Friday, October 1

The Good, the Bad and the Cranium-Deprived....


I love India of the popular Indian chat sites. This site has not only being a time killing hot spot for me but it has also introduced me to some interesting people around the globe. I always hum the tune of 'Welcome to the Jungle' as I log into IT, you will soon know why, not exactly what it meant to Axl Rose though!

IT for me is pure's also information sharing...and finding new friends and yes, it is also constructive interference! When the day gets hard and long, when time hangs around, when there's nothing more interesting to do, I call up IT :) The point of this blog is for me to give some real recognition to some of the greatest souls and some of the not-so-great souls I met on IT. So If you think that you may be one of Keshi's angels, you may enjoy this blog very much. But if you suspect that you may be listed as one of Keshi's embryonic specimens, you may read on to help yourself improve or you may stop right here before you get badly hurt. I have met some amazing people on IT...truly amazing! Let me start with the Good, as the Good always deserve the red-carpet treatment.

What can I say about Ash_b1? Just one thing...that is that he is truly a Gentleman. A serious music-lover and a poet that writes stuff that reaches your soul. He never hurts anybody, he treats girls respectfully and though it is just chat, he speaks the ultimate truth and ultimate wisdom. He puts on no airs, he takes no sides, he just sails along with the tide. Though I dont get to chat with him much, whenever we meet it's like we have known each other for 1000years! Ash and I share some deep feelings on certain issues in life. It's like he knows exactly what I want to say and he puts it into perfect sentences. He can read my mind! I dont have to say a word. Ash I salute you for your wisdom and the golden friendship you have offered me - you have truly made a lasting impression in my life. Now let me talk about 4u2nvau...cute young chap from Aussie - the best of innocence you could ever get! He's the Sweet Heart of the girls on IT. He can charm you with his sweet nature and his cute hood language - the words I inherited from NV as I so fondly address him are, DUN, LAFF, DINT, TEMME...LOLLLZ! I'm sure you get the picture now...he's just too good to be true! A loving and sensitive guy who always sticks by you no matter what and refuses to give me his phone number in case he gets in trouble - LOL! I luv u NV - your friendship has proved to me that sweet and decent guys really exist and that too a Desi one :) You are truly exceptional and if not for you I would not have lasted this long on IT :) Next comes Vance...hmmm...the handsome hunk for many girls on IT but he falls asleep alot :) A cool Brahmin chicken eater, he just knows what to say and when to say it. One thing I can say about Vancy as I so lovingly call him is that he is a true Gentleman too! Vance is someone all the girls seek and someone who isnt available all the time, either because he's dozing off or he's bashing up some other bloke on IT with utter filth! He would just put the spammer on and leave - thats our good old mate Vancy! Vance you are a darling...long live mah chweet Vancy - dun u work too hard now :) FootlooseSlinger muuahhhhz! He and Vance hates each other but I love them both :) Footsi has some very rare qualities. He is a silent observer, a passionate poet, a decent human being, a funny guy who hates fights...he knows Keshi fights alot - LOL! But he also understands that Im not just fighting...One thing I love about footsi is that he would answer your questions so perfectly without you having to ask the same question again or explain it further. He never makes stupid or ill-natured statements and he does not jump in unnecessarliy. He is a true winner in that sense and oh yes, he's not bad at flirting either (winks at footsi ;-) Snazzz, hmm he's next! The first thing I ask him when he comes on IT is if he's committed now! If you dont get what I'm saying, well Snazzzo is someone who doesnt like to commit to a relationship - LOL - don't kill me now Snazzo for letting that out! He LOVES chicks and he drinks up a bit too :) and half the time I don't know what Snazzz is saying - LOL! But he's a very good friend - an honest friend who would tell you anything to the face. His honesty can be a real sharp stab in the heart but he's taught me some tough lessons that way. I have told him off many times but he has always remained my friend. He's stood up for me many times and I appreciate that Snazzo. Thanks for that and I luv ya always. Oh I almost forgot Virus!! I mean how can I?? He was one of the first cuties I met on IT and he paved me the way to enhance my flirting skills :) He's the coolest and the sexiest guy in the block! He will tease you till you faint but he will give you a hug and a smooch, yes a smooch that will steal your heart away. Btw Viru is pretty fly for a Desi guy ;-) I luv u baba LOL! These are really my best men on IT. I know a few other good men like eternalbuddy, bud_light, talldarkman, sun_cityus, adorable and cynosure. They are awesome people who I know will always be my friends.

Among the girl friends, wow, I have met some awesome women on IT! Number one is Heidi - she is all the way from Germany and very much a lady - unlike me :) She is my inspiration and my motivation on IT. Everyday I log on IT just to say Hello to her and if I didnt see her for one day it's like something is missing. So you can imagine her aura on me :) She's a very intelligent girl. We talk about so many ineteresting things such as boys :), jokes, world affairs and always fight over who writes who's eulogy first - LOL! That's a top secret between us that only Heidzz would understand. She's extra careful when chatting, very sensitive, sensible and so sweet. She teams up with me to tease young chaps who goes ASL please...and we have a good laugh together. She is dearly missed by Keshi....hope she knows this because she aint coming on IT anymore. I love and miss you Heidzz...plz come bakkk! My other best girl is Feathered_Mask - she has so many nics I'm afraid I cant keep up with them :) When I first met her she used to be Pink_Gurl and the instant I met her I knew she's a hoot! She's awesome - a high level human dictionary:) who knows good music too - not just music but the best - Queen, Led Zepplin, Guns n Roses, Floyd etc She loves rock just like me and she oh well she's woka! LOL! She has this rare capability of connecting with almost anyone in a chat room...from any walk of life! That's something I cant do because there are alot of ass holes in chat rooms...but she gets along with all of them - I guess she's got that kind of patience or she just has the knack for it. She's extremely polite, sincere, very intelligent and the hard-to-find kind of girl...most of all she's a precious friend to me, thnx FM for being who you are, you are truly amazing! Natasha rocks - she's one amazing desi 'Russian' girl :) One day she's Natasha Kinski and the other day she's Tatiana Grigorieva! She is honest and so very caring with lots of muaaahs and hugggs to spare. Guys luv her cause she's hot :) She stood by me always and offered me her genuine friendship - I thank you for that Natt. My ever-loving DIL lol! Ria, Jelly_Eyes, Tanvi, Sebia and Bindassohni are a few other great girls I met on IT - I luv u guys heaps, please know that.

The cranium-deprived stays that way except Sangi and Munna. We actually talked and sorted it out. I'm sorry Sangita and Munna. Even though this is just chat, what I learnt is that it is very much like the real world...people are always waiting to laugh at someone else's expense. We decided to forget the past and move on :) But make sure your mate Vix gets a FIX...looks like he's still wearing it - LOL!

Thanks to all of have made me think in many different ways and have added to the colorful nature of cyber friends.
That's it folks!

10 Cranium Signets:

Ashes said...
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Keshi said...

Thanks folks for your very intuitive comments - love em!

Viru sweet u r there hunny :) How can my blog be complete without ya? Ado, thnx for linking me to Wordsworth's don't know me much yet you seem to know me too well...after all, the genius need no extra chatter to know another...they just sense it...luv ya man and ur pick-up lines! They have made laugh alot on IT :)

Ash, I don't have to say know me too well...those words I said about you are not something that came out for the sake of writing up a blog...they are so real, they are so precious, they are so you...

Luv ya all!

diffy said...
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diffy said...

There was lotsa positive and lil negative... stereotype cleverly packaged...upon my fellow brothers and sisters in the craft.. much ....against de belief that there is only male and female polarity.....i din know gals like gals...true eye

Keshi said...

What the...Diffy LOL! hehehehe...girls like girls friends, duhhhhhhhhhhh!

Keshi :)

Keshi said...
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Keshi said...
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Vikas Kaul said...
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Day Dreamer said...
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Keshi said...
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