Friday, August 29

Thoughts, Words & Gestures

The Beautiful Blogger Award

Awarded by vishesh to keshi

A Gesture Is Mightier Than A Word...
Even with all that rowdy swearing in that last post, Vishesh gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award *washes her mouth and smiles before she receives it* :). Now how sweet a gesture is that by him! And I'm supposed to put this up in my blog, so I did. Thanks Vish, well you are one beautiful blogger too. Your wisdom is as wide as the ocean and as pure as the morning dew. HUGS and thanks for making me smile!

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword...
Both Deepti and Mirage tagged me on this wonderful Quotes tag. Rules are that I need to jot down 5 of my favorite quotes from the various books I've read, and also tag 5 people at the end. If I don’t have the books with me now, Googling (Wiki quotes and the like) can be used to find them. So here I go, these are 5 of my favourite quotes from 5 of my favourite books...books that shaped my thinking and my person, books that derived the harsh truth behind this illusion called life...most of which I read/studied for Literature back in school:

*The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

*Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind...not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

*Her mind did become settled, but it was settled in a gloomy dejection. She felt the loss of Willoughby's character yet more heavily than she had felt the loss of his heart.
-Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

*You'll find us rough, sir, but you'll find us ready.
- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

*Beware the Ides of March
- Julius Caeser by William Shakespeare

Now I tag Cindy, Bro, Diana, SMM and Divkiran! Go for it whenever you have time guys. Thanks Deepti and Mirage for giving me this opportunity to do this beautiful tag HUGS!

Also, everyone here please feel free to comment on my fav quotes...I'd love to see your thoughts on each one of see if you derived the same meanings as I did, from those quotes (you don't have to have read the books to comment on the quotes...just tell me what you see in them)
. Game for it? Good! :) Thanks and have a good one, I'm going to a party tonite woohoo! *does the Happy dance* See yaz!

Current Music: Imaginary by Evanescence

133 Cranium Signets:

Southpaw unplugged said...

Oh hell no!!!! an intellectual post and an illiterate reader like me...sigh****
The only things i can relate with here is that Gesture is mightier than a word...yeah thinking and talking is such a waste of time, just do it!

restless_soul said...

Congrats for the awards
How come ppl remember quotes after reading a book. I have read so many books but rarely do I remember the quotes except one or two from Ayn Rand's classic. A month after reading a book i forget so many things only just feeble story is left behind, like a weak nostalgia. Kudos to you ppl for remembering the lines so well..

starry said...

Congrats on the award.well deserved.Loved all your quotes.

Keshi said...

ty Southy! :)

**Gesture is mightier than a word

that quote is by Keshi btw hehehe...

Exactly, JUST DO IT! Some ppl preach preach n preach with no action.


Keshi said...

noooo Restless I didnt rem all of those quotes just like that! :) I rem lil bits of it, cos somehow they stuck in my mind. I still hv those books at home btw.

And I got the full quotes from Wiki links.

So any particular quote that u like in that lot? :)


Keshi said...

tnxx Starry!

dun hv anything to say abt any of those quotes? :(


restless_soul said...

In that lot i liked
**The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword***
and I mean it

ancientmariner said...

a bit curious on why you would like the quote ' beware the ides of march' from Julius Caesar!! I liked the pride and prejudice quote..:-)

Hemanth Potluri said...

lovely explanation abt the words..u dint tag me i am angry on u now..go away lol...

let me see wen cindy and diana do least they tag


Keshi said...

hehe Restless I agree..its such a great quote ha..profound!

And that itself (cos its a WRITTEN quote) proves itself :)


Keshi said...

ty Ancient!

**' beware the ides of march'

:) I'll tell u why...

cos in my life, I never pay heed to wuts gonna happen..I disobey warnings..I just always do things on impulse, and I always face the matter what ppl warn me abt. And often, I hv paid a heavy price, but hv always welcomed it :)


Keshi said...

lol Hemanth I cud hv tagged all the 100+ readers here but I cud only tag 5 na? :)


Lucifer said...

oh i have to do this tag too...its scary...too much intellect required!!!

Keshi said...

ty Mayz!

**too much intellect required

its a matter of listing ur fav quotes, quotes that made u think :) thats all na Mayz? cmon I wanna see ur post!


Deepti said...

congrats for the award .. you deserve it :) and thanks for taking up the tag :)

Loved the quote from "Pride and prejudice " :)It rings so true!!
Hugzz.. have a great weekend :D

Vishesh said...

lol keshi ;) i was reading this while you were reading my blog ;)

"You'll find us rough, sir, but you'll find us ready." well i think most people in todays world will be ready to give it up all for a better cause....

Cinderella said...

Hmm..I agree with Vishesh bang on ! And also what you said about him !!

He is wise and observant beyond his years.

The tag was supercool girl...and I never knew you were so much into classics !

Jane Austen-Dickens-Shakespeare ! WHoa !!

I am curently reading Sense and sensibility btw.

Will take it up for sure girl.
Have a gr8 day !

the stygian sailor said...

nice quotes , beautiful blogger :)
enjoy the party

Keshi said...

ty Deepti, I had fun doing this one and it took me back to my school days when I loved reading Classics :) Still do.

**Loved the quote from "Pride and prejudice " :)It rings so true!!

yes! isnt that such a profound quote. I mean it doesnt matter the perfection of the performance...wut matters is DOING it when u think of doing it, irrespective of how beautiful it LOOKS.


La vida Loca said...

COngrats hunn

Quote of the day"Ask and its given"

Keshi said...

ty Vish!

hooray hooray I got an award from THE ever-wise Vish! :)

**"You'll find us rough, sir, but you'll find us ready."

Actually thats one of my fav fav quotes...

**well i think most people in todays world will be ready to give it up all for a better cause

yes! we mebbe a lil intimidating, a lil shabby and a lil unpolished...but hey we r READY.


Keshi said...

ty Cindy!

**He is wise and observant beyond his years.

omg tell me abt it, I feel so 'YOUNG' when I talk to Vish lol! I even asked him if he's 16 or 61! So much wisdom o lord!

Cindy i was crazy abt Classics back in school. And in every Prize Giving, I got some great Classics as my prizes...eversince Year 3 to Year 12! Thats how I fell in love with these books. They became my life and my life became them.

I'd love to see ur post on this :)



Keshi said...

aww ty Stygian!

did u drink some NICE juice today, cos ur being so NICE to me lol!


Keshi said...

ty LaVida MWAH!

**"Ask and its given"

wut a GREAT quote here! So so true. Be it anything, we ASK for wut we are GIVEN.



Prakhar said...

I liked the David Copperfield one..
dun kno the reason..but i like it! :)

Keshi said...

Prakhar thats one of my fav fav fav ones too :)

There's quite a profound msg echoing out of that simple line!


the stygian sailor said...

but of course, i was being metaphorical.
i didn't even read the quotes :)

Keshi said...

no wonder!


the stygian sailor said...

and i thought david copperfield was the magician :) like the abracadabra lol

Keshi said...

omg ur soooo Book-starved Stygian lol!

run to the library today and save urself!


the stygian sailor said...

ha ha ha ha
book starved, indeed. i ll write mt own :)
but then you can say "I can't understand why a person will take a year to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars" and then i ll get back saying ,"Ever heard Victoria's REAL secret? Too much support hurts"

the stygian sailor said...

ha ha ha ha :) but of course i am so starved, indeed. so much that i ll write my own :)
but then you can say,"I can't understand why a person will take a year to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars"
and then i ll say,"Ever heard Victoria's REAL secret? Too much support hurts"

Keshi said...

duh Stygian!:)


Parul Gupta said...

honestly keshi...i dint understand the quotes completely but i liked the last one a had a kind of innocence to it that touches ur heart...

good job..


Toon Indian said...

hey keshi..awesome quotes...haven't read any of the classics.but I like the David Copperfield shows the guts ,determination that the character had, and the tenacity to claw out of any situation.

the quote that I truly believe in is "A man can be killed but not defeated" by hemingway

Aphrodite said...

hi keshi....hope u have a fun evening...I love the quote from pride and prejudice...most among all...i tend to do tht a lot..;P

Arjun said...

i'm always a lil apprehensive around the 15th of march (the ides)... since reading JC back in class X.

at that time., we had to learn the entire text by rote and it was a joke that our paper for english literature was 1 day before the ides of march!!

Ankur said...

oh girl.. u r lucky.. u party a lot!! :)

i hope u r having a good time altogether!! :)

abt ur quotes... i love Jane Austen, one of my most fav author in Rupa Books... :)

Both the books i have, sense and sensibility and pride and prejudice and i love them... :)

abt the quotes, i think they all r gr8 but i really love ... "Beware the Ides of March"

Somehow it says a lot for me... :)


Cazzie!!! said...

Being honest to yourSELF first, then everything else becomes clear :)

deepsat said...

have a good weekend!


Jeevan said...

Congrats for the award, and u r the right person to have :)

"The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance." I agree completely to this quote. Its not that how quickly reach the destination, but how far explored the place gives satisfaction. To derive great opportunity, quickness is best to taste, but always it won't fill the favor.

Sach1 said...

Hey darl..I too love that dicken thing. David copperfield, the book as well as the character was awesome. Could relate so much..

SMM said...

Hey Keshi...thanks for the tag. Will do it tomorrow after I have scoured my favourite books tonight.

Btw check out my latest post.

And oh I do agree with that line about Heathcliff. It's the same with me and Arjun. He is certainly not the TDH brooding types, but nonetheless he is a part of me :)

Sameera Ansari said...

Congrats on the award :)

Some really lovely quotes from some of my fav classics!I have this tag pending too.Have a rocking party babes!


ancientmariner said...

thts some explanation..then beware of the brutus amongst ur friends too :-0

rantravereflect/ jane said...

ohhhh i was soooo swept off my feet by them!

completely classic in a contemporary blog!
*The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen*

haaaaaa, which is teh exact reason why i prefer hour-packed foreplay over a quickie ;);) speed does not score over performance :D

*Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind...not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.*

I loved that Quote soooo much:
INCURABLE ROMANTICS:) that's what we are, you and I keshikins :)

*You'll find us rough, sir, but you'll find us ready.
- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens*
Rough n Ready :)
I think Spiderman could use that line :)
hE'S A rough guy and he's always ready to save people!

*Beware the Ides of March
- Julius Caeser by William Shakespeare
keshikins i've to wait another 6 months and 15 days for that day ;););)

Anonymous said...

You'll find us rough, sir, but you'll find us ready.
- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
hurraayyyy !!!
This is meeeeeeee...
My tougue is rough but my heart is soft.

Arv said...


That award looks nice... congrats!!!

hmmm... Look at those quotes... they certainly do say a lot...

no matter what you say, a day will come when this fog lifts and I will be there to see it.

Hope you had a nice good time at the party last night :)

I must read David Copperfield again, been a long time...

take care mate... cheers...

Sweetstickychewy said...

Those are really deep quotes but yet very alluring..:) I don't understand the one from shakespear. lol..

I like the quote by Charles Dickson best.:)

Beautiful looking award there...

Congrats gurl! You are a beautiful blogger indeeds!:D


Nirmal said...

hey tat was some great quotes....

Rià said...

I m back from a long day at work so i m jus gonna browse thru the whole post. M really happy tht u got this award coz u so totally deserve it babes. Now my fav quote is:

*The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Really gets one thinking if its really true. I guess it is coz many times v do not pay heed to the flaws tht v leave behind, v become content with the thought tht v hav finished it!! :) Enjoy ur weekend hun. :D

AmitL said...

Hi,Keshi..that was one nice tag..and,quite inspiring set of 5 quotes,from you..What do I make of them,if I have not read the books?(I have,but,back in school days..hehe)Let's see.
1.'The power of doing anything...'

At first thought,I'd say 'haste is waste'. But, on second thoughts,I felt- it's as important to do things swiftly as it is to ensure that there is a minimum degree of perfection in it.

2.'Nelly,I'm Heathcliff...'

Being so close to a person,that you feel you're almost a part of him/her.

3.'Her mind did become...'

This seems somewhat reflective of your previous post..namely,someone metamorphosing from a friend into a critic...the loss of their character hurts more than the loss of a friend.

4.'you'll find us rough,....'

Aah, that's something after my heart..we're slightly better than amateurs,but,we'll always do our best.

5.'Beware the ides of march'

...well,I read that as 'always be prepared for any calamity'.
How'd I do??:)

Commander Zaius said...

Congrats on the award!

One of my favorites:
So complex is the human spirit that it can itself scarce discern the deep springs which impel it to action.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

maverick said...

nice quotes..

although i am more into quotes that float around in the defense circles...for me they are really inspiring :)...hope u having a great time...

stony said...

You so well desrved it! Congratulations and keep it up.

*The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.

Nice quote, relevant even 200 years after it was penned.

Numbers do get precedence over quality of numbers.

KP said...

great quotes and congrats on the Award:)

Have good one!

rayshma said...

haven't read this post yet... but came here to confer another award on u... hop over and pick it up! :)
have a fab weekend!

Unknown said...

congratss dear..

n lovely quotes must say..interesting one's must sayyy

*Her mind did become settled, but it was settled in a gloomy dejection. She felt the loss of Willoughby's character yet more heavily than she had felt the loss of his heart.

thattsss soundss soo close to my heart..

Sun Follower said...

All excellent quotes! I'd like to add an Austen quote - one of Darcy's lines from P&P on falling in love:

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."- Mr.Darcy

Mysterious Mia said...

you have a dedication for ya at
come check it out n make yur dedications. cheers!!

Saim said...

love d quote from "wuthering heights" of my favs.
I don't rem any of my favs specifically but thr were some brilliant ones in d Lord of d Rings trilogy

Saim said...

ohh n btw...cheers for d award. u deserve it wholesomely:)

divya said...

good job keshi i can only remember one quote..its so hard to remember this stuff..

AmitL said...

And,heyyyy..congrats for the award..:)

Anu said...

Congrats on the award. .you deserve it..

Lovely quotes, I identify with nearly all of them.. especially with the "Ides of March".. my mom being a Literature majore, used to tell us abridged Shakespeare plays as bedtime stories.. "ides of march" tagline, always send a shiver down my spine

Stupidosaur said...

//The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.

Oh good to know there is such a quote in literature. I am a slow perfectionist and often felt enraged at fast bozos doing mediocre work and hogging all the limelight. I often found myself fumbling what to tell them. Now I can refer to this.

//You'll find us rough, sir, but you'll find us ready.

Rough n ready! yay! Yay!

//*Beware the Ides of March
Whats inspiring about this?
Its just telling Ceasar to beware of that particular day of moon cycle in march. Dumb and superstitious.

Even if it did come true in the play, what the heck it was just a play. Even if based on true story, For all we know the writer (heck I don't know how to spell his name ;) ) may just have pepperred it up with all such ominous warnings.

Hiren said...

Congratulations ... beautiful blogger ;)

just woke up and my mind denies to read and understand these quotes ... will come back for those later :)

hv a rocking party and a nice weekend !!

♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

wow the quotes were really beautiful and more is the award to my beautyfool sissy :P

and thx for the tag..will do it shoon :P

Diana Sahu said...

Hi Honey....thanx for the tag thing...these quotes are really good....will jot down my quotes tonite.....


Diana Sahu said...

Hey...Congrats for the award...ur blog truely ROCKS

Anwesa said...

congrats 4 ur recognition in blogosphere..nice posts..u quoted frm my fav books...

aMus said...

i love these quotes and most from my fav classice too..:D

congrats, btw...

Krazy Krimson said...

Books!! and the wisdom within!! :)

Like ur pick of quotes too.. very well thought..

Anonymous said...

great quotes and yes.. beautiful blogger.. you are one... :-)

The Phosgene Kid said...

The Award should have read "Most Beautiful Blogger!" You have the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen.

My favorite quote is "They can kill you, but they can't eat you, it's in the Geneva Convention."

Whitesnake said...

"What made you think he was a rapist?"

"When a naked man with a hard on chases a women down an alley way with a machete. I figure he ain't collecting for the red cross!"

Anonymous said...

Hey maa'm... just dropping by to say hello before i leave tomorrow...

about your post..i dnt think i cant really list out 5 of them but yeah... i do really like

God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.

keeps me going ...enduring spirit has low times too u know..:-)

anyways take care


Keshi said...

ty Parul :)

Last one as in Julius Caeser's?


Keshi said...

ty Rahul!

**I like the David Copperfield shows the guts ,determination that the character had, and the tenacity to claw out of any situation.

actually thats my fav one out of these really is quite profound tho it was a simple sentence. And u derived the meaning very well!

It also tells me something like even if I may not look or sound GREAT or polished, I hv GREAT 'capacity'.

**the quote that I truly believe in is "A man can be killed but not defeated" by hemingway

WOW thats a beauty! ty for sharing that with me.


Keshi said...

hey Aphrodite tnxx hun!

P&P has been my 'breath' eversince I was a teen :)


Keshi said...

ty Arjun :)

**and it was a joke that our paper for english literature was 1 day before the ides of march!!

hahahaha! U know, I even rem my Literature teacher saying aloud 'Beware the Ides of March!' like a true roman lol! She was so IN TO the text.


Keshi said...

ty Ankur!

** i love Jane Austen, one of my most fav author in Rupa Books

Rupa books?

yes, even tho some ppl say that JC quote is not so profound, its quite profound to me :)


Keshi said...

ty Caz!

**Being honest to yourSELF first, then everything else becomes clear

wow, now thats a universal meaning for all quotes! :) lovely!



Keshi said...

u too Deepz!


Keshi said...

ty Jeevan!

**Its not that how quickly reach the destination, but how far explored the place gives satisfaction.

very true!


Keshi said...

Sach ty!

I used to adore DC, back in school!


Keshi said...

ty SMM!

do it whenever u hurry :)

**And oh I do agree with that line about Heathcliff. It's the same with me and Arjun. He is certainly not the TDH brooding types, but nonetheless he is a part of me

awwww....beautiful bond there!

o where art thou my Heathcliffe....



Keshi said...

aww ty Sameera!

Wud love to see ur's...


Keshi said...

ty AM!

**then beware of the brutus amongst ur friends too

haha I hv alot of em, it seems.

Having a Brutus or a Judas in ur life must actually be taken as a compliment, wut say? :)


Vest said...

The imaginitive power within your soul exudes your beauty, which makes you infinite.
Vest 2008, Describing Keshi.

Keshi said...

ty daahlin for 'doing' all the quotes @Jane! ;-)

**haaaaaa, which is teh exact reason why i prefer hour-packed foreplay over a quickie ;);) speed does not score over performance :D

haha good one, there u go! Quickness results in great pleasure :)

**I loved that Quote soooo much:
INCURABLE ROMANTICS:) that's what we are, you and I keshikins :)

awww so true...just that I my Heatcliffe seems to be dead b4 me lol!

**Rough n Ready :)
I think Spiderman could use that line :)
hE'S A rough guy and he's always ready to save people!


**keshikins i've to wait another 6 months and 15 days for that day

wut does that mean Jane woohoo! ;-)

tnxxx hun!


Keshi said...

ty Hobo!

**My tougue is rough but my heart is soft...

haha nice one Hobo! *HUGZ*

Thats me too btw :) I can be like a rowdy when Im angry...I swear, I tell ppl off..I may sound like a wicked witch..but my heart cries alot of tears for others..


Keshi said...

aww ty Arv!

**no matter what you say, a day will come when this fog lifts and I will be there to see it.

One day is enough :)



Keshi said...

hey ty Amy MWAH!

**I don't understand the one from shakespear

lol! I didnt know the meaning of it until my Literature teached taught us wut it was :)

It was a warning given to Roman emperor Julius Caesar (abt enemies among friends)...he was later killed on this day, the Ides of March in 44 B.C. He ignored the warning and met his fate.


Keshi said...

ty Nirmal!


Keshi said...

hey Ria HUGS!

** I guess it is coz many times v do not pay heed to the flaws tht v leave behind, v become content with the thought tht v hav finished it!!

Thats exactly wut it means!


Keshi said...

hey Amit ty for analysing all of em! :)

**1.'The power of doing anything...'

At first thought,I'd say 'haste is waste'. But, on second thoughts,I felt- it's as important to do things swiftly as it is to ensure that there is a minimum degree of perfection in it.

so true! thats what i got from that too.

**2.'Nelly,I'm Heathcliff...'

Being so close to a person,that you feel you're almost a part of him/her.

wow nicely put Amit!

**3.'Her mind did become...'

This seems somewhat reflective of your previous post..namely,someone metamorphosing from a friend into a critic...the loss of their character hurts more than the loss of a friend.

Well-said Amit! Thats exactly how I feel right now. The loss of character be it of anyone, hurts me alot...and its evident in the way they behave..

**4.'you'll find us rough,....'

Aah, that's something after my heart..we're slightly better than amateurs,but,we'll always do our best.

again, well-said! we may not be pros, but we r CAPABALE of anything.

**5.'Beware the ides of march'

...well,I read that as 'always be prepared for any calamity'.

Spot on!

:) u did VERY WELL Amit!


Keshi said...

ty BB!

**So complex is the human spirit that it can itself scarce discern the deep springs which impel it to action.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

wowza thats quite a profound one! It so relates to me too :(


Keshi said...

hehe tnxx Mav!


Keshi said...

ty Stony! :)

**Numbers do get precedence over quality of numbers.

wow nice one!


Keshi said...

ty KP :)


Keshi said...

awww that was so sweet of ya Raysh, ty n HUGGGGGGGGGZ! :)


Keshi said...

ty Ani MWAH!

yes, I love that quote too...cos it portrays exactly how I feel when I witness a friend's loss of character...


Keshi said...

ty Sun!

**"I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."- Mr.Darcy

WOW thats so deep! I feel like that sometimes...that Im in the middle of things I can never fix now...

ty Sun MWAH!


Keshi said...

hey Mia I came and picked up the drink u gave me...and now Im heavily drunk :) HUGZ tnxx hun ur so sweet!


Keshi said...

hey ty CN!


wud love to hear a few if u rem...


Keshi said...

hehe Divya its ok sweetie...tnxx!


Keshi said...

and ty Amit :)


Keshi said...

ty Anu MWAH!

**my mom being a Literature majore, used to tell us abridged Shakespeare plays as bedtime stories.. "ides of march" tagline, always send a shiver down my spine

How wonderful to hv a Scholar-mum like that :)


Keshi said...

ty Stupid!

**I am a slow perfectionist and often felt enraged at fast bozos doing mediocre work and hogging all the limelight. I often found myself fumbling what to tell them. Now I can refer to this.

hehe...good on ya! And dun be blinded by ppl who show-off and really dun hv any substance.

**Rough n ready! yay! Yay!

Didnt mean rough sex right? lol!

***//*Beware the Ides of March
Whats inspiring about this?
Its just telling Ceasar to beware of that particular day of moon cycle in march. Dumb and superstitious.

but do u realise how VALUABLE that warning wud hv been if JS paid any heed to it? In life, sometimes our own Instincts cud be warnings that we need to pay attention to.

**Even if it did come true in the play, what the heck it was just a play. Even if based on true story, For all we know the writer (heck I don't know how to spell his name ;) ) may just have pepperred it up with all such ominous warnings.

doesn matter, every book here isnt a true story..but mebbe written with true meaning :)


Keshi said...

hey ty Hiren! :)


Keshi said...

hey Bro tnxx HUGS!

do it do it do it soon :)


Keshi said...

hey ty Diana :)


Keshi said...

ty Anwesa :)


Keshi said...

hey ty Suma! :)


Keshi said...

ty Krazy :)


Keshi said...

ty Chriz!


Keshi said...

aww ty Phoso :) HUGS!

**My favorite quote is "They can kill you, but they can't eat you, it's in the Geneva Convention."

wow nice one! so true.


Keshi said...

hey Stevo lol tnxx!

**"When a naked man with a hard on chases a women down an alley way with a machete. I figure he ain't collecting for the red cross!"



Keshi said...

hey Samby wussup? why d sound so sad? HUGS!

**God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.

I wholeheartedly agree with that one!

I'll be in ur blog soon. TC MWAH!


Keshi said...

ty Vesty HUGS!

**The imaginitive power within your soul exudes your beauty, which makes you infinite.
Vest 2008, Describing Keshi.

wow I feel so honored :) ty ty ty! U too mate. MWAH!


Anonymous said...

Cry ?
no baby no.

Mysterious Mia said...

ok sweety, here i am , i posted the dedication to u earlier but cudnt read yur post as i was gonna be out this weekend n i had to co-rodinate all the dedications n all so catching up on all the reading now....

anywaysduh me, didnt even congrtulate u for the sure this made u feel heaps happy for ya honey...*ends note with a smile

PS how was yur party eh?where did u go partying

Keshi said...

hey Hobo HUGS!


Keshi said...

hey Mia HUGS! :)

Party was was one of my cousin's bdays...

Friday nite and the lights r low...
lookin out for a place to go...



SMM said...

Done the tag :)

Aneesh said...

Mmmm, keshi's quotes are similar to keshi. so complicated. LOL
Decoding it will take some time :)

If we can do anything really quickly, we don't care about the perfection of the result, all we care is how quickly we can do.

Can't digest 2nd one.

Yah, you'll find me rough keshi, but you'll find me ready :)

Keshi said...

hey tnxx SMM! I'll be there soon :)


Keshi said...

Aneesh tnxx!

**so complicated

lol wuts so complicated abt these quotes? :):)

ur rough? where? lol!


Anonymous said...

congrats for the b'ful award... u deserve it girl :)

and i lov lov all yur quotes... i guess i knew a few...but dint someother...great to knw... abt yur taste in books :)

Keshi said...

hey Veenz tnxx hun ;-)


Gunjan Aylawadi said...

*The power of doing anything with quickness is always prized much by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.

loved this one! n congoz fo d award!! well deserved actually :)

Keshi said...

hey ty Gunj HUGS!

I knew u'd like that suits ur personality :)
