Time does not wait for anyone or anything. Time does not hesitate. *tick tock tick tock tick tock* Time keeps going, it never stops. Time sure knows how to say NO! I've learnt from Time that no matter what has happened, is happening or will happen, I must 'keep going forward'..I must go forward, no matter how much I love looking back.
Time is a precious commodity, but do we really value it or give it the sense of respect it so deserves? Time, though sometimes may appear to be selfish as it leads the race, leaving us torn between the past and the present, finding it hard to trudge along to the future, Time sure does heal us all. That's the beauty about Time. That's the kindest quality about Time. That's what we all need so very much. A Time to heal. And that Time can only come with time. How ironic! The past is the skeleton that Time left behind. The present is Time's new avatar. The future is Time's surety of reincarnation. But in all 3 forms of progression of Time's soul, we are being taught the beautiful lesson of learning from our experiences, therefore, Healing. And that can only come from 'reminiscing' without attachment.
Memory is Time's offspring. Time leaves us with it's product that we cant kill and nobody can snatch from us either, no matter how far we've travelled with Time itself. Some memories may bring you pain, some others solace. Either way, your Memory is your richest possession; your mind's most beautiful accessory. For if not for memories, it would not have occurred to me that a post in one of my favorite places on Earth *Blogville* is overdue :) Yes, I'm here today, because Time's child Memory ushered me to you. Sweet memories of you happen to meet me today and remind me that there's a lovely bunch of people waiting to read me, wanting to hear from me, wondering how I am, thinking of me, all because of Time's child that lived inside of you too. Memories, they make us who we are.
I hope you are all doing well. I have not forgotten you, for my Memory shall always bring me back to you. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you all! Life's going great for me *except that I was recently bitten by a venomous spider! But Im ok dont worry :) Threw a huge tanty but Im back to normal now haha!*, and I hope all is well with you too? Thanks for all the wishes, thoughts, notes, emails, messages and most of all for the endless LOVE here from your comments even though Im not into regular blogging anymore. I will try and hop around Blogville sometime soon :). Value, respect, love & appreciate Time. For Time is where we all live forever, be it the past, present or future; not anywhere else. Time is where we breathe, where we can truly reconnect, where we can undoubtedly go back to our lovedones, where fresh moments are born and where they continue to live. Time is where we exist - we 'live' in a blob of Time that once used to be, is and will always be. I believe there's a 'place' where we can wave goodbye to our fears and tears, atleast for a little while; Moments & Memory...Time.
2011 is at birth..reincarnation of 2010 *and of many years that were it's past lives*. Have a wonderful 'time', create beautiful 'memories', and dont forget to be inspired by Time and 'keep going forward'!
~An Evening With My Memory, December 2010~ this post was written in 10mins after Joyce sent me an email asking me to write a post for her to start the New Year with...I hope it hasnt got too many typos, grammar mistakes & too much of advice :) Thanks Joyce for your wonderful and undying encouragement, for your Memory of me.
Current Music: Somewhere in the world tonight by Altiyan Childs
41 Cranium Signets:
Nice reading, Keshi....except for the spider bite; yet nice to know you are doing good, :)
I do value time, i've many things to do in a day;
Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year Keshi!
May you blog more in 2011!
Have Fun, Take Care and God Bless!
With Best Regards,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Miss ya babe. ;-)
Tat was such a great post... so much of positive attitude to take to the new yr...
kudos to ur attitude girl..I simply love it..
Wish u too a merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous new year...
Hugs n lotsaaa love n prayers :))
Oh my! Oh my! Look who's back!
Happy new year and merry christmas to you too Keshi :)
Thanks for the wonderful advice... yea... the past, blogsville, good ol' days... we still live there, don't we? it made me smile :)
love ya lots hun!!! have a great great greattt year ahead!
A post from Keshi is like the most pleasant surprise ever ! And the post...very very Keshi-like :) I'll definitely take your advice. Wish you a very happy new year and the merriest Christmas !
P.S.: My dear lil' Priya, You're exceptionally sweet. Love you baby :)
heyyy keshi..it feels wonderful to read you---it seems like eons ago tht u were last here :)
good to know alls fine..hope 2011 is a great year for all of us..
warm wishes for the festive season.
take care
somewhere in the world,perhaps in the whole world, let it be full of love..
welcome back Keshi..Blog world waits for you
Wish you a very happy new year ahead !
Good to know that u have learnt to move one...yes time and tide stop for none. I m so glad to see a post from u after months.
Wish u and ur mom a very happy Christmas! A big hug to u. Take care dear, miss u.
Wish i cud be as lucky as Priya. ;) Thanks for asking Keshi to write a post dear.
Wow... great to see a post from you mate :)
been ages eh???
that spidey bite should have been painful... glad to hear u r better...
Have a wonderful holidays season and a great year ahead mate...
Stay in touch Keshiiiiiiiiiiii :)
loads of luv and best wishes...
p.s. not sure if I will blog again... been out for few months now... lets see...
The best part of memories are that they are an encapsulation of time itself!
Welcome back and seasons greetings!
Forgot to say something,
Wish you all the luck and happiness in 2011. God bless u hun!
I am jealous of that spider...lucky bugger got to bite ya!! :P
Merry Xmas Keshi :)
Hi! Glad to see you're back. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year sweetie!
Wonderful what u said about time and thanks to time that remind you write about. That’s one inspiring post I receive from you after long time... Hope the time keeps moving and remind you always your dear ones here. And I know u can’t forget us so easily. Thanks for your kind seasons greeting dear Keshi. Take care! hug
Heyy Keshi! Good to read you again!
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year to you too :)
Season's greetings Kesh:-)
Amazing way to usher in d New Year, a post 4m u...thnx:)
ty Devika!
tnxx Srijith! I hope all is well with ya.
Missed ya too Jay. Dun ya yanks touch Assange now! ;-)
Joyce I thank u for ur encouragement. Always. U hv a way abt ya that made me wanna write this post :)
Mehreen yes we all still exist in that 'time'. Hows life girl? Missed ya! *MWAH*
Anwesa ty girl. I love reading ur posts too...they r always upto the brim with brilliance!
Pri yes it does seem like eons ago doesnt it :) It's so good to hear from u. I hope all is well with ya and tnxx alot for the wishes hun! TC
CU tnxx and yes I hope n pray for a day like that! when the whole world can finally truly breathe. People r so heartless..did u read abt the Anni Dewani story? Its so sad...so shocking that we still live in a world like that!
Ria ur a beauty! No doubt. And who said u aint lucky? u r the luckiest girl on Earth..cos u hv one of the most BEAUTIFUL hearts that a human could ever hv! *HUGS* And tnxx for the beautiful wishes for me and my mum! Love ya girl. Cant wait to see ur bridal pics next year!
Arrrrrv heyyyyyyyy! *big smile here* :) so v nice to hear from u mate, woohoo! Hows everything with ya? I went to ur blog but there was no blog :( why dun u write once in a while like me? Leave it open. Thats the best way to deal with writers block or whatever reasons that make us part with blogs. Writing is one of my passions, so I'd be here from time to time..not as wacko-regular as b4 hehe, but I'd like to keep writing somehow. It keeps me ALIVE within. Where r u now? Hows life going for ya? Would love to know. Wherever u r, I hope ur happy. did u end up getting married?? ;-) TC.
Well-said Rakesh! @encapsulation of time. Thats exactly what Memories are! ur a guru of Word-play :)
LOL Mayz it seems the spider carefully chose me! It was a bad bite, and it left a huge area *under my right arm* patchy and ugly..and the doc says it would take months for the scar to fade! Im not seeing anyone til then LOL.
:( And there goes my night-jogging! Bloody spider @##$%&!
Ash it's so lovely to hear from ya girl :) ty so much for the wishes! I hope all is well with ya. TC & KIT. X
aw Jeevan tnxx matey :) I hope all is well with ya and that ur keeping well. Send some pretty Rangoli my way too! *HUGS*
Suga suga u too :) Lovely to hear from u all and to read all ur blogs again. XO
Saim the feeling's mutual :) Lovely to read all ur blogs in the lead up to 2011!
keshi girl! :)
it's so good to see your post.
wish u too a blessed new year! n merry merry christmas! :)
Good to see ya Keshi:)) Hope all is well. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
New year greetings too..
not too sound sadistic or anythin I wish the spider had bitten you somewhere else...U know jus coz u might have given me a description of that place too :P
anyhoo I hope d scar goes away really really soon
Hi!! nice 2 know ur still writing... visited ur blog after almost a year or 2!!
I must say .. there is lot to learn 4m u.. and u have wonderful collection of beautiful pictures!
anyway happy new year and merry Xmas!
Aww...thanks so much for the kind words. I love the fact that u never refrain from saying good things about ppl.
Whoever said that two women cant complement each is oh so wrong!
I will miss ur presence in my wedding. And yes i'll definitely send u the link to my wedding snaps. :)
Miss u, and i know for once that i'll always keep in touch with u. :)
Wow, I am here after ages! Hope you are doing well Keshi.
Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones!
So great to hear from you again.
Please email me so that I can send you my 2010 Crimbo card.
I have a new hard drive and all of my email freakin' addresses were lost.
hey gal,
you are back on track.
nice to see you back.
I guess it has been long since we even spoke on mail.
glad to know that you are fine.
keep writing, i will be visiting more often.
nice words as always keshi .
Should we think that you're back ?
MErry Christmas and Avery happy new year to you :)
take care K
Santa Claus left a hint in the stockings to check your blog.
:) :)
Time is the best teacher and a great healer and the greatest leveller.
Merriest X-Mas Keshi.
Dearest Keshi
Oh, what a wonderful surprise to see you here again!
I was not online this week (expect for today and just saw the email you sent to me about your post.)
So love what you wote, it's lovely!
And, I'm not surprised that you wrote this in 10 minutes as you are a fantastic writer and words come to you so easily!
Wishing you a most wonderful Christmas(it's Christmas there now) and may 2011 bring you much joy and many blessings!
Margie xo
Oh, spider bite is not good but I'm so glad you are ok!
Love ya!
Nice to see u back....
wish u a merry christmas and happy new year.
How is the spider doing now ? :)
and a beautiful song shared as usual..
wish to c u more often on blogger...
Merry Christmas Keshi! hope you're doing fine!
hey ya keshi!
Merry christmas and happy new year :D
hopefully we meet some time ;)
Loved this piece Keshi! :)
Hope you are doing well. Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year!
THank you so much for blogging keshi!
I loved the post! :) I have my exams in 2 days and your post made me want to study :P
A very happy new year to you too!
Lots of love :)
it feels so good to be back!!
wishing you a belated merry christmas!!
awww.. miss reading u r blog.. well.. glad i got a chance today..
and its soo true..Somewhere in the world tonight, everything's alright. and i do hope everything is alright with u as well..
hope u had a very good Christmas and wishing u a very happy and prosperous new year..
take care..
Heya poppy doll-pearl, merry belated X'mas and a wonderful 2011 ahead.
Me hasn't had much time to post an entry for months :(
Hope all is well with ya! :)
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you too Keshi! Take care....be blessed. As usual, wonderful post!
Good Bye 2010 and Hello 2011
its Dec 31 here in Mumbai
and tonight we bid Good Bye to 2010
and with plenty HOPE
and Good CHEER
we will bring in 2011
but ....
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!
-For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
Dont ever say Good Bye hon
Kabhi Alvida na kehana
Heyy..Keshi-I just knew that I'd find a post here and hence,here I am.:)
How've u been?Hope u plan a return here..OMG..a spider bite-hope it's aok now..must've been terrible..
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