Uncivil Years Of Civilisation...
Man, over years of civilisation had hardly learnt what TOLERANCE is....had hardly realised what PEACE and LOVE is...had hardly known what it is to RESPECT one another's opinions...had hardly seen beyond their own 4 WALLS...had hardly seeked SIMILARITIES yet voraciously seeked DIFFERENCES...had hardly felt HUMANITY but craved for CRUELTY....had hardly noticed the HEARTS of one another but continued to rejoice in their own COLOR, RELIGION, RACE and CREED. Man may have physically and technologically evolved over years but have deteriorated spiritually and mentally in a sense that the world is now at the brink of death, destruction and terrorism. Then dawned a brandnew day on Earth...a day that gave HOPE for millions of people around the world...a day that reflected a global CHANGE, not just a nation's change....a day that proved true EVOLUTION finally occurred...evolution of the MINDSETS...a change of MENTALITIES...a PROMISE of a brandnew world. Obama becomes the first black president of a predominantly white nation, that once didn't even allow the blacks to vote or go to church! Obama brings hope for all nations that are still suffering at the hands of racism, war, small minds and terrorism...such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Iraq etc etc. Now there is HOPE that our lands will change too...some day...like America did! (pic: A father mourns his baby son's death - one of many that gets killed every single day in wartorn Sri Lanka, and the reason - RACE)
Some Dreams Do Come True...
I'm glad I witnessed a glorious moment in history where people of all colors and races, worked together for this moment to happen...when it proved that ancient and shallow mentalities have now faded into the past and paved everyone a new path for FREEDOM of INDIVIDUALITY. Obama's success to the White house only goes to show that what matters is what you're made of...not what you're colored of. Go Obama! You proved to the world that anyone of any color, any background, any race etc etc can do ANYTHING if there's a WILL. You have the power to change others by changing yourself. He proved it. He bridged that mental gap that many people had between one another all these years.
Many People, One Goal...
I'm not American, Australian, Sri Lankan or Indian, but I'm a World Citizen. I rejoice in the fact that I was part of such a phenomenal moment of history in the making. Yes I cried *again my drama genes didn't let me be* and I must confess I have the hots for Obama too *but that's not the reason why I cried, I was just too happy*! One other reason why I'd cry now is that this great man now has a great deal of shit to clean up! A global economic depression, a nation in crisis, fuel prices, climate change etc etc. Yes Mr.Handsome Obama has a massive trainwreck infront of him to clear! I just hope everything will go well with his leadership and that the world would start seeing the light with this brandnew leader's help and direction - and yes we all have to chip in to get there. He's the BEGINNING we all waited for and so many people died wishing for. All the very best to ya mate from Keshi in this lil corner of the world! *I also hope Kevin Rudd won't go selling lamb at the White house doorstep, cos looks like he's already planning for it desperately!*
My question to you: What does Obama's victory mean(/portray) to you (either in a personal sense or a global sense or both)? You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one...Current Music: Imagine By John Lennon
160 Cranium Signets:
give me a few mins to be bac ..:P...
Hi Keshi
Very nice post.
In Canada, Obama was the choice for the White House. We have witnessed something bigger than anything we can imagine—great song. To think that just a few decades back slavery was still practiced in some of the states. Obama has managed to do something most people thought was almost impossible. For the first time in my memory, there is now a president who is not in favor of war. Hopefully, peace can now start to be knitted together. Obama will give peace a chance. (If only John Lennon was alive now.)
Another very important attribute Obama has is that he puts his family ahead of the nation. He took two days off the campaign trail to visit his seriously ill grandmother. She died on the eve of the election.
Have a great weekend
Thanks for saying all the nice words about me—you’re making me blush girl.:)
i love the song i am a dreamer by lennon..
the first picture was very disturbing indeed. sad sight..
Obama is kewl... A young practical guy with a very suspicious background..
Democrats... and hence he would say yes to gay marriages, and he would be a thorn for the gulf countries...
one good thing is the financial markets would shoot up cos teh tie ups with communist china would be great.. Indians in Indis would benefit.. ButIndians in America!, I doubt.....
What does Obama's victory mean(/portray) to you (either in a personal sense or a global sense or both)?
Personally :- I never gave a damn abt who ran america, but in obama's case I feel he just got crowned with a thorn cap! But again i feel its the turning point of his own political career, if he really manages to convert this thorny cap into a swanky leather hat then the generations to come will salute him!
Globally :- If he is really a man of substance, if he is really full of meat, if he really believes in the word CHANGE which now he himself personifies...then he must change the age old american attitude of acting as Global cops first. Agreed being the most powerfull country in the world brings lot of unwanted things as well, but having said that use that power responsibly rather than abusing it. Since world war-II, every where they acted as global cops they started a tradition of hatred...North Korea, Vietnam, Palestine, Libya, Iran, Afghanistan, the list is endless. The whole world labels the Islamic extremists for global terrorism, well who created them, who funded them and who raised them? So coming back to Obama, will he hv the balls to cut those sick american weeds which persists in so many places across the world since so many years? I know even if he withdraws, the things will not change overnight, but i m hopefull that things will be much better in years to come. Its very simple, if today anybody comes to my home and dictates my activities, i might be helpless, but my coming generations maynot and they'll surely react in many ugly ways...thats what has happened all these years...so i m seriously looking forward to that so called CHANGE !
lovely post to read kesh :)
**What does Obama's victory mean(/portray) to you (either in a personal sense or a global sense or both)?
obama is a imgae of people ruling the country..he is not goin to do some wars or some shitty things..he is a gr8 man of gr8 vision ..he is one were all types of people wanted to be a ruler ..:)..
personal sense i never thought who ruled US till now...but when obama declared no out sourcing wud be given out i felt bad..but as a global leader he is thinking wats best for his country..and people in it..:)...he is a good person and he started the change and hope he will bring many changes in the future which the whole world wud be benefited with..:)...
and the song was just awesome :)...
but the first picture little disturbing sort..but it was just all related to the post :)...
happy weekend kesh...
come by my blog posted something :)..
Obama has, in fact, accused Pakistan of misusing funds for the war against terror and allegedly using it to fund militancy against India.He seems to understand that root of terrorism is in Pakistan and he is willing to go after it and why would that not benefit India?
About outsourcing.. it is about time that India shakes off it's slavery to American dollar and starts investing in it's own R&D and create jobs within India. That will make India more powerful and confident as a nation.
It’s a great victory, where the people itself segregated for black in color is going to decorate the white house is remarkable! Sort of dawn to end the color racial, this mean to be an example for many countries across which looking for a change. We look for an intellectual and humankind solution for war kind and interrupt or use right power to peace available everywhere. I feel open discussion on crisis would values the situation and develops the needs to tackle.
Right post at the movement keshi! have a wonderful weekend.
It means that America has rejected Bush and the Bush policies. And it means that America is as progressive as the rest of the civilized world.
there is only one word from me.. "HOPE"!!!
Finally we can hope for things to become better. There's hope in this world again!! Obama's victory is a milestone etched in history!!! Wow!!
Personal sense : Good that the racism was smashed! Black man in the white house! (But not to the extend of crying!! thats too much!)
Global sense: America should change its arrogance now, trying to take control of oil has lost its economy, now they should realise that they are no more self appointed police of the world.They should build a strong america first.
Wonderful post once agin. Obama may not be giving many outsourcing jobs to India, but globally his victory does signify no racial discrimination. I do hope that he unlike Bush, does not run for wars, personal interests in oil etc.
Very nice song.
Keshi, I was actually wondering how you'd cover the Obama victory... Beautiful post and song - as always. x
Oh, and I think he's very cool - and cute! :)
One note before answering your question:
If you have watched the victory speech of Obama and John McCain's classy concession speech, you would have noted this. None spoke good about their political parties. None spoke anything bad about the other party. Both spoke about each other as a person and America as a whole. Beautiful words of respect to the nation. Imagine what would have been the scenario in India! I hace respects for both of them for their maturity in words.
Now for your qns:
I personally believe Obama would be a better president for America in terms of the Civilians. One reason is that he used to be a civil rights advocate and he has seen it all. Another reason, he is under no pressure to carry on the disasters done by Bush administration.
On a negative note, if Obama sticks to every word uttered by him, the IT industry in India would take a hit! He said he would take away grants from firms which outsource their business. He said he is against jobs going outside US and that sure is bad news for countries like India for obvious reasons. We could only wait and see on how the world welcomes him.
Hemz u just wanted to be the first commentor right? LOL!
**For the first time in my memory, there is now a president who is not in favor of war. Hopefully, peace can now start to be knitted together. Obama will give peace a chance. (If only John Lennon was alive now.)
I agree on that! And IMAGINE if Lennon was here...
And yes its great that he's not just BUSINESS only, he's also into FAMILY.
ty Chriz!
I changed the pic for u and Hemz. :)
**Democrats... and hence he would say yes to gay marriages, and he would be a thorn for the gulf countries...
is saying Yes to Gay marriages something wrong?
U changed the pic?
ty Southy!
**Global cops
I agree. I hope that will CHANGE now.
**So coming back to Obama, will he hv the balls to cut those sick american weeds which persists in so many places across the world since so many years?
I think he will be able to do it. I hv a strong feeling abt it. He's no war-lover like Bush is. Thats why.
ty Hemz!
**but when obama declared no out sourcing wud be given out i felt bad..but as a global leader he is thinking wats best for his country..and people in it
he has to think abt his country first Hemz! :)
ty Archana!
**He seems to understand that root of terrorism is in Pakistan and he is willing to go after it and why would that not benefit India?
I agree totally! He KNOWS what he's gonna DO.
**About outsourcing.. it is about time that India shakes off it's slavery to American dollar and starts investing in it's own R&D and create jobs within India.
WOW great point here! Alot of Indians were sad abt it but u gave a FRESH n INNOVATIVE idea on it. I was thinking the same thing :)
ty Jeevan!
**We look for an intellectual and humankind solution for war kind and interrupt or use right power to peace available everywhere.
Definitely! And I think we now hv a wiz :)
U hv a good wknd too!
ty Jay!
**And it means that America is as progressive as the rest of the civilized world.
GREAT observation there!
ty Deepz!
**There's hope in this world again!! Obama's victory is a milestone etched in history!!!
Yes! hence that title for this post. HOPE finally pays a visit to the world! :)
ty Sri!
**Black man in the white house!
True! And still some ppl r making jokes abt it...very sad! wuts there to joke abt...black n white r just colors.
**(But not to the extend of crying!! thats too much!)
**They should build a strong america first.
I truly agree on that. That way other countries can build their own futures too.
hey ty Kiran :)
**Obama may not be giving many outsourcing jobs to India, but globally his victory does signify no racial discrimination
Spot on!
I dun think he's for War...he looks and sounds like the guy next door. Its all good :)
ty Nora MWAH!
**, I was actually wondering how you'd cover the Obama victory
haha u knew I'd ha :)
Nora he's more than CUTE...he's a HUNK!
Southy yes I did...cos few friends here found it too hard to look at.
ty Sawan!
**Beautiful words of respect to the nation. Imagine what would have been the scenario in India! I hace respects for both of them for their maturity in words.
I agree. If it was in Sri Lanka, ppl wud be throwing acid on each other. LOL yes its that bad in our lands at the moment..we hv a long way to go.
And McCain was very garcious in defeat. I admire that abt him.
**One reason is that he used to be a civil rights advocate and he has seen it all.
I agree. He u'stands ppl better than Bush did.
**On a negative note, if Obama sticks to every word uttered by him, the IT industry in India would take a hit! He said he would take away grants from firms which outsource their business.
Read Archana's comment here. She has the best ans for INDIA.
Its high time that we all stop depending on the US dollar and build our own countries. Wut say Sawan? :)
I am a hardened cynic and I am inspired and hopeful at this point. I am loving the moment
Very nice one. Yes we all witnessed a history.
Obama is amazing
cos few friends here found it too hard to look at.****
In general terms the day we all start looking and taking reality as it is, maybe from that day CHANGE will surely start taking effect...:)
I Saw this Movie Called" the Great Debators". In this Denzel Washington creates a debating team of ' at that time' discriminated blacks. They win...
The Movie was set in early 20th centuary...
When i heard the Obama's victory speech... I was amazed at the fact that how Far has the ' Victory' of human spirit come...
YOu are right... it feels good to be in these time..:)
Very nice post dear! I think Obama getting elected in a country where people can't see a women President (that too white), at such a place Obama getting elected means a lot dear!!! He is young, dynamic and has a novel way to look out the the problems. I think one needs a intelligent mind...and I think he has one!
Economically, how much he can do its too early, but based on this proposition and futuristic thoughts looks it won't be bad as it is in Bush's administration.
Still many will oppose my saying here as everyone believes that a socialist can't do much better to its own country....! Still I have my say above :)
Amazing post and yes I feel proud to witness this moment...tears were rolling from my eyes as people were giving there comments...! It's indeed a change...better than hope :) a change for hope
Hugz to you dear
me too Lavida...Im the loving this MOMENT!
Isnt he the miracle! @Chap
Southy ur words hit home...I put the original pic again :)
sorry Chriz n Hemz!
ty Shoe_girl!
yes everyone gets a time to win.
**... I was amazed at the fact that how Far has the ' Victory' of human spirit come...
yes! it all goes to show that dreams and hopes are possible. mentalities that r hardest to change, CAN n WILL change too.
wow Dawny great comment there! tnxx hun HUGS!
**He is young, dynamic and has a novel way to look out the the problems. I think one needs a intelligent mind...and I think he has one!
I agree...thats why there'll be real CHANGE.
I agree with every word u said! ppl can say anything, but look how far we've come!
@Keshi & Archana: Slavery is not the right word. India is dependent for a reason.
#1 ] World economy runs on dollars. Dollar-Rupee ration highly depends on the dollar reserve in RBI. Dollar reserve highly depends on the business that comes from or goes to US. If we view a change in the mode of payment the dependency sure changes. For example if Euro becomes the standard for global economy, we would see Indian politicians on Europian trips rather than US!
#2 ] Indian revenue and growth rate is highly dependent on IT. IT in India is highly dependent on US markets. Reason : All corporate headquarters are in US! We could also say its mutual dependency. Archana says India should invest more in R&D. What kind of R&D. India is already investing in it. How many people knows that Microsoft's ASP.NET codes were completely designed and built in Hyderabad? How many of you know that NVidia's latest chip which could accommodate a 10MP camera in a mobile phone was completely designed and developed by engineers in Hyderabad. A lot more things happen here. But if we try to be independent, then who would buy these technology? We sure have the resources to build complex things. We hardly have the resource to use it commercially. Every technology usage is protected by patents. I understand the good will you both had when you talked about getting free from US strings. But you may want to look into the complexity involved. Our govt is thankfully so considerate that they are demoting the best business we had : Agriculture. I wont wonder if tomorrow I have to buy imported rice to eat! Our very own basmati rice was taken for a patent by US and I dint here a single Indian politician raising their voice!
3.] Indian politics is so much concentrated on vote-bank decisions that they hardly find any reason to think on long term benefit of the country. Tell me ONE decision taken by government to protect the country from the recession. Tell me just one. We are ruled by eminent financial gurus like Chidambaram and Manmohan Sing. And we dont have one single reason to be happy! RBI cuts rates every month. But how long could they do so? Why are we not thinking of our future when we make decisions. Why are elections always a priority when it comes to actions.
Thanks, i m glad u took exactly what i wanted to convey....:)
Tomorrow morning i m going to a country for few days where genocide has become a way of life for ppl in power and u know why they r successfull? coz the spectators turn their faces away from those dead children, men and women and just pray to God that He has some mercy on them. I say God has no time for mute spectators!
It means hope. Nothing more; nothing less.
I'm not trivializing his feat. But I don't make much off of what color, creed or what lineage he's from. The best man won the race.
Laud his achievements, not the mere possibility of greatness.
Hi Keshi!
i was a dreamer, a hopeless one at that..and i lost hope too ..in between...
Obama's victory could be the political need of the hour..
but yes, it symbolically represents the power of dreams, and in both a personal and global sense..its the COMEBACK of HOPE for mankind...
Good post Keshi! :-)
thank you!
love you,
Obama.. Is a grate man with fantastic and true vision. He is a man of youth, statistics show that he got lots of votes form young public, who are responsible and trust that Obama will do something good to the country to the world!
Its exhilirating to know he won!:D I personally feel its high time some new blood come in and take over america by storm. :) Am happy for Obama's victory!:D
I second to Sawan's last comment. Thats why many times i dont have a choice but to praise the communism in china. That doesnt means i hv lost all hopes on democracy, but i certainly wud love to see the indian democracy take some positive notes from the neighbour, with the number of head counts and resources i dont think the value of dollar wud ever matter in India.
What a beautiful post to end the week with! I know u'll believe me if i say that i was thinking abt the same thing tht u hav mentioned on this post. I am jus too happy to b able to express wht i m feeling!!its amazing to see a Obama win....its not jus a plain victory, it's a remarkable day in the history of mankind. And hopefully now ppl will b able to see each other from a different perspective....i really wish tht this happens coz we hav had enuff of suffering....and its high time tht we start looking above these silly issues. Its like we r all in this tunnel and a few of us can see the light at the end of it....i want more and more ppl to see the light and embrace it as a new beginning. :) This is what Obama's victory means to me. And i have full faith in him.
nice popup message..hehe
just edit it..make it "not to steal" !!
Obama is good for the US but his policies will harm India in a big way.
They really will hit some jobs here.Being an Indian i have to see what in it for India??
Rest as we all know he's in the fire..let's c he controls it or it controls him.
take care
Hey kesh..nice thoughts and as always,ur dead rite.. :)
**What does Obama's victory mean(/portray) to you (either in a personal sense or a global sense or both)?
well...to be frank,am really confused with the obama profit or loss theory.Its been a great day for the minorities,the downtrodden and the underprivileged..Myself being an obama maniac,I cud not blv tht this wud transpire..
But then,if u take the indian perspective,things dun rly look rosy for ppl wiling to settle in the states..for,he has been and stil is anti-outsourcing and so,the number of H1B visas is naturally bound to cum down..but wen other things are taken into consideration,its a historic day for the world!!
i too am one of the many ppl who are moved deeply with Obama-ism..
the thing tht has pretty nicely impressed me is his emphasis on education n upliftment of the children.. n he is a peace maker.
war is nt his choice..
n the 'entry of a black in the white house' is a start of another revolution.. it kindels a hope of droppin racism worldwide.
n i juz loved the apt-ness of the title u ve chosen for the post :)
Hi,Keshi-that was a nice tribute to the new Prez of the US of A..indeed,a ray of light for many people,which is what he must have been to all the voters as well,who overwhelmingly voted him in.Here's wishing him good luck in the tough tasks he has in front of him!!I think his victory is basically a triumph of democracy!Democracy at it's best.Now,let's wait and see him proving himself in the coming month,once Uncle Bush hands over the reins.
**Hemz u just wanted to be the first commentor right? LOL!
i was riting my post and was bit teary so could not comment the whole thing...may be i to wanted to be first commentor :P..lol...
love yaa..hugs..
sexy post..
the dream, lik ya say keshi momma has begun.. the mission accomplished..
ther has been a change, n yes color has finally achieved its real status of anonymity, where blue or red or purple or black or white or yellow dun matter..
i dun wanan be cynical, cos i too, am a believer in human equality n non-racist conformity, but i just wanna pray n hope that obama is not a puppet on powerful strings in the background, who have made him a very lucrative, world-changing, vote-winning, empathy-crreating face at the front, with WHITE RATS (literal white democrats) running the show from behind..
Just a concern keshi momma- only hoping that this man sincerely will make an earnest attempt to start n fuel the change..
few points which i can pen down :)
#I feel the racism in US will be reduced drastically,
#secondly we wont hear loud noice in afghanistan as bush did,
#thirdly the terrorist might have some major time in getting their sweets in :)
#umm the recession will come to a freeze (hopefully)
n ya he has made a history!!
Too many ppl's eye on him ( ya he looks gooooooood ;) ) .. so lets see how he moulds in this scenario..
he has lots to do :)
"Obama becomes the first black president of a predominantly white nation, that once didn't even allow the blacks to vote or go to church!"
This is so very correct. I hope it augurs well for the nation and all those it is in war with.
Lovely thoughts, Kesh.
Hi,Keshi-repeating the comment..coz it showed'page not displayed'
Hi,Keshi-that was a nice tribute to the new Prez of the US of A..indeed,a ray of light for many people,which is what he must have been to all the voters as well,who overwhelmingly voted him in.Here's wishing him good luck in the tough tasks he has in front of him!!I think his victory is basically a triumph of democracy!Democracy at it's best.Now,let's wait and see him proving himself in the coming month,once Uncle Bush hands over the reins.
shall i say that i agree word to word.
and yes.. you are not the only world, may be one day others will join us.
My pursuit of knowing where i belong to has driven me so long and now i feel there so many other wondering that why world is so full of prejudices.
" My question to you: What does Obama's victory mean(/portray) to you (either in a personal sense or a global sense or both)?"
well it only means that we might at last see some actual "peace" :) Hopefully...
I hope everyone's dream come true...and he doesn't end up like the previous ones....
hai keshi..
the first photo will remain with me, in my heart till i cease to exist..
a post with a great purpose..
Good post Keshi! The first picture is very disturbing but so true of happenings these days!
Now coming to my take of what Obama's victory means to me and what it means on a geo-political front!
I'm elated like never before since this projects a change, like nothing else! Obama being elected president, signifies hope for the once doomed afro-american community which continues to reel under suffering even to date! This victory is a dream come true!
Politically, it signifies that Americans have thrown out republican stupidities that have been on the rink for 8 long years! While the new President has a huge confidence, his taks are daunting and cumbersome too! For now, it will be wait and watch as expectations are mounting by the minute!
obama? i dunno what he'll do wid the foreign policy ..but he certainly brings a change to america? chalo ..at least obama gave u a reason to be happ my dramatic twin :)
I read in some other blog "Not all fairy tales begin with 'once upon a time'. Some begin with 'I promise, if elected"
I really hope this is not one such fairy tale.
There was a really funny cartoon today on a local daily which showed a black man on his kneels in front of a beautiful girl with roses in hand and saying 'If Americans can accept, Why cant you my dear'.
When you say about srilanka, I always wonder about Muthiah Muralidharan. He is the only tamilian of indian origin to represent Srilanka. Isn't that setting an example for the entire nation to follow.
I'm a world citizen like you art.
His victory gives me immense happiness..
I think its to early to comment..his policies seem to be flawless till now..lets see when he starts implementing them
hey i love the song by imagine its one of my favorites... have you heard LET IT BE?? its cool too by Beatles i think :)
im so thrilled Obama won! i dont care what his political affiliations are... but i admire his eloquence and the conviction with which he speaks :)
Obama's win is definitely a victory of hope and democracy!
it's great that america has chosen obama..i like him more for his focus and intelligence on world issues as a politician ...rather on his being a black..and i think it woudld be insulting his intelligence to celbrate4 his victory just coz of his color....
but..we shoould not take maerica as the benchmark of civilisation...we have had people from minorities become heads of state all over the world...much before amercia and that is commedable....but..then it hasnt been the end of our problems!!
I am proud to be an unamerican right now.
that is such a beautiful post..I can just not disagree..
u hav raised a very good point...
yes we are reely deteriorating spiritually and mentally...however much we compete or try to change the natural ways.. do as we wish..disown certain things...don't believe in GOD question his presence...we reely hav become very small people ...hope human beings get to know that soon before becoming more small in ideals and values...
and the speech..of Martin Luther KING..most appreciated one...so very meaningful and true...ahhh!!
"I have a Dream"
For me personally, Obama's victory showcases the fact that race is becoming less of an issue in America. And I hope, that trend continues the world over.
From a Global perspective, Sen. Obama promised al ot, but President-elect Obama is very different from Sen.Obama. He has backtracked on many issues, like the brutal war in Iraq. He seems to have accepted contributions from conglomerates for his support for the financial bailout plan. If he is determined to do things he promised, it will be a much needed and welcome change for the world...
Hi Keshi nice post!
>>What does Obama's victory mean to you.
In personal sense: I feel that it is a revolutionary change that was long awaited.
In global sense: It will affect hell lot of things globally. This is no doubt a moment of history but more importantly it has brought the villainous rule that was being inflicted on the world by few men of power to an end.
Let's hope that Obama live up to our expectations.
Cheers on this!!!
You're not the ONLY one!
I too am an Earthling.
"There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."
"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."
All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.
Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl
All Along The Watchtower
by BoB Dylan and improved upon by Jimi Hendrix
Unfortunately there will always be others who feel the need to impose their will on others and who will, from time to time, need to have their ass kicked.
Keep the Faith Sistah!
ps. email me @ the link on my Blog so I can tell you about my new playlist!
Victory - A HOPE
Because world is passing through recession and new elections and the color changed.
"what matters is what you're made of...not what you're colored of."
a gr8 thought..but sadly few people understand..
Obama's rise is a heartening thing to happen in this world torn by every possible malice.Its not that he'll wipe away it all in one single stroke. But this is a sure sign of change...and yeah..."yes we can"
Hi Keshi.. a very relevant post this is! And you're definitely not the only one thinking about how the world is changing with the meltdown of racial and color firewalls. Certainly it does not mean that no one will face discrimination, but its a good start for putting humanitarian values in practice. I am in the city that Obama lives and the mood here can be least described as jubilant :)
well dun Obama...he has truly bridged a divide, brought to reality a dream that many have seen 4 years..kudos to him for that n kudos to d public for their support.
however, call me pessimistic but dun really thnk tht much is gng 2 change wid d way America handles itself on d world stage...after all, thr r political compulsions...hope d economic depression can b overcum by Obama...gud luck 2 him!!!
read ur prev posts too...u knw Keshi, hv told u b4, u r an inspiration n u speak our minds, it wud really b a bif jolt 4 me if I stopped reading posts m u...may it nvr happen:)
it simply means that the world is a global market nowadays....
America is not only for Americans, India is not only for Indians,Sri Lanka is not only for Lankans,..
in near future i will be ruled by a person who is capable of doing so and not by their natives ....
but the sad part is, in parts like Mumbai people still fight for the same...and those people are named POLITICIANS.
Global citizen.. ur right.. thats what we are..
Actually for me I pray for end of war..and Obama hopefully will be able to stop more wars from his position that any other leader..
Everyone goes "change" "change" and "change"
Honestly, do we know for sure that change is good?
I am not against Obama, but people should not be so for change, because of one failed man (bush).
I dont want to get into a political debate, but Obama, wants to make many things public. like healthcare etc. This may not be in the best interests of democracy.
Moreover as an Indian, he's against outsourcing, which will definitely affect my countries economy..
All said and done, he was probably the best candidate n deserves to win..
Lets all hope that the change he promises are for the better.
Obama stands for change... He is so not suspicious only to the ones that don't know his background at all and chooses to ASSume!
He has done a lot of good already just by being elected.. Next is when the change takes place... RACE is NO factor tho he is the First African American in the white house I hope he is not the only one that I will see in this lifetime!
The war NEEDS to stop! but at what cost? will it really be over after he pulls the troops.. and most of the troops are not wanting to pull out! I dunno Keshi.. but he means a great Change to me! Something very Powerful!
That first pic made me really really sad!
Forget all of it Keshi, Obama is better than Bush, is all we can say.
But...(and a BIGG but...not his...so dun u go daydreaming.....;))..his hands too are tied up by big business, which must have funded his campaign...and they will be back to claim their pound of flesh.
Although it does matter who is in the driving seat, the world is driven by big business interests, and most of them are western...they won't care a s*** if it does not affect their pockets or their own private interests. Period.
LOL...you allowed all three comments??*muses*- now,will she answer thrice?:)Cheers!!
Hey Keshi.. How u been..
:( :( :( for the 1st pic..
As for the question, nothing much.. I know its a big thing n all.. But I want to judge him as Barack Obama n not black Obama.. I hope the world lets me do that..
*Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs* So many coz I was not around for a while :)
Here in India, Obama's victory might have worried some people with respect to outsourcing, but overall there is great hope of a more enlightened role for US in the world. It also means that conservatism is over.
hi Keshi,
Touching post, first of all i love the beatles and john lennon so ;)
The election of Obama did not meant much to me, though i was in favor for him, if i was american i would have vote for him, i m happy that this time they took a proper decision compare to the last 2 times. A bit worried for him though, not only for all the shit he has to clean after the other one, but also cause he s black and i m sure some white people are not that happy about it, so i reaally hope that nothing will happen to him like for Kennedy. And i hope he will do a good job, cause if he does not it will be worst than for Bush, cz people were kind of used to it, they were not suprised Bush left this nation in a big shit, but if Obama does cz he set some higher expectations he will be considered even worst, so let s hope he will do well and let wish him good luck for that.
Ps: i reply to Hems post and to u as well in the comment
Pss: and u ve been asked for an interview on my blog too by Rainboy if u are up to sweetie
I think it was right statement when u said.. World citizen.. thats how one should see ourself.. not say oh I'm Indian , Asian Brit or American..
With the economic crisis we all should have realised that all of us are affected if there is a problem arising .. and thus it takes all of us to actually try and put things back to right..
I feel Obama has got the forethought of what things will be especially about the war.. McCain was plannin to send more troops over why?? there are bigger risks that one has on hand than starting another war.. Even though he's against outsourcing.. but then thats fine.. we should be self sufficient ourselves and this could open to better job oppurtunities than working in an BPO's
But all this changes takes time..
and thats what we need to do.. give him some time and we should try to work ourselves through it..
Btw,anything could be better than mr Mc.CANE's policies..that 72 yr old man,had such hilarious stuff up his sleave..
Just yesterday I was going thru the newspaper..it showed the differences between what Obama and his views wre on a certain things..
On most of the topics..for Mc.Cain t'was.."Similar to Bush" "Would prefer going with Bush's policy" "Bush bush bush"
Bushed the bush away..why discuss about this Bushy Bush :P
Btw,when are you going to reply?
I normally don't leave a comment on a post which has more than 40-50 comments. But this is the first time I have been asked for my opinion on Obama's win and I did not want to let it go.
1. I think it proves that America is a free and open country as it claims. A lot of American friends confided in me that in spite of what the pre-election polls showed, it is quite possible that Obama might lose due to his race. But the fact that Obama got so many White votes and won over opponents like Hillary in primary and McCain in the presidential race, shows the triumph of the democratic process.
2. It also shows how a combination of hardwork, will and perseverence can help achieve miraculous results. Obama was an unknown entity four years ago. From there to become the president of US of A is amazing.
1. Obama has made sound bites that he is willing to meet heads of states without pre-conditions. I agree we cannot go by what is said during campaigning, but I would still safely assume that he is not a bullying type. I hope it will help in building better co-operative relations with other nations.
But my biggest fear is that people will start judging him in the next couple of months. One has to understand that he is an absolute rookie and is bound to make a few mistakes in the begining. And with the economy in such a bad shape, he needs a longer rope. I hope people give him adequate time (say atleast 2 years) before passing judgements on him.
Disclaimer : The above is purely my personal view.
It's true... a a historic moment... i'm glad i witnessed it too :)
sorry..didnt read ur post...cudnt get past the picture..
u know why i hate the world i live in and try to find something to smile abt in the most mandane things?..its the death of a child..
iam a father...imagine how it wud be for a mother?
society is a represntation of ourselves...wht we see out there is the mirror image of us..its our own expression..if theres a hope out there is becoz we are putting it our there...
there are no saviours...i have seen too much to believe in that..the solution for the way things are must first come from us..we need to kind, to be compassionate, to be non judgemental, to be tolerant to opinions...individualy...the world is just a reflection...you and me are equaly responsible for that childs death.
Looooved the post. Moving! and the song Imagine adds to it :)
ty Sawan!
**World economy runs on dollars
The reason is the economy. US or European economies r strong compared to Indian or Sri Lankan economies. Given that we hv been free of White Rule for over 60yrs, it's high time we realise why we cant build a strong economy ourselves. Reasons lie deeper than wut we see on the surface.
Hope Archana will come back to discuss on Indian matters :) tnxx Sawan!
ty Southy for the encouragement!
**I say God has no time for mute spectators!
I agree. We must SEE to FEEL...to feel how that father must hv felt.
ty Trevor!
**But I don't make much off of what color, creed or what lineage he's from. The best man won the race.
I agree. But this is a HISTORIC moment related to COLOR too. We cant ignore that. Cos the blacks were not allowed to even vote few years ago.
ty Devika!
**its the COMEBACK of HOPE for mankind...
It sure is...hence that title :)
ty Prachi!
yes the world needed a FRESH mind.
**and trust that Obama will do something good to the country to the world
TRUST it is! ppl already feel so good abt it all!
ty Amy!
**personally feel its high time some new blood come in and take over america by storm.
very well-said! NEW BLOOD it is!
ty Southy!
**with the number of head counts and resources i dont think the value of dollar wud ever matter in India
Thats exactly wut Im trying to say too! There's so much of skill, resources and abilities in India!
WOW lovely comment there Ria!
**Its like we r all in this tunnel and a few of us can see the light at the end of it....i want more and more ppl to see the light and embrace it as a new beginning
beautifully put! thats the same feeling I hv...some ppl take time to see the light but I think this is the BEGINNING we all waited for.
ty Vicky!
:) I fixed the mistake.
**They really will hit some jobs here.Being an Indian i have to see what in it for India??
yes..but its hight time India and other Asian countries look at their own resources and build a strong economy that dun depend on the US.
ty Multimenon!
**for,he has been and stil is anti-outsourcing and so,the number of H1B visas is naturally bound to cum down
I agree. However India can be a US too...some day? Then ppl dun hv to think abt leaving their countries for work outside.
hey ty Richa!
I agree..he's all for PEACE...and thats admirable.
**n the 'entry of a black in the white house' is a start of another revolution
I agree! :) Alot of ppl r making sick jokes abt it but all I can see in them is sheer jealousy.
ty Amit! :)
** think his victory is basically a triumph of democracy!Democracy at it's best.
Spot on! It proves Demo-crazy isnt so crazy after all lol!
HUGZ Hemz Bond! :)
**i dun wanan be cynical, cos i too, am a believer in human equality n non-racist conformity, but i just wanna pray n hope that obama is not a puppet on powerful strings in the background, who have made him a very lucrative, world-changing, vote-winning, empathy-crreating face at the front, with WHITE RATS (literal white democrats) running the show from behind..
I can u'stand ur concern...cos he's not the only man who'll be running the show. Thats a worry, yes.
**#I feel the racism in US will be reduced drastically,
I think his victory in a predominantly white nation is a sure sign of Racism being abolished already. except for few small minds here n there.
**#secondly we wont hear loud noice in afghanistan as bush did,
I really hope for that! That bloody n stupid war need to STOP!
**#thirdly the terrorist might have some major time in getting their sweets in :)
I hope, just like Racism is slowly fading away, that Terrorism will also die soon for good.
**#umm the recession will come to a freeze (hopefully)
yeah thats a biggie but we'll wait n see!
*HUGZ* hv a good Sunday luv!
ty Soul!
yes this is a huge TURNING POINT in history of mankind!
Amit I got it :) tnxx alot! must hv been some prob with Blogger.
ty Chamb!
**now i feel there so many other wondering that why world is so full of prejudices.
I agree...WHY??? I dunno if I'll ever know.
Vish hey tnxx!
I really hope so too! cos I hvnt seen that virtue in society for awhile now..
ty Bro HUGZ!
yeah..somehow all politicians seem to end up being selfish ppl in the end. But I hv great hope for Obama. And I dun wanna lose that hope.
ty MIP!
yes that pic had been on my blog b4 too. Cos I cant get over the pain that I feel from seeing it. And I dun wanna get over it. And I want others to SEE it and FEEL his pain too. Cos often we dun wanna look at such pics and we live in total ignorance.
ty Rakesh!
yes its a huge leap of faith in history of mankind.
**While the new President has a huge confidence, his tasks are daunting and cumbersome too
Thats true..I feel that somehow it'll take alot of time for real CHANGE to occur..still its worth it.
ty TT!
**..at least obama gave u a reason to be happ my dramatic twin
awww HUGGGGGGGGZ! :):)
ty Suresh!
Lets hope its not just a fairytale...
**There was a really funny cartoon today on a local daily which showed a black man on his kneels in front of a beautiful girl with roses in hand and saying 'If Americans can accept, Why cant you my dear'.
haha good one!
yes! He's a superb example of UNITY in SL.
ty Crystal!
Its never too early to celebrate the historic moment tho :)
ty Phoenix!
oyes Im a huge fan of the beatles :)
** but i admire his eloquence and the conviction with which he speaks
I agree. And he's got a deep voice to die for lol!
It sure is Jira!
ty Sushmita!
**...rather on his being a black..and i think it woudld be insulting his intelligence to celbrate4 his victory just coz of his color....
but thats not wut we r celebrating. its not his color. its the moment in history that PROVES racism is a thing of the past. And I think its imp to rejoice in such a revelation.
And our countries hv a long way to go..cos we r still in war with our own men.
HUGZ Pecos! :)
ty Joyce!
**we reely hav become very small people
I agree totally. Even in a very small place like Blogville, I can see very small minds exist. ppl who mud-sling their own friends just to feel superior.
**Martin Luther King
One of my fav men in the whole world!
ty Sadique!
**If he is determined to do things he promised, it will be a much needed and welcome change for the world...
I hope n pray for that too!
ty Arunima!
**This is no doubt a moment of history but more importantly it has brought the villainous rule that was being inflicted on the world by few men of power to an end
Well-said girl!
hey Donn ty MWAH!
The lyrics were simply awesome! That confirmed that IM NOT THE ONLY ONE.
Simply superb! ty for sharing it with me Donn.
**Unfortunately there will always be others who feel the need to impose their will on others and who will, from time to time, need to have their ass kicked.
I so agree. That is a bummer but thats what the world is like..made of a lil black n white ;-)
will email ya soon!
Very true Hobo!
ty Praveen!
**.Its not that he'll wipe away it all in one single stroke. But this is a sure sign of change...and yeah..."yes we can"
I agree. Isnt that such a pwerful slogan...YES WE CAN. :)
It may take time, like it did for a black man to become president in the US...but it will HAPPEN.
ty Shreya!
So ur in Chicago? WOW so nice!
** Certainly it does not mean that no one will face discrimination, but its a good start for putting humanitarian values in practice
I so agree. This world isnt gonna be 100% free of discrimnation..cos there will always be small-minded ppl...but this is a sure BEGINNING of HOPE.
ty CN!
**call me pessimistic but dun really thnk tht much is gng 2 change wid d way America handles itself on d world stage
but that too shall change...hv hope. now did we ever think a black man will get a chance to become a president in a country where Slavery was quite active til very recent years?
ty Nirmal!
**in near future i will be ruled by a person who is capable of doing so and not by their natives ....
Spot on!
Countries like India n SL hv to go a long way to become like the US - politics wise...cos the ATTITUDES need to change!
ty Anu!
yes this world is at the brink of death and destruction. I hope Obama can atleast REDUCE em to a certain level...cos eradicating terrorism is gonna take a very long time - cos it involves shifting MINDSETS and thats the hardest task.
They have spoken and opted for change. I fear they may be expecting too much. He is a man who will do his utmost but the world will not be a better, safer place, next year or in 4 years. No one man can have that effect on the entire planet.
He will do well for the US and that will drag along and have some effect on some other countries. But to expect him to save us from global warming, poverty, homelessness, etc ... is impossible unless there are generations of him to lead for years, decades to come.
I hope he does well.
ty Golden!
**Everyone goes "change" "change" and "change"
Honestly, do we know for sure that change is good?
I think CHANGE means more of a change of mentalities. There's so much of war, discrimination and hatred going around in this world these days. And Obama is the face of HOPE n CHANGE....him being the first black president in a predominantly white nation is a sure sign of CHANGE if not anything else!
Abt Indian economy being affected, its also a turning point for ur own nation...time to increase funds on R&D and create more jobs for ur own ppl in ur own nation. Time for CHANGE.
hey NE HUGZ!
I agree with every word u wrote.
**but he means a great Change to me! Something very Powerful!
Exactly wut I feel too! I hv strong vibes and I feel this man IS THE ONE.
ty TDM!
**Although it does matter who is in the driving seat, the world is driven by big business interests, and most of them are western...they won't care a s*** if it does not affect their pockets or their own private interests
yes but there must be a REASON for that...we cant always DEPEND on the US and EUROPE..high time we do something abt our own nations n resources, and try to be independent? a far cry, but yeah its POSSIBLE...like OBAMA was possible in a white nation!
haha Amit I was lost! :)
ty Urv!
**But I want to judge him as Barack Obama n not black Obama
thats NOT wut we saying here. We r not celebrating his BLACKNESS. Why cant ppl u'stand that this is a turning point in history of mankind? He became the first black president in a country where blacks were not even allowed to vote!
Thats wut we r celebrationg...we r celebrating the CHANGE OF MENTALITIES...ABOLISHING OF RACISM.
ty Diana!
But India too needs to learn to depend on its OWN resources n skills. wut say?
ty Cess MWAH!
I was gonna email ya today...all ok with ya now? Im not 100% tho...
**but if Obama does cz he set some higher expectations he will be considered even worst, so let s hope he will do well and let wish him good luck for that.
I so agree! Thats my fear too. But atleast he's gonna do better than Bush...thats Im sure of :)
Interview? WOW! will be there soon ok.
*HUGZ* luv!
ty Ani MWAH!
**we should be self sufficient ourselves and this could open to better job oppurtunities than working in an BPO's
Thats called INNOVATIVE thinking! Thats why I love ya girl! exactly wut my thoughts were on that matter.
McCain loves war...and we dun want war!!!
ty Crystal!
yes McCain is another Bush. And do we need that? NO!
Did u know Sarah Palin's IQ is so low that she didnt know Africa was a continent! yes I read that in the papers 2 days ago n was in trauma!
ty Salil I like ur take on this!
** I think it proves that America is a free and open country as it claims
Spot on!
**Obama was an unknown entity four years ago. From there to become the president of US of A is amazing
yes, even I had the same views when Hialry Clinton lost and Obama was chosen to continue.
** One has to understand that he is an absolute rookie and is bound to make a few mistakes in the begining
I agree...mistakes will be there and over-expectations will be there too. But given time, he will DO IT!
:) tnxx alot!
Eli tnxx hun!
ty Tys for such a heartfelt comment!
I put that pic up on purpose. cos alot of ppl LOOK AWAY when they see something like that. Cos its not THEIR child or brother or family. So they learn to IGNORE n move on with their lives as long as it dun affect them.
And like u said, that is a refelction of our own selves. Our society is THAT. Its a resulty of us somehow. And it continues to happen...cos we continue to live in ignorance in our lil safe worlds.
**there are no saviours...i have seen too much to believe in that..the solution for the way things are must first come from us..we need to kind, to be compassionate, to be non judgemental, to be tolerant to opinions...individualy...the world is just a reflection...you and me are equaly responsible for that childs death.
Spot on! Look ard Blogville...such a small place but a place that dunno wut kindness is...so many ppl preach peace and kindness, but they themselves cant PRACTICE it! so how can we hv world peace?
*HUGZ* u said it the best!
ty Mansi! :)
ty George!
**He will do well for the US and that will drag along and have some effect on some other countries. But to expect him to save us from global warming, poverty, homelessness, etc ... is impossible unless there are generations of him to lead for years, decades to come.
I agree...such CHANGE cant happen overnight. But it WILL. I now hv HOPE.
hehe i am blushing now.. blush blush
hehe love u too man.. hehe am telling u we are telepathically connected.. hehe :)
hugggzzz hope ur weekend is going well.. i just got back from a post diwali party n my legs are soooo soree :(
Sorry I'm late, again.
Obama's victory is a sign of hope that America will shake off the self destructive attitude that we run the world. I have always been opposed to what some of the warmongers in this country called the the "American Empire".
What I had always hoped that my country would lead the way for EVERYONE in the world to work both locally and globally to make a better place for all humanity. That justice denied for some will in time mean justice denied for everyone. hat enjoying security and prosperity while denying it to others is evil but that wallowing in ignorance and apathy and blaming others for it is just as bad. The hope that at some point the we will realize that the promises offered by those willing only for power and prestige are hollow and that we ourselves are the best agents of change for a better world. That true leadership seeks not to make history but to inspire others to work for a common good. The hope that at some point we will recognize that our differences make us stronger as long as people respect the beliefs of others who disagree and hold fast that in the end we all want to see our children grow up in peace.
True......India does hav a lot of resources...but it also consists of a section of youths, actually intelligent youths, who think its a better life out there.....if outsourcing stopss, then the BPO sector in India would b badly hit....many youths survive on the BPO sector
Hey Ani ty sweetz! :)
u danced so much? WOW I love dancing!
WOW BB wut A comment! Loved it. So full of HOPE!
**What I had always hoped that my country would lead the way for EVERYONE in the world to work both locally and globally to make a better place for all humanity. That justice denied for some will in time mean justice denied for everyone
Spot on!
If only more ppl realised that. *sigh*
ty Diana!
**actually intelligent youths, who think its a better life out there
I agree...its the attraction for a BETTER life...
Hi all,
In the euphoria of election rhetoric and triumph of fairness, Obama does not really bring good news to India (from a SELF-CENTERED point of view).
Request all readers who want to understand Obama's current stand on matters that concern India under - https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=8476566&postID=3213181726383211564&pli=1.
Sal I know. Its not all suga candy to EVERYONE. Hope comes with a lil bit of Sacrifice too :)
Cricket lovers will find this interesting -
Was so happy when Obama won!
A new beginning and hope for the future.
I should say people expect a miracle to happen since he's the first black president of US. Let's see what he does and evaluate him based on that.
Anyway, a change of leader is always a hope of miracle. Clinton was a face of peace trying desperately to keep peace that for revenge especially in Palestine, where as Bush was just the opposite and jumped into war in Iraq and Afghanistan and don't know whom next. I think, the non-stop war has a major influence in the economic depression.
Let's hope Obama lives up to our expectations. Way to go, but a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. All the best Obama!
Will read it soon Sal ty! :)
yes Silvara, HOPE it is!
ty Aneesh!
I think him being the first black president of a predominantly white nation is the first miracle here. It took years and alot of cruelty and deaths, but somehow that dream came true..the dream of EQUALITY.
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