Friday, June 27

You Make My Heart Dance!

A Home Party...

Hey guys, as some of you wanted to know, I will update you with my bday gos on Monday ok? :). Cos tomorrow is THE PARTY and we're gonna have some crazy fun...mum's gonna have Musical Chairs for the oldies LOL! And we are also gonna have a Kids' Dancing competition (as my cousins and friends are bringing their kids) and give away gifts too. So it's gonna be a big day tomorrow with alot of fun. I'm so looking forward to it!

A City Rail Party...
btw carrying that huge Roses-Only box full of roses back home on Wednesday night (read my bday post) created a huge party on the train! I'm serious! As I got on the train and got a seat in the carriage adjacent to the doors, I just realised that my long Roses box stretched to 2 other people's laps too (seated on either side of me)! And when I apologised for it as the box slightly hit their knees, the cute Aussie guy to the left of me said 'oh it's totally was this from your boyfriend? Is it you're 21st?'. And that line paved the way to a noisy and happy 30min PARTY in that carriage until I got off at my stop! LOL I can't believe it that total strangers started talking to me, asking about my bday, how my evening was gonna be spent, whether it was my 21st (I was totally smitten cos nah I'm not that young anymore haha!) etc etc. The lady on the right asked me about the color of the roses I got, and so I opened the whole thing just to show them (being the drama queen that I am) *rolling eyes*! They all went 'awwwwwwwwwwwwww!' together and they were all saying how lovely a gesture it was from my sis and they started telling me their gift one lady got a fruit basket from Roses Only and how yummy they were etc etc. So my heart was totally filled with joy and I can say that that was one of the best train journeys that I've ever made in my entire train-trip history! Cos it made me realise how beautiful some strangers can be and how caring some people are. Not all people in this world are obnoxious, selfish and proud. There are still some good people left out there. I really didn't wanna get out at my stop..cos these strangers who made it such a wonderful ride home were wishing me well and saying lovely things as I got off the if they knew me my entire life on Earth. And how often do you get that kind of feeling in life...the feeling of your heart dancing? Share with me something wonderful a stranger(s) did for you. Something that made your heart dance in joy. Would love to hear your experiences.

A Party In My Heart...
This song is for all of you blog-mates. You've never met me in real either...I'm a total stranger to you but you shower me with so much love and support that it feels like I've known you all my life! You've all made my life so very beautiful in many different ways over the years, and WOW so many beautiful b'day wishes for me this year, I was totally stoked! So a big THANK YOU! Enjoy this song that is especially for you. Please try and listen to it, cos the lyrics feel as if they were made just for you and that I'm singing it for you :). You make my heart dance! Have a good one and don't forget to answer the question above. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kaylz, may you always be surrounded by LOVE!

Current Music: Now I Can Dance by Tina Arena

158 Cranium Signets:

maverick said...

hey gorgeous....hope u had a great bday...n enjoy the party over the weekend :)...god bles u :)

Deepti said...

Wow, its just overwhelming when total strangers wish you on your birthday. Belated happy birthday Keshi :)
Hope you have a rocking year ahead :)

Shionge said...

Party tomorrow??!!!! Can you wait for me coz me gonna catch the next 'flight' out :D

Have fun ya :D

Deepti said...

Lovely song :)

KAYLEE said...

AWWW have fun and thank you for the shout out keshi!

Tarun said...

We werent wishing u on ur b'day just like that, we were all queuing up for a piece of that chocolate cake.Hell, it better be a chocolate cake.


I love trains journey never mind it being a Mumbai Local trains are long distance trains overnite journeys.
Well have had goody goody and not so googdy train journeys.But its amazing how I end up finding people of trains that I havent met in ages.


Cяystal said...

Hey Keshz,

We're all supposed to be invited too.Hehe,kidding.

**There are still some good people left out there.
And as for the parts where strangers are concerned.Yeah,they sometime seem more familiar than our own relatives!
I,being a li'l small,don't interact with strangers much,but yep I do see my mom doing that part,hehe! :)
A lot of times have I seen some really great guys on the train.Like once we met this Indian couple who had settled in New Zealand,and trust me,we got a nasty shock when they told us that their son,was the captain of the under 18 New Zealand team!..Whoa..And the best part was they gave ME their autograph book,which had the autographs of Glenn McGrath,Ricky Ponting,Daniel L.Vettori..and who not!!..

I mean..ain't it just too sweet of them? ;)
Hehe.Sometimes strangers do behave as if we know them since ages!

I'll tell you another incident later!


tulipspeaks said...

hey.. have fun girl!!



maverick said...

hey...howz ur day going on??

Utopia said...

was jus talking to someone about train journeys and how they seem to be sor edundant these days but yeah prices of fule rising up think we r gonna be heading back to the trains hehe!
have lotsa fun and happy birthday keshi!

deepsat said...

hav fun and a great weekend too!!!



Bla said...

Yep - have fun and millions of smiles! :)

Solitaire said...

I know that a total stranger once paid for my dinner at a restaurant and left silently. When I did not get a bill I questioned the waitress. She told me it was already paid for!!


Glad it was a good birthday!

Menchie said...

OMG!!! I can't believe I missed your birthday!! That's what I get when I space out on my blogging.

This is waaaaay belated but it's heartfelt.... Happy Birthday sweetie!! What happened to you on the train was sooo nice! What a great bday present.

So have a great weekend!! Mwah!

Casperbaba said...

a quick question...
wat wud u call a arse whole who forgets to wish his frinds their birthdays??

happy birthday (bilated) tu tu...

happy birthday (bilated) tu tu...

happy birthday dear keshi..... :)

happy birthday (bilated) tu tu...

i hope mah sin's shall b forgiven!

Lucifer said...

so wat did u do??? n did dat cute chap on d train tk ur no???

anits said...

hi dear...its great to hear that u had a great n enjoyable day!!! may god bles u my dear...hugzz hun

the stygian sailor said...

have fun!

Chakoli said...


weeknd party...

muzik...and food and cocktails:-))

njoy it dear:-))

jac said...

Too much of it spoils the fun and make it unreal.

Happy Birth day to you(who cares if it id belated or not )


Arv said...

Hiya there... Have loads of fun girl... it sounds really fab.

I guess there are enough people around us to make our heart dance. So I had my heart dance a bit last week.

Now, with a stranger/s to do that is special. The best one I could remember is this - Once I helped an elderly lady to exit the station in outer London. I knew her only for that small time and that few minutes of chat but the way she blessed me had a profound effect on me. I hope all is well with her now. :)

and in recent times, there is a lotus to my south east that kinda gives me the same treatment :)

take care Keshi... keep smiling... Have a nice evening...

SMM said...

Well I'm sure the train celebrations made your birthday all the more special :)

Jeevan said...

I wish you get such happy journeys more in ur near future. Have a lot of fun moment on weekend party dear. Hugss :)


To recall it, I simple sense her smile and what makes forget my sorrow from the smile of some stranger girl whom I met in one of meeting on Muscular Dystrophy people get together. When to think for ur Q, first comes that smile face of her, which comfort my presence at the meeting, every time she pass on, gives me that smile :)

Anonymous said...

Have a blast...:)

Aneesh said...

Mmmm, you should be lucky to get such experience...
Well, can't remember any such thing!! May be it have'nt happened

FH said...

Party sounds like a great fun Keshi, enjoy! Looking forward to loads of pics on Monday, can't wait!

Hugs to you and have a wonderful time sweetie pie!

Meghna said...

Hi Keshi,
Really really sorry!....I wrote that post telling I'd forget...but this time it was not so....I actually remembered...ok...I remembered in the morning and then late at night....but unfortunately this stupid net conn. is giving a problem....some sick virus entered and u knw these idiotic engineers who take so much time to arrive....fianlly it's all ok and urs is the first site I'm visiting after inauguration my newly recovered conn.!

Guess, it isn't too late so I cld visit tom. I'm not good at dancing but wld love the free gifts u hav for the kids :P

BTW< what's ur yearning for the special gift...I always pass a list of that to my near and dear pnes with the card :)

Sameera Ansari said...

How sweet is that!!!Sometimes strangers can really be angels.I am so glad you had such a blast on the train on your day!You so deserve it!

I wrote about it a while back.Guess this would be a fitting answer :

Have an awesome weekend sweetie and a wonderful party! :)

Love ya!Hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

P.S. Today's Kaylee's b'day!Wow!!!

gypsy said...

happppppppppppppppy brthday...

wishes for u

Unknown said...

ha ha that journey must have been really special now :)
sometimes you get so much warmth and such response from strangers [ including me in the blog ].. its a nice feeling.. but that was really sweet of all of them :)

hope you are enjoy the party tomm.. have fun.. will wait for that blog :)

MARIA said...

Have a great Birthday Party, Keshi.

Jay said...

I would party with you on the train too! Enjoy your party this weekend!

Sach1 said...

You din' invite me????????

Chalo jao masti maro...
Have loads n loads of fun...May you get all the (materialistic)gifts of your choice...
And yeah! don't miss me much :D

La vida Loca said...

have a wonderful party
u make a real contribution in my life too and someone like u should be surrounded by love always

happy bday Kylz

Commander Zaius said...

Have a great time, and Happy Birthday! Even though I'm late in writing it.

Cinderella said...

I am so happy for you sweets ! BTW was that train guy hot ?

Cinderella said...

And cant recall any such incident sweety. Will get back when I do ok?

take care.

Am In Trance said...

Am I Invited ????
**Over Curious..!!!**

Enjoy The Day Sweetie..!!
GodBless Ya..!!

Hemanth Potluri said...

Hey Sweety have a lot of fun..have all the fun even wat i cud have.....have a gr8 weekend...


Coco said...

invited or not...
i want to come to your party!!
have a SUPER WONDERFUL b'day weekend! and may the celebrations keep on coming : )

hugs & blessings

Anu said...

I am soo thrilled about your train ride.. celebrating your birthday Im sure made all of them feel better.. btw thanks for the song :)!

Mysterious Mia said...

Oh my my birthday in i can imagine how that must be...btw ozzies are so warm n friendly i used to talk to strnagers all the time....anyways have a good time n catch u laters again

Mysterious Mia said...

btw its a lovely song n yeah we love u lots n lots

aneri_masi said...

Belated Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest souls around :)
I wanna come party toooo!

Have fun, and keep rocking and blogging :)

Helen said...

Happy birthday love!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love parties!!!! I hope you have a great time!!

Tell us all about it, I am your snooping sis!! I could not comment on the other post, it was just way
to close to home for me, But I love commenting on your page

I cannot wait to here about it!!

21? Hey you are HOT live it up!! they are like us, we think you rock also!!


Hiren said...

there are no strangers in this world .... only friends you haven't met :)

Benaam Badnaam said...

its when strangers join u in a random jig...that u realize that there is something like magic...and its called life...and then it makes u smile even wider... :)

have a wham of a bash

Nora said...

Have fun tonight! [And have a couple of drinks for your blog mates!] :)


Vest said...

Keshi: During WW2 having returned to the UK from Overseas, I was patiently waiting for my train at Paddington train station in London. I opened one of my kit bags which was full of bananas, I offered some to kids on the platform and they all refused, one good looking chick about my age who I thought I would like to give my banana, took a banana and ate it, The kids who had never seen a banana for years during the war-if ever; unloaded half my kit bag.

Loved the song. x.

Adicrazy said...

How cool....I love strangers! :)

Have a great birthday and a fun filled year ahead Sweeti!

PS: I love this song sooo much!

rantravereflect/ jane said...

heyyyya hot keshimama.. HAppppy b'day againnnn sweetplum!!

n a 30 min party from stangers taht included a hot aussie guy.. whoaaaa.. tat would ve gota ya all hot n syrupy.. mwuahhh sweetheart :) keep the smile n lotzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza loveeee :) mwuahhhhhhhh:*

rantravereflect/ jane said...

n well, haveee a grttt time at ya party.. waityn fah the updates.. yuppperrzzzz!!

Twisted DNA said...

Hey Kesh,

Just wanted to say hi. It's been a long time! Hope all's well with you.

Party eh! Have a great party... well, actually any party that has you will be a great party :)

Urv said...

Happy birthday to your mom :D

Have loads of fun n masti :)

ishqia said...

nice train experiences u have.. enjoy the party..........

fingers said...

Excuse me...where is my invitation...

Anonymous said...

Hey, happy bday-well in advance though

Steph said...

Happy belated birthday sweets. Hope you have a ball xx

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Keshi,
Happy Birthday, my friend. I wish you all the best from life. Thanks for appreciating the award I gave you. You really deserve it. As for your question, I am always the one who gives surprises to strangers. I always enjoy the feeling of leaving them with something to think about. Thanks for the post. God bless.

Macadamia The Nut said...

I totally understand what you mean Keshigirl!! Sometimes a stranger feels closer to you than someone you've grown up with. And yes, thank GOD there's world's not full of just assholes :D

P.D. LOVED the song! I'm gonna carry it on my blog soon for the beautiful words!

PrAcHi said...

Happy b'day to ur mamma :)

Lena said...

happy birthday dear :)
All the very best... and not 21?? then what? becoming 18? ;)

**Cos it made me realise how beautiful some strangers can be and how caring some people are.

yup.. and that is what makes us keep moving and living the life in hope that the world is beautiful after all :)

Sach1 said...

Am still waiting for a reply to my comments...
And of course! an update to the party...

The Phosgene Kid said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to You
Happy birthday dear Keshi,
Happy birthday to you!!

Yay, finally 21!!!!

humbl devil said...

so u got what u deserved!!!

gP said...

Keshi keshi keshi...have a fun party! :)

Saim said...

gr8...d train ride must hv been one heck of a joyride...
unfortunately such a scenario is difficult to envisage here in India...dunno y but every1 here has sort of bcum cold wid a total lack of many cases of dying men/women on busy streets not getting even a single glance here...sorry 4 bringing dis up
neways...waiting for ur bday celeb post...njoy!!!

Harmony said...

oh wow!!so whres my party dear?
now i have 2 parties Due from u..last year and this one again!!well i Pray that GoD will fulfill allthe Dreams of this AnGEL girl...Happy u ..take care!!

Rià said...

Aww thts so cute!Am so glad u got wht u deserve....happy b'day to ur mom too gurl!m sure u had fun at the party. :)Will wait for ur update.

Jim said...

21 ?

g-man said...

that's incredible...and it does seem like there are a few good people out there sometimes. glad that it happened to ya!

something wonderful a stranger did to me...sat next to me one day, and just talked to me. and she also listened. we talked for ages, and neither of us stopped or paid attention to anything else. it was like we'd known each other all our lives, and we pretty much opened up completely. both of us had a lot to get off our chests, and i guess we did. we were no longer strangers after that. i think that is absolutely the best thing anyone has ever done to me, stranger or not...and it felt good to return the favour

kinda puerile, right?

Meghna said...

I dunno if u got my comment keshi...but I knw I wrote one very earlier....HAppy Happy B'day and enjoy the party.....had rem. earlier but the net connection was out....miraculously....this darn thing goes out at these time LOL!

Dunno how2 dance but I'd love free gifts for the kids :P

rebel_on_loose said...

Happy Birthday Keshi!
I know it's been a long time !

Aneesh said...

Hey Keshi, I have started a new blog on general topics, please feel free to drop your comments :)

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday...!!

Pranay said...

Hey Keshi....Wish u a wonderful year ahead....

Reeta Skeeter said...


Keshi said...

ty Mav, I did!

I danced like no one was watching me when in real they were. LOL!


Keshi said...

it is Deepti yes :). tnxx hun!


Keshi said...

aww Shionge I really wish u were here to shake ur booty with me!


Keshi said...

ty's a cute one :)


Keshi said...

hey Kaylz hope u had a JOLLY bday?


Keshi said...

haha Tarun ty!

**But its amazing how I end up finding people of trains that I havent met in ages.

thats great u know! I wish it happened to me.


Keshi said...

ty Aayushi!

**And the best part was they gave ME their autograph book,which had the autographs of Glenn McGrath,Ricky Ponting,Daniel L.Vettori..and who not!!..

WOW how great is that now!

sometimes we just hv to make the first move...and wonderful world of mateship opens up, even with strangers.


Keshi said...

ty Ammu!


Keshi said...

Hey Mav :)


Keshi said...

ty Utopia!

Yes Syd trains r packed these days cos of Petrol prices going one wants to drive anymore!


Keshi said...

ty Deepz!


Keshi said...

Bla I did. ty so much HUGZ!


Keshi said...

gee wow Sol that's a real mysterious one!

Did u see what he looked like?


Keshi said...

aww no worries Menchie MWAHHHHHHHH n tnxx! :)

When is ur bday?


Keshi said...

haha thats a cute one Casper! No worries at all n thanks!

And hey ur not an asshole ok! ur a beautiful soul. HUGZ!


Keshi said...

no was just friendly banter. No exchanging numbers :)


Keshi said...

ty Anits HUGZ!


Keshi said...

ty Stygian!



Keshi said...

It was GREAT! @Chakoli.

tnxx hun!


Keshi said...

ty Jac!

**Too much of it spoils the fun and make it unreal.

huh? lol!


Keshi said...

hey Arv hows it going mate? :)

**I knew her only for that small time and that few minutes of chat but the way she blessed me had a profound effect on me.

aww how nice of u to help her.

When u treat someone nicely, u get the highest form of joy.

me too? wow Im glad :) HUGZ!


Keshi said...

yes SMM it made my heart dance in pure joy! :)


Keshi said...

Jeevan ty!

**When to think for ur Q, first comes that smile face of her, which comfort my presence at the meeting,

thats so very special Jeevan. Cos a smile conveys a 1000 emotions. Just LOVELY!


Keshi said...

ty Southy n HAPPY BRITHDAY for today! :)


Keshi said...

Aneesh it didnt happen yet? wut abt Blogville? :)



Keshi said...

Asha hey tnxx hun!



Keshi said...

he Meghna chillax :) Better late than never. HUGGGGGGGGGZ n ty!

I can make u dance :) Trust me I can lol!

Gifts? I got too many gifts on Sat...I really dun want gifts..I just want ppl to stay in my heart.



Keshi said...

heyy Sameera MWAH!

I will read that one soon. :) tnxx!


Keshi said...

Sinner ty sweetz!


Keshi said...

ty so much Ani HUGZ! :)


Keshi said...

aww tnxx Maria MWAHHHHHHHHH!


Keshi said...

Jay Im sure u wud. ty n HUGZ! :)


Keshi said...

aww Sach u were all invited, but for u to get here, it mite take 2 days max, so that means I'd hv to postpone the party to next Sat. lol!


**...May you get all the (materialistic)gifts of your choice

I got alot of em :) but I like ppl more than any other gift on this Earth!


Keshi said...

ty LaVida n ty for wishing Kaylz too!

**u make a real contribution in my life too and someone like u should be surrounded by love always

aww thats such a lovely thing to say. HUGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

hey BB ty so very much HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

ty Cindy MWAH!

yes he was HOT...but nah it was just good ol' friendly Aussie banter. Nothing more, nothing less :)


Keshi said...

haha Trance u were invited yes..why didnt u turn up? ;-)


Keshi said...

aww tnxx Hemu HUGZ!


Keshi said...

Coco I'd hv loved it if u were at my place dancing with me! *MWAH*


Keshi said...

ty so much Anu MWAH!


Keshi said...

ty Mia dahlin!

yes it was the BEST train journey ever!! :)


Keshi said...

aww ty Aneri, I'd hv loved it if u were at my party! *HUGZ*


Keshi said...

ty Helen luv!


Keshi said...


I hope my last post didnt upset ya?

TC luv ur very special!


Keshi said...

so true Hiren!

So does that also mean there r no friends in this world..only enemies u hvnt made? haha! ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Girish!

**its when strangers join u in a random jig...that u realize that there is something like magic...and its called life...and then it makes u smile even wider

Spot on! u said it so beautifully!


Keshi said...

I did Nora! I told all my friends n relatives how I got 300+ warm bday wishes in my blog and they were all very excited to hear that. :)

*MWAH* n ty luv for being in my life!


Keshi said...

aww Vesty thats a beautiful and very special memory!

LOL @my banana!


Keshi said...

ty Adi HUGZ!

Im so glad u like the song too :)


Keshi said...

awwww Rantra ty sweetie MWAHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

**tat would ve gota ya all hot n syrupy

lol yes! my roses were all melting too haha!


Keshi said...

DNA heyyyyyyyy HUGGGGGZ n WB!

I so missed ya in my space u know. :)

ty so much!


Keshi said...

Urv u remembered my mum's bday? awww thats so sweet. ty n HUGGGGGGGGGZ! :)


Keshi said...

ty Ishqia! :)


Keshi said...

Fingers u got it babeh...




Keshi said...

ty Mishra! :)


Keshi said...

Stepher MWAHHHHHHHH n tnxx hun!


Keshi said...

u really do that Mel n ur very special. ty n HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...


** Sometimes a stranger feels closer to you than someone you've grown up with.

so true!

U like the song? Im so glad! :) Its one of my favs.


Keshi said...

aww ty Prachi, I already passed ur msgs to ma :) she loved it!


Keshi said...

hey Lena HUGZ n ty sweetz!

yes it gives us HOPE!

lol Im just 16 Lena ;-)


Keshi said...

aww Sach it will come soon :)


Keshi said...

haha ty Phoso HUGZ!

Finally Im 18 ;-)


Keshi said...

aww ty Devil HUGZ!


Keshi said...

I did Ghosty :) tnxx!


Keshi said...

ty CN!

**...dunno y but every1 here has sort of bcum cold wid a total lack of many cases of dying men/women on busy streets not getting even a single glance here..

thats very very sad! :(

u still can contribute to LIFE by making someone's day at strangers and stop by to say HI to a poor man...


Keshi said...

aww ty Harmony :):)

Im a party girl...not really!


Keshi said...

ty Ria HUGZ! Mum already got ur wishes...she thanks u for em!



Keshi said...

Jim nah Im 101.


Keshi said...

G-man tnxx mate!

**we talked for ages, and neither of us stopped or paid attention to anything else. it was like we'd known each other all our lives, and we pretty much opened up completely. both of us had a lot to get off our chests,

WOW thats so neat!

And thats what I call a HEART TO HEART chat.


Keshi said...

Meghna hunny I got it. tnxx hun! :)



Keshi said...

Rebel r ya bakk???? omggggg HUGGGGGGGGGZ n ty!!! :)


Keshi said...

Sure Aneesh, tnxx!


Keshi said...

hey Lalitha ty sweetz! :)


Keshi said...

aww Pranay ty!


Keshi said...

yes its simply LOVELY Reeta!


Rakesh said...

I was not in the city and i had no prior knowledge abt. ur birthday..sorry for late reply...belated happy birthday

Urv said...

Yup I did :D Huggggz to u too :) Take care..

Keshi said...

aww ty Rakesh!

no worries abt it being late :)



Keshi said...

tnxx Urv :)


Satish Bolla said...

hiya buddy, felt so happy after reading ur post. not just b'coz of the things that happened to u but also b'coz of the fact that how sweet total strangers can be. i hope u'll remember this b'day forever.