Current Music: Pump It by Black Eyed Peas
This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Current Music: Pump It by Black Eyed Peas
Posted by Keshi at 1:08 pm 155 Cranium Signets
Have a great weekend my yummy Vegemaaites!
... ... can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder...you better run, you better take cover... ... ...
Current Music: Down Under by Men At Work
Posted by Keshi at 3:39 pm 112 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 11:31 am 119 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 1:21 pm 102 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 3:11 pm 101 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 12:41 pm 84 Cranium Signets
Current Music: Breaking The Law by Judas Priest
Posted by Keshi at 12:13 am 68 Cranium Signets
The question: Do you have any fetishes, if so what are they? In simple words, what uniquely turns you on? Let me know and I will explain it a little bit further for you but only if it's listed in the Fetish article I read (Saby's fetishes I won't be able to find on this Earth but I'll try, ok Saby?). I will list mine at the end ;-).
Now to some very disappointing news...the Indian govt has managed to persuade some ISPs in India to block Blogger altogether
Current Music: Push It by Salt N' Pepa
Posted by Keshi at 10:58 pm 109 Cranium Signets
You always make me smile
When I'm feeling down
You give me such a vibe
It's totally bonafide
It's not the way you walk
And it ain't the way you talk
It ain't the job you got
That keeps me satisfied
Your love, it feels so good
And that's what takes me high
Higher than before
Your love, it keeps me alive
Thought I should let you know
That your touching means so much
When I'm alone at night
It's you I'm always thinkin' of
Oh, oh baby Oh,
To understand
How I feel, deep inside
Oh oh, you make me feel
All I need to feel
Yes, in my heart
Your love, it feels so good
And that's what takes me high
Higher than before
Your love, it keeps me alive
Thought I should let you know
That your touching means so much
When I'm alone at night
It's you I'm always thinkin' of
Oh, oh baby...
Posted by Keshi at 3:01 pm 87 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 4:10 pm 119 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 10:32 am 153 Cranium Signets
Current Music: Smooth Operator by Sade
Posted by Keshi at 12:58 pm 76 Cranium Signets
Current Music: I'll Make Love To You by Boyz II Men
Posted by Keshi at 3:06 pm 100 Cranium Signets
Posted by Keshi at 4:42 pm 116 Cranium Signets
And A VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ISHITA AND RAJIV for the 5th of July! This song is dedicated to you two.
Current Music:From This Moment On by Shania Twain (my ultimate wedding song :)
Posted by Keshi at 1:13 pm 103 Cranium Signets
I'm back guys. Thanks for the wonderful messages and yeah I had a FANTASTIC break. Loads of things to share with you on that, but first of all I want to share the story of a little girl from Perth, Western Australia (pic on left). Little Sophia was only 8yrs old and was with her 14yr old brother, 11yr old sister and her uncle last Monday in a popular Perth shopping centre. Sophia wanted to go to the toilet, so while the others waited outside for her (just metres away from the toilets), Sophia went in but didn't come back. She was raped and murdered inside the toilet by a 20yr old man and it only took him few minutes to do the gruesome act. It was a shocking tragedy that got the whole of Australia together last week. This should never have happened and that too while her family was very close by not knowing what was happening inside the toilet...she's only 8yrs old for goddsakes! It was such a horrible crime that she was left dead on the floor with no clothes on and most of her bones broken. How can anyone, I mean any human ever do such a thing to a little girl? I can't understand how and why people get such cruel and animalisitic thoughts in them that they can really go and do something so violent like that? Imagine the horror, pain, helplessness and the fear she must have felt at the time? Little Sophia will be laid to rest today, and her Year 3 classmates wil be honoring her and bidding her farewell in a public funeral in Perth. One good lesson we can learn from this horrible tragedy: Love CAN conquer Evil...so please let Love come in to your hearts and never let evil win over. And those who are parents, if you have small children with you, always be close to them...never leave them alone in public places. This could have been your daughter, sister, friend or neighbor. I can't even imagine what Sophia's family must be going through right now.
I want to say that no matter how much fun I had last week, I can't get Sophia out of my head. She's in my prayers and in my thoughts. We won't forget the brave little girl you were and the love that you shared in your short time here on Earth with the people you knew. Goodbye Sophia, it's your time to live with the angels...
Did the angels come from heaven
to help you through that night
Did they feel your terror
And take away your fright.
Did the angels bear the pain
That was being done to you
Did they hear your cries of fear
And stayed to help you through.
Did the angels hold you tightly
The way I would of done
Did they know how I would feel
And wish they were the one.
Did the angels cry out loudly
For the unjustness of your plight
Did they call Lord Jesus
And lead you to the light.
Did the angels softly kiss your cheek
Before you took your leave
Did they remind you how we loved you so
And forever more we'd grieve.
Did the angels whisper in your ear
Don't worry you will not go alone
Did they know part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
Current Music: Angel by Sarah McLachlan
Posted by Keshi at 11:34 am 124 Cranium Signets