This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Hola amigos! I have some 'Living La Vida Mocha' news for ya! Actually I' ve got breaking news about Diego (re last post Te Quiero Diego ). Dooo yooo waant thoo nawww? Calm down, he didn't ask me out, not yet ;-). But, it looks like Diego looks forward to my daily visits to the cafe as much as I look forward to them ooh lala! His facial and *bloody-hot-beyond-human-comprehension*bodily expressions say so! The moment I walk in to the cafe, he dashes in to the coffee-machine area from wherever he is *drops all current work he's doing, yep the Carribean Queen is here so yeah!* and asks 'how arrrre u todai?' with a deep husky voice which in other words should mean 'how exciting to see u baby!', that makes me wanna say 'good ty, but could be better if u go Sailing with me!'. Seriously the dude seems to have a crush on me. No I'm not hallucinating or joking or blowing my trumpet either. Let me tell you more about his rather 'cluey' behavior this week. Then you decide.
On Tuesday morning I walk into the Cafe, and he comes running towards me with a smile on his face like he's known me all his life since the days he was in diapers *man it's only been 2 weeks or so!*. I thought I'd give him some more time to figure out if this is the way he greets everyone, or is it only me that he's so very clearly 'chuffed' to see. There was a 'granny' who had walked in to the cafe, and even she at the ripe old age of probably 200, couldn't keep her eyes off Diego! *dirty nanna lay off!* She nearly picked him up! I swear she asked him 'where are you from?' with a twinkle in her eye, staring at Diego's hunky back. Flirty granma keep your hands off Diego ok! *well atleast until I get over this crush plz LOL!*. He was very kind to her too but I saw a different look on his face when he was talking to was more like a ur-as-old-as-my-nanna-aww-u-remind-me-of-her kind of look. *thank God Im relieved!*. But whenever he speaks to me it's more like a so-cut-the-crap-woman-now-when-r-we-going-out kinda look. *am I stoked to bits or what!*. So on Tuesday, Wednesday AAAND Today, we chatted longer than usual and I almost forgot that I do have something called an office, and that I had to leave this cafe and go to that office to get back to work! After the super sultry Nanna-in-an-orange-wig left, he went on to ask where I was from *I felt like saying, I'm from Sri Lanka but in the process of getting Colombian citizenship*. Well I told him I was from SL, while I was thinking what other 'cool' questions I could ask him next, and as soon as I wanted to ask something my tongue gave up on me *Am I surprised? no baby no, u r born to be tongue-tied in front of hunks and look like ur in dire need of a speech therapist!*. Anyways, he went on to ask more and more questions about me, like where do I work, which building, what do I do etc etc. When I told him I work as an IT Consultant, he said 'o u smaarrrrrt girrrl! I weeesh I cood work with com-putherrs'. And then I said 'well why dun we swap jobs then?' and tried to smile stylishly like Jennifer Aniston*failed badly cos I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot*. And he goes 'If I had the brains like yooo, I woood lov to do it'. I was thinking if he had any brains at all within that hunky head he'd have asked me out by now! *rolling eyes* So, I replied 'o well, that has nothing to do with brains, I mean I cant make coffee like u or bake the delicious sweets and food u guys make here. Everyone is good at something'. hmmm I was doing a smartass Salma Hayek there that eventually backfired on me! I felt lke the biggest moron breathing on this planet cos I just confessed I can't make coffee or bake or cook! That would mean I'm a hopeless woman right? WOW Keshi applause applause! Actually my coffee sucks. My friends tell me that the kind of coffee I make *with cold milk straight from the fridge due to a mega-watt lazyness that I'm born with* my husband would leave me for another woman...but I'm not worried. Cos now it looks like my husband would most likely be a coffee maker! ;-)
So, apart from our daily chats, today I nearly passed out and reached Heaven...cloudy room #9 btw! Cos Diego was wearing a black singlet today. You may wonder what's the big deal about it. Well there's indeed a very big deal about it ok, so stop making ugly faces at me. He usually wears a white singlet and even that looks so darn sizzling on him. But the black one, against his mocha complexion, *mildly* hairy chest *trust me I never thought I'd like a guy with a hairy chest but now all that has changed ok, in a span of few days. I'm all FOR hair now, even the Gorilla cut!* and his broad shoulders made me wanna touch him. o yes TOUCH him just like that. I didn't though *dun panic*. I was brought up to behave decently, so yeah there's no chance of me touching him without images of my mum coming up in clouds saying 'Keshi u bad girl, I'm going to have to lock u up in a room for being so naughty...leave that Diego alone or I'll shoot u now and will not attend your funeral either!'. Like it matters. So yeah, no chance you see. Being brought up in a conservative household, I just cant 'touch' certain 'things' *super sad music follows...more like tearjerkers*. So today, he was there again, and he started the convo again *even when I give him my order and remain silent, he's always the first to start the convo*. I prefer to remain silent cos I'm speech-phobic these days...I seem to utter the dumbest of things for some wierd reason. So he asked me what my plans were for the weekend and I went on and on and on as if he really needed to know all of that! Hang on, why am I even going this far? Keshi, stop on your tracks you Speedygonzales, or soon you'll be on pathetic Lost-Love Social Security benefits!
Then, as I got my coffee and gave him the money, his fingers slightly TOUCHED mine! OMG the electricity that passed through my veins right then were of a voltage higher than that of entire Australia's electricity supply! He did realise that too and he looked at me with a sneaky bad-boyish smile. I think he did that on purpose and it kind of took me by surprise. I pretended not to notice though I was 'celebrating' inside my head, but I said goodbye with a slight grin, as he said 'have a gooood weekend, see u on Mondiii!'. And as if I couldn't be any dumber, I turned around and asked him 'well ur not here on Mondays arent u?' OMG what a despo Keshi is! And then he said 'oyeah I'll see u on Tuesdaii!'. I was like, 'ok Keshi WTF is wrong with ya, get out of here before u make him realise ur a stalking dumbo bigger than his cafe!'. So I stepped out of the Cafe in style, trying to walk like a Supermodel on the ramp, in my black boots and black tights, showing off my long legs and stylishly caressing my hair off my forehead, hoping he'd look at me *at that moment I also hoped that I wouldn't trip and fall cos I'm very good at falling down in front of guys. Refer to my massive Falling Encylcopaedia in the archives of this blog*. I walked out of the cafe dreaming about his black singlet and smooth fingertips...I don't think I'll look at black singlets in the same way ever again, neither do I wanna wash my hands right now!
At office, I've been telling everyone about him, and the guys are teasing me badly. They think I go there for Diego and not for the coffee, duh as if! Ask my blog friends, they know I just go there for the good coffee! ;-) Also, that friend who knows about Diego is going to all the coffee shops in her area to find a Diego-equivalent in her life. I asked her to give it up, cos she'll never find another Diego in this world. LOL! At home, I walk around like I'm born Spanish, trying to be a spicey Spanish flame, and practise speaking Spanish infront of the mirror...let me tell ya, it looked pathetic beyond all pathetic things in the world put together! Diego might even have a GF...but it doesn't bother me. This is just a temporary phase but will last a sweet eternity...nothing serious ya know *although I've already dreamt of getting married to Diego, meeting his Spanish family, cooking for him, dining and wining with him, and of other things ahem!*. He told me that he starts work at 5am...and I realised how different our lifestyles are. But we share one thing...the warmth and friendliness about us.Diego is a hottie, not just cos he looks good...but cos his heart is good too. And that attracts me big time. It's no point looking good but being unable to reach out to people. I have met countless goodlooking people but with no charisma or with no personality, and with a huge ego*u know the massive male ego duncha!*. They turn me off big time. Often saying Hi, asking how the other person's day was, smiling, sharing and talking with a total stranger makes a BIG difference in people's lives *both your's and their's*. That's what LIFE is...the simple yet genuine life. So LIVE it and enjoy every second of it people. Be nice to can't expect people to be nice to you without you being nice to them? Smile at someone today and make yourself and them happy, and less lonely, atleast for awhile. And have aMocha chocolata ya ya! ;-)
WOW!!nice progress babe!! and yes i knw its not gonna b something serious but it definitely adds a zing to ur life!!So go fot it babe....i'd say u shud go on a date with him. ;) and then tell me wht hpnd....
jus in my last comment i was asking abt this guy , and here comes an entire "ode" aka post about him.... lol......
i guess u should probably start learning salsa and other spanish dances and wait for him to take u out for a spanish club , so that u can impress him with ur moves .hahhahaa
I'm sure either one of these is possible : he already has a gf, or extremely afraid to ask u out,simply becos he feels he's jus a waiter and wont know how u'd react ,and u mite complain to his boss. so ease him out a bit and i suggest u to ask him out first goood luck mate.
hehe. Keshi, all the best.. I would so want to see a picture of Diego after all tht u know the forewords u have put together to describe his appearance.. for the obvious reason.. i need my eye treat :P enjoy until it lasts :D
ahh its good to spice up life a bit :) hehe ya ur blog friends do know that u go there for the Diego Coffe lol...Well i would love to know how this progresses for sure :) Have gr8 time
will read this post after sometime.. will comment on this by tonyte.. came here to tell ya that you can link that post up.. anytime.. you need not ask permission and stuff
at times you were sounding like teenage girl infatuated with hot middle aged uncle. Mr Deigo is quiet reachable and attainable, so go for it, dont act like typical IT chic.
>>>u r born to be tongue-tied in front of hunks and look like ur in dire need of a speech therapist
Ah even i feel same infront of ultra hawt chics wearing red.
>>>Cos now it looks like my husband would most likely be a coffee maker! ;-) that is little too much, but nevamind no one charges you for fantasizing.
>>>Diego might even have a GF. "a", Diego would have crossed that number years ago.
>>>mum coming up in clouds My mom is so sure of my good boy behaviour, she wont even believe her eyes, See thats called power of deception.
>>>have met countless goodlooking people but with no charisma or with no personality, and with a huge ego Very true, they are biggest loser on the face of this earth.
Anyway Gal, elope with deigo, that's ur ticket to Spanish world and then get me citizenship of some South American country too, all senoritas are waiting for me.
That Aniston pic is damn hawt btw =P And I was actually lol-ing at the way I was imagining Diego speaaaaak!..=D I'll be happy for you in whatever you do,babeh..just don't be too hasty! =D muuuuuuuuuuah!
all i do is to stare at his picture on facebook and drool and imagine how it will be when we finally bump into each other. sigh! and yes I too have planned my whole life with him complete with the dream house, the dog and our kids. hmphhhh! not to forget my cooking yeayyy baby way to go. cheers to us!
Wow, you're really humorous! Thanks for bringing the first smile to my face in a while. I had almost forgotten how it feels to have these feelings for someone. This post brought back some really cool memories. Again, thanks for the smile. :)
LOL .. Well it's nice that you know his schedule. At least you didn't let him know that you know what he drives and where he lives. hehe ;-)
It's good that you told him you can't make coffee or bake. Since he already knows you're beautiful and smart, if you were awesome at coffee and baking he might think you were perfect and get all intimidated.
Hola amiga. Como esta usted? It is really not very common that a good looking person is also good at heart. He seems to be a nice youngman. It is fine to enjoy such light moments, slighty flirtish but before you take it any further please do apply your mind fully.
WOW man things are really working our in that part of the world... just got the house and now getting the guy ;-) J.K.! i m happy to know atleast someone is getting closer to catch their "THE ONE"! lol I still have a looooong way to go
wow - ur description was full on - made me picture everything perfectly :) Harmless flirting is okay...nothing to worry :) Enjoy it Keshi....these things are GOOD stress-busters!
Keshi I just gobbled up ya entire post!! I sooooooo wanna see Diego man! :P Dont dream so much please, and who tol ya that he has a gooood heart? he himself? ;) Dreaming and floating on cloud nine is on for you girl, cheers. Flirt big time with him. lol! What an advice!! he he Nevertheless, have a nice time. :)
**stylishly caressing my hair off my forehead, hoping he'd look at me**
about zillion years ago i had once said "gals play with their hair when they r intrested in someone".. and all evn u said tats look whos playing with hair??
Hi,Keshi-ah,ah!!Seems like you're making some nice progress..Enjoy,enjoy-the coffee,I mean, of course..hahaha!!:) "Com-putherrs" was pronounced so nicely by Diego..wish u'd recorded that sentence.Have a great time!:)
After all the suspense you should post a pic..and you should get a little wicked methinx..with all these wicked thoughts happening in your head, time to eat the khayali pulav too ;)
Awesomeness! I hope a date is up ahead waiting to be tapped into. How lovely finding a lovely connection in a coffeeplace. Its something most girls would delight in.
I would love to.. just do it after I'm an adult, and I'm oficially allowerd by my parents to visit ya! And..I won't need an occaasion to come to your place once m big..I'll drop by any time I want to trouble you =P
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
96 Cranium Signets:
WOW!!nice progress babe!! and yes i knw its not gonna b something serious but it definitely adds a zing to ur life!!So go fot it babe....i'd say u shud go on a date with him. ;) and then tell me wht hpnd....
Do you really need a Diego?
hey Ria!
**it definitely adds a zing to ur life
thats exactlt what I think too :):)
noooo I cant go on a Date with him lol Ria!
hey Arv!
**Do you really need a Diego?
what exactly d u mean by that qn? :)
Whoa! Thats a lotta good coffee! ;)
Lol.....I can imagine how you musta gone red when oldie granny was flirting wid Diego!
Good luck Keshi gal..... n hav a gud weekend!
so many thngs happning in coffee shop! ;)
gud keshi!
i knw u must be feeling very different these days.. diego in minds.. :P
anyways, as far as u luv njoying.. go ahead! njoy dear.. :)
I go there for Diego and not for the coffee, duh as if! Ask my blog friends, they know I just go there for the good coffee! ;-)
Imagine all your blog friends moving their head......Not up and down right......But for sure from left to right and left!! Haha!!
You last paragraph says to me, while you are in cloud 9 your foot still on ground.
Like ria said - harmless flirting is the best thing to add sauce to your life....
and yeah strangers can really put a smile on you yaar.
esp when they smile at u, you have no other go but to smile back.
Like in this interview i attended a couple of days back, the gal who was helping the HR - smiled @ me.
and i returned the gesture and 4 no apparent reason i felt good yaar.
Cheers to those easy going people who always share a smile and a kind word- of course a flirt doesn't really hurt.
Smile - a mile these days.
But yes, I am happy you exist with smile.
Hugs !!!
jus in my last comment i was asking abt this guy , and here comes an entire "ode" aka post about him....
i guess u should probably start learning salsa and other spanish dances and wait for him to take u out for a spanish club , so that u can impress him with ur moves .hahhahaa
I'm sure either one of these is possible : he already has a gf, or extremely afraid to ask u out,simply becos he feels he's jus a waiter and wont know how u'd react ,and u mite complain to his boss. so ease him out a bit and i suggest u to ask him out first
goood luck mate.
Luvvvvd dis post keshi...So flirty nd funny.
Mocha chocolate..Yummy..;))
You're having some serious fun out there in ur coffee shop...
Go ahead, take it to the next level Keshi...
so dates with him on his cafe
sounds cliche :P
good luck with the mocha or livin la vida loca :P
OMG, keshi, what's going on? how the hell did i miss the previous post abt DIEGO special? well, i read it anyways now.
girl, looks like something is cooking(or is it better to say 'brewing') out here. all the best, my friend.
hehe. Keshi, all the best.. I would so want to see a picture of Diego after all tht u know the forewords u have put together to describe his appearance.. for the obvious reason.. i need my eye treat :P
enjoy until it lasts :D
Lots of love :)
ahh its good to spice up life a bit :)
hehe ya ur blog friends do know that u go there for the Diego Coffe lol...Well i would love to know how this progresses for sure :) Have gr8 time
Awesome, and Diego sounds like a swooners name, just dig it man :)
WOW... I wish I had a Diego in my life...
Enjoy... Flirting is good for everyone...
will read this post after sometime.. will comment on this by tonyte.. came here to tell ya that you can link that post up.. anytime.. you need not ask permission and stuff
cheers mayte
Some chemistry at work... All the best Keshi....
Keshi getting J at a old granny... control, keshi, control :)
Waiting to read more lovely things about you and diego in the coming days.........
Looks like you are in for 'Something good' as the song goes, Go for it-'Blast Off'
at times you were sounding like teenage girl infatuated with hot middle aged uncle. Mr Deigo is quiet reachable and attainable, so go for it, dont act like typical IT chic.
>>>u r born to be tongue-tied in front of hunks and look like ur in dire need of a speech therapist
Ah even i feel same infront of ultra hawt chics wearing red.
>>>Cos now it looks like my husband would most likely be a coffee maker! ;-)
that is little too much, but nevamind no one charges you for fantasizing.
>>>Diego might even have a GF.
"a", Diego would have crossed that number years ago.
>>>mum coming up in clouds
My mom is so sure of my good boy behaviour, she wont even believe her eyes, See thats called power of deception.
>>>have met countless goodlooking people but with no charisma or with no personality, and with a huge ego
Very true, they are biggest loser on the face of this earth.
Anyway Gal, elope with deigo, that's ur ticket to Spanish world and then get me citizenship of some South American country too, all senoritas are waiting for me.
woooooooo keshi gal....gettin mushy :P it juss crush?? or love??
heyy i liked tat coffee incident....:P
tongur tied, tongue left me .............hmm never visualised you in this way Keshi:P:P
:) shud i say instantaneous connections?
That Aniston pic is damn hawt btw =P
And I was actually lol-ing at the way I was imagining Diego speaaaaak!..=D
I'll be happy for you in whatever you do,babeh..just don't be too hasty! =D
ooh! I like the way this story is progressing! Ur coffee is getting sooo much more interesting! I like it! :P
ooh! I like the way this story is progressing! Ur coffee is getting sooo much more interesting! I like it! :P
thats adorable keshi. how sweet! :-)
i have one of those too but i am yet to meet him in real life heheh!
all i do is to stare at his picture on facebook and drool and imagine how it will be when we finally bump into each other. sigh! and yes I too have planned my whole life with him complete with the dream house, the dog and our kids. hmphhhh! not to forget my cooking yeayyy baby way to go. cheers to us!
Wow, you're really humorous! Thanks for bringing the first smile to my face in a while. I had almost forgotten how it feels to have these feelings for someone. This post brought back some really cool memories. Again, thanks for the smile. :)
lol this is just getting cuter..
And I loved the last para :) yup there are many goodlooking people but the air of arrogance in them makes them ugly !
There's something very magical about talking with strangers when you've just casually met 'em few times.
mamma mia, keshi!! (ahem ahem)
like they say--"a lot can happen over coffee" ;)
LOL .. Well it's nice that you know his schedule. At least you didn't let him know that you know what he drives and where he lives. hehe ;-)
It's good that you told him you can't make coffee or bake. Since he already knows you're beautiful and smart, if you were awesome at coffee and baking he might think you were perfect and get all intimidated.
Hola amiga. Como esta usted? It is really not very common that a good looking person is also good at heart. He seems to be a nice youngman. It is fine to enjoy such light moments, slighty flirtish but before you take it any further please do apply your mind fully.
Take care
WOW man things are really working our in that part of the world... just got the house and now getting the guy ;-) J.K.! i m happy to know atleast someone is getting closer to catch their "THE ONE"! lol I still have a looooong way to go
wow - ur description was full on - made me picture everything perfectly :) Harmless flirting is okay...nothing to worry :) Enjoy it Keshi....these things are GOOD stress-busters!
Keshi I just gobbled up ya entire post!! I sooooooo wanna see Diego man! :P
Dont dream so much please, and who tol ya that he has a gooood heart? he himself? ;)
Dreaming and floating on cloud nine is on for you girl, cheers. Flirt big time with him. lol! What an advice!! he he
Nevertheless, have a nice time. :)
Hi Keshi
Will Keshi get her man?
Has she found the man she's been waiting for all these spinster years?
Is this unbelievable piece of male flesh transgendered?
In the next episode of the 'Hot And Horny' Keshi can be seen making love with coffee pot.
Has anyone told Keshi the spout is not made for that?
Be sure to tune in next week when we see Keshi crying over her cold coffee.
Stay tuned to see Archie Andrews purpose to Veronica.
Will she turn him down?
Does Archie really have the hots for Betty?
Does Archie finaly come of the closet to ask Jughead to marry him?
here's hoping he musters up enough courage to ask you out soon!
it's not everyday u crush on someone, right... so make the most while this crush lasts! :)
Coffee always has been at the helms of love and romance...
Harmless flirting definitely adds lots of spice to your life...
Loved your post...keep writing..
Raj gals r having fun here ...
**stylishly caressing my hair off my forehead, hoping he'd look at me**
about zillion years ago i had once said "gals play with their hair when they r intrested in someone".. and all evn u said tats look whos playing with hair??
@Keshi: And hey i dint knw i was the first to comment!! Yey....
And why cant u go on a date...its jus a date babe!! :P ;)
Hi,Keshi-ah,ah!!Seems like you're making some nice progress..Enjoy,enjoy-the coffee,I mean, of course..hahaha!!:)
"Com-putherrs" was pronounced so nicely by Diego..wish u'd recorded that sentence.Have a great time!:)
After all the suspense you should post a pic..and you should get a little wicked methinx..with all these wicked thoughts happening in your head, time to eat the khayali pulav too ;)
mmmm i should go more often to the coffee shop, we ever know what could happen. I hope u ll go on a date wid Diego :)
tc girl
Awesomeness! I hope a date is up ahead waiting to be tapped into. How lovely finding a lovely connection in a coffeeplace. Its something most girls would delight in.
Rakesh that granny had me J, can ya believe it lol!
hehe ty Swetha! :)
oyeah Maddy I gotta touch ground somehow! ;-)
Muthu yeah Flirting is better than Fighting right? :)
hehe ty Hobo! :)
ty Karthik!
**and here comes an entire "ode" aka post about him....
LOL thats KESHI style!
ty Vani! ;-)
Rakesh whats that NEXT level btw? :)
lol Bro ty!
HAHA Satish! ;-)
Richa I dun wanna show u his pic cos u might just snatch him! ;-)
shhhhhhh Enigma u know I go there just for the COFFEE! ;-)
lol Caz tnxx hun!
Rashmi create one! ;-)
Chriz I waited for ur permission...I think I will link it up in my Flatmate posts that will come up soon. tnxx!
hehehe ty Suresh!
me not J of granny...just a lil freaked out lol!
hey Vesty! ;-)
noooo Anuz he's not an UNCLE! He's a hottie!!! :)
u wanna go to Colombia? Lets go!
Joyce its a bone-crushing CRUSH!!
Kunjal I can be MANY things! :)
looks like it! @Gypsy ;-)
Crystal if I do get married to Diego, wud u come to Aus for the wedding? :)
hehehe Ash ty!
r ya serious Utopia?? WOW so u hv a crush on someone and u hvnt shown it to him yet? awww...
d u need any tips on how to say it? LOL!
Cordie its always good to live in LOVE ;-)
tnxx hun!
ty Sugar!
**There's something very magical about talking with strangers when you've just casually met 'em few times.
spot on! It keeps u happy n young ;-)
aha Pri ;-)
HAHAHA Jay good one!
I know Jack ;-)
Zainab but I think he'd hv a million girls drooling over him :(
yep Shachi ;-)
lol Diya ty for the advice! ;-)
HAHAHAHAHAHA Bev good one I love it!
Its a saga...a TV soap!
Raysh if he asks me out, I'd faint!
Rajeev hey WC n ty!
Yes Coffee is quite an intimate drink ;-)
oyesss Nirmal ;-)
Ria yes ur the first yeyyyyy! :)
Date? :( Im not sure if Im like that...I dun go on Dates like that sweetz...thats why...
LOL Amit ty!
White_magpie I do hv a pic of him LOL!!!
lol Cess try that!
aha Amy ;-)
tnxx hun!
uncle as in it was an analogy wrt how infatuated u sound, not that he is a an uncle, offcourse.
Heyya...sryy was the post right now....Woooo.. thats rocking news babe.. ;)
"Way to go...Dahling" :*
haha Anuz! I get ya now :)
hey ty Nidhi ;-)
Loved this post, Keshi!
Made me smile from ear to ear!
Thank u, hun!
Now I want a Mocha Chocolate... YUM, YUM!
Love ya, don't u know it!
lol Margie me and my crushes! ;-)
I would love to.. just do it after I'm an adult, and I'm oficially allowerd by my parents to visit ya!
And..I won't need an occaasion to come to your place once m big..I'll drop by any time I want to trouble you =P
aww Crystal :)
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