tnxx for being so honest.
tnxx Cheesy I knew u'd wanna do this straught away LOL!
Go here:
I'd love to see ur's. :)
aww ty Milady!
**then I would pick the Vogue cover shot - your eyes look amazing!
actually I like that one the best...I feel it's classier than the rest. tnxx hun!
hey Mayur!
**BTW which phone do u use
LOL gee tnxx mate! :)
**try your hands in bolywood.
hell nah...I'd die there. u know why..the moment I set my eyes on all those hot Bolly hunks, I wont be ard for acting/modelling..cos I'd just pass out. LOL!
so u like the rolling stone one?
aww ty Amit! :)
I think we r all celebrities...in blogs, we all hv fame and individuality.
**I almost felt like shooting off a LTTE(Letter To The Editor),
plz dun cos that mite make em hire me n all. LOL!
u like the Cosmo one? cool! :)
KP hey tnxx!
u want my autograph? o well u hvnt even invited me into ur new blog for ages now LOL!
hey Jono!
come n get it! ;-)
aww tnxx Asha HUGS!
hey Veenz lol ur so sweet.
**1) how to take really gorgeous pics of mine!!!! like u do.. hmphhh
thats the main hurdle...
there's no hurdle there...take ur camera/phone and just click away in the bathroom until u get some great shots. LOL thats wut I do. :):)
**2) how do u convert it into this..
go to
and ur in Modelling heaven. ;-)
All the best! Let me know when u hv done it cos I so wanna see em!
hey Mutley tnxx!
**had you ever considered Playboy at all?
lol na..I hvnt graduated to Anna Nicole Smith status yet n prolly I never will. ;-)
hi again Willz!
**senior moment.
lol aww...it's ok. tnxx n HUGS!
ur infectious ;-)
tnxx FJ! ;-)
aww tnxx Helen! ;-)
Sam there's a site u can do FUN things at..thats how I did it :)
Vikz tnxx!
how did I get there? I had to date the Editor. LOL joking!
It's just a fake mag site..a fun site :)
hey Deipz HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Where hv ya been? I missed ya!
**remember my date from three years back?
lol yes...our crazy IT days ha? :) I'd go out with u any time Deipz...cos u r such a great mate and I'll never forget our friendship. HUGS!
hey Curry ty so much! I had so much FUN doing this :)
HUGS ur a darling!
yes I miss ya too...but its ok, take ur time and come bak when u hv some free time. I know ur v busy these days.
hv a wonderful day sweetz!
tnxx Sameera :)
**Mallika Sherawat
some ppl say that..but Im not as hot as her..she's got a FANTASTIC body!
aww tnxx PS! :)
where r ur ones?
really Sun? wow tnxx! woohoo! ;-)
ty Emma HUGS!
**You look a bit angry on the Cosmo one like you're PMSing
LOL i may hv been..u neva know! :):)
ty Gunj sweetz!
**boy u look like a real supermodel...are u one by any chance??
I am..in my head. LOL!
aww ty Coco HUGS!
**Cohzmohpohleetahn en EspaƱol
I so wanna see ur's Cinderella! Gimme the link hun.
tnxx MWAH!
hey Boy ;-)
** Dig baby, now burrow!!!!
Will do Keshi - got to find a hot enough pic to do it :P
has Pittz been here?
I am writing my auto bio
check your mail
I sent u an invite for the preview
Since when do I have a supermodel friend eh eh ehhh?
Cosmo - the pic suits the mag perfectly:)
Me gonna grab all these magazines from the newstand soon, likewise the one with Dalicia on the cover too :)
hehe dats gr8 piece of work keshi!
now that title viva forever suits ur post :D
Damn - when I post this, I'm at least 192.
You sure do have the Internet fans.
And you sure do rock the beauty mark thing too!!
I'd go with Tru Love, but you have to ditch the Fergie muzak.
She's the anti-christ.
I've actually banned Ol Match Dot Com Girl from playing her music in my car.
Self Obsessed.. Perhaps narcissism.. but whatever.. all of 'em look pretty good.. :)
Silvara u dun hv to FIND...u r hot by default. :)
ram charan will pass out if looks at this ;)
TQM na Pithaly hasnt been here yet LOL!
ok Jim tnxx!
Suga Suga ;-)
Shionge tnxx and Dalicia did this too? Aww I gotta check it out :)
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