When people judge you just cos you live outside your motherland, when people think you have no respect or love for your motherland just cos you live outside, when people think you're shallow and carry no responsibility just cos you live outside, when people ask you what have you done for humanity just cos they don't know what you've really done behind the scenes, when people think you're cheap and easy just cos you have every freedom in the country you live in, when people fail to see the goodness in other lands just cos they want to live in denial, when people classify all foreigners as racists when they have never really lived outside their motherlands, when people ridicule another's culture just to put across their point of view, when people bury their own dirt just to feel good about themselves, when people can't appreciate goodness that some lands are rich with just cos they are way too patriotic, when people have no idea how hard I worked to be where I am today, when people don't realise that I am who I am today cos of my personality, education, courage as well as the opportunities that Australia gave me (not cos of my nationality), when people have no idea what it is to come to a foreign land, study and earn a Bachelors and a Masters, and come up in life and earn an equal place in society using the skills I have (not by any other means), and all by myself (not from mummy's or daddy's money)...IT HURTS. (pic: Taken at my first Graduation at University of New South Wales, Sydney)
But I'm not going to let few people's sheer ignorance affect me or make me blue. Cos I know I'm superb, brilliant and SPECIAL. Cos unlike these people who have uninformed opinions about me and foreign lands, I've left my motherland, come across seas, tested my capabilities with all kinds of people from different cultures and lands...I have broken all 'mental' and 'cultural' barriers that still seem to hold some people back and I have learnt to SEE the bigger picture. I'm a super Paratrooper in life, my mission is to break all barriers and my weapons are my intellect and senses...I'm not one who just sits and judges other lands..I glide down there and check it out for myself, and I realised wherever you go, people are people. And I have learnt to work and live with people from all over the world in peace and harmony. I think it takes alot more strength and courage to really do that than just judge from afar. That makes me special. If I didn't know that before, now I do. (pic: Me sight-seeing and enjoying the beauty of New Zealand)
And I thank all Gods for my strength, and Australia for giving me equal opportunities in this land to achieve my dreams and to be myself without feeling
even one bit 'different'. I'm happy, I enjoy every human right there ever is here in Aus, I'm very lucky, I do my thing, and I love living here cos I'm not BLOCKED in any manner at all. I believe you get what you give. If you're not racist, if you can see a person for who they are and not for their nationality or gender or caste etc, if you have respect for others, if you carry yourself well, if you give your 100% to the country you live in, and if you're smart and sensible, then there's nothing to be afraid of...cos you'll get those same treasures in return. Karma either pats or bites your back, depending on what you give out to life. (pic: Taken at a business lunch with people from all walks of life, all colors, all levels of management, both genders, all ages, all kinds of beliefs and cultures...I'm right in the middle.)
Thank you Australia for realising my strengths, for giving me the golden opportunity to study and work here, for making my dreams come true and for valueing, appreciating and respecting me for my work, and not for my ethnicity or my status! I wish all countries to be like Australia, to give it's people the opportunities and the rights they so deserve as humans. Life is too short to have to WAIT for Human Rights and Equal Opportunities to be established. (pic: Me smiling at all the beauty and richness that life in Australia has added to my being)
And oh, I dedicate the 'Paratrooper' theme of this post to my dearest mate Samby, THE HOTTEST PARATROOPER ON EARTH!
Current Music: Super Trouper by ABBA
279 Cranium Signets:
hey keshi wat happend..get out of this nationality thing.....
we r great in our own ways..no need of proving that to anybody...
ok i m not...i know i hate diamonds..
No Nirmal this post isnt abt NATIONALITY, unlike the last one :)
This post is abt MY experiences in AUSTRALIA. So thatthose ppl who claimed I hv no feelings for Sri Lanka and that I might be living like an 'outsider' here in Aus, will get to see HOW MUCH I hv achieved here in Aus and HOW happy I am here.
tnxx n HUGS!
hi keshi..no matter what we have to learn how to grab the opportunity and utilise it well n proof to ourselves first! wen we help ourselves god will be with us n wil lead us to a successful life..:)
ps: u luk great hun!!!
nice pics...n trust me all countries should be like australia...just that some countries would take their own sweet time to get there :)
ty Anits! :)
**no matter what we have to learn how to grab the opportunity and utilise it well n proof to ourselves first! wen we help ourselves god will be with us n wil lead us to a successful life
U got that right hun! Its all abt OPPORTUNITIES and USING THEM TO GET WHERE U WANT TO GET TO! And that cant wait, can it.
ty Mav!
**...just that some countries would take their own sweet time to get there
well its not a good excuse. Like i said in my last line life is too short to hv to WAIT for basic human rights and equal opportnities. These r BIRTH RIGHTS of every human.
Besides, if people hv a pre-historic attitude, nothing's gonna change for a LONG time.
Nirmal I forgot...
LOL @Diamonds!
Now that ur in the US, diamonds r nor a luxury right? ;-)
I love your confidence and attitude and most importantly your appreciation to this land you call Home :D
@keshi..i didnt mean it from the point of view of the individuals but the situation of the country (economically+geographically+politically+globally)from an holistic view :)
but deep inside my heart i think i m still in India...heheh so does the hatrate 4 daimonds...
ty Shionge and I love the confidence u carry too..it's infectious ;-) do u know ur a role-model to me?
k Mav :)
lol no no no ur lying now Nirmal! Just so that u cud get away with not giving me diamonds :(
I think that the people who blame others for 'forgetting' their origins and what not, are in reality jealous of the people who have more opportunities than themselves. Because if they themselves had the same opportunities, their opinions would be completely different from the current ones. I mean it!
wat ??u luv diamonds...
just now i read some article which says diamonds causes many complications in humans like mental trauma,etc etc...
i dont want my sweety to suffer from all this..so u can ask 4 any other stufs..
CG ty sweetz!
yes ur right. Given the same opportunities, Im sure they'd appreciate all the fantastic things that come with it.
And u know that very well cos u too live outside ur motherland. U know wut it is to hv those opportunities given to u w.o. any bias at all.
hey Nirmal not that i dun already hv any mental trauma lol!
ok dun buy diamonds then, just get me s nice pair of earrings fromn Tiffany's? howzat?
ok...stop giving me a mental trauma...
dont know who invented all these stuffs....
Nirmal wuts the mental trauma Im giving u now? lol is it Tiffany's?
invented wut?
Hi,Keshi-the one word to describe what all these people feel,when they display these shallow thoughts is'Envious'.
At one time,when I was in college,I believe,even I used to scoff at people who'd be crazy about going abroad-wondering why anyone'd want to leave the security of their motherland and go out of the country,away from friends and family.
Hats off to you for all that you've achieved- I didn't know the part about you've earned a Bachelors and a Masters' degree through your skills,and,not through parents' money!Keep it up.And,forget what people say-you know what you've achieved,you know that your mind and thoughts are pure(and frank.*grins*) and that's incentive enough for further progesss!Cheers!
I am proud of you Sissy! there is nothing wrong with broadening your horizons!!
You have made yourself YOU!! Everything you want you can grab and most of the time it is right in front of you!!
There s a lot of stereotyping going around here lately I have experienced first hand this week.. I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU DEAR!! Never let anything hold you back!!
invented jewelrys and stuffs..
@ CG,
****I think that the people who blame others for 'forgetting' their origins and what not, are in reality jealous of the people who have more opportunities than themselves.****
I could not have said it any better.
@ AmitL,
Kudos to you for being honest and acknowledging about your past attitudes towards those who go abroad.
I believe that it is truly a "survival of the fittest" theory that keeps us going. Some of us excel, some do not. Some simply fail. If we do not have opportunities in our motherland, we do have to go outside of it to fulfill our desires. What is the harm in doing so?
Its realy nice and quite a motivational blog !!!Where there is a will there is a way. U proved it.Congrats!Keep it up!
Heyyyy....you are so sweet my dear friend and you are very much my role model too :)
AmitL tnxx for being so honest and telling us how u felt abt this when u were in India. It takes guts to say it in the open. Well-done!
I agree..its all ENVY. Or else, why is it so hard to be happy for others who hv done well in life.
**I didn't know the part about you've earned a Bachelors and a Masters' degree through your skills,and,not through parents' money!Keep it up.
yes...I borrowed $50,000 for my Bachelors here in Aus cos I was an overseas student then. I paid every cent back after I got the Degree and started working. And then I did my Masters while working which cost another $50,000 cos I was still an overseas student then. So it was all done by my own money. Not by anyone else's.
And I can truly say Im proud of my achievements! :)
And ty for the encouragement Amit!
ty Ne MWAH!
And I know ur truly HAPPY for me. And that ur not saying that for the heck of it.
**You have made yourself YOU!! Everything you want you can grab and most of the time it is right in front of you!!
yes and u too! Look at the person u r..the love n knowledge u exude!
Abt that person who wrote u a nasty email...take it as a COMPLIMENT hun! It shows that ppl r jealous of wut YOU are.
*MWAH* stay gold!
haha Nirmal o cmon u cant be that stingy? lol!
ty Sol!
**Kudos to you for being honest and acknowledging about your past attitudes towards those who go abroad.
Thats the same thing I said to Amit! Its hard to find such HONESTY these days.
**I believe that it is truly a "survival of the fittest" theory that keeps us going. Some of us excel, some do not. Some simply fail.
Well-said Sol! And u too...to hv gone overseas and to do that well, it takes alot of intelligence, courage and guts.
**If we do not have opportunities in our motherland, we do have to go outside of it to fulfill our desires. What is the harm in doing so?
Exactly my point!
Its not like we can WAIT forever to make our dreams come true is it? I mean had I WAITED in Sri Lanka to get an OPPORTUNITY to get to Uni, do 2 Degrees and to get a decent job, I'd be still WAITING!
u knw the title of ur post reminded of the paratroopers regiment..they are the elitest forces in the indian army...the best of the best..their insigna and beret is different from the regular regiments...
there is this video i have of an para major who gave a presentation to Unilever india...and it is amazing..the only thing it is 500mb in size..n i dont knw how to share it with u :)
ty Sri!
**Where there is a will there is a way. U proved it.
yes ur absolutely right!
And we cant WAIT forever for opportunities. If we want our dreams to come true, we have to go the PLACES that give us those OPPORTUNITIES.
ty for ur encouragement Sri!
hey Shionge :) HUGS!
hey Mav :)
**they are the elitest forces in the indian army...the best of the best..
wow nice! Im one too..only that Im not in the Army lol!
Hi Keshi
I seem to be having an ABBA overdose today. LOL
A very good post! I agree with what you wrote. You made some very wise choices in this game we call life.
People who have never left their homeland have no idea the emotional turmoil one goes through when one moves to another country. Even moving short distances from your childhood home can affect one in several ways.
In fact, 80% of the people I work with were not born in Canada.
This same thing comes out when i read Indians out here, who hv never given anything to the country, but never short of words to criticize the system, values, circumstances, etc, etc, etc...
Since everytime i keep raising my own standard in whatever i do...fortunately i hv raised my bar on this aspect as well...now those ppl can bark whatever they hv, i dont give a shit abt them anymore...If they r anywhere close to my league then maybe i might pay some attention, or else they dont exist for me....
you were quite thin when you graduated weren't you? :)
ty Bev MWAH!
U know Im crazy abt ABBA :)
**People who have never left their homeland have no idea the emotional turmoil one goes through when one moves to another country. Even moving short distances from your childhood home can affect one in several ways.
Exactly! They think everything's given to us free of any hassle. They hv no idea how hard one has to work to achieve something far away from home and family.
**In fact, 80% of the people I work with were not born in Canada.
Australia is a diverse nation with many cultures and also with an appreciation for that cultural diversity.
ty Southy!
**This same thing comes out when i read Indians out here, who hv never given anything to the country, but never short of words to criticize the system, values, circumstances
o there r plenty of ppl like that! very quick to judge n all.
And these same ppl claim they r so proud to be Indian etc but never really do anything for INDIA as long as their plates r full.
ur doing great Southy!
Stygian I was near-anorexic then, I swear lol!
hmm, interesting. what are you now? :
Stygian that last pic in this post will ans ur qn. so wut am I now? fat?
well i am not your boyfriend so i can as well say "yes" but you aint "fat" plump is more like it, but again photographs hide a lot.
Hi,Sol-yes,it's 'survival of the fittest'theory which keeps us going.And,all said and done,isn't it all for a good present and future for us and our loved ones?
**well i am not your boyfriend so i can as well say "yes" but you aint "fat" plump is more like it,
so if ur BF u mite lie to me? LOL u sound TYPICAL!
Photos hide alot...yes. In that case, mebbe Im not very THIN in the first pic? :):)
ty Amit and its true :)
of course sometimes, men have to lie, white lies, esp when the question is "do i look fat?" the catastrophic propositions of answering in the affirmative are spooky beyond imagination.
but i don't get something,
why on earth do you hurt so much?
lol Stygian agreed. AM I FAT qn comes with very harsh consequences for the person who's answering it.
**why on earth do you hurt so much?
mebbe cos it's ME that who's at the receiving end of all the crap? If u hv ever been in my shoes, mebbe u'd u'stand.
true, you just might take more flak for everything than i do, but have you ever tried "not giving a damn"
Hey gurl...that your a Sri Lankan by birth is not something anyone can take away from you. That is your heritage.
That you came to Australia and educated yourself and are now working there is your accomplishment.
You have every right to be proud of both.Words hurt...but they'r written by ppl who don't understand what your trying to say. I know of Indians in the US who are more Indian than us living in India. And whether you stay in a different country or your own motherland is not the issue - the issue is about whether you have closed your mind to other possibilities and opportunities or were on the lookout for them.
**but have you ever tried "not giving a damn"
I hv, in alot of areas that u may still be giving a damn abt :)
thats wut makes us UNIQUE!
I think you did very well in OZ !!
I know what you mean, because I often experienced it myself, when people thought Switzerland is just rich and everywhere lies Gold on the streets... and they just don't know that it's hard hard work and a other lifestyle then they have to come to these richness. But they have other very important things in their own countries.
I don't arguee with others anymore about things like that. Not if both of us don't know their other life and just justice from far far away. (know what I mean?)
So must go: Big day out with my mother today ;D
PS: Super Trouper is one of my fav songs....Fernando is my alltime Abba favorite though :)
PPS: You look great in the pics :)
**I know of Indians in the US who are more Indian than us living in India.
yes! I know alot of em too. Indians here in AUS r very patriotic too...and they love their country more than they wud hv when they were in India. And Australia offers the Freedom for all Immigrants to follow theit traditions, culture and beliefs as long as they dun disturb someone else's. And u should come n see the Holi, Diwali etc festivals held here in Sydney. THEY R MASSIVE! :)
**And whether you stay in a different country or your own motherland is not the issue - the issue is about whether you have closed your mind to other possibilities and opportunities or were on the lookout for them.
Its all abt making ur dreams come true and seeking the ooportunities. And if that requires an overseas stay, there's no harm in that.
*HUGZ* n ty!
ty Murane!
**when people thought Switzerland is just rich and everywhere lies Gold on the streets... and they just don't know that it's hard hard work and a other lifestyle then they have to come to these richness
I know wut u mean. When I first came here, all by myself, my friends used to think i hit GOLD straight away. hell nah! I had to work really hard to be where I am today. Alot of sacrifices and dedication.
Enjoy ur day with ur mum..my kisses to her! MWAH! :)
it's not australia ..it's u..who've earned this...coz opportunity is always there in every country.. u just need to have power and urge to grab them and materialize..
happy for u...
aww ty SMM!
yes mine too! I sing that on Karaoke :) wanna listen? hehehehe...
let me not spoil the song for ya LOL!
u are definitely unique :)
Hi,Keshi-yes,that's how I used to feel.And,you know,I can understand why people feel this way-coz it's usually peer pressure-someone in the family is not keeping good health,the parents do not want you leaving the country,or some such reason.Even I had some of these pressures,which made me stay back in my first job in India for a long time.
But then,I think-even then,if a person is contented with what he is,where he is-well,good for him/her.But,why crib about those who took their risks,and left their homeland to secure a better future?
Good heavens-that's not a small sum by any measure.I say 'double hats off'to you,for this achievement.:)
ty Bro!
**it's not australia ..it's u..who've earned this...coz opportunity is always there in every country.. u just need to have power and urge to grab them and materialize..
no I dun believe that! AUSTRALIA played a BIG part in giving me the Uni admissions and the freedom to study and work here. This is the land of OPPORTUNITIES. ASUTRALIA recognised my CAPABILITIES and gave me CREDIT for em.
If I had waited in Sri Lanka for Campus admission I'd still be waiting! And even if I went thru Uni there, I wudnt be able to study with all the ragging, protests etc etc that ppl r already sick of. It takes many years to pass out of Campus in SL. They drag Politics into Unis and also, when it comes to jobs, its all abt WHO u know, not abt WHAT u know.
Sri Lanka is pretty bad in that. I dunno abt India tho.
Everyone is unique @Stygian :)
I m in India and M earning 20ks per month doing phd in a top university that has promised me a promising career..I m content..
and abt SL ..I won't comment much coz it's rite now torn in civil wars..and until it solves...it's tough life there... :)
aneways u r happy ..m happy...
:)and abt australia...I kno it's a beautiful land :)
we ve had our 'discussion' on that before and i beg to differ :)
ty Amit :)
**But,why crib about those who took their risks,and left their homeland to secure a better future?
Also someone called me TRAITOR. :) strange ha!
**Good heavens-that's not a small sum by any measure.I say 'double hats off'to you,for this achievement
yes! And even I cant believed I paid every cent back! I worked hard. but during that time, I was very ill too...for 6 months..cos I was overworked and stressed out!
ty Bro!
**I m in India and M earning 20ks per month doing phd in a top university that has promised me a promising career..I m content..
Thats great :)
I cant rem that discussion Stygian..lol seriously!
well "he whose memory never fails except during exams and dates" remembers. one of your previous posts, where your roman cronies took to stygian bashing lol
When you've achieved so much after a lot of sweat , you will value it more. :)
haha yes my memory is pretty sharp during Exams Only!
lol I rem that now ok!
hey HUGS Deepti n ty!
yes ur right...all of this required my blood, sweat and tears.
* I wish all countries to be like Australia, to give it's people the opportunities and the rights they so deserve as humans.
* when people think you have no respect or love for your motherland just cos you live outside
Respect and love don't mean ignoring or glorifying shortcomings and criticising others. Then it is just militant chauvinism.
Nice post... with bitter truths we don't like to see.
Best wishes for a more bright and prosperous future...
looking beyond nationality is always important..
me have a cartoon post..
do visit
I mean no matter what U do people will always try to malign u.
"First they laugh a you, then they critcize u, then they fight u and then u win." - Mahatma Gandhi
So ridiculous opposition is always there.
One should focus on what you can do.
Criticiam shold be Shift Deleted.
@keshi...super para..howz ur day going on??anymore retail therapy on the cards?
keshi will you jump with me from the plane??? huh??? we can both be paratroopers.... Lol... i jjust read the topic heading..I will comment to this in the evening..I got a holiday today...and think i should say more than just paratrooper thingy....
hugs paratrooper sister...
ty Stony for seeing BIGGER picture, once again!
**Respect and love don't mean ignoring or glorifying shortcomings and criticising others. Then it is just militant chauvinism.
I so agree! ppl love to drape a fake sense of RESPECT ard em by living in denial.
**Nice post... with bitter truths we don't like to see.
Yes! It was very hard for some ppl to accept that Australia gave me these opportunities. they even went to the length of saying that Australia had NO part in making me what I am today!
Must be very hard to accept the truth! :)
ty MIP! :)
commented already.
ty Tarun!
**"First they laugh a you, then they critcize u, then they fight u and then u win." - Mahatma Gandhi
haha good one! Love that quote.
**Criticiam shold be Shift Deleted.
infact I like contsructive criticism. but when its venomuos, I dun just shift-delete it, I spew a different kind of venom back at them...and that is the very TRUTH that they dun wanna SEE!
Good Mav :) its a very relaxing day here..
hey Sambyyyyyyyy HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! :)
I thought of u when I wrote this post..ur a true inspiration to me!
**keshi will you jump with me from the plane???
noooooooo! Keshi just gets outta the plane when it arrives at the airport? LOL!
btw read the LAST LINE in this post.
*MWAH* Hotter!
@keshi...lol..i can see that..u ve been really active today..so less workload today eh?
yep :)
@keshi...good...btw u were pretty thing during ur grad days eh??which company do u work for?
**btw u were pretty thing during ur grad days eh
not anymore ha? @mav lol!
it's interesting how one line/chain of thought can bring about 82 comments... each with his/her own appreciation and/or point of view.
That in itself is quite an affirmation that we are INDIVIDUALS... living out our lives.. moving from place to place.... each experience adding to the one before.
Loyalty, patriotism....I believe in. But that's not what your post was about. It was about a peek into your life down under and your adaptibility.
You've done a good job. I liked reading it.
@keshi...now to u r super gorgeous...
ty Arjun!
**we are INDIVIDUALS... living out our lives.. moving from place to place.... each experience adding to the one before.
well-said :)
o cmon Mav dun try to flatter me :)
@keshi..main to sach bolta hoon...ab logon ko achi lag jaati hai..
i speak the truth...sometimes people just like it :)
**sometimes people just like it
wut d u mean by SOMETIMES? :)
@keshi..its a dialogue from Singh is Kinng!!
and sometimes because,truth is not pleasant always..
oh ok Mav :)
yes the TRUTH aint pretty all the time or sweet to the ears.
@keshi...u didnt answer one of my questions in one of the comments...abt 2 - 3 comments before :)
o abt my company? why d u wanna know? :) its personal Mav.
ha keshi... check ur mail please... and well... please..its not that hard..we will jump together..dont wory it will not pain if sumthing goes wrong..well die before we feel the pain... so its a "WIN WIN " situation.. ROFLMAO... COME ON.. stop thinking of big blue lights..(super trouper) and be a real trooper
well done and well said!! ppl who sit far away and give judgments are worthless!! it is easy for them to say all that becoz give them this chance and they won't survive even a day!!!
don't let losers' words fail you and what you have achieved!!
keshi has sexy "company"..that is me and mav
@keshi...umm okie..naah..jus wanted to knw...probably even look for a job opportunity in the future :D :D
kidding...just wanted to knw..as i like to keep myself informed of where my frnds are working and all..
Now,you make me jealous babeh!! :(
Hey.do make a post about the places thre..ppleej.
(in case i come out of my studying and stuff..i ll be there to have a look :P)
its do easy to get all judgmental on ppl that live outside their country of origin.
The NRI's know the struggles...love for 2 countries, identity clashes, struggles and so forth.
Bah try that for size.
hey keshi..you don't have to answer anybody what have you done for your motherland..ppl you are asking such questions should first respond to that!!!
there's no harm in wanting a better life and then sweating it out and making a mark for yourself..jus like you did..kudos to you!!!
okies someone's on a backfoot here...
seems somebody irked u off royally :P
neways as i say...when in australia...do the australians...
thoda chill aunty...getting all hyper u r...eat less of chillies in ure food :P
Wudnt like to comment on wht other ppl wud think or say....like they did in ur last post. But yes i wud like to agree with one thing tht u r indeed a Super Paratrooper babe!and i m so proud to hav u as my friend. Watch out for my next post.....there's a dedicaton for u. :)
I have great admiration for people who have the courage the leave their homeland and build a new life elsewhere. Way to go, poppy doll-pearl!!
Beautiful post dear!You have come a long way because of all the hard work you have put in,and that's very appreciable.Self-made people stand out any day.I loved the grad pic of yours,so beautiful and elegant!Were you wearing a saree in it? :)
May the path ahead be as successful,if not more.May all your wishes comes true.Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Kelle!
you are indeed superb, brilliant and special ...
the 2nd pic is awesome ...
great to see you giving due respect and credit to Aussie land ...
hv a nice day ahd!!!
wow keshi
i absolutely loved ur post!!
ur gratitude owards Australia is commendable! not many ppl feel this way even fo their own country!
n yea samby sure deserves d dedication!
I'm so back :P
Just coz SOME ppl think so you wont be so... And there are ppl living in homeland (well.. India & Sri Lanka are all the same, right?) who admires you for the skills you possess.. :)
- A regular reader who never commented before! :)
Just want to make sure the first snap is urs.
U looked way too different.
i could so relate to what u wanna convey ...
awwww hugs baby am proud of u....
n just like u today whatever i am i must admit being in OZ for whatever lil time has surely contributed a lot in my life too, good bad ugly whatever.....but i've learnt from my experience n am more confident today n am happy today....
hey i didnt knwo you were a sri lankan and not an Australian? :P
and you are right you are super and special and its great to see you feel so much for an adoptive country and its not meant in a derogatory sense.... :)
here is to yo and your achievements!cheers!
btw love your graduation pic...
Kudos to you girl!!
your living life by your principles n u sure have come a long way...
waging tongues will always wag
they aint got nothing better to do!!
just enjoy life
live it the way you have
and stay happpy keshi!!! :)
there are so many things that worth special mention but if i mention them u'll have to re-read ur own blog...
success should not be measured by where we achieved it, the important thing is how we achieved it...usually most of those who fail to find opportunities or in fact grab when opportunities are around disregard when others gain it the way they have wanted...
lastly u r really a superb paratrooper...
Hey Keshi.....
Seems to me like someone trying to change your nature by various ways.
They don't like the way you write, the way you dress, the way you live outside your motherland.
Just forget all those stuffs.
Take a break from all of that and life will be more colorful at your end.
Don't feel stress because of that.
BTW you are right that in Australia you earn everything i.e. fame and name by your own and being oneself is always feel good factor.
Hats off to you Keshi babeh!!!
Keep rocking,
Hay how r u keshi dear.. I have missed lots of prev posts :(
Cos I know I'm superb, brilliant and SPECIAL.
Yes yes.. you are :)
I believe you get what you give.
Me tooooooooo..
So let people FO.. And you njoy ur life, wherever you are :) *HUGS*
Lovely pics!
Hay how r u keshi dear.. I have missed lots of prev posts :(
Cos I know I'm superb, brilliant and SPECIAL.
Yes yes.. you are :)
I believe you get what you give.
Me tooooooooo..
So let people FO.. And you njoy ur life, wherever you are :) *HUGS*
Lovely pics!
""I believe you get what you give.""
""Karma either pats or bites your back, depending on what you give out to life.""
""Cos I know I'm superb, brilliant and SPECIAL.""
Bravo!!! All the very best!!! Be happy and keep smiling always
many nods of agreement. I get some of the stuff you mentioned from people who are in India..it almost feels like a crime to be in the country that ruled us...and actually like living here!!
Good for you..realising potential and being a good human being is important..where you learn to become one is immaterial!
Nice blog you have here..
hey Paratroopers just come down but you not only go up but take all our morals also up with you.
Lovely to hear about your adopted country and the way you have been able to achieve your dreams there.
Good luck always!!!
P.S: Its nice to see someone give thanks where its due.
Keshi, Itotally understand and its not so easy to get educated and survive when you fly from a different continent. Great post.
hey baby...so many complaints...phew....well well we all know u r special n darlin in every way....take out all the bitterness from the heart for any n every one who had hurt u...coz ultimately you have reached where you wanted n that too because of ur hard efforts....remember every thing happen for the good...sometimes things fall apart in order to let other things fall in place....
the third pic says everything you said keshi :)
P.S.: i read the whole post :) It is just that that pic says it all :)
keshi..kudos to u for ur all accomplishments..!! great dear..
u got wide experiance and the best part is that you are sharing with the whole world...
keep writing keshi..
though at times cant keep up wth ur pace...
2nd pic... awesome!
u look so different n cool...
Keshi - The strongest
Outstanding post Keshi!:D
And beautifuuuuuul pictures!
****I glide down there and check it out for myself, and I realised wherever you go, people are people. And I have learnt to work and live with people from all over the world in peace and harmony. I think it takes alot more strength and courage to really do that than just judge from afar.
This part of your post truly captured my heart Keshi. i am totally with that and i agree with that. Most times, people naturally choose to jump the wagon without even realising what lies beneath the situation and person. A bad habit that all humans do conciously and unconciously.
lovely post! and i can't stop looking at those pics!
Cheerios! Lovez..
***When people judge you just cos you live outside your motherland, when people think you have no respect or love for your motherland just cos you live outside..........
I don't know keshi whether I include in that PEOPLE you mentioned. I am no one to Judge YOU and I never did that.
All I wanted to say was when there is a war b/w our motherland and the country we live, it'll be difficult for us to choose a side. If one lose the war and the other wins, whom will we be proud of?
That is what I meant by "But, if we are born in one country and brought up in another, then the case might be different"
I guess, Sol and you took it as a personal insult.
Hi Keshi
I'm so very proud to know you and happy to know we are "Friends"
You truly are superb, brilliant and special!!!!
If more people in this world had your wonderful self-esteem, the world would be a much better place.
Self-esteem makes us better people and more caring about the world and all the people in the world!
That I believe from the bottom of my heart and soul!!!!
You go Girl!!!!!!
Ms."Super ParaTrooper!"
You are AMAZING!!!!
Loved all your pictures!
Thanks for sharing them....my lovely friend!
Heading to work now, and I'm so glad I visited you before....
I'll be smiling all day now when I think about this very special post!
P.S Here is one of my favorite quotes.
" I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love, and abundance. Then whenever doubt, anxiety, or fear try to call me, they get a busy signal and soon they'll forget my number."
-Edith Armstrong.
Don't you think this is a great quote?....I have it on a bookmark and read it every day.
We have to be our own coach and cheerleader. It's ok to cheer ourself on.
We decide on what we want to think and feel and do and we make it happen.
Noone else but us!!!!
I'll always be there on your side ...Cheering for you!
TC Hun!
Hope you are having beautiful dreams now...you must be sleeping now as it's just a litle past 2:00 am there.
Jelousy manifests as anger. Isn't it a shame.
Hey, have you developed any tinge of australian accent? I'd be curious to see what Indian and Australian sound like.
Where IS samby? after i've come back from my hibernation (well sorta!), i've seen no clue of him. did i miss out on something?
you look real pretty in the sightseein picta. :)
and this is why i love you.... :)
Well dont we always face these different kinds of people...
one who no matter what want to try and survive and make way for themselves...no matter what it takes...having a life on edge is not an issue but an exhileration...
and on the other hand - lazy detractors who simply want to pull you down - whether its jealousy, sheer ignorance or blatant disregard for someone who wants to TRY...
All I say to people who bring someone like you or me down...who have moved to a distant land...is
"to acheive something that satisfies your soul you have to give up a lot of things that satisfies others souls"
Hey Keshi....
A slight disagreement with the post.
My belief is that we are the sum of our choices...if you had made the wrong choices .... be it in australia or in srilanka... you would have been worse off...would you have then blamed australia for your situation?
Here is hoping that you continue to make all the right choices...your post is surely an impressive testimonial to your abilities.
Reminds me of this dialogue in OSO
Itni shidaat se main tumhe paane ki koshish ki hai,
hi har zarre ne mujhe tumse milane ki saazish ki hai.
Chalo Cheers and take care!
you proved yourself to be a good person.. does it matter where you happened to do it..no, it does not :)
People who say you forgot your motherland, just have no idea what they are talking about and maybe are a little bit jealous of everything you have achieved in Australia :)
well i think we desis have a certain perception of how sum1s life is outside our own country...natives or not...and based on the same we make our own biased opinions on how sum1 is treated in the foreign land
but the thing is...its our perception thts based on half baked stories, some news from here n there...its not based on solid facts
guess this is post is an eye opener tht the world out thr is not as bad as its potrayed within a country!!! rite?
Hugz Keshi n loads a congrtultns and best wishes for everythn u have achivd n tht u wnna achiv
Pay no attention to people who say hurtful things. I firmly beleive that you can never comment on anyone till you have walked in their shoes atleast a day. Observations are often checkered, its best to leave them be
Congrats on all your acheivements btw :)!
u know keshi.. being self-made has it's own amazingness to it! really. u have every reason to be proud of everything u've achieved. i know how difficult it is to swim against the tide.
and i think it's your modesty and level-headedness that makes you appreciate the opportunities you got and thank the land that gave them to you. but kudos to u for making the most of them as well.
HUGS! :)
It all comes down to the Aussie attitude of accepting people for who they are and what they do.
It has always been that way. Hard Yakka ..... working together and achieve what ever it was that needed to be done. No should do this or do that just get on with it. It as these times that the talents of those around come to the fore.
Aussies have always been team orientated and they dont care what you look like or where ya from. All they want is for you to do the job at hand and then have a few beers afterwards.
Spirit of Aussies is accepting one and all and allowing their experiences, their knowledge to come forth.
Unfortunately, a minority want to bring their religious, political views and change the way we think.
Thamajority are to laid back to bother stopping the minority.
Love the pics? You available for dinner on Friday?
Hey Keshi. Sorry I'm so late getting around.
It's perfectly okay to love the country that has provided so much opportunity. But, that doesn't mean that you hate your home country!
you go girl..
ppl wont understand what we would have gone through to get in the psn that we are right now.. the struggles .. ppl dont get it..
but just end up saying.. oh look she's so lucky.. and she got what she wanted.. not that she has struggled to achieve it.. or knocked on all the doors to make sure that it worked and happened ..
oh well.. guess its the story of my life.. hehe :)
have posted the blog.. so do check..
...when people think you have no respect or love for your motherland just cos you live outside, when people think you're shallow and carry no responsibility just cos you live outside...
I've had an interestingly similar episode with my daughter. Even though she is only five years old she is fully aware of her Chinese heritage and whenever something is said about China on TV she instantly wants to know more about it. During the opening ceremonies of the Olympics she was enthralled with the display. My wife and I do our best to educate her in Chinese history and culture. My daughter lets nothing stand in her way and is open and friendly with everyone. The only thing that scares me about her is her total lack of fear. In a lot of ways I think you and her have a lot of similar traits.
Sorry I haven't been doing a lot of blogging lately. Suffering from a major sinus infection and I've been really feeling like a pile of poop. The headaches have been major and my blogging time has been measured in minutes, Should be back up to full steam in a couple of more days.
Yes, yes, welcome to our country.
You're fabulous.
Now, can you play hockey ??
I've heard you people are excellent hockey players and we're in desperate need of a good shooter...
claps the way u explined wat u felt abt being ....i am a big fan of that same atitude which takes half of my bad part away...:)...and i think i should come to aus to prove myself to ..;)...wil u allow me to stay at ur home..;)...
haha hot Paratrooper! :)
**we will jump together
this sounds like a Suicide pact. LOL!
Im not scared to die but Im scared of heights :):)
ok, so Im with the hottest 'Trooper on Earth, why wud I be scared right? I really wud jump with ya cos its YOU.
aww ty Deepz!
**it is easy for them to say all that becoz give them this chance and they won't survive even a day
LOL! yeah, its not easy as it looks.
Hey Supa Troopa ;-)
**keshi has sexy "company"..that is me and mav
hehe thats true!
hey Mav :)
**as i like to keep myself informed of where my frnds are working and all..
oh ok...I'll tell ya one day hehe..
hey Crystal!
**in case i come out of my studying and stuff..i ll be there to have a look
r u sure u wanna be in a land where ppl r 'FREE' to 'BOOZE'?
Cos in Sourish's (DayDreamer's) latest post, ur opinion was different abt countries like Aus.
ty LaVida, u know the drift :)
And these ppl dun even know it, but hv very loud opinions abt NRIs!
tnxx hun!
ty Rahul!
**ppl you are asking such questions should first respond to that
I agree :)
hey Mystique!
Aunty? r u in the wrong blog? lol!
**neways as i say...when in australia...do the australians...
its true that u respect and obey the country's laws n ways. But that doesnt mean ur forgetting ur roots and culture. Im still very Sri Lankan in many ways :)
I go to the Buddhist temple, I love Sinhalese musical shows, I wear the saree to Sri Lankan weddings, I speak Sinhalese at home, we cook SL food at home, we celebrate SL/Indian festivals here too etc etc...
Alot of ppl dun see all this and they brand us as TRAITORS just cos we live overseas. Sad lot.
OMG Ria that post had me in awe. TY BABEZ MWAHHHHHHH! :)
Im so lucky to hv such an amazing, unbiased and SENSIBLE friend like u. Blogville has alot of pretenders but ur REAL. And Im glad I came across ur beautiful soul.
ty Saffy dolly :)
**I have great admiration for people who have the courage the leave their homeland and build a new life elsewhere
yes..and that dun always work. Some fail and return home. But Im glad Im a SUCCESS here in Aus.
.a tree grows on soil...a harsh storm comes and kills the plant and washes away the soil it stood on. After the storm, in few weeks, sun shines on this same tree that now lays dead...it gets woken up by the new weather...cos it's ROOTS still stand on that soil...and it slowly comes back to life.
The tree and soil continues the connection between em, amidst chaotic weather. :)
...and this is why i love you that much more.....amazing.....wow...thank you..
aww ty Sameera HUGGGGGGZ!
**Self-made people stand out any day.
I agree. My family was there to support me right throughout my tough times. But I also had alot of financial probs and many emotional struggles.
At one point I was going house-hunting and I only had few thousand dollars saved in my bank (earned from work while studying too). I had to buy everything from scratch...I bought everything and that left me with $0 in my balance that day. But my salary came ard next day, and I started to save again.
Never was I hungry, never was I homeless and I paid my fees too...I personally met the Chief Accountant at my Uni, cos I needed TIME to pay my fees and they dun usually allow that. But he spoke to me, listened to wut I had to say, most of all BELIEVED IN ME, and granted me time. I can still rem that day...me in my blue jumper and denims, sitting at his office, explaining to him where I was at...he trusted me and for that Im grateful!
It was a really tough few years Sameera, but somehow I made it. And now Im enjoying my rewards for being so patient and hard-working. :)
And some ppl who read my blog hv no idea abt any of this. They think God showered me EVERYTHING just like that outta the sky!
**I loved the grad pic of yours,so beautiful and elegant!Were you wearing a saree in it?
yes! :) My mum wanted me to wear the saree and I thought why not...Im from Sri Lanka, let me show my Uni where I come from. When I went on stage to receive my certificate, all eyes were on me...cos I was the ONLY girl in saree. I was a bit nervous tho. And afterwards at the tea party, Aussie and other students that dun even know me, came upto me and told me how elegant and lovely the saree was! I was thrilled :)
But for my Masters' graduation, I wore a skirt and a top.
tnxx hun!
i agree...ppl entertain opinions abt othr nations wthout bein' aware of nethng abt dem...
ty Hiren!
**you are indeed superb, brilliant and special ...
And I hope u know that I didnt say that to boast or brag abt my achievements :)
There is a reason why I wrote that line. Cos when ppl r too hard on u for no good reason, when ppl try to put u down for no fault of ur's, u can only do one thing...
Appreciate urself, give credit that u so deserve and show them wut u've got. :)
And thats what i did by that line. I stopped to give myself some credit that she so deserves.
ty Gunj HUGS!
**not many ppl feel this way even fo their own country!
I agree. ppl r sooo frozen.
Im good Crystal, hope the same with u :) tnxx!
hey Vivek WC n tnxx!
I agree..just cos they say so, I wont be so. :)
ty Tarun!
**Just want to make sure the first snap is urs.
U looked way too different
I looked too thin back then. eeeeeeks!
ty Mia HUGS!
**but i've learnt from my experience n am more confident today
and thats all that matters in the end. grab the GOOD THINGS in life no matter where u r! :)
aww ty Phoenix!
**hey i didnt knwo you were a sri lankan and not an Australian?
haha cute!
apart from me hvn some supa BLONDE moments, do I look like I hv blonde hair and blue eyes? :)
ty for the sweet encouragement Aaarti MWAHHHHHHHZ!
if u let ppl brand u...they will use hot irons and use symbols tht hurt more than the iron...
ty Thinker!
**success should not be measured by where we achieved it, the important thing is how we achieved it...
true but look at this way. u may hv all the skills in the world but wut good r they if u dun hv the OPPORTUNITIES to demonstrate ur skills? And in Sri Lanka, I'd never hv got the opportunities that Aus gave me. Trust me when I say that, cos I hv lived there and I know the shit that ppl r facing there cos of the race/status/political issues etc etc on a daily basis. Chances r, had I lived in SL, I wudnt even be alive today. Bombs explode every couple of days even in the City.
**usually most of those who fail to find opportunities or in fact grab when opportunities are around disregard when others gain it the way they have wanted...
I agree its in the WAY we conquer em all but I also believe the PLACE matters. Some ppl can hv all the luck in the world but end up not getting where they want to get in life, just cos of the PLACE they live.
ty :)
hey ty Tejas :)
no one can get to me. I know that and Im proud of it.
aww ty Prachi!
I just wanted to send em a msg thru this post. thats all. lol!
ty Maddy!
Sometimes we've all got to stop and give ourselves some CREDIT that we so deserve. And thats wut I did thru this post :)
ty and WC here Morpheus!
U living in UK must irk some idiots. Dun mind em at all :) they r just jealous.
**realising potential and being a good human being is important..where you learn to become one is immaterial
Well-said! Realising potential itself is a skill.
ty Pinku HUGS! :)
Priya I knew u'd u'stand. Cos u've been there, done that. :) HUGS n ty!
aww ty Parul HUGS!
So many ppl here didnt know this abt me...thats why I had to stop and tell em how I got to where I am today. Cos most of em were prolly thinking I just had it all from the day I was born. *rolling eyes* :)
**....remember every thing happen for the good...sometimes things fall apart in order to let other things fall in place....
I so agree. Well-said! Love that last line. HOW TRUE!
hey ty Vish!
** i read the whole post :) It is just that that pic says it all
good one! It summarises it well doesnt it. After all wut matters is not WHERE u came from...wut matters is HOW u do things.
ty Vinu!
**u got wide experiance and the best part is that you are sharing with the whole world...
It's imp to share our experiences with the world...I guess thats the best gift I can give to the world :)
ty Iceman!
**u look so different n cool...
I luv that pic too. Cos I didnt pose for it (for a change, lol!)...a friend called my name from behind me, and I just turned. And he took the pic just like that!
Hobo tnxx!
but I dun think Im the strongest...I just BELIEVE I am :)
aww ty Amy MWACKKKKZ!
**Most times, people naturally choose to jump the wagon without even realising what lies beneath the situation and person.
I agree. When we look at someone, we dun see all the hard work and sleepless nights behind that success.
Over the years I hv met, studied and worked with Chinese, Aussie, Vietnamese, Greek, Turkish, English, South African, Canadian, Indian, Singaporean, Malaysian, Russian, Kiwi, African, Italian, Paksitani, Bangladeshi, El Salvadorian, Spanish etc etc ppl.
Every one of them contributed richly to my personality. I hv GROWN cos of the contact with these ppl from all over the world. To me thats enough to keep me grounded and happy. :)
Same goes to multi-cultural Blogville too!
Aneesh why d u always take it upon YOURSELF when I say PEOPLE? :)
**All I wanted to say was when there is a war b/w our motherland and the country we live, it'll be difficult for us to choose a side. If one lose the war and the other wins, whom will we be proud of?
And now whoever talked abt a WAR? lol Aneesh! wuts this abt?
hey Aneesh chillax :)
I didnt talk abt any WAR in this post. Did u not see anything else in this post that u cud comment on? or is it that u just didnt want to?
no worries :) n tnxx!
Well-said there hun! Self-esteem and self-confidence r some assets that we all should cherish and protect.
**We have to be our own coach and cheerleader. It's ok to cheer ourself on.
Spot on! thats exactly wut I was doing thru this post.
when ppl seem to judge me with no idea abt how I got to where I am today, I show em what I am made of...and I give credit to myself that I so deserve. Its imp to do that. Cos no one else does it for u.
*HUGZ* love that quote too..so very true!
U hv a beautiful day ahead and I know u TRULY care abt me Margie. I can sense it just like that :)
ty Mike and hey WC :)
Jealousy has no cure either hehe...
**Hey, have you developed any tinge of australian accent?
oyess! my SL friends tell me that I hv a 'weird' accent now lol! :):) I swear Im not faking it!
aww ty BW!
is in the Indian Army now :)
And I luv ya too Lisa cos u can u'stand my heart!
ty Ceedy!
**one who no matter what want to try and survive and make way for themselves...no matter what it takes...having a life on edge is not an issue but an exhileration...
I so agree! Only one who had done it, wud know how liberating it is.
**and on the other hand - lazy detractors who simply want to pull you down - whether its jealousy, sheer ignorance or blatant disregard for someone who wants to TRY...
Met so many of em! ppl who simply dun hv any compliments..just insults only.
**"to acheive something that satisfies your soul you have to give up a lot of things that satisfies others souls"
Wow that was profound! so very true. Everyone is different and everyone carries different dreams.
ty Ceedy and I truly admire ya for being successful in the US and for standing up for urself too! KUDOS TO YA!
hey ty SunRays!
**My belief is that we are the sum of our choices...if you had made the wrong choices .... be it in australia or in srilanka... you would have been worse off...would you have then blamed australia for your situation?
I agree with u there, its in the choices we make. But the place matters for the availability of Opportunities. I may make all the right choices but for me to do that, I hv to hv the Opportunities in the first place! Right? :) And if Sri Lanka isnt giving me that opportunity, I will fly somewhere else to find it. And thats what I did.
And that Hindi dialogue sounds great but I cant u'stand Hindi :( can u translate plz? tnxx!
aww ty Lena :)
I agree...they dun know HOW I got here. Hence this post, so now they will KNOW.
ty Div for being so honest!
**but the thing is...its our perception thts based on half baked stories, some news from here n there...its not based on solid facts
I agree. And thats so unfair. I hate it when ppl brand certain countries/races as racist etc etc. When in real its not COMMUNITIES that r racist, just INDIVIDUALS. ppl need to get out of their countries and really live outside to test it out. Cos I hv met some really lovely Aussies as well as some really nasty Sri Lankans/Indians etc, and vice versa! So, in the end, its not the origins..its the INDIVIDUAL.
*HUGZ* tnxx for the encouragement Div!
hey ty Anu!
**I firmly beleive that you can never comment on anyone till you have walked in their shoes atleast a day
I so agree! Well-said.
ty Raysh HUGS!
** i know how difficult it is to swim against the tide.
yes! and some ppl think I got it all laid out in a beautiful platter and straight away too :)
Im glad u u'stand me!
ty Steve HUGZ!
**It all comes down to the Aussie attitude of accepting people for who they are and what they do. It has always been that way. Hard Yakka
definitely that! Im not saying that just cos its believed to be that, but Im saying that cos of my own experiences with Aussies. They just GET ON WITH IT!
**Aussies have always been team orientated and they dont care what you look like or where ya from.
thats the true spirit of Aussies. They just want the work done and thats all that matters..not ur origins or skin color or the language u speak.
Mateship and Team spirit hv taken Australia a long way, eversince the first immigrants and convicts settlement here. They all worked hard to bring Australia to what she is today. The LAND OF PLENTY.
**Unfortunately, a minority want to bring their religious, political views and change the way we think.
I agree. And it annoys me to the core! I dun u'stand why ppl come to this land if they wanna still be so strongly bound by their religions and 'limitations' that they actually wanna change the Aussie ways! Thats too much to ask.
ty Jay :)
**But, that doesn't mean that you hate your home country!
exactly my point!
Ans just cos I pointed out some things abt Sri Lanka that need to be FIXED, that doesnt mean Im UNPATRIOTIC!
ty Ani HUGS!
**but just end up saying.. oh look she's so lucky.. and she got what she wanted.. not that she has struggled to achieve it.. or knocked on all the doors to make sure that it worked and happened
exactly! Instead they think I had it all given to me FREE from day one!
hey BB get well soon HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**My daughter lets nothing stand in her way and is open and friendly with everyone. The only thing that scares me about her is her total lack of fear. In a lot of ways I think you and her have a lot of similar traits.
hehe Im honored u compared ur lil daughter's fearlessness and curiosity to Keshi's major tanties hehehe. tnxx!
I think she will turn out brilliant. Trust me.
Cos if one is not afraid to seek and speak the truth, there's nothing else left to FEAR.
ty Fingers!
so r u welcoming with the middle finger up? very Aussie btw. LOL!
**Now, can you play hockey ??
not even for my life lol!
lol Hemanth I dun live in a home..I live in a blog. hahahaha!
u too Kaylz!
heyyy Lisa!
That tree-soil example came to my mind cos of YOUR qn in ur blog. So I really hv to thank YOU! cos u made me think :)
ty n HUGS!
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