I drove to the mall on Saturday to buy a bday present for my friend's daughter. Her bday is on Christmas eve and every year there's a huge bday and Christmas party held at my friend's place, with loads of food, drinks, dancing, laughing etc. I have been to that party every year eversince my friend's daughter was born. So, when I went to the mall last weekend, I couldn't find a parking spot even though I was there around 9am...the 5-storey Parking was absolutely choc-a-block already! And I also witnessed 2 women screaming at each other over a parking spot and using all the swear words with kids in the back of their cars *talk about pure Christmas spirit!*. Finally, after about 30mins of driving around I was lucky to find my spot when someone left. So what exactly is this Christmas frenzy? People are buying and buying and buying...to many people, shopping has become a hobby/duty more than a necessity. I agree tis the season, but why do people GIVE only during Christmas? And that too ONLY to their loved-ones. Why not GIVE every single day? I don't mean giving gifts every single day (that's impossible and stupid too)...but why can't people GIVE to total strangers...to people who really NEED...some love, compassion, kindness and smiles. Surely it's not that hard or expensive, is it? If you can buy your child/friend a $100 gift, why is it so difficult to get a $50 gift for a total stranger? We always think twice before we give something to someone who really need it, but we waste alot on people who don't even need the stuff we buy...why? My little niece sent me an email today...she asked me what I was gonna get her for Christmas this year. I was numb as I read it...not that I didn't wanna give her anything, I always do and I love her alot. But she has everything in life...loving parents, a safe and secure home, good schooling, food on her plate, a truck load of toys and clothes and shoes, a great and loving family and friends etc etc. I was thinking...there are so many kids around the
world who are poor, hungry, sick, beaten, unlawfully employed, abused, war-stricken, killed, and some have never even seen a Christmas gift in their entire lives...and with so much terror and massive ego clashes in this world today, alot of people didn't even make it to December this year. If you're reading this, then you've made it, and be glad that you're alive and privileged...cos the best Christmas gift ever is LIFE. Alot of people around the world don't know the kind of Christmas we know. They live a struggle every single day.
So this is Christmas...what more do we want and what have we given?

So this is Christmas...what more do we want and what have we given?

(watch the music video if you can)
Current Music: Happy Christmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon
152 Cranium Signets:
For every happy smiley face, there is another sad tear-filled face looking back at us... So much for the Humane society we live in...
well pointed da...
take care... cheers...
true there are a lot of bad things..but what you and me can do to creatures who wear human clothes and call themselves humans,when they are not?we can give a gift to the world-just show that these are fake...but then no one will give a damn,except who care,but we already know it...
LOL when i was kid,i used to do that,keep asking everyone around what they are going to give me for this and that :P
humanity is dead kesh...it has been a life and death to lot of people..there is no perfect help given to the people who r in need :(...the society only cares abt itself...there r some tears in my eyes wen i see the pics...u have done some gr8 post today :)..love ya...u moved me a lot :)..HUGS..
The commercialization of Christmas is totally out of control. It's just crazy. And ridiculous.
All tht u said does strike a chord but then,does the current world scenario grant us do b doin a favour??ges no..and does it mean tht u show ur love to ppl arnd jus merely by givin em, gifts and the like??I think else...
*he best Christmas gift ever is LIFE.
das true..
and i ges trust,love and many more are better ways of expressing urself wid the significant other..
well written...cheers.. :)
Loved the post.
One, liked the video, it truly brought tears to my eyes..
Two, the truth has been well portrayed in the post!
This year is definitely not a merrily seasoned Christmas.. :(
Fiducia a.k.a Angel
A worthy Post, Keshi...
Loved the mind and thoughts behind. Good job :)
touching, heavy and downright to the point. i witnessed the same thing today when i went to the city!!! it is unbelievable how self-centered people are. can't blame them anyways!! its the way of the world!!
there are some who do make a difference!!
Hey Kesh, that was deep. You know, I believe people are generally good but you need to keep reminding them, ruffling their feathers to do more good. Your post certainly helps. Keep spreading this love.
the video made me :(
yeah, the post was too piognant... on the first instance, wen u narrated the parking prob, i was reminded of the book "skipping chirstmas by john grisham"
but then, ur post was all the other way round...
i know it takes a great deal to look at the less blessed children, i am a volunteer at the red cross in my town..
but still as u juz said, there are loadz of ppl who arent fed for days let alone gifts..
Phew! I coudln't muster the courage to look at the photographs Keshi!
Can't help wonder how fortunate I truly am, thanks to my wonderful parents!
The day, we treat strangers akin to our family members, we will overcome every known interpersonal problem that we go thru!
But will that day come?
I hope so, I want to hope so!!
a real show LIFE
I wish We cud live LIFE
merry Christmas !!!!
How are you Keshi?
so very true....its sad that the ones that have everything in life get more and more and the ones that truly need presents are always left behind
WHat a coincendence even I posted soemthing on shoppinmg :D
people do buy things for tsrnagers...it is just taht not a mass does it :D
there are many who are concerned about needy ones... and shower gifts to them :)
nice post btw :))
You echo my emotions here Dearie! GIVING is so important....and we should be thankful that we are not only just alive, we are healthy and blessed....
In the last couple weeks, I have received so many bad news from friends - for each of them, life has changed in a day - death, cancer, etc etc.
And all this Xmas hoopla never made sense to me!!!!
It's sad but it's true, Keshi. We are selfish. Most of the times, most of us can't see beyond our loved ones.
It may not apply to all - there are a handful who have listened to the call of their conscience - but it's true for many. Sad but true.
that is so true....we should learn to give to the needy rtaher than giving to people who already hav everything.....My mom always stresses that and she gives to the needy always, she even went to the extent of cleaning my whole cupboard out and gave away each and every thing i do not use and many things i use too...heheh
she now stresses that from this month, come wat may i will give her some amount from the slalry to keep aside for the poor...thats a good thing...
u gave me goosebumps...
u hv put across ur point wonderfully keshi. :)
as a race we humans r far worse than animals..becoz we hv d intelligence to know better but we choose to ignore all that doesnt directly concern us..pathetic.
I totally agree with you, Keshi.
Seriously i hav never been able to understand the reason behind all this shopping frenzy! In fact I don’t even remember when was it last tht I got a gift on any of these occasions. I m self sufficient and I don’t feel the need to shop on these specific occasions. I guess ppl jus need an excuse to spend on themselves! They don’t even realize how much they waste on themselves….ppl with a wardrobe full of clothes still shop for more on Christmas and New Yr. Its jus tht everybody is busy in making their new yr brighter with each passing yr. Wht we don’t think is abt those ppl who don’t even hav a ray of light reaching them ever! I try and do my bit whenever I can. I give away food and clothes to the poor and needy whenever I can. I feel this is my way of contributing to mankind. And as u rightly pointed out, every yr I feel lucky enuff to celebrate a new yr coz there r so many of them who dint make it! I dunno if I’ll be celebrating new yr this time, coz the mood is too somber and I cant help thinking about all those who lost their near and dear ones on 26/11. for instance; The GM of Taj Hotel has nothing to look forward coz while he was helping and rescuing ppl trapped in the hotel, he lost his entire family (read wife and 2 sons) in the fire that broke out in the 6th floor of the old Taj.
i have d same feelin rite now u had when u read ur niece's mail
:-( If you can buy your child/friend a $100 gift, why is it so difficult to get a $50 gift for a total stranger? We always think twice before we give something to someone who really need it, but we waste alot on people who don't even need the stuff we buy...why?
very true lines... very true post from heart
New Post - एहसास अनजाना सा.....
the truth ..but seriously Keshi ..how many of us are really going to think about it half-an hour later..????
I'm BLESSED to have all the things you listed out, the pics were so touching and so were the words which went along with it!
but don't be without giving a gift to your niece! She seems such a lovely kid as well:)
and for all those who tel Christmas is commercialized, who do you think commercialized it??
sometimes I feel that C'mas is synonymous to bells, presents, shopping, n all d wonderful things except for the true spirit of C'mas. This is sad :(
Hey! Keshi,Can I introduce you to an effective word of mouth add on called Tell-a-Friend . With this visitor like me can easily share your blog content with friends via emails, IMs, blogs, bookmarks, facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. You can get hold of the widget from www.socialtwist.com once registered.
Do be careful when choosing the site type..:)
I havnt read the post but just seen the pics....they say it all...
will be back after reading the post
Should a frewheeling spirit be chained, lady? Nope, me thinks.*
*my blog comments.
:( exams got over 2day . sad how even though sometimes i want to help but cant or don't know how to.
Hello. First time here...dropped in from PJ's :)
As for the post, it was a really good one and made me think.
These are some things that are always at the back of our minds, but somehow we never get down to doing it. "Why should I?", that's the attitude we have sadly adopted.
There are many people out there who need these things more than anyone else. They who will realize the true worth of the thing. The real happiness comes when you give things to the needy, that faint smile on their faces can lighten up hearts. :)
And yes, LIFE is indeed the best gift we could ever get. Beautiful. :)
dont even remind me keshi... so many sadness around and so little heart to help...
lets do wat we can, in wat ever small way we can...
Really touching. The song brought tears to my eyes.
Bt would the world listen.
Just two days back read a news article of how a 3 year old baby was robbed of her compensation money (for the mumbai terror which had taken her dad and left her mother seriously wounded) by her very own uncle. Really disgusting.
I hope and pray that we can make this world a better place for our next generation. But thats only a hope i suppose bcoz does God really listen...
Hey I'm sure the Christmas spirit must be in the air by now...not so much here or at least I don't feel it so much as of now. Been awfully caught up with work now. Howz you been?
Very truly said! I really see some people want to help, but shows there pride when it comes. One decide to help give it full heart, there we should not see pride or status that surly hurt those needed. If not we who can help those needed and unlike others, let what we give bring them smile than disrespect.
And that's why its said..cherish every single moment of your life and take everyday as a festival...
for me a festival is just another chaotic day with several formalities laden onto us as an add-on and we are supposed to be happy about it.
As far as giving and not giving is concerned...there is not a better feeling then creating a smile on a face that deserves it the most..
Yet another awesome..thought provoking post keshi...you are back indeed..!! :)
Keshi! Damn...you hit the nail on the head with this post!
I am not just saying this because I don't celebrate it at all.. Christmas to me is so overrated anymore...
There is so much sadness and hurt in this world that we live in and My heart stops... And I stare out in disbelief that all this is going on and yet This holiday is suppose to be more than just about Presents and fighting and DAMN US Selfish Humans! I dunno Keshi! I dunno anything anymore! hahahaha I have decided to zone out and not even think of this anymore! (not to hard to do since I am blonde) lol
OH and on your other post.. Distance is a mess! You need it, but then you hate it when you are actually apart! I sure don't think it makes the heart fonder! I think it is a cause to just go a lil crazy! hahaha But yeah Distance is needed from time to time.. and hoping and praying that at the same time they don't leave you:(
Love you girl!!
comin here after a real long tym..
a real touching post indeed.we can give these children a little love,a little care in whatever ways we can-not as gift but as rights.we must not take love for granted.
Agree with you.
In fact I have alwaz tried 2 bring smiles to such underprivileged. From sweets during festivals 2 clothes 4 them, I have done it all for such ppl.
But u know vat this is jst a mere drop in the ocean. I feel pity 2 c only 1 in 50 realize this truth.
Good that you voiced it dear.
May b it reaches some ears that could be fruitful in turn.
Well done Keshi...heartfelt post.
And ya one more thing check this out..
The message here is quite similar 2 urs.
was the watch the music video if u can for me ?
i cudn't say nething on this post keshi coz u said it ... we live in a bad and selfish world ..
will be back here to comment....
very thought provoking post and video!!
It made me cry....
People keep shopping and shopping and it looks like the ones wh get presents are the ones who already have presents, they really don't need any more toys or clothes.I think we should limit the presents we give to our family and give atleast one to a less fortunate person or child.There are so many homeless families.My mother used to give a homeless family money to have a good dinner every christmas and easter.I think many hearts will open after reading this post.Mine did.We are growing up in a "ME" society.it is about time we thought of others.
you truly have portrayed the true spirit of Christmas... why do we wait only for Christmas to be better humans.. surely we don't need just a day or an occasion to be nice to someone, to be loving and generous... but we people are just too materialistic for words :(
पता नहीं क्यूँ मैंने आज यहाँ आना था....और यह सब देखना था....बहुत मार्मिक....बहुत विन्दम्बनापूर्ण....बहुत लोमहर्षक है ये सब....और यह सब अब तक का धरती का सबसे सभ्य माना जाने वाला मनुष्य ही यह सब करता है...और हम सब मनुष्य ही यह सब देखने को अभिशप्त......!!??
darn this is so heart -wrenching.. I m so sorry.. i feel so sad and bad :(
I will most def do something here.
Thanks Keshi for the wake up call..
missed u too Keshikins..
u take care :)
pray for me :)
The worst part is expecting gifts in return.
People are never ever tired of expecting gifts of various kinds from other while they themselves find it hard even to punch a few numbers and say a hello in a while.
Wouldnt world be entirely different place if everybody give and no one snatches?
hi kesh,
lovely thought..
it is not all about buying but it is about sharing with those who have never experienced joy.
This is sad. so very sad.
So much sadness in the world. Where does it all come from?
On another note, as I saw your first pic, I had to change my Christmas list...
Rock on!
I have sent this video to all of my family and friends with AVAILABLE addresses for the past two years it may not be new but its the best.
Popping into Gosford Hospital today 2pm for some heart surgery tomorrow Dec 18.
Definitely looking forward to Christmas under these circumstances.
Keshi,and all of your readers,
Have a Wonderful Christmas, VEST.
Yep, happy birthday Jesus. Wonder where he's gotten too these days, don't see much of him - kind of makes one wonder about the whole jesus thing, eh?
so very touching description Keshi.
guess how i celebrated my christmas : i went and painted a school for children maintained by CHORD - a child relief NGO. Thanks to my firm which has tie ups with these NGOs.
let your joy gift a smile to the needed. let your joy bring happiness around. Merry Christmas.
The images are so sad :(
Hi,Keshi-that was one tender post..yes,I agree..most of us don't really think how simple the art of giving is.And,it's probably because it is associated with spending money..I mean,it could be something as simple as donating books,clothes,etc to a charity which passes them on to the less privileged.But,we're usually stuck up on our own selves,friends,family.Or,maybe it's something to do with the hectic pace of work life and our own troubles-financial or otherwise,which keeps people away from even thinking of anything else.Sigh!!
I second to arv's comment here...As far as the commercialization of festivals is concerned, i dont see anything wrong in that afterall we all contribute to it in someway or the other....
Hi Keshi,
Am so glad you wrote about this as i did too at my blog : )
Let's spread the awareness....
gud mornin keshi :)...hows the sunshine today :)..
see a new post
Hope you are doing fine...
Have you noticed that its those who got lots in their life yearn for gifts and presents, more...
i dont know..thats my observation...!!
:( :( I don know what to say Kesh.. Hugs..
Loved the post .. and its sad to think of the contrasting worlds that exist together. Christmas is all about good cheer and fun but it pains to know that for so many people out there, even a small smile is an effort against odds..
Merry Christmas Keshi!!
thanks all!
Will comment-reply as soon as I get some time.
it's a fact that people give preference to their loved ones...
if you ask why? No one knows. May be they'll be happy to see the excited faces of their loved ones than that of a stranger.
'N war, poverty, terrorism everything is going on in this world for centuries... but still life moves on and those who are on the lucky side, just enjoys their own life.
I think it's an individual thing. We all have to ask ourselves. How many strangers have I helped today? How many gifts/food/whatever I gave them?
'N there, you can find the right answer.
great post keshi!
you are absolutely right about this post:)!
nice thought :)
everytime I throw a party or hangout at some eatery with friends I think of the same. so many out there who struggle for food and here we are eating at an exquisite place and wasting food! hmm
A new respect has arisen in me to have found someone thinking for another ... and trying to provoke the same in others !!
Take care dear ... Here's hoping xmas spirit shines onto those who need it the most !!
Sharins is all about any festival and holidays Keshi.
Hemz hows u?
Thats true Arv.
But if everyone who's smiling cud stop and think abt the one who's not smiling, this world wud be a better place.
ty Vish!
I know we cant change the whole world, but we can change just one person's world if we try. The problem is not many ppl TRY.
u asked for gifts as a child? LOL!
I rem I asked for something from mum when I was abt 6yrs old...we were shopping and I saw something on a glass window and wanted it badly. My mum said NO. I said I WANT IT and started crying. She insisted that we leave and she's not getting it for me. I was so stubborn I sat down on the road and cried! She left me there and walked away. I saw her going into the far distance and I ran behind her crying :).
Since that day I never asked for anything. And I realised we dun always get what we WANT in life. Im glad my mum taught me that early in life.
aww tnxx Hemz!
**humanity is dead kesh
I dun think its dead entirely. There r few ppl who genuinely wanna lend a helping hand to those in need...like the woman in one of the pics in this post..the one who's feeding a dying African child.
We've just got to start thinking beyond ourselves and our families only. Each one of us can reach out if we TRY.
I agree Jay. Its plain GREEDY too.
tnxx MM!
**does the current world scenario grant us do b doin a favour??
Im not talking abt just this year. What abt all the years we've lived so far? Wut hv we done?
Besides, if the current Credit Crunch is so bad how come so many ppl r stuffing themselves with gifts? Thats cos its all abt THEMSELVES.
**and does it mean tht u show ur love to ppl arnd jus merely by givin em, gifts and the like?
mebbe some ppl find joy in doing that. but thats not my point. All im saying is why not think abt someone who's really in NEED.
ty Angel!
tnxx Devika!
ty Deepz!
yes 'self-centered' is the word! Someone I know is getting a $1000 dress for her wife for this Christmas...she has a closet full of designer lables and shoes.
And there's a child somewhere out there with only rags to wear the whole year..
ty Rakesh and thats exactly wut I wanted to do thru this post.
ty Richa!
**i am a volunteer at the red cross in my town..
Im very proud of ya girl! HUGS! ppl like u r rare, especially young ppl.
hey ty Rakesh!
And we should be thankful not only to our parents but also to our LUCK. if we were born into a less fortunate family, we'd be living a life like these kids too.
I so agree Sayani...its all showing off! Only very few ppl LIVE life.
hehehe Rush.me that was funny!
Im good ty Mythily n hows u? :) long time!
ty Prashanti!
**the ones that have everything in life get more and more and the ones that truly need presents are always left behind
thats very true. I wonder why tho.
ty Chakoli!
**there are many who are concerned about needy ones... and shower gifts to them
yes, and there r MANY who dun do that too!
ty Shachi!
ppl r usually just worried only abt themselves. we live in a selfish world.
I hope all ur friends who r sick or grieving will be ok somehow.
ty Soul!
**most of us can't see beyond our loved ones.
I agree. And the worst part is I hv to witness that all the time among some ppl I know!
ty Enigma!
I guess both u and ur mum r really beautiful ppl. And rare too.
ty Trinaa!
**as a race we humans r far worse than animals..becoz we hv d intelligence to know better but we choose to ignore all that doesnt directly concern us..
So true! Very well-said.
And u know why we dun use that Intelligence generously and appropriately...cos we r SELFISH n EGOISTIC beings!
ty Venus!
hey ty Ria!
**guess ppl jus need an excuse to spend on themselves
thats exactly wut it is..just an EXCUSE. And such ppl should be ashamed of it.
A friend of mine is getting a $300 gift for his 4yr old son for Xmas. WHY?
I know u truly feel and care for strangers Ria. Ur one of a kind!
And Ria...
I know abt the GM who lost his whole family in the Mumbai attacks. I cant even imagine that kinda trauma!!!
Mayz now I get angry when ppl talk abt xmas gifts lol!
Im like WTF wut more do u WANT!!!
ty Rohit!
ty Vicky!
**how many of us are really going to think about it half-an hour later..????
I will be thinking abt them ALWAYS...cos such ppl live in my heart. Wud u be thinking abt them?
I dun care abt the ppl who dun think abt the less fortunates. As long as I dun forget, I know this world still has some ppl who think like me.
ty Shrav!
yes its all abt Commercialising. sad but true.
**but don't be without giving a gift to your niece! She seems such a lovely kid as well
aww :) ofcourse I will get her something for chrissy...I always do. But I wont buy expensive things like I used to...cos I hv a mission to accomplish this year :) Will tell u all abt it later.
ty Zr-i!
yes its all abt THINGS and not the true spirit of Christmas. Sadly.
btw Im not interested in the widget u mentioned, sorry. :) Only cos my blog is right here if someone wants to read it. I dun think its necessary to be 'advertised' or spread around to other sites.
hey ty Diana take ur time :)
hey Soul :) I think I answered ur qn in ur blog.
Truthful u dun hv to TRY to help...just be urself. one day u'll find urself helping even w.o. knowing u r helping. :) thats the real kind of help anyways.
WC Tara and ty!
** The real happiness comes when you give things to the needy, that faint smile on their faces can lighten up hearts.
I so agree. The real JOY is just that and nothing else. cos everything else is Temporary.
ty Rat!
yes..we can only do our best. but some ppl dun even THINK abt others.
ty Suresh!
**Bt would the world listen.
I really dun care abt the whole world...if u and I can make a difference in atleast 2 ppl's lives, then thats all that matters to me.
hey SMM take ur time girl. n tnxx! :)
ur so right Jeevan. I know some ppl who help ppl and spew it on their faces saying 'we helped u'. Thats PRIDE and the EGO.
Thats not HELP btw.
ty Zubin!
yes we r so privileged, and still some ppl WHINGE.
**for me a festival is just another chaotic day with several formalities laden onto us as an add-on and we are supposed to be happy about it.
same here. I simply LOATHE formalities!
I know where you are coming from, we are giving for the sake of giving - a total waste of money and things the recipients don't appreciate at all.
aww ty Ne HUGS!
yes..SELFISH is the word. ppl often only think abt themselves. it applies to blogville too. its all abt SELF..soon ppl forget abt who was there for them and just leave as if others meant nothing to them.
Abt Distance...yes its necessary but without losing proximity.
I agree Anwesa...imagine giving a needy child a bright big christmas present..just imagine his/her smile on the face!
ty Arunima!
**But u know vat this is jst a mere drop in the ocean
but it means the WORLD to those ppl who received ur love. Well done girl!
we cant offer help to ALL the needy ppl in the world but we can change few ppl's worlds. And I think u made it. HUGS Im proud of ya!
I read that great post Arunima. tnxx!
ty TT!
Its true...the fact that i hv to witness very selfish ppl every single day is the biggest pain in the ass :)
Mia take ur time hun.
ty Abhishek!
aww Sunshine...the video made me all teary so many times.
ty Starry!
**it looks like the ones wh get presents are the ones who already have presents, they really don't need any more toys or clothes
I so agree. Its sickening and makes me wanna puke!
Ur right...we live in a ME society and its only getting worse!
ty Phoenix!
** surely we don't need just a day or an occasion to be nice to someone, to be loving and generous
I find it stupid and laughable when ppl buy xmas gifts for ppl they cant stand on a normal day!
WC Bhoothnath!
I dun speak/read/write Hindi so I dunno wut u wrote. plz translate. tnxx!
Veenz hey ty sweetz!
When is the BIG date btw? :)
u say some awesome things Tarun ty!
**People are never ever tired of expecting gifts of various kinds from other while they themselves find it hard even to punch a few numbers and say a hello in a while.
thats so true! Some ppl exchange gifts during Christmas/Diwali etc when they dun even speak to each other during the rest of the year!
**Wouldnt world be entirely different place if everybody give and no one snatches?
very well-said! Giving w.o. expecting is a very RARE quality to find in this greedy world.
yes Aiz...but alot of ppl dun think like u and I. U hv no idea how many ppl r plain selfish n greedy!
Lovers its not only sad its ugly too...ppl who dunno to GIVE r UGLY.
hehehe Rex ;-)
God bless Vesty MWAHHHHHHHHHH!
Stay happy n well Vesty. We will miss ya til u come bak!
ty Phoso!
**kind of makes one wonder about the whole jesus thing, eh?
lol u made me crack up! yes I wonder where the whole JESUS thing went to...cos all ppl seem to be doing these days r fighting or being greedy!
aww Sawan that was very well done! Im so very proud of ya. HUGS!
Saffy hey :)
ty Amit!
**maybe it's something to do with the hectic pace of work life and our own troubles-financial or otherwise,which keeps people away from even thinking of anything else.
I dun think any of that will keep anyone away from Giving unless that person is born selfish. :)
I believe those who give will give anyway.
hey Southy!
**As far as the commercialization of festivals is concerned, i dont see anything wrong in that afterall we all contribute to it in someway or the other....
mebbe its not something WRONG but its seriously sickening!
hey ty Veni!
hey Hemz I always hv plenty of sunshine in my pockets :)
hey Vinu hows u? long time! All ok?
**Have you noticed that its those who got lots in their life yearn for gifts and presents, more...
yes! cos the more ppl have, the more they want! its an ever-growing GREED.
Urv :)
true Deepti..ppl r fighting over a Parking spot when there r children dying elsewhere in the world.
Aneesh hey!
**'N war, poverty, terrorism everything is going on in this world for centuries... but still life moves on and those who are on the lucky side, just enjoys their own life
yes as long as we keep saying that there wont be anny GROWTH in our selves.
ty KP!
ty Samy for echoing my feelings!
**everytime I throw a party or hangout at some eatery with friends I think of the same
that means u CARE and thats enough. Cos some ppl dun even think they should be bothered abt it. Im glad u do.
aww ty Adisha HUGS!
yes...we must wake those who r sleeping tight.
Priya hey Sharing isnt only abt holidays or festive times. It should be an everyday thing.
hey Shionge tnxx hun!
**giving for the sake of giving
exactly! Thats an EMPTY gift.
Keshi dear,
you are gaining more and more respect. i mean u r collecting all points!
anyway, you are pretty right about all those unprivileged ones.
I always wonder about one thing: with such a large world population and so many kids who need parents. why do people want more kids. why dont they make these kids as their, there are many issues with what i said, but its just an opinion.
keshi, u know that i stand by ur side in such aspects, if not above u. am looking fwd for my next trip to india wherein i want to donate something to an orphanage at my place.
anyways, let's hope this post brings a change in at least a few people.
Quite touching.. :|
So, hw u??, Btw..
We are humans, Keshi. And we take utmost advantage of the clichéd adage - To err is human.
I assert what I said earlier. We are blinded by our avarice mind. We fail to realize that today is a gift. Which is why we call it 'present'. (No, I am not ripping it off K-f Panda)...
One of your readers has already noted what I wanted to say. Commercialization... Sets me thinking. Would Christ have wanted this???
Anyway, a very thought provoking post.
Peace. Be well.
Very well written Keshikins
I truly don know wt to say, its all really disturbing and sad... really really sad :(
totally teared up
Those pictures...ufff
i was gng through and thinking of the john lennon song.. der it was at the very end!!
how r u doing?
tnxx all!
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