This is a home for my heart...a distant refuge for my spirit, away from the madding crowd and the masquerades that we live. This is where everything is unveiled and nothing is compromised.
Have you been a lucky recepient of the look of love? Well I became one this morning. If you look at this little guy what would your immediate thoughts be? awwww, cute, beautiful, innocent, sweet, adorable, honeypie, sugababe, loveydovey, candymandy, cupcake, coochicoo, I just wanna hug him etc etc isnt it? Now those are words used to express pangs of love and affection. So I call this the Look of Love, 'cause it stirred in me the feeling of Love. Now I know it might be different for you. And I know there are many other 'looks'. So tell me some of the other 'looks' you may have been the recepient or the giver of. The looks we give and receive are very important 'cause they convey important messages even without having to use a single word! Doesnt that make 'looks' very powerful? Body language combined with the 'looks' speak volumes. There's the look of disappointment, disgust, annoyance, contentment, sadness, excitement, fear, flirtation ;-) etc. I believe 'looks' are very important to understand someone's feelings as much as words and actions are. If you are not used to expressing yourself through 'looks', then it must be hard for people to understand how you really feel sometimes. Some people use certain 'looks' eternally to express their feelings (that's me btw :) but it's always not a good thing - 'cause then people can read your mind straight away and that can sometimes leave you powerless. One of the 'looks' I often give is tilt my head to the side, put on a fake smile, and give a 'you're royally pathetic mate' expression and the recepient often gets what I mean lol! Another 'look' I give is a simple wink and by that I mean 'you're just fantastic!'. I have also received countless 'look's both good and bad and I kind of like it 'cause it's clear then and there what he/she feels. But I know you cant be obvious with certain people and yes it's wise to choose the audience you want to express yourself to. So you tell me if you're a 'looker' or a 'lookee' or both ;-) I mean are you someone who often express yourself immediately by facial expressions (or some sort of body language) or are you someone who likes people who express themselves immediately or are you both? And what sort of 'looks' do you often use or you're used to receiving? Remember this means all kind of body lanuguage and I mean without using any word at all. Just some weekend fun :)
hmm the look of love.. a soothing feeling always.. what better than have someone looking at u just like the bear.. cho cute.. wud make anyone's dday.. good one..
yes it wud be so sweet if all ppl can give n receive love-looks hehehe...but the world is not that sweet always :) So how abt answering the Qs? aww u left already hehe...
I absolutely hate this look esp when your smiling at someone and all they can come up with is that stupid snobby look on their faces grrrr makes me so angry.
The look of disappointment:
It upsets me when someone gives me this look esp my parents or someone Im really close to.
These are the 2 I could come up with, you can tell Im not having a very good day lol.
BTW if that bear looked at my like that I would start running away from it LOL
I know that look cos I have known u for a while now LOLLLLZ!
btw I hate when ppl do that...I have often smiled with dumbos who dunno how to smile back...mebbe they r born with that disability, I just wonder sometimes.
**Look of disappointment
I have seen that too...many times...and I have given that look too...usually along with tears...
awww why wud u run away from that cutey pie? I think u wud scare it off anyways lol! THAT CUTEY PIE IS THE LOOK OF INNOCENCE AND LOVE!
Hmmm...another brain-scratching post...:):):) Well i am more or less a looker rather than a lookee. Many people whom i know claim that they can make out my state of mind by my words and my facial expression, but the fact of the matter till date very few and i mean very few of'em might have rightly guessed during any such situation. Fact of the matter is that i am very pathetic in expressing my real feelings, the facial expression and the words, they just don't seem to synchronize at all.
South :) Im smiling now...what does that mean to u? just tell me...
**i am very pathetic in expressing my real feelings
aww really? hmmmin that way Im so pathetic that I express it too much hehe. My mum thinks I should stop doing this...cos quite often my facial expressions r pretty obvious and that can annoy the other lol. But I know some peopke dun 'show''s not a bad thing really. It gaurds u against any misunderstandings too...dun u think?
**the facial expression and the words, they just don't seem to synchronize at all
Usually it's hard enough to pick the 'right' words to describe how ur feeling and then imagine picking the right words to match the expressions? :) It's ok that it doesnt seem to synchronise all the long as u get the message across.
And rem South there are some feelings that a word or a facial expression can never express...
Keshi gives the look of 'South I like ya' and thats a wink ;-)
lol i m a very very expressive person... aww my eyes speak my feeling... u wont believe me but they change shades according to my mood... darn u wouldnt wanna see them whn they r full of rage..urghhhh ...hehe... aww n i use my hands a lot while talking too... n ofcoz my smile... i love to smile...
n abt the lookee part... i hate it when people dont show ny emotions... lol feels like m talking or looking at a wall.... darnnnn.... id as well see anger n frustration than not see nything at all...
lol enough of expression for today...
oh n urghhhhhhhh since i cant show u my eyes today ur saved... me very very angry abt u not getting to v00m.... awww go away... :(((((
~~Keshi 'looks' at m000nie with her eyes low and filled with tears that r abt to break out and kiss her cheeks...she sits frozen staring at the screen...
That was my body language when I saw ur msg m000nie sweety :(
awww m000nie I dun want u to get upset abt not being able to make it to the v000m...aww...I wont be home - we r leaving early morning cos its a bit far where the lunch is...Im pretty sure we'll be home only late in the evening...wut can I do now to make u gimme a happy look?
**u wont believe me but they change shades according to my mood
really m000nie? wow!
** n i use my hands a lot while talking too
aww me too - hands, legs and even posture lol! I wiggle alot hehehe...
**I hate it when people dont show ny emotions... lol feels like m talking or looking at a wall..
yes it's hard when someone dun express as much. I like ppl who express it cos Im one such person too...but there r ppl who cant express much...they r born that way...not that they dun care but its hard for em to show it. Also there's another category who can express but deliberately dun show it...thats the lot I dun like. Like NV said ppl who cant smile...
Thanks m000nie hugggggz n smile with those beautiful eyes and gimme the 'IT'S OK' look plz :) k000kie.
**I love the invisible look on ur face when you said...avik disappeared ...
thats so sweeeeeeeeet!
**I love the invisible look on ur face when u wait for my stupid comments...
omgg how did u know I wait for ur comments? And hey they r not stupid...I value em cos I know u got alot of appreciation for others and that ur a very sensitive and beautiful person both in and out. I can almost see ur expression when u say 'ME FIRST...' hehehe so sweet.
**I love the invisible look on ur face when it lights up with happiness...
awww k00kie baby dont cry... i cant see my 00nies cry.... damnnnnnnn... its ok we'll manage without all our star characters... i just hope im not the only one around on sunday... u better move about n remind everyone abt v00m...
aww m000nie but I feel I sorta didnt live up to the 000nie standards...sticking together and being there for each other :( But Im happy ur not greatly disappointed with me...I respect and u'stand ur disappointment tho...I'll try my best to v000m it from wherever I am on Sun even if that means chatting over his bday cake :) thanks for being so kind and understanding...I luv that nature in u mah pretty eyes...
lol I like the new 000nies - li000nie? loll so cutte! What abt Puneet being pun000nie?
***But I know some peopke dun 'show''s not a bad thing really. It gaurds u against any misunderstandings too...dun u think?*** u r damn right but at times my unexpressiveness puts me into jeopardy..:)
***And rem South there are some feelings that a word or a facial expression can never express...***next time somebody critises me of my unexpressiveness i m gonna deliver the above lines...:)
innocent look (with eyes trying to multiply 287634 * 48973 in air) - during interview or viva's makes the other person feel that Im in deep thoughts and definitely a hard working guy.
eye to eye contact whiel talking to a female - she is busty and I dont wanna drop my eye balls at wrong places during right time :(
play with ma fingers / hair / pen - giving direct indication to the other fella that Im not interested in talking.
play with hair/foreign material in ma nose - Plzzz shut the fcuk up else I will touch you with ma fingers now :)
Hmmmmmm.... Lemme think more...I do a lot of gestures while talking :)
LOL u mean the busy-working-like-a-dog look while blogging from work...hahahaha good one!
**eye to eye contact whiel talking to a female
I dun like when guys stare into my's has happened many times...I dun even have to say abt the chest staring do I? goshhhh Im so bored of men doing that like they r talkin to mah chest!!
**play with ma fingers / hair / pen - giving direct indication to the other fella that Im not interested in talking.
I pray to God u wont do this if we ever!
busy-working-like-a-dog look while blogging from work Bingo!!! Only I know how many good offers I got only coz I was multiplying 234234 * 23423 in air :) It works all the time
I pray to God u wont do this if we ever meet. I hope u dont give me I often give is tilt my head to the side, put on a fake smile, if we ever meet in person
Me:What did u thought when u first saw me? Kavita:How can I forget that??? I still remember that evening when u came to my gym to inquire about the charges and see the equipments and remember as soon as u stepped in the lights went off…:J then we actually strolled around the gym with a candle in the hand. And as far as my thought at that time, it was like wooooooow!!!herculeeeeeeees!!!
Me:What attracted u towards me? Kavita:Right from my childhood I always fantasized that my bf should be tall,dark and wellbuilt, should play guitar for me when I m out of mood, should know cooking, should have a good voice with great looks, should have a good sense of humour and should be very supportive.
Me:But I hardly have a good sense of humour and I don’t even look like a conventional fantasy guy which a gal would imagine of? Kavita:You do have a bit of sense of humour so don’t worry about it and as far as ur looks are concerned I m happy with how u look and moreover u have all the other qualities I dreamed of. The only thing I wanna change is ur attitude.
These are some of the things me and my gf discussed and just see the last word of the conversation *attitude*, I still can’t figure out where she felt that I displayed my attitude, now u see keshi why I said I am so pathetic in expressing myself and hiding that is even worse….lol.
**I was multiplying 234234 * 23423 in air :) It works all the time
LOL z000nie cheaters peters hahahaha! Yup it works ALL the time :)
**I hope u dont give me I often give is tilt my head
NO WAY! Unless ofcourse u do something pretty dumb which I believe u dun do often :) btw I do many dumb things but u have to gimme the look of 'Im soo not bored with ya' always ok :)
dumb things but u have to gimme the look of Then I will come out with new post na....Intelligent Q's I never get tired of listening to - PART II - Aussie version :)
K-shoe's are on there way to hit z000nie on his face
Happpe weekend to ma Aussie Matey.... Take care and enjoy life!!!
z000nie why r u being a typical boy now? u notty notty person...Give Pari the look of 'Im so sorry' now! Reminded me of one Kindy song...
~~What are little boys made of, made of? What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails, and puppy-dogs' tails; And that's what little boys are made of, made of. What are little girls made of, made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice, and all that's nice; And that's what little girls are made of, made of. ~~
Rem z000nie words can be very harmful...u have to think very carefully b4 using em...sometimes it's just good to give a 'look' than saying a word that can cause pain...
Well keshi, usually when i am in the gym i concentrate on my work-outs rather than indulging in gossips, she is the owner so obviously she chit-chats with her members and when i give a cold reaction to their topics she feels i am throwing my attitude, now u tell me, do i do anything wrong? thats why i said, that at times being quite also is painfull...:):):)
I think I just have one standard look that I give people. I like to talk with my eyes so raised eyebrow(s), opening eyes wide etc etc. Even if I am smiling if my eyes don't do it right people know that the smile isn't genuine :-P
oh ho it gave me task yaar have to think for your question umm me looker or lookie ??????? ummm.............. hum......... people around me say that my face always express what i feel at a time sometimes want to heal emotions but get caught so i hate people reading face.... hehehehhe
i hate being looker by lookie (do i make a sense) now i'm confused :smile:
1. I mean are you someone who often express yourself immediately by facial expressions (or some sort of body language) --- My emotions drive my expressions! I personally dont know how i look when i am sad or happy...but i know how i feel... when sad the feeling is not good..when happy its... Wonderful! Chinmay says, when i am sad, i get really quiet and my body language changes... like i sit down! Funny, cuz i guess my energy level goes down. When Angry I am standing up! so lol do i jump when i am happy? hahah probably! next time i'll make an observation of my actions!!! Neat.
or are you someone who likes people who express themselves immediately or are you both? ---i like people who are expressive.. conversations are much easier that way!!!
First of all sorry fr dropping by after such a long time,:(((ws v bz.,s usual a v different and interesting q 2 ask..your creativity surely flowing high... 1,Well i really enjoy observing people,there gestures,there facial features,there body lingo its so intriguing to see tht v all are the same in our body structures and organs,,yet v r so different cuz of our expressions,gestures,features...wht not.. 2,well i dont know why, whn ppl whuch i dont even know always say tht my first look or impression is v cold and icy:((only later on whn they are familiar with me i cm across s a warm person. ABT the look of love from the guys..ahem..mayb i scare them by the LOOK OF MY SHINING SWORD tht nobdy dares:0)and from my family the last look i gt today ws from mom and tht was whn she opened my cupboard..and all hell broke loose..ahem sorry all the balls of my clothes nicely rolled and thrown in a BALL form landed on her head:((and i can assure u ..tht wsnt by any chance a look of love or affection..IF LOOKS COULD KILLLLLLLLLLL...i would have been 6 feet underground by now.. tc
Well the look of love comes automatically I guess.. I dunno.. I mean u cant plan on it when u see someone u love.. its just rite there.. it happens.. and sometimes u dont even knw u did that.. Well I am a looker and also a lookee. meaning I do express myself that way and expect to be looked at that way because it is very powerful.. and u know wht if u r in love it wud occur automatically.. but as for showing it 2 a little kid or something.. we will want to do it.. cos we lvoe the kid.. so.. hope this answered the ques..
**she feels i am throwing my attitude, now u tell me, do i do anything wrong?
Ofcourse not...u dun like gos and thats it. Sorry to say but I think she's the one who's got the attitude prob, not u :) Cos I dun like gos too and especially in a gym it's soooo inappropriate!
Kroopz yep I use my eyse alot too...raise mah brows...hehe n ppl do get it lol! Thanks!
Tarun thanks its such a cutey na, and Preacher WC!
Pithaly why? I didnt get ya...
Niti heyyy! **i hate being looker by lookie.. I got ya girl lol! U make perfect sense :) U mean u dun like ppl to read ur face so easily na? :):)
Pallavi hey muahhh! yep yep its good to be expressive...hey u sound alot like me lol very expressive and full of emotions...yeah I can u see jumping up n down when ur happy lollll! I dance and wiggle when something great happens..hehehe..
Sebzzz Huggggz missed ya heaps! Hey thats ok that u couldnt come here in a long time...I know ppl r bust and got lots of stuff to do :) Take it easy...
**yet v r so different cuz of our expressions,gestures,features
That is soo true! We all have the same physical organs but we all express ourselves soooo differently...thanks for bringing that very valuable point up usual u bring up such great points all the time - woohoo u go gurl Sebz!
**my first look or impression is v cold and icy
awww r u? I dun think soo hehe...cos even tho I havent met u in real, u were pretty hospitable to me in IT the first time we met :) Guess it's much easier on the net tho. Well Im different...I smile and dun give cold looks unless he/she is a snob lol! Yeah it takes sometime to be real friendly but Im usually smiley face at the beginning itself :)
aww Sebz who isnt scared of ur shining sword? :) Its the best weapon one ever came up with...the most powerful ;-)
**ahem sorry all the balls of my clothes nicely rolled and thrown in a BALL form landed on her head
LOLLLL ur kidding! Poor mum...hahahaha!
Thanks for dropping by it when ur here and gimme smiles with ur superb comments... Huggggz! Keshi.
** I mean u cant plan on it when u see someone u love
yep so true...most of facial expressions and body language r natural...thats why it speaks volumes. With words and actions u can fake feelings...but not with body language cos it kicks off straight away. Even crminals are investigated by body language cos they often lie with words :)
hehe Prakash u fell in love with the owner of those eyes and who is she?
The spamming...well they come from some psychotic guy on the net. He has an obsession over me and cant seem to get over it. I cant help him - I think only a psychiatrist would be able to do that. I just delete his comments - I never read them. Poor soul getting wasted. If ur a Buddhist Prakash u may have heard this saying...
'Dhukata hethuwa thanhawa...'
translation: The reason for misery is the desire.
The never-ending Desire in this guy to be heard, to be superior, to rejoice in abuse is exactly what's causing his own misery.
Thanks for dropping by and have a great weekend Prakash :) Keshi.
hi weekend...still awake doing some work.....saturday morning 1 am........... anyway...yes i have heard of Buddhist.....although i am hindu...most of my friends are i know few..of those....... prakash
hi good to know...ur background.. i am hindu and my both parents are hindu.....I normally go to pansala on every poya day as my friends go..when i was in sri lanka....damn i miss those things.... so can u speak tamil fluently.... Prakash
Hey Prakash I can speak both languages...but Im very fluent in Sinhalese compared to Tamil...
ippa neer enna pannirai Prakash? :) duh wut a Q ha....ur on the net ofcourse lol!
yep I used to go to the Buddhist Pansala (temple) every poya day with mum...and Im a devotee of goddess Mariamman too (have u been to the Wellawatte Mariamman temple? :)
lol...uhmm kesh..u knw wit me,only the people who reallyy reallly know me know my actual feelings.I can easily put on a fake look.Even wen im highly pissed or upset i can be a smiling fo' most people i am always a "cute eva-smiling chick" lol ... :)
If only one would have been able to read my eyes. My love, feelings, rage, pain... are all lying naked in there. Sometimes they come forth, but its only when I am in solitude. I am good with my facial expressions but its not that easy to make out whats going on within. My eyes tell my story as long as you are able to read it...
sometimes it could be onerous situation when face express your feeling unlikely, though u tried a lot to not show them through your body language i remember my first presentation, i was so scared i tried a lot to blink back my fear but my face express worried n scary color doom!!!, and everyone were like "she is so scared!!!!" gosh!!!! u are more scared when plp notice like that. okay will not distrub your weekend by writing boring things hehehe
" The look of love is in your eyes...." wonderful song!
Examples of expressions, hmmm...
I've come to wink at people all the time, its become a habit and can be quite embarassing when inappropriate or misunderstood, like when I was flying out of Pisa and winked at the passport controller (or whatever they are called) as he was eyeing my photo. I was there for a good ten minutes, as he became suspicious of me, lol.
I've been in a few situations, where I have had to protect someone against attack, and have been told later, the devil was in my eyes, i.e. obviously a fearsome expression (shiver).
The flirtatious look - I have that one perfected, lol.
Back on your blog with my replies… Was not online for 2 days…
Coming to your post… would your immediate thoughts be? awwww, cute, beautiful, innocent, sweet, adorable, honeypie, sugababe, loveydovey, candymandy, cupcake, coochicoo, I just wanna hug him etc etc isnt it? I’m thinking of mailing u some of my chho chweet photos… so that you can feel the same for me tooo ;-) hehehehehe
Body language combined with the 'looks' speak volumes Oooooohhhooooo That’s some basic flirting tips… u providing free to your readers ;-) Competition for me…
Some people use certain 'looks' eternally to express their feelings (that's me btw :) Hardluck Puneet… you are yet to see those so called obvious looks of the gorgeous Australian babe…
I mean are you someone who often express yourself immediately by facial expressions a lot… hell lot… I enjoy it too… ofcourse I’m not talking about my professional behaviour… if I don’t like some1 and if I cant say on the face then I leave it for my expressions to take care of the proceedings…
And what sort of 'looks' do you often use or you're used to receiving? Oohooo… I often use… if I see a pretty girl… and if she is also giving a decent line to me then… My look would say her that she is pretty… and my eyes like watching her… she would look prettier having a coffee with me… My blue tooth is on… are u techno savvy ;-) Generally generally… I try to maintain a sweet smile… saying have a good day… Or if I’m in a my arrogant mood then… who cares look… ;-) Depends… on situation and persons I’m dealing with… and my mood ofcourse ;-)
Receiving… Hmmmm… that’s a difficult one… At times… Wow he looks sweet… Y can’t he smile back at me… What does he think of himself…I’m not goonna take the first step… can’t he initiate the talk… is he that bad at that or… he is just a watcher ;-) (after I talk to the person… ) gosh he is sweeter than I thought… ;-) hahahhahahahha kidding babezzzzzzzzzzz
hope your weekend is going good cheers have fun…………
Its often a feeling of characteristic kinship - a presumed similar thought in a given situation or a everyday connection or exchange that for the moment ties them and me together. Also, if we are both witness to another's behaviour or statement.
A wink is often a sign not to take things seriously, but is also an expression of shared humour and this is basically what I mean with the above statement.
Not quite hazardous, at least not yet, but it has been misinterpreted as a come on, or as in the solitary case of the Piza passport controller, as a sign of dishonesty
By your last statement, I wonder if you took the very long time to read a particular post of mine and are making a direct reference thereto. Either way, anybody who knows my character, and a potential hubby would surely need to do that, would know in matters of the heart, I am as honest as they come and no wink accompanies that statement.
There's the look of disappointment, disgust, annoyance, contentment, sadness, excitement, fear, flirtation ;-) etc. I believe 'looks' are very important
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... men dont hang their hearts on their sleeves
The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece. I thought that odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought 200. I like monkeys.
I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive. His name was Sigmund. He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals. I laughed. Then they punched my genitals. I stopped laughing.
I herded them into my room. They didn't adapt very well to their new environment. They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at high speeds and slam into the wall. Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour.
Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive: they all died. No apparent reason. They all just sorta' dropped dead. Kinda' like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later. Damn cheap monkeys.
I didn't know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my room, on the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase. It looked like I had 200 throw rugs.
I tried to flush one down the toilet. It didn't work. It got stuck. Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.
I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals. That worked for a while, that is until they began to decompose. It started to smell real bad.
I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want to call the plumber. I was embarrassed.
I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them. Unfortunately there was only enough room for two monkeys at a time so I had to change them every 30 seconds. I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn't all go bad.
I tried burning them. Little did I know my bed was flammable. I had to extinguish the fire.
Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed. The odor wasn't improving.
I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys and to use the bathroom. I severely beat one of my monkeys. I felt better.
I tried throwing them way but the garbage man said that the city wasn't allowed to dispose of charred primates. I told him that I had a wet one. He couldn't take that one either. I didn't bother asking about the frozen ones.
I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts. My friends didn't know quite what to say. They pretended that they like them but I could tell they were lying. Ingrates. So I punched them in the genitals.
k00kie, mez not so expressive thru gestures, but i speak out spontaneously wot i feel anytime anywhere .. n thts got me in trouble too ;) for e.g. i m furious on u for not attending the v000m :)
Pallavi yep yep we r lost sisters in major crime lol! ;-) now thats a wink I give to ppl I admire...and thats u.
Pearly goshhhh! hell we know ur a cutey smiley pie...always and forever :) But I cant smile when Im mad at lips kinda cant smile at all and gets frozen...:(
Icy hey u busy babes...look of love hasnt come ur way yet? awww wut abt my look to u? lol!
p000nie high five! lol Im know for the bitchy looks too...hahaha! U must be some babe in ur skool - now when do I get to see ur pic? ~~Keshi asks that Q with the look of sadness...:(
Fira huggggz!
**My eyes tell my story as long as you are able to read it
I think u raised a very imp point there...cos no matter how expressive u may be, it's the recepient's ability to read it which really is the key to all of this...if the recipient cant read it, then it's an expression wasted. Eyes speak alot yep...;-)
**Unless you are a little rabbit or something. Than the little fox would look like tomorrow’s death.
LOL thats depends on the r'ship between the 2 too, thanks for raising that valuable point!
Niti aww u aint boring me girl...infact I look forward to reading all ur thoughts so much that I feel soooo happy when I see u guys here...
**i remember my first presentation..
LOL I's scary na...when I first presented my project at Uni, I was lips were shaking and my voice struggled to come with the lecturer (and a very cute Aussie too ;-) at the back staring at me, lol, I was like WTF! hehehe but later on I was ok. The look of nervouseness shows alot on my face - not good, but it ur not alone sweety :)
**I was there for a good ten minutes, as he became suspicious of me
ROFL! u know I wink at only the ppl I know well...I think by reading ur ans, now Im gonna try winking at strangers hehe...might get lucky who knows, if not suspected lol ;-)
**the devil was in my eyes
haha I know that look cos it lives in me too :)
**Flirtatious look...
aww u have perfected it...I have obtained a Phd in it LOL!
hey it's ok...u comment when u pressure :)
**I’m thinking of mailing u some of my chho chweet photos… so that you can feel the same for me too..
LOL na...if I see ur cute pics I might feel other feelings...which cannot be expressed just by looks hahaha!
**That’s some basic flirting tips… u providing free to your readers Competition for me…
Puneet how can anyone ever compete with the Flirt King?? lol! U hold that title for life btw ;-)
**Hardluck Puneet… you are yet to see those so called obvious looks of the gorgeous Australian babe…
hehe Puneet u dun wanna be subjected to ALL of those looks...cos as p000nie stated I can give very bitchy looks too lol! Can u stand that?
**a lot… hell lot… I enjoy it too… ofcourse I’m not talking about my professional behaviour…
**if I don’t like some1 and if I cant say on the face then I leave it for my expressions to take care of the proceedings…
me too...when I get pissed the look on my face says 'PISS OFF b4 I manually try to do it to ya'!
**My look would say her that she is pretty… and my eyes like watching her… she would look prettier having a coffee with me… My blue tooth is on… are u techno savvy ;-)
ok d u give a look that says 'she would look prettier having a coffee with me'...tell me so I can use it on a cute!
**Or if I’m in a my arrogant mood then… who cares look… ;-)
awwwu meanie cat...wud u give this look to me? btw I like mean looking dun ask me why!
**Wow he looks sweet… Y can’t he smile back at me… What does he think of himself…I’m not goonna take the first step… can’t he initiate the talk… is he that bad at that or… he is just a watcher ;-)
goshhh u know exactly what women r thinking ha?? how come? oh I forgot...u r Flirt King ofcourse!
**(after I talk to the person… ) gosh he is sweeter than I thought… ;-)
LOL I sure think that too :)
**hope your weekend is going good
I had good fun...went to the AR Rahman show on Sat night...wasnt THE best but it was alright...saw some hot guys (droolssss lol!).
**i jus see an eyeball u might look tired frm the redness but i cant tell nethin else
hahahahaha! ur funny Zilli LOL!
**i've experienced that i can sense what a person's mood or wha they feelin sittin behind a screen
wow thats special...well I can too to a certain extent...from what some ppl write in comments I can sense how truly excited or how truly annoyed they r :) thats a great point btw.
**yehh i saw u excited when i commented for the first time on ur blog
I sure was Zilli! Thats pretty good mind-reading there hehehe...
**the look of confidence i m very confident in wha i feel n wha i do but at times when ur weak
aww Zilli...I know wut u mean. When we were going thru mah dad's death, we were all trying to stay strong...but our looks just told that we were devastated to the core...u cant hide the expression, atleast I cant. But its ok to feel weak and look totally weak...we r times we should feel that.
**the look of hungry .. ever see those...
make it any minute Zilli cos u r ALWAYS hungry lol!
**i usually do that when a girl talks to me
hmmm u dun u'stand girls? lol or is it that u were too hungry u couldnt be bothered trying to u'stnad em? lol!
**give me a blank look
LOL awww...if u do that to me, I'll be like na na I KNOW U damn it! LOL!
**Im gona end this with the Look of Love
heyy I really thought u were gonna gimem the look of love...duhhh no such luck :( lol!
I know wut u mean...the look of love comes with time and experience with the other person...but it's an emotion that u CAN express not with just one look, but many...:)
Thanks Zilli...u r very analytical and full of great points...keep em coming. Keshi.
** dont think eyes speak. At least most of the ones I see dont. It makes me sad for some reason, staring into pools of nothingness.
heyyy dun tell me that u have neva net a pair of eyes that didnt talk to ya...c'mon girl. I know that there r some ppl who have NO expressions at all...they r like walls and to be honest I dun like such ppl.
Like the beauty of a river is heightened by tranquil waters that lead to sudden ripples ann the calm again, the expressions of a person makes that person more beautiful and full of life...
We see but dimly through the mists and vapors; Amid these earthly damps What seem to us but sad, funeral tapers May be heaven's distant lamps. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-82), American writer
Which cannot be expressed just by looks ooh My MY… that is making me all the more inquisitve to send the pics ;-)
U hold that title for life btw I’m honoured :-)>
I can give very bitchy looks too lol! Can u stand that? yeee dear… I’m of the view that people come in packages… if there are good sides… there are bad sides too… take them or leave them… ;-)
tell me so I can use it on a cute guy meet me some day… my eyes could explain it better ;-) hahhahahaha
btw I like mean looking guys hmmmm… sounds interesting
hey u didn’t joined us for v000m… I guess ur weekend plans were btter ;-)
the best/worst ting about a daily newspaper or a blogg postimg is dat it has a shelf line of only one day
so ur a celebrity or a creep for just one day
i wish memories were dat way too
Interesting point, Saby. However, if one accepts this as a reasonable premise and philosophy, then one also has to accept that an apology offered in the same venue is only good for one day as well...
**ooh My MY… that is making me all the more inquisitve to send the pics ;-)
lol send me ur albums plzz...hahaha!
**I’m of the view that people come in packages… if there are good sides… there are bad sides too… take them or leave them… ;-)
wow nice one...I honor u for being so well-aware of that and being respectful towards it.
**meet me some day… my eyes could explain it better ;-)
LOL I can attend ur Flirting 101 classes na.
**btw I like mean looking guys hmmmm… sounds interesting
hahaha cos Im mean Im mean u know Im mean LOL!
**hey u didn’t joined us for v000m… I guess ur weekend plans were btter ;-)
na na it wasnt cos I had 'better' plans...well one of my friends' bday lunch n he planned this one month can I say NO to it? it was his went to that. Sorry :( did u guys have loadza fun?
Music seems to adore me as it keeps reaching my and cars...friends I cannot be without...poems, life, ocean, people...these are some things I simply love. This is my personal e-diary...if anything I blurt out here hurts anyone, my sincere apologies in advance. What I write here are my deepest thoughts that I hardly discuss with people close to me in real. These are my conversations with my mind and the walls who sometimes have better listening powers than humans. But ofcourse I value everyone's views and I intend to grow from them, so you're most welcome to express yourselves here.
Life is too short so I try to 'live' longer every day...and yes one day at a time.
Knowledge is power hence people have been the source of that power in me...I thank them always.
90 Cranium Signets:
Oh wow.. I am 1st.. finally
leave the spam comment aside.. WOW.. atlast..
hmm the look of love.. a soothing feeling always.. what better than have someone looking at u just like the bear.. cho cute.. wud make anyone's dday.. good one..
hey Viv lol yep ur first! wow!
yes it wud be so sweet if all ppl can give n receive love-looks hehehe...but the world is not that sweet always :) So how abt answering the Qs? aww u left already hehe...
Keshi give a look of sadness :(
me 2nd....
ye world is not sweet always...
rt.. now me giving look..
teary eyes.. sad face.. so lonely..
yes anyone can guess that..
The look of snobby-ness:
I absolutely hate this look esp when your smiling at someone and all they can come up with is that stupid snobby look on their faces grrrr makes me so angry.
The look of disappointment:
It upsets me when someone gives me this look esp my parents or someone Im really close to.
These are the 2 I could come up with, you can tell Im not having a very good day lol.
BTW if that bear looked at my like that I would start running away from it LOL
Avik 'looks' like he disappeared :) The look of invisibleness hehehehe...
Pari heyyy wusss wrong? Why so sad? Ur never like this! I thought Im the one who's from Saddsterlands...wut happened? Rem Im here to listen...
**The look of snobby-ness
I know that look cos I have known u for a while now LOLLLLZ!
btw I hate when ppl do that...I have often smiled with dumbos who dunno how to smile back...mebbe they r born with that disability, I just wonder sometimes.
**Look of disappointment
I have seen that too...many times...and I have given that look too...usually along with tears...
awww why wud u run away from that cutey pie? I think u wud scare it off anyways lol! THAT CUTEY PIE IS THE LOOK OF INNOCENCE AND LOVE!
Hmmm...another brain-scratching post...:):):) Well i am more or less a looker rather than a lookee. Many people whom i know claim that they can make out my state of mind by my words and my facial expression, but the fact of the matter till date very few and i mean very few of'em might have rightly guessed during any such situation. Fact of the matter is that i am very pathetic in expressing my real feelings, the facial expression and the words, they just don't seem to synchronize at all.
Invisible look.....
I thought you got my look from my avatar...
South :) Im smiling now...what does that mean to u? just tell me...
**i am very pathetic in expressing my real feelings
aww really? hmmmin that way Im so pathetic that I express it too much hehe. My mum thinks I should stop doing this...cos quite often my facial expressions r pretty obvious and that can annoy the other lol. But I know some peopke dun 'show''s not a bad thing really. It gaurds u against any misunderstandings too...dun u think?
**the facial expression and the words, they just don't seem to synchronize at all
Usually it's hard enough to pick the 'right' words to describe how ur feeling and then imagine picking the right words to match the expressions? :) It's ok that it doesnt seem to synchronise all the long as u get the message across.
And rem South there are some feelings that a word or a facial expression can never express...
Keshi gives the look of 'South I like ya' and thats a wink ;-)
Avik awww muahhh!
**I thought you got my look from my avatar...
ur avatar is too powerful it not only has looks but thoughts, words and actions too, w.o. even really saying the words or doing the actions...:)
awwww me a looker n a lookee too... :D
lol i m a very very expressive person... aww my eyes speak my feeling... u wont believe me but they change shades according to my mood... darn u wouldnt wanna see them whn they r full of rage..urghhhh ...hehe... aww n i use my hands a lot while talking too... n ofcoz my smile... i love to smile...
n abt the lookee part... i hate it when people dont show ny emotions... lol feels like m talking or looking at a wall.... darnnnn.... id as well see anger n frustration than not see nything at all...
lol enough of expression for today...
oh n urghhhhhhhh since i cant show u my eyes today ur saved... me very very angry abt u not getting to v00m.... awww go away... :(((((
I love the invisible look on ur face when you said...avik disappeared ...
I love the invisible look on ur face when u wait for my stupid comments...
I love the invisible look on ur face when it lights up with happiness...
~~Keshi 'looks' at m000nie with her eyes low and filled with tears that r abt to break out and kiss her cheeks...she sits frozen staring at the screen...
That was my body language when I saw ur msg m000nie sweety :(
awww m000nie I dun want u to get upset abt not being able to make it to the v000m...aww...I wont be home - we r leaving early morning cos its a bit far where the lunch is...Im pretty sure we'll be home only late in the evening...wut can I do now to make u gimme a happy look?
**u wont believe me but they change shades according to my mood
really m000nie? wow!
** n i use my hands a lot while talking too
aww me too - hands, legs and even posture lol! I wiggle alot hehehe...
**I hate it when people dont show ny emotions... lol feels like m talking or looking at a wall..
yes it's hard when someone dun express as much. I like ppl who express it cos Im one such person too...but there r ppl who cant express much...they r born that way...not that they dun care but its hard for em to show it. Also there's another category who can express but deliberately dun show it...thats the lot I dun like. Like NV said ppl who cant smile...
Thanks m000nie hugggggz n smile with those beautiful eyes and gimme the 'IT'S OK' look plz :)
Avikkkkkkk that was so very beauuuuuutiful!
**I love the invisible look on ur face when you said...avik disappeared ...
thats so sweeeeeeeeet!
**I love the invisible look on ur face when u wait for my stupid comments...
omgg how did u know I wait for ur comments? And hey they r not stupid...I value em cos I know u got alot of appreciation for others and that ur a very sensitive and beautiful person both in and out. I can almost see ur expression when u say 'ME FIRST...' hehehe so sweet.
**I love the invisible look on ur face when it lights up with happiness...
thank for 'seeing' me :) I 'see' u too...
~~Keshi winks at Avik and waves at him...
awww k00kie baby dont cry... i cant see my 00nies cry.... damnnnnnnn... its ok we'll manage without all our star characters... i just hope im not the only one around on sunday... u better move about n remind everyone abt v00m...
*m00nies giving a smile to k00kie*
20 not bad..
lemme read now :)
aww m000nie but I feel I sorta didnt live up to the 000nie standards...sticking together and being there for each other :( But Im happy ur not greatly disappointed with me...I respect and u'stand ur disappointment tho...I'll try my best to v000m it from wherever I am on Sun even if that means chatting over his bday cake :) thanks for being so kind and understanding...I luv that nature in u mah pretty eyes...
lol I like the new 000nies - li000nie? loll so cutte! What abt Puneet being pun000nie?
Divya :) whenever u give that look of love too I guess...try it sometime ;-)
Hey z000nie aww mah z000nie piezz reading it...ok ok read n come bak....
k000kie gives z000nie the look of chweetness...leaves beaming now that most of mah 000nies r here :)
***But I know some peopke dun 'show''s not a bad thing really. It gaurds u against any misunderstandings too...dun u think?*** u r damn right but at times my unexpressiveness puts me into jeopardy..:)
***And rem South there are some feelings that a word or a facial expression can never express...***next time somebody critises me of my unexpressiveness i m gonna deliver the above lines...:)
South :)
**my unexpressiveness puts me into jeopardy
yes it does...but atleast then u can tell em thats not how u felt, cos they dint really see the expression :)
**next time somebody critises me of my unexpressiveness i m gonna deliver the above lines
hehe good on ya!
innocent look (with eyes trying to multiply 287634 * 48973 in air) - during interview or viva's makes the other person feel that Im in deep thoughts and definitely a hard working guy.
eye to eye contact whiel talking to a female - she is busty and I dont wanna drop my eye balls at wrong places during right time :(
play with ma fingers / hair / pen - giving direct indication to the other fella that Im not interested in talking.
play with hair/foreign material in ma nose - Plzzz shut the fcuk up else I will touch you with ma fingers now :)
Lemme think more...I do a lot of gestures while talking :)
z000nie :)
**innocent look
LOL u mean the busy-working-like-a-dog look while blogging from work...hahahaha good one!
**eye to eye contact whiel talking to a female
I dun like when guys stare into my's has happened many times...I dun even have to say abt the chest staring do I? goshhhh Im so bored of men doing that like they r talkin to mah chest!!
**play with ma fingers / hair / pen - giving direct indication to the other fella that Im not interested in talking.
I pray to God u wont do this if we ever!
**play with hair/foreign material in ma nose
~~Keshi leaves with a look of puke-o-rama lol!
busy-working-like-a-dog look while blogging from work
Only I know how many good offers I got only coz I was multiplying 234234 * 23423 in air :)
It works all the time
I pray to God u wont do this if we ever meet.
I hope u dont give me I often give is tilt my head to the side, put on a fake smile, if we ever meet in person
;) <- thats a wink :D
Take care....and hope u back from puke-o-rama
Have an awesome day ahead k000kie-piez
Me:What did u thought when u first saw me?
Kavita:How can I forget that??? I still remember that evening when u came to my gym to inquire about the charges and see the equipments and remember as soon as u stepped in the lights went off…:J then we actually strolled around the gym with a candle in the hand. And as far as my thought at that time, it was like wooooooow!!!herculeeeeeeees!!!
Me:What attracted u towards me?
Kavita:Right from my childhood I always fantasized that my bf should be tall,dark and wellbuilt, should play guitar for me when I m out of mood, should know cooking, should have a good voice with great looks, should have a good sense of humour and should be very supportive.
Me:But I hardly have a good sense of humour and I don’t even look like a conventional fantasy guy which a gal would imagine of?
Kavita:You do have a bit of sense of humour so don’t worry about it and as far as ur looks are concerned I m happy with how u look and moreover u have all the other qualities I dreamed of. The only thing I wanna change is ur attitude.
These are some of the things me and my gf discussed and just see the last word of the conversation *attitude*, I still can’t figure out where she felt that I displayed my attitude, now u see keshi why I said I am so pathetic in expressing myself and hiding that is even worse….lol.
**I was multiplying 234234 * 23423 in air :)
It works all the time
LOL z000nie cheaters peters hahahaha! Yup it works ALL the time :)
**I hope u dont give me I often give is tilt my head
NO WAY! Unless ofcourse u do something pretty dumb which I believe u dun do often :) btw I do many dumb things but u have to gimme the look of 'Im soo not bored with ya' always ok :)
U have a supa-dupa weekend matey!
teary eyes.. sad face.. so lonely..
Gimme hugzz...
K00kie piez she cried whole day coz I made her upset :(
Z000nie boi is bad na :(((
wow South u 2 met in the gym and that too with no electricity - whoaaaaaa! LOL! Candles and gym gear r like cotton and fire na ;-)
**The only thing I wanna change is ur attitude
hmmm attitude has many sides...attitude towards what exactly does she mean?
dumb things but u have to gimme the look of
Then I will come out with new post na....Intelligent Q's I never get tired of listening to - PART II - Aussie version :)
K-shoe's are on there way to hit z000nie on his face
Happpe weekend to ma Aussie Matey....
Take care and enjoy life!!!
z000nie why r u being a typical boy now? u notty notty person...Give Pari the look of 'Im so sorry' now!
Reminded me of one Kindy song...
~~What are little boys made of, made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails, and puppy-dogs' tails;
And that's what little boys are made of, made of.
What are little girls made of, made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice, and all that's nice;
And that's what little girls are made of, made of. ~~
Rem z000nie words can be very harmful...u have to think very carefully b4 using em...sometimes it's just good to give a 'look' than saying a word that can cause pain...
hugggz to u both...plz kiss n make up now...
**Intelligent Q's I never get tired of listening to - PART II - Aussie version
~~sends Kitty Sniper to take care of!
U have a beautiful weekend too!
Well keshi, usually when i am in the gym i concentrate on my work-outs rather than indulging in gossips, she is the owner so obviously she chit-chats with her members and when i give a cold reaction to their topics she feels i am throwing my attitude, now u tell me, do i do anything wrong? thats why i said, that at times being quite also is painfull...:):):)
me reading it...and because i have to think before writing anything..i will be back with my comment..after deep thoughts...shhh...
I think I just have one standard look that I give people. I like to talk with my eyes so raised eyebrow(s), opening eyes wide etc etc. Even if I am smiling if my eyes don't do it right people know that the smile isn't genuine :-P
How cute? it's a cutie pie....
Wow, you have lots of fans, don't ya?
Hugs from the Brazilian boy,
oh ho it gave me task yaar have to think for your question
umm me looker or lookie ???????
people around me say that my face always express what i feel at a time
sometimes want to heal emotions but get caught so i hate people reading face.... hehehehhe
i hate being looker by lookie (do i make a sense)
now i'm confused
take care
sweet dreamz
1. I mean are you someone who often express yourself immediately by facial expressions (or some sort of body language)
--- My emotions drive my expressions! I personally dont know how i look when i am sad or happy...but i know how i feel... when sad the feeling is not good..when happy its... Wonderful!
Chinmay says, when i am sad, i get really quiet and my body language changes... like i sit down! Funny, cuz i guess my energy level goes down. When Angry I am standing up! so lol do i jump when i am happy? hahah probably! next time i'll make an observation of my actions!!! Neat.
or are you someone who likes people who express themselves immediately or are you both?
---i like people who are expressive.. conversations are much easier that way!!!
First of all sorry fr dropping by after such a long time,:(((ws v bz.,s usual a v different and interesting q 2 ask..your creativity surely flowing high...
1,Well i really enjoy observing people,there gestures,there facial features,there body lingo its so intriguing to see tht v all are the same in our body structures and organs,,yet v r so different cuz of our expressions,gestures,features...wht not..
2,well i dont know why, whn ppl whuch i dont even know always say tht my first look or impression is v cold and icy:((only later on whn they are familiar with me i cm across s a warm person.
ABT the look of love from the guys..ahem..mayb i scare them by the LOOK OF MY SHINING SWORD tht nobdy dares:0)and from my family the last look i gt today ws from mom and tht was whn she opened my cupboard..and all hell broke loose..ahem sorry all the balls of my clothes nicely rolled and thrown in a BALL form landed on her head:((and i can assure u ..tht wsnt by any chance a look of love or affection..IF LOOKS COULD KILLLLLLLLLLL...i would have been 6 feet underground by now..
Oh sorry I left the answering part..
Well the look of love comes automatically I guess.. I dunno.. I mean u cant plan on it when u see someone u love.. its just rite there.. it happens.. and sometimes u dont even knw u did that.. Well I am a looker and also a lookee. meaning I do express myself that way and expect to be looked at that way because it is very powerful.. and u know wht if u r in love it wud occur automatically.. but as for showing it 2 a little kid or something.. we will want to do it.. cos we lvoe the kid.. so.. hope this answered the ques..
i felt the same when i saw my eye...i mean my picture for the blog...
whats all those keshi gomu stuffff.......
South :)
**she feels i am throwing my attitude, now u tell me, do i do anything wrong?
Ofcourse not...u dun like gos and thats it. Sorry to say but I think she's the one who's got the attitude prob, not u :) Cos I dun like gos too and especially in a gym it's soooo inappropriate!
Ur just fine South :)
Amu take ur time sweety :)
Kroopz yep I use my eyse alot too...raise mah brows...hehe n ppl do get it lol! Thanks!
Tarun thanks its such a cutey na, and Preacher WC!
Pithaly why? I didnt get ya...
Niti heyyy!
**i hate being looker by lookie..
I got ya girl lol! U make perfect sense :) U mean u dun like ppl to read ur face so easily na? :):)
Pallavi hey muahhh!
yep yep its good to be expressive...hey u sound alot like me lol very expressive and full of emotions...yeah I can u see jumping up n down when ur happy lollll! I dance and wiggle when something great happens..hehehe..
Sebzzz Huggggz missed ya heaps! Hey thats ok that u couldnt come here in a long time...I know ppl r bust and got lots of stuff to do :) Take it easy...
**yet v r so different cuz of our expressions,gestures,features
That is soo true! We all have the same physical organs but we all express ourselves soooo differently...thanks for bringing that very valuable point up usual u bring up such great points all the time - woohoo u go gurl Sebz!
**my first look or impression is v cold and icy
awww r u? I dun think soo hehe...cos even tho I havent met u in real, u were pretty hospitable to me in IT the first time we met :) Guess it's much easier on the net tho. Well Im different...I smile and dun give cold looks unless he/she is a snob lol! Yeah it takes sometime to be real friendly but Im usually smiley face at the beginning itself :)
aww Sebz who isnt scared of ur shining sword? :) Its the best weapon one ever came up with...the most powerful ;-)
**ahem sorry all the balls of my clothes nicely rolled and thrown in a BALL form landed on her head
LOLLLL ur kidding! Poor mum...hahahaha!
Thanks for dropping by it when ur here and gimme smiles with ur superb comments...
Vivhyd thats ok :)
** I mean u cant plan on it when u see someone u love
yep so true...most of facial expressions and body language r natural...thats why it speaks volumes. With words and actions u can fake feelings...but not with body language cos it kicks off straight away. Even crminals are investigated by body language cos they often lie with words :)
hehe Prakash u fell in love with the owner of those eyes and who is she?
The spamming...well they come from some psychotic guy on the net. He has an obsession over me and cant seem to get over it. I cant help him - I think only a psychiatrist would be able to do that. I just delete his comments - I never read them. Poor soul getting wasted. If ur a Buddhist Prakash u may have heard this saying...
'Dhukata hethuwa thanhawa...'
translation: The reason for misery is the desire.
The never-ending Desire in this guy to be heard, to be superior, to rejoice in abuse is exactly what's causing his own misery.
Thanks for dropping by and have a great weekend Prakash :)
hi weekend...still awake doing some work.....saturday morning 1 am...........
anyway...yes i have heard of Buddhist.....although i am hindu...most of my friends are i know few..of those.......
by the way...have a nice weekend...dont spend too much time infront of the comp....
good to know...ur background..
i am hindu and my both parents are hindu.....I normally go to pansala on every poya day as my friends go..when i was in sri lanka....damn i miss those things....
so can u speak tamil fluently....
Hey Prakash I can speak both languages...but Im very fluent in Sinhalese compared to Tamil...
ippa neer enna pannirai Prakash? :) duh wut a Q ha....ur on the net ofcourse lol!
yep I used to go to the Buddhist Pansala (temple) every poya day with mum...and Im a devotee of goddess Mariamman too (have u been to the Wellawatte Mariamman temple? :)
i am telling you... lost sisters! and as arjun would say... sisters in crime! hehe
lol...uhmm kesh..u knw wit me,only the people who reallyy reallly know me know my actual feelings.I can easily put on a fake look.Even wen im highly pissed or upset i can be a smiling fo' most people i am always a "cute eva-smiling chick" lol ... :)
hee hee in me skool...v were well known for our looks...not da ''love'' looks...we were known fo' our ''bitch'' looks :p
god!! tht wuz so hilarious :P
, CONGRATS Vivhyd ! ,
now move over
so we can comment
i will be back !
i gott a lott to say to , SEBIA,
Hi Keshu,
If only one would have been able to read my eyes. My love, feelings, rage, pain... are all lying naked in there. Sometimes they come forth, but its only when I am in solitude. I am good with my facial expressions but its not that easy to make out whats going on within. My eyes tell my story as long as you are able to read it...
Btw that lil foxy is cute :))))
Cute, sure. Unless you are a little rabbit or something. Than the little fox would look like tomorrow’s death. Like big E said, it is all relative.
yeah u got my point dear
sometimes it could be onerous situation when face express your feeling unlikely, though u tried a lot to not show them through your body language
i remember my first presentation, i was so scared i tried a lot to blink back my fear but my face express worried n scary color doom!!!, and everyone were like "she is so scared!!!!" gosh!!!! u are more scared when plp notice like that.
okay will not distrub your weekend by writing boring things hehehe
luv u
have a grt time
" The look of love is in your eyes...." wonderful song!
Examples of expressions, hmmm...
I've come to wink at people all the time, its become a habit and can be quite embarassing when inappropriate or misunderstood, like when I was flying out of Pisa and winked at the passport controller (or whatever they are called) as he was eyeing my photo. I was there for a good ten minutes, as he became suspicious of me, lol.
I've been in a few situations, where I have had to protect someone against attack, and have been told later, the devil was in my eyes, i.e. obviously a fearsome expression (shiver).
The flirtatious look - I have that one perfected, lol.
Nice post!
I WONDER WAT ATUMN tries to convey by a wink
a wink is usually used by the male of the species in India to tell the other
dat he is lying, or
dat he is making a pass for u
and dis can be hazardous
u mite be beaten by chappals
or by blows to the stomach and below, if her hubby catches u at it
Hi Keshu Babezzz..
Back on your blog with my replies…
Was not online for 2 days…
Coming to your post…
would your immediate thoughts be? awwww, cute, beautiful, innocent, sweet, adorable, honeypie, sugababe, loveydovey, candymandy, cupcake, coochicoo, I just wanna hug him etc etc isnt it?
I’m thinking of mailing u some of my chho chweet photos… so that you can feel the same for me tooo ;-) hehehehehe
Body language combined with the 'looks' speak volumes
That’s some basic flirting tips… u providing free to your readers ;-)
Competition for me…
Some people use certain 'looks' eternally to express their feelings (that's me btw :)
Hardluck Puneet… you are yet to see those so called obvious looks of the gorgeous Australian babe…
I mean are you someone who often express yourself immediately by facial expressions
a lot… hell lot… I enjoy it too…
ofcourse I’m not talking about my professional behaviour…
if I don’t like some1 and if I cant say on the face then I leave it for my expressions to take care of the proceedings…
And what sort of 'looks' do you often use or you're used to receiving?
I often use…
if I see a pretty girl… and if she is also giving a decent line to me then…
My look would say her that she is pretty… and my eyes like watching her… she would look prettier having a coffee with me…
My blue tooth is on… are u techno savvy ;-)
Generally generally… I try to maintain a sweet smile… saying have a good day…
Or if I’m in a my arrogant mood then… who cares look… ;-)
Depends… on situation and persons I’m dealing with… and my mood ofcourse ;-)
Hmmmm… that’s a difficult one…
At times…
Wow he looks sweet…
Y can’t he smile back at me…
What does he think of himself…I’m not goonna take the first step… can’t he initiate the talk… is he that bad at that or… he is just a watcher ;-)
(after I talk to the person… )
gosh he is sweeter than I thought… ;-)
kidding babezzzzzzzzzzz
hope your weekend is going good
have fun…………
PS: I replied to your earlier post too.
Hi Saby, how are you doing?
"I WONDER WAT ATUMN tries to convey by a wink"
Its often a feeling of characteristic kinship - a presumed similar thought in a given situation or a everyday connection or exchange that for the moment ties them and me together. Also, if we are both witness to another's behaviour or statement.
A wink is often a sign not to take things seriously, but is also an expression of shared humour and this is basically what I mean with the above statement.
Not quite hazardous, at least not yet, but it has been misinterpreted as a come on, or as in the solitary case of the Piza passport controller, as a sign of dishonesty
By your last statement, I wonder if you took the very long time to read a particular post of mine and are making a direct reference thereto. Either way, anybody who knows my character, and a potential hubby would surely need to do that, would know in matters of the heart, I am as honest as they come and no wink accompanies that statement.
Take care,
heyyyyy Autumn
no offence meant
just curious
i gott enuff enemies in blog land
i need more friendz
am still not sure if Justine and Kesh have migrated
Kesh gives me dirty looks
evry time i pass by
and Justine simply ignores me
There's the look of disappointment, disgust, annoyance, contentment, sadness, excitement, fear, flirtation ;-) etc. I believe 'looks' are very important
men dont hang their hearts on their sleeves
and we very often laff
when we feel like crying
like i am doing now
after reading dis sad post
i kinda feel sorry for dis mad dog ROHAN
a mad dog bit him
and screwed his ass too
and he did likewise
who invited dis silly punjabi to post here !!!
wasnt me for sure
Sorry Kesh !
i just cant help it
me tinks i gott worms
so i went blog hopping and found dis
I like monkeys.
The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece. I thought that
odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I decided not to
look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought 200. I like monkeys.
I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive. His
name was Sigmund. He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really
bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals. I laughed.
Then they punched my genitals. I stopped laughing.
I herded them into my room. They didn't adapt very well to their new
environment. They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at
high speeds and slam into the wall. Although humorous at first, the
spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour.
Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive:
they all died. No apparent reason. They all just sorta' dropped dead.
Kinda' like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later. Damn
cheap monkeys.
I didn't know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my
room, on the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase. It looked
like I had 200 throw rugs.
I tried to flush one down the toilet. It didn't work. It got stuck.
Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.
I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals. That worked for
a while, that is until they began to decompose. It started to smell real
I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want
to call the plumber. I was embarrassed.
I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them. Unfortunately
there was only enough room for two monkeys at a time so I had to change
them every 30 seconds. I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so
it didn't all go bad.
I tried burning them. Little did I know my bed was flammable. I had to
extinguish the fire.
Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in
my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed. The odor
wasn't improving.
I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys and to use the
bathroom. I severely beat one of my monkeys. I felt better.
I tried throwing them way but the garbage man said that the city wasn't
allowed to dispose of charred primates. I told him that I had a wet
one. He couldn't take that one either. I didn't bother asking about the
frozen ones.
I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts. My
friends didn't know quite what to say. They pretended that they like
them but I could tell they were lying. Ingrates. So I punched them in
the genitals.
I like monkeys
I dont think eyes speak. At least most of the ones I see dont. It makes me sad for some reason, staring into pools of nothingness.
look of love..comes with look of charm...brings us to the look of mystic...and ends with look of misery..
err...i got no idea why i came up with that!!
k00kie, mez not so expressive thru gestures, but i speak out spontaneously wot i feel anytime anywhere .. n thts got me in trouble too ;)
for e.g.
i m furious on u for not attending the v000m :)
Pallavi yep yep we r lost sisters in major crime lol!
;-) now thats a wink I give to ppl I admire...and thats u.
Pearly goshhhh! hell we know ur a cutey smiley pie...always and forever :) But I cant smile when Im mad at lips kinda cant smile at all and gets frozen...:(
Icy hey u busy babes...look of love hasnt come ur way yet? awww wut abt my look to u? lol!
p000nie high five! lol Im know for the bitchy looks too...hahaha! U must be some babe in ur skool - now when do I get to see ur pic? ~~Keshi asks that Q with the look of sadness...:(
Fira huggggz!
**My eyes tell my story as long as you are able to read it
I think u raised a very imp point there...cos no matter how expressive u may be, it's the recepient's ability to read it which really is the key to all of this...if the recipient cant read it, then it's an expression wasted. Eyes speak alot yep...;-)
hehe Pithaly...some Julius Caesar for us ay :)
~~waves at Rex :)
Nice to see ya here mate.
**Unless you are a little rabbit or something. Than the little fox would look like tomorrow’s death.
LOL thats depends on the r'ship between the 2 too, thanks for raising that valuable point!
Niti aww u aint boring me girl...infact I look forward to reading all ur thoughts so much that I feel soooo happy when I see u guys here...
**i remember my first presentation..
LOL I's scary na...when I first presented my project at Uni, I was lips were shaking and my voice struggled to come with the lecturer (and a very cute Aussie too ;-) at the back staring at me, lol, I was like WTF! hehehe but later on I was ok. The look of nervouseness shows alot on my face - not good, but it ur not alone sweety :)
Autumn heyyyy muahhhh! Missed ya tonzzz.
**I was there for a good ten minutes, as he became suspicious of me
ROFL! u know I wink at only the ppl I know well...I think by reading ur ans, now Im gonna try winking at strangers hehe...might get lucky who knows, if not suspected lol ;-)
**the devil was in my eyes
haha I know that look cos it lives in me too :)
**Flirtatious look...
aww u have perfected it...I have obtained a Phd in it LOL!
Thanks girl u great looker ;-)
Puneeeeeeeeet huggggz!
**Was not online for 2 days…
hey it's ok...u comment when u pressure :)
**I’m thinking of mailing u some of my chho chweet photos… so that you can feel the same for me too..
LOL na...if I see ur cute pics I might feel other feelings...which cannot be expressed just by looks hahaha!
**That’s some basic flirting tips… u providing free to your readers
Competition for me…
Puneet how can anyone ever compete with the Flirt King?? lol! U hold that title for life btw ;-)
**Hardluck Puneet… you are yet to see those so called obvious looks of the gorgeous Australian babe…
hehe Puneet u dun wanna be subjected to ALL of those looks...cos as p000nie stated I can give very bitchy looks too lol! Can u stand that?
**a lot… hell lot… I enjoy it too…
ofcourse I’m not talking about my professional behaviour…
**if I don’t like some1 and if I cant say on the face then I leave it for my expressions to take care of the proceedings…
me too...when I get pissed the look on my face says 'PISS OFF b4 I manually try to do it to ya'!
**My look would say her that she is pretty… and my eyes like watching her… she would look prettier having a coffee with me…
My blue tooth is on… are u techno savvy ;-)
ok d u give a look that says 'she would look prettier having a coffee with me'...tell me so I can use it on a cute!
**Or if I’m in a my arrogant mood then… who cares look… ;-)
awwwu meanie cat...wud u give this look to me? btw I like mean looking dun ask me why!
**Wow he looks sweet…
Y can’t he smile back at me…
What does he think of himself…I’m not goonna take the first step… can’t he initiate the talk… is he that bad at that or… he is just a watcher ;-)
goshhh u know exactly what women r thinking ha?? how come? oh I forgot...u r Flirt King ofcourse!
**(after I talk to the person… )
gosh he is sweeter than I thought… ;-)
LOL I sure think that too :)
**hope your weekend is going good
I had good fun...went to the AR Rahman show on Sat night...wasnt THE best but it was alright...saw some hot guys (droolssss lol!).
~~winks at Puneet and waves goodbye....
Zilliiiiiiiii huggggggz!
**i jus see an eyeball u might look tired frm the redness but i cant tell nethin else
hahahahaha! ur funny Zilli LOL!
**i've experienced that i can sense what a person's mood or wha they feelin sittin behind a screen
wow thats special...well I can too to a certain extent...from what some ppl write in comments I can sense how truly excited or how truly annoyed they r :) thats a great point btw.
**yehh i saw u excited when i commented for the first time on ur blog
I sure was Zilli! Thats pretty good mind-reading there hehehe...
**the look of confidence i m very confident in wha i feel n wha i do but at times when ur weak
aww Zilli...I know wut u mean. When we were going thru mah dad's death, we were all trying to stay strong...but our looks just told that we were devastated to the core...u cant hide the expression, atleast I cant. But its ok to feel weak and look totally weak...we r times we should feel that.
**the look of hungry .. ever see those...
make it any minute Zilli cos u r ALWAYS hungry lol!
**i usually do that when a girl talks to me
hmmm u dun u'stand girls? lol or is it that u were too hungry u couldnt be bothered trying to u'stnad em? lol!
**give me a blank look
LOL awww...if u do that to me, I'll be like na na I KNOW U damn it! LOL!
**Im gona end this with the Look of Love
heyy I really thought u were gonna gimem the look of love...duhhh no such luck :( lol!
I know wut u mean...the look of love comes with time and experience with the other person...but it's an emotion that u CAN express not with just one look, but many...:)
Thanks Zilli...u r very analytical and full of great points...keep em coming.
** dont think eyes speak. At least most of the ones I see dont. It makes me sad for some reason, staring into pools of nothingness.
heyyy dun tell me that u have neva net a pair of eyes that didnt talk to ya...c'mon girl. I know that there r some ppl who have NO expressions at all...they r like walls and to be honest I dun like such ppl.
Like the beauty of a river is heightened by tranquil waters that lead to sudden ripples ann the calm again, the expressions of a person makes that person more beautiful and full of life...
lets 4get dat we have been angry
lets be lovers once again, and
swear never to be like strangers no more
-dis goes out to Justine
the best/worst ting about a daily newspaper or a blogg postimg is dat
it has a shelf line of only one day
so ur a celebrity
or a creep for just one day
i wish memories were dat way too
We see but dimly through the mists and vapors; Amid these earthly damps What seem to us but sad, funeral tapers May be heaven's distant lamps.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-82), American writer
Which cannot be expressed just by looks
ooh My MY… that is making me all the more inquisitve to send the pics ;-)
U hold that title for life btw
I’m honoured :-)>
I can give very bitchy looks too lol! Can u stand that?
yeee dear… I’m of the view that people come in packages… if there are good sides… there are bad sides too… take them or leave them… ;-)
tell me so I can use it on a cute guy
meet me some day… my eyes could explain it better ;-)
btw I like mean looking guys
hmmmm… sounds interesting
hey u didn’t joined us for v000m… I guess ur weekend plans were btter ;-)
have fun
take care
the best/worst ting about a daily newspaper or a blogg postimg is dat it has a shelf line of only one day
so ur a celebrity
or a creep for just one day
i wish memories were dat way too
Interesting point, Saby. However, if one accepts this as a reasonable premise and philosophy, then one also has to accept that an apology offered in the same venue is only good for one day as well...
Puneeeeet :)
**ooh My MY… that is making me all the more inquisitve to send the pics ;-)
lol send me ur albums plzz...hahaha!
**I’m of the view that people come in packages… if there are good sides… there are bad sides too… take them or leave them… ;-)
wow nice one...I honor u for being so well-aware of that and being respectful towards it.
**meet me some day… my eyes could explain it better ;-)
LOL I can attend ur Flirting 101 classes na.
**btw I like mean looking guys
hmmmm… sounds interesting
hahaha cos Im mean Im mean u know Im mean LOL!
**hey u didn’t joined us for v000m… I guess ur weekend plans were btter ;-)
na na it wasnt cos I had 'better' plans...well one of my friends' bday lunch n he planned this one month can I say NO to it? it was his went to that. Sorry :( did u guys have loadza fun?
**then one also has to accept that an apology offered in the same venue is only good for one day as well
Thanks Justin!!
Hi Keshi,
I like this picture a lot!!!!!
Can I put it up on my blog?
Go ahead Saffron my pleasure :) I like it too sooo damn cute!
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