Hey guys, it's been a while...hope all is well with you. I've been very busy with family, friends, parties and long drives. So I couldn't be around Blogville as I wanted to be. I'm really sorry. And THANKS to all those who dropped by to say Hi and leave Christmas wishes and some love for me, while I was away. It means alot to me. Shows how much some people truly care.
Tomorrow is the last day of 2008. I wanna say goodbye to this very special year with this note...this year made me glad and sad, sensitive and stone-hearted, attached and detached, all in the same year. It discovered a new side of me that I never knew of before...it taught me to truly let go. Some people think Letting Go means distancing from people, cursing them and staying angry...but Letting Go doesn't mean that. Letting Go basically means being able to smile even as you detach from things and people that crush your spirit...it also means keeping no grudges and staying in peace, even when you have to live without what you once craved for. Slowly I'm becoming good at being able to let go of things that I badly went after before, and still be content. I've learnt to go and let go, thanks to 2008!
So, here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year! May 2009 bring your dreams a step closer to you. Keep smiling and don't worry even if I'm not around all that much. I will come around as soon as I get some time which I'm afraid I don't know when. Take care, be happy, I miss ya and I love ya all!

So, here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year! May 2009 bring your dreams a step closer to you. Keep smiling and don't worry even if I'm not around all that much. I will come around as soon as I get some time which I'm afraid I don't know when. Take care, be happy, I miss ya and I love ya all!
Current Music: I Love You More Than I Can Say by Leo Sayer
108 Cranium Signets:
hey...happy '09 :)
btw thr r a few awards waitin for ya on my blog :)
hey keshiiii
wishing u a very happy and a prosperous new year...
god bless u :)
hi keshi missing u soo much :(..hope ur having a very good time there ...and wish u a very advance happy new year :)..
i know this year was a total mix up for me to ..more senti more love..more friends..:)....everything..happens for a reason...so it was good :)...and have loads of fun and dont forget me :P...
It's a good lesson you learnt, Kesh.
To more learning, more joy and celebration in 2009, i say cheers.
Have a good one.
well i am happy u came by to say hi :)..that's sweet of u :)...have fun :)...and dont forget to see new year post in my blog :)...u will have a surprise :)..miss ya :)..
hap hap happy new yr to u too babes, m glad t know u had loads of funw hile u were away.. :)
n i too have a similar post post coming up scheduled up :)
Hi Kessssh!!
I'm so happy you're back before New Year..just to inform you..I awarded you few days back..consider that an X'mas gift,sweeetz! =)
And yess..A very very happy new year to you..I wish the sadness erodes away, and you live a lovely life ahead..
happpppppy new year to u too! :))))
and u still havnt replied to the previous post! :( Anyways hav an amazing new year!!
Loved the letting go concept.. letting go is best thing sometimes, to keep everyone sane and happy..and Im still have problems with it
Anyway,wishing you the very best for 2009 for you Keshigirl..:)! Hope the next year, precious stuff finds you , and letting go moves into accepting joys..
Is this Blog haunted now, haunted of wonderful post Keshi would post at spur of the moment.
It was like what you think is what u blog.
But anyways, life is about small changes and big effects.
I am too counting before 2008 ends,can wait to get into 2009.
Hey happy new year to you too girl :)
And have fun with friends and family - after all this is the season to be jolly and make merry :)
Keshi, wish you a splendid 2009 ... have fun mate !!!
Warm wishes for a happy and prosperous 2009. Muaaahhh.
Letting Go basically means being able to smile even as you detach from things and people that crush your spirit...it also means keeping no grudges and staying in peace, even when you have to live without what you once craved for.
i completely agree...
happy 2009 Keshi girl...
Letting Go basically means being able to smile even as you detach from things and people that crush your spirit...it also means keeping no grudges and staying in peace, even when you have to live without what you once craved for.
i completely agree... happy 2009 Keshi girl...
I've been busy too..almost finished the festivities.
You'll be celebrating New Years Eve WAY sooner than I will so I thought that I had better get a headstart.
hey happy new year.... you know high time I learnt how to let go... but i guess like in your case 2008 has been a learning experience...
Have a great time. :)
Wishing you happy and prosperous new year. :)
Good post on Letting Go. There are somethings which I haven't let go. I need to try a little hard. Lets hope 2009 will help me out.
I have tagged you hoping that you will do the tag. But don't worry. Take your own time and if u have already done it, just gimme the link. Let me see it for myself.
Heya Keshi!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and restful holiday :)
Have a great New Year's Eve and see you on the other side. It's a new year Kesh - a new beginning! :D
2009 - here we come! :)
hey Missy,
Glad to know u re still there and that u enjoyed ur time wid ur family, I am myself on holiday in France wid family and even if i thought i ll have more free time being on holidays, i was so wrong, but it s good so I don t see the time pass and i spend some quality time wid them.
I wish u a great end of the year sweetie, may 2009 be even better than 2008!
""also means keeping no grudges and staying in peace, even when you have to live without what you once craved for".
Are you becoming Saint Keshi girl?? Just kiding. You had a wonderful year to understand life better. Wishing you a journey filled with happiness and wisdom!!
Keshi dearie, Haappy New Year to you too.. The first thing I do every morning as soon as i reach office is to check my mails and I dont find any relies :( But i know you are running around aussie :)) So maaf kar diya :P
hw wus christmas?
on a lighter note :
"May 2009 bring your dreams a step closer to you. " => only May? What about the other months?? :P
Haappy New Year.. Let all your wishes come true this season.. Love you loadz..
You can't move ahead in life if you don't let go of things that bind you to your past. I guess, that's what we all learn some day or the other.
And in a few years, you'll be laughing at how attached you were to this past which was so inconsequential in the course of things to come.
Btw, if you're letting go, then isn't this song ironical - I love you more than I can say... Seems like you're still hanging on :)
Happy New Year to you too....have a fun filled year and may peace reign on the world.
Happy New Year
Wishing you the same Keshi.
May the changes work well for you..
Have a rocking 2009..
Very rightly summed up about Letting Go.
Wish you a Very Happy, Successful and Peaceful 2009. May you get what you desire.
Do come back soon. It is nice to read your posts.
Take care
Have a magical new year Keshi, Huggs Cazz :)
Happy New Year :)
keshi, belated christmas wishes to u. n a happy n prosperous new year wishes too.
don't worry too much about ur absence in bloggerville. as long as u r safe n happy, ur absence doesn't matter much. take care n have fun
btw, what's with this stare? too hot to handle... lol.
hey keshi..wishing you are very very happy and prosperous new year..
Dont stay away for too long.
Wishing you A great year ahead.
Happy New Year Keshikins!! I've been sooo busy with work and a new city... :) Thought I'd drop by and see whats new with you:)
yo kesariya!
how have you been? have a great new yr.
happy new year keshi! tk care!
am back to blogging tmrw.. january 1st.. come to my page... welkum back
We humans cling so tight to our deepest emotions -which gives us our greatest sense of compassion and is also sometimes out undoing. Letting go is the solution to many ills that trap us within ourselves and prevent us from being happy - and yet, such a simple solution can sometimes be so difficult.
As always, your blog with it's central message is so inspiring. Here's to letting go in 2009 - cheers, Keshi!
Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2009 Keshi!
wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :)
*HUGS* :)
MISS YOU around.. be more frequent na..
Happy New Year Keshi x
Hey kesh... happy new yr
may you be smilin n happy always :)
Hey Keshi!
How have you been? A mixed 2008! hope you have an eventful & fulfilling 2009!
Its little before dawn out here, gone cold all of a sudden cant wait to see day light of 2009.
Yeah I have been honored Keshi.
Me may disagree with each other,I think friendship is also respecting each other disagreement.
Just wish to tell u that u cant just take life seriously coz u will never ever get out alive.
the fate of pendulum has swung both ways for me in 2008.
But then its time to move on.
Glad to sse ur comment Blogville Jockey.
Oh shit I have been almost awake all night.
ANyways just answered your comment.
You ready to hit the dance floor and let your hair down?
Happy 09... I liked your thoughts on letting go! Keep at it!
we'll miss 2008..but tats life...every new step opens a new chapter in life...
ahh! waiting for that new chapter..
tc dear
and a happy new yr to ya too
Happy 2009 Keshi honey!
Have an award for u
Wishing you a very FANTASTIC, MIND BLOWING, New Year...have loads of fun :)
hey akka..
Hapy New Year '09..Hope u have better tymes ahead..
take care.. :)
Happy new year to you too gal.
here's hoping & wishing for more peace & keshiisms.
*hope that didn't sound like miss world *
hi keshi,
wishing u a very happy and a prosperous new year:)
take care mate:)
have a rockin year babehhh
have a great year ahead...and keep dishing out great stuff...
hey keshi,
wishing you a very happy new year ...have fun :)
hey! i m new to ur blog. very nice. so 2008 was a year of realizations for you. cool. wish u a great 2009. have fun. nice pic btw...:)
keshi gal
Happy New Year Sweets
Happy New Year Keshi darling... I hope you will be able to join me in the hot tub for a glass of Dom Perignon and a fat cigar as usual... I shall run it around midnight..
happy new year to you too!! :)
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous New Year. Have a blast ... Have Fun
Gold in 2009?
New Year greeting Keshi.
Keep walking ala Johny Walker.
Hi Keshi,
I dropped by to convey my compliments of the season and to wish you a happy New Year filled with joy and happiness. May the year 2009 have life's best in store.
Hi, HAPPY NEW YEAR with lots of LOVE. Take care. God Bless.
Ah yes! I too have learned how to let go ... permanently, but with kindness and understanding, rather than bitterness and anger! I'm so glad I was given this opportunity to grow, and I sense you are too. All my very best to you and yours in 2009, Keshi!
Happy New year!
let all your dreams come true.
let balance bring bliss to you.
let freedom make you more happy
let your presence make the world more happy....
let happiness make you say
"i am the world"
Here is wishing you a GREAT NEW YEAR, Kesh.
Keep loving life, keep loving yourself. Remember God always loves you.
happy new year da... :)
stay happy :)
Happy New Year Keshi!
hey keshi... wish u a happy new year... god bles
Happy New Year Keshi!
Hi Keshi!
I wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
I ended this year on a similar note too ... Learning to to let go and move on .. Happy new year Keshi babes .. Here's to a more wonderful year of this bond we developed over the last year :D
heyy dear...wish u a very happy new year filled with lots of beautiful dreams, everlasting happiness and wonderful friends...may good health, love and success come knocking at ur door!
I have a dream that INDIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLA DESH, CEYLON will be one nation again
and the PM will be Keshi
Hi,Keshi-Happy 2009 to you and may all your wishes come true!:)Nice to see that u've been having such a nice time with family,friends.:)And,here's looking forward to the first post of the New Year:)
Hi,Keshi-Happy 2009 to you and may all your wishes come true!:)Nice to see that u've been having such a nice time with family,friends.:)And,here's looking forward to the first post of the New Year:)
life is too short to hold grudges.. so letting go is the sensible way to go.
Hey Keshi...happy new year gurl!! :)
have a great year ahead !
Hello Babes...Glad to see a new U...Here's wishing U a very happy n rocking 2009...enjoy life.
Its here...and only 364 more days left to it...
and so much to do...
get busy girl...get busy having fun...
Hey, wish u a very happy new year..
Have a rocking year ahead..
Take care,
happy 09 Keshi
Wishing you a great year ahead : )
Happy New Keshi. May you have total blessings this upcoming year.
Hi Keshi,
Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year
haven't seen you in a while! hope all is o.k. with you.
Happy New Year!
Hi Keshi
Remember me?
Just dropped by to say 'Hi' and wish you the best in 2009.
update soon..u hv been blogrolled! :)
New Year greetings to you and all your family.
Peace. Tc. Be well.
Happy New Year! heeheehee
How time flies!
Be brave and daring this year! Do what you know you must!
Rock on!
Happy new year keshhayy...:)
Hiya Keshi...Happy New Year 2009 to you - Stay Young, Happy & Funky always :D
You are awarded..Do check out.. :)
HappY New Year Keshi :)have a wonderful year ahead...But I can'nt forget year2008 as it has left few cruel moments....
Happy New Year Keshi!!
wish you all the best for 2009!
Hi Keshiiiiiiii,
Thanks heaps for your wishes. Hey you should check this blog www.transformationplus.blogspot.com ... it's hep and happenning :) Cheers
Hi Keshi!!
A very very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!! God bless you with loads of happiness, love & good health!! :)
hey Kesh, long time man
new year happies, hope it's cool
how'd you spend new year's?
Letting Go theory is hard, but imma tryin nevertheless! tc have fun
Monk (frm back in the days)
Happy new year!
Here's hoping 2009 kicks butt!
Happy New Year Keshi!
Hope 2009 is good to you!
Letting go is something all of us need to do!!
Love You Sissy!
Party on pretty girl!!
Have a wonderful 2009 Kelle! :)
Thanks ALL!
I will get back to comment-replying when I return :)
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