Whoever who said that
being alone is the only time you can truly be yourself and that
our best companion ever is Solitude, are very wise people.
The one who sees true beauty and the magic behind this life may sometimes have to walk alone...it's a fact. And
all the misery in us stem from our inability to be alone...our constant need to be heard, wanted and understood. But you know, I tried and I nearly died trying. Cos no one will ever understand you fully. Cos
we are lone creatures with lone judgements. Not everyone will walk with you and neither will you walk with everyone else.
We all walk alone. We have friends and foes during the day, but at night we

are alone, staring at the dark blue skies in complete solitude. And
he who does not ask or want company just to secure an important place for himself in this world, is the greatest man ever...he who knows that even being alone, he is still valuable and very much a part of this great Universe. Caught up in the illusion called 'bonds' that don't last anyway, we continue to be mangled in the misery of wanting company, longing for our thoughts to be validated and our hearts to be recognised.
Yes, it's time for Keshi's heart to go into the wilderness for awhile. I'm not upset with anyone here, neither am I leaving Blogville for good. It's just that my heart needs some time off from the blinding city lights and speeding down the highway :). I will be back in few days time. Don't feel sad and don't think this is the end, cos it's not. You know I love you all very much and I can't just end it all like you mean nothing to me, cos you do. And it's not my style to cut away all of a sudden from the people who really cared about me and were there for me when I needed them badly, more than my own loved-ones could. And all those people who always stood by me no matter what, and during my last few flickering posts, THANKS from the bottom of my heart! *Enchanted, Mayz and Southy HUGS, and ty for the encouraging emails and posts!*. And those who read them and dismissed them without saying a word, THANKS to you too! Cos now I know who truly cares and who's just here for a mock game. And those who didn't have time nor the inclination to respond to my recent msgs/emails, I sincerely hope that some day you'd learn what 'acknowledgement' is...maybe you're not born with it but it's not too late to learn it. The world doesn't revolve around you...you revolve around it. Cos it's we who continue to seek attention from others instead of giving out real love...we continue to seek appreciation and validation of ourselves in others, instead of taking a good look at our own selves and learning to depend on ourselves. btw I also have some cousins coming over for a break and I will be spending alot of time with them and travelling interstate etc with them in the next few days. So, I can only log in occasionally to publish comments but I won't be around Blogville commenting in your blogs as usual. I'm really sorry guys but this is really necessary too...but keep writing and having fun. As promised I will be back soon all refreshed, and perhaps with
lots of exciting news and more beautiful pics :). Til then take care, keep smiling, be well, be kind to each other, don't forget me, I'll do all the tags when I come back :) and hey never underestimate the power of being alone. MWAH so long my dearest mates I'm gonna miss ya tonnz!
Current Music: Make It Real by The Jets
140 Cranium Signets:
yhey this is not fair keshi.. just wen i was gettin to know u, u are leaving???
babes.. u r a trend setter.. ll miss u a lot....
come back soon, will ya...
d Rat...
"we are lone creatures with lone judgements" - an absolute truth!!
have a nice break!! enjoy yourself!! see ya soon!!
Oh I read this somewhere on the net.
In the world without borders and fences, who needs Gates and Windows.
Enjoy the roads,
please make sure u or people around you dont drink and drive.
Take care BJ
Aww jus when my life was goin gr8 i will hav to miss a friend like u.....no issues dear, i knw its very much reqd. And havin gone thru tht phase i can understand....and i knw that u'll b back sure. Btw i hav some gr8 news for u....plz do read my latest post coz i'll feel incomplete if i dont share it with u. Have a gr8 time with ur cousins and hope this period brings in peace and solace to u. Lots of love and hugs!!
Enjoy your sabbatical mate ... and come back rejuvenated and refreshed ... have fun !!
and heres a quote that goes well with your post -
"You're always alone, but you're lonely only if you don't like the person you're alone with ..."
HeyyyyyyKeshi...we'l miss ya but you have fun with your cousins girl
Take your time and then come back with renewed enthusiasm :0
come back soon...will miss ya...n keep smilin :)
tk cr
Hi Keshi
Though I'm a new reader, but ur posts always brightened me up while i read them. Will surely miss ya! :)
be well, girl!
This post flows like a luvly song.."yeh aakhri alvida na ho" (May this not be the last goodbye :))
You know...I will miss u..its like your blog defines the blogville for me..
**Not everyone will walk with you and neither will you walk with everyone else**
I agree..its just you want someone to be at a turn where you really need them...
**And those who didn't have time nor the inclination to respond to my recent msgs/emails...**
...frankly I too missed some of your recent posts...but all I can ask is to give ppl chance to explain....nd if you have..then your point is valid that **..some day you'd learn what 'acknowledgement' is...maybe you're not born with it but it's not too late to learn it.**
..so go on this break...nd come back real quick...waiting for all refreshed Keshi!
"Hum Intezzar karenge...."
if dis tym my comment is not the first ..ill kill whoever runs blogger
take ur tym keshi ..and come back with happy things to say ..hate 2 c ya sad ..btw ..watz ur mail id?
oh keshi,
but i understand...
take your time off, and hope to see you soon, the same yet different...
i'm glad you came by to tell me, it meant a lot..thank you...
Keshi Girl! I know exactly what u mean so go girl! That november rain song says..."everyone needs some time on their own"....
Now there has to be some Karmic connection...because i mentioned this being ' alone' briefly in today's blog. I needed some time off... the kind that means being ' alone in the crowd' so i watched a movie alone... felt better.
have fun...Will drop an email if u take longer than usual to come back on Blogville
Have fun keshi and enjoy your life over there. I know you will be back with a hundred of fresh stories.
I will always treasure my moment being alone. Hugs..
Miss you Keshi!
A well deserved break for you. I hope you regroup and come back refreshed, bubbly and smiling. :)
good sweety to take a break..to get refreshed and to be back..:)
Yup to be with the soul for some time..anaylising correcting ourselves...:)SOLITUDE..TRANQUILITY:)
buddy, u r sooo right abt the solitude thing.
good to learn that u r jus taking a break from the bloggerville. we'll miss ya. b back soon and take care
I always get the courage from your post dear, loneliness teaches ourselves to us. “The world doesn't revolve around you...you revolve around it.” Very true! And it also revolves itself around.
Have a wonderful times keshi, and with your cousins joy the moments. Take care, hugss :)
Yep ! At times, one does long for solitude ! Can understand perfectly. You take care Keshi and get back to Blogsville soon :)
You'll be missed !
somehow i was prepared for this post. but its sure sad. i wish you peace and happiness. come back with vibrant colors. for now, let the shades of black take you out of this world of blindening lights. would mis ya for sure.. dont be away for so long that i adjust to this missing feel. luv u keshi.. u take care.
Dont make the wait long.
Enjoy the trip.
Remember the great song from the movie Namastey London
"Kehne Ko Tho Saath Hamari Ek Duniya Chalthi Hain.
Par Chupke se Is Dil Mein Tanhain Palthi Hain"
Have a good time mate... Wishing you the best as always... cheers...
oh keshi i understand u need a break, all the best babes!! :)
come back soon, ull b missed more than anything :D
and on a lighter note, i read it sumwhere, "the someone you spend your maximum time with is yourself, so make yourself as interesting as possible" ;)
have fun hun n get back soon... :)
yes rightly said ..in such tymes wat we need is solitude...so dear u njoy ur soliitude...and cum bakk sooon..miss u till then
hope alls well at your side keshikins
n hope to see u back soon
if this time u r takin off is wt u really need thn may your purpose be met.
Bless ya n take care
have a nice trip keshi....
well, I think you'll do what is best for you. 'N you said your intuitions are always right. Everyone needs a break from things.... Take rest and come back with more rocking posts.
'N 'Njoy time with your cousins...
I'll be waiting.... at least to fight
Have fun Keshi!! :)
solitude does induce the creative juices.. you never what pops up and ends into an art/poetry so beautifully..
it teaches sometimes and some other times it turns into depression, that no one really thinks or cares for us.. very good & very bad at the same time..
its true that we walk alone in various situations in life
take a break. enjoy yourself. come back soon. we will miss u. we are waiting.
What's cooking Keshi!!
*HUGZ* A post that speaks well.
come back soon coz I'll really miss you.
Hugzz and muhwas
hey keshi,
this is sooo sad ....But i really hope you have a great time with your cousins and be back soon with a bang !!!!
Will miss ya for sure
hey keshi
thanks for an awesome pepping up... thanks to you i feel great now :)
i understand your state of mind. if staying away will get you the peace that you so want, then do it... do whatever it takes to keep you happy.we will be there for you.. always whether you are happy or sad, feeling great or low... we your friends are there to support you in whatever you do. go ahead and do something that YOU want.pamper yourself. because you are important.
smile because your smile makes us smile too. :)
You need some time of your own?..good for you.
Take care,sweetie :)
have good time off:)
enjoy the holidays!
Come back soon, Kesh.
hv loads of fun...come back all refreshed...no ways me or any1 here can 4get u....no chance of tht, u can't get rid of us so easily:D
Hi,Keshi-well,this time,I needn't go 'Noooooooooo' and faint...LOL...good luck to u,have a great time,come back totally refreshed,and raring to go..looking forward to the next 'era'of posts.:)BTW,I'm off to India for 2 weeks on 26.11.:)
Hi,Keshi-well,this time,I needn't go 'Noooooooooo' and faint...LOL...good luck to u,have a great time,come back totally refreshed,and raring to go..looking forward to the next 'era'of posts.:)BTW,I'm off to India for 2 weeks on 26.11.:)
Have a good break and hurry back soon :)
take ur time gurl. but do come back. :)
u'll be missed.
see u around soon.
Hi Keshi
Have a nice break, and I hope the news has something to do with a new boyfriend.
There are a lot of people here who will help you without hesitation. Remember that you’re loved and cherished—OMG, I’m going to cry. LOL
As you know, I’m leaving Blogville for a while at the end of the year. We are not sure we have to move, but we’re still considering all the avenues. Funding is drying up like spit in the desert. So, we’re diversifying and heading into a new realm—reminds me of Star Trek.
Some people seem INCAPABLE of being alone and that really puzzles me... may your time out be fruitful ;->..!
Hi keshi..First I have to apologise for not stopping by, it was not intentional.I have not been feeling too well and have not bloged or been around blogsville.I know what it is to be alone, my life s pretty lonely and I spend everyday alone,J is at work and the kids are away at school. Because of my problem with my back I don't go out much, most are dr appointments and stuff.sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything.Please don't leave blogsville, there are very few genuine people like you out there who truly care for others.
i am going to be away for a while too..now i know y mayz asked me that question.
take care miss
njoy the break we will miss you as always.
Come back, Kesh.
Have fun while your gone :D
It was something I said wasn't it? Dang it! *kicks chair* I'm always saying stupid stuff. ;-)
I miss you already sweet Keshi!
arfff The rat has the same avatar as me ;( and u re taking a time off ;( well i understand u, if u need it, then it s ur choice. I hope u ll be back, i haven t been here myself much too, i m missing some creativity.
I hope u ll have some nice days off with ur cousins, do take lot of pics ;)
take care
ohhh babe - probably a well earned break hmm??
Take care of yourelf as I am sure byt the time u come back you'll be bursting with new blog stuff! :D
Hi Keshi,
you are true friend!
It is very nice to inform about break. I don't like to worry about why somebody disappeared.
Enjoy your time and be happy!
We all will be wait for you!
See you soon.
Love & hugsss
Kick back and have a good time on you sabbatical. Will be eager for your return but till then, aloha.
Don't go too far or stay away too long...
come back soon girl
will missya!
Hey dear..I will say enjoy the moment...and bring back lots of excitement and story for us :)
I want you to have your time for everything :)
Luv yeah Dear and Hugz to you tons
Cheers always remember...we will be waiting here to hear from you soon :)
Have fun
Hope to see u all rejuvenated after the break...:)
Be back soon, Keshi :)
we all need a break every now and then but important is that we come back to those who love and miss us.
Take care dear!!
Have a good time, Keshi. Take care. See you soon.
Enjoy your time away. May it be refreshing and rejuvenating to you.
Take the break Keshi...u need it the most...spend some quality time with ur cousins.....
And hurry back.....
awww sweets will miss u too..
and i should agree with bev.. hope it is something to do with a new guy in your life.. considering u r planning to go to the wilderness.. :)
awww i hope u find what ur looking for .. and hope to see a new reinvented.. if thats the word to be used.. keshi.. :)
take care sweets .. hope u'll be back real soon..
misssinggg u already.. muaaaahhhhh
Wish you a happy journey.
Everything is a jorney.
nice decision............ :)
take a time off...and blast wid some real waves....
yup loneliness is good for us :) BRB SOON :D
keshi , don't worry about us :) like u said *we revolve around the world rather the other way around*
sometimes i feel as if i'm alone even if i'm with friends ( who are the real ones) , alone not lonely ,have a refreshing time off.
Taking time off from blogsville is really good and thaz what I am doing now. Ther is also another world other than blogsville we shud see and I hope you will enjoy the path with your friends and other loved ones closeby. Wish you the best:))
Hope you come back refreshed and happy from your trip.. have a lovely time sweeetie..
Toodaloo Keshiroo
I'll meet ya 'round 8ish?
See you when you get back.
hey have a great time gal......njoy the most.....
Take a break but do come back!
be well. Take care love.
go ahead...
everyone needs a break!!
come back nice n fresh.... I can always wait... :)
as for the lone ranger thing... well... wot shud I say.. i think, we both know how my thoughts wud turn out on this one... so I'll let it rest... :)
the world despite its shades of gray can pin us down only if we allow it to... dats wot i blv...
Hey.we are on the same boat..even me..goin off for sum well deserved solitude..for i dun rly wanna get along with all das hpning arnd me..
hopin to c ya bac soon..
keshi chan!! hope you learn a lot about urself during ur break..and widen your johari window...
take care!!
thats so bad..just now I landed here and you are taking a break!!!..thats bad!
Good decision Keshi..
with you always,
hey keshi
missed ya gal
Hey dear...I just came yday but seems I am missing you already :)
Gal,....I came to say ...enjoy the break...;)
Luv ya and god bless you
Cheers n Hugz
I dont ever want this to go unsaid...You are a lovely person Keshi and you make a real contribution in my life- ur sunny attitude and you acceptance of yourself, inspires the same in me.
I'll miss you so much. HUGZZZZ
Adios my friend.
Keshi , I am on the net after two weeks now and this is the post i read .I dont feel like reading the rest now. come back. Am not in the least happy . I need you ok. come back soon. I miss you already. HUGS dear . MUAH MUAH MUAH
i dont even have your contact number or mail id yaar. I miss you :(:(
Poppy doll-pearl,
I had a very bad week after receiving some very bad news last weekend. And I was left thinking, what is it, that a person can be surrounded by loving family and friends, but just that one moment of insanity forget about them?
The choice to want to walk alone is understandable, but please remember you are not alone. Nobody should ever be alone. Because once left alone, the mind can play tricks on itself, and then, it might be too late and too painful for others.
Sigh, I'm leaving a strange comment here, but I mean what I say. You can always drop by anytime to grouse/complain or just to plain rant. But sometimes, technical issues mean I won't be able to respond as soon as I would have liked, but eventually I do respond, just hopefully, it wouldn't be too late....
Have a beautiful days, dear Keshi!
And remember I love you!
"We continue to seek validation from others" instead of getting to know ourselves...
Yes, it seems to me that's often how people go about it - continual validation-seeking.
I think that some time alone after you leave your parents' home can be a really valuable thing vis a vis getting to know yourself.
Indeed Keshi! I appreciate the need for taking a good long break and taking care of yourself in the meanwhile!
We are all independent beings who require adequate mental and physical space to thrive!
Go ahead, rejuvenate yourself and come soon!
Where is the Keshi Girl? Weekend is over, I guess. Hello!!!Hello!!! Can you hear me?
Come back, Kesh. It's about time, I guess.
Ohhh... come back soon and I am sure its gonna be just better from here on .. Hugzzzzzzzzz and how i wish i could do it literally and not through the net :)
Take care :) Miss ya muah
going to miss u..anyway..tcare my dear!!!
hey dear got 2 read this post nw..soooo late.
Bt itz btr late den nvr.
so u r going 4 ur break..Good coz u were actually sounding in bluessss in ur last few post( c i already told u dat)
Bt i wud want 2 c d same diva back( as i hav seen u alwaz)
Vil miss u!
come back soon;)
there is still a race .....to put a comment on keshi's blog...:P
hmm ..
the eyes are always set for a welcome .. and the sentiments accommodating ..
take care !! :)
blogging is not the same w/out u.
Hope u r ok
Awwwwww.. Keshi dear.. I miss u already. You have fun and njoy with ur cousins.. Muwahh.. Miss u.. Take care and come back with ur nice posts as usual..
Great post on alone...being alone is something i look forward to once in a while.
Alone I need to be.
Alone, some body take me home.
Because I, well I need to be alone.
Alone is all I need.
Alone is best for me.
Hope you're back soon : )
I always felt like I am alone and more alone, when there is a loads of people. Even in company of familiar people, I sometimes feel lonely. I guess my greatest comforts in life are solitude, isolation and privacy, whenever I want them and if I dont get them, I feel disturbed.
I guess, there are times I want to be heard, recognized and appreciated, but that is some human in me. But still I like anonymity, lack of attention and lack of any spotlight.
When alone, my powers multiply. With my headphones on, Heavy metal in my ears, I become me, any other time, I feel like a poser, a pretentious being, a faker.
By the way, I visit ur blog becoz we share the initial title, so make no mistake. and offcouse we both are great writers(I love this part, praising myself in disguise.).
Hey Keshi..
Have a wonderful relaxing time while u are away.. Don't take too long to be back but haan.. Take care..
Kesh, girl... longg time! inviting you to big fat indian wedding on 7th Dec!! :)
Will surely miss u n ur creative posts, dear Keshi...
u take care
~ Harsha
When I didn't see you around, I miss you!
Have a great time, Keshi!
solitude brings out spirituality.wishing u a gr8 tym!!u must chek my blog dear!!i'v been writing poems..
keshi dearie.. miss ya.. dnt have ur mail id.. :-( come back soon..
Missing you. Tried looking through your window but the neighbors chased me off...
hi dear..missing u..come back fast k? tcare
nice pixxxxxx have a nice break
SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!Hey,u might still want a break,but,I need my daily dose of 'Keshi speaks'.:)
Come back soon Girl.. m gonna miss u tonnes.
I am having a break too. Doc say's get off your ass, get more exercise, fresh air, sex, veggies and drink more water. Have my Op to get the ticker adjusted 18th Dec. It's been a long time since I couldn't wait for Christmas to arrive.
Keyword is Survival.xxx.
Do come back soon....
and have a good time with yourself!
:) Keep Smiling...
how are u??
i mailed u too guess u didn't get my mail :)
and just take ur time sweets :)
come back with renewed zest :)
Hey..... I thought I was reading philosophy.... don't take it otherwise... :).... I love the solitude as well as company of my dear ones.... and though a man will born alone and die alone... there are little few things we do in our life that makes it interesting.... most unfortunately can not be done alone.. sharing joy and sorrow forms only a part of it.... So solitude is important but so is social indulgence... I tend to bore authors with long comments... :)
Njoy your trip.... Traveling infuses life in one... it has done to me recently..... :)
hello keshi,
i hope you are doing well...
i am glad that you are having some fun time with your cousins- yay!! ; )
so this new movie w/ nicole k & j hughman..."australia"- have you seen it?
life has been pretty hectic with me...
i was SICK, had ALOT of work (report cards/ conferences w/ students' parents), and taking care of my sister...plus my little doggy (bolita- the youngest) is also VERY sick.
take care!! enjoy your relatives' visit ; )
as always-
you are missed ALOT!
as always-
i wish you the VERY best!!
much love and many wonderful blessings.
Ah well I supose some of you could come and visit me.
heya dearie...
i hadnt been around since long...was busy wth xams n stuff...
agreed...wen u r alone,u r d closest 2 urself...dat's wen u realise u need no1 2 b happy...u can jus b happy wth urself...
i ll chck out on ur othr posts soon...
tk cr...
Into the Wild. That's what Keshi is into, eh!
Hey girl, when's civilisation gonna see ya? I'm sure you are loving the time away from here.That's what the doctor had ordered, I guess. Enjoy! Do come back when you feel like.
One week gone!...hope u havin fun ...njoy :)
heyyy keshimomma..
i've been taking a nreak meself.. soooo i'm kinda on the same wheel of thought!
ya're a true rocksta, n whether i ever meet ya or not, ya're someone i'll always hold CLOSE to this lil' heart of mine :)
ya make me smile, laugh out loud, cry and make me wanna unleash all tat inane wit n stupidity inside me :)
I'LL MISSSSS YA , tyll ya get back here.. n i know I'm not just speaking for myself , but for all those people who love you soooo much, just for being you and helping them feel 'them'.
love ya keshi momma :)
come back soooon..
n have a rocker of a time with ya cousins!!
Hey Keshigurl...hope your enjoying your vacation with your cousins. have fun and don't hog too much. remember we have to get into our slinky sexy outfits for New year's eve :)
hey babes, i got sumthn for u..
check out
Kesh! Kesh! Kesh!
Saw ya. And then you went in a flash! What was that?
Good to have seen you, lady. Be good.
was out of town for ten days and when back saw your message...
i am concerned, but still i feel you actually need this break from this blogosphere...
get back fresh and with full enthu..!!
mail me to vinumohanlal@gmail.com for sure since i lost ur id...!!
happy travels, keshi! you are still with us :)
Hey how you doing .. would have loved to drop u a mail .. dont have your id babes .. take care .. and enjoy this time alone ..
Hey sweetie
take care :))
and be beack soon :))
we all really miss you :DD
you ARE reading comments then :)
We don't walk alone. Just another illusion!
It's good to take a break from stuff. I honestly can't see how you can keep up this blog as well as you do and keeping in touch with all your many friends. My hat's off to you, Keshi. You deserve a break. Enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Kesh. Have a great break. Do you mind sharing your e-mail addy? Mine is crystalden_25@yahoo.com
Hope to see back here soon.
Hey come out now! Can't you see us waving below your window :)?
When I come back,you are gone!Get back soon kelle,hope you having a good break.TC.Hugs!
Hi Keshi!
Just came to see if you were back..
so enjoying the break? :)
btw, Keshi...that comment were you said you would not take virtual wishes got lost in a wrong click. I do not know if that could be retreived...so saying about it here..
Keshi, dear -- you may take whatever you like of whats in my comments..do not so much of a seriousness to it :)
if i were to i should be blasting at some of those sites :)
wishes! (oh no -- okay leave it if you do not need..)
"I Shall Return" Who said that.'Jeez she is back already. I hardly had time to say adios. We shall now prepare our ears for those tales of her wicked goings on around the hot spots of Sydney.
Sorry for not visiting recently Keshi, like you I have had my reasons for timeout from Blogville.
tnxx each and everyone!
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