I just had to say Hi to ya...cos I miss ya all so very much! Thank you all so very much for the heart-felt comments, emails and messages so far...they all mean alot to me. MWAH!
Sunday, November 23
A Sneak Peek...
I just had to say Hi to ya...cos I miss ya all so very much! Thank you all so very much for the heart-felt comments, emails and messages so far...they all mean alot to me. MWAH!
Posted by Keshi at 10:33 am 111 Cranium Signets
Thursday, November 13
Through My Window...
Whoever who said that being alone is the only time you can truly be yourself and that our best companion ever is Solitude, are very wise people. The one who sees true beauty and the magic behind this life may sometimes have to walk alone...it's a fact. And all the misery in us stem from our inability to be alone...our constant need to be heard, wanted and understood. But you know, I tried and I nearly died trying. Cos no one will ever understand you fully. Cos we are lone creatures with lone judgements. Not everyone will walk with you and neither will you walk with everyone else. We all walk alone. We have friends and foes during the day, but at night we are alone, staring at the dark blue skies in complete solitude. And he who does not ask or want company just to secure an important place for himself in this world, is the greatest man ever...he who knows that even being alone, he is still valuable and very much a part of this great Universe. Caught up in the illusion called 'bonds' that don't last anyway, we continue to be mangled in the misery of wanting company, longing for our thoughts to be validated and our hearts to be recognised.

Current Music: Make It Real by The Jets
Posted by Keshi at 1:39 pm 140 Cranium Signets
Tuesday, November 11
Show Me The Way To Go Home...

Stopped by a banquet to have some fun...Blossoming thoughts of my home far away...
I was Thumbelina for a day...
Passing by a rather shy Koala friend...
And I feel the grace of a cathedral...
A peek inside God's room before I leave again...
It rained purple for a while...
Legends telling me secrets from afar...
Went inside a castle and went 100s of years back in time...
Strolled down the ever-blooming memory lane...
Walked through corridors of light, looking for peace of mind...
Spent days in white satin...
The roos in the bush said to me: Where is your next destination mate?
I stopped to smell the flowers before the night hid it's beauty...
Country roads, take me home...to the place where I belong...
Current Music: Country Roads by John Denver
Posted by Keshi at 11:22 am 197 Cranium Signets
Sunday, November 9
Was It Just A Dream?
Did I belong here...is this not my home...
What is 'Forever'?
What lasts forever?
Current Music: Viva Forever by Spice Girls
Posted by Keshi at 10:22 am 178 Cranium Signets
Friday, November 7
And Hope Decides To Pay A Visit....
Uncivil Years Of Civilisation...

Some Dreams Do Come True...

Many People, One Goal...

My question to you: What does Obama's victory mean(/portray) to you (either in a personal sense or a global sense or both)?
You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one...
Current Music: Imagine By John Lennon
Posted by Keshi at 12:41 pm 160 Cranium Signets
Thursday, November 6
101 'Keshi' Dalmatians!
What do you do when smiles are overdue?
What do you do when they walk all over you?
What do you do when you don't know what to do?
*Keshi puppy found a way, as always*
She picks up her blues
And paints them in pink hues
She does it with no clues
And her pain subdues *woof woof*
:) Thanks each and everyone for your honest and valued opinions in that last post! And thanks to Hemz for trying to make me feel better in his blog (now this post is for you to cheer up ok. Looks like we are on a Cheer-up Crusade for the next 5yrs or so? right!). It means alot for me to know what all of you think if my departure was to come. Now that I have made you feel comfy with it and made you realise what it would feel like, when I really do say Goodbye *some day*, I know you're not gonna be in shock...cos you almost felt it in my last post right? And I also got to know who truly cares about my presence here and

Now lets move on. Here are some pics of my recent avatars and how I have been feeling and coping lately. This Keshi puppy *aka Drama Biyatch* has come a very long way and would do anything to make herself feel better *even if it meant dressing up like a dork*. Take a good look at how this damsel has got hold of her blues and turned them all into pinks! A very graphic story of a very blue dog begins here....

I thought I was Spiderwoman *rather Spiderpup* and tried to scare people off but it didn't work...
My eyeballs were in trauma watching how some people behaved...I couldn't even bite them shittt!
I cross-dressed *as a giraffe* trying to escape my Drama Biyatch world. You think it worked? yeah right!
Then I dressed up as a Clown but I couldn't find my funnybone at all *do I look funny? I think not!*...I look more like a psychotic clown!
I put on a colorful body-suit to kill my blues but I felt like the biggest idiot breathing on Earth *my facial expressions tell it all*....
Joined a Halloween group to go trick-or-treating in disguise and soon my zombied self was knocking on my own door *rolling eyes*...
Dated a hot-dog and tried to be his hot-biyatch but he left me for a hot-plate...
Painted my nails pink *did a mani-dog-o-cure*, dressed up like a beauty, and sat in the middle of the road and wanted to get noticed *yes I love attention!*...hmmm people just walked away... :*(
Went home and dressed up in YODA style *the cutting-edge Dogatella Versace look*...instantly felt like ripping my clothes off and burning them!
Put my Bikini on and tried to hit the beach to meet Cess...it rained madly and she wasn't there either:(, so I came home to sunbathe on my lonely couch while my bra is getting bigger! *life is a snarling bitch ya know*
Wanted to be Superwoman but it turned out I'm just a Superbitch *how limited are my canine choices people?*...
Went to the Hairdressers' and got some braids done...feeling sexy but God I look like a loser! *sobs*...
Whatever I did I realised that my ORIGINAL super-tanned-babe look is THE best *a lil overtanned, rather burnt, so what!*...MWAH Peace Out Pups! *with my sexy hair don't I look like the female version of Michael Jackson? I'm loving it! woof woof I'm bad I'm bad ya know I'm bad!*...
So here are some things that I learnt through my blue journey *as blue as a fucking smurf*...
People can say anything about you...
But it doesn't make you that
It only proves you're what they can't be.
People can try and stop you...
But only you can put a limit on your abilities
Don't let anyone handicap your potential.
People can hurt you and laugh at you...
But only you can retain your reputation
Don't react to people that are way below your standards.
People can affect your state of mind...
But only you can decide how you feel
Be your own comfort.
Don't live by what others say and do...
Live by what you believe is the truth
Be yourself no matter what.

Cess babez and Hemz, smile now...I put up the very cute dog-pic you made for me too :). This song is for all my blog-mates who cheered me up in the last post. THANKS ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE! You're my bed of roses for I sleep on a bed of thorns...you're my Heaven on Earth.
Current Music: Hard To Say I'm Sorry by Chicago
Posted by Keshi at 10:54 am 131 Cranium Signets
Tuesday, November 4
My Boarding Pass Awaits...
Warning: Long post ahead. Read before commenting please. Thanks!
Arrivals & Departures
I Did It My Way ...

Much More Than A Personal Journey...
I arrived in Blogville as a concealed attraction...I bloomed into a flower that everyone saw...I hope I depart as a shimmering light in everyone's hearts. I'm not good with Goodbyes...what's so good about a Goodbye anyways? Right now all I can say is that Blogville is like an Airport...people come and people go. I just have to learn not to get too close to anyone here...cos it hurts alot when I'm at the Departure gates. And I don't know how not to care either...cos I do care though some people seem to label me as this and that *again, not my problem*. But I really am confused now...I don't know if I should continue to build relationships here and then continue to get hurt when people leave or when I decide to leave...I don't want to get affected this way but I don't know how to be stone-hearted either. People are moving on with their lives and like someone here told me, I'm gonna be standing here hurt and alone when everyone is gone. Is it too late for me now? I've been here for 4 long years and that means my blog and my blog friends mean something to me...they've become a part of my being and my life, as much I am to them...so this was not just a trip for myself...it has now become much more than that. So when I decide to leave I have to make sure that people who helped me grow are prepared for it as well. I don't wanna leave all of a sudden. That would be unfair by the people who spent their time and shared their sentiments with me for so long. So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far? And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville? How would it affect you if I leave? And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it? What would be your next destination? Gimme your honest opinions please...I'm neither looking for praise nor pretense...just hit me with the truth. Cos I wanna go without feeling unloved and leaving anyone in shock or tears...
Current Music: My Way by Elvis Presely
Posted by Keshi at 1:23 pm 235 Cranium Signets
Sunday, November 2
It Was Tears That I Had Planned...

I used to plan my life
Then it all crashed down on me...
Now I live one day at a time
And tears just don't stop...
I'm not lonely yet I'm alone
I'm not sad yet my heart cries...
Yesterday will never return
Tomorrow I don't know...
Today as I look outside my window
Life looks back at me
Telling me a story...
Of someone who used to be
Someone who learnt to take her tears
And turn them into smiles
Current Music: Plan On Forever by Sue Ann Carwell & Mervyn Warren
Posted by Keshi at 4:00 pm 194 Cranium Signets