Thursday, June 2


Pregnancy, isnt that a miracle? A little human being growing in the womb of a woman. Magical petals of colorful flowers with motionless dewdrops sitting on them, isnt this a miracle? Warmth of a friend's smile that brings instant contentment to your troubled mind, isnt that a miracle? Being able to talk, walk, see, hear and feel, isnt that a miracle? The sun, the moon and the stars and the rain drops, arent they miracles? People with big hearts and huge smiles, now arent they a miracle too? Isnt a warm cup of coffee a miracle? The aroma and the joy it brings to your senses. Love between two souls that connect them for eternity, isnt that truly a miracle? Isnt beautiful smooth skin that shines with health a miracle? Music that makes your body move and fill your mind with pleasure, now isnt that a miracle? Isnt having a family to laugh with, cry with and lean on a miracle? Isnt freedom, peace of mind and being happy with what you are a miracle?
Look around you...everything is a miracle...just that you don't see it that way because it's been like that always. Don't look too far for miracles, it's right next to you. What you consider ordinary can be another's most chased-after dream. Enjoy your miracles from today and don't forget to tell me what your miracles are...

29 Cranium Signets:

Tanvi said...

awww keshi!..that was such a thought provokin post! miraclez are my family .. my friendz..n havin such wonderful online friendz like u around..
muaaah miss u heapz!

Keshi said...

Spot on Tanvi babezz! You got your miracles so right sweety, family is the number one miracle because if not for them we wont be what we are today right?

hugggz I miss u heaps too...why dun u come on IT somehow?


Jim said...

ur the miracle in my life
u introduced me to blogging

its given me a lotta love from all around the world

its also given me a lotta bad press

CUSSES ! to u
if my id is exposed
i am in deep shit

Anonymous said...

IT is a miracle....loll

:) said...
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:) said...

wowww awesome post keshi.. uumm my miraclez r my family.. my friends tweetypie(my best frds baby doll).. n the way we all online frds get attach with each other its simply a miracle..

keep smiling..

--pearl-- said...

anything that gets a smile on my face :)

Keshi said...

awwwwwwwww Saby huggggz! Gosh I cant be a miracle, perhaps an inspiration but thanks for that lovely compliment! I'm high now :)

lol nv yep IT is a real miracle...I met so many lovely people there like u guys and ofcourse IT also made me realise there are alot of dorky miracles around, like anonymous fools :)

aww Pari awesome miracles u got...I'm sure ur enjoying them to the fullest and Im sure u r a miracle to ur family&friends too - no doubt about that!

Right now I'm enjoying the miracle called lunch :)


Keshi said...

Pearlyyyyyy whoaaa u smarty pantzz :) What a wonderful way to define ur miracle!


Keshi said...

And hey all u guys...mah sweet sweet blog mates...u guys r the best new-found miracle for me! words r not enough to say in what wonderful ways you all make me smile, laugh, wonder and learn about the world on a daily basis...if not fo ru I wouldnt be what I am guys rock!


Jim said...

where the fucks is Rex Venom
he is another miracle

he gott me hooked onto the american wooman

u guys must tink i am anti-american not true

i am anti -prejudice
i gott a blogg called I LOVE MY INDIA it is tongue in cheek

--pearl-- said...


u rock too!

MomThatsNuts said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog keshi. I welcome all people to hear about my boring life!! I Hope you stop by again sometime.


Keshi said...

thanks Pearly :) u r the sweetest rocking chick eva! rem?? hehehe

icy excellent way of describing what miracles r! thanks for enlightening us all on how miracles happen everyday everywhere...isnt that so true!

And hey momthatsnuts no worries n u aint boring at all :)

Thanks all for the miraculous comments! mind blowing indeed!


Keshi said...

Misty wrote:

ummmmmm...what am I trying to look for?

the sunflower, i hope...or has my brain stopped working?

hehe..nice pic btw.


Mistyyyy that will be my new identity :) I just posted it just to get the URL n u got me in between :) thankss n hugggggggz!


Keshi said...

omgggggggg jannnnnnnnnn congratttttttttttttts!! I'm so happy for ya matey! woohoo jan is pregnant!! Calls for a celebration!

Hugggggz Jan n hey take care sweety - goshhh havent u been busy lol :)


Anonymous said...

Very nicely described keshi....
Well as of now the only miracle in my life is my LONELINESS.... at times i do get irritated about it but then when i look around the chaos, then i realize the real value of being alone...lets see how far it sticks around me.

Jim said...

DAMN u Kesh !

now all the girls here want to get preg

Jim said...

Miracles Everyday

dat i an old man found love in my sunset years

dat Fira didnt trash me even after all my fingering

dat ashes took it all sportingly

dat Pearl loves me too in spite of promising undying love to another

dat TANVI tries to seduce me

dat Kerry says i am the only man she ever loved

dat girls find dis old amn sexy

i gott a lotta blessings to count in my old age

Thank u Jesus !

Jim said...

and Janice now u gotta stop smoking beedies

and kopache is not recommended even if chris insists

and hey guys
i didnt say anyting dirty yet ....

sebia said...

hmm soo many miracles around tht we r not even blessed with the sight to cognize thm and vision 2 appreciate thm...
yes friends and family and there support r the majoe source of miracles...weaving sun shine and serenity in life ...but im not here to appreciate thm..
i frst wanna THANK GOD fr blessing me with the miracle of SIGHT all these beautiful things around me wht a miracle is it tht i can see thm...
2,2nd miracle is blessed with the PERCEPTION ro cognize thm...tht im blessed with intellect to think and understand there miracles...
3,isnt it a biggest miracle tht i can read ur expression in wrds...letters which entwined 2gether to weave such beautiful emotion and expression...
and last but nt the least the biggest miracle ability to type these wrds this unfathomable sea of ppl...we r connected to ppl of our own choice...we can touch thm and feel thm throughh our wrds....isnt it the biggest miracle....
and its getting 2 long...and it will b a miracle...if u wont delete or snore in between while reading my gibberish:))

Keshi said...

Gosh I had tears reading Misty's, Saby's and Sebia's miracle list - wow u guys are some very special people I must say...

Misty I loved the line ~~Even at the summit, I realized how "small" I really was.~~ Misty You are truly blessed with the 'good instincts' miracle too. I feel that you have gone through a lot to realise all this, just like me. And the miracle is that you have survived...hoping many more pleasant and encouraging miracles find ur way...

Saby you are not old! Ofcourse you are older than many of us here but you aint old old - get it?? Just stop saying that :) You are 54years young and very much loved by all of us - u are a river of wisdom and mountain of humor that combines in good spirits...yes you found ur miracles here so did we find them in you :)

Sebia, mah babester hugggz! I know you dun like huggz but I will give em anyways :) Well u had some very interesting miracles listed...I was at awe!
~~my ability to type these wrds this unfathomable sea of ppl...we r connected to ppl of our own choice...we can touch thm and feel thm throughh our wrds~~
I simply loved that!! You always open our eyes to new ways of thinking and true wisdom lies in all ur words...a big thank you!


Keshi said...

thanks Marginal_rev that was a very meaningful and beautiful excerpt!


messys musings said...

uff keshi what a thought provoking post... there r so many miracles happening in our lives that most of the time we overlook them...

but the best miracle thats happened to me is falling in love... and being loved in return... its such a lovely feeling.. there are so many people in this world who dont even know whats love... have never felt the passion.. the rapture that love holds... i thank God for atleast giving me this opportunity...this love that i feel...

Keshi said...

wowwww eyezzzzzzzz bet u felt that miracle becos of those mesmerizing eyezz hai na :)

very true indeed!


messys musings said...

hmm yeah keshi..u r bang on target ;))...u know when he saw me for the first time his first words were... if these eyes dont belong to nyone id like to keep thm for myself...damn at that time i felt like hitting him on his

Keshi said...

lolllllllllllz eyezz hahaha! I bet u dun wanna hit him anymore, just caress him on the head I guess hehehe...


talldarkman said...

u know what...I was going to say u were a miracle keshi...but saby already said so......

and I was watch a miracle...on a much larger, grander scale....

saby PRAISING someone......ANYONE

wow....this is more than any of those miracles u described in ur post keshi :P


Keshi said...

hehe ty tally :) How u been? Long time no see? Hope all is well with ya...

Huggy buggy :)