Monday, May 8

The Weirdo In Me...

Playing Miss.TiggyTaggy today! One of my dearest friends Dawn has touched me with her magic wand and cast a bewitching spell on me...woooooosh! The spell is to write a blog entry about 10 weird things and/or habits that I have been inherited with. Now when I was spell-bound by this, I was thinking that it should rather be about 10 non-weird things about me cos usually Im! However let me take part in this and see if these are normal to you guys too. ABRACADABRA, you are tagged instantly! yes that's you who's reading this, so get on with it after reading my list muahahahaha!

1.I'm a manic dancer.
When I get time, I do all sorts of dances that I have never even it Spanish, Turkish, Punjabi, South Indian, HipHop, Funk or even puke sappy movie dance scenes. My friends/cousins love to watch me doing numbers like 'Dum Maro Dum' with all sorts of facial expressions and we have so much fun laughing. btw I can dance it home, parties, beach, car, lifts and even in the Ladies' as long as I have music on. My feet just can't keep still. Just this morning I was shaking mah booty in the Ladies' while checking on my mascara.
2.I like to look and feel rather glamorous ;-)

If I'm going to a wedding or a formal party, I like to look my BESTEST. I don't over-dress but I like to reach near-perfection. Call me vain but I like to flaunt my movie star charms every now and then...yep that's too much to ask for, but I so wanna look and feel g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s. Even for work I like to look good and quite presentable...just this morning my mum and I had an argument over me spending too much time in front of the mirror and I just left home being angry at you see, it's that tragic.
3.I'm an unforgivable clean-freak.
If I'm ever visiting your place, you better have it quite clean and neat...cos, goshhh I can't stand untidy and unclean places...sorry but that's me. Even at home, I can't even sit and watch TV if something around me is not in it's usual place. I love to clean the house whenever I can (even though I get lazy at times) and I like the place to always smell nice and fresh. Sometimes when I get messy, I feel like I'm, yes it's that serious.
4.Yes I believe in that pink-bubble destiny.
For some people this may be weird but I do believe that no matter what, your life is a pre-written story being recited chapter by chapter each day. We all have our own season and we disappear when it's the end of our season. No matter how hard you try to change your life, that too is pre-written for you. You may call me silly and weak, but that's why Im me na..
5.I love heavy-metal rock.
For a sensitive soul like me, it sure is weird that I love heavy-metal music. But I just think it's one of the sexiest kinds of music and even though it can get loud and crazy, somehow rock makes me feel at ease and relaxes me. Eversince I was a kid, I loved playing the role of a rock star and I also had a small guitar that my dad had bought me one Christmas cos I asked Santa for it. And all the while, my sister was sitting so sweetly at a piano looking so girly lol!
6.I have a shoe-fetish.
I love sexy shoes and I can't help but buy different kinds of shoes every season. I feel good when I wear a glamorous pair of stilettos/boots that make my legs look great and attractive. I can't but help stare at lovely shoes if I ever spot someone else wearing them. It's a pity that men can't be so sexy with shoes...but hell yeah I still check their shoes, ahemmm shoe-size lol!
7.When I get angry I can be quite funny.
When someting gets on my nerves and makes me wanna scream my lungs out, I always find a humorous corner in my soul. I just stop immediately and laugh like a maniac. Usually I make fun of my own self and it makes me laugh instantly, no matter how frustrating the situation may be. I think I'm lucky to be that way 'cos it helps me to forget the issue and calm down
quite quickly.
8.I get turned on by weirdos.
LOL yes...I get turned on by some guys who don't usually attract other girls. I mean if he's got a weird sense of humor or he's got a weird way of doing certain things (as long as it's not too crazy), I get attracted to them. I used to have an ex-boyfriend who loved to tickle my feet from under the table, whenever we were chatting you see, I was totally floored by him!
9.I'm easily shaken.
Yes as much as I sound strong, I'm very easily shaken. If someone sneezes loud, I get startled easily. Little things like that affects me alot. My mum says that according to Hindu astrology, my birth chart says that I'm a female deer...ahaaa, so that must be why. Then I better make sure I find a male deer ha ;-)
10.I don't like just hunks.
yeah weird but I don't like hunks just cos they look good. I need substance. A blue-eyed, blonde and brawny guy with an Akubra hat may get my attention but not for too long...he better impress me with some 'brains' or he's history. And FYI Brad Pitt was never my cup of tea - I mean coffee. Now girls can you just believe that!

95 Cranium Signets:

Anonymous said...

I get turned on by weirdos***Alright now i know exactly what is to be doen in the woods.....
Good day Keshi...:)

Dawn said...

Gosh gal!!!! I cant believe it that you are my twin in so many aspects :D
1, 2, 3 without saying ...:D 5, 6, 10..9 usually not as am very precautious...:) being a scorpio...I believe prevention is better than cure ;)
Thanks for evrything...dear :), huggggzzzzz....!


burf said...

*when i get angry...

i can recall a stupid bollywood flick in which shakti kapoor or someone stupid like him used to laugh whenever angry - he was supposed to be a front-line villian. or clown i suppose :p


Jim said...

I get turned on by weirdos

Oh Shit
she loves kinky sex

Sunita said...

Keshu we are common in 1,2,3,6 and 10...:D

Shivangi Misra said...

Hah! I hate hunks too!!! Just the look of that finely chiseled face... *pukes at the thought
As for destiny, its quite predictable, at least in my case. It oscillates between good times and bad times essentially in that order. Trust me!

Vivek Panda said...

wow!! the more i know u the more interesting it seems!! u never cease to amaze me keshi... i so wish that i cud meet u personally...

tulipspeaks said...

my post-mortem:

1. i know u love to dance.. so, for me, its not weird

2. of course my keshi is glamorous.. u got style nah? :P

3. clean? lolz.. okie okie.. i'm not laughing.. i dont know about this one. but i dont call this weird. coz i'm a clean-freak myself and could comprehend what u mean..

4. destiny.. this one startled me a little.. hmm..

5. metal rock? serious?????

6. lolz.. dear, which gal doesnt? :P :P

7. i know this one.. hehehe.. at times i dont know what to tell u when u got angry.. siripe thaan varum..

8. oh my kadevule.. this one caught my eyes, certainly!

9. okie i cant comment much on this one. i'm there with u physically nah?

10. rofl.. in m'sia we call this 'cuci mata'.. literally meaning feast for ur eyes..come on, hunks are 'created' for us to 'cuci mata' nah?



che sara sara said...

me had a big big real big laugh after ur
should i say ROTFL

Sujit said...

hehe.. pretty interesting list of weird theings..!! :)

Ekta said...

cleanliness freak!--girl we'r long lost sisters there!
Hubby will vouch for that--am a maniac!!
But turned on by comments!:-))
when I get angry--the whole world knows am angry....humor has nothing to do with me when am angry..haha!

radiohead said...

hah !! i wonder how cud u do wid jst 10 .. its gotta be more .. more .. i mean a lot ..

i knw ur a weirdo .. who else wud cry 1 day & talk abt food d other day :D
but its kinda nice .. being weird is alwyz happenin .. nd d best part is tht u can claim it nd ppl like such stuff ... aeeeewww .. whn will ppl get brains :)

newyz .. some weird things abt u ..

u knw wht i feel really weird abt u .. i hav nevr understood how much time do u get to post daily .. nd thn reply to each & evry cmnt in detail .. nd not only tht but reply to my replies to ur comment in my blog .. damn .. it got a lil weird .. hehehe

where did u get such time ?????
lolz .. r u unemployed ( i mean if ur not a student thn :p ) .. nd dont u get bored :( ..

ur a netaholic .. more thn evn me .. or may be evrybdy .. thts nt weird though .. bt may be a lil

u knw why m writing all this crap out here .. haha cause m weirder :)

so babes just control & dont get turned on by me ;) .. muhahahaha .

nd thnkx for d hugzzzz .. d meal is due :) . bbye & take care .

(weird)anuj .

Unknown said...

each one has his/her own set of weirdness eh?
But I like the fact that ur a Manic Dancer! Yay!

Die Muräne said...

I didn't go very deep into vedic astrology, so I haven't heard about a sign called "female deer" lol. Anyway, I'm sure I must be kind of "weird wild tiger" in vedic astrology!!

Whitch sign are you in western astrology?

Enchanted Mind said...

You dance that you never ever learnt ! thats an interesting line !

Shikha said...

One more tag for time deprived people like me:)

coolvir said...

I get turned on by weirdos........
If you ever need a guy to lemme office is full of weirdos :)

Jim said...

10 weird things and/or habits that I have been inherited with:

i gott 2 left feet

i havent got a 62 inch chest
and i am glad (she dont like hunks like u no who)

i have the uncanny ability to see evryting in sexual terms even food

i am a born flirt and i will probably die bcoz of this (i flirt wid married females too)

i enjoy bugging guys like u no who

i like to bug americans

i like to bug the britishers

i like to bug the desis who adopt firangi mannerisms

and i absolutely hate guys who agree by saying ABSOLUTELY ! all the time

i hate the term MATE used by the Austrayalayans, it suggests that u two have mated

and when Keshi calls dat old prick mate, my blood boils

Naveen said...

Lol, interesting indeed..

Vintage rock is like alcohol to me (though i don t consume alcohol,literally). Supposedly coming from a family which adores classical Indian Music and stuffs like bharatnatyam...i m one exception and my mum says i even had marty Friedman's(megadeth's instrumentalist) hair-do when i was 4. Loolll

**...but hell yeah I still check their shoes, ahemmm shoe-size lol!**

Whats the intricate LINK between men and their shoe size? i dunno coz 18 might be too young!!

*When angry*I just stop immediately and laugh like a maniac

Lol does that also apply when your bf forget to get you something on an auspicios day...Lucky dude!!!

**My mum says that according to Hindu astrology, my birth chart says that I'm a female deer...ahaaa,**

Goodness, a female deer who knows to cook chicken CURRY well...what a paradoxical link! hehehehe

*I don't like just hunks.*

i like this very much partly because it is very rare to find someone who's excellent in every aspect. Yes , you may have some expectations BUT should be a limit.
I ve personally seen many folks with a good looking scale but their partner looks rather ordinary. I asked them what's their success. The answer was pretty simple- WHATS REALLy IMPORTANT is Whether he/she is good to me, i don t have to bother what others have to say!thats the reply i got. With that, NEVER use the term ugly.....everyone is a way


nice one...hehehe

Pradeep Puranik said...

Hi Keshi! Howz ya? :)

Hmmm... Metal and Rock are things I just cannot appreciate. For me, music has to be something soothing, calm and sweet. Like blues, or smooth jazz...

Although I love proper order and organization of things, I cannot really call myself a cleanliness freak. :)

Hahahaha... one point here got me totally confused:

Had I not seen you drooling over the hunks in the adjascent office building, and cursing yourself for not being at the right place at the right time...? lolz

Been going through a hectic work schedule lately. Will get in touch with you soon, dear. Huggggz!


Masood Ahmed said...

Point no 8........:) I get turned on by weirdos. Love that.....

Himavan said... I learnt something more about you by this weirdo(hehehe..kidding)......:)

so your male deer should be weird and clean freak too

karmic said...

I am not sure they qualify as being wierd, but anyways here is my take on them.

1. Cool that you can dance. I can't even if my life depended on it. I might if I get drunk. :)

2. This might be an Ameircan thing not sure. I like to dress down and be casual, maybe cos I have to dress up for work? Although it is business casual so it's not super dressy, but thats me. Wife tries hard to make sure I look as good as her, so thats a losing battle for me. She just picks stuff that might look good on me and I have the good sense to acquiesce.

3. Clean freak too.
4. I am not sure anything is prewritten. One does have some control over their decisions and the paths they can lead to.

5. Music that helps me jog or workout, can be any types I guess.

6. If you have the legs to carry stilettos.. more power to ya girl.

7. I am not funny when I am angry. :)

8. Again define wierd.. lol tickling you under the table is not wierd. But i have a thing for women in glasses. :)

9. Don't startle easy.

10. I likes sensual women. That is hard to define for me, I guess it's knowing when someone has it? It's not even physical so many things go in to that.

starbender said...

U sound like such a fun person!
hmmm, don't know about the weirdo's though, I try 2 stay away from them! I'm kinda hoping the 'pink bubble' can be broken though, at least that's what I'm attempting anyhow!

Saby, I'm stalkin U.

Shriedhar said...

I too love to c ya dancing :)

for all ur look n feel n wot so ever features , i want u c ya sm wer ;)

n u may not require any servants in ur house , ur would be husband's a lucky chap ;)

Manish Kumar said...

cleanliness & looking glamorous...that I knew before from ur posts...and I think long long ago told DON that u and Keshi have some similar traits.:)
anyway nice reading .

The Phosgene Kid said...

Ten Weird Things About Ol’ Phos

1. Hell, just look at me!
2. Interest in world domination
3. Fascinated by disaster (probably why I keep Yukon around)
4. Think “American Idol” is crap
5. Firmly believe Dr. Pepper is a food group
6. Loves 100+ degree Weather (Fahrenheit, thank you very much)
7. Believe Osama Bin Laden is behind the Metric System
8. Wish all Kennedy’s live near book repositories
9. Keep my eyes firmly closed while driving
10.Love the sound the Vacuum makes when you run over paperclips


Tht was some tid-bits of some stuff...but you know, I didnt find them weird...Infact, I am just like u, 60% of the way......Wht u said about hunks is so true...They r like fishing...U get them n its nice but they r not gng to be your mate, the man....Ofcourse men gotta have brawn...!!! Good knowing a buch of stuff abut ya...:)

Jeevan said...

1. If a girl like you dance sure I like it. Will I get a chance to see your dance;)

2. I think beach is the best place to wear glamorous dress. There is a limit to wear glamour dress, if it crosses that it will be ugly

3. We too have a same thought; I also don't like to see my home dirty. I clean my thinks on my own then only I will get satisfaction

4. Pink-bubble destiny: can't understand.

5. I love to soft-metal music

6. I also like to wear fashion shoes, but what to do. I pray god that on one should wear my shoes (special shoe).

7. If I get angry, I control it and try to smile to avoid showing others. It's very hard dear.

8. Funny ex-boyfriend

9. You will get a cute male dear:)

Nice Blog Keshi.

Jewel Rays said...

Hey Keshi,

That was an awesome read for me!! Enjoyed it.

And hey i am not into brad pitt too.. I mean yeah he looks good in ocean twelve and all but nah not in da books. LOL.

and well its fun gettin to know da weird side of you. i did something like this months back. :) Love ya response to da tag.


Vipul said...

I like to look and feel rather glamorous ;-)

hehe shall i say attention seeker;)

I Get turned on by wierdo's

Okie am so happy today tat i can finally chance maru on keshi YESH!

Anonymous said...

"And all the while, my sister was sitting so sweetly at a piano looking so girly lol!"

urghh, stud play the piano 2!

"I get turned on by weirdos."

bet you were turned on watching Ray Liotta in 'Tarbulence'lol

"I'm easily shaken."

hmmm, may with her little lamb? (unexpected)

"I don't like just hunks."

...and Jude Law? lol


just a hunk:)

Perplexio said...

1.I'm a manic dancer.

You too?!?! My friends used to marvel and laugh at some of the dances I would create like "The Kayak," "The Hoover," "The Canoe," "The Rowboat," and "The Broom" which would mimic things like kayaking, rowing a boat, canoeing, sweeping, and vaccuuming. I made it a point to see how off the wall I could get with these new dance ideas.

5.I love heavy-metal rock.

What/who are some of your favorite metal bands? For 80s hair metal I'm a strictly Def Leppard & Guns N Roses kinda guy. For newer stuff I like progressive metal by groups like Dream Theater, OSI, & Shadow Gallery.

8.I get turned on by weirdos.

So, do you blog here often? hehehe. Seriously though, I try to be quirky/weird with my wife-- sometimes it works, sometimes I just get weird looks from her. I think I once tried to "pick her up" after we were married by saying, "So, do you live here often?" and got some pretty strange looks.

:P fuzzbox said...

You like weirdos huh. That must be why we get along. :)

Autumn Storm said...

:-) Good list, not weird at all and nice to learn a little more about you.

Cassio Barco said...

I'm not all like you!
but I've really liked your blog

Keshi said...


** know exactly what is to be doen in the woods.....

lol wut then??


hehe Dawny ur magic spell has got me all bewitched :):) lol we r alike in many ways oyeah ;-) Thanks babez! Huggggggggggggz!


**he was supposed to be a front-line villian. or clown i suppose



**she loves kinky sex

mebbe lol who knows...


omg u r a manic dancer too? WOWWWWWW we should get together some time na? ;-)


hehe yep great looking blokes sometimes turns out to be real dumb :)

**It oscillates between good times and bad times essentially in that order



hey Vivek :)

**i so wish that i cud meet u personally...

aww I wish too.....


muahhhhh Amu hows ya today? I'll be in ur blog pretty soon ;-)

**i so wish that i cud meet u personally...

lol good on ya!

**destiny.. this one startled me a little.. hmm..

why sweety?

**metal rock? serious?????

hell yeah ;-) not all the time..but most of the time :)

**lolz.. dear, which gal doesnt?

lolzz thre r some girls who dun like to spend so much on shoes...they just have one or 2 pairs and thats it...I just cant u'stand them, so thats why I thought mebbe Im weird here lol!

** hunks are 'created' for us to 'cuci mata' nah?

lol yep yep so drool all u want but watch when u get to know em :)


Jim said...

i am born again
a new man, a better model

i begun to love the nigerian, the Swiss guy, and Benders too

but i still like to bug the british and the americans and the austrayalayans and the desi firangis, and ....

Keshi said...


ROFTL! hahahaha :)


:) Thanks mate!


**cleanliness freak!--girl we'r long lost sisters there

haha yes!

omg u sound scary when ur angry lol! well yeah there r times I just cant laugh when Im those times, Im a devil :):)



**hav nevr understood how much time do u get to post daily

havent u heard abt multi-talented, mega-skilled souls? lol thats me :) na I aint unemployed/student....Im pretty much healthily employed and a very priviledged, talented soul :):) And na I dun get bored...what makes u think that I can get bored from all u wonderful ppl? r u bored here? :)

**ur a netaholic

nopes...u can call me blogaholic....Im not on the net otherwise...I dun chat etc. Just blogs only...



hey Anjaan :)

**But I like the fact that ur a Manic Dancer!

thanks and hope ur the same :):)


hey Murane hows ya?

**I'm sure I must be kind of "weird wild tiger" in vedic astrology!!

lol awww cant be..u must be some male sweety pie :):)

**Whitch sign are you in western astrology?

Cancerian...what abt ya?


lol yep..I mean dances I havent even learnt professionally :)


awww wut sort of work d u do girl?



**If you ever need a guy to lemme office is full of weirdos

Im sure I dun mean the kind of weirdos ur thinking of..hahaha!


lol so basically ur a racist??


hey Nav hows ya?

**marty Friedman's(megadeth's instrumentalist) hair-do when i was 4

:) awwww.......I used to listen to MD...

**Whats the intricate LINK between men and their shoe size? i dunno coz 18 might be too young!!

ask Saby haha :)

**Lol does that also apply when your bf forget to get you something on an auspicios day...Lucky dude!!!

nope no ways!! lol!

**Goodness, a female deer who knows to cook chicken CURRY well...what a paradoxical link! hehehehe

lol why not?

**With that, NEVER use the term ugly.....everyone is a way

very very true....bravo! And dthanks so much mate :)


Keshi said...


hey Pradeep Im good thank u! :)

**For me, music has to be something soothing, calm and sweet. Like blues, or smooth jazz...

I luv that kind of music too...Im a lover of many kinds of music :) It depends on my mood....

**Although I love proper order and organization of things, I cannot really call myself a cleanliness freak. :)

hehe good on ya!

**Had I not seen you drooling over the hunks in the adjascent office building, and cursing yourself for not being at the right place at the right time...?

lolz yes..I didnt say I dun drool on em..I do! but na they dun impress me any longer than that...thats what I meant :)

**Been going through a hectic work schedule lately.

hey take it easy and see u soon!


lollz I cant even comment after I read ur comment...BRB!


Keshi said...


hey mate :)

** I get turned on by weirdos. Love that.....

hehe why d u luv that so much?


hey how u been? long time...missed ya!

**so your male deer should be weird and clean freak too huh

lol yes and he better be a manic dancing deer too haha!


hey Jay hows it going?

**1. Cool that you can dance. I can't even if my life depended on it. I might if I get drunk. :)

lol cmon Im sure u can!

**2.She just picks stuff that might look good on me and I have the good sense to acquiesce.

thats great u've got a wifey with good taste ;-)

**3. Clean freak too.

high five!

**4. I am not sure anything is prewritten. One does have some control over their decisions and the paths they can lead to.

totally respect ur view abt it...

**5. Music that helps me jog or workout, can be any types I guess.


**6. If you have the legs to carry stilettos.. more power to ya girl.

hehe thanks! but na I dun wear those extremely high pointy ones...eeeeeeks I dun even know how girls walk on em!

**7. I am not funny when I am angry. :)

ogoshh thats scary :(

**8. Again define wierd.. lol tickling you under the table is not wierd. But i have a thing for women in glasses. :)

lol its not weird then :( hahaha! u have a thing for women in glasses? WOW I better get some glasses n walk ard na? :)

**9. Don't startle easy.

good for ya...

**10. I likes sensual women. That is hard to define for me, I guess it's knowing when someone has it? It's not even physical so many things go in to that.

so true!

Thanks Jay :)


Keshi said...


heyya Mate!

**I'm kinda hoping the 'pink bubble' can be broken though, at least that's what I'm attempting anyhow!

hehe cute...AND SMART! :)



**I too love to c ya dancing :)

haha u'd laugh like crazy! :)

**for all ur look n feel n wot so ever features , i want u c ya sm wer ;)

awwwwwwww.....thats such a sweet thing to say...I hope we meet some day na..

**n u may not require any servants in ur house , ur would be husband's a lucky chap ;)

hehe yep I think so...I mean I can cook, clean and I love kids...and I'm not bad girl :) Wut more does a hubby want? hehe...but I guess thats why Im not meeting my soul-mate so easily...cos the man upstairs thinks I'd be such a TV-wife and I guess he's bored lol!


Keshi said...


**cleanliness & looking glamorous...that I knew before from ur posts...

really? awww u rem me so well....

**and I think long long ago told DON that u and Keshi have some similar traits.:)

Dawny oyeah...she's such a swt hrt!

Thanks Manish :)

~~The Phosgene Kid

heyy Kiddo!

**1. Hell, just look at me!

lol cmon!

**2. Interest in world domination


**3. Fascinated by disaster

mmmm...:) lol!

**4. Think “American Idol” is crap

I think the ur not weird :)

**5. Firmly believe Dr. Pepper is a food group


**6. Loves 100+ degree Weather

EEEEEEEEEEEE! ok ur weird there! lol!

**(Fahrenheit, thank you very much)


**7. Believe Osama Bin Laden is behind the Metric System


**8. Wish all Kennedy’s live near book repositories

lol why?

**9. Keep my eyes firmly closed while driving

NO WAYS! I wont ever be driving ard!

**10.Love the sound the Vacuum makes when you run over paperclips


Thanks so much for taking the tag mate..ur awesome!


hey girl!

**but you know, I didnt find them weird...Infact, I am just like u, 60% of the way......

lol Im relieved!

**Wht u said about hunks is so true...They r like fishing...U get them n its nice but they r not gng to be your mate, the man....Ofcourse men gotta have brawn...!!!

true...btu u know some hunks who r really dumb get so much attention by girls...and they think Im weird that I dun get excited by such!


strawbearries said...

I loved mirrors too and admit that I do spend lots of time in front of it, just cant help it so I am constructing a 8ft full height mirror in my new home to satisfy myself. =P

I also got a soft spot for lovely shoes. Personally I own tons and tons of shoes that I have to build a full height shoe cabinet to store them.

Keshi said...


hello Jeevan hows ya?

**. If a girl like you dance sure I like it. Will I get a chance to see your dance;)

lol na Im sure u'd prefer Trisha to me :)

**2. I think beach is the best place to wear glamorous dress. There is a limit to wear glamour dress, if it crosses that it will be ugly to the beach I wear very casual clothes...:)

**3. We too have a same thought; I also don't like to see my home dirty. I clean my thinks on my own then only I will get satisfaction

good on ya Jeevan! Its quite hard to find a clean/neat boy lol!

**4. Pink-bubble destiny: can't understand.

hmmm...kinda like fate...d u believe that ur life is already planned or that u can make changes to it?

**5. I love to soft-metal music

yes more of soft rock is nice...

**6. I also like to wear fashion shoes, but what to do. I pray god that on one should wear my shoes (special shoe).

OMG Jeevan...Im so sorry...I feel bad for ya...I really do...Im so sorry if I stirred up any emotions in ya...

**7. If I get angry, I control it and try to smile to avoid showing others. It's very hard dear.

I too do that some times..just to keep everyone else happy...

**8. Funny ex-boyfriend

lol! I kicked him one day :):)

**9. You will get a cute male dear:)

awww thanks for the wishes...

Thanks Jeevan n u tc ok!


heyyy Amy hows ya?

**And hey i am not into brad pitt too.. I mean yeah he looks good in ocean twelve and all but nah not in da books. LOL.

LOL great minds think alike na! HIGH FIVE! And I started disliking him more after he dumped Jen and got on with Jolie so insensitive...

**i did something like this months back. :) Love ya response to da tag.

lol yes I rem that...thanks so much Amy hugggggggz!


hey Wandy!

**hehe shall i say attention seeker;)

lol u can say that...who wudnt luv some attention ha? :):)

**Okie am so happy today tat i can finally chance maru on keshi YESH!

MARU? lol I didnt get that na...tell me...


Keshi said...



**urghh, stud play the piano 2!

lol haha but Keshi luvs a man who can play the guitar and the piano ;-)

**bet you were turned on watching Ray Liotta in 'Tarbulence'lol

lol who is that???

**hmmm, may with her little lamb? (unexpected) a lamb-eating lil lamb :):)

**...and Jude Law? lol

lol wud luv to be ard him for a while but not if he displays cranium deficiency....hehe...

**just a hunk:)

haha no ways! Ur much more :)

Thanks matey!


heyyy mate hows ya?

**I made it a point to see how off the wall I could get with these new dance ideas.

LOL wow Perplexio! I'd luv to see u doing those items...goshhh lol! Very UNIQUE!

**What/who are some of your favorite metal bands?

GunsNRoses,Led Zeppelin,Van Halen,Megadeath, IronMaiden, BlackSabbath etc etc...used to listen to em alot..

Niravana and PinkFloyd r some other rock bands I just LOVE and cant live w.o...altho they r not heavy-metal...

**For 80s hair metal I'm a strictly Def Leppard & Guns N Roses kinda guy.

Hot stuff!

**For newer stuff I like progressive metal by groups like Dream Theater, OSI, & Shadow Gallery.


**8So, do you blog here often? hehehe. Seriously though, I try to be quirky/weird with my wife-- sometimes it works, sometimes I just get weird looks from her. I think I once tried to "pick her up" after we were married by saying, "So, do you live here often?" and got some pretty strange looks.

LOL haha I luv that in ya mate! thats exactly what I meant ;-) u've got it!

~~:P fuzzbox

**You like weirdos huh. That must be why we get along. :)

lol yeyyyy Fuzzy indeed! hugggggggggz!


**:-) Good list, not weird at all and nice to learn a little more about you.

lol thanks girl!


hey Willlz!

**You, know're not weird at all, you're just you...

hehe thanks!

**everyone's "weird" in the sense that they are a "one-off" - unique. If that's weird, it's great to be weird!

hell yeah! Thanks matey :)

**4- NO!!!! don't say that! It's scares the sh*t out of me! lol

lol ok NO then :)

**8- is that bcos you like to be in control, and "weirdos" tend to have low self-esteem and you can feel sympathy for them in a "awwwww, bless" kinda way?

lol hell na! na na na...:) I just like ppl with very unique ways...


~~Cassio Barco

hey WC Cassio!

**I'm not all like you!
but I've really liked your blog

hey thanks! :)


Jim said...

in my profession as a SEX COUNSELLOR i have studied the attraction btw the sex's

sex and sexual attraction is just a trick by God (the joker) to propagate the species and to upgrade the gene pool

so women who are beautiful to look at
will get attracted to brainy guys like me (remember Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller?)

dis sexual attraction is a fever hard to resist and will not stop
until consummation

and then God has a good laff when God sees Keshi and the outdoorsy girl waddling like a pregnant duck

u gotta be crazy to want to get pregnant !

Keshi said...


na na ur racist :)


**so I am constructing a 8ft full height mirror in my new home to satisfy myself. =P

LOL high five girl! Way to go :)

**I have to build a full height shoe cabinet to store them.

lol great job! I'd like one too :)


Keshi said...


**u gotta be crazy to want to get pregnant !

so wut d u want women to be? like men? lol!


Jim said...

"My shoe size is a 10.5, so my penis is 8.5??? Isn't that large considering the average shoe size is 10.5 and the average size penis is 6 inches?"

Average shoe sizes for men are documented in the 8 to 10.5 range. The U.S. military standard MIL-STD-1472D says it is currently 10.5, and has increased over the past few generations.

Men on average wore a size 6 shoe at the time of the American Revolution according to Jennifer Howard at MSN Slate.

sittingnut said...

heyy mate
good morning!
i am busy today so this would be quick

i don't think none of the things you mentioned are weird . really :-)
lot of ppl have them

got to go, will write again
have a great day !

Jim said...

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks:

thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.

Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them.

Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely:

thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.

Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men.

Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.

Orikinla gets his lines from here
yes, the song of solomon

uttara said...

hey weirdos...

loll hows ya
missed u
c ya laters muahhhhhh

south .. hmmm u wont leave a single chance to go to the woods huh???? loll

miss u guys :(

uttara said...

i need to pinc u hard .... lol

lots in common ... will be bk later


uttara said...


Anand said...

Unforgivable cleanliness freak!
Why does that sound sooo familiar...The wife are you listening!!

Keshi said...


goshhh too much detail man lol!


Uttsyyyyyyyyy mwahhhhhhhhhhh! I MISCHU :( mah partner in weirdness :)


lol @The Wife...

I think she already told me abt her cleanliness rules...haha u must be suffering alot at homw :)


Keshi said...


hey busy person ;-)

Thanks for confirming Im not so weird lol!

See u soon!


tulipspeaks said...

**destiny.. this one startled me a little.. hmm..

why sweety?

coz i always believe what is happening to us is bcoz of choices we make in life. not to say i dont blv in destiny all together, but its mainly bcoz of the options we have and choices we make.

sometimes i do blv in destiny n fate. just like what i have comment in ur latest post. ;)

kinda complex person i am..kekekeke


Keshi said...


aww I know wut u mean...sometimes we feel we have the free will...and sometimes we feel its all destined...

but lately I have realised that even the free will we have is destined...dun worry too much abt my complicated mind :) Ur entitled to believe what u believe sweety...


Tarun said...

Brad Pitt was never my cup of tea - I mean coffee.

I know I know..because I saw Angilina Joli was having sip from that cup even Jennifer had couple of sip from same cup before know what I mean ;)

Keshi said...

lol yes Tarun...Brangelina is also expecting their first bubz...and Jen is getting married soon GOSHHH how easy is all this for them lol!


Unknown said...

I love to clean the house whenever I can

I am a cleanliness freak too!

Tht quite a nice list.


Keshi said...

Good on ya Niki!


Die Muräne said...

sweetie pie? No way! I'm a weird wild tiger for sure! lol (funny bunny!)

i'm a virgo... will love to see you clean up all day hahaha!
Only the main sign doesn't tell so much. The real constallation only results on the exact time and place of birth. But Cancerian...thats funny. I don't know many cancerian (don't ask me why)

Keshi said...


**I'm a weird wild tiger for sure

so u pounce on ppl and get into a bloody mess? :)

** will love to see you clean up all day

lol why????

ur a Virgo...I dunno many Virgos...and u dunno many so now we know :)


Dalicia said...

1) i'm obssessed about moping
2) i love handbags
3) must wear make up all the time except when sleeping
4) listening to gossips
5) i laugh at myself :)
6) i like complicated man..wish means trouble for me
7) magazines..and more magazines
8) find many ways to get even with my colleagues
9) likes to think i'm a perfectionists
10) i love to sing...sing in the shower, car, sleep...when i'm talking on my cell hahah

Keshi said...


hey hows ya?

**1) i'm obssessed about moping

lol high five!

**2) i love handbags


**3) must wear make up all the time except when sleeping

lollz hahaha!

**4) listening to gossips

awwwww :):)

**5) i laugh at myself :)

haha me too!

**6) i like complicated man..wish means trouble for me


**7) magazines..and more magazines


**8) find many ways to get even with my colleagues

good on ya :)

**9) likes to think i'm a perfectionists

goshh me too! but its bad for me...cos the moment I do something to less perfection I feel so sad...

**10) i love to sing...sing in the shower, car, sleep...when i'm talking on my cell hahah

goshh me too hahahaha!

Thanks for taking part sweety!


Die Muräne said...

yes, now we know :)

Jo said...

I just think it's one of the sexiest kinds of music and even though it can get loud and crazy

Agree with ya! Rock rules!!!

And FYI Brad Pitt was never my cup of tea - I mean coffee

Girls gonna sue ya!! :-))

Sudeep said...

u really r weird.... lollzzz

we all would luv to have a look at a dance video of urs' :)

I love to clean the house whenever I can
gr8.. when r u coming over here.. make it b4 14th pls :D

I get turned on by weirdos

karmic said...

lol its not weird then :( hahaha! u have a thing for women in glasses? WOW I better get some glasses n walk ard na? :)

Yup.. I am sure you would be quite the distraction and a pleasant one at that.

sajini said...

Great list.. I love to dance too.. So weird guys huh? Do you mean socially awkward guys? :)....

tsduff said...

Keshi, you crack me up. I don't know anyone like you, and I loved reading about you. Your posts are always quite amazing, different, thoughtful, and fun. I love reading your blog. Thanks for the cheer.

sajini said...

I also like to dress up the b est I can!!!!

Keshi said...


Shakes hands with Murane...;-)


**Girls gonna sue ya

not really...cos it seems that alot of 'sensible' girls know wut I mean - that'll do for me ;-)


**we all would luv to have a look at a dance video of urs'

it's quite expensive u know...if ur willing to pay loads for it, I'll provide a censored one lol!

Clean ur house b4 mum arrives? awww I'll help u anytime as long as ur house doesnt look like a marathon was run over it by now...roftl!


Thanks Jay :) :)


aww we girls luv to dance and dress up good ha...high five!

**.. So weird guys huh? Do you mean socially awkward guys?

lol na...I mean the kind who's not normal....haha...well how can I say it...mmmm...guys who have a very different approach to doing things and seeing life...:)


muahhhhhhhhh Terry! :) U too babez!


Why not sure said...

Hey Keshi,

SEeing ur weird side, I am the perfect match for u... lol... :)

Nice to know ur weird side.

Sudeep said...

okk.. i have to find a sponsor now :D
its not tht bad dear... i will manage somehow

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

I'm a manic dancer.
Which is awesome!! If you ever come to Toronto let me know so that we can party it up like there is no tomorrow!

Keshi said...


lol Het lets rock we weirdos! :):)

btw wut r u doing with ur GF if ur the one for me? ;-) hahaha!


haha why sponsor? awww...ok ok I'll deliver it free but all censored..the pole-dancing bit lol!


Im sure together we will dance like there's nothing else to do on this Earth lol!


Cie Cheesemeister said...

I too love unusual-looking guys. The GQ thing just doesn't do it for me. And when I'm an even older phart than I am now, I will STILL love hard rock.
One of the coolest things I ever heard was the songs on Back in Black arranged for string instruments! You wouldn't think it would work but it was great.

Why not sure said...

She is perfect match for me :).

Rockenheimer said...

Sexy shoes and boots? Guitars? Where have you BEEN all my life?!

Keshi said...

hey Rockenpooper WC n thanks :)

Ive been right here and u've been over there :):)


Visithra said...

Ohh ohhhh im a manic dancer too - i cant listen to music without moving - all i need is music to dance - mood person time nothing else matters

and and me too love dressing up - but occasionally can be left unbothered - n u know the love for accesories ;p hehee i have a shop in madras that ive ben frequenting [ast few years that still remembers me eventhough my visist are more than a year once ;p

Keshi said...

Great Visithra! Then when we meet we can dance till dawn w.o. being looked at weirdly lol!

ur like me...I go to an Accessories' shop here in Syd where girls who work there have become my good friends now lol!

Way to go girl!

ArChaNaR said...

1. me too a manic dancer... sometimes while shopping if i hear a nice song... i just start dancing.. n ppl would just stare at me ..loll

2. dressing up... guess every gurl likes to do that ;)

3. Bingo!!! i hate when it's not clean. even when we go out to restaurents.. i clean the fork with the tissue paper

4. hi five!!! hehehe...

5. ah i don't lyk heavy metal... if anyone wants to kill me... leave me in the room with heavy metal songs... loll!!

6. loll!!!! i've got so many pairs of shoes... i look at them daily n smile n keep them back in the shoe box... now how weird is that? loll

looks lyk we both have a lot in common .. loll

Keshi said...

Archana aww :)

**i just start dancing.. n ppl would just stare at me ..loll

hahaha ur like me! My sis gets embarassed by me :):)

**even when we go out to restaurents.. i clean the fork with the tissue paper

lol omg me too! hahahaha!

**ah i don't lyk heavy metal... if anyone wants to kill me... leave me in the room with heavy metal songs...

aww lol ok ok no heavy-metal for ya then...:)

**i look at them daily n smile n keep them back in the shoe box... now how weird is that? loll

lol hahahaha! rings the bell somehow ;-)

**looks lyk we both have a lot in common ..

we sure do! great minds think alike...ooops I mean weirdly great minds ;-)

Thanks girl twas a treat to read ur's!


Visithra said...

Definetly - n we have just the place to bogey till dawn - a club open just for us ;p hehhe u come down soon gal ;p

Keshi said...

I should then ha :) Thanks girl!


Mr. J said...

Heavy Metal/Rock.. That is not weird. Since you mentioned this, i'll put up a song from Van Halen- Humans Being. You have to listen to the leads midway.. awesome stuff. And Rock On from Def Leppard from their new album Yeah!

What bands do you listen to?
I got Ozzy/Black Sabbath/Van Halen/Manson/Tool/Papaorach/Ill Nino/Hoobastank/Trapt/Linkin Park/Bon Jovi/Drowning Pool/Iron Maiden/Metallica/.. ohhh the list is endless

Keshi said...

hey thanks Me! :)

I like listening to GunsNRoses, Nirvana (grunge), Metallica, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath etc etc...

will check out ur song soon and thanks a ton!


La vida Loca said...

awww sweet.
Like you I dont like just looks...will have to have fact the latter takes precedense.

c'est la vie said...

hey keshi...m new to blogos world.
i wanto u to help me...
atleast tag me for anything..let me c how i face this.

c'est la vie said...

hey keshi,
m new to blogo world..ll u plz help me..
atleast tag me for anythin u like..