Hey guys...how's it going? I'm still on my holidays...will be back for regular blogging on the 7th of Jan. Until then, I'm sharing with you some of my Christmas pics from family dinners, lunches, Xmas lights and some cosy moments with my cousins and their kiddies. I hope you all had a great Christmas break and a wonderful New Year's eve. Thank you so very much for dropping by when I wasn't around and leaving heartfelt messages for me. MWAH I love and miss you all! Can't wait to get back to Blogville. I have also been going on little trips, some long drives and to beaches and BBQs. Some scenic pics will follow later on. For now, enjoy these Christmas pics (click on pic to read captions). Man I'm food-drunk and have put on weight! :( I intend to get back to my regular exercises and walking asap...til then I'll roam around like a wobbly lil product of rich festive food, jeez!
Now, as we usher a brandnew year in, we must remember the challenges we faced in 2007, all the memories made and the lessons learnt. My most memorable lesson from the year 2007 took place when a few harsh words from a loved-one that hurt me alot (for days), somehow made me the strongest that I have ever been. Not cos I've become numb, but because I have become free...free from depending on what others say/think who I am. What only matters to me right now is what I think who I am. Cos I'm my own person and in the end, I'm the only one I have to answer to. Share with me your most memorable lesson from year 2007 (if you have one).
The song playing right now is my fav from year 2007 from a great Aussie band, and I dedicate it to the memories of year 2007. God bless you all for a wonderful, happy and safe 2008, have a blast guys and see ya soon...MISS YA MADLY!
The song playing right now is my fav from year 2007 from a great Aussie band, and I dedicate it to the memories of year 2007. God bless you all for a wonderful, happy and safe 2008, have a blast guys and see ya soon...MISS YA MADLY!
.. .. ..
Wake me up low with a fever
Walking in a straight line
Set me on fire in the evening
Everything will be fine
Waking up strong in the morning
Walking in a straight line
Lately I’m a desperate believer
But walking in a straight line.. .. ..
Current Music: Straight Lines by Silverchair
69 Cranium Signets:
Nice photos. A Happy New Year to you. Check out the give-away on my blog. I think that you'll be glad you did.
Happy New Year to you Keshi:)
happy new year keshi :)
Wishing You & Your Family A Very Happy & Joyful New Year!!
Take care :o)
Ravi (a reader of your blog)
hi Keshi..Thanks for bringing australia to us !!..just lovely..
Wish you a very happy new year
Here's wishing you a very happy new year Keshi! I do feel this one's gonna be quite special for you :)
love the 'we rule' photo.
Nice to c u back...albeit for a while Kesh. Hope you are having a fun time.
Happy New Year...
memories of 07 will come in a post i hope...so u can back and read it after ur hday...
Happy New Year Keshi! Oh your turning wobbly ... once you get un-wobbled tell us the algorithm ... :)
hello girl... a very happy new year to u......... hugsssss
Happy New Year Keshiroo!
Next year I am sending over a Jumbo Jet full of snow so that you and all of the other 'kids' can frolic, make snowmen, and take your holiday photos in a Winter Wonderland.
See you soon.
Very nice, thank you!
Happy New Year Keshi baby!
wish you a very very very HAPPY NEW YEAR Keshi!! may you have 2000 and 8 wonderful memories this year...
ps: to answer you question, the one thing that i have sort of figured out is that maybe i need to stop putting everyone else on a higher priority scale than myself. cause at the end of the day it leaves you standing there feeling and looking like an idiot.
2008 is going to be my year!!
oh happy new year to ya keshi... hope you had fun.
Happy new year Keshi! :)
We miss yah, come back soon! :)
Happy New Year, Keshi!
Happy NEW Year Keshi:)
hey keshi...a very happy new yr to u...keep rocking..and ya..life always has surprises...some do make us stronger :)...cheers!!
Happy new year sweetheart, have an excellent, loving, and revitalizing year ahead. Amongst men, we wish each other much wealth, women and wine, but unless you're going to tell me about a hidden preference for women (pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease), much wealth and wine to you at least :p
Take care dear :)
What a delightful slide show!!!
Happy New Year Miss Keshi!!!
I am so glad you are having a wonderful holiday!
I look forward to another Keshi year!
Happy New Year Keshi baby. I hope 2008 brings u everything u desire and much much more :D
Can't WAIT to have u back again :P
Wish you a very good 2008 - may all your dreams come true! :$
My most memorable lesson this year was how important it is to keep important papers in places others can find if you become ill. When My mom took ill and passed my youngest brother and his wife had to move mountains to get her affairs in order. Best wishes to you Keshi and everyone else for a Happy New Year.
Belated Happy New Year Keshi
happy new year to you keshi! nice slides :)
A very Happy New Year; hope it is blessed year with all your hopes and aspirations growing stronger!
in the last year I did learn that sometimes keeping my mouth shut is what helps a lot :D
and that whatever people say about you, in he end hard work really does pays off :)
and that all that YOU hope for might not come true, but hoping is nevertheless something that helps you out!! and I am not perfect at all... brr may be no one is more imperfect than me ;B
and did i wish you love, hapiness and success?
then there you go, Hope you get a Big Packpage of love, success and happiness in MONTHLY instALlMENTS
Happy New Year Keshi dear! I want to see how they celebrate Christmas there in Australia... and id love to see a white Xmas! :)
i love the "Christmas lights" picture very much... can you please send that picture to me keshi?
take care!
happy new year keshi...
and lessons learnt... err... i dont learn... all i do is make newer mistakes... instead of repeating older ones! And its fun! Lolz!
(psst!... a secret... see ya really soon!)
Happy New Year 2008, Keshi.
u didnt answer my question
did u get laid?
it seems so
your face is glowing
Happy New Year to you Keshi...
Hope u had a fun holiday!
Looks like they burned the opera house down!! Great pictures of your holidays!!
hi keshi...mis u so much...happy new year to u...d photos are lovely...tcare n come back soon for blogging..mmuahhh
need ur mail id?
Happy New Year. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Love ya Keshi :)
Happy New Year Keshi.. Beautiful photographs.. i hope you are having a nice time with your friends and folks :) take care
Happy New Year Keshi!
hey keshi gal!!!
wish you happy new year!!!
real nice pics!!!
what have i learnt in 2007...well..lots...most importantly...one has to embrace pain in the the same way as happiness in order to live a full life....
btwi have mailed u the wedding pics!!!!!
Happy new yr to u to..saw sydneys fireworks which were soo pretty
Happy new year to you and family :)
Happy New Year! Loved the photos and the way they came in on the screen (I'm a technical idiot). I was in Vancouver 31st day and flew to London, but I got to celebrate the new year with Australia before I got on the plane!
Wishing you all the best in 2008!
Happy New Year Sweet Keshi!
2008 will make us better, greater, higher, sweeter and richer.
Do not let anything stand in the way of your dreams and visions.
God has given us the best things in life.
Take good care of the beautiful and wonderful life God has given you.
Avoid negative people.
Go with postive people and celebrate with those who celebrate life.
Cheers and God bless.
Happy new year Kesh!!!!!
Hi Keshi. Great Christmas photos, you have a beautiful family. My best wishes to you for a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Hey gorgeous,
Happy New Year..
Happy New Year to you Keshi:)
How was ur newyear vacation.....
Happy new year Keshi girl. I am back at last!:D
Enjoy the break, I will see you on the 7th. We get to see Aussie new year fireworks on TV here too, comes first for you and then to us!:))
Happy New year 2008 keshi :)
Happy new year babez :)
Welcome back dearie and Happy New Year!Looks like you had a great time,so happy for you!Love ya.Hugs!Muaaaaaaaaah :)
Happy New Year Keshi!
Hope you have a wonderful 2008...keshi...
food drunk...sounds happy :)
Happy New Year - hope it brings you everything you wish for.
its a good thing not to take seriously what other people think or say about us. more often than not, i've noticed that people don't hurt us as much as we get hurt by them :)
warm new year wishes to you and your loved ones keshi
Hey Keshi!! Just surfaced from the coma inducing food fog I've been in. Wishing you a very happy new year!!!
** My most memorable lesson from the year 2007 took place when a few harsh words from a loved-one that hurt me alot (for days), somehow made me the strongest that I have ever been. Not cos I've become numb
its been something along those lines for me too ;).
Too many lessons for its been the roughest year I've *EVER* had. The most imp. lesson though was tp never put my happiness in the hands of others. Guess u'll figure that out ;).
On a side note, 2007 really showed me as to how bad I was :D. Glad I got to know instead of living in bliss ignorantly ;).
A BERRY BERRY BERRY HAPPY NEW YEAR NUTTY :). May god (read as :(|) - lord hanuman) bless you with all the due success in all walks of life.
And god bless all your readers with less drama and more goodies from the nuttiest of all ... the one and only KESHI THE NUTTY. he he
Adoring pictures keshi! I like more the joyful smiles, a real x-mass tree, what are u doing now and more lights :) take good rest and come soon...
Lovely Tree Keshi..:))
And beautiful pics..:D
I guess the lesson i learnt in 2007 is to plan ahead.
nice fireworks! Happy New Year!
hey girl happy new year.... had a great start myself.. :)
kinda delirious from its after effects so gotta go now.. in case u r wondering why.. well... gini/isha was here!!
Happy New Year darlin'
First of all - Happy New Year!
My biggest lesson from this last year -and one I have had to learn over and again - LISTEN to my gut instinct. If it doesn't FEEL right, then it isn't right for me -no matter how badly I want it to be. If you do not listen to your own inner voice and feeling, then what trnaspires will probably be the exact opposite of what you'd hoped.
Amazing pics dear :)
I always think on New Year you know why??? coz I say to myself Keshi will celebrate it first than all :D
Happy New Year once again dear...keep that smile always
Happy New Year!!! Hope this year brings lots of joy and happiness into your life!
awwww pretty girls!!
i think lankan girls are sooo perfectly beautiful!
Hi,Keshi..that was a nice pic of Sydney and a nice slide show.Tks.Have a great year ahead.
"I have become free...free from depending on what others say/think who I am."
That's a great threshold to cross, saves a lot of unecessary grief.
If I could ever remember if unnecessary takes two ns or two cs that would be a good threshold for me to cross at this point.
While I'm at it, I'm really not sure about the number of Hs in threshhold.
Heck, I'm a mess.
Happy New Year.
tnxx all HUGGGGGGGZ!
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