Thursday, January 10

A Love Story...

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be...
The sweet love story that is older than the sea...
The simple truth about the love he brings to me...
Where do I start
With his first hello
He gave new meaning to this empty world of mine...
There'll never be another love, another time...
He came into my life and made the living fine
He fills my heart.. .. ..
-- Love Story

I long for him with a passion cos he is the silhouette of my heart. When he comes to me I wrap my lips around his, and I taste every inch of him with a deep lust. The richness of his soul re-awakens my weary soul every single day. The more I have him, the more I want him. The more I see him, the more I want to see him. Without him, life would be bland and pointless. Without kissing him and relishing him, I would not be myself. Without him I'd die. He is the life in me and his spirit runs through my veins. He caresses my heart with so much love that no one else can give...he fills me with vigor and strength that no one else can replace...he makes love to me in ways that completes my very existence. Only he can make me truly happy cos he listens to me in silence, he never judges me, he takes me as I am and gives me more in return, his passion for me is the same as my passion is for him, he is always there for me and will never expect anything in return. And his name is eeffoC (written backwards). And we have a love affair that no one can steal. And I spilt him all over my bag today, @#$@#$$ dammmmit!

UPDATE: It seems that most of my Indian mates here have BOYCOTTED my blog. Not surprised or upset at all :). Thanks for showing your true colors!

Current Music: Theme from Love Story (piano solo) by Henry Mancini

129 Cranium Signets:

KAYLEE said...

now thats a song and post that would cheer me up!

SIMON said...

Keshi absolutely lovely post.
I'm deeply in love with someone a long way from me but it's the love I share with you that keeps me going!!

Couldn't live without either loves!!!

Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi


I was waiting for the punch line.

Nice way to exit out of the last post. :)

I've tried to cut down on my caffine intake. I used to drink 10 large cups a day, now I drink 20 regular cups per day. :)

In fact, I'm drinking one now.

Coffee goes with my work. I work better when I'm wired on java. :)

If you make love to a man the way you make love to coffee, I don't know what your problem is.



tqmcintl said...

dont be silly Miss Keshi
nobody has boycotted u

do an HNT
they will be back

George said...

Oh I loved that story. As far as the shunning of keshi goes ... let them pound salt ... it's a game. If they put as much money and energy into research, peace, the environment as they do into sport .. the world would much more quickly become a better place

Margie said...

Hey hun
Come on over and I'll make you a good strong cuppa java!

I really enjoyed this post!
Love the music too!
Had me really wondering!!!!

Sending you lots of HUGGGGGGGZ!
And lots of love!

P.S You are just too sweet a person to be boycotted!
I can't believe that!

maverick said...

wow...thats a nice poem...n abt m not one of them....


Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi

I missed reading the last line. I truly hope that's not the case. Anyone who would boycott you for expressing your feelings is very immature. I am a crusader for freedom of speech. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Yes, I do know how to spell 'caffeine'.



KAYLEE said...

That last limne is awful to Hear!!!!! I would never do that whether I was indian or not you are too sweet to do that too! :)

Keshi said...

tnxx Kaylz Im glad it cheered u up :)

abt the last line..dun worry, I aitn upset either. Actually Im happy I got to know who's WHO from that last post hehe.




Ur a truly awesome dude! I love ya too :)


Keshi said...

Heyya Bev!

**I was waiting for the punch line.

LOL does that mean u r so sure of my eternal single life now? hahahaha!

o nos u drink that much of him? LOL! I only hv max 2 a day. But I truly enjoy having it!

** I work better when I'm wired on java.

me too..and sometimes I code in Java too ;-)

**If you make love to a man the way you make love to coffee, I don't know what your problem is.

hahaha hv no clue myself! mebbe most men dun like being made love to in that way?

**Anyone who would boycott you for expressing your feelings is very immature

tnxx hun, I agree :)


Keshi said...

lol TQM!

no more HNTs for any hypocrites..Im gonna hv to make my blog private and invite only my real friends..wut say?


tnxx George!

** If they put as much money and energy into research, peace, the environment as they do into sport .. the world would much more quickly become a better place

Spot on! This is what I said in the last post too.


Keshi said...

Margie my dearest I'd love to hv a cuppa with u! That too, made by u awwww...

Love Story music is one of my favs! even when I was a lean, shy 14yr old, I used to listen to this song and imagine abt my future lovers LOL!

Abt me being boycotted..I WC it..cos u know why, it shows I hv hurt their ego :)

tnxx hun MWAH!


Keshi said...

Mav Im glad ur not one..:) tnxx!

I realised that anyways..cos u were in my last post too and u handled it well...much better than some of my long-term Indian friends who forgot what FRIENDSHIP is, caught up in a cricket frenzy!

I respect ur thoughts mate and I admire how u put it across w.o. making it personal.



Jay said...

They won't be able to boycott long. Nobody can last very long without their Keshi fix. In fact, they're probalby sneaking over here to read you right now. LOL

WithinWithout said...


Sigh, just a chemical...

You're too beautiful not to have a human male like that...break free and let it happen...

Globescoper said...

Me's again LOL

I've been looking for a funny current event tonight. So far, I've found these sick stories:

Man Throws 4 Kids Off Bridge

9 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Attacks North of Baghdad

Decomposing Bodies of Four Juveniles Found in D.C.

Slain Teens' Muslim Dad Upset Over Dating

Medic Never Checked Back-From-the-Dead Victim's Pulse

Man Spots His Own Wife During Visit to Brothel

Man Sees 'Mark of Beast'; Cuts Off, Microwaves Hand

Okay, the brothel one is funny.


raffi said...

i thought you were going to say his name is raffi... after all, it rhymes with coffee :)

Keshi said...

Jay lol yeah u cud be right..they must be taking a peek and not commenting. Anyways its their call :)

thank God for mates like ya!


hehehe I got ya WW! :)

there was a guy like one stage in my life...he turned out to be flat coffee LOL!

tnxx mate!


Keshi said...

Lovely to hv u here again Bev!

tnxx for updating me with some news babeh! :)

**Slain Teens' Muslim Dad Upset Over Dating

which one is that? Aqsa?

**Medic Never Checked Back-From-the-Dead Victim's Pulse

wut? LOL!

**Man Spots His Own Wife During Visit to Brothel

haaaaaaaaaaaaha serves him right! ROFL!


Keshi said...

Raffi hey where hv ya been? awww :)

Raffi...Coffee...hey sounds delicious! ;-)

r ya delicious? LOL!


myimagination said...

God!! I thought the post was really passionate and all... but coffee?!! ;)
that made me all giggles!!

the music is fantabulous ( i have heard it..but where?? in sme Hindi song I m sure ;))

Hey, your blog is about your point of views and I am sure everyone here accepts it! I am glad that amidst all this you cud think rationally; and not emotionally ;) [i read the post this time along, the whole of it... I see your point.. and I respect it too]

though we will contradict on cricket, I still love all the other posts... so everyone will be back u see!!

I am really happy. they treat yu well there :)

God bless..


durjoy datta said...

nice one!!!!
and nobody has boycotted you...
i guess....
one win may set things right again...!!!

Keshi said...

MyImagination WC n tnxx!

LOL Im sorry it was just abt Coffee haha!

yep this is one of my fav solos...glad u liked it. Mebbe they re-did it in Hindi too. Im not sure...

ty so much for ur support and understanding! Yes we can agree to disagree but that doesnt hv to divide us. Ur spot on! I truly respect u even tho I dunno u much yet..cos ppl I knew for a long time hv clearly dissed me and failed to u'stand wut I was trying to say. Thats shoicking :)



Keshi said...

hey Durjoy tnxxx!

I dun mean you at all :) There were so many of my Indian readers prior to my 'Gimme Gimme All Your' post, who have suddenly vanished after that post. Some even didnt comment in my New Year post but chose to comment in the Cricket post just to vent out their anger. I went to their blogs and I see so much anger cos of this issue. Then I realised that they hv taken it so personally and clearly dun wanna be in an Aussie blog regardless of how long we hv been friends for. To me, thats SAD.

Anyways ur cool! Yeah I really hope India wins..I want em to win this time cos they do need justice.

:) tnxx!


Globescoper said...

Here's the story for you Keshi --Bev

'US - DALLAS — A man on the run from police since his teenage daughters were found shot to death in a taxicab on New Year's Day had threatened to hurt one of the girls for dating a non-Muslim boy, according to police documents.

Authorities deflected questions Wednesday about whether the sisters, who had both a Christian and Muslim memorial service, might have been victims of an "honor killing."

"There's a lot of speculation out there right now," Irving police spokesman Richard Gilmette said. "We have no solid information."

Amina Said, 18, and her sister Sarah, 17, were found shot multiple times in a cab outside a suburban Dallas hotel. Police found them after one of the girls called 911 from a cell phone and said she was dying. A capital murder warrant has been issued for Yaser Said, 50, who has not been seen since the Lewisville High School students were found dead.'

Southpaw unplugged said...

t seems that most of my Indian mates here have BOYCOTTED my blog. Not surprised or upset at all :). Thanks for showing your true colors!****Dont jump into any conclusion so fast..coz if that was the case then in the last 4 years we both hv had 40 odd arguements and it wudnt hv come so far, hope u understand that...:) As far as my stand was concerned i stand by Team India which had very fair demands, 1. Remove Bucknor who has a history of terrible decisions especially against the Indians, 2.Give a fair trial to bhajji and 3. Removal of the bias match refree Mike Procter. Now that Bucknor and Procter hv been shown the door and Chief of refrees Ranjan Madugalle is gonna scrutinize the bhajji-symonds issue all over again, nobody has any problem whatsoever and they hv moved to Canberra for their further matches...I had repeated again and again that it was never an issue been beaten by them at SCG it was against the way they were treated coz if that was the case they wud hv raised alarm in MCG itself. Not a single Indian made a hoohaa on the defeat at MCG coz everyone loved the way aussies bowled at the dead pitch and beat us comprehensively.
Last but not the least agreeing on anything and everything is not the basic yardstick of measuring a friend, there is lot more into it.

Sweetstickychewy said...

hehehe..This post got me all giggles...LOL..

I read and read wondering who it is..And COFFEE !! heehehee..

I have been dumping my poor baby eeffoc this days in the hope of shunning his calaroies away..:P

But i have to agree. He is so tasty and could easily make my day.

but for now i am gonna tease him till he calls for a irresistable day! lol!

yummalicious coffecilicous hmmm!

cute post! hehehe!:P

Keshi said...

OMG Bev another so-called 'honor' killing? I cant believe why such extremists move to countries like Canada! I smell HYPOCRISY all over!

I feel sorry for the 2 girls..HOW SAD is that!


Margie said...

Awwwwwww...thank you darlin' for all those sweet & kind words on my last post!
It means a lot to me!

Nitey nite hun!

P.S "When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?"
-Pam Brown

durjoy datta said...

it's almost out of place to see your blog entry with less than 80 comments....!!!!
people have reacted....
just like even the meekest turn out to be the craziest,angriest drivers inside that metal alloy shell....
bloggers too have this shell...from wherein they express their anger...! not only that they do that...they go a little overboard while doing that!
things will be fine once they return to their meek,affable,lovable selves...!

AmitL said...

Hi,Keshi..believe me,I began reading this post bottoms up..LOL..coz I just knew you'd be talking of cola or tea or coffee or something..and,I was right..but,I'm sure you'll speak thusly about a special 'someone' one day.*smiles*..of course,without the 'spilling him' part..grin.

Did you read a similar one on ciggies?(Though I don't smoke)


Keshi said...

Southy hey!

btw wut makes u think I meant that line at u? :) There r so many other Indian readers in my blog who didnt even comment in my posts since that congratulating Aussies post. U didnt boycott me yet :)

btw I prefer not to discuss that Cricket topic again here in this post. I hv moved on Southy. Hv ya?

**Last but not the least agreeing on anything and everything is not the basic yardstick of measuring a friend, there is lot more into it.

I fully agree with wut u said here. But shouldnt u tell that to urself too? I mean to u FRIENDSHIP wasnt a big deal in the last post when u clearly said that Iceman's swearing comments were not YOUR problem and that it was MY problem...u just wanted to justify ur opinion irrespective of who I was to u. ( I dunno if I mean anything to u other than being just a blogger). Anyways when u said that to me, for a second did u think how long we were friends for Southy? We dun hv to agree on everything, but there's something called RESPECT and LOVE between friends. Atleast thats how I see it.


Keshi said...

LOL Amy so I got ya too with this post! Wonderful!! :):)

I know..eeffoc can be pretty nasty calories-wise :( Get off me u eeffoc LOL!

**but for now i am gonna tease him till he calls for a irresistable day

hahahaha cute one Amy! Im sorry but I cant resist him..he's too yummy! ;-)

ty sweetz MWAH!


Keshi said...

hey Margie! :)

**When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?"

SPOT ON! tnxx Sista ;-)

hv a good nite Margie!


Preeti Shenoy said...

I hadn't even read your last two posts--went and caught up just now! Don't know why anyone should get upset if you congratulate a winning team!
As regards the one who perks you up, I cant do without him too!
Happy New year Keshi.

Keshi said...

Durjoy tnxx for being so understanding!

yes..I can u'stand their frustration too. Let em take their time and come bak. If they return, all's well..if not, it's their loss LOL! me being cheeky :)


Preeti Shenoy said...

This song happesn to be S's fav too!(S is the better half of P.S)He plays it beautifully and I too love it! :-)

Sweetstickychewy said...

****hahahaha cute one Amy! Im sorry but I cant resist him..he's too yummy! ;-)

hahahaha..U got me drooling like Keshi!! hahaha...

Coffee is whipering my name loud enough..hahaha...


Keshi said...

LOL Amit I hope that'll happen too..that i get to post one like this abt a breathin, eatin, walkin, sleepin Eeffoc!

Ciggies? haha when?



PS hey tnxx!

Yes great girls love him all the same ;-)

yes I love this Love Story music!



Keshi said...

lolz Amy!

**Coffee is whipering my name loud enough

Is he in an orgy LOL! k me too slutty now...shutup Keshi.


Sweetstickychewy said...

***Is he in an orgy LOL!

LOL!! Crack me up for sure girl!

Naughty naughty coffee!! spank spank with ya! hahaha!

*innoncently* blink blink*

I mean u can't use your hands..


*HUUUUUUUUGZ* Sweetheart! hope ya day is well. MWAHS!

Keshi said...

HAHAHAHA @u cant use ur hands! Amy ur too funny LOL!

**spank spank with ya tongue..

I sure can, even in non-coffee moments LOL!

HUGGGGGGGGGZ all's well hun tnxx!


desperado said...

ummm coffee....perfect way o start the day...continue it...ed it...hell anytime of day is the perfect time for coffee :D

too much boycott talk these days eh??

Margie said...

Just one more thing to share with you Keshi before I hit the sack!

"I don't really feel my poems are mine at all. I didn't create them out of nothing. I owe them to my relations with other people, for the joy it gives me and to them."
That a quote from Robert Graves.
I know how much you appreciate my poetry Keshi.
I don't think it's all that great compared to some other poets out there, but I do enjoy writing and sharing it.

Thanxxxx so much hun for being a fan of my humble writings!
Now, I'm off to bed!


Keshi said...

And Amit I forgot to say this..

**about a special 'someone' one day.*smiles*..of course,without the 'spilling him' part..grin.

LOL u dirty mind!


Keshi said...

Dhruv hey I love ur new hairstyle...reminds me of Cobain. :)

**hell anytime of day is the perfect time...

do ya mean coffee or something else? LOL!

haha yes my blog is boycotted too awww :)


Keshi said...

Margie thats a nice quote from Graves.

**I don't think it's all that great compared to some other poets out there, but I do enjoy writing and sharing it.

na ITS GREATER..cos its wrtiiten by someone like u who truly feels abt wut ur writing.

ty for writing ur heart out Margie!


AmitL said...

Huh?Dirty mind?Me?*most innocent look*..what'd I say?*reads comment all over again*.hehehehe.:)

Keshi said...

Hey Amit!

***Keshi pretends like nothing happened***



Prats said...

Mrs Indian, loyally drops by your blog....
A game is a game....upsets are natural,politics are there everywhere...controversies will be the name of cricket all the why should I crib....I love the game and the game it shall be...

enuf of that...
now tell me...when will your first love "the coffe" replace the real one???????

I'm addicted to Tea, so I can wholly relate to this...
now I think i'll finish with the tea..and you go ahead and clean up the coffee :))

Solitaire said...

Good one..
And here I thought you were giving us the inside scoop of your love life. Did not know that Coffee is male, though.
And why have your Indian friends abandoned your blog? I haven't!

Keshi said...

Prats hey very well-said! Its a game and there'll always be controversial events in need to boil our blood over it. Ur spot on there!

**when will your first love "the coffe" replace the real one???????

At the rate Im going Pratzzy, I think I'll end up dating eeffoc all my life. LOL!

**I think i'll finish with the tea..and you go ahead and clean up the coffee

:):) nicely put!



Keshi said...

hey Solitaire tnxx for being here! I didnt mean u at all. U were in my last few posts anyways hun. :)

** Did not know that Coffee is male, though.

lol haha good one. I sorta took it as male cos a female wont be that alluring to me ;-)


Sam said...

god!! u almost had me hopeful of reading abt mr. right having arrived... and den u dump me into the rich brown liquid... hehe.. total anti climax!!
hey wots ur favorite way of having teh brew??
and good thing u said "most" at teh end else i'd have been ready to punch you... a left..a dna right adn then a KO!! :D
hehe.. reminds me.. i need to get my mug now.. its empty :(

Keshi said...

hey Sam lol!

**u almost had me hopeful of reading abt mr. right having arrived..

well d u think if Mr.Right arrived in my life say during Christmas, that i'd hv had sex with him by now? LOL! cmon, hv some faith in me wont ya ;-)

**and good thing u said "most" at teh end else i'd have been ready to punch you... a left..a dna right adn then a KO

OUCH! :):) I didnt certainly mean u Sam. U hv been a good friend and a good sport right throughout my blog life. U hv never hurt me.

tnxx for being u mate!

o btw Im having tea now..cheating on coffee lol!


Anonymous said...

Building up the suspense and then bang, anti-climax....

Good post....

Me dint go newhere, for me the differences of views are most fundamental of human existence....

So your views on Sydeny Test wont deter me from visitn your blog :)

in cricket forums or in our workplaces we have ferocious discussions on cricket, so this is but natural for take any difference of opinion in my stride


Sam said...

oh btw, i just read George's comment.. i really agree with him... spot on!!
I mean, even in the domain of sport.. the way cricket is propagated in this country puts all other sports on the backburner... u do have people giong out there and trying to make it big but nfortunately... the look up at it only wen they've done all the intital struggle...
it's a sad state of affairs to be honest... after Paes won the bronze at '96 olympics ppl looked at tennis (selected few bothered abt it before)... after ChakDe ppl are looking at hockey, though i think it's more of a passing phase... and somehow being someone who hates uncalled for dominancy... i end up shunning cricket a lot.. i don't even play it!!!
tennis, swimming, cycle polo, table tennis, snooker, football, rugby.. i've gone for them all with a huge gusto... but never cricket!!! never.... am i weird?? some say i am.... funny!!

Sam said...


Sweetstickychewy said...

***I sure can, even in non-coffee moments LOL!

I have no doubt darlz!;) Send the roaring lion wild! LOL!

glad to knw u are well.


Sig said...

Hahahaha - loved it :P

I Heart Coffee too :)

Unknown said...

of course, u love coffee!!! :P
i thought u were talkin abt a guy.. till last few sentences.. heh.. it's so nice.. cheers!! :)

Poo said...

Hi Keshiroo how are you ? Came back yesterday after my long long leave ....

I am fine n doing great, my wedding life is rocking n today completed One month :)

How are you dear. happy new year

Sorry very late :(

ahhh Coffee is very nice ... I would love to do this everyday :P


Sun Follower said...

Coffee and I have had an on and off love affair for years... and I occasionally hang out with his brother tea :)

Unknown said...

"Mysterious love, uncertain treasure, hast thou more of pain or pleasure! Endless torments dwell about thee: Yet who would live, and live without thee!"

Big Deal! Love hurts? :P

Jeevan said...

Wow… I was clueless who is he till read that word in backward. Very beautifully related the love story dear :)

Priya said...

Lovely song ther Keshi.. Just one cup a day fills me happy in the morning.

curryegg said...

I thought it was your new 'boyfriend'
Haha... very tricky post... kekekzz..

Mohan^ said...

They are just behaving like kids.

Renovatio said...

I think of coffee more as my favorite kind of woman. Strong, full bodied, dark, delicious, and sometimes a bit of a kick!

I think the key to fixing cricket is to make the Aussie team full of women. Aussie women have the sexiest accents as far as I'm concerned.

Impressionist said...

wow! I didnt see that coming!
I too love coffee, infact live on it! :D
nice post keshi!

one of my fav so far, other than ur HALF NEKKED thursdays! ;) :)


maverick said... there was ntn to get personal abt it newaz..neither u or me were involved...its just out views..n views can differ...newaz its my policy not to boycott gorgeous viva's ;)

Darshik said...

Rolling eyes... thinking mind...

what a post got all on toast ;)


Nice one gal... Spiller instincts ooops killer instincts i must say ;)

Gal ya rock!!


My Unfinished Life said...

hey keshi!!....who boycotted you???????
i did not!!..
nice post there
yeah coffee has got its own charms!!!..

Unknown said...

Damn cute! A love which will stay )

Anks said...

Oh no Keshi... He's mine!!! lol

and honestly, whats the stuff on boycotting???

radiohead said...

coffee .. well well ..
d aroma of it .. gaaawd ..

i wish i cud drink a cuppa shared with lips on the other side too :P .. hehhe ..

take care hun!

KP said...

well written keshi.....

you and ur coffee.......hehehe...nice one.....even i really love that morning coffee........

"UPDATE: It seems that most of my Indian mates here have BOYCOTTED my blog. Not surprised or upset at all :). Thanks for showing your true colors!"

things will be fine...just give sometime......;)

Vishesh said...

;) ??!!?? am i right?```,,,,,,,```??

lemon said...

lol..nice one kesh!! though i hate coffee :P

Pri said...

heyy been here after quite some time...hows u doing dear? :)
mmmm quite a passionate post this , i must say :D
im jealous cos a hot mug of freshly brewn coffee seems to be my first love toov :p
anyhoww a love triangle is okay between friends eh? ;)

heyy read the india-aussi cricet post series just now...
well i dont think its sucha big deal--u blogging about it...both the teams on blogspot need to just chillax...
and dont worry ur indian audience will be back..this is just 'after the match irritation'...give it some time and itll fade off...

just that next time india wins over australia, expect some aussie team bashing and indi team celebrations comin up on here...heehee

take care! :)

Alok said...

WoW! for the post Keshi ... enjoyed reading it


Anonymous said...

Cooffeee????????? Ahhhhhhhh shooootttt!!!!

Now now now, Keshi.. you can do better than that.

Oh, read your past few posts.. hmm, looks like the cricket bug has caught up here in blogsville too.

Wonder why my views weren't acted upon in the first place. Ban that boring over hyped commercialized game.

:D Just my 2 cents you see.

Sameera Ansari said...

What a googly!LOL

Such passionate and intense works,all for a cup of coffee!Lucky cup that is ;)

Great post Babes!You rock!Love ya sweetie.Muaaaaaaaaaaaaah

P.S. Even in your wildest dreams do not ever think I would boycott your blog cause of some silly game!Sorry for the delay in visiting you but was caught up with travel and returning to work :)

Sameera Ansari said...

What a googly!LOL

Such passionate and intense works,all for a cup of coffee!Lucky cup that is ;)

Great post Babes!You rock!Love ya sweetie.Muaaaaaaaaaaaaah

P.S. Even in your wildest dreams do not ever think I would boycott your blog cause of some silly game!Sorry for the delay in visiting you but was caught up with travel and returning to work :)

FH said...

Hey, enjoy "him" Keshi girl!:)

Now you know what we have to deal with back home!! Whole bunch of likes of these!!;P
I have told Trish to stay away from all Indian "boys", PLEASE!!:D

It's their loss really!:)

Anonymous said...

Keshi, so sorry dear.. the commen by "myimagination" is me ;) I posted it using a diffr ID.. i have zillions and it is now that i notice sorry !

and a blue ribbon for you

pls accept it an pass it along; kp has already done a post on it.. and think i will also do.. but I needed to personally cme and tell you this!!

love n cheerz

ceedy said...

I just hope you are as passionate for real - any guy wld love to be that coffee :) lol

Love said...

I love the song!! xx

La vida Loca said...

Me loves coffee too

Keshi said...

Heyya Ashu tnxx hun!

No worries abt different opinions at all. I respect ur's. :)



Sam thats what I said too..exactly wut George said.

Why not spend that passion and money on something that's really needed in India? All those fans here who r screaming 'national pride' must get up and scream it for other major issues in India, such as:

**CASTE and DOWRY system
**Female infantile Deaths
**Poverty and Hunger
etc etc

too much National pride over a game of cricket is a waste of breath and energy. They should help their fellow countrymen in the same manner and then we'll see real national pride. Cricket is not something to die for or bring in Gandhi debates.


Keshi said...

hey Amy LOL!

** Send the roaring lion wild!

haha grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ;-)


hey Silvara tnxx hun :):)


Hello Hammett!

**i thought u were talkin abt a guy

I wish LOL!


Keshi said...

hey Ms.Puja WB! I missed ya hun HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!

Married n all ha...woohoo! ;-) CONGRATTTZ! So how many times d u do it a day? LOL! k I better not be so mean to ya...:):)

btw where d u live now? And where r the wedding pics? aww I wanna see u in lovely Indian bridal-wear...


Sun_follower I hang out with his sexy bro too ;-)


Keshi said...

Iceman hows u?

** Love hurts?

nah this one doesn't. :) hehe did u read my post at all?


ty Jeevan haha!


Keshi said...

Im 'having' him right now Priya...LOL!


hey Curry!

My BF? hmmm he's not even born yet LOL!


Keshi said...

heyy Mohan I should be so used to it by now ha LOL!

tnxx mate!


heyy Reno!

**Strong, full bodied, dark, delicious, and sometimes a bit of a kick...

ooh lala! sounds like me then LOL! Keshi lets stop bragging now!

Aussie women's accent...hmmm yes they r cool women...very out-going and funny to the core. Lovely creatures they r.


Keshi said...

heyya Jeevy tnxx!

**one of my fav so far, other than ur HALF NEKKED thursdays

hehe..time to do one again..mebbe next Thursday :)


hey Mav tnxx!

**its just out views..n views can differ...

totally agree!

lol I know u wont be that 'unsporty' :):) tnxx for being here! Ur a true friend.


Keshi said...

hey Darsh barsh! ;-)

**Spiller instincts ooops killer instincts

haha good one!

aww I miss ya :( where r ya rite now, somewhere on a cloud? :*(


Sushmita tnxx hun!

I know u'll never do such a thing. I wasnt talkin abt u anyways ok sweetie :) HUGGGGGGGGGZ!

btw I tried to open ur zip files..they refuse to open :( I'll try again n let u know.

tnxx hun!


Keshi said...

hey Smita, yes indeedz its a love that'll stay :) tnxx!


Hello Anks!

**and honestly, whats the stuff on boycotting???

hmmm its ok..its not u anyways :)



Keshi said...

heyya Anuj-the-hunk!

**i wish i cud drink a cuppa shared with lips on the other side too

ooh lala someone's full of steam
;-) I know, Indian guys can be as HOT as coffee is lol!


heyyy KP tnxx mate!

No worries abt the few ppl who see me as just a blogger and not a friend.



Keshi said...

Vish u ok? LOL!


hehehe tnxx Lemon hun! :)


Keshi said...

hey Pri MWAH WB! I missed ya.

**a hot mug of freshly brewn coffee seems to be my first love toov

hehe u can hv him anytime u want. Sharing is Caring rite? ;-)

Abt Cricket..well-said!

And yes I hope India wins in Perth next week...I want them to get justice.


hehe ty Alok!


Keshi said...

lolz Jono well thats how far my love-life goes!

Abt Cricket..I agree. Too much passion, money and resources goes into just a game, when there r so many other things in the world that need immediate attention.


haha Sameera @lucky cup!


ty babez..I know u wont just dump me like that...u know what true friendship is.


Keshi said...

btw Sameera u look LOVELY in that pic! SO CUTE.


Anonymous said...

Over one hundred comments Keshi. Don't think you are being boycotted. The cricket post was good. It was as much just putting some thoughts out there.

Keshi said...

hey Asha tnxx Im drinking him rite now LOL!

**Now you know what we have to deal with back home!! Whole bunch of likes of these!!;P

yes I can imagine. Well I dun really hv to...cos in Sri Lanka its the same!

**I have told Trish to stay away from all Indian "boys", PLEASE

LOL good one! But trust me, there r some good Indian men too rite? I hv met some real nice guys...guys who arent over the top with national and cultural shit.


tnxx hun!


tqmcintl said...

Man Spots His Own Wife During Visit to Brothel


Keshi said...

Veenz ur so darn sweet! :)

I read that and I was all teary...serious. ty for that and I give it bak to keep our friendship going til we r alive.

Differences dun make a friendship...similarities do. U and I r human and we share the same love. I LOVE YA my friend!


Keshi said...

btw Veenz n KP...u guys didnt hurt me at all. Just that some ppl in KP's blog got me wrong. Thats all. U 2 never hurt me..plz know that.



Keshi said...

Ceedy Im more than 'just' that LOL!


aww Clover Im glad.


tqmcintl said...

see i told ya

wait a minute
half of them are yours

Keshi said...

hehe Andrew tnxx mate!


LOL TQM yes half of em r mine I suppose.


SaffronSaris said...

What's the issue with you supporting the Aussie team? I mean, you have the right to support the team you like, regardless of your nationality or whatever, rite?
Hugzzzzzz :)

anits said...

lovely love story LOL...anyway i love coffee too..
the music is superb...hv a nice day keshi


KAYLEE said...

Keshi, Can I send you a email about something?????????????

::cries all night long::

Jim said...

Ooh, now let's get down tonight
Baby I'm hot just like an oven
I need some lovin'
And baby, I can't hold it much longer

It's getting stronger and stronger
And when I get that feeling
I want Sexual Healing
Sexual Healing, oh baby

Makes me feel so fine
Helps to relieve my mind
Sexual Healing baby, is good for me
Sexual Healing is something that's good for me

Whenever blue tear drops are falling
And my emotional stability is leaving me
There is something I can do
I can get on the telephone and call you up baby, and
Honey I know you'll be there to relieve me
The love you give to me will free me

If you don't know the things you're dealing
I can tell you, darling, that it's Sexual Healing

Get up, Get up, Get up,
Get up, let's make love tonight

Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, 'cos you do it right
Baby I got sick this morning
A sea was storming inside of me
Baby I think I'm capsizing
The waves are rising and rising

And when I get that feeling
I want Sexual Healing
Sexual Healing is good for me
Makes me feel so fine, it's such a rush

Helps to relieve the mind, and it's good for us
Sexual Healing, baby, is good for me

Sexual Healing is something that's good for me
And it's good for me and it's good to me
My baby ohhh
Come take control, just grab a hold
Of my body and mind soon we'll be making it

Honey, oh we're feeling fine
You're my medicine open up and let me in

Darling, you're so great
I can't wait for you to operate
I can't wait for you to operate
When I get this feeling, I need Sexual Healing

krystyna said...

Hi Keshi!
What a beautiful love story!

I'm not coffee drinker,
but when I drink it
I do it with love.

Keshi said...

yes Saffy..both my friends here and I hv different views on this issue, but some friends chose to force their opinion on me. Instead I'd like to agree to disagree and just chuk it :) Im sick of this drama LOL!

tnxx hun!


aww ty Anits! :)


Keshi said...

Kaylz plz dun cry...tell me wuts wrong..yeah email me.

::catches all of Kaylee's tears::



Jim wuts with this sexual healing song? u ok? LOL!


hey Krys ty MWAH! :)


aMus said...

hey keshi, been here after sumtime...and my that was some hornet' snest back there,,wish peopel realise it sjust a game!!

And that used to be my love story too... still love cofee...:)

cheer up...and wish you a great year ahead!!

Keshi said...

TA hey tnxx!

yes it was worse that a hornet's nest. Geez Im glad that post was over :):) Some ppl r still on abt it LOL!

yes I wish ppl u'stood that this isnt world war 2008.

Cheers matey!


Unknown said...

lolz.. I did...
love hurts in the sense....

caffeine addicts, spilling coffee? hurts!

u gotta move ur la royale arse to teh pantry to fetch another cup!
that hurts girl!


gP said...

who dares boycott the miss. grrr...

ok im Indian but im not from India! Keshu put a disclaimer there, rest of the world dont watch cricket much. :P

Sorry for the sporadic comments, have freakin bunch of insane deadlines! :(

Hugs n Luv as always.

Fighter Jet said...

That was a nice post!

Dawn said...

Hmm to understand the depth I need to read the previous post :)

Love is something that keeps one going and I believe in that no matter what you love that's the key :)

Be happy and smiling my dear sis
Cheers n Hugggzzz

Unknown said...

Dddduuuuhhhhhh Keshi,

You almost made me feel jeeelllloooooosssss!!!!!!!!!!!

Keshi said...

:) Iceman.


hey Ghosty tnxx!

**ok im Indian but im not from India!

good one! :):) tnxx I'll use that from now on hehe.

If u read comments from someone called 'Deshi' in my Cricket post towards the end of the comment section, u'll realise how pathetically insane some ppl can be over just a game! He/she even questioned aby my 'lifetsyle' here in Aus. Sad that they drag this whole thing to a RACE level. boy o boy now Im not surprised that there r so many wars in this world!


Keshi said...

ty FJ! ;-)


Very true Dawny, tnxx n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!


lol Sanjeeva why feel J over a cuppa? ;-)


SamY said...

so you are still into these deceptive writings ... he he ... gud one ;)