Warning: Long post ahead. Read before commenting please. Thanks!
Arrivals & Departures
I was dropping my aunt off at the airport on Saturday morning. As I parked my car and came back walking to the Departure terminal, I witnessed many people hugging, crying, saying their Goodbyes, and holding hands and wishing each other well before they separated. Yes, instantly my analytical mind saw a resemblance of Blogville right there! Blogville is like an Airport. There's Arrivals as well as Departures. People come, people go. Planes of friends land, and planes of friends take off too. Blogville is an airport of relationships from around the world...and short-term or long-term, people eventually leave...just like new ones come in. I realised that further after I came home from the Airport and read Goodbye posts from 3 friends that I have known in Blogville for some time. Needless to say I was in shock *3 in 1 day was too much for my ultra sensitive soul*, regardless of how prepared I thought I was. Nah I'm not saying they should keep blogging to satisfy my needs. Maybe they got bored with it all? Maybe something else happened that we don't know of. So yeah, I realised that I have no say in another person's decision. All I can do is wish them well and try to move on...
I Did It My Way ...
I should never expect anything from anyone right? Then why am I here? What am I doing pouring my heart out to the whole world? If no one should expect anything from anyone then what's the purpose in all of this? It seems some people have figured out my purpose here already....saying that I'm here in Blogville for a 'popularity contest', for wasting time, for scoring 100s of comments, for a publicity stunt yadda yadda yadda *yawwwwwn*. But I'm not going to prove to anyone why I'm here...cos I don't need to. As long as I know what I'm here for, that's all that matters. Everyone is different, it's a free world, we all have different purposes here in Blogville and I guess we should stop whinging about how others should blog and just get on with what we have to do. I started this blog out of boredom...if you roll right back to my first post in Oct 2004, you'll know I was only talking to the walls. As my profile reads, only the walls have effective listening power *no selfish judgements you see*. Slowly I heard human voices behind the walls, and they too wanted to communicate with me. I didn't mind. Rapidly the number of readers grew. Is that something wrong? I don't think so. After all, I value connections and the input that come from them. It makes me grow...it did. It's not something I chose as an objective for this blog but something that happened over time. I'm no longer that naive girl I used to be in 2004...my personality has grown alot since then. This experience is priceless. Who do I thank for that? YOU. All of you who made me learn so much from your posts, comments and continuous support here *but some left without notice, some proved to be enemies in friends' disguise, some loved me no matter what, some tried to break me up with others and ruined my r'ships with them, some chucked me outta their blogs overnight over a small dispute, and some are still here*. Good/bad/tears/smiles/love or hate I don't think I can even thank you enough, cos it all made me grow as a person. Nothing else could have given me such immeasurable wisdom and knowledge, and love too, all in one experience. That's a marvel that I found in Blogville. And some people tell me to go get a REAL life *some even emailed me asking me to stop blogging and some real close friends
mocked me in Anonymous form*. If this is not real what is? Tell me. Illusions are real too...just as much as reality is an illusion. Whichever way, the Truth is in how you Feel. So what matters is how I felt/feel being in Blogville, and I feel great. To me, that is REAL. You can't touch the clouds but they are there right? Much More Than A Personal Journey...
I arrived in Blogville as a concealed attraction...I bloomed into a flower that everyone saw...I hope I depart as a shimmering light in everyone's hearts. I'm not good with Goodbyes...what's so good about a Goodbye anyways? Right now all I can say is that Blogville is like an Airport...people come and people go. I just have to learn not to get too close to anyone here...cos it hurts alot when I'm at the Departure gates. And I don't know how not to care either...cos I do care though some people seem to label me as this and that *again, not my problem*. But I really am confused now...I don't know if I should continue to build relationships here and then continue to get hurt when people leave or when I decide to leave...I don't want to get affected this way but I don't know how to be stone-hearted either. People are moving on with their lives and like someone here told me, I'm gonna be standing here hurt and alone when everyone is gone. Is it too late for me now? I've been here for 4 long years and that means my blog and my blog friends mean something to me...they've become a part of my being and my life, as much I am to them...so this was not just a trip for myself...it has now become much more than that. So when I decide to leave I have to make sure that people who helped me grow are prepared for it as well. I don't wanna leave all of a sudden.
That would be unfair by the people who spent their time and shared their sentiments with me for so long. So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far? And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville? How would it affect you if I leave? And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it? What would be your next destination? Gimme your honest opinions please...I'm neither looking for praise nor pretense...just hit me with the truth. Cos I wanna go without feeling unloved and leaving anyone in shock or tears...
Current Music: My Way by Elvis Presely
235 Cranium Signets:
Hi Keshi!
When I started to read your post I was scared that you want to say ..goodbye. Thanks, you only share your soul's voice.
I'm not regular visitor,/lack of time/ but I think that I'm in a good relationship with you. I cannot imagine Blogville without You!
I feel exactly the same as you when somebody goes. I horrible don't like that. I am so serious in blogrelationship. My heart is broken. I understand your feeling.
Thank you for this beautiful, full of real love and passion post.
Love & hugsss
4 beautiful years in Blogville!
I learned much from you!
Good luck for next cadence!
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
My arrival was scary, I did not know how people would take me.. but then the journey has been kinda of bitter sweet! Some bad days! but mostly the good have out weighed the bad! to some extent!
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
I have been sad, really when they are great friends that I have come to know! but I figure they had a reason and i try to stay in touch with them.
How would it affect you if I leave? Keshi, you were one of the first people I met her also.. so yes it will affect me if or when you decide to part ways with us on blogville... I know that you will have your reasons also!def miss you and your posts.. and the way you accepted me into your blog family! ohhh cannot forget your love of shopping and Shoes!!
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
I would go out with a BANG! A great huge post! thanking people that meant a lot to me... and Those I could kick! will come to know also.... LOL!
What would be your next destination? Living my life! the best way I know!
Passing by is NE!!!!!
Hi Keshi
Comparing Blogville to an airport is brilliant. I have traveled to many areas where I made new friends, some are still friends and some are faded memories. I arrived in Blogville by stumbling in with one foot in my mouth and the other stuck up my ass. When I think about it, that’s how I started my career. Someone said I was funny. I told them you should see me with my clothes off. Of course, I did not take my clothes off, but I quickly understood that comedy is all about timing and not a whole lot more.
When the timing is right you will leave Blogville.
If you leave, I'll understand.
Nothing lasts forever.
You will be missed!
Many congratulations on your fourth year! It sure must be a very enriching experience, for it is a very different experience to connect with people virtually.
Scores of people, whose faces or thoughts you know not but still associated with you via the blog!
Eventually, these visitors / readers become part of your extended family and its like one almost demands their ongoing visit and comment, without which things are a lil uncomfortable!
Do keep post many many many more!
PS: Thats one amazing poem in the previous post!
Keshi, Ive known you [or rather Ive read you] for quite a small amount of time now. If I say that I would miss you, believe me its not just a praise. I would definitely miss you. And if I could miss you, think about people who read you for the past 4 years.
If you feel like leaving, just leave. You could come back anytime you wanna come back. dont delete your account based on emotional decisions, you might regret later.
Keshi, 100 people have 100 different opinions. if you get carried away with those, tell me how could you be not confused. consider it as a stage where you talk your views and people react. Reactions help in many ways. You realize there are people out there just like you, there are people who thinks poles apart, people who are worth loving and people who are worth nothing!
Its true that the departure gate brings tears. But has anyone thought of demolishing it yet? Why? Travel is necessary. Departure gate is as important as arrival gate. People leave for a reason with a promise to come back. Short distances brings pain. Remember that long gaps and distance does not catalyze love, short break does.
People[including me] would miss you. How long? We would forget. Things would return to normal. Thats reality. Ask me "then what make the difference? who cares for my presence? why should i be here?"
there is a lot of difference. Suppose you plan to buy a car. Lets say you are in love with Audi. But you could only afford a Honda. You would buy a Honda and be happy with it cos you dont have a choice. You may crib for some time. how long? That doesnt mean that Audi is bad or Audi is worthless, does it? People adjust.
Your presence definitely make a difference. There are a lot of guys out here who look forward for your posts. If people move on its only cos of their basic nature. we are trained to move on. we are genetically build to forget. But given a choice, I dont wana forget you. I am sure many out here agree with my words.
So for your question : "How would it affect you if I leave? " i would be sad
i cant say how i would leave this place. the simple reason is that I havnt thought about it. If I leave this space, it would be for a reason. How i do it would definitely depend on that reason. Without knowing what the reason could be, how could i write the script for the drama? ;-)
i never had a destination when i landed here. i was lost in myself and i landed on this island which was foreign to me. I tried to build a tend, failed. Was away from civilization for quite long. After close to 3 years, i deleted all existing blogs and headed for a fresh start. And here, i got so many friends. I am more than happy!
i dont plan my trips. so no destinations as such. lets see where this life takes you and me!
for the time being : you are a sweetheart. dont hurt yourself. there are many who loves you. *hugz*
My arrival was pretty normal, arif as u know introduced me to this place and the first three comments i got were from arif, u and saby the oldfox...:). I started blogging to disconnect myself for sometime from my extremely chaotic professional life, gradually i came to know a few of you here, made good friends like you,uttuswamy, ishita, sofia, suchi, sushmita(shooting star), Shilpa ,amy and Nivashini...In between some ppl came and gone like they never existed for example...sebia, dewdy and kiran...:)Some stopped coming coz they thought my blog was more like a porno blog...but out of all these experiences i learnt that there were very few ppl who didnt differentiated THE SO CALLED VIRTUAL THING AND REAL FRIENDSHIP coz i myself dont prefer to do that, if i m not ok with somebody i cannot be okay with them anywhere irrespective of blogs, chats or in person.
Coming back to your point, i know it sucks when ppl judge wihout thinking much, but that comes with this concept of blogging, but ofcourse we hv the option to moderate at all times, so dont take any decision pertaining to what ppl think of your blog and ur posts, do what u feel is alright. If you really feel alright to leave, leave but please dont give the pleasure of accomplishment to anybody for tactically pressurizing u to do so...
Hope u understand me keshi....Hugz!
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
My blog started because I saw Amit jee blogging and that was my inspiration. I do not remember how I found your blog but yes your blog is HONEST, OPEN-HEARTED and you type whats in your heart and I appreciate and claps...
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
I am new to blogville but yes when friends leaves on blogville or in real life it hurts but then I say to myself my father left me for heavenly aboard and I am living with it and I have to live with it so do I have to live without others.
How would it affect you if I leave?
I never thought about this question and why should I think. I never thought that my father will leave me but one day he leave me and I am living till I leave. It is life all I can say. We have to live with it no matter you are with us or without us but I request you not to ask such questions and do not leave. Staying is tough peoples job and leaving is weakness and more weakness towards oneself. Fight yourself and come over such things and win yourself by staying on blogville. Rest is upto you. Love u.
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
I never been on plane nor I will. May be because I am person down to earth...he he he
What would be your next destination?
Men made plans imp[lementation is in the hands of God.
enjoy !
Welcome to Mumbai...
I read the post :P
and that too completely..
but question arises do u need my answers... ???
I fink U already have mine :)
and seriously if u r bugged and den u say good bye..it's actually their win to scare u out...who the damn carez what people think...I m here to blog...coz I m here to blog...I make relation coz I want them in life..i hate them coz I don't have any reason to love them...so wat will change if I leave..the world will be same enuff only u will be missing in it..and wat happened when Gandhi Marx departed the world...the world remained the same....so people will slowly forget you and that's the harsh truth
As i always said.....people forget their mother and father who are we that they won't forget... :)
stay here...and blog...people do need airport maintenance staffs to keep the air port busy and safe... :P
I learnt a long time ago that people in Blogville come and go. Accepting that is a good thing.
When they return it is a feel good.
What you have to remember is that on many occassions you bring joy into peoples lives, and people will be better for it.
You will also get assholes but that is part of life aye.
When I am dead and gone someone will mention my name and you will say.
"Bugga aye!"
It is then that I will know I touched ya soul!
Hi gal.. i hear your heart.. big time.. i also used the airport and that im bad at saying goodbye last week!! im not going to try persuade you to stay.. Thats your choice.. and life is all about choices bla bla. :-)
but i do know one can lose your mind on the parallel reality of the net.. i thought i had lost it last week..
however i can tell you that taking a break helps.. time out is wonderful.. i mean that.. even a week or a month.. i felt so much better after only a few days. You owe it to your self. love Tiffy
shit keshi i almost thot u were leaving...n i don't know wat kind of bozos write u those f***ing mails. Please don't go...couple of days back descrying shadows left...cant say i was shattered but definitely a shock ...so dont go keshi ...n dont talk to ganda ganda ppl ..now ismile peelease...and make sure ur nxt post is happy ok ?
Hi Keshi,
I actually love to read blogs that catches my interest and like. I have tons of blogs saved in my favourites (yours too...hehe). I understand how you feel, sometimes we tend to be so close or addictive to one's blog that we expect constants updates. If there's none or a closure its difficult to accept but slowly it will be ok as you definitly will find some other that you will start loving.
Anyway, one day you will just start hoping there's less blog to read as once you have so much of favourites and so little time to read/comment on them...hehe....well thats how i feel sometimes...but whatever it is....bloging has brought so much awareness, knowledge, changes and etc...so lets just cheers for that : )
I know all that has a beginning has to end...
but there sure is a second birth...
i have come across different kind of writers.. people who write about movies, humor, music, daily rants, feminism , technical stuff and lot more..
one blog which caught my attention cos of its plain frankness and to-the-point-talk is your blog...
Keep writing.. Whn you have the talent of writing do not call it quits..You have reached a point of blogging maturity which will enable you to vibrate between high and lo emotional strings and that would be a great guiding factor for all the new amateur bloggies..
Unpack your bags..
Let the plane Go..
Come back home..
Elvis sure rocks.. I loved the video
It was a nice introspection when you are at cross roads Keshi. Though I have not done some worthwhile blogging here, but having done a century blogs elsewhere, I think I can comment on this.
People are people everywhere, either in real world or here in online community. In the real world, you can pretend that you love someone for lifetime and behind their back you can be completely opposite. See each other on occasion, common friends places whether you like it or not, exchanging those plastic smiles, obligatory greetings. We wear masks in real life. The advantage of this blogville is, you need not wear that mask. Even if are wearing that mask, at some point of time, either through your blogs, comments elsewhere, your true colour will be known if someone closely following you to know what kind of person you are. Another advantage I have seen is, there is no barrier of age, caste, religion, country, distance or time. Flip side of it, you get emotional and pour your worries and share lot about you to person(s) whom you have not seen or likely not to see. Getting too close and a bond is developed. There can be so many names to that relationship, but you share a whole lot to the other person than in the real world.
I would not say, all that is bad or good here in blogville. I am sure in your journey of 4 years, you might have understood people better, learnt bits of different culture, common interests and weirdness. Love, affection and the hatred shared by the people here are tremendous. Over there when people started leaving, it did affect me a lot. But I keep few friends intact through mails, phone calls etc, because a true friend is always a friend irrespective of leaving this place, not in touch with often.
Evenif you have gained A single soul here, its worth your purpose. All the very best. Cheers
@ Keshi.
You have been here for 4 years. i m here for only 5 months. For me, its my own way to spread awareness about the subject I feel passionately about- health and fitness, besides LIFE. I have made great friends here which of course includes you (probably you would be at the top of the chart). Right now I am stilll exploring the blogsville.
change with the change...
read that book dear...
who moved my cheese...
you won't be asking these questions then.
take care
Airport.. yeah i guess u r ryt.. blogville is like an airport..
wen i arrived here almost a yr back, i never knew wat i wanted to write, never knew wat is it gonna be like, i juz made it a channel for the flow of my thoughts tht i do not express much generally.
But htis journey picked up pace and people joined in..
i too joined in with ppl, got to know so many souls wandering, fellow passangers, made friends, and saw them going..
Keshi i have not known u for so long, but ever since, i started your blog, i found u absolutely raw- no artificial flavors added.
it gave me a reason to return here n read over n over again. ur views, ur thoughts, ur expressions are some times thought provoking, at times they r juz amusing n at times they made me wonder how have u been feelin while scribbling them down.
dunno if i have made my feelings clear, but u r one of the excellent bloggers i have ever come across n since preeti is goin on a break too, this post of urs touched me actually, coz she is one real life time friend i made through the blosville and in such a short time..
I cheer ur 4 complete yrs of blogging. congos for tht n i wish to see u here for another 4 yrs n beyond... :)
i understand your pain, because I see how intense your relationships with your blogmates are. I like that.
The similarity with an airport is cool. I didn't come to think at that, but you may be right.
As you see in my blog, when I startet (and it was more like a fun blog) I surfed around and read many other blogs. Found some good friends out there. Now I realized, that the guys in my blogroll are all still the same ones than 2 years ago :))) Two already stopped, but their link is already there. Strange isn't it?!
It's like in real life: Some friends come, some go. But my really deep friends were there almost all my life. I don't say I didn't make any new friends (like my best friend.. I just met him about ten years ago), but sometimes there are people where you are connectet in an other, deeper way.
One of my best friends is an ingenieur. He travels the world for 17 years now. Lives where he's actuel project is. Africa, America, wherever... actually he lives in Vietnam. Nice to see so many countries and people! But relationships... everytime he made friends, lost his heart, he had to travel further. And it hurts!
So he came to a point (maybe like you) when he asked himself: should I really look for friends, look for a girlfriend... when I know in half a year or so I have go leave. And know already my heart will bleed?!! He had problems big time, but never gave up.
Now he met a girl in Vietnam and fell in love. It's the 3 time and year that he's could go to Vietnam and if he has to leave, probably she will go with him to another place. :)
Everything will be fine. Just trust, Keshi
i love you for this post dear...
and its come right on time too....
u know the saying if u love something let it free...if it comes back to you its meant to be :)
i dunno if u happened to read my goodbye post but i was one of those people who almost let go of blogging just a coupla days back...and within less than 24 hours i was backkk...
i missed every small thing and most of all i just couldent stay away from u guys....
unintentionally we all form a bond around here :)
and going away is definitely not easy....and for some like me, almost IMPOSSIBLE!! :)
cheers to our friendship!
Great, Kesh.
You took me through different lanes. You asked several questions most of which were posed at you. At the end, I found out that you also have your answers. Sample this: "I don't want to get affected this way but I don't know how to be stone-hearted either."
You are the best judge of yourself. You know that very well, don't you? Yes, you still sound a little hurt (Is this the season, lady?) but you know the way out. Just listen to yourself, Kesh.
I arrived here because someone did inspire me to blog "myself." Ah! How sad! She does not read them at all. But I will make do with her inspiration alone. That's darn good enough, I say.
Departure will come. And come when it has to. I don't live in future. I am right here, right now. Writing to you. Next moment, no one knows. I will see it when it stands face to face with me.
It has been a pleasure to know you, Kesh. Nothing more, nothing less.
Wait, wait, wait. Am I reading this correctly?
You're leaving blogville?
I'm gonna be so sad :(
we all gotta leave some day..
like that song 'i'm leaving on a jetplane'
well, i assume, when someone leaves, they just do so for the better. All we can do is wish they go to a happier place :)
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
My arrival was extremely emotional for me, and I knew that writing gives me some kinda happiness nothing else does..
SELF-DISCOVERY was the one thing I achieevd with my arrival :)
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
I myself am an irregular, what with all my earth-bound distractions, so I miss someone's absence, but I also know thay probably have found something better to occupy their time :)
How would it affect you if I leave?
It would not affect me, it'd KILL me to know I dun have my daily dose of DRAMA ne longer:(
Now, you wouldn't wanna be prime suspect in a killer homicide, would ya ;);)
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
We'll cross the bridge when it comes, but I'll make sure if I'm closing one blog, I'll open a fancier ANOTHER!
-->VIJAY MALLYA is not king of kingfisher without all his DIVERSIFICATION plans.. :)
What would be your next destination?
Like I said, a happier, fancier, hipper blog that relates to the 'ME' then :)
btw, i hate departure terminals!
i never know how to say a GOOD GOODBYE!
maybe that's why bold n the beautiful lives on n celebrates its millionth episode, n like my friend preeti said, beverley hills is back after all these years!
tupid i was scared to read it...i thought u wer leaving me and goin...:P...and i have to buy a ticket to aus to see ya :P..heheh..
and 4 years wow...its long way u have come through :)...and u leaving means....u r goin to die in my hands...i cant have my airport running without u at my ticket counter :P..
if u really r in a bad mood...come bac after some time ...and i have read the whole post before reading..:P..heheh...
and as per the questions u know all my answers ...and one thing...if u think of leaving the next day on wards i wont be there here too ...remember that...and i mean it :P....
P.S:pic is little spicy :P..heheh
The only comment I can write is:
Your blog's my inspiration Keshi di:)
Every morning and evening, I check for blog updates from some of my favorite bloggers including you. That shows the importance I give. I don't have to add more on this.
What made me blog? My friend being a RJ speaks on the radio on any topic. I needed some platform to speak out my heart and came to the blogville. In the initial, the blog was read by my RJ Friend and some good friends who hardly commented. But today, I have some readers. It really makes me happy to read the comments.
Even my very good friends mock me for my blogging. Saying that it's better If I put the same efforts in my field of finance and accounts.
I would like to continue forever. But there is one question which i may post in my next blog.
Hi Keshi,
It was a great post and I was definitively scared till the end to see u ll be leaving, cause u re like a fundamental and solid base in Blogville (i know i put lot of pressure on ur shoulder now) but it is always a pleasure to read u, and even though i find myself right now at the entry of airport, still haven t decide whether i want to take a flight to leave Blogville or not, i ll still be checkin Keshi s blog for sure.
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
My arrival came from loneliness, i had a french blog for family but i could not express all my feelings on this one otherwise i would worry my grandma, the english one was more an outlet. Journey so far had some up and down, down at the moment... will see how it goes.
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville? bad bad bad, maybe one of the major reason why i m not too sure and i want to stay in blogville now, it s painful, it does not happen with all, but when some really good friends leave it s really hard to handle.
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
don t know, no clue, i m not good a goodbye either. Might leave it for a while and then come back, i don t have answer for that, my blog is closely related to my mood, and since she s fluctuated a lot like the financial crisis who knows what s gonna happen.
I hope u won t leave right away, that u ll still be here to post from time to time but u re the one to decide what u want, it s not me who s gonna tell u, u have to stay or leave, it is ur life after all.
take care sweetheart
Hi, I loved coming to your blog. I loved the way you write.. You are very frank and it's deep from your heart. Blogging gives you happiness so keep going. Do everything that makes you happy as long as it does not harm or hurt yourself and others too.
Take care dear.
yes,this place is something special,though i do get pissed off sometimes with a few people :) There have been people who come and go,but i think in my eyes,i am the one who goes on for ever....For me this has been a place where i write.A way of record...I don't mind others reading it,because it will help me get to know people who feel and think like me.
I have kicked many people out of my life.I just can't have them any more and hurt myself.A few have kicked me out,i don't know for what.
Sometimes,i wish i had someone ,that one person,who will be with me always,but then i am still searching...
I am most of the time alone and this place has given me the sense "i belong too"...
u know keshi, blogging is a very personal decision.
when my blog-pals leave, i'm still in touch with them over chat/mail etc. yes, it does feel sad to see a forlorn page - their space - virtually.
but they're so much more than blog-pals to me by then.
if they're only blog-pals.. well, it bothers me initially.. but i move on. believing that 'this is life'.
i DO miss them. but i would give them the credit of knowing what they want to do.
if u leave, u'll be missed. really. but then, i'd believe the factors that drove u to the decision were valid enough..strong enough for you to take that call. and i can hope we shall stay in touch.
but honestly... don't quit. :)
Hey Keshi, do you believe in destiny?
You should know that you are not alone in feeling the way you do. I too share the same feelings.
Listen if you get a chance stop by my site or email me.
Excuse me, is the seat next to yours taken? :)
Long flight ahead, got stories to share? ;-)
Congratulation Keshi!
I love you
I love your writings
I love your photos
I love your music.
Be always here.
Have a great day!
*I did it my way*
Keshi , listen to this : stop giving these justifications about why you blog , don't get under the pressure from jealous people (read idiots) who think you are her for comments. there must be something in your posts that you get so many comments . & do tell those ppl that if u had been here for a popularity contest , then you could have as well as applied for those 'pay per post' things!!!!! &anyway in blogville no one actually knows what we do in real life , so how does popularity matter??? huh!!
Ah!! & now for the time when i wrote my first post , 1 comment :) :) & then there were two ppl -tyro & vanilla skty who have commented ever since :) . To talk of an arrival , i think i truly arrived some 10 posts back
*happy blogging*
i know i will leave blogsville oneday...but rite now its abt having fun...it still excites me that there are people who reads wht i write and enjoys it....i wud love to say that i write for myself, but that wud be only abt 60% true...nowadays i tend to be a little bit more concerned abt hurting any of my reader's feelings...and that sucks...but wht to do? i care.
but i do know that whn i feel iam performing and not actually doing wht i started off doing ( which was to give a tactless account of life from my perspective), then i will quit....i may not even say a goodbye..it wud seem a lil too dramatic to me, so i probably will just stop writing and people who pass by will stop visting ...
i like reading ur blogs...so hang arnd long.
Keshi my diva, what's up vid u?
I had fears abt it & Hemanth's latest post has actually confirmed them...that u r in blues.
cheer up sweety. First the "...tears..." post & then this departure thing. Wish this is just a co-incidence.
>>I hope I depart as a shimmering light in everyone's hearts.
There's a long long long journey 2 b covered, how can this idea cum in ur slightest of thoughts?
I know u jst spoke ur mind out. Bt still mind is a reflection of our feelings. U need not 2 sound soooo senti. For me u r d most cheerful element in blogosphere.
Hope u get vat i meant 2 say.
Keep smiling!!!
a tight warm hug to see you through your troubles :)
c'mon cheer up..... be the diva that you are... abandon the blues and smile.. coz you look absolutely gorgeous :)
now smile because the world smiles :)
I too have to learn and think I am learning and again falling in ignorance to not get closer always and feel unhappy of missing dears, this includes out of blogville too! I want to be a traveler in blog world and not a tourist make short this as a destination here and there.
Truly no keshi in blog don’t know how would be, sure I miss more fun and love in this world. I begin the blog without knowing what it was and just in wish to create a website for me to write showed me a wonderful world here. At first I started to think everyone as my friend those comment and recommended by someone and I got only some true friends continue to be in touch and only those interested stay and in care took time to visit mine. I get good friends enter and similar ones leave as it continues sometime it started to practice of accepting depart. Sure I would worry for your disappearance in blog, but just move on, as if time rollover I would not feel u missing, and somehow later I will remember this lovely girl keshi like how I remember the lost friends in blog.
hey a vry touching post keshi...call it a coincidence or whatevr but my last post was also on "goodbye"..n i luvd ur post..
My apologies to Chicago for tweaking their lyrics but..
"If you leave me now,
you'll take away a brilliant Blog from me
No Keshi please don't go
If you leave me now, you'll take away one of my favorite mates from me
No Keshi please don't go
A Blog like yours is love that's hard to find
How could you let it slip away
You've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes we'll both regret
Posts we never read"
You're a great role model and I have learned so much from you.
You handle yourself so well out here and don't exploit your position.
You have made a real impact on how I conduct myself out here.
xx oo
Oh i'd HATE it if ur blog went away! Tho i dont get here every other day, but you are my bookmark of tonnes of positive energy on the web. i come here when i m looking for an ooh so sexy, yet sensible person to talk to.. totally bindaas!
Thats my honest opinion of ur blog.
Hey Keshikins
All i wanna say is dear, dont leave unless u really want to
n whn u do, trust me this is not the only way to keep in touch.. ppl who care will find out bout ur well being this ways or tht ways.
wt u feel for sum1 is not bout how u met em... its bout how u plan to be thr for thm
TC girl, n keep smilin always
Is it even worth discussing? I think not!
hey keshi,
I am new to the blogging world but I have really enjoyed reading your posts.. I am sure I would miss you if you were to leave...
I have never had friends leaving and am not planning to leave in the near future!!! so cannot answer those questions !!!
keep writing ..
This was a very real post babe. Yeah u write in saying tht blogville is like an airport indeed. Ppl come and leave but the sad part it, when ppl leave abruptly...its like one fine day ppl jus write a goodbye post and disappear into darkness....i really dunno wht brings abt this transition in them. But yeah it is not easy to continue writing....after all not everybody takes blogging seriously.
But there r some ppl like me and u who get so involved in the process of blogging tht we feel like its an extension of our character. Also i feel everybody has a different purpose for being here....i m here to share my thoughts, my opinion with ppl who may or may not think like me. I like to get different opinions and different perspectives abt topics tht matter to all of us. It adds a lot of value to my life. Dunno wht others think of when they write a post.
My arrival was a very quite one...i dint know anybody here, however some ppl started responding and i felt the need to express myself more often and so far its been a beautiful journey and i hav met some amazing ppl like u. :) I still cant believe tht i'll soon complete 1 yr in blogville.
Well, dont ask me abt reacting to departures.....i m not good at it either, i guess thts an inherent issue with us crabs coz we r jus so emotional and get attached so easily.
And now comes the last question which i dont really want to answer coz i dunno wht to say.....i really dunno wht wht will i do if one day i realise tht i cant read keshi's posts anymore!!i wud miss u tremendously and it wud b an irreparable loss for sure.....anyways thinking abt it is getting tears to my eyes....so lemme not think of it! And abt me....i know i m here to stay coz blogging is now a part of me.
My journey in blogville has always been very personal. There are beautiful and not so beautiful people I met on the way. Some of them now translate back to my life outside blogville, which is a blessing.
I would be sad if you quit blogville, because you are one of my blogger friends, someone whose thoughts I am in touch with almost daily, and have something to say to. However, I would respect your decision if you wanted to take a break from blogville (I'm certain quitting is not possible) because I have taken a break many times. I will keep coming back to your blog and leaving comments asking when you will be back, I think.
dear u shud just think it out..for some days .
never take a hasty decision ..pleez
even if no one misses u I wud miss u and ur posts..I know many wud say that..
Pleez don't go
Yeah but who wants to hang out in an airport...
Great post Keshi..
***But I'm not going to prove to anyone why I'm here...cos I don't need to. As long as I know what I'm here for, that's all that matters.
Thats really true and is very liberating when formed.
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
my arrival was inspired by a few blogs that i was secretly reading. And also the need to speak my mind, write my thoughts and express my heart. Proved to be worthy at times and liberating.
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
Hmm..it depends how close we are. I would be sad but i will not stop them. Just wish them all da best no matter what.
How would it affect you if I leave?
It would affect me much. Cause i adore ya and reading your blog. It would be like a missing piece or joy in the bunch. But yes, if there comes a time, i would release ya hoping to keep in touch with ya in other ways.
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
i think i have tried that...:)
What would be your next destination?
Living it for real.
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
- I came on my own and still keep singing " staying alive" as of today.
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
As of I knew people who visit my blog, they are just in hiatus and come back after a year or few months. Nobody has left half way and even if they did, they have a purpose to do. Coz its their choice to write or not to.
How would it affect you if I leave?
I never get emotional for these blogville, but will miss a writer who pours out of heart.
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
I will for sure inform and go:)
What would be your next destination?
Nah.. my destination ends only when I see the world.. By the time I will be 90+ hehehee.....
Krys tnxx hun!
**but I think that I'm in a good relationship with you
wut u hv with me is precious. even tho we dun meet here everyday, ur always in my heart. I mean it.
** I cannot imagine Blogville without You!
aww Im sure ppl will move on. :)
*HUGZ* n ty for the sweet wishes Krys!
Krys I learnt ALOT from u too! Ur not like those fake ppl preaching goodness in posts when their nasty comments r a true testament of their hearts!
hey Ne MWAH!
Yes ur FAMILY now :) definitely!
**I would go out with a BANG! A great huge post! thanking people that meant a lot to me... and Those I could kick! will come to know also.... LOL!
haha we r good at that right? Kicking some ppl where it hurts the most!
I know ur a sweet-heart...not only by words but by actions too.
*HUGZ* luv ya tonns!
Ne gimme access to ur new blog darl!
Keshi.. you scared me.. thought this was a goodbye post..
For ur questions..
1.I arrived in blogville quietly.. I dont blog much , but I love reading the others thoughts especially those i consider my friends
b.I hate it when people suddenly leave,, its like we are in the waiting room and hoping that they would come back
c. I would really miss you if you left. But I understand that people grow and to do that they need to leave some things behind
d.If and when I leave it will be true finale..I dont know the next destination, because
im still looking at the boarding gate wondering which flight to take
But till you decide to leave.. dont stop writing the way you do,, you have enriched our lives too with your experience
** Someone said I was funny. I told them you should see me with my clothes off
**When the timing is right you will leave Blogville.
thats so true! Timing it is.
**If you leave, I'll understand.
TY so much for saying that! I knew u'd u'stand. LUV YA!
Memories shall remain no matter what. And I will never ever forget ya Bev! Ur truly SPECIAL and ur sense of humor rocks. Ur a genuine soul w.o. a single pretense.
i luv de post , de comparison , airport & blogville, blogville is jus a reflection of real life too..hellos & goodbyes are inevitable.
de prospect of havn to say goodbye someday is gud u knw, makes u wanna really make use of de time together ,live intensely & nt take each oter 4 granted , love as much as u can ..coz u donno weter u wld b able 2 share de same tmrw too...
for me personally , sayin goodbyes or taking dem wernt too hard at all .& som ppl thnk , i m very insensitive & cold ...its nt dat i don luv , jus dat i noe nobody me or u is here to stay , does dat mean v shldnt form a bond , v shldnt love ?
no...it only means v shld love all de more, 4 do v noe how long....
luuuuuv ya lotzz honey , MUAAH
& keshi ...somebody once told me that we can never say goodbye & he is right , coz toh v don talk , he s still n my heart , he is a part of me & so are u ....v wont ever say a goodbye , even if v don blog or mail ...v wll still be in touch ..don ya thnk so..
ty Rakesh!
**It sure must be a very enriching experience, for it is a very different experience to connect with people virtually.
It sure was..including some fakesters who turn from friends to venomous snakes overnight. they too enriched my life in some ways. I realised that some ppl create all the shit and never can admit it. So from my 4yrs here, I learnt never to give such ppl a chance in my life ever again.
**Scores of people, whose faces or thoughts you know not but still associated with you via the blog!
true...thats the best part abt Blogging.
ty for the heartfelt wishes!
there r no goodbyes.... :)
my flight always gets canceled b4 take off...
never think just bcoz someones not commenting or not frequenting more often, doesnt mean the journey ends...
as usual... keep rocking!
ty Sawan!
I know..we cant please the whole world, neither can the whole world please us.
**You realize there are people out there just like you, there are people who thinks poles apart, people who are worth loving and people who are worth nothing!
very true!
** You may crib for some time. how long? That doesnt mean that Audi is bad or Audi is worthless, does it? People adjust
good example there Sawan! yes ppl adjust...and Im glad u know that :)
**i dont plan my trips. so no destinations as such. lets see where this life takes you and me!
true...nothing can be planned to precision. it will all take place the way its supposed to.
ty Sawan n HUGZ!
Hi,Keshi-whew-this is a long post- will read this post in the evening.(Off to work now) :)
hey Southy I rem I first got to know ya from Arif...where is he now?
** i learnt that there were very few ppl who didnt differentiated THE SO CALLED VIRTUAL THING AND REAL FRIENDSHIP coz i myself dont prefer to do that
I agree. Alot of ppl think Virtual is FAKE. While it can be fake too, its very much is the real life. Cos ppl dun change, virtual or not.
yeah where is Sebia and Kiran? I know Dewdy announced she was going...rem her last post?
**so dont take any decision pertaining to what ppl think of your blog and ur posts, do what u feel is alright.
no I will never do that. I dun let OTHERS decide when I leave and how I leave. Its always upto me.
ty so much Southy HUGZ!
ty Hobo HUGZ!
** then I say to myself my father left me for heavenly aboard and I am living with it and I have to live with it so do I have to live without others.
aww Im sorry to hear that....I know how u feel Hobo.
Im not sad cos ppl r saying things abt me...they r just jobless losers. I dun give a damn abt em Hobo. all Im saying is, I dun wanna stay here for a long time and then feel sad when old friends leave...cos I already do.
**I never been on plane nor I will. May be because I am person down to earth...
haha good one!
And I agree...we cant plan how we leave..it will happen when its supposed to.
tnxx alot!
ty Bro HUGZ!
I know ur ans yes :)
**and seriously if u r bugged and den u say good bye..it's actually their win to scare u out
noooooo its not cos of em. I will never let losers decide my fate here in Blogville. Thats not me.
All Im saying is, the more Im here, the more attached Im getting...and it gets harder n harder when ppl leave...
**airport maintenance
includes toilet cleaning right? LOL I dun wanna end up smelling shit from some shitters at the airport, like I always seem to come across these days!
Bugga aye Steve! ;-)
**What you have to remember is that on many occassions you bring joy into peoples lives, and people will be better for it.
You will also get assholes but that is part of life aye.
I agree. But sometimes I feel Im letting ppl walk all over me and my emotions here.
*HUGZ* ur warm memory will always hv a special segment in my brain n heart!
hey Tiffy MWAH! Im so glad to see u again here :)
yes 1 of those 3 friends I mentioned here was u... :(
**but i do know one can lose your mind on the parallel reality of the net.. i thought i had lost it last week..
I agree...I think its happening to me now. Especially when I see how so-called mates suddenly turned into losers.
yes a break might do me good.
*HUGZ* miss ya already!
aww TT tnxx sweetz!
** don't know wat kind of bozos write u those f***ing mails.
so-called FRIENDS..wud u believe it!
Descrying left too? :(
hey ty Veni!
I know u care sweetz.
I know...all the blogs bring so much knowledge, wisdom and smiles.
aww ty Chriz!
**You have reached a point of blogging maturity which will enable you to vibrate between high and lo emotional strings and that would be a great guiding factor for all the new amateur bloggies..
I know...but Im sure newcomers will find their way on their own...just like I did.
ty Maddy!
**People are people everywhere, either in real world or here in online community.
very true! Some claim they r mistaken in the virtual world but are better in real. LOL!
I believe ppl r the same everywhere, virtual or not. wut u see is wut u get.
** The advantage of this blogville is, you need not wear that mask. Even if are wearing that mask, at some point of time, either through your blogs, comments elsewhere, your true colour will be known if someone closely following you to know what kind of person you are.
Very well-said! Overnight ppl show their TRUE COLORS, from a comment or some gesture. Thats how transparent blogs r. Ur real character comes out from the slightest test.
**But I keep few friends intact through mails, phone calls etc, because a true friend is always a friend irrespective of leaving this place, not in touch with often.
Thats so true Maddy.
I really enjoyed reading ur comment...u gave a deep insight into the reality of the virtual world.
hey ty Kiran!
**For me, its my own way to spread awareness about the subject I feel passionately about- health and fitness, besides LIFE.
yes and ur doing it fantastically!
Keep it up hun!
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ty Vicky!
**you won't be asking these questions then.
But it wud be very hard not to hv qns abt life n blogs n wutnots :) If not for qns, where wud we be?
hey ty so much Richa! That means alot to me.
I dunno...lets see how I feel ok...
I value all of ur blogs too...they r the source of my wisdom.
ty Murane!
U see the sea of connections I hv bulit ha? :)
ur friend must live a pretty exciting life travelling like that wow! but yeah, goodbyes r always hard.
**but sometimes there are people where you are connectet in an other, deeper way.
I agree. Just meeting thru blogs and agreeing on every thought is not FRIENDSHIP. Some ppl think that is tho.
U hv been one of my oldest friends here and I will never forget how u never let me down. HUGS n ty!
hey ty Pri HUGZ!
I didnt know u were leaving until I read it today :( thank god ur bak!
**u know the saying if u love something let it free...if it comes back to you its meant to be
I agree..let go and see where they belong...
yes its so hard to stay away from something that has now become a part of u!
WOW Soul ty so much!
I loved ur comment.
**Departure will come. And come when it has to. I don't live in future.
I agree...it cannot be decided now. It will happen when it happens.
Saffy HUGZ! :)
LOL Jane u always manage to make me smile. ty sweetz HUGGGGGGGGZ!
Self-discovery it was! U learn so many new sides to ya thru this experience.
**It would not affect me, it'd KILL me to know I dun have my daily dose of DRAMA ne longer
haha! Actually I should hv named this blog 'Drama forever'...lol!
u'll open a new blog? wow thats positivity shining!
**maybe that's why bold n the beautiful lives on n celebrates its millionth episode
I agree! I asked my mum 'when is this DRAMA ending'....lol cos she's a fan of BB.
ty Hemz!
aww Im gonna die in ur arms at the Departure terminal? LOL that wud add to the drama in my blog.
**...if u think of leaving the next day on wards i wont be there here too ...remember that...and i mean it
is that a threat? :) Hemz trust me..u might not be here for like 1 week or so, and when the blog bug bites ya, u'll be bak! Im still here after so many friends left...see wut I mean. :)
*HUGZ* cheerup now!
Meghna hey ty so very much! :(
Arif is in delhi, now assists his father in the family business, sebia last i heard from her was in Finland, Kiran last i knew was in dubai...
ty Suresh HUGZ!
I know u care..I really do.
**Even my very good friends mock me for my blogging. Saying that it's better If I put the same efforts in my field of finance and accounts.
o I hear that all the time..ppl telling me to get a life etc...but I love writing and reading too...so Im still here. Others cant decide that for me.
**I would like to continue forever. But there is one question which i may post in my next blog.
I read that n commented :)
ty Cess MWAH!
**cause u re like a fundamental and solid base in Blogville (i know i put lot of pressure on ur shoulder now)
ok now I sound like the Runway. LOL! HUGZ babe!
**maybe one of the major reason why i m not too sure and i want to stay in blogville now, it s painful, it does not happen with all, but when some really good friends leave it s really hard to handle.
I know...one of ur good mates left this week too. Its really hard to cope when it happens. But given time, u'll be ok...trust me.
** my blog is closely related to my mood, and since she s fluctuated a lot like the financial crisis who knows what s gonna happen.
hehe so true...my blog is exactly my mood too. Thats what I call it REAL, not just VIRTUAL.
*HUGZ* ty so much Cess TC now!
ty Venus HUGZ!
**Do everything that makes you happy as long as it does not harm or hurt yourself and others too.
true. but wut should I do when ppl who I trusted turn against me and hurt my feelings in the open, in classless ways?
ty Vish!
** There have been people who come and go,but i think in my eyes,i am the one who goes on for ever
I really like the way u put that. Only our selves will go on forever...we hv only our selves. thats so true.
**I have kicked many people out of my life.I just can't have them any more and hurt myself.A few have kicked me out,i don't know for what.
I agree...it has happened to me too. In nasty ways. They created all the fuss and now they r spitting on my face. I dun get it? Just admitting all their shit wud help alot of ppl!
I had some ppl coming here and telling me not to publish some other friends' comments just cos they hate em...and then when I refused to do that, they get all bitchy with me. And then I see these same ppl in those ppl's blogs that they asked me not to visit/publish etc, acting so sweet n pure! LOL wut kinda retards r these ppl??
Sometimes I wanna spell their names out in the public with their dirty deeds, so everyone will know who is who in Blogville.
**I am most of the time alone and this place has given me the sense "i belong too"...
Thats true. This place has that HOMEY feeling.
*HUGZ* Vish!
Thats so true!
ty Raysh!
I agree..its a very peronal choice altho it affects alot of ppl.
**i DO miss them. but i would give them the credit of knowing what they want to do.
yeah thats right. We cant decide for someone else.
btw I wanted to tell ya I cant comment in ur blog anymore...none of the comments gets posted :( When I hit publish, it does nothing. Check it Raysh.
Darius hey ty!
r u the Darius I used to know long time ago??
hehe Trevor ur most WC to sit next to me...u'd be great company!
aww I love u too Maria chica HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! :)
hey ty Truthful!
nah..none of wut they say matter to me. :) they r empty-heads who sit n watch other ppl's blog traits. They cant write well, so they can only criticse. Easy way to fill their empty lives u see.
I love ur blog. Ur one of the best new bloggers. Keep writing!
Hey gurl...where you off to? Blogging is a part of you. D you really think you can just say a bye and walk off forever? Seriously? Why do you want away because some people with a lack in life said something about you? I'v told you earlier also don't give them so much importance. It's not worth it.
Me entry into blogworld: I got into it cuz of Arjun.He was majorly into blogging. I had another blog earlier. I kind of got bored with that, dropped out of blogworld for sometime and then came back with my current blog. I am not as regular as you are though I try to be.
When its time for me to leave: Well now I have so many friends here that I would have say a special goodbye to each one of you
My next destination: I know not as of today
hey ty Tys!
**but i do know that whn i feel iam performing and not actually doing wht i started off doing ( which was to give a tactless account of life from my perspective), then i will quit
But we still cater for others too, dun we? I mean we r not 110% ourselves here...cos we CARE abt other ppl's feelings.
*HUGZ* I will miss ya tonnz if u leave!
hey Arunima tnxx hun!
**There's a long long long journey 2 b covered, how can this idea cum in ur slightest of thoughts?
My mind is a very moody person...she keeps changing u see :)
Phoenix ty sweetie HUGGGGGGGZ!
*smilez* just for ya! :)
aww Jeevan u r one of the finest souls on Earth!
U taught me so many things..among em PATIENCE n LOVE.
*HUGZ* I know u will continue to write no matter what..u hv a great gift for Writing. I will always rem ya for ur HUMBLE nature and ur TRUE friendship!
Swati WC n ty so much!
Donn u had me giggling as well as crying! That was o bloody neat HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! Only u can do something like that :)
btw I love Chicago!
**When tomorrow comes we'll both regret
Posts we never read"
haha true! :(
**You have made a real impact on how I conduct myself out here.
puhhhhhhhhlzzzzzzzz dun make me laff! LOL! I hv taught something to the genius Donn? Can never be true! :)
I LUV YA but u know that already! *MWAH*
ty for being so honest HDWK! :)
I appreciate u being here HUGS!
ty Div MWAH!
**wt u feel for sum1 is not bout how u met em... its bout how u plan to be thr for thm
true...but most ppl seem to move on easily...sometimes I feel Im the only one stuck here thinking abt em. I think its my nature n that doesnt help.
ty Gautami!
**Is it even worth discussing? I think not!
Yes its worth discussing just as much as its worth stopping by blogs n commenting. When someone leaves, it affects ppl who really CARED. So yes, its worth knowing how they wud feel.
hey ty Prashanti!
I know u like reading my blog :) and I like reading ur's too. Tho ur new, u write really well. And I see, soon ur gonna hv alot of readers :)
ty for u'standing my feelings Ria! I knew u wud.
**But yeah it is not easy to continue writing....after all not everybody takes blogging seriously
yes...I guess its different purposes of blogging that lead to different ways of saying Goodbye.
Like u, I find it very hard to depart from ppl that cared so much abt me here.
**I like to get different opinions and different perspectives abt topics tht matter to all of us. It adds a lot of value to my life.
Definitely! Thats why I love this place too. It adds to one's personality and knowledge too. That is if ppl r willing to learn...there r some ppl who think they know everything and roam ard like god...when in real, they r idiots.
**anyways thinking abt it is getting tears to my eyes..
*HUGZ* awww :*(
How long hv u blogged for now Ria?
**is that a threat? :) Hemz trust me..u might not be here for like 1 week or so
u think that blog wud bite me without the friends in it :(...and yes its a threat :P...and gud mornin to ya...
ty Vinesh! :)
**Some of them now translate back to my life outside blogville, which is a blessing.
Thats nice to know. But some ppl in blogs really scare me I'd never wanna meet em in real LOL! u know, serial killer types.
** I will keep coming back to your blog and leaving comments asking when you will be back, I think.
aww how sweet! *HUGZ*
Joyce I know...I shouldnt take hasty decisions...I'll think abt it ok. HUGS!
hey Fingers WB!
**Yeah but who wants to hang out in an airport...
Some go out n come back in...and Transit passengers do hangout at the airport til their next flight :)
Amy hey ty!
** It would be like a missing piece or joy in the bunch.
aww HUGGGGGGGGGZ! I dunno how I cud live w.o. my daily dose of inspiration and thats u! U know how much I love ya duncha. Ur a sensible chick with a good heart. Difficult to find.
**i think i have tried that
I too think u hv tried :) cos sometimes u disappeared for a long time but u always came bak HOME.
WOW Priya great positivity there!
**I never get emotional for these blogville, but will miss a writer who pours out of heart.
I wish I was like u...I get hurt easily.
*HUGZ* I wish for u sunny days and tonns of blog-posts for years to come! :)
aww ty so much Anu HUGGGGGGGGZ!
I like ur style of blogging...not writing too often and reading whenever u can...mebbe I should adopt that style too?
**But I understand that people grow and to do that they need to leave some things behind
ty for saying that! Im relieved.
*HUGZ* u hv always been good to me...I wont forget that!
ty so much Enchanted MWAHHHHHH!
**de prospect of havn to say goodbye someday is gud u knw, makes u wanna really make use of de time together ,live intensely & nt take each oter 4 granted , love as much as u can ..coz u donno weter u wld b able 2 share de same tmrw too...
Spot on! Makes us appreciate the lil time we hv together.
I know wut u mean :( but Im a very sensitive girl...
And I agree Enchanted...we can never really say Goodbye...once our hearts hv met, they really dun separate.
ty Iceman!
**my flight always gets canceled b4 take off...
awww..I wish mine did too..
*HUGZ* I know u care Iceman!
blogville or real world people come and people go..some say good bye some dont.real or virtual people keep passing comments.its not wise to hide coz it pains.life is so.take it by the horn and enjoy the pain and the thrill.
Amit no worries :)
Sugababeeeeeeeee aww I missed ya! MWAH MWAH MWAH! U doin ok? Long time no see.
lol awwww...I will check that out, tnxx hun!
ty Southy!
So Arif is in touch with ya?
People come, people go. Planes of friends land, and planes of friends take off too. Blogville is an airport of relationships from around the world...and short-term or long-term, people eventually leave...
bang on!!
Blogging is the best thing tat's happened to me.And I've had my share of squabbles too..but they were all too minor to fell bitter about..
The growth in me has been tremendous..i was so adverse n negative about taking criticism but not any more! And i say this with complete assurance
You know, previously..durin the times wen u casually popped in n posted comments,i used to always think tat u liked to disagree with me..i donno where tat came from but just to give u a heads up on how short-sighted i was at the time.
But then my opinion of u has completely changed after the past one month
So Happy blogging Keshi!!!!
**Why do you want away because some people with a lack in life said something about you? I'v told you earlier also don't give them so much importance. It's not worth it.
I rem that SMM...but some things hurt me alot...I cant bear the pain when I read em. But its not cos of em that Im even thinking of leaving. I decide if/when Im leaving...not them.
u hv always been a FRIEND to me...and thats a rare in Blogville. cos not all can be true friends. there r some really nasty ppl here, especially girls who act as friends. So I thank u for being so real. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
yeah no one knows where the next stop wud be...
Good mornin Hemz!
Im glad it aint a Virus threat! :)
Hey Hemz I know u really care...
u bet i wud definitely create a virus for u to come back and blog..:P...
i care a lot for ya and all my buddies and dont want them to be in blues..just remeebr those mails u sent me wen i was in lot of blues...i want to sent mails but thought a post wud definitely help u guys to know there r people who really care for u ..:)..
hey ty Krithika!
**i was so adverse n negative about taking criticism but not any more! And i say this with complete assurance
I agree...earlier I was like that too.
**durin the times wen u casually popped in n posted comments,i used to always think tat u liked to disagree with me..i donno where tat came from but just to give u a heads up on how short-sighted i was at the time.
haha it must hv bugged ya K! aww HUGZ!
yeah we dun always agree on every point but that doesnt mean we dun care abt each other. And if we u'stand that all's well. :)
Hemz I know...I told ya not to stop blogging. :(
now u remember wat u told me and dont back off on me ....or there is definitely a murder goin to happen :P...heheh..
hello sweets!
as per you instructions i did read each n every word in your post:P
now coming to the topic..
You knw the story why i came here and all the answers to ur Q's... right ?? :)
i need to draw a point which i've always told you about it...
Here in blog world i too have learnt a lot of things.. but one day Rajbir gave me a nice piece of mind (which he always does at many occassions)
so lemme start..
a) there r ppl who don't portray as themselves .. even if it's difficult to knw who they are u need to draw a line n not get personal.. or may be not bother more than comemnting
b) u've ppl who only come to read and they push off w.o commenting here whereas they 'll sit and gossip in some other blog abt you....
c) people will come say only good things abt you but they r sure to bitch abt u behind ur back.. they r diabetic
d) u've ppl raj, ishi, suchi and I who agree and disagree on ur face and say what is good for u .. who actually cared.. even though u n raj have faught a lotttttttt in this blog villa . I can award you guys for that now.. but again it's on ur face and not back stabbing.
e) u've guys who will say yes yes yes to whatever you say... but mock at u sitting behind the screen
f)some who'll say this babe doesn't have any other work n just need attention( as u mentioned)
and many more....
u might have readers frm all over the world i ain't against anyone or saying this one is like this n like that.. i don't care what ppl think either.. i've seen how ppl come and go and u have new guys coming here everyday.. they don't know what kind of person you are.. i bet know one would know inner "u"
they just come here do tp just another read and go.. and who gets upset U.. i'm not saying u gotto stop blogging .. do it if u like.. and have ppl whom u want.... and not every tom dick and harry shud walk all over u.. i'm not different in personally than what i portray myself on net.. guys who have met me wil tell u this..
but keshi U need to draw a line how where u gotto decide... i too used to blog but these days i dont get time to be ard so wheneva i get time i comment here .. i read ur post yest n i'm commenting 2de:P
Rem how upset you were to find out a blogger called ROHIT ur so called good friend was not ROHIT?? and u were the last person to knw in the blg villa? i askd someone n the person said ya i knew it longgg back..
i thought you would know how ppl are here .. its nothing personal .. but thats the fact..
They walk over u i don't like it..
stop being everywhere in the blog world.. choose ppl in ur league..
sorryyy gotto leave have a conf call ( online training)
i'll be bk soonnnnnnnbyeeeeeeee
Hemz Im not backing off on ya...just wondering...
no need for Murder :)
okok..no murder on the stores...only a warning not to leave me :P..heehh...
i just loved the way u told kesh abt everything...hope she got it all..otherwise i am goin to put it in er mind soon :)...
uttara ur comment just roked out of the box..:)...
I simply loved ur comment...as usual, ur one person who always u'stands wut Im talking abt...and u know me better than I know myself. Thats what I love abt ya. ty for ur bright presence in my life!
I know...I rem the early days here in Blogville with u, Puneet, Arz000n, m000nie etc etc. Rem those fun-filled days Uttsy? :) And now everyone's gone...except u, Southy, Ish, myself and my new friends here....times n circumstances change...I know.
**b) u've ppl who only come to read and they push off w.o commenting here whereas they 'll sit and gossip in some other blog abt you....
yes! I see that everywhere..few ppl who cant get over themselves, blaming me for all the misery they caused, cursing me in public and then laughing at it. WOW beautiful ppl ha! They act like saints in their blog posts, looking for world peace, when they themselves hvnt found inner peace. I pity these ppl.
But I know there r loads of good ppl too...like u and few others here. Who r honest and on the face. And I like that compared to back-biting jealous souls.
**even though u n raj have faught a lotttttttt in this blog villa . I can award you guys for that now..
hahahaha I know! Southy and I hv fought more than the Aus and Indian cricket teams hv LOL! like u said, atleast we were OPEN. :) And thats what true friendship is abt...saying it on the face and getting over. Whereas some ppl act behind the scenes and then pretend to be so nice on the face.
** i bet know one would know inner "u"
I agree...and how u feel etc.
**Rem how upset you were to find out a blogger called ROHIT ur so called good friend was not ROHIT??
wow Uttsy u rem that story? I luv ya HUGS! u really rem the times I was down n out too. That means alot to me Uttsy.
yes...he proved to be some sicko on the net. I was shocked. Still am. u know how much I cared abt that guy.
**stop being everywhere in the blog world.. choose ppl in ur league..
that struck a nerve with me somehow. I'll rem that and think abt it tonite.
*MWAH* I luv ya and ty for all the love n care!
Hemz tnxx mate!
dun worry too much ok...
hey RM I nearly missed in the crowd! sorry :)
ty so much...ur advice means alot to me!
i made too many typos ( grammer n spellings :(... ) i need to go to kg now! *sigh*
excuse me for that!
Uttsy hey!
**i made too many typos ( grammer n spellings
I didnt even realise! mebbe Im hvn a massive blonde moment...u just got lucky LOL!
i read ur revert..
just select the creammmmm :) and those whom U r comfortable and those whom U could confide on :)
no one can decide for u right!
and u cud always make it private .. i dont care what ppl will think u r a B or a snob.. at least u won't be a hot topic to bitch ard!! ( just a suggestion)
urs hemu??
firstly i don't know u from adam's so pls choose words ...
secondly don't get onto the running train... u'll be dropped
Uttsy tnxx hun!
I'm def gonna think abt it tonite...classless ppl who dun belong to my league should not be given the privilege to read my thoughts and know abt my life. ur so right abt that. there r so many kinds of ppl on the net...downright scary and sick minds too.
btw Hemz is a sweet-heart...he always signs off as UR's Hemu :)
**even though u n raj have faught a lotttttttt in this blog villa . I can award you guys for that now..
****Kya award degi bolna kya degi....:P
hahahaha I know! Southy and I hv fought more than the Aus and Indian cricket teams hv LOL! like u said, atleast we were OPEN. :) And thats what true friendship is abt...saying it on the face and getting over. Whereas some ppl act behind the scenes and then pretend to be so nice on the face.
****India-Australia play for Border-Gavaskar trophy, what do we get...:P
On a serious note its always good to fight it out and get over it and not carry it any further, makes it difficult for the next fight....lolz
HAHAHAHA Southy @India-Australia play for Border-Gavaskar trophy!
yep thats wut we'd be awarded with!
I agree we need to say wut we hv to say, ON THE FACE...not behind each others' ASSES :)
**makes it difficult for the next fight
LOL true!
@ keshi..
**ur's hemu...
i just realised...
@ mr herooooooooooooo
award doongi.. milo tab zaroooooooor dooongi ( secret hai ;) ..)
ya ya u guys fight n eat my head as desserts..lol ( both of u) hehhehe
yeyyyyyy Obama wins! I so wanted him to win :)
I hv more faith in ppl now hehe.
yep thats wut we'd be awarded with!
***No no i think uttuswamy is coming up with a better and a steamier award for us...:P
ahem ahem...where did she disappear now?
yes Uttsy, Hemz is a real swt-hrt.
**ya ya u guys fight n eat my head as desserts
LOL I rem how I used to hassle ya with all those arguments with Southy! Im glad u survived thru it all hahaha!
Keshi.. use the airport to take a break.. jump on a plane.. come see us.. :-) Steve says he will take care of you and de stress you.. :-) or maybe i will! :-) seriously.. take a good break.. top up your energy.. Channel into other energy streams.. Listen to Amy Grant and her Source.. you get me here? love Tiff an Steve
She's right here Southy :)
ya ya u guys fight n eat my head as desserts..lol ( both of u) hehhehe****okay not r head in future, something else...okay...:D ahem ahem...
Keshhhaaayy u heard that...:P
Tiff thats a great idea...taking a break at the airport (blogs). I hope the Security wont chuck me out lol!
will be there soon ;-)
Tiff I read ur post before but didnt hv time to comment...I did now. :)
yes Southy I read that LOL!
Ahem ahem...now i just cant wait to start a new fight....:D
*dishoom dishoom!* @Southy
Wow!!!now let me eat somebody's something now...not her head ofcourse...ahem ahem...:P
Southy now Uttsy is gonna kick ya LOL!
No no she'll offer something else other than her mind to eat this time...:P
wait wait.. someone here is wanting to eat something...... did i read it properly or should i read b.w linessssssss
ya ya come here myhero.. 'll show u then ..:P
* one kickkkkkkkk on ur buttttttt*
omg angry on me on the first shot :(...dont be...keshi help me out..other wise uttara...may actually throw me out of a running train :)...heheh...
hi nice meeting u uttara..btw i am hemanth :D...aka hemu,hemz,hems,hemzii,hemzy..wow...i got so many nicks cant even remeber who is calling wat..kesh allways calls hemz :P..heheh...
**No no she'll offer something else other than her mind to eat this time...:P
wowwwwwwwwww ye mujhe pata nahi tha.. ( i didn't know this)lols
r u a mind reader or something?? :P
Read everything...ahem ahem...:D
ya ya come here myhero.. 'll show u then ..:P****Ahem ahem...never knew fighting with keshi cud get me all this...:P
* one kickkkkkkkk on ur buttttttt*****One tight slap on ur plumpyass...:D
r u guys fighting am i disturbing ya :P..heheh..
wow...i dint know movie actors wer here....i want to see them :P..
Ok to answer your question here..? i cant resist it.. :-) Is the author of my site a Super Sex therapist..? No.. but what i will say is that iv had two amazing "teachers" that have operated on that level.. The truth is that many of my married friends have sent their husbands to me for "a chat."
The gals have always given me positive feedback along the lines of OMG... What did you tell him! He is so amazing now! :-)
so i like to pass the knowledge on.. :) love Tiffy
kesariya, your post is very sweet. but i personally dont take my blog thatttt seriously. i ll keep writing something even though i have 1/10000th your viewership. just b/c i like it.
it helps to care yet stay unattached in general.
Hey...you dun need my opinion...it matches wid urs...u got it all right!
nd as our good frend Enrique wud say.. "I'll follow u wherever u may be.... " :)
see this is the reason for 157 comments. this ability not to miss anything in crowd..to say i care to a cmplt strander..to write with a open ming..when u give attention to common man,aged and sick u become mother theresa...when u care for each in blog world u become keshi..:-) carry on. good luck.
keshi, is this calmness before the storm? as i read your post, gradually, the fear of u leaving bloggerville gripped me.
i was at dilemma, whether this is real or not. jus because of the fact that, i never imagined sneha to leave bloggerville n same is the case with samby. but it seems that they both have decided to leave. for a few days, i was feeling like i was missing some good friends.
but at the end, it seems that u gave us a choice. if i can choose between losing u here and not losing u, i prefer u to b here. always. ur posts r so morale-boosting(at least for me). whn i get sick of life, all i do now-a-days is jus go thru bloggerville for a small ride. there r lots of blogs here that make my day n make my life more beautiful.
if i really feel like leaving this place, i can't write anything as a good bye post. i'll choose to leave in silence. i know it's too harsh n rude, but i can't find any words in write in my alvida post.
Well i started blogging 10 months ago!! So come January and i will complete a yr. in blogville. :)
So u heard it or not??
ur John is singing "KeshiGirl KeshiGirl"
Goood thought sweetie..
life is not fair!!!
That's very noiice :), esp. since it's coming from you :)
after all both of us are 'elementary school" :D
the words you typed tells us who you are...when i read it i forgot the words.. wasn't seeing any..but could feel some strange sense of belonging..they call it "connection" life is all about relationships..it is about relating..to everything..to the living and the non living..
you are LIVING a full life..that is why you feel connected....
it was always fun being in this wonderful space..nice knowing you keshi...
well, well, well!!!
This was such a sentimental and emotional post!
**Blogville is like an Airport...people come and people go.
What else do you think LIFE is? it's just the same. We meet lot of people, some good, some bad, some who cannot be forgotten but finally, we never will be with anyone forever. We have to leave, that's the rule of life. We came to this world alone and will be leaving alone too. Now, I remember in my school days, some of my best friends, whom I thought will always be there, but they too have to depart, in the flow of life. Who to blame? No one. Out of luck, if I see, one of them now, that's all what's need for an entire life time, the feeling of meeting a long lost friend and all the things that you've done with him/her just comes to your mind like one big flood and your heart won't be able to hold it no matter how strong you think it will be. I think, that's what's the essence of life is. At least for an instant you'll again become that 10 yr old.
****So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
My arrival, frankly, was pretty boring. I came to know about blog in 2005 and tried it in 2006. But, all I did was just a few sentence of blog, my personal blah blah, like diary and didn't know how to continue. But, now in 2008, I started with a lot of techie blogs and later one of my bloggie friends suggested to move into some general kinda blog, then here I am. After that, the journey, so far, has been pretty good, interesting and exciting too.
***And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
Well, honestly, I don't know, all my blog friends are still here, I am yet to face such a thing.
How would it affect you if I leave?
Certainly, I'll miss someone to argue with, to fight with and then to reason with, and moreover, one who just speaks openly than always saying sweet words. Each and everyone is special in here. I don't think anyone can be replaced by anyone else. Keshi is unique and keshi is equal to keshi only.
***And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
This also, I don't know. If I am too much attached, I don't think I'll leave. But, if I have to, then I will. I am no more a cry baby, a kid who cried a lot inside when all friends are gone and just smiled outside wishing them good bye. NOw, I am more matured, Life's realities are harsh, though still I cry inside, but I am better in hiding it and people who know me thinks that I'm living in heaven. May be I am, a heaven created by myself.
***What would be your next destination?
Like I said in one of your previous posts, I reached here without planning. I swam with the flow. I want to do that again. Life is full of surprise, if you don't know what's there for you, right?
'N thanks for writing such a post. A lot of my kiddo friends came to my mind 'coz of this post. I don't even know how they look now. But, the time I spent with them was just Wonderful!!
I hope you are not leaving! You will be missed. I started 4 years ago after moving from Washington DC to Carlsbad Caverns. We had just gotten married and I left my career for him to pursue his.
I was at home and lonely and missed my friends and needed away to connect. So I started a blog. Gulanz was the first to post on my blog and I have missed her since she left. It is hard but I have also met so many more new people as well and it is good to feel connected to people around the world.
I would not have this opportunity otherwise to have much of a global perspective and view without it. I get inspired and do different things since meeting people in this blog world. Read different books, try new crafts, have new thoughts and debated and discussions.
I will miss you if you go and hope that maybe after a break you will come back. All the best, Erin from Grand Canyon US : )
i tried leaving once...but had to come back...heheh
simple cause and effect...thing... for me...
you will be sorely missed atleast by this devil, if you leave the blogworld...you are one of the few bloggers who write there hearts out...
even I was having feelings similar to this after some of my friends stopped blogging with those long goodbye posts . But, I for one doesn't agree to the idea of a goodbye post bcos blogosphere is a place whr u can comeback anytime you wish, unlike a physical location which you maynot be able to visit again..
anyway, was just blog hopping..and found some intresting stuff here..
My arrival to this blogspot was not because of boredom..it was just the passion to write..instead of scribbling in mind or white papers i just tried to use this platform of internet and the very fact that lead me over here is that whatever i write can preserved and shared with others..!!
When somebody leaves blogville..then i dont know i assume that they will have some genuine reasons to leave this space..at one point of my blog life i had almost made my blog an orphan..that was never intentional, but i was forced to..so if some one else leaves also i think in those same lines..maybe they might have left when some other things came in top of their priorities..!! they had to forcefully opt out of it..so i leave it to them..thats all..!!
How would it affect you if I leave?
I wish never that should happen...not a praise or anything..its just because reading your posts at many times had given me the strength to go ahead in life..Knowingly or unknowingly your words and attitude had brought lots of effects in my life..let me stress, good effects..
so better stay over here..i know i am being selfish..but still your presence makes a difference...
And yeah you are my first reader..one who encouraged my writing..and i got the first vibe of concern for my being from you in this bloggerworld..thats something special to me..!!
I would prefer not to leave this sphere..maybe i might delay my posts, but i wish i will remain here forever..if i cant write also i will visit all those near and dear blogs..!!
>>What would be your next destination?
interesting question..frankly, dont know..lets see..i will take it as it comes..!!
cheers keshi..!!
Hi,Keshi-that's quite an adroit comparison in a great post-blogville being like an airport,and,well,I realize that it IS true,specially the arrivals and departures part...(And,some ole 'planes' like us continue flying in and out..LOL).
**As long as I know what I'm here for, that's all that matters.**
Yes,that's so true..others are free to express their opinion,but then,whether to listen to them,or,just let their thoughts go in one ear and out the other,is my choice..and,that's what makes blogville airport so good,na-the freedom of choice-to land,takeoff,et al,at one's free will.No editors,no pilots except one's self...
Lastly,the questions-
So what was your arrival like and how has the journey being so far?
-The arrival was one great event-I began reading one blog,then another,then another--and,I was hooked at the immense talent available for reading.
And how do you handle it when friends leave Blogville?
-Well,it does make me feel a bit sad,but then,I feel,it's their life,after all,and,if they want to leave,temporarily or otherwise,I respect their choice.(But,believe me,I just know-you can't keep a good blogger away-like,I'm sure Sol will return back sooner or later..haha-Sol,are you reading this?)
How would it affect you if I leave?
I don't want to think of that.Period.:)
And when it's your turn to board the plane how would you do it?
At present,I don't think there's any chance of that happening...so,I'll tackle that 'problem' when it comes.
What would be your next destination?
Why,back to Letters To Editors,of course-full-fledged,about 40 a month or so,as in the Nineties.:)But,I'm sure I'd still be blogging parallelly.
Great to have u around,Keshi!And,in your terms,let me say-your blog reminds me of Heathrow Airport..guess why??:):)
Congrats on a long stay in Blogville, glad you're here! I'm not one to ask - I've been living in the same apartment for 16 years... rent is cheap, the neighborhood is great... and there are good friends near by...WHY LEAVE? :)
Southy n Uttsy...Im hungry...Im gonna eat some bikkies :)
Hemz hey! :)
**r u guys fighting am i disturbing ya
lol u r funny! imagine someone fighting and u come n say
'excuse me, r ya fighting, am I disturbing ya?'
Dangerous move mate!
hey Tiff!
**The truth is that many of my married friends have sent their husbands to me for "a chat."
wow now thats great! :) mebbe I should send u my sexless friends to ya?
btw by Sexless I meant not getting enough and good sex...I didnt mean genderless ok LOL! @Tiff
ty Jitterz!
but I aint writing for Readership either...
**it helps to care yet stay unattached in general.
I agree..but for someone like me, its only getting harder...cos I get attached to ppl real quickly, then they spit on my face like Im some kinda trash and it all gets too much to bear. I cant imagine there r ppl who cud change colors overnight.
HUGZ Prakhar!
**"I'll follow u wherever u may be.... "
wow I'd love that ;-)
ty RM!
**this ability not to miss anything in crowd
:) I just dun wanna miss anyone, thats why.
ty Satish!
**keshi, is this calmness before the storm?
mmmmm....I've felt the pangs of it recently...hence this post. This is not a Goodbye post...just a discussion and perhaps a preparation. I just wanted to know how my friends felt abt it...how they'd react...how they wud move on. Its imp to know...cos I hv been here for a long time now and hv established alot of connections. I dun wanna leave things in the lurch or make ppl feel abandoned, when I leave. I wanna make sure they knew this was coming some day. Hence this post.
I know...blogville is full of motivation. thats why Im here too. makes me forget my blues.
I hv always valued ur friendship...u hv been a decent, caring, sensitive and loving friend.
Its not easy to find REAL friends in blogs...most r time-servers...and some r dying of pure jealousy. 2 so-called good friends proved themselves evil already. they name-called me and cursed me in the open, in their blogs - why? only cos I dun talk to em anymore and I know their cheap tactics in blogville. They r behind-the-scenes ppl u see. On the face, they sound like angels.
I cant trust anyone anymore. I hv made myself a promise never to get close to anyone here. Cos it hurts alot to find out their true colors one fine day. I hv standards and Im not gonna lower them to welcome empty-heads into my life.
but u r different. And I really appreciate ur presence in my life.
I think the key to stay safe is not to get too close to ppl here. I hv vowed myself Im not gonna let myself be trashed that way again.
** i'll choose to leave in silence.
sometimes I've thought of doing that too...but for someone like me who expresses alot, its hard to leave in silence. I came in screaming, I spent my time here screaming and I'll go out screaming too lol!
*HUGZ* n ty Satish!
hey Ria 10 months is a long time ha :)
I wonder how u'd feel in 4yrs time abt Blogging...
haha Prakhar! WHERE btw? I wanna go watch him sing my name :)
Chakoli wut happened? u ok?
yes life is not fair to us sometimes...but we can try and be fair to life...wut say sweetz?
Truthful hahaha!
ty MIP!
**..they call it "connection" life is all about relationships..it is about relating..to everything..to the living and the non living..
I agree..its all abt Connections. And the most beautiful thing in the world is the CONNECTION between 2 hearts.
Keshi is in a Painting too...
I think we also need to know when to go back into the Painting for good. :)
tnxx Aneesh!
**We came to this world alone and will be leaving alone too
I agree. But right along the journey, u always hv 1 person with u...and that's yourself.
**After that, the journey, so far, has been pretty good, interesting and exciting too.
good to know that Aneesh. :)
** don't think anyone can be replaced by anyone else. Keshi is unique and keshi is equal to keshi only.
yeah and I'll never come across another Aneesh to call me WILD and KG-class lol! sweet memories ha :)
**people who know me thinks that I'm living in heaven. May be I am, a heaven created by myself.
awww HUGZ Aneesh! me too...i hv my imaginary heaven and in there im really HAPPY. atleats it keeps me smiling.
**Like I said in one of your previous posts, I reached here without planning. I swam with the flow. I want to do that again. Life is full of surprise, if you don't know what's there for you, right
very well-said! Its the same for me...I came to blogs w.o. any plans or scheme...someone on IT chat told me abt it and I thought why not try it out...and look where it has taken me now. WOW!
Like u said, in life, we meet new ppl from time to time. No one will stay with us forever...we must move on..but the memories remain.
Pecos tnxx hun MWAH!
**I started 4 years ago after moving from Washington DC to Carlsbad Caverns. We had just gotten married and I left my career for him to pursue his.
I rem u from the very first day u commented in my blog. u were with me right from the beginning...and ur still here. 2 hearts connected for 4years no matter what...and to me, thats a marvel. HUGZ!
I hv learnt alot from ur blog...ur love for life, crafts, ur beautiful nails :), ur love for kids and work...ur truly unique Pecos!
Im not leaving as yet...this is not a Goodbye post...I just felt the pangs of it recently. I just wanted to know how everyone saw it...how u all wud feel. If im going for good, I'll make sure I drop by ur place and let u know abt it. All of u mean alot to me. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
aww ty Devil!
I know..i tried to leave many times and then Im right back here in 2 days or so lol!
hey Praveen WC to my world n ty! :)
**But, I for one doesn't agree to the idea of a goodbye post bcos blogosphere is a place whr u can comeback anytime you wish, unlike a physical location which you maynot be able to visit again..
Well-said! Its not like a house or a hotel...its a virtual place u can log into anytime, from anywhere in the world. Even from heaven? ;-)
One can't control what others do or say. The only control one has is over what they themselves do and say. You blog for yourself and no one else. If it makes you happy, who cares if anyone is there to read it or not..and who cares if the people who do read it, are around forever or not. If one expects friendships to last forever, then they are setting themselves up for disappointment.
When I started blogging, it was for the same reason as you...coz I enjoyed it. And just like you, I was also talking to the walls...I still do sometimes. But that doesn't bother me. I blog when I feel like, and I don't when I don't feel like it. Same goes for commenting.
Its funny how some people keep blogging because they think that others expect them to...and when they can't meet those 'expectations', it turns into boredom, and eventually leads to an end.
Same goes for commenting...I find it so funny that some people intentionally don't comment on others' blogs, just because others won't comment on theirs. Its like a game for them...I will comment on your blog if you comment on mine. So juvenile!!
Anyways, I know I have gone off on a tangent here,,but I just wanted to share my thoughts here.
Cheer up girl!
The beauty of blogville IS that you lose some friends, but then you make many more in return.
hey ty Vinu!
I so rem ur first few posts :) u def came here for the passion of writing...u always wrote with so much elegance and stature. I admire ur Story Writing skills.
**And yeah you are my first reader..one who encouraged my writing..and i got the first vibe of concern for my being from you in this bloggerworld..thats something special to me..!!
wow u rem that? Im stoked! And I feel honored Vinu. ty n HUGZ!
I know u left ur blog for a long hiatus...but the day u returned, I was so overjoyed! I truly was :) Im like 'gee wow an old friend is back after such a long time!'...it felt really good.
I know u truly care and wanna read my blog...and Im glad my posts hv made a good impact on u. I feel good to know that. tnxx alot!
*HUGZ* Vinu!
ty Amit! :)
**And,some ole 'planes' like us continue flying in and out
hehehe...I never left btw. LOL!
**No editors,no pilots except one's self...
yeah but some unskilled pilots try to crash on my plane!
yes Sol's departure hit me hard. I really enjoyed her blogs and its hard to let go of a good blogger. did u read my very long comment in her goodbye post? I didnt even realise I wrote such a long comment until I saw it later on lol! I must hv been in total shock!
**I don't want to think of that.
aww..Amit this post was for u all to ponder upon it...its imp. cos some day when I suddenly say Goodbye, I dun want u all to hurt and feel abandoned...thats why I wrote this post. I aint going yet...but I wanted all of u to feel my departure now itself, express ur feelings abt it and feel free. And I guess this post did that somehow. Cos, now when the real goodbye comes around, I know u all wont feel that SAD as u did when u read this post. Am I right? :)
**At present,I don't think there's any chance of that happening...
Im so glad Amit!
dun u still write letters tho? I thought u did :) Its an interesting hobby!
**And,in your terms,let me say-your blog reminds me of Heathrow Airport..guess why?
:) is it cos Heathrow Airport has the largest number of international passengers per year?
*HUGZ* Amit!
**I've been living in the same apartment for 16 years... rent is cheap, the neighborhood is great... and there are good friends near by...WHY LEAVE?
awww now how can I answer such a brilliant qn? :)
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