Friday, February 24

Dream on

Ok let's have some weekend fun folks. Here I ask you a question and all you got to do is answer...simple na :) OK now here's the question:

If you were given an opportunity to spend 1 night with just anyone in the world, who would it be, why did you choose that person and how would you spend the night with him/her?

ooo lala I can see some hot answers coming usual my answer will be given after all of you take part :) Bring it on babes! (btw this pic of me was taken on Vals day in NZ...I did all sorts of things to it to make it look obscure cos I don't like posting original pics on the net :)

147 Cranium Signets:

uttara said...

yepieeeeeee me first wooo hoooooooooooo

u lookkk hawwwwwwwwwwttttttttttttttt

yummmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahhahahha

mermaid ..:D

uttara said...

damnn i cant believe am first on ur blog after agesssssssss

yepieeeeeee lets dance baby .. wanna join...
my dancing partner is wayyy away from me sobs sobs ... in germany ..;)

lollzzzzz i will wait patiently for him to come bkkkkkkkkkkk

right nw i will do some dance with u :D .... hahahha my charlies angel ...loll



Jim said...

dat was easy

King Solomon new how to flirt
he had 100 wives

i wont go to hell too

Jim said...

HA !

i have a software dat makes the obscure
crystal clear

mail me for the new pic

Jim said...


if u werent a girl
i wud hit u

Rupa (BNB) said...

me second he he he

Rupa (BNB) said...

cant tell that moderator is on. Anyway till then I am enjoying for first time in single digit catogary

Rupa (BNB) said...

I would like to spend with MichealJackson.

Since I am Adult no danger bieng with him at nights. hahaha

Spend whole night watching his makeover , make up & make him sing & dance. Fire on the floor.

DARLing said...

I wonder who i want to spend with
MAybe my LOVE one .. hahaaaaaaa

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I hope you will take it as a compliment when I tell you that you look like a young Cher to me. I always thought she was lovely, and still is.
However, she is not who I'd want to spend the night with. Unless it was partying and having girl talk.
Somebody who is still of this world...Gawd...I really don't know. I talk about all kinds of dudes that I find attractive in certain ways. But I can't think of anyone who I must have at this point. There are plenty of "well, he could be the one" types who I could think about. But I've surely not succeeded in finding the one! So I'll just keep it light and humorous and say--line up, Dudes!
The Cheesy 1

Dewaker Basnet said...

wind hitting the palm groves and swooshing sound all over the place..
distant light...beachfire...

food aplenty and my girl by my side:)
im sure this does not sound too hot eh;:

Pradeep Puranik said...

Hmmmm... interesting!

I pondered over this question for over three hours, and I'm still unable to answer.

Wonder why a few such questions always get me tongue-tied.

But I would love to dine out with one of Charlie's Angels. And spend a night with her looking at the moon and stars, talking about humor, poems, people and life. :)

Wellll... you did say "Dream on"! LOL

Rupa (BNB) said...

nO I am third :(( Saby the Devil is Second huh

rebel_on_loose said...

Ahaan....someone looks hott ;)
Well spending a nite with wud have to b Salma Hayek i guess!

:P fuzzbox said...

Since I am happily married, I am not going to list a famous hottie but instead opt for hanging out partying with a party animal. I would bring back Attila the Hun and we could cruise around listening to Limp Biskit's 'Break Stuff' and raise hell.

Tarun said...

After giving title 'dream on' then said about spending 1 night and after this how dare you ask 'how we will spend night with her/him'? come on what happened to u after coming back from NZ. Believe me no one is going to spend that night doing some religious activity like we do in church or temple.....u know what I mean.

milo said...

u hav bn tagged!

R said...

Hot pic! Yooohoooooo!!


Tough question there. How did you come up with this!!

desperado said...

hey nice pic ;)

spend one night wid someone...well i would love to be wid Prieyt Zinta..tht would be d best thing....n maybe the whole night will pass away in her giggles n in me convincing her to stay forever...

wow..nice dream na :)

Dewdrop said...

Per my current state of mind, I'd choose to spend a night with a bunch of my long lost school/college friends whom I have no trace about. Would be thrilling to chat endlessly, laugh heartily and reminisce over old times. Place would really not matter, its their company that would count :)

Dewdrop said...

Oh forgot to comment on your picture...You look stunning :)

Sudeep said...

Right now I can only think of DIANE LANE... he he he

n wht would i do? Considering the immature age of some of the audience here... the details will be sent over by mail..lollzz

exasparater said...

crunchy situation!!!

may be watching her "what she speaks throughout nite,her eyes,her myriad expressions,her small yet cute lips"...thats all...thats enough for me...

~*. D E E P A .* ~ said...

hey ....

u look great ... seriously !

is it really you ? the pic reminded me of some old snap of Jessica Lal. but ur pic is not way too obscure .
Even , i refrain from sharing my pic.

abt the qn , well ,
option #1 :
With the guy i love ( in future ) .... and eating aloo parathas and icecream late into the night around a fire

Option #2 :
With parents and sis , in Kodai

Option #3 :
With my fav cousins and grandparents at my grandparent's house.

Cheerio !

j said...

hmm good question. probably some hot movie star like brad pitt. cliche i know. and what we would do? haha i don't kiss and tell.

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

lol bad bad bad ...

i know what would i do ... but i dunno who i wanna spend a night with ....

i have some really naughty stuff in ma mind ... ;p ;p

i cant wait to read ppl's comments though!! :P

wallycrawler said...

Hmmm...? I pick Jennifer Aniston cause I think she has something to prove .

I'm da guy she could go crazy with and end all that talk that she's dead in the sack . We'd get all liquored up snort some coke and go wild !

Too Bad That Dick Vince Vaughn Got There First !

tsduff said...

If you were given an opportunity to spend 1 night with just anyone in the world, who would it be, why did you choose that person and how would you spend the night with him/her?

Only one night? Of course it would be my Sweet Bear. I chose him because he also chose me - so long ago when I was 14 and he was 15. How would I spend the night? Well, ideally we would have a fire on the warm beach, blankets on the sand, crashing waves sounding lovely in the background... grilling a couple of steaks, bottle of wine, and then lanquidly lay in each other's arms. There are so many scenarios - all would be wonderful.

You are a beauty - love to see your picture!

Keshi said...


OMG Uttsy u r indeed first after a LONG time! Coooooool :)

OK babes where is tha answer to my Q? Stop dancing n tell me sweety...btw it doesnt have to be the opp sex lollll!


u mean u wud choose me? lol why and what wud u do with me? Awwww so sweet...thank ye thank ye thank ya...:):)

Keshi all smilezz now....

And why wud u hit mah sweet mermaid Uttsy??


heyyy girl ur 3rd which is not bad at all woohoo!

MJ great @adult...hahaha....yes he wud be great to watch all night long..especially his moon one can beat him in that!


hey WC Darling! Ur love ha...that's so sweet, thanks!


hello there! What a compliment I got...a young Cher - WOW! She's so good looking :) thanks! btw I do look like her cos I have dark hair and my face structure is long...and I have big eyes and dark brows...ur right abt that comparison :)

na na U have to tell me someone..hehehe...I know that we all have so many ppl we wud wanna have a night with...but just choose one and have fun tell me now :):) btw this is ONLY a game so!


WC mate!

Now why wudnt ur answer sound hot at all? It is indeed HOT...shows how much u love n respect ur answer and thanks!


lol u took 3 hours? awwww...I got u all working!

D u mean the movie-Charlies' angels or the blog Charlies' angels - lol...which r myself, st000nie and Uttsy..hahaha we r feeling high now, thanks!


awww Salma babez...I know she'a hottie! well u didnt tell me why, how etc...hehehe...c'mon out with it ;-)


thats so sweet of u..I see alot of guys here being so faithful to their girls and wives even tho this is just a game..that's very sweet of all u guys.

Atilla n Limp Biskit what a rad way to spend a! Thanks mate u rock!


lol Tarun hahahaha! heyy dun be anooyed lol! Just tell me...who wud u wanna spend a night with :) besides it doesnt have to be religious or intimate r so many other ways to spend the night na..I wanna see the variety of answers this post brings :) so tell me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...plzzzzzzzz...:):)


oh am I? hehe will get back to u soon...thanks!


lol Rohit thanks! I just came up with it - now where's the answer mate? ;-)


u gottta tell me na Jiggzy..hehehe...u dun have to gimme the names..just an indication who it it ur GF? awww...


heyyy Nikzz thanks for the compliments...I aint so beautiful...just an ordinary chick with alot of hyper activity going on in her body lol!

Who guruji btw? Some lucky guy but who is he? :)


heyy thanks mate :)

Ms.Zinta ha? She's beautiful! I love her bubbly nature and I know some of my cousin bros r also crazy abt her. She's a cutey.

Thanks for taking part mate!


hey thanks girl :)

Old college mates! WOW what a brilliant bunch to spend a night with...that was so sweet Dewdy. Yes place doesnt really matter if u enjoy the on!


hahahaha Ms.Lane might end up killing u beware ;-) na na I want the details c'mon out with it :):)


heyy mate...who's this she? She sounds like a real beauty...hmmm lucky girl too ;-)


heyy girl yes it is me...I have posted half a pic of mine once cos Im too scared to share the whole pic. I did Chalk n Charcoal effect on this one to obsucre it :) I'm wearing a peacock blue top in that pic...I wanna see u too...send me by email if u can.

ur future guy is a lucky guy then :) ur parents r in Kodai? Is that close to Bangalore? U seem to love ur family alot which is great...thanks for taking part sweety!


hey WC :)

BP is good for a night oyeah ;-) lol u dun have to tell me 'how' ur gonna spend it hahaha!


u naught lil ur waiting to read other ppl's comments when u havent given ur answer? not fair! I want ur's right now lolllz!


heyy mate :)

Jen is sweet...does she do drugs? I didnt know.

lol@ Vince! I really dun like that guy...I think he's just having a temp thingy with her...wait n watch...


heyyy WC Ben!

ur dad? awwww....that brought tears to my eyes...cos I miss my dad too...he died suddenly when I was 16...what happened to ur dad mate?


heyy girl ur man is a very lucky guy...u r such a wonderful woman to not have picked anyone else but ur man..and to spend that night so beautifully by the beach - wow! Ur ans was very graphic, thanks!


Sunita said...

If you were given an opportunity to spend 1 night with just anyone in the world, who would it be, why did you choose that person and how would you spend the night with him/her?

George Clooney....he he he he he

Arun Gopalan said...

Nice pic :).

Spending one night with someone...

Given an opportunity I would spend that one night with my playstation 2... why? because she is an abosulte sweetheart.. and what would i do? play games what else? ;-)

Now Maverick.


Jay Noel said...

Whoa Ben...I was going to answer with a witty, sarcastic answer...but yours threw me for a loop.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...i wish i cud hv Late Parveen Babi(Lively), Brigette Neilson(Strong), Sharon Stone(Sensious), Salma Hayek(Hot), Yasmine Bleeth(Sexy),Catherine zeta Jones(Beatifull), Sushmita Sen(Charming).....bloody hell!!! i m already sweating....phew!!!anyways if i really had to choose one out of these lovely ladies i wud go for Sushmita Sen...ahem ahem...on a long drive, holding her hand, with Carlos santana solos or Kenny G tracks on...campfire in a forest and fire everywhere...phew!!!lemme stop

Anonymous said...

Ahem...btw u r looking great in that pic even after all the efforts u put in to make it obscure...:)

Anonymous said...

ummmm...btw if u ain't that busy this evening, lets hook up then....i promise i'll bring the mosquito repellant lotions so that u dont hv any problem spending the night in the

Jim said...

, why?,
i guess i must be dumb

u have no experience
i wud waste half the night teaching u how

, wat wud we do?,
we wud play scrabble the whole night through

and i wud win evry game
coz u r dumber

Ignacio Jiménez Torrado said...

I sow your blog and i think it's cool. You should take a look at this site.

Dalicia said...

hi keshi, i'm fine..but i'll be out of town for 10 days.

i would seriously spend it with dalai lama. i've been reading a lot of his books. why? dalai lama is not just a religious leader, he's also a president of his country. his country has gone through a lot with the chinese government.

i hope, i could be one of his students to share the tibetan culture with other people. just my thoughts :)

Dalicia said...

btw, beautiful pic of you! i bet anup is drooling eheheh

Queen Bee said...

At this moment, top on the wish list is someone I lust most (because I want to have his baby!). Talk to him, share my thoughts with him, hug him, and kiss kiss him so many times till he's dazzled!

Visithra said...

Hey me too would like to spend it with mj too or some musician - i wanna be entertained and romanced with dance n music ;p

keshi somehow i always thought ulooked like those cute baby dolls - whoa was i wrong ure a hottie ;) - dear u look gorgeous ;)

Ĵōÿ said...

Obscure pic or not you are a beautiful girl. And my fantasy guy is Chris Cornell. But tis a hard pick between him and Orlando Bloom. One of my ex's looks just like Orlando though, so I gotta stick with Chris!

strawy said...

i wud like to spend 1 night with my p00 ,going for candle light dinner, watching Tom N Jerry,running on streets shouting...lolzzz n his gf running after me with a broom ... heheheh

jokes apart ... i wud like to spend 1 night with all my friends... its a long list ... but really wanna spend a night will all of them..having fun..n do lotssss lotsss of mastiiiiiiii

muahh keshu

Autumn Storm said...

Lovely to see a picture of you, Kesh - looking mighty lovely!
That question needs some deep and serious contemplation...maybe Billy Connolly, would be a hoot for sure,
though anyone of the a-list bloggers would be excellent too :)...hmmm, RW would be up to the task of 'entertain'ing me, I'm sure...hard question lol

Have a great weekend, xxx

coolvir said...

Definately Anjelina Jolie :):)

Kathy said...

i think i'll spend the night with someone who can sing for me non-stop the whole night haha^_^ He'll be singing love songs for me while we're looking at each others eyes and sometimes kissing in between oh hoho^_^ sweet naa?!
Oops i forgot i'm married aarghh!

Kathy said...

Oh i forgot to tell're beautiful sweetie^_^ You look stunning... ^_~ and seems you're tall too..are you?


MS said...

Hey Keshi,

Firstly Welcome back, am sorry very late here, but happy 2 C U back.

Hmm..well about spending a night with someone......there are so many I guess, I'll need to take out a lottery to determine that :) lolzz... Hey juz kidding....

I'd love to meet up with Aishwarya Rai someday(err...night) :-) Also have a list of guyz whom I admire...guess they can be met with during the day time...ha ha :)


Nisha said...

Hi Keshi :) Me finally got some time free to check blogs :D Not wasting a single moment ;)

One person... hmmm.... well... I'd say ... I'm completely blank... think Icy think... ummmm.... Who is interesting, good looking, can carry a good conversation, sexy...

I am so bad at this... ok... Sonu Nigam.... I only know that he is good looking and I've had a crush on him for a very long longg time... So Sonu it is :)

He can sing to me with his sexy voice, and I can jsut watch and letch letch at him...

And by the way... U look abs fantastic...! Wow...finally me getting to match a pic to ur name :)

Mirage said...

Lookin good!! ;)

I really dont know what to reply to ur question...I guess at this point, I'd rather be alone, than wid anyone else.

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

Nice Nice Hot Pic btw!

Dawn said...

WOW...Keshi u r damn beautiful & sexy ..i tell u gal :D....

Now I think it would be you whom I would like to meet and you can imagine when two fun-loving people meet what can they do....make the city topsy turvy hehehehe

beautiful pic gal...

keep smiling

Jackal said...

i am not talking to uuuuuuuuuuuuu ...why did u have to obscure tht pic : (

Jackal said...

hmmmmmm u know wht.....i wud love to spend tht night with u . )..but only if u promise to have enuf coffee to last the night........yeah "just" sip coffee n talk to you to all night...sitting in the balcony..with cool wind blowing.....just see u talking ...smiling.....wht say keshi? dont give me those weird looks i am perfectly normal . )

Keshi said...


heyy Sweety :)

~~George Clooney....

aww I like him too...but recently I read abt him in a paper...and he said that he doesnt like committment and that he doesnt have time to love a woman now I have 2nd thoughts lol!


hey Mr.Mediocare new Id ha, cool!

**playstation 2... why? because she is an abosulte sweetheart.. and what would i do? play games what else?

lol good one! However Im not sure if u really meant PS2 by that ;-)

~~The Phoenix

hey mate hows u?

yep Ben's ans made me really did...


lol South u have a blockbuster list u wud need abt a week for all of em hahahaha!

Parveen was really beautiful na...and Salma is one o my favs too...I dun like Sharon Stone much but then Im not a les na so I dun have to like!

So ur very fond of Sen...she's nice...very smart girl...great choice South :) Wut u gonna take her to the woods? lol okkkai :):) That sounds very interesting...lolllz!

And u wud take me to the woods too.....ROFL I'd be fighting mozzies all nite long so yeah, u betta bring! Besides it wont be that pleasant a night for u cos I'd be complaining abt the darkness, creepy crawlies n wut-nots...hehehe...


elloooo Sabzz :)

**, why?,
i guess i must be dumb

awww :( wut exp r u talking abt? lol!

**i wud waste half the night teaching u how

make it the whole!

**, wat wud we do?,
we wud play scrabble the whole night through


**and i wud win evry game
coz u r dumber

Dream on baby ;-) Im quite good at it...but be prepared to receive a punch if incase u win...I get quite emotional in games too lol!


Hey WC Kalpz! And thanks :):)


Heyyy Ignacio WC to my world!


Hiii Elaine hows it going sweety :) aww ur gonna be away for 10 whole days :( Im gonna miss ya!

**i would seriously spend it with dalai lama.

what avery noble choice! I know that he's one of the hughest human beings - in thought, word n deed...

i hope, i could be one of his **students to share the tibetan culture with other people. just my thoughts :)

u r a very pure!


heyy QueenBee hows ya?

**(because I want to have his baby!).

that must be a very sweet guy then..cos u seem to love him alot...or did u say Lust? :)


heyy sweety!

Another MJ fan..coool! Entertainment is the key to living life to the fullest ha...great thinking...

**keshi somehow i always thought ulooked like those cute baby dolls - whoa was i wrong ure a hottie ;) - dear u look gorgeous ;)

lol aww baby na me no baby or a doll..:):) Im a hyper-active road runner lol! Thanks for the em ;-)


Hiiyya Joy, thanks!

**And my fantasy guy is Chris Cornell. But tis a hard pick between him and Orlando Bloom.

some good taste there ;-)

**One of my ex's looks just like Orlando though, so I gotta stick with Chris!

lol poor ex!


hey dolly hows ya?

**i wud like to spend 1 night with my p00..

ooooo lalaaaaaaa ;-) ahemmm Pu?? oh okkkk lollllz!

**i wud like to spend 1 night with all my friends...

thats such a genuine and faithful choice...u r a great friend to many st000nie, I love ya! Muahhhhhhhh!


heyyy girl hows ya?

**maybe Billy Connolly, would be a hoot for sure,
though anyone of the a-list bloggers would be excellent too :)...

Great choice there ;-)

**hmmm, RW would be up to the task of 'entertain'ing me, I'm sure...hard question lol

lol hahaha! btw u might have some trouble inviting RW over...cos I might come along with him Lolllllllz! Just kidding ;-)


hi there!

**Definately Anjelina Jolie :):)

ooooooooooo hot choice ;-) Wud u be alive the next morning? lol!


hello is this Pithaly? :)

U want Uttsy aww...HOW CHOICE!
But u gotta ask her if she wud accept it na :) And na South wont say anything...cos he's taking me to the woods na lol!

Yep South is a great human being...and dun worry, he understands jokes...he's a sport and a gentleman.

~~lil _kath

Heyy Kath thanks for all the compliments :) U can say Im tall - Im 5'7"...wut abt u?

**i think i'll spend the night with someone who can sing for me non-stop the whole night haha^_^

thats a very good choice...cos I like singing too and listening to songs...and I love yeah, that wud be an ideal night to feel good...

**He'll be singing love songs for me while we're looking at each others eyes and sometimes kissing in between oh hoho^_^ sweet naa?!
Oops i forgot i'm married aarghh!

lol so cute! Well being married doesnt mean ur not allowed freedom to think ur fine gal :) hugggggggz!


heyyy MS hows u? hey no need to apologise...okkk? :)

lol @lottery!

**I'd love to meet up with Aishwarya Rai someday(err...night) :-)

thats cool...I bet u'd have so much to say to her ha ;-)

**Also have a list of guyz whom I admire...guess they can be met with during the day time...ha ha :)

lol hahaha good one!

Thanks :)


heyyy Icy huggggggggggz WB!

**Who is interesting, good looking, can carry a good conversation, sexy...

essential criteria indeed ;-)

**Sonu Nigam.... I only know that he is good looking and I've had a crush on him for a very long longg time... So Sonu it is :)

OMG he's cuttttttte! And he's got an EXCELLENT romantic! goshh that's a great choice! He came ona tour to Aus and damnnn I missed the concert for some stupid reason :(

**He can sing to me with his sexy voice, and I can jsut watch and letch letch at him...

haha ur sweet Icy! I hope he reads this someday n invites u...:)

Thanks sweety!


heyy Mirage thanks :)

**I guess at this point, I'd rather be alone, than wid anyone else.

awwwwwwwww u ok dear?


heyyy babez hows ur weekend? Ur knee ok?


heyy Dawny babez, thanks :)

**Now I think it would be you whom I would like to meet and you can imagine when two fun-loving people meet what can they do....make the city topsy turvy hehehehe

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats such a SWEET thing tp say! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Yesss lol u n I can drive so many ppl up the walls n make cities go crazy lol! hahahahaha Dwany ur sweet!


heyy matey huggggggggz!

**i am not talking to uuuuuuuuuuuuu ...why did u have to obscure tht pic : (

lol aww...cos it's better that way in a public place na...

**i wud love to spend tht night with u . )..


**but only if u promise to have enuf coffee to last the night........yeah "just" sip coffee n talk to you to all night...sitting in the balcony..with cool wind blowing.....just see u talking ...smiling.....

I think that wud be an AWESOME foxxy (Jackalish hehehe) nite ;-) lol yeah I'd luv coffee too and talking all nite long...goshh we have so much to catch up on ha? Thanks so much mate, ur a swt hrt!

**wht say keshi? dont give me those weird looks i am perfectly normal . )

lol not at all...I dun think ur weird...u r too genuine and too sweet Hugggggggz!

Saby and Dawn, now u have competition cos Jackal too chose me :):)


messys musings said...

k00kieeeeeeeeeeee... hugzzzzzzzzz... oooooooo la laaaaaaa... i dont think id say more abt the pic :p...

n y isnt the scene hotting up here???... darn 'i want to spend the nite wth frnds'... awww so boring... guyssss... spend the day with frnds.. leave the nite alone... heh...

hmmm n me... id love to spend a nite wth abhishek bacchan.... (do i see my hubby running after me now??)... lol..

alrite let him...he'll never catch me... coz id ask abhi to take one of his sports car n we'd drive off to lonavla... ooooooooo long drive... with heady music... n we'd have people chasing us... one will b my hubby... next will b ash (his gf) n after that his mom n dad... lol... i can imagine abhisheks eyes going all naughty at the idea of the run...

hmmm i think all nite we'll only run... hmmm ok zoom around...heh


Phred said...

I agree with :P FuzzBox on this one. I too am very married, still.
I better not answer.

Anonymous said...

***it wont be that pleasant a night for u cos I'd be complaining abt the darkness, creepy crawlies n wut-nots*** darkness, dont worry pal, we'll hv campfire...:), creepy crawlies, don't worrythey wont bother u much coz they wud be mesmerised by ur beauty by then, wut-nots...ummmm now this has made me curious, elaborate this wut-nots soon, i'll see if can eliminate them by the next

@Twisted truth
Its ok, no probs...:)

uttara said...

hey beautifullllllll

okie now to tell u wat i wud do ...

ummm i guess its crazyyy .loll

i wud have a group night outing to a beach n camp fire ... music of course ;) ... how can we stay w.o that .... loll

the group wud be of all the ppl whom .. mainly ... ME, U, St000nie, Am000nie, M000nie, Zombie, Kiran, Sunita, Dewdrop, Boldy, Divya, Michelle, Cheesy... ummm too many more;)
guys ... ahem ahem .. of course .. list will go on .....loll
to name some .. ;) southy, inci vinci, jackal, mastana (bf), damnnn guys r too less here .lolll
okie i keep this open for the girls .. u can get ur partner if u want ..else these guys will have blast with al the sexyyy ladies here ...loll

we will have music .. southy will be singing n guitaring .. we all will be listening quitely ..loll ( thats optional) n then dancing on the sea bed with camp fire ... n wen tired, i guess we wont chat chat .. till Dawn ...

wow .. awesome na hun ????

btw those who wanna join the party will be permitted to come only by me n keshi else reject ...lolll
wat say keshi ????
smart hunks are always welcome w.o permission .. hahhaha

we will have a dress code too ...hahahhahahaha .. we shall decide later ...loll

keshi hope u liked this ...



Pradeep Puranik said...

I meant one of the blog Charlie's angles!


SaffronSaris said...

What sprung to mind immediately was ....MYSELF.
Nope, not an egoistic person here, but seriously, I would look forward to spending time with myself, reading a great book, with quality music in the background and no one to interrupt me. Or just to do whatever I want, without having to appear "productive".

Seriously, I think I'm gonna like living alone when I can finally afford it. ;)

Nice pic of you! Lemme guess, you are the fair Aryan Indian? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't differentiate between Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis)

KJ said...

welcome back girl...

hows u doin?

take care n keep in touch.



Vivek Panda said...

i'd like to spend this day with my beloved (you-know-who) on the windy cool beach with a nice candle-lit dinner !

@keshi : do peep in sometimes at our group blog 'Straight from the Heart' at

I'd be gratified if you also be a member of this blog(just lemme know at, but perhaps i'm asking too much ;)

love u and ur posts !!
take care,

uttara said...

hey twisted truth ...

u wanna go with me that to in a jail lollsss.... that too on southy's beats ..lollll... will he allow u with me ????... check it out ...hhahahahaha
BTW do i know u ???
n wat makes u choose me ???

keshi wer u going with southy in the woods .. huh?? who gave u the damn permission .. loll did u ask my permission .. he is not gonna go with u anywhere ok .. cos he n me have already decided to go in the wood ...lollll i wont tell u the details ;););)

u can get some1 else along with u .. double date :p ... hahahhaha ummm cos southy cant handle both of us at the same time ... lollll

wer is southpaw now????? lollzzzz

keshi u not gonna choose any movie star ok ..

BTW we can add the guys whom we discussed on ur post of" its raining men " ...loll wat fun if they all join :D

ok its getting haaaaawwwwttttttt now ...:p


SSB said...

What a wonderful day dreamy question you have pondered for your readers!!

I have a few. One came true in real life. The other is fantisy which is always more fun. hehe

I would love to spend the day with Jodie Foster. She is so intellectual, beautiful, and mysterious. A dream I had once was that she called me on a friday saying that she was comeing to town to visit and escape. We were to meet at the P & H Cafe'(a quiet coffee diner which is gay friendly) for greasy hamburgers, coffee and conversation. We talked and had a wonderful time. It was as though we had been friends for life. Later that night we hit some clubs and listened to some local bands and drank alittle to much. We crashed at my place instead of a lavish hotel. I made her breakfast in bed the next morning before she left to return to her home in CA. That would be my dream date.

For more details refer to this post of mine:

I may decide to post the dream date that came true if provoked... hehe!! hint hint, a limo WAS involved!!

Jackal said...

heard i had compt. ....u did not say who got the nod frm u : )

tulipspeaks said...

aww...seems like i'm late here..and i c keshi is alredi taken.. sob! sob!

whom i wanna met eh? i don't blv in requesting for celebrities and super stars to be with me.. they dont know me and i don't know, its basically doesn't make sense to me.. no offence to anyone here..

but if there is sumone i wanna meet and "spend a nite"..that would be my childhood friend.. he is a tamil-speaking chinese guy and the first friend i ever had..i still remember both of us playing with sand, bullying him for bringing feeding bottle to school..kekeke..everything.. but now, i don't know where he is..what he is doing..if he is married..if he is still as bubbly as before and if he still can speak tamil well..

he is the one i wanna meet for a nite..just a nite would be fine.. a nite by the beach, playing the sand, updating about each other's life..

btwn, ahem..refering to the pic...enna posing..aha aha..



anup.777 said...

it ain't obscure enough ... ur loveliness shines through it all! ;)

as regards the one night ... if I were married, I'd spend that night as well with her (forever faithful :) ... but for now, I have a wonderful (girl) friend in mind who I love talking to ... I'd spend the night talking to her over pizza and apple juice (perfect combination of junk food and health food) ...

sad but true ... Only Talking ... no funny biz ... coz' I'm not gonna ruin this friendship for momentary pleasure ...

Maybe you cld join us Keshi? :)

Why not sure said...

To tell you a fact may be intersting one now, my though process on reading the post. I was reading this "Dream on".

I saw the pic, Wow! nice girl. Then first para, the para in Bold. spend 1 night, i thought that i can spend a night with this girl talking as i thought its some "Miss *some country*" pic and she is good looking too.

Then i read rest of the thing and i was oops!

But I would like to spend my night with my sweetheart, coz when she is not with me, I can't sleep. I just love her very much.

You are looking good.

sittingnut said...

good morning mate !:-)

since you are asking about spending the night and not spending a day in a proverbial desert island i am assuming you refer to sex mainly. :-)
if so i will spend it with a woman who comes closest to my fantasy sex partner. i have met one or two who come close to it (not famous ppl). so i will choose one of them. :-) as to whether they will have me is another matter.
as to what my fantasy sex partner looks like, it's too complicated to describe here :-) besides it changes.

hope you had a great weekend

huggggz !

Keshi said...


aww m000nie lol ur ans was sooooooo cute! Abishek n u being chased by ur hubby lollz! I couldnt stop giggling :):) btw u sure it'll only be a run all nite long? ;-)


hey WC Phred :) No probs...if u r 'very' married n wanna stay faithful to ur wife even in a game, u must be a real sweet guy..:) thanks anyways!


lol @Bakshi..?? I couldnt stop thinking that was this is for I right?

Guruji is a net friend? ooo lala sounds very interesting :):)


lolllllz South!

WUT-NOTS = spooky noises in the woods etc :) Cud u eliminate em ASAP?


awwwwwww that was BRILLIANT idea! What a way to spend a nite ha? All the bloogers...I can onlu dream of such an event :( Yeah I did say 'dream on' didnt I :*(

U missed some interesting blokes from the will bring em in anyways :) btw I have a HUGE list of guys...the beach wont be enough to cover em all..lolllz!

na na I didnt say I wanted to take South to the woods..twas him who wanted to take me - nenenenene :):) btw u can join us cos Im too scared in the woods!


hey Pradeep so u wanna take me, Uttsy or st000nie out? woohoo ;-) THANKS for choosing us :):)


Hey Saffy hows u?

So u wanna spend a nite with very unique and quite clever...cos it's so difficult to find time for ourselves...I know. Eve I myself havent spent a nite alone with myself...come to think of it, I cant even rem when I did that last! I'm sure it wud be very peaceful for urself to do that...

Me Fair? na, I'm Tan in complexion...not fair...not dark...just middle. My dad is Sinhalese - apparently the Sinhalese r ancient Aryans so ur guess was kinda right :) Mum is from Kerala...Im Sri Lankan :) lol wut a mix ha! Yes u r right...all of us look the same and many ppl have asked me if I was from India, Iran, Spain, Italy and even Greece! lolllllllz me stoked!


Hey thanks sweety :)


hey Vivek thats such a romantic way to spend the nite ;-) Luck gal she is :):)

ok I will check that blog soon, thanks mate!


hey mate hows ya?

Jodie Foster ha? WOW!
I think ur absolutely right abt her..she's beautiful and very smart too...what a nite of friendly fun u plan to have with very cool! Thanks for sharing it with us...

ok c'mon tell us abt the dream that came true...cant wait to hear it!


lol I didnt ay...ok I will spend one night with each one of u...hows that? :)


omg Anup u just broke my heart...u said u have a girl that u wanna spend the nite with :*(


Elaine did u hear that? lol!


Yennaaaa Pose ha? lol! Thanks sweety!

aww that Chinese friend of ur's must be a real u used to laugh at his feeding bottle? hahahaha ur a bully Amu! I bet he wud be moved by what u have written here, if he ever reads sweet...childhood friends r always the first memory...


lol Het u wanted to spend a nite with me? awwwwwwwww so why did u change ur mind after realising this is me? :(

Ur GF is always with ya na...dump her for a!


hey mate :) hows ya? Hope u had a great weekend...

** and not spending a day in a proverbial desert island i am assuming you refer to sex mainly.

lol okkkai...well I didnt mean s#x at can be anything na...whatever u choose to do :)

**i have met one or two who come close to it (not famous ppl).

ooo lala and do I know these ppl? ;-) just kidding...u dun have to tell!



Kerry M. Conway said...

hm. *smirks* well...

there was this one... she, i, we, well, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

god, i so miss her.

tulipspeaks said...

Good morning honey...just reached my office and the first thing i did was to check ur bloggie..:P

ur a bully Amu!

no i am not.. see, he was 8 and was still bringing orange juice in feeding bottle to school..isn't that embarassing? i just played my part in 'educating' him..kekekeke..well, in my own way though



Anonymous said...

I'de like to spend 1 night(and more if I got a chance to) with a special girl(who you know but I can't say out her name here)cause shes got the sexiest voice I have ever heard in my whole life. I would just sit there the whole night listening to her yummeh voice :) I would like to do much more but I think its a bit too naughty to write here :p I mean we still get underage people reading ur posts such as Michelle and Tanvi and I really don't wana corrupt them :D

You look fantasticly hot Kesh :)

P.S. Cheesy can you tell me your naughty stuff?? we can exchange ideas :P

Phred said...

Even after you doctored your photograph..I still see a very attractive women.
I can say this even though I am '' very '' married ( I am not dead :-)).

Anonymous said...

spooky noises????thats it...dont worry, once i m there with u i dont think u wud hv any time to notice those, ur fellow angel wud confirm that...ha ha ha ha ha. u told uttara that u r scared to be in the woods, when u r with THE ANIMAL u don't hv to be scared of the rest of the
The idea of gathering all the bloggers is really cool, but pls do not forget to intimate the ambulance service well in advance to keep a few ambulances on standby coz u, keshi, dewdy, zombie, sunita, st000nie.....ahemm ahemmm i m already

web_loafer said...

It would have to be Stevie Nicks.
Since she is the same age as me, I won't tell the rest of the world what old rockaholics do when no one is taking notes.....
Who needs notes for times like this, I would tell her as I threw my pencil away.

Jewel Rays said...

hey keshi..*smiles*

I came by your blog last saturday and saw no new post. came back online today and tada i saw a post dates last friday. I am like huh?? i guess ma comp got screwed or something.

And haha PEEK A book. A lady unveiling herself.;) looking good. :)

well well for me.. i really can;t think of neone..hahaha..

well i would like to spend one night with REyes from ARsenal probably. ;) wonder how the night will roll on...but it would be fun..*smiles*

can;t wait to hear yours lady!;)

Keshi said...


oh dear wud have been great to hear this in!


aww amu u sweet bully ;-)


ahemmm...who is this girl..I wanna know now...cos I was thinking it wud be! email me NOW! ;-)


aww thanks for the compliments, Im in 7th heaven now ;-)

ROFL @Im not dead!


huh ur an animal? lol I dun think so...ur a gentle man :) perhaps a gentle giant..hehehe...a cute one too :)

lol @ambulance...well I can be the ambulance driver, wut say?


WC mate!

Stevie Nicks ha? hot hottt ;-) Fleetwood Mac roxxx!

Na u dun havta temme wut ur gonna be doing with I can imagine :):)


Why not sure said...

So tell me when is that night going to come :).

I was like wow! after seeing that pic, and yes if I had to spend my night with someone other then my SH, then it will be with u Keshi.

So tell me when are you coming to India next :), or when I plan to come down to NZ next ;).

Keshi said...


heyy girl must be some prob at ur end...yes this post was put up on Fri :) It's ok...ur here no na, huggggggz!

**REyes from ARsenal probably

ooops I dunno this person...enlighten me plzzz...


heyy Kalpz WB! :)


Jewel Rays said...

hey hey he is my new squeeze for the year 2006. remember my post..Lol..i have got his pic on it gurl. go check it out. take a look at the guy i would like to spend one night with. :)

Rupa (BNB) said...

whers the new post huney?

hows life? still resting?

Rupa (BNB) said...

whers the new post huney?

hows life? still resting?

uttara said...

keshi ..

ya we will have a blast .....lolll

hey u going wid him in the woods ... i dint permit u ...HELLOOOOOOOOO

southy dare u go wid her w.o asking me???? ....lolll
***ur fellow angel wud confirm that...ha ha ha ha ha.

ahem ahem

****ahemm ahemmm i m already

ya ya .. the temp there in germany in 0degree n u sweating just by taking our name .. wat wil happen wen its LIVE ..lolllsssssss

u will have drew barrymore glam cam n salma there tooo hahahahaha

now i wanna see u drooolingggggggggg


Keshi said...


lol ok it depends on how ur planning to spend it with me :)


web_loafer said...

I've never posted to such a rad blog like this (you have more people commenting about the comments about the comments other commenters commented about, than I have excuses for not commenting) but I like it.
What a multitude of dudes and dudettes.

>WOW< you all have bathed recently.

Stevie Nicks for President



Keshi said...


lol now I rem! awww he's a yummy treat indeed ;-) u got taste gal!


haha Uttsy no need to be J...u can go to the woods the next day na..lolllz!

South is sweating so much that it's in German news now..


heyyy girl yep u cud say Im still resting...hehehe...too lazy to write anything new...will do soon tho - stay tuned ;-)


Keshi said...


hey WB :)

**WOW< you all have bathed recently


yep I have some great variety of ppl here..and it's what u call Heaven ;-) Stevie Nicks might be in here somewhere too..who knows :)


Shikha said...

It seems I am last to comment:(
I would like to spend a whole night with the guy I love..talking,walking(preferably in moonlight),holding hands,eating,talking..sigh,i am a romantic:))
And thats a greaaat it bcos u did all sorts of things with it?..haha..just kidding..u look hot:)

Pradeep Puranik said...

Wellllll... Will my dream come true? ;)

anup.777 said...

yes, you bet I couldn't help but drool ... ;)

lolz ... i said I have a girl (friend) in mind ... never said that I adore her ... never said I love her ... but u know how i feel about u, don't you? lolz ... hehe (grins) ;)

did you hear this Elaine? ... :)

Jo said...

o oh! Now thats a tough question. :-) I just cant answer it properly. A lot of faces coming to mind. :-)

Jewel Rays said...

LOL Keshi..I hope I marry one with the taste evident..hahahah..we neva now eh…sometimes we just neva end up otherwise..hahaha..:P well it’s the heart that shines;) the more I look at the pic the more beautiful you emerge out of it. *smiles*

still_figuring_out said...

that pic of you is lovely! i can still make out how you look like :)

anyway, i would spend it with my sweetie, for obvious reasons :), watching movie while eating pizza and holding each other. add in kisses and hugs and ah-hum whatevernot and i would have the perfect day :)

Nisha said...

Oh boyyy..... now that is one day I will cherish all my life.. cmon Sonu,....check check check :D

PuNeEt said...

seems like... i've not been here for ages...

u look hot...
I don't like posting original pics on the net :)
do u like mailing them ;-) lolz

@ strawy
i wud like to spend 1 night with my p00 ,going for candle light dinner, watching Tom N Jerry,running on streets shouting...lolzzz n his gf running after me with a broom
lolz hahahaha
thats soooo sweet of you...
candle light dinner hmmm...
wat abt a dance together ;-)

My reply has to be other than my GF... coz ofcourse my obvious answer is my GF... and no points for guessing why ;-)

I wud luv to spend that night wth My Colony group...
Why... coz wen we guys are together we are in the best of our moods n spirit... n we just ROCK...
How... partying... dancing... going for long drives... racing bikes...

Whats ur pick babezzz....

Jim said...

she asked wud u spend the nite wid me ?

and 100 guys respomded
i ask the same question and only Pithaly responds

Life is unfair

Harashita R. R. Bajaj said...


nice pic gal

well if i get a chance to spend one night as per my wish i wud rather choose to b alone on a hill top near a river or a lake with a good novel and a GnR cd

Marc said...

I'd like to bring Plato to Starbucks and have a good chat.

Anonymous said...

Now dont be so greedy, we dated twice na...ahem ahem...keshi is right, u can come next, i got so much work to do....get rid of spooky noises, crawling creepies, darkness, mosquitoes, etc, etc, etc, then take keshi to the woods, then the entire week i need to give attention to the lovely ladies i mentioned in my list, u were supposed to manage my dates and other logistics and instead of doing that u r fighting with my prospective date and here i hv to do all by,now get on with ur pad and note down all

ya u take charge of one of the ambulance after all being just good looking aint enough one has to be morally responsible as well, i mean i can imagine what wud be the

Anonymous said...

I showed this post and comments to kavita, thankfully she didnt kicked me out of the

Jackal said...

spend one night with cud u : ( i am so possessive.....i wud rather go the super star's party ...uttara the live wire : )

SwB said...

that there is a very pretty picture Keshi girl ( u a Punju?) ...and I must say I'm very surprised nobody's picked you yet! ;)

j said...

hey, can i link you on my blog?

sittingnut said...

hey mate
where or when is your answer? :-)

anyway have a nice day !

Keshi said...


heyy girl :) ur not the last to comment...hell na lol!

**i am a romantic

aww so sweet! So u have a guy u love so much? lucky u...somebody love...

**is it bcos u did all sorts of things with it?

lol I guess so hahahaha, thanks anyways :):)


Hey Kalpz!

**but i wud really like to spend this 1 night taking care of the unsaid part...

aww thats so sweet...why can u contact him now?

**on a more unrealistic note i would say a much much younger "mel gibson"...he's got killer eyes n a cute butt...LOLLLLL

I like Mel...but Im not so crazy abt him..hehe...cos if u come to Aus, u will see alot of Mels walking! But yeah, it wud be great to have him for a nite ;-)


**Wellllll... Will my dream come true? ;)

lol ofcourse awwwwwwwww! Which one d u want, Cam, Drew or Lucy? :)


yes, you bet I couldn't help but drool ... ;)

lol wut u drooling on? Cant be me...c'mon I aint that gorgeous...Im just a good loooking girl - lol hahahahah!

**i said I have a girl (friend) in mind ... never said that I adore her ... never said I love her ... but u know how i feel about u, don't you? lolz ... hehe (grins) ;)

lol ok ok...but u didnt tell me how u feel abt me na? :(

**did you hear this Elaine? ... :)

Elaine sweety is quietly and peacefully meditating...shhhhh...dun disturb! U tell me Anup :):)


hiiii Laks long time!

**i have never failed to amuse myself... .who knows what i might do!!!!!!!!!

ur right...u neva know - thats so true :) thanks!


heyy Jo :)

**A lot of faces coming to mind. :-)

I bet they r all the super models and actresses ha? ;-)


heyyy Amy hows ya? :):)

**well it’s the heart that shines;)

Spot on! More than the looks, what matters is the heart - but then he's gottta be attractive to u na :) Im sure u will end up with someone of ur taste gal - duncha worry...:)

**the more I look at the pic the more beautiful you emerge out of it. *smiles*

lol oh c'mon...the more I look into it, the more wierd I look...cos my eyes seem not in proprtion and my brows seem too dark..hahaha...chalk n charcoal is killing me lollllz! I should've put the original one lol!


hey SFO thanks :)

aww I knew u wud mention ur swt hrt...he's a very lucky guy to have someone like u!


heyyy Icy wussup?

**cmon Sonu,....check check check :D

let me fedex this to him ok?? :) imagine that? lol!


hey Pu bear, u havent been here in ages :( :*(

**u look hot...

I thought I look cool as the Antartic lol!

**do u like mailing them ;-) lolz

lol na....hahaha!

**wat abt a dance together ;-)

st000nie will do the tango with ya...and I can come in between n spoil!

**coz ofcourse my obvious answer is my GF... and no points for guessing why ;-)

aww so sweet!

**I wud luv to spend that night wth My Colony group...

thats such a lovely thing to I always thought u r a very loyal friend Pu...thats so hard to find these days...

**Whats ur pick babezzz....

coming up ;-)


Saby u didnt tell me HOW ur gonna spend the nite with me and WHY u chose me? Wud u concentrate on the Q I ask??? :) thanks!

**i ask the same question and only Pithaly responds - Life is unfair

lol hahahahaha!


hey Pithzz...

**and I told him to find the key quickly. Really quickly. lol!

ROFL! Well Uttsy will bite u off - BEWARE! lol!

**If you did, SP did'nt stand a chance. But those days are gone Babez.

awww...nothing's gone...u guys still rock..stay golden forever ppl...


heyy mate!

**i wud rather choose to b alone on a hill top near a river or a lake with a good novel and a GnR cd

that wud be an AWESOME nite playing it solo :) Especially with GNR ard..WOW!


hey Marco WC!

**I'd like to bring Plato to Starbucks and have a good chat.

wow Plato! Interesting thought process...and what wud u ask this great Greek philosopher? I'd actually ask him to invite me over to Greece cos it's one place I so want to go visit!!


hey South :):)

**now get on with ur pad and note down all

awww ur being so men to mah she's gonan kill us both now..yep in the woods that wud!

**i mean i can imagine what wud be the

lolllllz hahahaha they might need another ambulance to take care of my casualties!

btw Southy, dun u dare underestimate my driving such a good driver - ask my sis...cos she's my greatest rival in this but even she agrees I CAN DRIVE SAFE AND VERY WELL INDEED :):)

**I showed this post and comments to kavita, thankfully she didnt kicked me out of the

lol is she? plzz tell me...I didnt wanna ask b4 cos u might feel bad if I kept asking abt her...


Misty heyy was the meetung? I hear u r hotter ;-)

**spend a night - mel gibson, who else.

Misty come on Down Under...u will find a Mel easily trust me :)


heyy mate!

**spend one night with cud u : (

:):) Im not gonna be naughty na...I will be just everyone's friend and why not? lollz!

**i am so possessive.....i wud rather go the super star's party ...uttara the live wire : )

lolllllllz awww...Uttsy ok everyone loves ur idea now...woohoo!


heyy Blues long time!

**that there is a very pretty picture Keshi girl ( u a Punju?) ...

hehe thanks! Im not a Punju...I'm Sri Lankan...half Sinhalese n half Tamil...however the Sinhalese r originally Aryans...thats what the history says...and my dad is very very fair...mum is originally from Kerala...:)

**and I must say I'm very surprised nobody's picked you yet! ;)

lol there were few who did pick me...n now they r all going to Uttsy's beach party :):)


Sure u can link me girl..:)


heyyyyy hows u?

My ans will be in soon..:) thanks for!

Thanks sweet of u to take part in my silly quizes...thanks very much!


Lindsey said...

Oh look how cute you are!!!

Hmmmmmm. If I had to pick just one. I think it would be David Beckham and strictly for the sex factor. He's hot and I think he would be a lot of fun in bed.

Keshi said...


hey girl thanks :)

lol I knew u would come up with some smart idea for the nite...well done ;-)


Sugababee said...

Can you say SEXXYYY!!!lol
( btw, that was for ur pic ;) )

Spend the night with huh...
I'd spend this night with someone who is very very dear to me and means the world to me:D
And we'd be anywhere, it wouldn't matter so long as it's with him. As to what we'd do; well, we all have an imagination now don't we...;)

Keshi said...

My answer:

Who: My dad

Why: Cos before he died, I was too young to have a heart-to-heart 'conversation' with him.

How: Tell him all the things I never got to say...but would one nite be enough for that? Guess it would be cos we dun even have to tears will tell it all.


Keshi said...

and guys I need no sympathy...that was my honest answer..cos everyday I miss him more..


Jim said...

to love somebody soo much is bad
no other guy will fit his boots

Anonymous said...

When i said being just good looking aint enough, one must be responsible as well...that was not any sort of doubt on ur driving capabilities. It meant that since u all r so beautifull and ppl keep fainting here and there looking at u all, u all shud be atleast courteous enough to throw them outside the hospitals atleast.....:)
Good day keshi...

Unknown said...

Hey Keshi!

So how was your break? I was out too. with all the sweetness that you are exactly what I expected... BEAUTIFUL. I love your smile. Keep smiling always!!!!!!!
As for your question........
I 'd love to spend my night with Aamir 'coz he's so difficult to get! I love the way he speaks so honestly. There are so many things I want to ask him.........Wat say?



Jewel Rays said...

Im sure u will end up with someone of ur taste gal - duncha worry...:)

hahaha i betta keshi or else i need the pussy cat dolls to sing me the song. "DON'T CHA!"

Don't cha wish ya bf was hot like him
and etc...hahaha

just kidding.

when the time comes, i am sure whateva that stands before me will be the best and the hottest in these eyes of mine ;) haha beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..*dreams..

uttara said...

keshi ...

i guess my ans was the best .....loll

stop that hun .. dont be depressed .. u gotto live with it .. n yeh ... damn u i need some sultry ans from u ...lolll get the actual thing out ...

am asking u ... which guy wud u want to spend ...who is alive?????lolll
n wat wud u do ????

ans me right now ..:p



uttara said...

southy ...
na na am not fighting wid her ..:p cant i be J ...sovb sob ..lolll

ok . i will give appointment to all at the same time ...hahhhahah... good idea ...lolll n then i will get a surprise to ... ROTFL

u have choosen a perfect secy for u



uttara said...

twisted truth .....

****I never said I "want" Uttara :p. Just that SP decided to lock her up with me, and I told him to find the key quickly. Really quickly. lol!

wen did he decide to lock u n me????????? lolll

i wanna know ...lolll

***Naa, Uttara, you don't know me. If you did, SP did'nt stand a chance. But those days are gone Babez.

are u oldyyyyyyyy ???????????loll n u think me n SP r going ard ?????? lolll


dont worrt twisted truth i will know u now ...:)


Jo said...

Hmm... and some of the singers too! ;-)

Thanks for the "Come as you are" video.

Keshi said...


I know that no man will fit his boots..thats what makes it worse..


lollllz hahahaha good one!


hey thanks sweety!

Aamir is a hot choice ;-) ooo lala!


hey thanks n yeah call him n tell him how much u appreciate him...


Duncha wish ur BF was hot like mine? lol!

** i am sure whateva that stands before me will be the best and the hottest in these eyes of mine

aww that really made me think...what a rad way to say it, thanks girl!


lol u need a sultry ans from me? oh ok..let me think alrite...if u mean out of the famous ppl well u know my ans...damnnnn he's dead's Kurt Cobain :) n u know how I'll spend it too ;-)


Sugababee said...


Keshi said...


aww babez I didnt miss ya...wanted to ans ya separately..ur a special babe na :)

**it wouldn't matter so long as it's with him.

well who's this very lucky guy? care to tell me ;-)

**As to what we'd do; well, we all have an imagination now don't we...;)

duhhhhhh I know I


Pradeep Puranik said...

I prefer you, Keshi :)
Keshi girl rocks!

Anonymous said...

ok . i will give appointment to all at the same time ...hahhhahah... good idea ...lolll n then i will get a surprise to ... **** My word look at this mermaid...turned into a

sittingnut said...

your answer is quite like you. :-)
imo ppl who are not with us, if we love them enough will always be with us in mind in every moment of our life.

Keshi said...


awwwwwwwww can I hug ya Pradeep? so sweet! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ :):)

We can have so much fun if we met for one nite...we can go catch a movie, then have coffee and then listen to music on the beach late at night...we can just watch the dark sea and chat until nice ha?


hey mate thanks for the compliments :):)

**And here you can find me and the girl who is looking gorgeous!! so sexy!!!!!!!!!

d u mean me? that was so sweet - what a way to spend a nite ha? u have some great ideas Gangzz ;-)


**My word look at this mermaid...turned into a devil

lol she's become a meanie now...sack her now..plzzz!


wow ur GF is lucky ;-) cos u seem such a genuine n loving guy..


hey thanks matey :)

**imo ppl who are not with us, if we love them enough will always be with us in mind in every moment of our life.

d u think so? Why cant I talk to them?


sittingnut said...

Why cant I talk to them?
if you listen hard enough you will hear. :-)

Keshi said...


Im tired of empty spaces and mute voices...Im tired of unused chairs n clothes..Im tired of plain void.


Pradeep Puranik said...

Of course You can hug me :)

And I am so honored that you accepted. YAY! My feet are hardly on the ground now. :)

Thank you, Keshi!
You are wonderful.

AmitKen said...

hey Keshi,

though i am too late in responding to this, but anyhow here is my take..

well, i am simple human being, and given such a chance i'd never go with any celebrity or some spiritual big shot. I wanna be with someone with whome i'l be at ease... someone in front of whome i can comfortably be myself. Also i dont wanna be with smone whome i already know very well - like a friend, or relative or sweetheart - coz if smone is so dear to me, chances are that i m already spending good time with them :-))

this is a hypothetical question, and that too asked in blogworld, which is essentially virtual in nature. We faceless bloggers just know each other thru our words, and that is the only way we make openion about fellow bloggers. Out of so many bloggers that we read, some interest us more and we tend to want to know how they would be in real life, whether they are as good or even better than what their blog projects them as. In that context, i'd want to choose a blogger of my choice to spend the night with.

And among the various bloggers i interact with thru comments/mails/chat etc, *you* are the one whome i really really wanna meet. I'll tell you why -
- coz you come across as a very warm, nice, polite and sensible person
- in the very few mails that we've exchanged and in ur blog posts and comments - u are always consistent. u know wat i mean? u r not someone else on ur blog and someone else when communicating otherwise.
- you come out to be fun loving, open minded person with a big heart.
- though u speak very sensibly, there is a kid inside you. :-)
- even after u obscure ur image, ur beautiful smile still manages to spill out of that image :)
- u seem to be a person, who must be one among my best friends.

i dont really know wat i wanna do while with you... nothing very hi-fi, something very simple ... like...mmm... may be some soft music in background, sitting on roof top right under the magnifcently star lit sky - chatting, singing, eating, sipping coffee and enjoying...

so... aati kya khandaala

teacup said...

hey!!!...and tho blurred..u look HOT!!!;)...

and I am back!!...still have to post about my exp's...but 1st catchin up on my sleep!!!...

well, if I had to spend one nite wid one person...right now, just after the wedding, I would like to meet this guy (one of the cousins)i met at the wedding, very interesting personality...and wat would I do?...hehehe...ok no naughty things...but just we did in the train...many q's left there!!...I answered the question:)

Neel Arurkar said...

Ah! May be obscure, but can tell that you are pretty :-)

sittingnut said...

I'm tired of empty spaces and mute voices...Im tired of unused chairs n clothes..Im tired of plain void.
yes it can be very hard, missing someone. it is however a common fact of life. one has to deal with it the best one can with the help of friends and relatives. in that at least you are fortunate, you have lots of friends and relatives who care about you.

Keshi said...


hey Pradeep that was so sweet...feet not being on the!

It wud be an honor to meet up with u imagine that? Such an intelligent guy like u...wud be an interestin gnite chatting with ya :) I might realise that Im quite dumb too lol!


u know Amit, ur one of the very few who answered this Q properly...I mean WHO, WHY and HOW in that order...well done for the good concentration mate!

aww u wud choose me...THANK YE THANK YE THANK YE..hehehe Im so happy :) feel so special..hehehe...

The reasons u gave for choosing me r just amazing! U have figured me out pretty well ;-) HOW?? We havent communicated much other than thru just blogs and few emails but I must say u r quite!

**- coz you come across as a very warm, nice, polite and sensible person

warm n nice I mebbe, but polite aint always the can be quite rude :):) only if the other person desrves to be puked at lol!

**- in the very few mails that we've exchanged and in ur blog posts and comments - u are always consistent. u know wat i mean? u r not someone else on ur blog and someone else when communicating otherwise.

aww thanks! :)

**- you come out to be fun loving, open minded person with a big heart.

true I must say...but I wish I wasnt like that cos I get hurt alot...Im too sensitive n I really wish I wasnt...

**- though u speak very sensibly, there is a kid inside you. :-)

lol u got that right...alot of my friends say 'Keshi grow up'...'Keshi stop being a child'...'Keshi u giggle like a baby'..'Keshi stop smiling like a 6yr old'...'Keshi ur too old to be crying this way..' lolll!

**- even after u obscure ur image, ur beautiful smile still manages to spill out of that image :)

:):) thanks Amit!

**- u seem to be a person, who must be one among my best friends.

awwwwwwww thats the BIGGEST compliment ever - THANKS n huggggggggz!

**may be some soft music in background, sitting on roof top right under the magnifcently star lit sky - chatting, singing, eating, sipping coffee and enjoying...

U know Amit..that's just my kind of nite...just like that! Listening to music, sitting on roof top where the cool winds blow against our faces, sipping coffe, talking endlessly abt wut-not, never realising the night turning into dawn...u really sound like a cool guy to hang out with...

**aati kya khandaala

huh? :) wut dus that mean? Did it say when r u coming to Khandala? lol!


hey WB babez!!! HUGGGGGGGGGZ!

WOW the wedding sounds like twas great fun! And now with that interesting guy ur talking abt, it seems all the more merry ;-) woohoo tell us all the gos...did u get his number? lol! And what does he look like? :):)


heyy Neel thanks ;-)


Keshi said...


hows u mate :)

** it is however a common fact of life.

yes it is..and a very boring one too...wish God made it different...and more exciting...for instance not having to lose a loved-one so abruptly...

**in that at least you are fortunate, you have lots of friends and relatives who care about you.

u really think so :)


luvwannabefree25 said...

I'm sure you haven't heard this one. I'd spend it with my grandma. She passed away many years ago and I loved her so much. I miss her... if she were still alive... I'd spend the evening chatting with her... ;)

AmitKen said...

U have figured me out pretty well ;-) HOW??
Well as i said i know u only thru ur words, and if i've figured u out well - that means ur words project u in the same way as u really are. :-) so my dear, the credit goes to you ;)

I wish I wasnt like that cos I get hurt alot...Im too sensitive n I really wish I wasnt
well Keshi, as they say some people have this special quality of spreading happiness and absorbing the pain. You are that blessed human being - though i agree this blessing can prove to be an emotional burden for you personally...

'Keshi grow up'...'Keshi stop being a child'...'Keshi u giggle like a baby'..'Keshi stop smiling like a 6yr old'...'Keshi ur too old to be crying this way..'
hmmm Keshi.. stop saying ur name again n again like kids :p ;-)

u really sound like a cool guy to hang out with..
heheh.. thanks. so our halfway in the air date is final then :p

wut dus that mean? Did it say when r u coming to Khandala? lol!
yeah! it means exactly that. haven't u heard that famous hindi song from Amir Khan starrer 'Ghulam'?
this line comes from the song.. search for the song and listen to it :p its a funny number... if u need i'll translate it for u ;-)

Keshi said...


hey WC to my blog mate...:)

aww thats so sweet...ur granma wud have been such a lovely person for u to have remembered her on this post...

My ans was similar..I want to spend some time with my dad...he died when he was just 42...


sittingnut said...

**in that at least you are fortunate, you have lots of friends and relatives who care about you.
u really think so :)

yes just see the comments above, and most of these are from ppl you know online. one can imagine what your offline friends think of you. :-)

Keshi said...


hehehe Aamir Khan number ha? Gotta check that out :)

**Keshi.. stop saying ur name again n again like kids


Amit ur a swt hrt!


hmmm some ppl who r very close to me in real dun love me all that much...I dun think so.

However I love all of u and love the love ur all giving me...


Varkey said...

hey keshi ... ur Hot ;)
since i can choose only one person and i have to spend the whole night wit that single person
...hmm must be this this friend of mine from college ...
well cos wit her i dont have to pretend to be someone who i'm not, and can spend time just talking absolute nonsense.
doing what?
talking nonsense :D

Keshi said...


:) hey thanks!

**cos wit her i dont have to pretend to be someone who i'm not, and can spend time just talking absolute nonsense.

aww thats so sweet...and yeah, I'd never wanna spend a nite with someone if I had to pretend the whole nite just to suit him/her!


Scoot said...

I guess I would say I would want to spend the whole night with my dad but in his i could sit a whole night and dig into his brain and undo what the society keeps teaching him.He is too rigid and he favours his brothers over me even when the decisions involve my life.!!!

Keshi said...


heyy girl...interesting answer...

**He is too rigid and he favours his brothers over me even when the decisions involve my life.

goshh how can that be? Ur dad wouldnt be so cold-hearted or would he be?


SamY said...

=)) u luk like a grany in this ... thatz how distorted the image is ;)) ... u did a gud job @ tat :p ... feel like callin ya patti ma :))

Keshi said...

lol @paati ma!
