There are some people who really need to read this post but they may not be bloggers, unfortunately! Anyways I write this post wishing that one sun-shiny day they will tumble upon my blog and read this, hopefully realising how much of a booty-pain they were to me. Have you come across people who don't give a damn about someone else's existence? People who think that they are the only ones who breathe around (leaving aside the huge breaths of moronology)? Well surprise surprise, I have come across many such dudes and have been the royal victim of their gigantic existences many a times. Few incidents are listed below for your pleasurable reading: ***One day I was walking down the street when this lady was coming down towards me. She was walking in front of me and had absolutely no sense whatsoever that I was in front of her too (no she wasn't blind). I mean does it take such a long time and alot of grey matter to realise that someone else is walking in the opposite direction in front of you and that you would have to move over a little bit to share the pathway? She saw me, oh yes but she wasn't moving anywhere, in your dreams hunny! I was moving alright but I didnt's have much room onto my left and she wasn't that lean either. Anyways she walked past me as if I never existed and yeah she brushed (rather bashed me) with her giant elbow that I nearly hit the shop window on my left. I guess she never knew others walk down the streets too or perhaps she was in a dizzy spell somewhere in Madagascar where there's lots of space?
***Another time...another day. Well I was in this Cafe ordering cofffee, and this guy comes in laughing so loud, so loud that the whole cafe started to look at him wondering what's wrong with him. Well he came and stood behind me (with his mate) in the queue still laughing his jocks off, and I really coudn't bear it anymore I thought of leaving the cafe. But I so wanted to have a coffee yet this guy was irritating me cos it was so LOUD that even the Kookaburras would have put their head-phones on. Then I turned around and gave him a 'Are-you-ok-man-or-do-you-need-to-be-admitted-into-a-mental-hospital?' kind of stare and he still didn't get it, cos he looked at me and started that laugh again. I guess it must have been a good joke but he certainly wasn't the only one around the coffee shop who was going mental that day.
***Then there are marketing calls that I receive on a daily basis, I just wonder where they employ these nagging people from. They are so rude and don't let me say what I want to say rather they choose to decide for me! One day my phone rang and as soon as I picked it up, she addressed me by a shortened form of my real name, like she knew me all her life - and this was a person I have never met, never spoken to and probably never will in my entire life. And she said that she was from a phone company and that she wanted to know if I'm interested in reducing my overseas phone bills, cos they had some fabulous cheap network etc. Fair enough but I immediately said that I wasnt interested and that I had to go now. She wouldnt listen to me and she said 'Maam why are you not interested in reducing your phone bills?'. I said 'Cos Im just not, can I go now?'...and she goes 'That's strange that you don't want to reduce your bills, how come?'...I said 'I love to pay high bills and that's just the way it is' and I hung up.
***Don't you hate it when a 3rd person interrupts you when you're talking to someone? Well one day I was talking to my cousin and this other guy comes baaaang right in the middle and utters something totally irrelevant. I was so angry that I just stopped talking and my cousin sort of got it but yeah he was answering this other guy too WTH! Maybe he was bored with what I was saying but Iit really drives me up the walls when people have no manners whatsoever and come crashing down in the middle of a conversation as if nothing and nobody else exists other than themselves. So I told him so and he goes 'oh c'mon Keshi you know me duncha sweety...?'...jeeeeeez next time I see him from afar, I will stop talking altogether, how about for the whole day?
***The other day I was on the train and these 2 Asian people were talking so loud that I thought they were having a fight. I seriously thought that someone needs to go over to them and help them make peace but I never thought I could be so wrong. Cos the next minute they were laughing (loud ofcourse) and even then I was thinking that probably they were laughing out of their frustration at each other (cos it sounded like evil laughs - muahhahahaha kind). But the next minute the speech tones got really violent and loud again. So I told my friend that may be we should ask what's wrong and he was laughing at me (cos he is Asian too). He told me that they were just talking happily. Whaaaaat, in that tone? I'll settle with the hope that I must be blonde.
***Last Sat I was shopping and then I met one of my mum's Indian friends. She suddenly stopped on tracks and started talking to me whereas I was really in a hurry. Seems like she didnt realise that even though I told her so, and she was going on and on about her son, her husband, her laundry, her cooking, her dinner party, her okra, her sarees, her aunty's son, her sister's brother-in-law's daughter's wedding etc etc...I was fainting at this stage and never before have I hoped so much for a phone call so I could just excuse myself and leave. No such luck so I ended up having coffee with her woohoo. I was in a trance all the while.
***Most of you know that I fired my Driving Instructor cos of bad breath. Well the fact that he had such a terrible and strong breath almost got me killed on the wheel (no not by some car accident) but by his breath alone. Whenever he opened his mouth to say something I had to hold my breath just so that I wont go into a micro-sleep and crash into someone else's car. I so wished that I could tell him that there is a dental disease calle Gingivitis in this world..but me being so kind, I just couldnt tell him so I went home, rang up the Learner school and told them that he was weird. So they sent me someone else the next day, clean-breath and all, thank God! Yeah I know God drives around too and probably knew I was dealing with a weapon of mass destruction.
People need to realise that there are others around too...yeah we exist too, so be cooperative please...share public property, speak softly, don't force yourself upon others, don't interrupt rudely, understand that someone may be in a rush, have a daily shower instead of killing your train-mates, brush your teeth often and if that doesnt help get some Listerine lol! Basically be kind and courteous to others around you and be AWARE :)