Wednesday, September 21

Economical Riches

This morning on the train I saw a Sri Lankan-looking girl. Could be Indian, Fiji Indian or even Malaysian. She was good-looking, dressed up for work and was sitting in a corner when she noticed me standing holding a pole (I love pole dancing btw lol, just kidding!). She and I exchanged a glance that was obvious, so I smiled. However she didn't smile. It must be her nature, I don't know. She glanced at me many times but not once did she smile. But later on as I was listening to 'Dumb' by Nirvana, I realised something really magical. That one don't need to be afraid or feel inferior for being polite. That one don't need no big dreams and ambitions to be happy. That happiness is inside of you if you can find it. That simple joys bring the biggest kind of happiness. That it's not difficult to get there, only that you are not willing to and your priorities are all confused. Because smiling in itself has happiness embedded. When you are not trying too hard, you are happy. 'Dumb' song lyrics go like this, read carefully folks and you too will see what I mean:
I'm not like them
But I can pretend

The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy (x3)....

C'mon guys it's not that hard to smile. It's not that hard to pretend atleast. It's not that hard to be happy for one minute, or is it? What does it cost you? Just a happy curve on your face won't take away your soul or even your joy, would it? Infact it would only make your otherwise dull face look much prettier. People think too much of themselves or maybe they feel they are too smart to smile at another and look humble in their eyes. But it's sometimes very normal and great feeling dumb as long as you are happy :) Don't go for the moon and the stars - just be a face that looks like the moon and the stars for another. Later on another Indian-looking girl got in and you wouldn't believe how pleasant she was. I was under the impression that she too can be a snob but to my surprise she smiled at me first and nodded her head at me as if she was saying Hi to a fellowman (or fellowwoman should I say :). Then it dawned to me there are people of all sorts in this world, we cant help that they cant help themselves. It's ok to smile people...actually it's great to smile. We all have problems and we all feel annoyed but I say willingly not smiling is self-neglect. You need to loosen up, bring out the kid in you and smile a while for it's one of the very few economical riches you should enjoy in life...use it for your health's sake guys :)

I think a smile speaks volumes than beauty or wealth. No matter how beautiful one may be, if that person doesn't have smiles to spare, the beauty is lost instantly. A smile is the most powerful tool you may own. It can build bridges between hearts and wipe tears that fell over years. A smile is the best weapon against your enemy. A smile can melt the hardest heart and cure the most painful heartbreak. So smile before you forget your own smile. Besides if you don't have a smile, just let me know...I have heaps :)

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ~Charles Gordy

95 Cranium Signets:

Prakash said...

me first
let me read and comment later

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

2nd is not bad
1st from 000nies

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

She and I exchanged a glance that was obvious, so I smiled.
Last sunday while I was experiencing ma first ride in Delhi Metro, on one of the stations this cute chick came and sat next to Hagrid. I glanced at her and I knew she was Indian..though she was fair, she was Indian. So I gave a smile at her and you shud've seen the look on her face....
Damn, either she was scared or she was holding her anger to kick ma balls :(((

What does it cost you?
I just DONT smile while walking down the street
Yes...RIGHT ON THIS BLOG in front of bold letters :)
I sounds weird...but I just dont smile.
I dont like it
I dont want people to think something stupid about I just keep ma smile to myself.
I know....its something stupid...but I need to change. Maybe its ma bring introvert or something.

we cant help that they cant help themselves.
Direct Kick in ma A**...with those Aussie shoes of ur's

I think a smile speaks volumes than beauty or wealth.
Oh yeah...
I like to see people smiling around..
Naaah...not after looking at me :)

So smile before you forget your own smile.
But I smile loads while writing posty...or even making comments or even when I kick Anonym-asses with ya...

right now Im smiling and I can imagine that gal in the opposite cubicle giving weird looks to me as she is leaving for her lunch...

So need to stop smiling now :|

Good one K000kie-Masta
Take care and Keep smiling
Have a nice day ahead

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I believe the most innocent and cute looking smile are the kids that I usually come across...either in restaurants, eating joints...multi-plexes.

Yes...I smile looking at them...n I dont care what other's think about me that time :)))

Prakash said...

I was talking to my friend last night about people smiling at us....
there are few sri lankan shops in our area and whenever i go there people just treat other sri lankans or asians or even other coloured nationalities like Inferior ppl...few days back i was there waiting in the queue and the guy at the counter was happy and smiling serving white ppl..there was guy indian or asian origin guy came to the counter his face changed as if he was servinga serial killer....and when i put my stuff in the counter..he did not even say thanks or anything ....i was so wanted to ask him, but did not want to make an issue with those ppl.
I dont know why ppl act like this...maybe they think themselves in a lower level, and when they see us it might me reminding themselves...
if something happens like this in the morning the whole days spoiled....
nice post keshi...

messys musings said...

awww me in the first start!!!! good ... :)

hmm smile... aww i love to smile... m always smiling... i hate people who never smile... n u know wat?? all my blogger pals make me smile each day... so many new things to learn.. so many people to know...

keep smiling :))))))

Anonymous said...

***So smile before you forget your own smile***hmmmm... i am gonna remember it. Beautifull post!!!

AmitKen said...

As they say

"A smile is a curve which can set a lot of things straight" :o)

btw, first time here and ur post made me smile :) thank you!

Vivhyd said...

well keshi.. U r rite.. Smile doesnt cost a thing and is priceless at the same time..

Well maybe ur music was 2 loud so that 1st girl keep loking @ u hoping u wud realise something was wrong.. dunno.. ya but normally.. ppl wud smile.. especially a fellow continent man or woman esp Indian subcontinent one..

well here 2. we come across so many of Indians/SriLankans etc.. and 1st thing there is tht.. oh theres one frm our place look and a smile and a nod to acknowledge yes we r frm arnd same place.. :) and there are some others with a look tht oh no not another desi u wud get all kinds of ppl.. :)

Jim said...

dis Kesh is posting posts like there is no tomorrow

if i were to comment on her all posts
i wud have to resign from my job or
get kicked out

like it happened to Justine

saurav said...

I think a smile speaks volumes than beauty or wealth.
May be it eases our tension, helps unwind the pent up feelings, and often forget our worries at least for a short period. Its also an inexpensive way to improve your looks....

"Smile when it hurts most."~Da Chapple.

Keep smiling and be happy......

Jim said...

Keep smiling and be happy......

, dis Avul is real dumb! ,
so is Kesh!

u smile coz ur happy
and not the other way around

and i aint smiling !
she spends too much time wid Justine

she didnt even visit when i turned 55
neither did Justine

tulipspeaks said...

*am000nie starts her smiling therapy..

*am000nie smiles..
and still smiling!!

Hope i put a smile on your face honey!

muuaxx and huggss..
now, let me read your barbie's post..


Jim said...

and Janice send me a real sweet- dripping- wid hunny- mail on my birthday

it scared the shit outta me
if Chris sees her sent mail box ?

Tanvi said...

ohh lorddd! im 17th! iim 17th! lolll im soo happie finallie keshi..after alwayz likee in the 50'z

i totally agree wit u ... some ppl juz dun thatz me too sometimez..but wen someone smilez at me..i return it wit a smile...i dun make the first move sometimez u

ohh and can u plz turn that frown upside down too:P cuz im rite here n im the 17thhhh 17thhhh come on im rite dun say im here but im not here cuz i juz commented n im smilin so can u plz start smilin?

Manny said...

No problem. Won't post to you again. Rox

--pearl-- said...

:) nice one...tho i missed d PINK post :( ufff

lol im one crazy person i smile at anyone n everyone(i mean who seems decent enuff) n with people i know im lyke always singin n dancin jus me :)
n i guess datz y it annoys me wen sumone cant do sumthin as simple as smiling back...dumb fools :P

Michelle said...

nice post!!

well to b honest,i luuuvvv smilin ...m known fo ma ''million dollar smile'' lol i flash alla ma teeth (which is actually a grin but waeva :p


strawy said...

i was reading a poem on smiling last night n , read ur post
let me paste it here :

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized,
I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,
then I realized its worth.
A single smile just like mine,
could travel round the earth.

So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!

just loved this poem . hugss babes, nice post ... love ya


Sugababee said...

This reminded me of the the scene in Kal Ho Na Ho...when ShahRukh is trying to make Preity smile...
Neways...great post...its so true..not enough people smile nowadays..everyone has their noses up in the air..its a shame really...but not nething we can do bout it; just keep smiling and hope it rubs off.

:D Suga

PuNeEt said...

Hi Babezzzz

What were u doing holding a pole…
Neways ur wish…
Hold whatever u feel like ;-)

That simple joys bring the biggest kind of happiness
yes very true…

When you are not trying too hard, you are happy
and most of the time successful too ;-)

People think too much of themselves or maybe they feel they are too smart to smile at another and look humble in their eyes.
I know… some feel as if they will be debited for every smile they share ;-)
But I don’t smile always… specially if a girl is watching me ;-)
I heard some1 saying that… mean guys also have face value ;-)
But I do return a smile if some1 passes one to me

I think a smile speaks volumes than beauty or wealth
and its more killing also… ;-)

A smile is the most powerful tool you may own
do u think I doubt that ;-) lolzzzz

Besides if you don't have a smile, just let me know...I have heaps :)
I just checked my stock…I do have a lot… but wat if I still want urs ;-)
and on a continuing basis ;-)

Smile that comes from heart is the one that reaches the heart…

Good1 babezzzzzzzz

Thanks for adding so many smiles to my day… n a smiling day to my life…
(I hope u remember this ;-)


:) said...

:) i love to smile... always..yep its contagious n it feels so good whn u get a cute smile in return too..
hey gorgeous keep smiling:)
A smile takes a moment, but the memory of it lasts forever..


Keshi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SABYYYYY for the 20th!! I wished ya on the day itself in my previous post. Im sorry I wont come to ur blog (not even on ur bday) and u know why.

Hope u had loadza fun...tell us what u did on ur bday?

Huggggz for a super duper future ahead Saby!

Keshi said...

Yeyyy Prakash ur NUMBER 1!

**there are few sri lankan shops in our area and whenever i go there people just treat other sri lankans or asians or even other coloured nationalities like Inferior ppl

Talk abt Sri Lankans overseas lol! I know wut u in Aus there r spice shops and when we go there, some curries treat us like we r from another planet. It's disgusting. U know I have told one girl that she should be smiling more than I did!

**there was guy indian or asian origin guy came to the counter his face changed as if he was servinga serial killer

ROTFLMAO!!! Hahahahaha I know that look...some ppl r like that na. I wud say bloody idiots lol!

**he did not even say thanks or anything

Prakash alot of curries dunno manners even after living in countries like Aus and the US...its sad but its their nature...some ppl r naturally courteous and some r not. When it happens to u, mebbe u should tell that person in a nice way...I wud say it.

**maybe they think themselves in a lower level, and when they see us it might me reminding themselves

yes true...thats what I think too. If u have nothing to feel inferior abt ur heart is free andu wud neva feel threatened by anyone.

**if something happens like this in the morning the whole days spoiled

LOL so true...but I just always tell myself that if they cant smile, then it's their problem :)

It's amazing how some people intentionally frown at ppl from their own land...disgusting!

Thansk Prakash..
~~Keshi smiles a BIG smile at Prakash, a fellow Sri Lankan :)


Keshi said...

z000nie ur the smiling factory! U make me smile and u smile alot too - huggggggggggggz! I luv ya heaps mate.

**Damn, either she was scared or she was holding her anger to kick ma balls :(((

lol awww why did she do that to such a smart looking guy like u? She must be blind or emotionally handicapped :)

**I just DONT smile while walking down the street...

oh c'mon even I I mean if I keep smiling all along the walk ppl might tink I've gone crazy lol. But I meanif someone genuinely smiled at ya, wouldnt u smile?

**I dont want people to think something stupid about I just keep ma smile to myself.

yes u shouldnt smile 24/7 like a maniac meant if someone smiles u should smile back...:)

**Direct Kick in ma A**...with those Aussie shoes of ur's

lollz yes kick kick kick...

**But I smile loads while writing posty...or even making comments or even when I kick Anonym-asses with ya...

aww thats great...I not only smile, I laugh like crazy reading some of ur's really like therapy mate :)

Take care u smiley boyyy muahhhh!

Keshi said...

**I believe the most innocent and cute looking smile are the kids that I usually come across

z000nie thats why I put kids pics in this post :) cos when we grow up, we seem to forget that smile...


Keshi said...

m000nie the smiley gal!

**i hate people who never smile

me too...I cant u'stand why ppl r so stingy with's not like their wallet is required for it, is it.

Well m000nie I take this opportunity to say that u have made SMILED many times with ur posts and comments...and the vast amount of love and affection u have for the's amazing!


Keshi said...

South smile now...hehehe...

**i am gonna remember it. Beautifull post!!!

thanks n make sure u not only rem that but apply it too :)

AmitKen thanks and WC to my humble virtual home :)

**"A smile is a curve which can set a lot of things straight" :o)

It sure is! Isnt it amazing how many ppl dun use that curve to their own benefit...


Keshi said...

Vivhyd...helloooooo :)

**Smile doesnt cost a thing and is priceless at the same time..

oyeah thanks for reminding me the priceless bit...yep it sure is!

**Well maybe ur music was 2 loud so that 1st girl keep loking @ u hoping u wud realise something was wrong..

lol na she was too far away from me to hear my music even if it was blasting hahaha. But nope my music is never too loud to annoy ppl on the train...I always check that :) It was obvious she didnt want to smile...u know u realise such looks straight away...

**especially a fellow continent man or woman esp Indian subcontinent one..

yesss. But there r alot of curries in Aus that dun smile at each other...some just quickly look away lol I dunno why.

**so u wud get all kinds of ppl.. :)

so true and we cant change all of em :(

Thank Viv!

Keshi said...

Avikkk mah sweeeet sweeeet friend :)

**May be it eases our tension, helps unwind the pent up feelings, and often forget our worries at least for a short period. Its also an inexpensive way to improve your looks....

exactly! 5seconds of smiling can eae ur pain for 5seconds at least...can everyone realise that plzzz?

**"Smile when it hurts most."~Da Chapple.

yess tho its hard I have realised that at my darkest moments I smile at myself...and it really eases the pain in some magical way...

**Keep smiling and be happy......

U too Avik and THNAK U! Huggggggggggz!


Keshi said...


**u smile coz ur happy
and not the other way around

Not can be the other way through a tear and see what happens...


Keshi said...



aww Im so glad :) hehehehe...


Keshi said...

Misty :):):):):):):) awww thanks!

Tanviiiiiii heyyyyya!
**...i dun make the first move sometimez u noe

yes thats true...sometimes even I dun. But if someone smiles at me, I sure will smile back. I cant u'stand why ppl like to nob so much!

**so dun say im here but im not here cuz i juz commented

lol it's nuttin to do with commenting duhhh! But I dun see u so bubbly and happy in blogs like u used to be Pre-Indian trip...thats what I was saying. Even in z000nie's blog, I dun see u much...wuts wrong babeh?


Keshi said...

Pearly huggggggggz!

**nice one...tho i missed d PINK post :( ufff

lol its still there for u to read na...:)

**lol im one crazy person i smile at anyone n everyone(i mean who seems decent enuff) n with people i know im lyke always singin n dancin jus me :)

aww ur a bubbly baby doll thats why...ur innocent and pure and happy for everyone else...thats why Pearly. U have a pure heart.

**n i guess datz y it annoys me wen sumone cant do sumthin as simple as smiling back...dumb fools :P

yes instead of us feeling dumb not getting a smile back, I think they r the ones who r dumb...real losers lol!

~~Smiles at Pearly foreva...hehehe...

Keshi said...

Michelle the hot smiley babe ha! :)

**...m known fo ma ''million dollar smile'' lol i flash alla ma teeth

I wanna see ur pic atleast now's been a century since I asked for it last...:( nevermind..hhehehehe..


Keshi said...

st000nie thats an awesome poem!

**A single smile just like mine,
could travel round the earth

a very strong message...ppl should read such poems and derive lessons out of it than just forwarding it...I know u have got the msg st000nie cos ur special and I luv ya heaps, did u know it?


Keshi said...

Suga heyyy WC and thanks!

**This reminded me of the the scene in Kal Ho Na Ho...when ShahRukh is trying to make Preity smile...

ohh yesss! I rem that scene :) Naina Kapoor didnt know how to smile much cos she was brought up with so many probs in her life...yeah such things make ppl forget their sad na.

**everyone has their noses up in the air..its a shame really...but not nething we can do bout it; just keep smiling and hope it rubs off.

so true! We just keep doing out job well..thats all we can do.

~~Pretty Woman Dekho Dekho Na Pretty Woman :)


Keshi said...

Puneeeeeeeet the smiley king :)

**Firstly…What were u doing holding a pole…

ROFL! Wherever there's a pole, Im there lol! Ask some of my blogmates abt my pole dancing...hehehehe...;-)

**I know… some feel as if they will be debited for every smile they share ;-)

LOL yess hahahaha!

**I heard some1 saying that… mean guys also have face value ;-)

lol yesss but I didnt say mean guys w.o. a smile...they can smile and remain a meanie na lolll!

**but wat if I still want urs ;-)
and on a continuing basis ;-)

Cant promise we have some sorta contract?? lol!

**Smile that comes from heart is the one that reaches the heart…

Exactly! Like South once posted in his blog, there are plastic smiles too and u can tell when someone is smiling for the sake...

**Thanks for adding so many smiles to my day… n a smiling day to my life…

awww thanks to u tooo! Hugggggggggz! I always rem whatever u say Puneet :)


Keshi said...

Pari muahhhhhh babezz!

**A smile takes a moment, but the memory of it lasts forever

yess...I rem my dad's broad grin even today...he was a dazzling smiler...


Tanvi said...

keshh i noe wut u mean lol..but im still bubbly..itz still not out yet after i came back cuz i wasnt doin very well..but im fine now n i hope u see the i so hope so!

Arm Pitt said...

if you dint realize, I just smiled @ you :)
Pole dancing huh? interesting!

Keshi said...

awww Tanvi I will always luv ya no matter wut...know that ok! I know it takes a while to get back to normal after holz etc...take ur time and most of all I want u to be HAPPY :)


Keshi said...

Armzzz :) I smiled at ya too...awww and let me hug ya too HUGGGGGGGZ!

**Pole dancing huh? interesting!

LOL that caught ur attention na hehehe...:):)


Rahul said...

it does really light up the whole day when you can exchange smiles with unknown people and greet strangers on the road a good day! It's like the world responds to what you give to it. I believe Indians as a community have to buck up their smile quotient. We lock up all the cheer inside and fan it down...

Arm Pitt said...

thanks for the hugz babe! that felt good

Keshi said...

Rahul yes u got a great point there - It's like the world responds to what you give to it...thats so true! It feels like u r appreciated and that ur presence on this Earth is really valued cos a stranger recognised ur heart...

Thanks and have a good day Rahul!
~~Keshi smiles at Rahul and hoping he's smiling back too :)


Keshi said...

Armzz feels so good to be hugged na ;-)

Check out st000nie's (Strawy) latest post...u will like it.


--pearl-- said...

smiles back :D :D

man i feel lyke im some reall nottty kiddd today..i soooo wanna haf sum funnnnn todayyyyy ;P

itssss d tymeeeee fo massssstiiiiii :P :P

Keshi said...

awwwww lol Pearly its the time for jingly bingly :)


Jim said...

a super duper future ahead ???

i gott no future
only a past

past loves
past regrets

past woomen, vices and a hole lotta skeletons in my cupboard

and i miss , Justine,
wont the SOB ever forgive me ?

Jim said...

nutting more.
just pinches , TANVI, on her ample bottom

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

But I meanif someone genuinely smiled at ya, wouldnt u smile?
Oh yeah...
How you doing??


I meant if someone smiles u should smile back...
Oh yeah...
I do that...and Im good at bringing that plastic smile on me instantly

:) <- like this, all the time

it's really like therapy mate
Awwww....thts cho chweeet....
Hugzzzz K000kie-masta
Me smiling now...and naaah not a plastic smile this time :)))
Have a nice day ahead and keep smiling

Jim said...

and arz00nie analyzes too much
reminds me of one of the Charlie Brown gang

he wanted to propose to a girl
but he kept on saying
shud i ?
shud i not?

meanwhile the girl married Saby

Keshi said...

Saby u have a future duhhh. Today is the future u thought of yday...and everyone has a past, regrets, lovers etc...dun dwell there...move on. Hope u had a wonderful day on ur bday.

As for Justin if u give some loving, mebbe u'll get some back...I mean real friendship...not for the sake of being blogs kinda friendship.


Keshi said...

z000nie I dun think u give plastic smiles...just that ur afraid to be rejected so ur smile is affected by it...thats all :)

huggggggggggz n thank God for someone like u!


Keshi said...

Jim why d u pick on everyone?


Pallavi said...

beautiful keshi. I like this post. and most importantly the song lyrics..i am gonna have to listen to some more nirvana.
its happened to me many times.i smile at a fellow indian and they jsut give an attitude back........i wonder if they are Constipated?

Keshi said...

Hey Pallavi hows ya?

**i smile at a fellow indian and they jsut give an attitude back........i wonder if they are Constipated?

LOLLL so rightly stated! I wonder why na...its like they wanna avoid another curry at all costs...lollz!

Yep u should listen to Nirvana...the best group eva in lyrics and music...


Keshi said...

Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.

~Jim Beggs

Keshi said...

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.

~Andy Rooney

Anonymous said...

Good day keshi!!!
***South I wish u said more in my posts too*** ur comment from am00nie's post, well keshi, like i mentioned there also that generally i dont like to say anything on that topic, but don't know why i spitted so much on that subject, anyways i did apologised to amu for taking so much of her space as well...:):):).As far as ur posts are concerned most of'em are pretty descriptive, loud and clear so apart from a general acknowledgement and a few comments here and there, i don't think i need to say much...:).
***Ur pretty analytical***actually have got used to it due to my profession...:)infact if i have to put down my observations on all ur posts, i would have to create a seperate blog for that....:):):).
***thanks n make sure u not only rem that but apply it too :)*** sure i will... i must apologize to u as well for using up so much of space....:)

Keshi said...

Everyone smiles in the same language.

~Author Unknown

Keshi said...

South smiley smiley :)

**As far as ur posts are concerned most of'em are pretty descriptive, loud and clear

LOL so I basically dun allow ppl to say much in return hahaha!

** i would have to create a seperate blog for that

ROFL! na actually Im the one who needs to do that cos I have been told that I write books as comments :(

**now i must apologize to u as well for using up so much of space

Not like ur taking my house and car to do that na? so plzz dun apologise...comment all u want South, it's mah pleasure :)


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Ask some of my blogmates abt my pole dancing
I think Im ur blog mate....
I dont know anything about ur POLE-Dancing skills.
Also in that snap u posted, I cant see any pole around ya...


Till date I thought u only did Blog-dance..


Anonymous said...

***so I basically dun allow ppl to say much in return***not always but i think there is nothing wrong in doing so, what u say???
***na actually Im the one who needs to do that cos I have been told that I write books as comments :(*** who care's as long as u r writing sense, atleast i won't mind...:)

Keshi said...

hehe thanks South :)

**Till date I thought u only did Blog-dance..

lol blog dance? hahahaha! Pole dancing is a skill I have only very few mates know abt...;-) try n find out - it's ur next assignment lol!


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

few mates know about
give me the clue...
Few means how many...1, 1.2,1.2...2.3.

Are those guys still alive and blog??

Anonymous said...

My pleasure!!!!

Keshi said...

lol z000nie why r u trying to kill ppl? yes they r alive in the blog world and few means 2 or 3...lolll!


Keshi said...

Smiling is actually the most beautiful facial gesture...just think abt all other facial gestures...none of em can beat this on nah?


Anonymous said...

***Smiling is actually the most beautiful facial gesture...just think abt all other facial gestures...none of em can beat this on nah?*** apart from not being a perfectionist, this is one more thing i gotta learn....

saurav said...

A smile can show someone that you care.
A smile is something we must all share.
A smile can help friends who are in need.
A smile could help plant the friendship seed.
A smile should never bring a tear.
A smile will always bring a cheer.
A smile such a very simple thing.
A smile can make the coldest heart sing.

~ D.Fletcher


saurav said...

Wanna chat with GOD ?

come to my site....

Brood Mode said...

good one! smiling away now...

Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

The cat reminds me of AVIK! loll

Keshi said...

South :)

**apart from not being a perfectionist, this is one more thing i gotta learn

yep and rem smiling is not being perfect...some ppl forget to smile trying to be perfect :)

Avik wow I really liked that poem...especially
**A smile can make the coldest heart sing.

it really reminded me of even old people w.o. teeth smile often...its so's like smiles speak a silent language that only the hearts can understand...thanks!


Keshi said...

Broodzz thanks :):)

Cheesy lol yep Avik's various cats r sooo cute....Im sure Avik is cute too ;-)


Keshi said...

Avik I chatted with God - it was great fun! I have my script posted in ur blog for u to enjoy :):)


Day Dreamer said...

gimme 1 week babesterness :)

I'll be back soon


Michelle said...

me shall mail it to u n rohit :)

lol before nex week

Neel Arurkar said...

Neel : :-) ( A minute long smile)

Keshi said...

OK Nv.

aww Michelle only if u want to, I aint forcing ya ok :)

Neel :):):):):):):)


Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

i'll mail ya keshi...if she duznt...LOLL

Tarun said...

u love pole dance, I love watching pole too kidding ;) On the serious note...if you are happy and you know it...clap your hands. Mathematically, true happiness is inversely proportional to materialism...hell what I am talking here I should just pass a smile...:)

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

I agree with you on that. In fact now that I think of it, I've been happy doing the dumbest things; just small stupid things that bring joy.
Hmm again, there are different types of people- the ones who will smile at you and the ones who wont. And its 'funner' being the former :-)

Keshi said...

lol Cheesy Mich might kick us both with her Michael Jordan kinda shoes :(

Tarun hehe u luv pole dancing....I'll give u s session lol...only if u marry me LOLLLLLLLLLLLL!
~~smilezzzzz ;-) ;-)

Kroopz yes I agree...doing dumb things makes u laugh alot....being smart is good but not always that it takes away the child in u. yes some ppl dun want to smile and oh how much they r missing! Thanks! :)


Unknown said...

keshu after reading the post i thought its the releavent thing i came across many times n i was seriously thinking abt smile template on plp face but............... as soon as i click on comment section i got arzoon comment acquiring second position lol i laughed like mad
he is impossible i think zoonie needs one serious tablet or treatment for being serious :lol:

take care

Keshi said...

LOL Niti yess right now z000nie is under Mrs.Ned Blondy treatment lollllzzz - ask him what it is :)


Tarun said...

ONLY A Session! silly me...I got best offer of my life and I am still negotiating ...Am I fool or what? ;)

Keshi said...

LOL Tarun...if u marry me there'll be many sessions ofcourse hahahaha!


Tarun said...

many sessions! Oh Boy I got a those precious harmons on my minds are getting very active...even my monitor is looking like a pole to me....but still let me try my last it necessary to mary you to get this wonderful deal...can you figure out any other way....Keshi dear.

Keshi said...

lol Tarun ur monitor looking like a pole hahahahaha!

no no no :) theres no other way than thru marriage...Im a good gal nah :):)


Tarun said...

I am a good boy too....Hey where r u god.....look down here I just lost a golden opportunity....*Sad*

Now I have to spend my whole life just watching those poles I mean electric poles standing side by dancing around...Damm

I must be King and this must be some old ancient time.....

Keshi said...

lolllllll Tarun!


Keshi said...

Hiyya Niki :):)

**i feel like i made a big loss when they dont exchange smile

nah it aint ur's his loss :)

**having meals with very serious-looking family. none of them smile

lol Niki hahaha yess! All serious faces having dinner with no expressions...must be looking like walking aliens lol!
