For another thousand years I weep
Autumn leaves, my bed they be
People and places I know not thee...
Dead and gone that's what I may be
For I wasn't what they chose to see
Frozen hands that I cannot feel
But my heart still pounds, as it bleeds...
Here they lay me down to sleep
For another thousand years I weep
Sun and the moon dance around me
But here I lay with my lips sealed.
I wept...I bled...I died...yet I'm alive. Where is the beginning and where is the end? I know not thee. I don't know what it is but I feel trapped, handicapped and unable to continue blogging like I used to...sorry I haven't been to your blogs either. Something is pulling me down...something has come to haunt me...something is pushing me off the cliff, yet trying to save me. I tried so hard to write something positive, happy and exciting with my holiday pics too...but it seems I cannot get to my old blogger mode again. It makes me feel quite sad. Could this be the unexpected end of one of the greatest chapters of my life? Something died in me...but I can't find what still keeps me here...now I feel like I'm the living dead in Blogville...maybe you should bury me.
Current Music: Haunted by Evanescence
151 Cranium Signets:
let me be first to comment :)...will be bac to comment more :)..
awwww...girl come let me give u a hug...
sometimes my words may not able to assure u of coming good times.. but surely u have me silently by ur side supporting u.... buck up Keshi... this too shall pass
Nonsense, one of the things that drives me crazy is to finally have the kids in bed, my wife occupied and leaving me alone, and me feeling like writing yet unable to put one word down that sounded decent. Its comes and it will go.
the poem was awesome it expressed the feeling's in u ..but....
**Here they lay me down to sleep
For another thousand years I weep
i am not letting u to lay down and sleep ...and no one allows u to weep ...and y do u think i am here...do u think i will let u just sleep and weep x-(....
**Frozen hands that I cannot feel
they r not frozen ...its just a feeling that u wanted to stay away that keeps ur hands frozen...tey start feeling normal wen the happiness fills u :)..
**Something is pulling me down...something has come to haunt me...something is pushing me off the cliff, yet trying to save me
once wen i had the same feeling i asked kesh abt it...then she said hemz its a normal feelin some times happens...for that u dont have to leave blogsville ...now i am saying that to my sweet frnd kesh again :)..
** tried so hard to write something positive, happy and exciting with my holiday pics too...but it seems I cannot get to my old blogger mode again
do u think its easy to be positive...i am trying so hard to be smiling again...but i am bac smiling :)...some things in life always makes u smile...i am very happy that u and cess make the negative go and positive shine in me...u both have been sweet hearts to me :)..
**but I can't find what still keeps me here...now I feel like I'm the living dead in Blogville...maybe you should bury me
well for me its friendship that keeps me still goin in blogsville :)..ur not dead and never say that tupid word again x-( and dont make me angry saying bury u .....i will be very sad if u say that :(...
take a break chicki...take a break...i do my bouts where i disappear for weeks and even months a couple of times i've done that...you know...
take a break...
if you don't come back...you don't come back...if you do..you do...
i got your email so i'm okay... ;)
Hemz heyy :)
Rat I know u really care...much more than some mates I've known for years. ty for being u. HUGS!
ty BB!
**and me feeling like writing yet unable to put one word down that sounded decent
thats right. And also, I cant seem to bring myself to be that chirpy blogger again. something seriously killed me...and at the same time, something else is keeping me here! I dunno wut it is.
hey tnxx alot Hemz!
I know u really care.
**then she said hemz its a normal feelin some times happens...for that u dont have to leave blogsville ...
I agree..but I never felt this way before. this is the first time. I feel so lifeless.
Lisa Im just bak from my break :) and Im feeling this way...wut cud it be?
yes..I hv ur email too.
**I agree..but I never felt this way before. this is the first time. I feel so lifeless.
neither did i feel it always...wen u told me this it was first time for me also...i felt more sad and helpless to...but u gave a little hope of happiness now i like u to smile more...:)...
P.S:i have sent a mail ..
guessing it is coz the world is in a bad place- terrorism, market collapse etc. I find it hard to be happy about anything myself. Dont be hard on yourself. You are in company :)
Take your time....come back when u feel like it. The thing is u do make a difference by blogging so come back for sure.
Hey babe - it seems like the break wasn't long enough or didn't achieve wat you wanted??
why the sadness Kesh?? While I know recent events have lose a piece of our hearts....all we can do is move on.
Never forget...but live :)
Lots of hugs
if u stop blogging then those who are pushing you off the cliff will win. don't let them win!!!
hey, for a couple of hands that are pushing you, there are hundreds here to pull you back.
come back girl!!
Keshi girl
Not as yet! Tough times are meant to make you harder, stronger and more tough, the importance of which I'm sure you will realize with the passage of time!
Everything that happens, does for the good! So then, assimilate the lessons that life teaches you and emerge a winner!
It is unlike you to call off your future! And the future will get better and better! This is just an instance of preparation for that good time to come!
Cheer up
I am perfectly fine. But you don't seem to be.
I hope you are going through a transitional phase and will soon come out of it. I presume the mind is showing a blank picture to you. The only person who understands KESHI very well is YOU itself. You need to help yourself.
Cheer up. Watch some good movie. Try reading a novel. Take some time out.
Will you leave blogging ? Scary ... I am among many of the frequent visitors of your blog who though comment sparsely, but yet the predominant idea is that Keshi's blog must be visited ! This has been a good poetic blog, and Keshi, the Girl, has been always honest to say what she wanted to say. Dont leave us. May be you can change the topics ... may be you can explore some other world.
Maybe you should just take ti easy...you've been under pressure to post...and its killing u. Let it be for a while...we'll understand. just take time off, for urself...we'll wait patiently...and then i'm sure you'll be ready to be back with your lovely posts. Until then
do take part in the online poll on 'Rebuild India' Mission at www.intheorbit.com.
Please endorse the mission to make it stronger.
aww ty Lavida!
Wut u said is true. I was so happy prior to last week...my break was great and I had so much fun. And I wanted to come bak on a happy note. And now I just cant...even tho I tried.
I can easily put up a happy post for the heck of it...but I dun blog like that. I tell it like it is. And this is exactly how I feel right now. Hence this post.
ty for being so u'standing. HUGS!
Silvara hey sweetz!
Nah..the Break was really good and did achieve wut I wanted. I had so much fun and rest too. but from last week I hv been feeling low and cant bring myself to blog like I used to..mebbe the break did push me into a new phase in my life, who knows.
*HUGZ* n tnxx!
awww...get better again.
aww ty Deepz! ur caring words mean alot to me.
I gave myself abt 4 weeks now and I feel stuck in this mood...the mood of not wanting to blog. Lets see how I go.
hey Rakesh tnxx alot! I appreciate ur wisdom in this. It means alot to me.
Maybe I need this dry patch to find the fresh green again...
aww ty Suresh!
I thought I'd be alright and bak in Blogville like I used to..but I hv hit this low mood and seems like it's here to stay.
**I presume the mind is showing a blank picture to you
yes thats what its showing me now!
Lets hope I come out of it. And in the meantime Im sorry to put up negative posts like this...just that i dun like to pretend to be happy when Im not. I usually tell the truth :)
hey Mukul tnxx!
Great to see ppl like u encouraging me. I mean ur not regular in commenting here, yet u were here for me. ty so much!
hey ty Prats n HUGS!
Im never under pressure to post tho :) Cos I never wrote for others...I always wrote for myself. Just that I feel BLANK right now and quite lifeless...in terms of blogging.
I'll see how I go. ty so much for being so u'standing!
hey Anjuli!
Im not sure if I cud be of any real help there, sadly.
but tnxx hun!
tnxx Lover!
Hugs.. dont ever say that ...This too shall pass .. all things good or bad do come to an end ... buck up I know you are a very brave girl!! :D Take care ..
Chin up, girl.
Sh!t happens. All the time. Just let go and take it easy for a while. If blogging is something really close to your heart, sooner rather than later, you'll be back to your prime.
Best wishes, always. :-)
its just a phase believe me... there are times when i too feel way too down and under.. way too schizophrenic... but believe things work out just fine... rather u walk urself out of it all..:)
ps: plz continue with ur blogging...its extremely cathartic...
bury u??? only if it was that easy to bury sweet memories n never cry over moments gone by...
u kno who u r???
to me as i always say u r d pure dew drop on d lotus petal...there r days when v mite not see d dewdrop n there mite b days when d suns rays kills it...
but in d end its d most pure n beautiful thing that anyone can ever see...so keshi my dear dear girl...jus remember like always this shall pass too n u will come back...we'l lwait wid open arms to welcome back d beautiful n caring blogger everyone likes to b friends wid...
u jus tk cr...hugzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!
Umm.. Did it work?
Maybe we shud bury you. :(
babe.. sometimes we die for ourselves and then live because people around us need us to live... then we slowly, painfully, water that which is dead within us and pray for it to come back to life. Sometimes it does, and sometimes something new springs from that stub... either way, we live best when we DECIDE to live. And for the sake of the ppl who love u on blogsville, you will have to go on...
Like Tennyson said at the end, "Sweet Child of mine, I live for thee!" (From the poem: Home they brought her warrior dead)
Did you read the other one?
kinda is a sad one. goes with your mood. :P
hey cheer up sweets!!! its Christmas season and you it just wont do to be sad!!!
Trust in yourself.
cheer up!!! sometimes its the moment. give it time and things will become better!!
take care!
it just happens, dear... sometimes we need a break to find ourselves again.. it does not mean something has come to an end.. it only means that you need some time to realize if you need it and if you want it in your life.
You will make a right decision because i believe you know what is good for you :)
Take care, keshi girl!
wow, I love that song, they are an awesome group. Chin up Keshi, smile, walk tall and hugg everyone you love....you will be fine :)
The poem was beautiful.
Since I had been disconnected from blogs for a long time, I do not know how you had been but I can see something has really changed. Just to skip blogging does not mean one is drowned in sorrows and sadness but now your post indicate you are sad. I cannot say what you should do coz bringing oneself where one wants to be depend upon himself/herself.
Hi Keshi, something is bothering you that is for sure. Hope it is not something serious. Take a break. Come back later. Soon you will feel better. Take good care, dear.
Hey there!
Cheeeeeeeer up ..
We all r with ya!
it's okay, poppy doll-pearl. It's okay to take your time, your pace you are comfortable with, when you decide to write and come around visiting again.
Your posts wouldn't have the genuiness and the "keshi-ness" otherwise. And those are exactly what makes your blog special.
Hugs and Muaks!!
hey plz keshi..if u wish plz take a brk but don't even think of leeving us all..dear can't imagine blogsville without ya
I will be there to bury u in chocolates:P
No ways, Kesh. No ways. You told me you are feeling emotionally handicapped but this is not the end. This certainly is not.
You were "granted" a break - jeez, that was a long one - because you were to get back in the right shape of mind. So, you better do that.
Jokes apart, you need to take care, Kesh. You need to slow down for a while. Take your time. Dont be too hard on yourself. Dont press yourself too much. Come on.
Even if you buried yourself, trust me someone or the other is going to exhume you for sure. May be me.
Now *smilez*
Don't say like this.. Or I'll actually execute my plans for your John..
I guess its a phase.. that I believe many go thru.. even I felt similarly at times.. Hang on babes.. hang on.. we r there with u..
HUGS to u girle..
cm on Keshi...
its time to Re-live, be the phoenix... :)
loved these lines KEshi
Sun and the moon dance around me
But here I lay with my lips sealed.
Even you feel d same... u knw even for me it is quite a similar expe...
for what are we struggling?
we wud die ...
its really a -ve feelign surrounding...
but strill we need to LIVE :))
take care dear
Hi,Keshi--nooooo!!If you feel that way, think what us lesser mortals,err,lesser bloggers would feel!!I'd probably give up blogging in a day!!So, stop feeling unbloggish!(hope they put that word in the next Oxford dictionary.hehe)..Just spend one hr doing what pleases u most--music/enjoying nature,..and,then,sit and write a post!!g'luck!!
Waise,u know what- you need a nice,friendly e-hug,of the AmitL type..so,here goes: *e-hugs*(Now,if that didn't bring a smile to your face,I'll be surprised)
Wheres that smile now??? :)
have mailed ya mate :)
Well u must have really strong reasons not to be back to blogging.
Well I have seen lots of prolific blogger fade out.I at times have gone thru that.
I hope u continue to blog and read blogs.
Take care BJ
OMG! Have courage and strength di.....me praying for ya :)
awww babes...
i dunno wat to say....
the poem is lovely, but the spirit u used to be??
i mean since wen do we give a damn who dun mean?? n see u got fans all over (inclusive of me :D), who want u to come back..
try, i know nuthn has died, it is juz u wish it to :P
B the keshi u have always been.. bindaas!! cool..
we are all here to support u babes ..
love yah..
are all cancerians going through the same phase???
have you read harry potter?? when he gets attacked by dementors , sadness steals over him , making everything dull , the only spell against it is the patronus charm . But for that he has to remember happy things like his friends & those who love him.
take a break keshi , its ok if u dont feel like blogging like u used to .
ps how was the date with the salsa guy :)
I think you need something refreshing and change for a short while. But to any matter, we no need to miss our keshi. Wow… that’s awesome poem dear, even it express anguish in deep! I hope sure u will be back to active soon, take care.
hey ure back!!!
i missed you...
Hugs to you,cuteheart!
You don't need to be so sad..these moments are going to come in everyone's life..and whether you want it or don't..you have to learn to stay with them..and hug the sorrows back..people continue cheating on you,and backstabbbing..human nature!
But just as my current post said..the falls are necessary..and they're the ones which'll make you rise again..be happY!
hey keshi,
the lines so well conveyed whats on your mind. Dont be too hard on urself dear... I am sure its just a phase which will pass.. meanwhile keep urself busy with whatever keeps you happy and you will see at the end of it you will want to come back and write !!!
PS: dont take too long a break ok...come back soon!!!! Hugs !!
I miss you Keshi!
Hi Keshi! You dont know me, since I never commneted on your blog ever before, but I know you, since I have been following your blog for atleast a few years now. Dont ask me why I didnt comment, I dont have a reason. I use to visit your blog (and FYI, I just read your blogs and have nothing more to do with blog world) and use to feel so much better after reading what you wrote. I could almost most of the times relate your blogs to what was happening in my life. And all your funny post gave me my share of laughter and smiles.
It shall be too bad to see you stop writting. With your post today, I felt it was time I told you how much I appreciate and applaude your writting here.
I will definately feel sad about not getting to read about you and your experiences, but if you think thats what you really want to do, then I am no one to stop you. Good luck with everything in life and may you find true love and the man of your dreams.
Keshi, swthrt, no one on earth could smile all their life. wen they cry they feel that they would never smile again. sadness is indeed a burden and it many a times blocks our view of life. we somehow fail to look over and see the world in front of us. its just a phase dear. trust in your self is all what i could say. if you wana cry, cry it out. its your world and we all are yours. trust me dear.. you could face it and only you could do it. take care of your health.
sweetie.. good to see u write again..
so welcome back :) hugggzzz
n now to the serious business of commenting on what u have written..
must agree with hemanth.. it is the feeling that u have right now..
i dont know why u r feeling low.. or what is that u feel is missing.. but must assure.. life is moving on.. and not to sound chessy.. so will u..
life has got its ups n downs.. i know we might have planned things.. but end of the day.. it might have not worked the way we planned.. n all the dissapointment n the hurt.. that one has to take all the time.. or go through.. it is not what one wants.. but then again..thats what makes us what we are.. and it is how we have grown to be wiser..
but then for this u dont have to leave the blogville.. i would say continue to write.. even if it is just one sentence.. and if u think its more of sadness.. thats fine.. because end of the day.. there will be a saturation point for that as well..
now didnt plan to write so much.. and i do hope it has made sense.. cheer up gurl.. u r not lifeless.. u r very much alive.. or u wouldnt have been feeling this in the first place.. it just shows that u care.. n that u care a lot.. and i do hope u start feeling better.. and the hurt fades away.. so now smile..:)
have a lovely cup of hot chocolate n marshmallows n wipped cream.. works wonders all the time :)
...guess that sometimes life has a way of getting the better deck of cards dealt to it than we want...take your time and recuperate Keshi girl! feel better and come back! you know that Blogger ville wouldn't be the same without you.
but if you can't? even then, keep in touch. email.
(d'Sinner has me on a Haiku binge! and i'm figuring my way into this, but nonetheless, this one's for you)
The thunder clouds look dark
Spears can't penetrate the rain
But life is beautiful
much love. :)
tnxx Deepti!
ty Trevor!
** If blogging is something really close to your heart, sooner rather than later, you'll be back to your prime.
it is so very close to my HEART...cos this is my HEART's home. Thats why Im still here.
ty Swayam!
I think its a phase yes...but I never felt this way before, in 4 long years!
aww Mayz u always make me feel loved and cherished. ty so much for that!
mebbe Im not the purest...mebbe Im not the best...but I know I always tell it as it is..thats something I always expect from myself :)
*HUGZ* ur a wonderful mate!
aww Prachi HUGS!
thats already working :)
Crows so u wanna bury me...did u bring the shovel? :)
hey How_do_we_know tnxx alot sweetz!
**sometimes we die for ourselves and then live because people around us need us to live...
that somehow hit a nerve somewhere...wow tnxx!
I'll think abt it.
Crows awwwwwwww...that was a very touching poem!
ty Pinku!
I wanna stay..I dun wanna leave such great company like u guys. So Im working on it ok. :) HUGS!
I agree Deepz..it cud be just the moment...I hope it passes!
I so agree Lena..u make great sense always. tnxx hun HUGS!
aww Caz MWAH!
ty Restless!
Ur right..in the end, its all upto ME. :)
hey Venus ty so very much!
Standbymind ur so very kind. ty so much!
MWAH Saffy ty so much!
aww Joyce :(
*HUGZ* I luv ya gal!
Bro thats the sweetest thing one can ever say! :) HUGZ!
Soul I know u exhume me anyways...all the time. :) ty for that n HUGZ!
**You were "granted" a break - jeez, that was a long one - because you were to get back in the right shape of mind. So, you better do that.
LOL I know...but it was only 3 weeks u know...:)
aww ty Urv!
**Don't say like this.. Or I'll actually execute my plans for your John
LOL omg do not do anything to John plz! I'll be here I promise :)
hey Gypsy ty so much!
aww ty Chakoli!
**for what are we struggling?
we wud die ...
exactly how I feel right now...and like u said, we still need to LIVE too.
aww Amit HUGZ!
lol @unbloggish!
okk...then how abt I get all 'bloggerish' again? ;-)
Amit ur comments did bring a genuine smile on my face I swear! :)
:) Arv.
tnxx mate!
hey ty Tarun!
**Well I have seen lots of prolific blogger fade out
I dun wanna FADE away...instead I hope I BURN out. :)
Meghna ty sweetie HUGS!
aww ty Richa MWAH!
**try, i know nuthn has died, it is juz u wish it to
I really dun WANT it to be this way...its just that I hv been feeling this way lately. But u guys hv really shown me how much u care and want me to be here...I feel so loved and blessed!
Truthful ty for the great encouragement! It means alot to me.
**how was the date with the salsa guy
hehehe...;-) will tell u all abt it soon ok!
Jeevan HUGS!
I know u really care...ur friendship means alot to me...its a very special bond in my life. ty for being u!
Phoenix hey :)
I agree Crystal. And I really loved ur current post! It struck a cord with my views on life.
*HUGZ* n ty!
Prashanti ty so much sweetie HUGS!
awww Jay I miss ya too mate! *HUGZ*
Sangeeta hey WC n ty so very much for the encouragement!
Ur comment left me in total awe, I hv no words! I didnt know there were so many silent readers who loved my writing. It means alot to know that my writing does reach out to many out there.
hey ty Sawan HUGS!
**no one on earth could smile all their life
ur so right...somehow that line made me think alot. tnxx mate!
aww Ani HUGZ!
ty so much! Im hvn a nice warm Mocha right now, while reading all ur comments and I already feel great! :)
ty so much for all the encouragment!
hey Nachi tnxx mate!
**The thunder clouds look dark
Spears can't penetrate the rain
But life is beautiful
thats amazing! I love it. Yes, life is beautiful. I hope I wont forget that, and tnxx for reminding me abt it :)
gud mornin kesh....hows the sunshine doin now :)....
Even i used to feel like this a lot of time in the past, but i've managed to find a way out of all that....
OH KESHI...Made me feel so sad.Its ok not to feel like blogging sometimes, I have been down that road before, maybe you just need a break and come back when your heart tells you too.Please don't be down on yourself,you are such a beautiful and sensitive humanbeing.You have so many friends in Blogsville who really care about you and consider you their friend.Take me for example,I have never met you but I always feel that I know you nd you are my friend.Sometimes the holidays get people down.I thnk it is a passing phase.I will b praying for you .Take care Keshi and know that I may be across the miles but I am just a blog away.
so you've started writing poems these days :)
dun know whats up with ya, but take a break and come back NUTTY!
don't havta click & write like you used to ;) ... just share your life and thoughts
I am waiting for a better posht from ya gal!
hey Hemz its getting brighter over here...Summer is on ya know :)
Southy its not something that goes forever...it comes n goes...and then it comes again. Doesnt it?
aww Starry HUGS! ty so much for the encouragement. This is why ur so special..u know how to make others feel appreciated.
With genuine friends like u around, I can never quit this place.
things trouble us...and life changes course many a times...
amidst all of this...we must meditate...upon ourselves...to find the direction from within...
take care :) ping if u need to talk
aww ty so much Samy HUGS!
How hv ya been?
Its just that I feel this huge void right now...a gaping hole..maybe its life..maybe its some recent events...maybe its that I dun see any meaning anywhere...
ty Mystique!
I just want to stay happy no matter what...but Meditation is a toughie for someone as hyper as I am lol!
so spake the drake of the wary road he be shy to take :P
HUGS dear >:D<
doesn't my absence speak for how I have been :D
yeah, "the void". it will pass, so just hold on tight :). its good to have lows, otherwise highs wouldn't be special ;)
get some time for yourself. shed some tears even if you don't know what they are for. listen to your favourite music in the dark. watch the sunset or the moon in the night just appreciating its beauty with your favourite soul (I know who it is) besides you :)
I'll be waiting to see ya hoping back like a kangarooooo ;)). tc nutty. we are always there for ya. *a million hugs*
good the summer is up and letting the winter downs fade away :)...:D...keep the smile now :)..
:) Mystique I like ur new avatar pic!
aww Samy u r so caring!
btw I hope ur not feeling the same way? r ya?
** watch the sunset or the moon in the night just appreciating its beauty with your favourite soul (I know who it is) besides you :)
who is it then? :)
*hops like a roo already!* ;-)
tnxx to friends like u!
Yes Hemz...all of u r my Summer!
obvious! ur dad of course :)
and no I am not feeling empty or anything. but you know life is weird when you try to forget something consciously only to realize that no matter what you do you can't ;)
can;t keep yourself distracted forever u know ... its a matter of time so no biggie
thanks, its of lord shiva...the god i'm named after...a fellow wanderer...also a destroyer...right now the world is going thru a lot of unhappiness which needs to be destroyed...
Yaaaaayy Yayyyyyy Yaaayyyyy :) :)
Also your offer has been accepted.. No changes shall be entertained now :)
Hey buddy!
Feelslike we hav some kind of telepathy....
even I'mfeeling I've lost and I'm loosing something....
This is a phase which will soon pass.....
Life will again beas greenasgrass...
Take care....
Samy ur such a sweet-heart! yes my dad ofcourse...ur right HUGS!
I u'stand wut u mean...we just cant FORGET wut we wanna forget...life is like that.
I agree Mystique...creation and destruction...is wut this world is abt. But I hope the destruction is abt destroying EVIL.
Urv look wut I did now that u said u'll save john :)
Read my new post already!
hey Stranger HUGS!
my mood is bak in good shape :) yes already lol! I hope it'll be the same for u soon.
Hey dear... don't be upset... we all love you and we want you to be okay and smiling again :)
I hope whatever it is, you get over it... because the Keshi we know is a strong and bright person, not easily shadowed by things trying to pull her down
Keep rocking babes!
So, guess your vacation hasn't had any effect?
Well, visit often the blogs you used to visit and slowly you may regain your thirst for blogging :)
Anyway, Welcome back!
your new post after this says you're okay. but ARE YOU REALLY?
*giant bear hug*
Hey Sunshine tnxx alot!
yes...I dun allow myself to be pulled down easily...so Im bak already :) tnxx to friends like u too HUGS!
hey tnxx Aneesh!
**So, guess your vacation hasn't had any effect?
I had a really great break. A fantastic one! but I think twas the Mumbai Attacks that made me feel so miserable and detached again.
But now Im bak...tnxx to my mates here! :)
yes Im ok...when I wrote this post I was really sad..but when I read all ur comments I felt that I had the power to come out of it all..if I wanted to. And I did :)
tnxx to all!
Don't worry Keshi,
I have the same moments. Especially after a blogging break.
huh ?
Please continue typing..ok
Hmmm... I guess all of us go through it at some point in time or the other. You ne'er know what'll hit you, do you?
And the best way to get out of such listlessness is to find your passion from within. It is all about the mind... I know, easier said than done.
Peace. Be well.
ty Krys for making me feel u'stood!
:) Hobo Im doing that now. tnxx!
Well-said Kartz! We all feel that way every now n then, and the only way to return to freshness is from finding our passion again.
I'm not sure if these is even appropriate, but driving in to work today I saw a license plate on a car from New Hampshire. It said "live free or die."
tnxx Sun!
but r we really FREE?
Its ok. Blog is not a be all n end of all of all things.
Anyways the friends you have made wont stop being so if you stop blogging y know! There are always other channels.
And sont 'try' to blog. Remember my 'organically' philosophy ;)
Maybe don't sit in front of the screen thinking what to write.
Just sit to write when you have something to say.
I liked the poem!As for the post,I feel the same about blogging now.But I guess it's a good thing in a way,I find more time on my hands and less stressed out in mind these days,lol!
TC dear.Hugsss
this is so darn painful girl ..
and no i have not forgotten u.. I can't ever.. i have been just busy Keshi :(
I have news .. mariage is closing up.. jus 15 days away u knw :( :) :)
take care keshikins.. u dnt have weep... bleed.. there is a sunshine waiting to brighten u up :) i hope it touches u with this comment :)
hey ty Stupid and I agree with wut u said. friends will be friends no matter where I go.
**Just sit to write when you have something to say
well-said :) thats what I always did, am doing and will continue to do. I never wrote for others or was in never in pressure to write for the sake of it. I had a deep passion to express...still do. but there's gonna be a small change this time..my posts will be spaced out well...I wont update regularly. :)
I agree Sameera...even I hv changed the speed at which I update my blog. It gives ample time for all my friends to read the post as well time for me to blog-hop lesuirely etc :)
aww Veenz I u'stand sweetz...HUGZ n ty! dun worry...I was just missing ya :)
When is the big day?? wow! All the best hun! Come bak with lots of pics ok!
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