You've killed
You've died
You've wrecked so many lives
You've cried
You've screamed
You've held your knives
But is this the end?
Did you reach that peace?How could you think
That this is it?
If this was your dream
Then you got it all wrong
Cos nothing can kill
Unity and Love
People may die
And you may laughBut the Truth lies deep
Within your heart
Now that you've killed
Now that you've died
What's next my brother
Now that I've cried?

You may 'kill' me but I won't 'die'. Cos I'm love.
Current Music: Sathyam Shivam Sundaram by Lata Mangeshkar
269 Cranium Signets:
Thank you Keshi for sharing this with us.
I'm so sorry for those innocent people.
May God bless this country and whole world
and keep us all safe!
I really feel heart-broken when I saw the news on Mumbai. Sigh..
Hope that they hear my prayer here...
Mumbai/Bombay... Has been a bay of bombays lately!!
Shocking... truely shocking and how unfortunate it is that the terrorism is controvesially supported by some idiot and blood lovers of India itself...
The monument ... The Taj Hotel!! Seems like it will remain a Museum now of Terrorism
it ofcourse is very shocking.
So,as a sign of protest against the terror,today the whole country is gonna wear black,atleast a black band around their arm...
this was smthn which left me numb to everythin else for 3 days...shaken n confused...
no one knows y it happened but yes a sleepin dragon has been awakened n d politicians n these terrorists r gonna face d wrath...
I feel so sad when I see those pictures and read the news which speaks of increasing numbers of people who have been victims. just wish all of this ends .
Glad to see that you are back keshi..
let my prayers echo your voice..
Agreed Keshi. No matter how much our heart has broken, together we can heal...
Love the song too babe
It's painful and disturbing to watch something like cannot be humans who do this kind of crangae
Keshi - thanks for posting this! I've had a disturbed thanksgiving holiday because of the Mumbai've expressed it well here.
Stay safe Dearie!
We WILL live together forever :)
Wonderful poem. Thank you for the write-up...God bless you :)
we unite at such moments.. hope the unity sets in forever... Fingers crossed...
Hey girly... welcome back.. hugs....
Very touching, Kesh. And very apt as well, 'coz the lines
"What's next my brother
Now that I've cried?"
epitomize the spirit of Mumbai.
Thanks for coming back. My monday couldn't have started any better.
are u back? Hope your time off was everything u wanted it to be :)
Missed u.
It was a disaster that rocked Mumbai Your poem does speak of that pain & loss. Merely seeing this mayhem on TV/news was so dreading...I wonder what the sufferers might have gone through.
But you are right Keshi....they can't tear our love & unity apart.
its really upsetting to see these things happening. hope those who have lost and suffered find solace!!
Your right, they will never take our unity. Staying together as humans is the only way to fight these lunatics..
I just all the boundaries..of religion shatter...
I want peace to come..yes its true that sumtimes we need to fight it out..but the best would be if there were no such things happening around...ahh!! when will that time come..
I pray constantly for it...
Its very devastating and painful to see the streets one visited during vacation being terrorized.
May their soul rest in peace.
Also, nice write up keshi.
Hey sis!! Yes My heart and prayers go out to everyone in this attack!!
This is sad and brings up a lot of memories from past attacks..
Love ya sis...
well written, keshi. this attack to shocking to whole world except those merciless savage hearts.
Good thoughts and good post Keshi, dear :)
wishes (take or throw :))
What a terrible couple of days it has been.
One can't help but wonder if this will spur a war, much like Sept 11 did in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It's frustration.. The terrorists are attacking and people are dying just a few meters always from my place.. And all we can do is just wait n watch! Pray and try to stay safe! Arghhhhh...
hmmm... wish that people acted responsibly towards truth and harmony....
it came out shocking ........just a frnd of mine asked me to swicth on the tv i went there and woke up my parents see the tragic news...which shocked us all ........i heard the sound of bomb....coz i stay near to that place....the next day ....we had phone calls flooding from italy,swiss and canada whre most of my cousins lived.........its really bad when such ppl do such things....the poem that u have written is good....nice post....yes we always love mumbai ....
ste :)
True Keshi, very true...
Evil can never kill love.
My condolences to the families that lost their loved ones. May their souls rest in peace.
It is truly very saddening....
human beings do not seem to have any is man's enemy...wat can we doo...such horrifying heart goes out to all the people there and the commandoes who sacrifiesd their lives
God! May such tragedy not befall on anyone.
Good that you are back, Kesh.nn
Always keep in mind:
Thank you Dear for sharing this with us.
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thanks Keshi....
These extremists will never understand the language of Love.
Will never submit myself to negative emotions and kill myself.
A Great Post. Three good posts from my blogger friends on this i.e PJ, Crystal and now you.
Why can't we form a combined blog with many team members to fight the terrorism in the blogworld ?
BTW. I am perfectly OK. Its nice to c u back.
Hi Keshi,
//You may 'kill' me but I won't 'die'. Cos I'm love.//
So true, and that's what keeps people face the life again even after losing some of their loved ones..
I salute the kind of resilience that your lines portray!
While we continue to be ravaged by these savage mercenaries, we shall not lose hope of eventually winning the war against terrorism which is a rapidly procreating plague!
In memory of all those people who so gallantly laid down their lives during the recent attacks in Mumbai!
Thanks for the very fitting tribute!
Jai Hind!
nice write-up, but you know keshi it's high time we don't let these wounds heal so easily , let them hurt so that next time it doesn't happen, so that the politicians of this country know they are ,by the ppl, for the ppl. They guys ought to be taught a lesson.
Welcome back and well said :)
Anything can be hindered, but can't eradicate!
...yes, nothing can stop us from loving Bombay. no terrorists, no nukes and no dirty political propaganda...
the tears shall over time dry and the wounds will scab and scar and eventually fade. but the love will never diminish.
Wonderful post dear!
Sad that humanity is getting rarer day by day.But with people like you around,all is not lost yet :)
Have a great week!Hugsssss
i know what u mean dear..
and dont worry i am takin care of myself.. i was so shocked to hear that..
yesterday was sayin the great debate on NDTV and the crowd was so angry and sad and troubled.. because they were not seeing the politicians give them any faith sayin that it wont happen again.. isnt that all one wants.. a reassurance of some sorts sayin.. yes life does move on and that we wont allow such a mistake to happen again.. if one doesnt feel safe in one's own country where will one feel safe????
I dont feel safe anymore. I worry about the safety of my family and friends all the time. What happened was so tragic. God bless the departed souls.
hey keshi
me been away for longtime. sorry! just don't seem to have any time to catch up. sigh! moving post. i am exhausted, everytime something like this happen and we churn out post after post but to no avail. i wonder if this will end ever.
lots of love.
everyone is numb of the massacre..
sumtyms i wonder.. is the devil stonger than love??
i read a real good line in the papers today: forgiving the terrorists is God's decision, but fixing their meeting with God is our job.
i really hope the devils goes away!!
feelin sad
more sad..n helpless
i hope d supremacy sitting above is watchin all dis..
i hope he wud open his eyes someday
A beautiful recital...
Peace is worth it's weight in gold these days. But as the adage goes, 'a silver lining to every dark cloud'... Life will go on; and I would like to remind all Indians... Rabindra Nath Tagore - Where the mind is without fear, and the head is held high... "My father, let my country awake"...
First time here. Dropped in from Ani's space.
Peace. Have a nice day.
Contorted Reality
Last 4 sentences made me tear up, Keshi. Yes, they are our brothers and look at what they are doing to their own blood?! When do "they" wake and realize that? Sad folks indeed, living in their own Hell called life.
Hugs to you.
Hope Indian Govt. wakes up as well and take care of the business properly instead of
" just take it as it comes!"
It's seriously crap!!!
I hate to read it...I wish India improves soon..forget about mankind!
(Yes! Right now its more of nationalism to me instead of humanity. I cannot see my country being the sex toy to the terrorists and them dropping by within weeks to fuck my country.)
you are totally right.. mumbai will always be mumbai
Hi,Keshi-that was soo touching!! I shudder,when I just recall my horror on seeing the news on 27th,when I landed in India...people seem to be returning to the olden days of man eats man, only,in a technologically advanced manner.Arghh!! and,these places,specially the Gateway of India location, opp which the Taj is- I can remember so many days I've visited there,in my childhood...imagining firing taking place there boggles the mind!!here's a prayer for the families of all those killed,and,a prayer for this mindless violence to stop!!
nys words...
Thanks keshi...we all need to go through this together and this time take some definite steps towards protecting ourselves and making sure the govt we pay money to, works for us as well.
that just about sums it up!
thank god the ordeal is over... and if god willing we will now have a better system to combat such terror and hopefully we will eradicate it from our very existence ...
good to see your back keshi
missed u
Sometimes you wonder how people could place so little value on others' lives. If they want death, why not die alone?
So how've you been doing?
How many more lives for all this to end? Havent we seen enough of terrorism?
glad ur back...
...three cups of tea...
welcome back, keshi.
i hope this time india does retaliate. high time we did.
Well said Keshi. They may kill our bodies but they can't kill our love. Beautiful.
Hi Keshi
Nice to see you back at the hell--sorry, I mean helm. LOL
The events which unfolded in India were sad. It's another wakeup call to the governments. I don’t know how many wakeup calls they need before they seriously start fighting terrorism.
Unfortunately, Canada is on the verge of self-destruction. If the present government gets booted out, democracy in Canada as we know it will cease to exist.
Anyway, enough of that crap.
Your post was to the point.
It’s too bad that your first post after your holiday has to deal with this terrible crime, but I know it’s a topic you had to deal with.
Beautiful words and music. x
Thank you for this heartfelt poem.I can almost feel your pain.Yes we can fight terrorism if we stand united.
I feel very sad. My condolences to those people who lost their loves.
Thank you Keshi, for sharing.
A terrible thing - the bastards must've missed the "Thou shalt not kill lesson" in their religious training. There is no reason to kill others, no exceptions to the rule. Even worse when you kill and terrorize innocent people.
Beautiful song...
Thank you Keshi x
I watched this terrorism on television like much of the rest of the world in utter disbelief. My prayers go to the people of Mumbai and the rest of the people of India.
You may kill me...but i wont die..i am love...
that sums it all..PERFECTLY..
The attacks were just awful. I was stunned when I saw the first photos and video and then the eyewitness accounts. Really terrible.
May extremists end and justice prevail
And We Are Proud To Have Martyrs Like Maj. Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Kamte, Karkare et al...
This Is The Time For Us, As Human Beings To Stand Together And Fight Against These Evils, Who Are Threatening To Destroy The World.
Jai Hind
The biggest problem with us is that we hv a very short fucking memory...the ppl who r accountable keep taking advantage of that fact and just move on...I was there yesterday and i was amazed to see ppl back in business! Why? why cant we stop everything and choke those fucking administrators to a limit where they hv no choice but to really start doing the things they r supposed to do for the safety of the ppl in the city...everytime something happens, next day onwards we talk abt solidarity , move on and eventually after a few days nobody even remembers the act. As far as the terrorists r concerned, its high time we put aside the craps like diplomacy, humanity, non-violence etc and hit them really hard in their own backyard and wipe them out once and for all...I know its not a permanent solution, but it will certainly send shivers down the spines of the upcoming lot and they will think a 100 times before doing something....
i was sad until yest feeling lonely and not helpful to do was a real disaster...i posted it in smiley just have a look :)..
more sadness filled me last night wen i saw a post from friend leaving :(...feel soo lonely as it is killing my guts to live :(..
your poem reflects the emotions in my heart....
it's difficult to come to terms with tragedy like've read how and what I feel in my blog. Watching how our political leadership is making a mockery of it all, is just as bad if not worse than facing the terrorist's bullet....
it's unbelievable...and the hurt refuses to go...I hope it never does because I don't want to go back to my false sense of security and let the govt. get complacent about it either!
And the little difference we can all make is to never ever let these mad insane terrorists breed hatred in us. To never forget the difference between good and evil and never ever misunderstand the differences in different faiths...if we do, we'll fall victim to a bigger tragedy than the terrorist's bullet or bombs!
Hi! I just want to say that your blog and your words are beautiful! I've enjoyed many of your posts and how personal you have made them. I've poked in a few times through Kaylee's site. I do have a question for you if you wouldn't mind emailing me.
a question puzzles my mind-what did those 10 men gain by plundering the city's peace ?
a nice write up here..kudos..
dont't want to say anything, you had just said everything. let people rest in peace.
I am doing good .. I am shocked too .. and pained .. take care and thanks for dropping by dearie.. All we can do is pray it never happens again .. hugs ..
there's nothing more to be added that has not been said many lives lost..needless grief...
good to see you back tho...
really at a loss for words but watchin all this made me realise how insignificant it is to debate whether money brings happiness or not.dreadful how life can be taken away from u in one split second!
but on another note, i'm really concerned tat anti-Pak feelings now running high, wat with the terrosist's confessions splashed across the media, may give rrise to anti-Islam feelings and shake it all up ie posin a threat to our very core secularism n related ideals etc.i mean we cant write off Pakistanis jus yet
We still love Mumbai and nothing can take away it's beauty and peace!
Hey Keshi...very true words...I do not know what these guys get killing all innocent ppl...makes me angry and sad...
..lost a friend in these mumbai attacks..we were not that close...but we had a good time in college..and he was a really nice guy..
"Evil can never defeat Love...just like no amount of darkness can kill light"
true...but eye for an thats wat i blv in.
u write really well...beautifully expressed...i hope this time ppl wake up n do something.
Peace for all
In truth we no need to frighten. Love is only for development and not to destruction, in destroying something we don’t get anything truly. Hugs dear.
great words, keshi!! i wonder if ever terrorism will disappear as act and nobody would dare to take lives of innocent people!
I hope they listen to u... and to every crying heart!! :(
i cant even say that the poem is beautiful, coz the pain in it just saddens me more...
may god bless everyone and help us to heal such traumas...
I cant see that child pic.
its hurting
Made me cry whenever I saw that on Television and now here.
beautifully expressed...the sentiment minus the hatred !
Its sad what has happend!
May God bless their soul rest in peace
I loved the last line in pink.
And Keshi..the song was oh-so-darn-well suited to the theme.
Terrorism can't kill us when there are still people like you existing who've got hearts of gold. :)
hi there okay...though lot of my fellow country men are not!!!
so right now..i trying to raise a voice against the a most positive manner so that it doesnt happen again!!!
really sad! :( anyway glad that u r back dear!
Horrifying. My friend's classmate perished in the attack at the Oberoi hotel.
What was going on in those young men's head?
Krys tnxx hun...I hv no words to express my deep sorrow. this is the best I cud do.
Curryegg I feel the same way...broken.
Darsh I dunno WHY ppl choose to hurt others this way. And just HOW do they do it?
Archana not only India, we r all mourning...its so very should never hv happened.
hey Mayz Im still in shock.
hey Prashanthi I hv no more words to say...cos I feel so numb...this pain has now become numb.
hey tnxx Sawan...lets just hope SOMEONE will hear us too.
ur right Silvara...TOGETHER we CAN heal. HUGS!
SMM I wonder abt that too..r they HUMANS?
WC Shachi and yes, like u, I hv been quite disturbed since last week...
hey Twisted WC n tnxx!
Togetherness is all we have...let UNITY prevail.
ty Rat!
I hope no one will be able to kill the peace in those who hv it.
hey Trevor tnxx!
I wonder wut those terrorists gained from this massacre.
hey Lavida HUGS!
I had a great break yes...but I wanted to come bak on a happy note...and then all this, Im not in high spirits as I wanted to be.
Hope all is well with ya?
Arunima I cant even imagine how the ppl inside the hotels and other places felt that day!
hey Deepz no one should hv been lost that one.
Anu yes...we cannot let them think we'll become them too.
Joyce I always thought like u too...why ppl r so DIVIDED.
ty Neeku!
My family was in that same hotel when they visited Mumbai couple of years ago (The Taj).
I cant even imagine how I'd feel if something happened to someone I knew!
Alot of attacks hv happened yes...and Sri Lanka is on war for 20+ years. 2 of my closest uncles (police officers) died at the hands of terrorists too...and to see all of this happening again n again all over the world, is just too much to bear.
hey Satish...I dunno wut to say anymore...will we ever see Peace?
ty Devika!
I wudnt throw away anything just cos its virtual. wud u?
hey AB u never know where this will lead to...we dun want war but it seems alot of ppl live in evil.
So sad.
Prachi I agree...frustration leads to such senseless acts.
TC now!
KAP I guess not everyone knows wut TRUTH n HARMONY r. Thats the problem.
Solitary hey stay safe!
Sunshine hey tnxx!
I cant even imagine wut those families must be going thru.
Enigma ur right...less ppl VALUE life these days...its so very sad.
hey Soul tnxx! :)
I know...I wont wish such evil even upon my enemy.
well-said Murane!
we r not gonna be ENEMIES...we will not go down to their level. We will always stay UNITED. We know wut LOVE is. They dont. Thats the difference.
hey Jimmy WC n tnxx!
hey Pinku...stay safe ok.
ty Suresh!
I know...terrorism has become a big problem right now and ppl should get together and DO something abt it. Its high time. We cant just sit n watch anymore.
And Im glad that ur safe Suresh.
true Aiz...thats the difference between us and terrorists.
Let there be light...always.
ty Rakesh!
I hv never bent down to terror and arrogance. I will not fear. They can kill me but like I said before, I wont DIE. I know that even if this happens to me some day, I will FACE them.
Hobo thats exactly wut the world needs right now.
Rahul hey tnxx!
I agree...its time we DO something than leave it until next time!
true Aneesh!
yes Nachi..Love cant DIE. Even if they kill us, those who lived in Love will always LIVE.
And u too Sameera HUGS! We need more ppl like u in this troubled world.
hey Ani!
**if one doesnt feel safe in one's own country where will one feel safe????
I agree...its high time that politicians DO some real work. This is the same story in Sri Lanka!
hey Ash I hear ya girl...its horrible to live in fear.
hey Utopia! I was away too..
**everytime something like this happen and we churn out post after post but to no avail
I agree..but it allows ppl to vent out as well as come up with new ideas or solutions. I saw alot of blog posts from Indians who r really gonna DO something abt this...and thats great. Imagine we all kept quiet...nothing will happen.
hey Richa!
**forgiving the terrorists is God's decision, but fixing their meeting with God is our job.
but the permanent solution is to address the root of the real problem...and that is to provide Education and Equal opportunities to ALL. I believe poverty, lack of education and opportunities lead to terrorism.
Joi I think alot of ppl need to open their eyes too...cos as long as these things dun affect them, most ppl dun care. And thats sad.
Just stopped by to say hi and hear the song again.
An apt retort to those who can spew nothing but hate !!!
Prayers and Heartfelt wishes to all those who need it ...
WC Kartz n ty!
**Where the mind is without fear, and the head is held high
So true. when u hv conquered fear nothing can get to ya.
hey Asha I missed ya so very much HUGS!
I came to ur blog so many times and left w.o. being able to comment, cos u hv disabled comments. I hope ur gvn a good break?
yes...wuts next? I mean when will the false belief of achieving satisfaction from hurthing others ever end?
**" just take it as it comes!"
This seems to be many ppl's attitude these days, sadly. I hope real CHANGE will come soon.
hey Sach!
**Right now its more of nationalism to me instead of humanity
Sach this was an attack on ALL citizens from many countries ard the world. It's not only a national issue, it's a world was at attack on humanity. Terrorism knows no color, creed, race or nationality.
TC girl
Elthraniel tnxx!
no one can ruin a whole city's spirit from their cowardly acts. No one will give in to that.
Amit thank God ur safe!
Its disheartening to see ur city burning like that...but rem never to give in to such acts. we will not let fear rule us.
hey Devil TC now!
WC Dip n ty!
**making sure the govt we pay money to, works for us as well.
I agree..if we pay taxes to the govt on time, they better provide security to the citizens on time too!
hey Steve hows u?
tnxx mate! :)
HUGS Phoenix!
I really hope India will take up new and better security measures from now on. I just cant u'stand how all of this happened just like that.
hey Azuka tnxx I've been alright mate and urself? :)
**Sometimes you wonder how people could place so little value on others' lives. If they want death, why not die alone?
I agree...I mean how can anyone hv that much hatred?
Diana I many more? Its so frustrating.
*HUGZ* n ty!
Mystique I should read that ha? :)
Rayshma tnxx hun!
I dun want any war tho...I hope we'll all find a REAL solution.
ty Lover!
**They may kill our bodies but they can't kill our love.
thats exactly wut I meant. some day I'll die too...but I know the Love I shared wont.
aww ty Bev HUGS!
Yes I wanted to come bak on a happy note, but life is such it had to be this way.
**I don’t know how many wakeup calls they need before they seriously start fighting terrorism.
I they ever do any real work for the ppl?
ty Nora MWAH!
Peace Love Unity Harmony Truth Goodwill and Tolerance...thats wut the world needs right now.
Starry yes we can...but the Govts need to help us too.
HUGS Maria ty so much. Ur so caring n loving.
ty Phoso!
**"Thou shalt not kill lesson"
I know! If there was a religion that didnt teach ppl that, then is that a religion at all?
MWAH Milady!
hey BB yes it was a horror story!
ty Vinay!
yes Jay it was heartbreaking to see ppl dead everywhere! I still hv nightmares from it all...I hv had sleepless nights since last week.
Veni I wish for that too.
hey Sreeharsha!
**We Are Proud To Have Martyrs Like Maj. Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Kamte, Karkare et al...
I agree...we got to know some real Heroes thru this tragedy. May their souls rest in peace! Their memory will live forever.
I agree Southy...sometimes its so frustrating! But d u think killing few terrorists will stop Terrorism altogether?
**...I was there yesterday and i was amazed to see ppl back in business! Why?
I say its good to get back to business as usual. It shows that Terror cant get to us...that we dun fear them at all.
but, the long-term solution lies in the hands of all Indians...when they VOTE next time.
Hemz hey hows u?
Cess isnt leaving...she's only ona break. She emailed me. Smile now :)
ty Ish n HUGS!
**To never forget the difference between good and evil and never ever misunderstand the differences in different faiths...
I agree...the root of Terrorism lies right there! differences of opinions. And thats where everything begins. ppl need to u'stand that there r so many different ppl in this world and that we all need not be the same, believe in the same things or act and live in the same ways. TOLERANCE is the key word.
hey Teeni WC here n tnxx! :)
Good to hv emailed ya.
hey Anwesa!
**what did those 10 men gain by plundering the city's peace ?
exactly wut Im trying to ask thru this post!
So very true!
Chamb ty!
Let there be Peace n Love in all!
Deepti Im glad ur ok.
Sometimes I wonder if our prayers get heard at all...
hey Suma HUGS!
hey Krithika!
**with the terrosist's confessions splashed across the media, may give rrise to anti-Islam feelings and shake it all up
I know wut u mean. But I reall hope there wont be another WAR!
hey Prakhar Im so very sorry to hear abt ur mate. :( It must be so hard on ya. HUGS!
**but eye for an thats wat i blv in.
aww but I dun believe in that...cos it's only a temporary solution.
hey Trinaa WC n ty!
I hope so too.
Tarun I wished for Peace from a long time ago...peace for the world...peace for everyone...Im still wishing for it..
hey Jeevan HUGS!
**in destroying something we don’t get anything truly
I agree...destroying LIVES is the worst act ever.
Lena I hope that too...always. tnxx n HUGS!
Vish will I ever see world Peace?
hey Ankur HUGS!
**i cant even say that the poem is beautiful, coz the pain in it just saddens me more...
I wasnt gonna write abt it but I had to...cos my heart was in pain..I had to let it cry.
TC my friend
Hobo :(
ty Random!
ty KP!
The evil behind this act is beyond my imagination.
Same goes to u Crystal. When good hearts like u r still around, Terrorism will NEVER win.
Sushmita I hope all ur dreams n hopes of a better tomorrow will come true. HUGS!
hey Anits tnxx hun!
Saffy Im so very sorry to hear abt ur friend's friend! Is that the 1 Japanese who died at the Oberoi?
The terrorists who did this r lost souls..thats why.
hey Phoso glad u like the song..this is one of my fav bhajans.
Adisha hey tnxx!
ty Pecos!
We ought to put the humanity back into the human kind...
Hope the message spread... take care Keshi :)
The world has been so confusing. Its when the things I hold to be universal truth are proven to be not universal. I believe to inflict pain upon others is not right. Then come ppl who hold up others blast their home, shatter their dreams, leave children orphaned, women widowed, destroy what the world cherishes. Their truth, their reality is so different than mine. What makes it so different? Why they take revenge from the innocent and how inflicting wounds upon others heal their own wounds. Why can't we live in unity, why can't we share the happiness of others.
My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives, lost their beloved ones and will live with the dreaded repercussions.
cheers to the media.. atleast i see some movements in the govt this time.. hope theflame prevails and we crush those millitant training centres!
Touching poetry Keshi!
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