Thursday, May 11

Taste-Buds' Rights

I have been branded a dead-body-eating evil person :( Is this fair now? Just cos Im a non-vegetarian human being, I have been subjected to so much humiliation, SOBBBBBZ! Don't get me wrong, though I'm a non-veg I simply respect and admire the self-control and discipline vegetarians carry within them. But that doesnt make me less of a human being, does it? I mean, as much as I would like to be a vegetarian, I simply can' me greedy,weak, evil, worldy and what-not...but I'm human after all. I have pleasures that I'd like to fulfill while I'm alive, as long as they don't harm another human being. While I don't go kill lambs and chicken with my own hands, as long as they are provided in the market, I will tantalize my taste buds with them. Don't you drink water when you're thirsty? Don't you kiss your partner when you're hungry for love? Don't you eat what you like when you crave for something? It's something like that. I eat chicken when I feel like chicken, simply cos I have been brought up to eat meat eversince I was a baby and I love the taste of chicken.

Now I understand that we as humans have a better brain to decide what's wrong and right etc but is eating meat a wrong thing to do? Does it make you less of a human being? I don't believe that people should refrain from eating meat for religious reasons (even though I come from a Buddhist/Hindu background and I have lots of loved-ones fasting based on such a theory). While I may be a kind soul, I'm certainly not a nun! I mean if it's ok for us humans to have sex and call it a right/need, I guess the rights of the taste-buds should also be respected as long as it doesn't violate human rights. My conscience says that what matters is the color of the heart and not the taste in your mouth. Who says that ONLY non-veg people have animalistic qualities? I know a dozen of veg people in my own circle who are selfish, mean and greedy in their own ways. So it's not really whether you're vegetarian or non-vegtarian that matters. Both sectors have good and bad people. What matters is your thoughts, words and actions towards others. While I love animals (and I don't kill them), I dont consider killing animals for human survival is such a terrible thing. Imagine we didn't have any non-veg people in this world? It'll be a world full of animals trying to overtake humans and it could be quite a choatic place to live. If eating a living-thing is wrong, then I guess eating fruits and vegetables is also wrong. Only cos they have Life too, until you pick them :) If we are to become so pure as not to eat meat and call meat-eaters evil, then I guess such people need to wear robes and meditate in the woods - no sex, no alcohol, not even strip-club visits lol (yes I'm looking at Stud haha)! Please feel free to say whatever you have to say here - I wont be mad. I would really like to hear all of your honest thoughts on this. But no fighting intelligent debate would be appreciated.

117 Cranium Signets:

The Phosgene Kid said...

There's nothing wrong with eating meat, so to speak. Just one of the unwritten laws of nature - Life is short if you taste good.

Jim said...

Grrrrrrrrrr !
i cant promise to be gentle wid the STUD

we flesh eaters when we get mad
we really turn animal

i gott the taste for blood
and i aim to tear him apart from limb to limb ....

he wont be a STUD no more
even dat will be torn to pieces and fed to the crows

Jim said...

no comments yet?

Keshi said...


**Life is short if you taste good.

hehe that goes for humans too I guess...I mean the better the person is, the sooner he/she dies :(


ur acting like a typical meat-eater now lol!

no name-calling or animalistic behavior now :):)


Keshi said...

This is not to humiliate's for general discussion and our own knowledge...rem that folks.

Stud join in plzzzz :)


Jim said...

Life is short if you taste good.

i tink STUD will taste good

Phosgene kid, r u with us or against us

speak up

uttara said...

wat wud ppl call a cannibal then ...he he he
there r sooo many ppl like that who go out of their religion to do anything of these sorts .. its just a human likes and dislikes ... for me if i dont like anything i wudnt wanna say it on any1's face while eating and secondly its non of my business ...
there are too many inter cast marriage n ppl have to change( most of them do ) to eat cos of their survival,
now if killing n eating is crime .. then there r too many ppl who hunt animals just for the sake of fun or hobby ... ( eg. salman khan ... he got imprisoned cos he is a star n they created a Havoc on the same ) but tell me there r soo many people who do it just for the kick .. n ya i do know few of them ..

but ya there is nothing wrong ... its just a persons likes n dislikes thats it ...

whoeva told u abt this .. wat will he tell ppl who eat non veg day in n day out ...loll ya i know one person here ... Raj:p

missed u loadsssss

Keshi said...

Saby I said this aint a calm side-taking...just discuss...

no winners or losers...just a happy discussion okk??


Jim said...

no sitting on the fence guys
state your position

needless to say
if u dont agree wid the blog goddess

u wont find a place in her harem of studs

one STUD has already been kicked out

Keshi said...


Uttsy mwahhhhhh I missed ya tonz! The net was so empty w.o. ya! GOSHHHHHH!

I agree...ppl do so many things just for kicks...and wut abt sex then? lol!

yeah bring out the best tiger in this blog world...SOUTH yeyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Keshi said...


ur so wrong...I aint so biased :(

If u dun agree with me, then thats just it...I dun kick anyone out...goshhh! And Stud is still my Stud okkkk...:)


Jim said...

we christian missionaries have converted the cannibals too

they wont eat u on Friday Uttara
they only eat fishermen on Fridays

Jim said...

dis one is for the STUD

wat about our veg jawans who are trained to kill the enemy ?

is dat OK ?

Keshi said...


**wat about our veg jawans who are trained to kill the enemy ?

good question...hmmm any answers?


Keshi said...

btw Saby no fighting now ok??


uttara said...


only on friday ?????? hahahha
if thats the case i wud be dead by now ..:p

Vishnu said...

is our stomach graveyard? (no offesne meant)

why it has been said tat people shld not to have take meat or whatever NV coz of reducing count of the species(Ecological footprint)


Jewel Rays said...

What matters is your thoughts, words and actions towards others.

this speaks for my thoughts on ya post.

Great statement.:)

Keshi said...


hey mate :)

**is our stomach graveyard? (no offesne meant)

nope...cos whatever we eat doesnt stay there stagnating digests and turn into vitamins and other nutrition we need for survival, doesn it? Well look t it this way...if we die some day, other Earth animals will start eating our flesh's called the survival of the fittest :)

**why it has been said tat people shld not to have take meat or whatever NV coz of reducing count of the species(Ecological footprint)

I didnt u'stand that clearly..can u elaborate on it, thanks :)


hey Amy thanks :)


Keshi said...

And ppl honestly think abt this...if u go to the woods and a Tiger/Lion sees ya...will they let u be? If u swim in the ocean and a shark comes across ya, will it save ur life? :)


Pradeep Puranik said...


But wait a minute... Are you telling me that somebody will judge me human or not, based on what I love to eat?

Well, I love eating well-cooked chicken, mutton, and pork! I also love several kinds of exotic seafood. I love a lot of veg. items as well, but this is just to show that I also appreciate non-veg.

Does that mean I am less human? I don't care!

Yeah, bite me! LOLz

Good post, Keshi!

Dalicia said...

being a vegetarian is not easy.
anyways, i like my meal to have more veggies and less meat. but i can't avoid it in my diet.

there are some ppl that eat exotic animals. but then i eat beef and chicken. doesn't make me any better than them. but, don't go out there and hunt exotic animals for your own purpose! :P such as sex drive or to prove that you're something.

only problem that i have with people that i try hard to tolerate their diet. and then, they give me a lecture how i'm wrong and that i don't understand what "vegetarian" is all about.

eg. i made this salad for my friend. she didn't eat it, because she said all my utensils and cookware were touched by meats.

i pick a vegetarian restaurant. they said they're "VEGAN" not vegetarian...

anyways, i give up with ppl. it's not so much about the food. it's the ppl's attitude towards it. :P

Dalicia said...

maybe they're angry because they're not getting enough sex! hahaha

Keshi said...


**Are you telling me that somebody will judge me human or not, based on what I love to eat?

well if Im considered to be having dead bodies in my stomach, then Im judged that way na :(

**Does that mean I am less human? I don't care!

lol I like ur gutsy attitude Pradeep! Way to go :)

thanks n huggggggggggggz!


first of all my dearest, why cant I see ur blog anymore? the profiel page is there but the blog link isnt...wuts wrong?

** i made this salad for my friend. she didn't eat it, because she said all my utensils and cookware were touched by meats.

while I respect how each and everyone wants their food prepared, I think thats a bit too much..I have cousins who do the same thing...they dun eat from my place cos we cook meat at out house. Well no hard feelings...its what they want na...

**. they said they're "VEGAN" not vegetarian...

whats that? is it something abt not eating things that grow below the Earth?? Any ideas anyone?

**maybe they're angry because they're not getting enough sex!

lol hope not :)


uttara said...

muahhhh ya i too missed u :*

n ya 2de he is hunting some roasted chicks;) loll


Die Muräne said...

**it'll be a world full of animals trying to overtake humans and it could be quite a choatic place to live...

hahaha, that's so funny, I can't believe!

My grand-pa had his own little farm. He didn't give the pig to a butchery. The butcher came to the farm and did his job right there. And everyone, from me as a little kid, to the old grand-ma, had to help. Hard work, but also a big event for me then.

Yes, I like meat, and I killed many animals. Meat doesn't grow in the supermarket. But what I learned from my grand-pa is, how to treat an animal good, also if you gonna eat it. I don't like all these animal-farms, where the animal are treaten like things. Thats the bad stuff!

For the other side, think: If human, animal, vegetation, stone or water... there is the SAME life in everything.

ishipishi said...

this is an issue to debate??? huh? Food is Food...and everyone's entitled to catering to their own taste buds!!....

honestly i was laughing reading sum of the stuff...comments about meat eaters...

I know vegetarians around me and they have no probs wid what i eat! and as for Vegans...i met a nice couple who are "vegans" when i visited my brother in the states and i rem i celebrated my b'day there and they were sweet enough to get me a cake:)...pure vegetarian!! and i ended up cutting two cakes!:)...

i fail to understand why ppl get sensitive and intolerant about other ppl's food habits! No one's forcing them to eat the it veg or non veg! edible...or not!!...

sometimes i get d feeling some ppl just like to rake up issues...logical or illogical...rational or irrational!


and keshi:)..what else is on? besides the usual controversies over ur posts...*grin* lemme read other posts i've missed in the past few days!...

SamY said...

** My conscience says that what matters is the color of the heart and not the taste in your mouth

so why ryu so worrier about others if ur convinced thyself?

right and wrong is talking in absolutes ... humans r social animals bound to taste n pleasure ... not absolutes ... n u dun have to be all to finiky about hurting other (unless u'd feel bad doing so :p)

just trip on life as long as U wudn't feel bad about anything u'v done :), so gallop ur way thru life ;)

Scoot said...

whenever i get called what you got called...I stop eating non veg for a month.
So here goes...

Keshi dear,am tired ...sorry for not commenting regularly but I will soon as I get back on my feet
take care

kumarldh said...

Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.
So first of all only U will see my comment and If u found that this guy's comments don't suck U will publish.
But I will make my comment suck anc U will publish it
this is a sucking comment. :P
I too love non-veg stuff. Am brahmin by caste and pplm who know me closely say man U r a daemon. So is my profile ID.
Eating veg or non veg doesnt mean that u r good or bad.
Its ur innerself that makes U good or bad. My inner doesnt find anything bad so I can diet on chicken or mutton.
Simply Cheers!!!

Jim said...


by the way Hitler was a veggie

Jim said...

I think it's important that we make clear here that we don't particularly care if these famous and infamous people were actually vegetarians; there is plenty to dispute Hitler's allegedly vegetarian status, as there is questioning the common assertion that Jesus was a vegetarian.

The list goes on and on: Einstein, Schweitzer and (uggh!) Madonna have variously been claimed as vegetarians, and then had their status questioned.

The point to us is that it doesn't matter whether the brilliant, the virtuous, the demonic or the fabulously wealthy were or were not vegetarians:

the decision not to eat meat is a fantastic one regardless, and one that shouldn't be influenced by whether a beloved historic figure or a trendy pop icon is claimed to be one.

So if you want to be offended, that's your prerogative, but remember that vegans are allowed to have fun sometimes, too.

Jim said...

i goofed Keshi

dat post was pro-veggie

Jo said...

Uff! Whoever branded you with that ridiculous name, show your middle finger up to them. :-)

Its like they think we are some hunters or something. I don't have any respect for people who have hunting as a hobby. They kill for the pleasure of killing. Being a non-veg is not like that.

If eating a living-thing is wrong, then I guess eating fruits and vegetables is also wrong. Only cos they have Life too, until you pick them


And I have no respect to those who pretend as animal lovers who would save a kitten when they are found on the road, but would cleverly avoid if they see a human fighting for life on the road after an accident or something.

I put humans first.

Shriedhar said...

Tht was so close to my thinking.
wot u said is very true, infact i had sm arguments wid my veggie frns desperately trying to convart them :)

My contetion is the same: If eatin non veg is a crime then
1)drinking mil/coffee and any other products of milk is a crime too. Tht milk is intended for the cattle to grow their herds. Don't they have any rights?? Are we asking any permissions wid the cattle??

2)Eating vegitables is equally big crime. As u said we r killing life here.

I strictly believe everything has a purpose in this world. So is the case wid hens/lambs/goats/vegitables n wotever. They r just created as the food to smbody capable of eating it.

It shd go tht way coz otherwise as u said the harmony of the world will be disturbed.

Had the creator wished the chicken/lamb/goat is not to be eaten by humans, he should have told tht to the world by simply making all humans die who eat some flesh. Tht way nobody wud hv touched 'em again.

But, tht's not the case. He accepted we eating nonveg. Infact he created them for tht purpose.

Thanx keshi, for u expressed exactly wot i feel abt nonveg thru ur very famous blog :)

Unknown said...

Coming from a vegetarian background myself..I dnt see any harm in being a non-vegetarian. There are certain people from the vegetarian community who act like our Indian Censor Board! Its a basic law of nature - the food chain that has to maintained to prevent ecological imbalance. You can't shout 'Murder' after spending thousands on leather products. It's just a pseudo-moralistic behaviour which needs to be done away with.

As for killing defenseless innocent animals, I think that's a jaded mentality. The wheat we eat and the salad that nourishes us is also 'killed' from plants.!!

Being a Veggie or otherwise is a matter of personal choice and there is no sin involved in it.

PuNeEt said...

I have been branded a dead-body-eating evil person :(
gosh thats unfair
only dead-body...
i guess u eat people alive ;-)
hahahha rofl
ok before u have me for dinner lemme cool u down ;-)

eat wat ever u feel like...
its ur life... live the way u want..
y ru concerned what others have to say...
I never had non-veg in my life coz i was never grown up like that... and I never felt to have it...
I'm happy the way I'm...
it doesnt matter wat people think abt me :-)
its their perception :-)

go ahead and rock on poor chickens ;-) lol

BTW what sex has got to do with eating habbits...
so far ur not forcing the other person to have sex with u, it has no comparison with non veg ;-)
lol hahhaa

gosh I'm so sarcastic ;-)

After ages I'm getting chance to pull this aussie babez leg ;-)
I'm enjoying it


I'm running hard now... coz Keshu will chase me with a chopper in her hand ;-)


Ekta said...

Well keshi,
Am a non veg too--and I do respect animals and would never hurt one intentionally!
But I dont feel morally or ethically low in any way if I eat meat.
As you put it, I like it and I eat it--I dont think there is anything wrong with it.
There are animals who east human beings too--is that also morally debatable?;-)
I'd say chill--dont bother urself with issues like these--uv got one life make the most of it!
People are entitled to their views and you are entitled to yours!

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I tried to be a vegeterian but couldn't make it stick. However, this was a personal choice. I didn't try to thrust it on everybody else.
I loathe factory farming (check out but am fully supportive of family farms.
My great grandfather was a butcher. He was a firm believer in using humane methods when slaughtering animals for food. He was from Lithuania, and had been a lieutenant in the Czar's army. Things were pretty tough sometimes, so believe me when I say that he learned to use every part of the animal that was even remotely edible! No wonder my father is the kind of guy that enjoys spleen stew, kidney pie, blood sausage and head cheese--things that make me retch just thinking about them!
My grandfather was a veterinarian, primarily for large animals. He taught my father to be very respectful of animals. But he wasn't a vegeterian.
My father and brother both hunt. Not using high-power semi-automatic weapons, or other cheating ways of hunting. They are true sportsmen about it. While I sometimes find the things Ted Nugent says irritatingly right-wing, he has a true sportsman's attitude about hunting and having respect for the animals that he hunts.
From the Cherokee part of my heritage I can speak to the fact that American Indians have always believed in being respectful and giving thanks to the animal that is providing food. I resent those people who say that all people who eat meat are "barbaric." Humans are omnivores. We can make a choice not to eat meat but it isn't right to condemn those people who still see fit to do so.
And those are my possibly inflammatory opinons!

Unknown said...

hmm.. u said it right.. it all depends on what we individuals like and what we want..
Being from Kerala, where every TDH eats fish n meat, I chose to be a pure vegetarian by choice...
I've seen surprises in many of my friends faces when I say am a veggie..
regarding the non-veg eaters, I don't mind any of my friends or family members eating non-veg.. cos I respect their choices too..
and almost all of my relatives can't live without non-veg :D

veggie eaters r gud ppl n non-veg eaters r ppl with animal instincts.. all these talks r jus crap... all tht matters is our choice.. we chose and live by it... as simple as tht.. :)

Enchanted Mind said...

hmmm interesting....

I know of this argument against vegetarians about plants having life...
That apart, its the law of nature to maintain the ecological balance......

but that has been defied with more human beings than is ever needed by this world(and 1/7th of it in India alone :-( )

so, should humans kill and eat or not while animals do the same and is mandated so by nature?

Well, same nature has given us something more - sixth sense that other species dont have.....Probably we should learn to use them....guess we dont actually use it at all - Ah, humans !!!

I'm ok as long as it is for survival ! Thats the law of nature.

But keshi, as you said, you indulge yourself, that is you eat it for pleasure. That according to me is not law of nature !

No animals, except humans kill for pleasure! Now wats your opinion on that?

Enchanted Mind said...

Ah, I tried a long comment and it didnt get posted...jsut putting a summary of my comment for your thought and reply !!

"There aint no animals who kill and eat for pleasure other than humans!"

Law of nature is only to kill for survival, not for pleasure !

I know that plants have life argument, I'm not gonna say antything about it though !

Anonymous said...

" I come from a Buddhist/Hindu background"! woah! ? How so?

karmic said...

Oh no a veggie non veggie fight? Just wait till the vegans join in! ;-)

I respect the right of people to eat what they want. My general philosohy..let be and let me be.

Vipul said...

Don't you kiss your partner when you're hungry for love?
ya true

i am not a big non veggie! hell am still a veggie for my parents but still...

But nywyz if chicks and hens dont eat humans or their babies why do u have to do tat!

And besides tat why do u want to make ur body a graveyard of dead animals!
u mite end up having nitemares of the chicks u ate and their souls haunting ya day and nite;)

rebel_on_loose said...

Hmmm yet another controversial issue....especially in India where there r almost same no of ppl on both sides of the divide!
Hehe...firstly lemme specify tht i wasn't a Veggie till recently coz i loved animals....but coz i HATED vegetables.Lol,it's a different story tht now once in a while i hate chickens too ;)
But hey...u can't justify this by saying tht man is a natural carnivore(like lions and sharks)...since nature hasn't provided us with the razor-sharp canines or claws which most carnivore mammals have.
Having said that,in the end, wht really matters is personal choice....and neither party shud try to force their views on the other....
Speaking for myself,well i have started experimenting with non-veg for sumtime now....but somehow i feel my concsience won't allow me to continue it for too long!

Arun Gopalan said...

Most of the veggies in India are out of 'tradition' and not personal values. I have met veggies in the UK (2 of them) who dont eat meat and even egg because they think its bad, whereas everybody else at their homes do eat. Now thats some control :)


Praveen R. said...

i have alwiz said this and i'll say it far as im concerned, being a genuinely kind soul and a good samaritan is all one needs to be pure...but if ppl want to abstain from eating meat over and above that..ill respect their desicion by all means..

I do eat non-veg as well (duh!)...but sometimes when im the mood to eat something lighter ill go for depends on my mood...

but knowing the amount of toxins and hormones injected into ur the animals u consume can be scary...thats y i choose to be ignorant about it....yeah yeah...i know ignorance is no bliss....but hey, a mans gotta eat


"I have pleasures that I'd like to fulfill while I'm alive, as long as they don't harm another human being."

Whats the issue. Tomorrow I can call all the vegetable eating people herbivorus animals. Plants are living things too!!

To each their own. I will however object if people kil people and eat each other. Eating flesh dates back to very historical times when nomads would use their crude weapons and hunt some animal and eat its flesh. It is no mystery! Everyone were not eating the forbidden fruit (vegetables) alone...We have to satiate our needs without having to feel insecure about the same. I hate food in all terms so it does not mean I look down upon people who eat and call them greedy n animals...

Oh just pass those who taunt you..!! :) :)

Neel Arurkar said...

I love flesh(Pun not intended)

tulipspeaks said...

vegetarianism.. can be an extremely sensitive issue..thats why i always avoid talking about it..

its always down to one's personal choice. and guess what? i'm a non-vege but i always end up dating men who are vege! and we never had any argument of the foods we eat..although we argue for other matters..kekeke

as i mentioned b4, balance is the key! as a nutritionist, thats what i preach..and what i blv in..


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Keshi darling,
I was a vegetarian for 14 years until I decided to fulfill all righteousness by becoming human. And the next thing was to start having sex. Because, I became a vegetarian for spiritual discipline and to keep myself pure and true. But an ex-girlfriend lied to me that she had made me a special vegetable soup. But as I tasted it, I could tell that she had put minced meat in the soup. I tasted the beef. That strained our relationship.

As at present, I cannot go out and buy beef, pork, mutton or any kind of meat. I prefer fish.

Vegetarian or not, you are still my passion 24/7.

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Keshi darling,
I was a vegetarian for 14 years until I decided to fulfill all righteousness by becoming human. And the next thing was to start having sex. Because, I became a vegetarian for spiritual discipline and to keep myself pure and true. But an ex-girlfriend lied to me that she had made me a special vegetable soup. But as I tasted it, I could tell that she had put minced meat in the soup. I tasted the beef. That strained our relationship.

As at present, I cannot go out and buy beef, pork, mutton or any kind of meat. I prefer fish.

Vegetarian or not, you are still my passion 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Usually i don't like to comment on anybody's eating habit, but yes veggie food wud be the last option for me in my life. I am a bonafied carnivorous creature and i don't care what ppl love to brand me as...And the most disgusting thing i find is when the vegetarians preach their veggieness and squeeze their facials on the mere thought of non-veg food. If they don't like it, sit tight, there r millions who love to eat flesh and r extremely happy with that. As far as the health related crap they promote about non-veg eh, I hv been eating non-veg food 365 days a year since my memory starts and i m tough mentally and physically both compared to the best example they can put forward. No rule book says that u can stay fit and happy with only veggie food, there r many other things required. u gotta feel good whatever u eat , do ur work-outs or else its simply gonna contribute to ur ugly flabs.

Himavan said...

***I have been branded a dead-body-eating evil person

Branded by whom? In this presnet era still people thinking like that?? I wonder...Then how about Food chain cirlce we leant in our primary science classes? I dont think anyone has right to judge others one just based on food habits. To be fact I like neither to judge someone nor judged by anyone.

Mostly one becomes veg or non-veg by the way he brought up in his childhood. Religion also plays an important role if you belive in that. There are some who change there habits otherway in later stages depending on their interests and health point of view. That doesnt mean veg r pure than Non-veg people. Actually if one looks back the days of human evolution...was there any class of vegetarian or non vegetarian??

You are right in saying "If who ever claims veg are pure and non-veg are evils" they have to go and live in

Kathy said...

Amen ...i'm a non-veg too Kesh and like you i love KFC hehe...but i dun kill chicken huh ^_^
...sometimes i wanna try to be vegetarian too like most of my friends... but i'm afraid i can't ;( hehe, but i do love eating vegis everyday of course like broccolli, cauliflowers,etc..etc.:D

...ok next time maybe i'll marry vegetarian guy...^_~ so i will not be alone anymore doing yoga at home...wanna come kesh? ok, but pls..don't bring aussie beef with ya..;( bad bad! instead bring some yummy vegi-pizza :) or Mr. Donuts *grin*


Raju said...

I'm an vegetarian...I switched when I went abroad...simply because I could'nt find/cook a healthy veggie meal every day...I came back and I switched back....I don't think there is anything here to's simple preferences.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is fair to pass judgements on those who don't conform to your lifestyle wrt this issue.

At present I'm on the verge of turning 100% veg, had my occassional chicken but nothing else. Family is veg too so that helps a lot- overall it's a lot easier for me and yet I can see how difficult it is to give up.

Plus ermm I don't care much for chickens [don't flame me! cmon chickens arent cute or sweet or docile. it's my defense till i give it up =D]

But I do believe that if possible it is better to opt for veg vs non-veg. My understanding is that its silly to blast say Icelanders for their fishing/whaling for food- it's their staple!

It's better but yes not easy as I can attest to it. Spiritually too it is believed that, from a Hindu perspective, to go veg but i'll put that aside because its complicated although i do believe in a lot of it from experience.

From a science perspective, you're taking in more carions, it's more fat/protein than nutrition [i'm assuming you're brown and getting ur daily dose of ghee and such]. There's too much steroids in meat now to provide more flesh to meet demands. Steroids obviously aren't something you'd want to take in for its own harmful effects that you can google.

So if eaten in moderation, you're good to go else your body will pay for it.

I do have issues with the current meat industry, which i prefer to call cow-culture, in the 'West'. I find it unsettling and disturbing at the rate at which meat is consumed. No wonder we've got deforestation, cow products/parts in every other thing to economize every inch of its body.

That's something to ponder over.

I'm not pointing at you keshi for any excesses i hope you know that :)

Just pointing to the phenomenon.

Not sure how coherent that was but will be back later. Cheers!

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with eating non veg food! I find it sooo irritating when people try to force their opinions on others and try to show that they are the only "oh-so-nice" and "ethical" just because they do/don't do so-and-so thing. Uggghhh.
I don't really eat non-veg anymore...just a phase, I guess. But I used to looooooove non-veg food till about a few months back. So, I can understand the frustration.
Hypocrites...don't they wear leather shoes? Don't they wash their hands with a soap and kill germs? Don't they kill cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes? Big time two-faced creatures.
It's sometimes the case of non-vegetarians too. I remember telling this friend of mine that maybe I've turned vegetarian. And that was it...he was laughing like fools and making fun of me saying that I'm just another poseur all that stuff. JERK.
I don't understand what's the problem of these advanced primates. Eating habits are pretty much the personal choice of a person. I LOATH it when people nitpick and say such asinine things. Get a life, losers.

sittingnut said...

heyy mate !
happy vesak !

what a day to discuss meat eating.

anyway i love all sorts of meat.
vegetarians and vegans are free to eat what they want they just do not have a right to adapt a holier-than-thou attitude.

in addition i for one consider denying oneself something that one craves is as stupid as overindulging oneself..
of course there are vegetarians who do not crave meat i have no problem with them but i do find people who desire to eat meat but control that, silly and perverse.

it is one thing if there are proved heath reasons for vegetarianism but i am yet to hear one that convinces me.

then there is the evolution, humans have such a good brain bc it developed partly as a weapon to hunt since other predators have already evolved other methods. we are to a degree natural born killers.

well thats what i think of this.

btw i do think you must accept some responsibility to killing animals even though you do not kill yourself bc demand creates the supply.

hope you are having a peaceful day :-)

tsduff said...

My hippie boyfriend (Bear) likes to ask me what kind of dead cow we are having for dinner.... or dead pig, etc. Not exactly the most appetizing way to put it, but we love to eat meat. Funny, I love to eat lamb (which is raised outside, in the sunshine) but will not touch veal (cruelly raised in tiny boxes where they can't move or play outside). I love chicken, and raise my own freerange in the garden, also enjoying their brown eggs. Meat tastes good - I eat it. Nothing wrong with that.

Jay Noel said...

Study after study after study after study has shown that those that eat meat in normal/controlled amounts live longer than heavy meat-eaters and strict vegetarians.

You will be healthier if you eat some meat...just don't overdo it. And those that eat NO meat aren't as healthy. Plain and simple.

Perplexio said...

I have no problem with people who choose not to eat meat. I have friends who are vegetarian and we get on just fine. What I do have a problem with is people who try to force their beliefs, lifestyle, dietary practices, or other aspects of their lives on others.

I eat meat, I eat it rare and bloody and red. And the nice thing is that because vegetarianism is kind of trendy these days-- generally I can find restaurants with both meat and vegetarian selections on them and those are usually the ones my wife & I go to with our vegetarian friends. They respect the fact that we eat meat, we respect the fact that they don't and everyone gets on just fine.

I think the problem is more that people tend to extrapolate what they believe people's entire personalities are from one small aspect of who they are rather than get to know them. It's a symptom of our culture of laziness and short attention spans... "OHHHH, you eat meat! You must not like animals or care for the environment! You probably even drown kittens in your spare time you flesh-eating asshole!" (and that's just when certain vegetarians drive by McDonald's!!!) or "You smoke, you have no concern for anything but your own disgusting habits. We can't expect you to care about OUR health when you're willing to slowly kill yourself from sucking on those cancer sticks, you self-centered prick!" when certain non-smokers see smokers.

See, our culture is teaching us to make broad sweeping generalizations of people based on as little information as possible, after all it's much more difficult and time consuming to ttake the time to get to know them.

Anonymous said...

"dis one is for STUD: wat about our veg jawans who are trained to kill the enemy?"

Think realllyyy hard, saby. why do you think our soldiers are trained to kill the enemy? You may answer it by next week:). Soldiers are Soldiers in a battlefield, there's no such thing as veg soldiers and non-veg soldiers. And, chickens, goats, turkey, cow's aren't any soldiers enemy:)


"inter cast marriage n ppl have to change( most of them do ) to eat cos of their survival"

I hope you are talking about humans? cuz' reading your bit of eating meat for their survival made me fell off my chair:)

Ishita, Murane,jewel,pradeep and elaine..I have answered you all on my blog.

and babesterness:)

the clone played me over again and made me spend my valuable 10 mins writing you the silly poetry when my mind had a time out lol so, u can trash it:)

and yes, putting you outta your misery...u know where:)

I remain yours,

Naveen said...

please visit my blog each verse and ponder...i m a flexitarian...i m vege 5 days a week..i take fish and egg but avoid red meat...

it s very subjective s pretty long to write here



Sujit said...

dont know if my comment has been added or not as when i wrote my comment blogspot went down :(

Jim said...

dis Julia is a bitch

after visiting the vegan site, i dont want to eat meat no more

besides i lost my grinders and i cant digest meat

i am switching sides Keshi
u r now on your own


Jim said...

av penis size by country

France 16 cm

South Africa 15.9 cm

USA 12.9 cm

India 10.1 cm

u no where the veggies are located
This shud end the debate

figures are authentic
got from,32493.asp

Anonymous said...

People have always amazed me. It's like following a religion or a holy book and finding their own ways to satisfy their desire and need, never quite understanding the true meaning of a well said canto by the Masters.

This post was never meant to force vegetarianism on anyone. It's about what is wrong. Is killing animals a wrong thing? Are you a part of their slaughter cos' in my book every meat eater surely is... as I said the act of a butcher begins with the desire of a comsumer.

On the contrary, I care less if anyone around here or the remainder world is a meat-eater...afterall, I dont have to kiss you lol. So, eat all you can:)

So, did you learn anything from all these fine inputs, babesterness? :) You got to admire the LOE's here!, Great analytics:)

uttara said...

south ..
yes u r one cannibal also ...HA HA HA HA

keshi .. hi sweets hows ya ???

have a nice day


Keshi said...




**hahaha, that's so funny, I can't believe!


** If human, animal, vegetation, stone or water... there is the SAME life in everything.

Good one! :)


hey Ishhhh WB and so glad to have ya here again! Muahhhhhhhh!

**i fail to understand why ppl get sensitive and intolerant about other ppl's food habits!

me's a great thing to be vegetarian but it's altogether not so good a thing when they judge the non-veg ppl...

hehe my topic always stir ppl up and I always, I mean always lose a frew good friends just cos of my posts! I think I just did thru this post too :*(


thanks Samy :)

**so why ryu so worrier about others if ur convinced thyself?

well cos it matters to me what my friends think of what I do...thats why I wanted to say that I dun think wut Im doing is wrong :)


hey Maya plz take care of urself...dun be worried abt not coming here often sweety..just be back when ur well okk??

**I stop eating non veg for a month.

I wish I cud do that...but I might die lol!


**So first of all only U will see my comment and If u found that this guy's comments don't suck U will publish.

lol na long as it's not abuse, I will publish em :)

**Am brahmin by caste and pplm who know me closely say man U r a daemon.

ur a chicken-eating brahmin? ahhh now I like such great souls ;-) Innerself indeed, thank u!


Anonymous said...


"now if killing n eating is crime"
- Killing is a crime, period.

Jewel Rays:

"What matters is your thoughts, words and actions towards others."

What matters is your thoughts, words and ACTIONS towards OTHERS:)


"And ppl honestly think abt this...if u go to the woods and a Tiger/Lion sees ya...will they let u be? If u swim in the ocean and a shark comes across ya, will it save ur life? :)"

Tiger/Lion or a Shark are predators, you are not. They tear apart the flesh, you can't, they have brain but yours work, they have heart but yours feel. You are a human - a superior who know who to kill and who not to:)

pradeep k.:

"Are you telling me that somebody will judge me human or not, based on what I love to eat?"

Nope, eat all you can. No one is judging you if you are a human but ofcourse your belief in harmony and peace surely is judged:)


"don't go out there and hunt exotic animals for your own purpose! :P"

But let them buthcer cows and chickens for your purpose? :)


"it'll be a world full of animals trying to overtake humans and it could be quite a choatic place to live..."

Not really, all that you eat is not forest fresh, it's factory farm fresh:)


"this is an issue to debate??? huh? Food is Food...and everyone's entitled to catering to their own taste buds!!...."

where do you draw the line:) Not eating lions and hippos? again, the debate wasn't about what you eat. it's about your do's and dont's :)


"humans r social animals bound to taste n pleasure"

Animals have the same right too and pleasure to live is everyone's birth right not just humans:)

kumar chetan:

"Eating veg or non veg doesnt mean that u r good or bad."

Exactly although it surely states your desire to eat a dead one while you debate on right and wrong and killing's a crime with your mates around :)


"Its like they think we are some hunters or something. I don't have any respect for people who have hunting as a hobby. They kill for the pleasure of killing. Being a non-veg is not like that."

hilarious!!, what is being non-veg like? how about your respect for a Butcher who feeds your demand?


"My contetion is the same: If eatin non veg is a crime then
1)drinking mil/coffee and any other products of milk is a crime too. Tht milk is intended for the cattle to grow their herds. Don't they have any rights?? Are we asking any permissions wid the cattle??"

Herds must be fed, however, the quantity of milk is much more to feed others as well, And Cow's giving milk is a natural Godly process, butchering them is man made:)


"Its a basic law of nature - the food chain that has to maintained to prevent ecological imbalance."

Not really, eating meat outta your plates is actually coming outta farm factories where that chicken or pig or the cow is raised to fit your bill:)


"My general philosohy..let be and let me be."

as well says the poor chicken outta his fear and anxiety.


"but knowing the amount of toxins and hormones injected into ur the animals u consume can be scary...thats y i choose to be ignorant about it....yeah yeah...i know ignorance is no bliss....but hey, a mans gotta eat"

Try human flesh, see if you like it, explore your taste:) there may be several meats around that are tastier, afterall you gotta eat:)


"From the Cherokee part of my heritage I can speak to the fact that American Indians have always believed in being respectful and giving thanks to the animal that is providing food."

You are respectful and tankful to the animals for eating them? Is it a ritual to wash away your own guilt and sins? cuz' am not sure if the animals accept your respect and thanks:)


"I am a bonafied carnivorous creature"

So, you have big jaws with sharp teeth and claws and you live in caves?

scribblez towakeup:

"I have pleasures that I'd like to fulfill while I'm alive, as long as they don't harm another human being."

But you dont mind them harming animals?


"Then how about Food chain cirlce we leant in our primary science classes? "

Humans sitting on the top and eating them all? lol...what school did you go to?

The Girl who sold the world:

"There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with eating non veg food!"

nothing wrond in killing and butchering the innocent animals who have lived in a fear to be slaughtered one Godsawful day?

"Hypocrites...don't they wear leather shoes? Don't they wash their hands with a soap and kill germs? Don't they kill cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes? Big time two-faced creatures."

I guess that shoe liner you have heard in FM Commercial lol. As regard as germs and mosquitos, Do as necessary, we spray them for our protection not for the pleasure or to fill up our repertoire!


"in addition i for one consider denying oneself something that one craves is as stupid as overindulging oneself.."

I hear you, sittingnut. Denying a chicken his life that he craves for is not just stupid but cruel, vicious and ville :)

the phoenix:

"Study after study after study after study has shown that those that eat meat in normal/controlled amounts live longer than heavy meat-eaters and strict vegetarians."

it's about time that you study again and let go of your myths:) btw, would you want such longetivity that involves several animal killing?

Guys, it's again not your eating habbits, it's what involved, what should be your do's and what must be your dont's!..Choose you own edibles:)

Anand said...

Honestly I dont get what the debate is with this veg-non veg thing!
I mean its a simple matter of preferance.
God has given us taste buds so that we can decide what kinda tickles it most and if people dig non-veg thats cool!!
I am a non veggie--though not a die hard one--but just coz am a non-veggie doesnt mean I hate animals or I will do evil things to animals!

Keshi said...


hehe yep apparantly Hitler was a vegetarian :) And thats the kind of thing I mean...if ur a veg it's great but that doesnt always make u better than any other human being...what matters ultimately is ur deeds...


**but would cleverly avoid if they see a human fighting for life on the road after an accident or something.

Exactly my poitn of view :) Thanks!


**infact i had sm arguments wid my veggie frns desperately trying to convart them

lol haha ur so funny!

yes cow's milk is also sacred then and wud be only for their babies..why do we drink it then :)


thanks for saying that being a veg urself..Im so glad u u'stand wut I mean...

** The wheat we eat and the salad that nourishes us is also 'killed' from plants.!!

I always thought that too...


aww great to see a Pu Bear in my blog...I better hunt him down for!

**i guess u eat people alive

yes I keshi shoots Pu Bear in the butt lolllll!

Sex has no relation to this? It sure has lol! U kiss, cuddle, make love to someone...all that is animalistic!


hey :)

**There are animals who east human beings too--is that also morally debatable?;-)

true...survival of the fittest...thats what it is...

Thanks girl!


Anonymous said...

Yep atleast i don't see petrified stuffs like u there.

Jim said...

i just hate it when some humans take the moral high ground

these guys engage in moral policing

censoring the movies and net for sexual content

tell u dat missionary is the only way u must do it

Judge not your neighbour STUD

Sunita said...

I eat both veg and non-veg food and i don't care what others eat or like, we have our own choice right?
By the way its always pleasure reading and commenting on these sort of posts coz during every such debate a big-mouth's exposed.

Keshi said...

**I tried to be a vegeterian but couldn't make it stick.

lol once I tried to be a veg for 3 days and failed miserably...

**he learned to use every part of the animal that was even remotely edible!

EWWW! sorry I cant eat EVERY part of an animal :( no ways!

**I resent those people who say that all people who eat meat are "barbaric." Humans are omnivores. We can make a choice not to eat meat but it isn't right to condemn those people who still see fit to do so.

thats what I mean...

Thanks Meister!


hey Prasad :)

**Being from Kerala, where every TDH eats fish n meat, I chose to be a pure vegetarian by choice...

thats awesome, really! I admire u..cos I dun have that control...

**regarding the non-veg eaters, I don't mind any of my friends or family members eating non-veg..

thats great...

**veggie eaters r gud ppl n non-veg eaters r ppl with animal instincts.. all these talks r jus crap...

thanks :) but I hear so many vegs saying that to me...but I certainly am no animal :(..I mean I dun MOO like a cow neither do I grunt like pig or BA BA like a lamb :):) But I can be a chicken sometimes lol!


**That apart, its the law of nature to maintain the ecological balance......

true I guess..

**but that has been defied with more human beings than is ever needed by this world(and 1/7th of it in India alone :-( )


**so, should humans kill and eat or not while animals do the same and is mandated so by nature?

didnt get that??

**Well, same nature has given us something more - sixth sense that other species dont have....

alot of animals have the 6th sense!
yeah perhaps the human should tune it well :)

**I'm ok as long as it is for survival ! Thats the law of nature.


**But keshi, as you said, you indulge yourself, that is you eat it for pleasure. That according to me is not law of nature !

hehe..pleasure indeed! wut abt sex then? can u avoid that too?

**No animals, except humans kill for pleasure! Now wats your opinion on that?

Animals dun kill for pleasure? Who said this! They do. Cos of the pleasure of their taste buds! So r humans. Correct me if Im wrong...

~~Twisted Truth

hey TT!

**What you eat is what you get. The genes of the animals and plants. And you slowly but surely and subtly tranform into one.

dun believe that at all!

**Check out Bengalis. Most of them have bulging eyes, due to generations of eating fish. I swear.

dunno abt that...well think abt this then...japanese eat alot of FISH...but do they look and act like fish? hell na!


**" I come from a Buddhist/Hindu background"! woah! ? How so?

Mum is is Buddhist :)


**Oh no a veggie non veggie fight? Just wait till the vegans join in! ;-)

lol na no fight...

**I respect the right of people to eat what they want. My general philosohy..let be and let me be.

spot on!


**i am not a big non veggie! hell am still a veggie for my parents but still...

big or small, basically ur a non-veg :)

**But nywyz if chicks and hens dont eat humans or their babies why do u have to do tat!

do we have to do what animals do? :)

**And besides tat why do u want to make ur body a graveyard of dead animals!

its not...they dun rot in out body forever...they do get digested dun they?? :):)

**u mite end up having nitemares of the chicks u ate and their souls haunting ya day and nite;)

lol ok now ur getting funny hahahaha!


Hey Rebbo ;-)

**but coz i HATED vegetables.Lol,it's a different story tht now once in a while i hate chickens too ;)


**But hey...u can't justify this by saying tht man is a natural carnivore(like lions and sharks)...

why not?

**since nature hasn't provided us with the razor-sharp canines or claws which most carnivore mammals have.

razor shar teeth and claws r for animals that cant stand up and butcher another animal neatly and pack into marketable!

**Having said that,in the end, wht really matters is personal choice....and neither party shud try to force their views on the other....


**Speaking for myself,well i have started experimenting with non-veg for sumtime now....but somehow i feel my concsience won't allow me to continue it for too long!

non-veg or veg?

~~Mr. Maverick

**Most of the veggies in India are out of 'tradition' and not personal values.

guess ur so right there! :)

Thanks Arun!


**as far as im concerned, being a genuinely kind soul and a good samaritan is all one needs to be pure...

thanks u :)

**but if ppl want to abstain from eating meat over and above that..ill respect their desicion by all means..

me too...

**I do eat non-veg as well (duh!)...but sometimes when im the mood to eat something lighter ill go for depends on my mood...

Im the same..not that I eat so much meat lol!

**but knowing the amount of toxins and hormones injected into ur the animals u consume can be scary...

yep thats a worry...

**thats y i choose to be ignorant about it....yeah yeah...i know ignorance is no bliss in this case :)

Thanks Praveen!


**Whats the issue. Tomorrow I can call all the vegetable eating people herbivorus animals. Plants are living things too!!


**Everyone were not eating the forbidden fruit (vegetables) alone...We have to satiate our needs without having to feel insecure about the same.


**I hate food in all terms so it does not mean I look down upon people who eat and call them greedy n animals...

thanks...and I forgot to give u the chicken recipe awwww :( I will soon ok..I promise!

~~Neel Arurkar

**I love flesh(Pun not intended)

lol thanks Neel!



**vegetarianism.. can be an extremely sensitive issue..thats why i always avoid talking about it..

hehe yeah and Im the queen of sensitive issues na :(

**its always down to one's personal choice. and guess what? i'm a non-vege but i always end up dating men who are vege!

lol hmmm...I neva dated a veg guy...excet this one veg guy who's crazy for me...I was joking with him saying that I want my man to be a flesh-eater lollll! He's still after me..goshh!

**and we never had any argument of the foods we eat..although we argue for other matters..kekeke


**as i mentioned b4, balance is the key! as a nutritionist, thats what i preach..and what i blv in..

thanks mah sweet nutritionist!

~~Toniyah Tonijah

**I was a vegetarian for 14 years until I decided to fulfill all righteousness by becoming human. And the next thing was to start having sex.

? didnt get that...

**Because, I became a vegetarian for spiritual discipline and to keep myself pure and true.

in that case sex is also a sin, isnt it?

**But as I tasted it, I could tell that she had put minced meat in the soup. I tasted the beef. That strained our relationship.

thats such a bad thing to do...she's cruel!

**As at present, I cannot go out and buy beef, pork, mutton or any kind of meat. I prefer fish.

thats is healthier than meat...

**Vegetarian or not, you are still my passion 24/7.

me? lol did u mean me? :):)


Gday South!

**but yes veggie food wud be the last option for me in my life.

LOL hahaha!

**I am a bonafied carnivorous creature and i don't care what ppl love to brand me as...


**And the most disgusting thing i find is when the vegetarians preach their veggieness and squeeze their facials on the mere thought of non-veg food.


**I hv been eating non-veg food 365 days a year since my memory starts and i m tough mentally and physically both compared to the best example they can put forward.

good on ya mate!

**No rule book says that u can stay fit and happy with only veggie food, there r many other things required. u gotta feel good whatever u eat , do ur work-outs or else its simply gonna contribute to ur ugly flabs.

so true!!

Thanks so much South!


**Branded by whom? In this presnet era still people thinking like that??

hehe by few friends :)

**Mostly one becomes veg or non-veg by the way he brought up in his childhood.


**Religion also plays an important role if you belive in that. There are some who change there habits otherway in later stages depending on their interests and health point of view.

thats true too...

**That doesnt mean veg r pure than Non-veg people.

I agree...

**Actually if one looks back the days of human evolution...was there any class of vegetarian or non vegetarian??

none whatsoever...

**You are right in saying "If who ever claims veg are pure and non-veg are evils" they have to go and live in

lol yes..I mean sex is dirty then so why indulge in one sin and not in the other? :)


Kathhhh muahhhh!

**Amen ...i'm a non-veg too Kesh and like you i love KFC hehe...but i dun kill chicken huh ^_^

lol yes hot n spicy KFC!

**...sometimes i wanna try to be vegetarian too like most of my friends... but i'm afraid i can't ;( hehe, but i do love eating vegis everyday of course like broccolli, cauliflowers,etc..etc.:D

me too..I eat lots of veges...we need em...

**...ok next time maybe i'll marry vegetarian guy...^_~ so i will not be alone anymore doing yoga at home...wanna come kesh?

aww lol Id always join ya na...

**ok, but pls..don't bring aussie beef with ya..;( bad bad! instead bring some yummy vegi-pizza :) or Mr. Donuts *grin*

how abt some Aussie kangaroo meat? lolllz na I dun eat it but ppl here eat it...


hey mate WC!

**I'm an vegetarian...I switched when I went abroad...simply because I could'nt find/cook a healthy veggie meal every day...I came back and I switched back....I don't think there is anything here to's simple preferences.

thanks...ur spot on! What suits u is all that matters...


hey Dee how have u been?

**I don't think it is fair to pass judgements on those who don't conform to your lifestyle wrt this issue.

very true...

**At present I'm on the verge of turning 100% veg, had my occassional chicken but nothing else.

wow good on ya Dee!

**Family is veg too so that helps a lot- overall it's a lot easier for me and yet I can see how difficult it is to give up.


**Plus ermm I don't care much for chickens [don't flame me! cmon chickens arent cute or sweet or docile. it's my defense till i give it up =D]


**But I do believe that if possible it is better to opt for veg vs non-veg. My understanding is that its silly to blast say Icelanders for their fishing/whaling for food- it's their staple!

indeed! I think veg is healthier too considering the animal hormones etc...but I cant live w.o. it right now...mebbe when Im old n grey or mebbe when Im abt to be a nun or something lol! Just kidding :)

**Spiritually too it is believed that, from a Hindu perspective, to go veg but i'll put that aside because its complicated although i do believe in a lot of it from experience.

true..I mum fasts on certain days and she has her own beliefs abt it...

**From a science perspective, you're taking in more carions, it's more fat/protein than nutrition [i'm assuming you're brown and getting ur daily dose of ghee and such].

na I dun eat ghee at all...only when I go out and if comeone cook something with Im ok :)

**There's too much steroids in meat now to provide more flesh to meet demands. Steroids obviously aren't something you'd want to take in for its own harmful effects that you can google.


**So if eaten in moderation, you're good to go else your body will pay for it.

so true..thanks Dee!

**No wonder we've got deforestation, cow products/parts in every other thing to economize every inch of its body.


Very well written comment...I loved it Dee...thanks for ur balanced view of it, as always ur spot on :)

~~The Girl Who Sold The World

helloooo :)

**I find it sooo irritating when people try to force their opinions on others and try to show that they are the only "oh-so-nice" and "ethical" just because they do/don't do so-and-so thing.

lol ur so cutte!

**Hypocrites...don't they wear leather shoes? Don't they wash their hands with a soap and kill germs? Don't they kill cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes? Big time two-faced creatures.

haha u got a great point there girl WOW!

**It's sometimes the case of non-vegetarians too. I remember telling this friend of mine that maybe I've turned vegetarian. And that was it...he was laughing like fools and making fun of me saying that I'm just another poseur all that stuff. JERK.


**I don't understand what's the problem of these advanced primates. Eating habits are pretty much the personal choice of a person. I LOATH it when people nitpick and say such asinine things. Get a life, losers.

hehe so true :) thanks!


hellloooo hows ya? HAPPY WESAK to u too! WOW SL must be beautiful with all the lanterns etc...I miss those days :(

**what a day to discuss meat eating.

haha yes!

**anyway i love all sorts of meat.
vegetarians and vegans are free to eat what they want they just do not have a right to adapt a holier-than-thou attitude.


**of course there are vegetarians who do not crave meat i have no problem with them but i do find people who desire to eat meat but control that, silly and perverse.

omg ur so right here! Cos I know 2 friends who used to eat meat and stopped recently. And guess wut they r doing now...going to these chinese places where they sell Spy Chicken, Soy Fish that smell and taste like chicken...????

**it is one thing if there are proved heath reasons for vegetarianism but i am yet to hear one that convinces me.

me too...

**then there is the evolution, humans have such a good brain bc it developed partly as a weapon to hunt since other predators have already evolved other methods. we are to a degree natural born killers.

I agree 100%

**btw i do think you must accept some responsibility to killing animals even though you do not kill yourself bc demand creates the supply.

true..indirectly :(

Thanks mate!


Keshi said...


**My hippie boyfriend (Bear) likes to ask me what kind of dead cow we are having for dinner.... or dead pig, etc.

lol omg!

**I love chicken, and raise my own freerange in the garden, also enjoying their brown eggs. Meat tastes good - I eat it. Nothing wrong with that.

THANK U! Spot on girl ;-)

~~The Phoenix

**Study after study after study after study has shown that those that eat meat in normal/controlled amounts live longer than heavy meat-eaters and strict vegetarians.

Really? WOW thats very interesting!

**You will be healthier if you eat some meat...just don't overdo it. And those that eat NO meat aren't as healthy. Plain and simple.

WOW thank u! Hugggggggggggz :):)


**What I do have a problem with is people who try to force their beliefs, lifestyle, dietary practices, or other aspects of their lives on others.

yep I agree...

**I eat meat, I eat it rare and bloody and red.


** They respect the fact that we eat meat, we respect the fact that they don't and everyone gets on just fine.

spot on!

**It's a symptom of our culture of laziness and short attention spans... "OHHHH, you eat meat! You must not like animals or care for the environment!

Couldnt have analysed it any better!

**You probably even drown kittens in your spare time you flesh-eating asshole!" (and that's just when certain vegetarians drive by McDonald's!!!)


**See, our culture is teaching us to make broad sweeping generalizations of people based on as little information as possible, after all it's much more difficult and time consuming to ttake the time to get to know them.

SO TRUE! Thanks for that veru insightful comment mate!


hey Studd hows ya?

**Think realllyyy hard, saby. why do you think our soldiers are trained to kill the enemy? You may answer it by next week:). Soldiers are Soldiers in a battlefield, there's no such thing as veg soldiers and non-veg soldiers. And, chickens, goats, turkey, cow's aren't any soldiers enemy:)

OMG Stud I cant believe u just said that :( Its ok to kill human beings based on the fact that they r enemies but its not ok to kill animals for eating? Pleasure both ways na??

**I hope you are talking about humans? cuz' reading your bit of eating meat for their survival made me fell off my chair:)

I think Uttsy meant that ppl who get married adjust for each other...and I think thats great...isnt it?

** the clone played me over again and made me spend my valuable 10 mins writing you the silly poetry when my mind had a time out lol so, u can trash it:)

which poetry?


**please visit my blog each verse and ponder...i m a flexitarian...i m vege 5 days a week..i take fish and egg but avoid red meat...

hehe cool..I will be there soon, thanks!


**dont know if my comment has been added or not as when i wrote my comment blogspot went down :(

awww where is it?


**the lady brought a new perspective to dis debate viz cruelty to animals

hmm ok...:)

**it is cruel for veggies to keep dogs (with the wolf as ancestor) as pets and feed dem veggie meals and dog biscuits

aww so true na...

**He mutiplied the loaves and fishes on the mount
His first miracle --- water into wine--- when He was not getting a refill.

yes I know that...

**The worldwide trend is to replace small family farms with “factory farms”—large warehouses where animals are confined in crowded cages or pens or in restrictive stalls.1

thats so cruel!

**STUD He definitely wud not permit His followers to join the killing machine (the Army)



**after visiting the vegan site, i dont want to eat meat no more

lol awww...

**besides i lost my grinders and i cant digest meat


**i am switching sides Keshi
u r now on your own

lolz thats ok..Im still a non-veg :)


**av penis size by country

goshhhhhhh lol!

~~Stud again :)

**People have always amazed me. It's like following a religion or a holy book and finding their own ways to satisfy their desire and need...

no one's following anything here Stud...:)

**This post was never meant to force vegetarianism on anyone. It's about what is wrong.

thats forcing the other to believe it's wrong and feel guilty abt it na? :)

**Is killing animals a wrong thing? Are you a part of their slaughter cos' in my book every meat eater surely is... as I said the act of a butcher begins with the desire of a comsumer.

ok so tell me abt sex...wut d u think?

**On the contrary, I care less if anyone around here or the remainder world is a meat-eater...afterall, I dont have to kiss you lol. So, eat all you can:)

Stud I thought I was ur dream girl lol!

**So, did you learn anything from all these fine inputs, babesterness? :) You got to admire the LOE's here!, Great analytics:)

well I learnt someting....that u r a vege and u hate me now :):)


**yes u r one cannibal also ...HA HA HA HA

lol he is na!

**keshi .. hi sweets hows ya ???
have a nice day

Im well babez HUGGGGGGGGGZ n thanks!


Keshi said...


**God has given us taste buds so that we can decide what kinda tickles it most and if people dig non-veg thats cool!!


**I am a non veggie--though not a die hard one--but just coz am a non-veggie doesnt mean I hate animals or I will do evil things to animals!

Same here...I will never kill or hurt an animal...but I agree that by eating meat we r indirectly connected to the slaughter :(


Keshi said...


hehe I read ur answers to th emany commentors...I hope they read taht comment...

anyways what caught my eye was this...u said:

**Tiger/Lion or a Shark are predators, you are not. They tear apart the flesh, you can't, they have brain but yours work, they have heart but yours feel. You are a human - a superior who know who to kill and who not to:)

having said that u also said:

**Animals have the same right too and pleasure to live is everyone's birth right not just humans:)

u say they dun have a heart that feels or a brain that works, then do they really have any rights?


Keshi said...

Everyone plz read Stud's answers to ur comments...dun miss it.


Keshi said...

And also read stud's latest post in this at :


Keshi said...


wut did u mean :)


hehe good on ya Bakshi chick! hugggggggz!




**coz during every such debate a big-mouth's exposed.

hahaha ur so cute!


Anonymous said...

u know what i mean....don't tempt me, i m in a good mood right now.

Keshi said...


u mean to the cave comment stud made at ya? lol hahaha!

Stud I hope we r friends still :(

Goshh Im losing alot of friends cos of my big fat mouth! :*(


Jim said...

Goshh Im losing alot of friends cos of my big fat mouth!

Kesh hunny,
u tell the STUD dis

, i am not in dis world to live up to your expectations

and u r not in dis world to live up to mine

if by chance we find each other its beautiful

if not, it cannot be helped

- dont no who rote dis

but i wud alter the last line to read

if not FUCK OFF

Jim said...

Heyyy Kesh (wrt Jim's stats chart)

The Nigerians are the beegest meat eaters, if dat Nigerian drops by ask him wat size boots he wears

i can then tell u his dick size

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

nice one!
mez non-veg...but sometimes desperately want to be vegeterian...coz i want to show that i can sacrifice something
ma last year resolution was to sacrifice non-veg food but i end up eating only non-veg for some days after sacrificing for two days...hehehe...and this year i gave up making such resolution huh....hard job...*grin*...

being veg or non-veg is our own choice we can't point out wrong/right on ohter's will....

hugzzzzz keshu
take care

Keshi said...


aww I wont say that to Stud...he's my goood friend...and Im sure he knows that this was just a discussion and not a war :)


lol omggg ur yuiiiks!




hey Niti hugggggggz!

**coz i want to show that i can sacrifice something atleast

lol aww..I tried that many many many times and failed many many many times too :(

**being veg or non-veg is our own choice we can't point out wrong/right on ohter's will

true...but now Im not so sure cos all this animal cruelty things r coming up and I feel miserable :*(


Jeevan said...

I agree, that people who eat vegetables are not good, and people who eat non-veg are not bad.

If we sudenly stop eating meats and fishes, the people who are depend on that will lose there earn.

Why not sure said...

Hy Keshi,

I am sorry as i am lagging by a post in ur blog currently. So commenting is delayed by a post :).

I am a veggie. But I don't consider non-veggie as a curse on this earth or something like that. Its just my choice of not being a nv.

It all comes to human nature at the end, as there are bad veggie ppl as well in this world.

Anonymous said...


"OMG Stud I cant believe u just said that :( Its ok to kill human beings based on the fact that they r enemies but its not ok to kill animals for eating? Pleasure both ways na??"

Enemy killing in a battlefield is for protection not for pleasure:)

"u say they dun have a heart that feels or a brain that works, then do they really have any rights?"

To live is a right by birth:), So, let live:)

I don't hate you, never can:). I dont hate anybody.

Anonymous said...

"I think Uttsy meant that ppl who get married adjust for each other...and I think thats great...isnt it?"

where do you draw the line of such adjustment? A souse start eating meat to adjust with his/her's sad not great:). Would it be fair for the partner to take up killing if married to a killer?

"**There are animals who east human beings too--is that also morally debatable?;-)

true...survival of the fittest...thats what it is..."

Can't believe you actually question and judge an animal comprehension who can think not:). A Lion is born to kill and eat flesh, a deer can only eat greens...a human is blessed with a brain that works 80 times better than any animal, he can produce. Funny he punishes a human killer but send his regards to a butcher not the mother earth who has blessed us with grains and lentils and fruits. Dont raise another question here asking mother nature has also blessed us with animals to eat lol...Cuz' i would ask you to go start eating humans as they fall in same you all are comparing your comprehension to that of an animal:)

"in that case sex is also a sin, isnt it?"

Sex is a sin and a crime if forced! Just as it's a sin to take away a life. No animal gives its life willingly. Like I said, to live is a birth right, it doesn't come from heart that feels or brain that thinks. It's granted by birth!

"**Branded by whom? In this presnet era still people thinking like that??

hehe by few friends :)"

Babesterness, you branded yourself. We were debating on right or wrong, dos and donts, so, stop making mockery of it!

"**That doesnt mean veg r pure than Non-veg people.

I agree..."

Maybe Not! but vegs surely can control their urge and know it's not necessary to eat the dead ones to survive...understand better that flesh is flesh, be it humans or the animals:)

"**He mutiplied the loaves and fishes on the mount
His first miracle --- water into wine--- when He was not getting a refill.

yes I know that..."

He multiplied them species, didn't offer them to eat. Show me any holy book, be it Bible or Kuran or Ramayna where it says Jesus or Mohammad or Rama were meat eaters and offered meat to their desciples!

Having said that, humans have gained more exposure with time. In Jesus time, ppl easily believed in miracles but today, we jump onto finding reasons behind it. Jesus wouldn't be as convincing today as he was in his time. The process of meditation, spirituality have changed over the time and so is the preaching by the Masters. Yesterday's Masters cannot teach today! Exactly how the professors from 50's cannot teach today's books in universities as the courses have changed, so has the syllabus.

"thats forcing the other to believe it's wrong and feel guilty abt it na? :)"

No, I thought you inquiry was to know if you are doing anything wrong? All I have is my analysis! Not forcing you to accept any of it. You can only feel guilty if you believe you have done somethnig wrong.

"Stud I thought I was ur dream girl lol!"

You still are and you stand strong never to appear just like 'em dream girls:)

"well I learnt someting....that u r a vege and u hate me now :):)"

I dont hate you, never can! I dont hate anyone


Yep atleast i don't see petrified stuffs like u there."

Paranoia isn't the service I offer, Sir:)

Sudeep said...

98 already gone.. this can be 99th.. will i get 100th in next?

Sudeep said...

i hope no one advises no sex for veggies.. no use in living for me

jokes apart non-veggies generally r short-tempered (some research says not me) while veggies r cool headed (have seen short-temp veggies too)
i m the single veggie frm my grp of frnds but tht doesnt mean tht i leave them just for tht..

Anonymous said...

and finally, as regard as eating vegetables, I hope you all know your farming better.

Ripe for harvest<-- is the life cycle of every grain and lentils:)

Try plucking an unripped fruit from the tree, you will really have to force yourself to pluck one, whereas the tree will offer you a ripped fruit just with a twist or flick.......the natural way:)

Lettuce, Spinach and such variety grows better with the prune. The more you prune, better they grow until the root is dead with the season.

You dont cut down 100 yrs old Oak to eat it!

and, I am done..Babesterness:)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, so u better stick to what u just puked.
Like i said on my very first comment usually i never comment on eating habits, religions and believes but i seriously hv problem with ppl shitting on other ppl's eating habits.
My mother's strictly vegetarian, but she never stopped us from eating nv, infact she still cooks nv for us, she never had problems kissing my father who was a nv like us. Nor did my father forced her to become nv. My wife she's a strict vegetarian and we eat on the same table, use the same kitchen without squeezing facials at each other, moreover we don't preach each other about our choices and don't force each other to convert. So this shud explain u my discomfort towards all the stupid explanations as of now, so i repeat again if u don't eat something its ur dislike, dont justify ur dislike by trashing other's likes.

Dawn said...

I think life is too think all this and waste valuable time..rather use it to your passion and taste ...and then you wont have any question in life will be actually experiencing them :D

;) huggggzz dear...I liked ur questions and the post on the topic :D

smiley said...

Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in it's infinite mercy,
sends them a fat missionary. - Oscar Wilde

I feel thats why God created all animals for us :)

Anonymous said...


"Absolutely, so u better stick to what u just puked.
Like i said on my very first comment usually i never comment on eating habits, religions and believes but i seriously hv problem with ppl shitting on other ppl's eating habits"

puke?...shitting??..You are a pissed off person, aren't you?

We are free to think on our own and act accordingly. The most henius crime in the world is to stop any individual to think freely.

All I have done is given my opinion as asked by keshi through this published article. I haven't forced anyone into changing their eating habbits and it hardly matters to me. We all have different calculations about our life. And to express ourselves is called the right of expression.

"So this shud explain u my discomfort towards all the stupid explanations as of now, so i repeat again if u don't eat something its ur dislike, dont justify ur dislike by trashing other's likes."

No one is trashing on other's likes n' dislikes. However, this article demands justification. Keshi has openly asked everyone to justify to it. We are only giving in our level of thoughts. So, don't you be paranoid!

and here's one for your humble theeself, Sir Southpaw:)..

"satya na jaana, shiv ko na maana, sunder na pehchanaa

thiking of these good hindi words, should be the new article on my blog:)

Anonymous said...


"Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in it's infinite mercy,
sends them a fat missionary. - Oscar Wilde"

"I feel thats why God created all animals for us :)"

Cannibal is an acronym- a person that eat meat. Ofcourse any cannibal will pray to get some more, what's your point?

On a serious note, if world was to follow theatrical lines, we wouldn't need to believe in God and look out for him in every need. So, stop bringing in such dramatic liners and comparing them with God's will.

Keshi, thats what I meant with the few lines in one of my previous comments when I said, people amaze me as they follow things or words that fits their bill because truth be told, we are so much in control of our heart, tongue, ears, nose and eyes! And smiley, your Oscar wilde is the best example for you:)

I will not be commenting anymore. Think as you feel because you are free, eat all you like, and follow all your heart says, tongue desires and eyes see:)

It's our own relization of 'self'.

ofcourse question that persists unanswered.....will we ever?


Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

Thats so lame!

Its individual's choice ... my sis is a non-veggie ... plus all my friends here are non-veggies ... if i start making faces and uttering shit for them eating dead animals ;p .. they're probably gonna kick me out!

Very kiddish ...

smiley said...

Stud, u r taking things too seriously. i meant even God does not mind sacricing his missionary for people to have meat. so eat what u want without any guilty feeling is my point :)

white devil said...

i have a problem with most self righteous vegetarians out there, thinking that just because the majority believe in the food chain(and trust me it does exist) are evil ravenous monsters stealing the life from poor useless creatures. i am a vegetarian, but i am not a vegetarian because i feel so strongly for these "little defenseless animals" i unfortunately have a stomach condition in which my body cannot digest meat, dairy and eggs properly and i become sick with spazmatic pains of the digestive track. i feel no sympathy for neither the animals who are fed upon nor the animal sympathizers who choose not to eat them because they think it is wrong. we are omnivores, plain and simple. don't believe me? go to the mirror look at your teeth and then go to the library and look up the dental structure of a herbivore and see if it matches, doesn't, does it. there is a needed balance in the world, if there weren't any animals being killed, then we would be over run with them, how would you feel if you had an over abundance of squirrels knocking at your door with malicious intentions of taking over your place of dwelling?(it is a just a funny scenario for me) plus if you look at the anatomy of the human and the needs of vitamins and minerals that are best derived from meat, true we don't need to eat all the time, but we do need it, sure you can find loosely adaquate supplements, but they are less healthy to take then a little bit of meat say once a month. you can think you are doing the world justice and take that stance, but balance is important, extremism is not considered to be an attribute of a controlled human being. as marquis de sade once said "to understand virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice"

:P fuzzbox said...

I am a proud meat eater. If humans were meant to be vegetarians then we would have been born with four legs and a taste for grass.

Keshi said...


thanks and thats true too...


hey Het how have ya been? hey dun apologise for not being for ever's not an obligation :) Just say Hi when u have time mate..and I know ur very busy...

**But I don't consider non-veggie as a curse on this earth or something like that. Its just my choice of not being a nv.

thanks alot!


hellooo Stud :)

**Enemy killing in a battlefield is for protection not for pleasure

r u saying that killing ur enemy is such a sad thing and that u'll be so unhappy after shooting him down? lol hope not! We kill out enemies and we get a pleasure from it...or else we dun have to kill at all :)

**To live is a right by birth:), So, let live:)

yes I agree...but just liek Tigers r born to kill their prey, so r lets respect that right too :)

**A spouse start eating meat to adjust with his/her's sad not great:).

why not? I have seen ppl turning into vegetarians cos their spouse dun eat meat. Someone's got to sacrifice.

**A Lion is born to kill and eat flesh, a deer can only eat greens...

just as that, a human is born with taste for meat...if we were 'SUPPOSED' to be pure vegetarians, then perhaps we should have been made with DEER taste buds only :) Why dun the Deer eat meat? Cos they were given taste buds ONLY for grass. But we were given many kinds of taste buds...we cant be what we r not, can we now?

**Cuz' i would ask you to go start eating humans as they fall in same you all are comparing your comprehension to that of an animal:)

nope...but dun forget that humans r also animals (with a better brain ofcourse). Just like the lions dun eat lions, humans eat animals that r less stronger than them.

And the explanation u gave for having sex was pathetic Stud lol! Sex is a need...just as much as food is...the way we choose to have it differs from person to person...the preference is also a right. :)

**You can only feel guilty if you believe you have done somethnig wrong. can also feel guilty when someone else spews it on his/her face as something really terrible to do :)

but yeah...well I still dun think eating meat is a terrible thing...cos we humans r made with such taste buds..and like I said b4, if we were supposed to be pure vegetarians, God wudnt have made us with such taste buds and wud have just made us with Deer taste buds that long for grass :):)


Keshi said...


hey mate :)

**hope no one advises no sex for veggies.. no use in living for me

haha...well yesh no sex for veggies...try that na? lolll!

**jokes apart non-veggies generally r short-tempered (some research says not me) while veggies r cool headed (have seen short-temp veggies too)

I dunno abt that research but Im a bit short-temepered lol!

**i m the single veggie frm my grp of frnds but tht doesnt mean tht i leave them just for tht..

aww...really? wow u have great self-control Sudeep...good on ya!


aww South I didnt moderate any of ur comment...cos it's not its ok. Say wut u like to say here..:)

**so i repeat again if u don't eat something its ur dislike, dont justify ur dislike by trashing other's likes.

hehe...thats what I wanna say to Studdo...taste buds differ and lets just respect that...


**..rather use it to your passion and taste

hehe so true...thanks Dawn n huggggggggggggz!


lol good one!

**I feel thats why God created all animals for us

well I think the same...I mean if God wanted us to be pure vegs, then why didnt he make us with a deer's taste buds only?


**So, stop bringing in such dramatic liners and comparing them with God's will.

hehe no..Smiley is not being dramatic mate. U urself brought God and rights to explain few things why cant he use it too? :)


**if i start making faces and uttering shit for them eating dead animals ;p .. they're probably gonna kick me out!
Very kiddish ...

lol thanks Cheesy, u rock!


hey Devil I seriously LOVE the stuff u write here...u always make very good points and so much sense, thanks!

**we are omnivores, plain and simple.

Spot on!

**if you had an over abundance of squirrels knocking at your door with malicious intentions of taking over your place of dwelling?

lol hahaha so funny!

**"to understand virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice"

Couldnt have said it any better!! Thanks a ton for ur wisdom mate! And especially being a veg too...WELL-DONE!


Keshi said...


** If humans were meant to be vegetarians then we would have been born with four legs and a taste for grass.

Well who could have said it any better :) THANKS!


Keshi said...

ok thanks all for taking part in this very interesting debate :)

vegs: I admire ur strength, self-control and discipline...I really do. U guys r awesome!

non-vegs:I admire u too...cos u r being who u really r...what u really should be. Doing what u want and feel like doing, in a totally free-spirited attitude.

We must respect each others' choices in long as it doesnt harass us.

Thanks all!


Romeo Morningwood said...

Open wide..notice the canines..there it is. Vegetarianism is a purely voluntary decision not a natural one. We can love animals and still be respectfulof the process. I agree that livestock should be raised in more humane conditions.
Have you ever watched footage of chimpanzees as they hunt down monkeys to supplement their diets?
Even though we parted ways with chimpanzees and baboons millions of years ago we were all designed to be omnivores and our gastro intestinal system will testify to that fact.
Eat what you like but please don't try to convince us omnivores that we're UN-natural or evil.

Keshi said...


hey thanka mate!

** Vegetarianism is a purely voluntary decision not a natural one.

Good point!

**Eat what you like but please don't try to convince us omnivores that we're UN-natural or evil.

Exactly what my point is!


Cie Cheesemeister said...

I have plenty of sins that can never be washed away because I am evil incarnate. Which is why in my next life there is a giant chicken waiting to eat my brain. His name is Bill. When we used to live on a little farm and had chickens, this bloodthirsty villain got out of the pen and jumped on my 2-year-old brother's back and tried to peck his brain out. I tried to chase him away but he ended up chasing me! Because Bill had also been terrorizing the other chickens, my father did what had to be done and we had a fine dinner. But I am waiting for Bill's come-uppance. I am sure a horrific death awaits me in my next life from his avenging beak. And then karma shall be balanced!
The Cheesemeister

Keshi said...


**Which is why in my next life there is a giant chicken waiting to eat my brain.

hahaha ur so funny girl!

**And then karma shall be balanced!

lol that was a neat lil story abt Karma :):)


ArChaNaR said...

well i will not debate here..

all i say is be happy that you get to eat something.. some ppl don't even have good resources to eat.

i got this link from my sis... want to share with all the ppl here .. who are fighting which foodto have!

Keshi said...

Archana that was so touching..I felt so small after seeing that...

yes we r SO VERY lucky to have SOMETHING to eat!

Thanks so much for that...
