Everything in life is about Distance. You get too close you'll suffer or you'll suffocate another. You get too far you'll miss out or you'll hurt another. Maintaining the perfect distance in relationships and everything else is quite a daunting and difficult task. Cos everytime I tried to get closer to someone or something (closer than before), I have been slapped hard on my face. On the contrary, everytime I distanced myself from someone or something (just to keep my emotions safe), I have often felt lonely and lost, or have been mistaken as arrogant and proud. So what is the perfect distance then? Actually there's no perfect distance. Just be. Cos that perfect distance varies from person to person. There's no single definition for it. I tried to keep away from people...distanced myself from many of my friends here...I stretched the distance as much as I could. I ran an emotional marathon, trying to gain more and more 'kilometres' away from it all. But the distance that I had gone was only
physical...mentally I wasn't one mile more away from this place. The physical miles I've collected on my run were empty and poor...cos there was no one to applaud and no one to give me a bottle of water half way through my run...cos I was only running a lonesome marathon. I learnt my lesson the hard way.

So, how far away are you from the world?

This post is dedicated to all my blog-mates who are 'distancing' from Blogville and from all of us. The world needs more emotional proximity right now, not distance...c'mon close the gaps, bridge the distances and live it up, cos we all have very little time here...
Current Music: So Far Away by Dire Straits
163 Cranium Signets:
this is just the kinda post i needed... I have never able to judge the proximity and distance correctly ever... i always get things so horribly wrong.. or is it just thta people change as you go along... they are not the same individual as you go along...
Hi Keshi,
so rightly said, dear
About the blog-ville too.
Hope things improve :)
gud mornin sweets..u have to give me time again to come bac :P...and comment...i am making my own post lol...and i will reply to u now ...dont be angry on me :)..
"So, how far away are you from the world?"
Wow. Good question...
I dont really know.
I think it is pretty far. A long distance call for sure.
Rock on!
omg kesh...i am not on a break....i am not dipressed ...please dont mis understand again...i dint want to be on the break...i just dint reply to comments i am goin to do it know....pls dont be angry...plspls...now pls smile ..:( dont be angry :(..
Good question. I have no answer.
distance can be good but like you say how far is too far?
I think I've become good at judging how much I need to be close or away. Experience is the best teacher.
Hi,Keshi-that was one thoughtful post...in maintaining the right distance, viz, neither too close nor too far, I think what matters is one's judgement-instinct,rather. That can make all the difference.You meet someone, you feel they're nice, come close to them, and their real nature surfaces and you wish you'd not been in such a hurry.The other way round, sometimes you come close to someone but it's too late-you've spent too much time coming to a decision...so, it's all a matter of judgement,finally.And, back to what I've always said-in spite of all this, one's best and closest friend/judge/companion is one's own self.Am I right?
people change kesh...and the change some times hurts the people who r very close to them :)..but yeh there r lot of people who left without even me knowing...i surely miss solitaire a lot..and her short and sweet posts.....
i really dont know how far i am from the world but...i really dont want to change anything in me...people like me as i am so i will be always there to make u smile :)....now dont be angry i replied to ur emaill...pls reply bac..:)...lots of love...get the smile..bac...and u know i love ur smile sooooooo much :)....
P.S: i blogged a post :)
Sigh...I dont know abt the bloggers, but in personal life i hv paid a very heavy price coz of distance....
I keep the rest of the world at a distance. Just where I can keep an eye on everybody. ;-)
u know it sucks when we see people we love, leaving to anywhere, may be blog or real life... we all need them!! :)
very good post and i agree to everything u said there... hope things are really gonna change, pretty soon!!:)
Proximity and distance. Now thats the problem rather the dilemma for Prem.
If he has to be close with Simran, he would have to distance himself from his family specially his mother.
U hav written from the view of blogger's perspective. But I read it from my own perspective and deciphered it according to my mind's thoughts. sorry for it.
So true!
Especially the lines, '..c'mon close the gaps, bridge the distances and live it up, cos we all have very little time here...'
We need to fill those gaps soon..
Nice, pensive post!
~ Fiducia a.k.a Angel
there is always a confusion on what is the best distance. well there is no answer to that. i hav learned the hard way to balance it. now i think i can do it.
sometimes distance kills oneself. so be careful
Couple of times I feel u r hurt or u r deeply disappointed by something or someone(but then, that just an opinion.)
With respect to distance, I have not felt all that what u said. With respect to lonesomeness and company, i feel ditto.
I may introspect and find out the distance thing, i generally keep in touch most of the time, I never distance and make it a point.
By the way I have changed the pen name
Enjoy the moment.
Love comes straight from heart not mind. Use the heart and laugh and cry and enjoy both no matter what the destiny wrote.
Be what you are no matter it is sufforcation for others or lovable for others.
Be what you are and enjoy the world and yourself.
hey dear now this is perfect timing.
for this sweet but important message of yours.
Hope that it's rightly conveyed to the ppl it is intended for.
Senti post huh.
U touched the emotional strings
sumtym bac der was dis stage i cudn even take distance for a thought..for all pppl i gotta kno,der was jus proximity and jus tht.so much so tht i got myself hit hard on ma face--some form of realisation i ges..and life post it was living hell..but then,thee was this introspection wich is r;y an eye opener if u cud do it the rite way.the flip side now is tht i dun trust anyone post it..ders the comfy zone,but its al blank beyond tht..and der r times wen the past haunts me too..
lifes all like tht
but as u said,the minimum dist is prolly proportional to the person u are and the ppl arnd...\
good one kesh.. :)
awesome post Keshi, and I couldn't agree more, in this world littered with terrorism, depressions and choas , a little proximity goes a long way to make a person feel that he's not alone...in the blogosphere.
And yeah, to keep a safe distance yet be close can sometimes be a daunting task!!
distance... good but the only problem that i have found is "how to know the RIGHT distance"....
hey Keshi,
Thoughts very neatly put down in words..its a perfect post!
I think we alone can not decide on the right distance...its a mutual decision..and as you said it varies from person to person.
These days I am more close to blogville ...and at times I feel very lonely..I think I don't have the right balance.. :(
In relationships I have never been too close...coz of the fear of getting hurt..
but I totally agree wid you that we shud "close the gaps, bridge the distances and live it up, cos we all have very little time here"
CHeeRs :)
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
“Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or loose. To the questions of your life you are the only answer. To the problems in your life you are the only solution”
from now now these quotes r the best for me in every reason...and u know y i choose these 2 :)....these give me a reason for my best frnd hemz to smile a lot...
now u to smile...tere is long week to goooo :)..:D...
i replied to ur comment in my blog and emailed u something :)...wer did u disappear :)..
Hmmm, insightful post.
U r so right. What is the right distance? Some people make do with closer distances, some people need more space to themselves.
I guess we'll just have to learn along the way.
hi keshi gurl, :)
how have you been doing? my visit to your blog after a long gap happens on this very post. Coincidence? :) whatever it may be. it makes hell lot of sense my dear.
Both closness and distancing or detaching can be measured in emotional miles. But it still remains the distance covered up and down "metaphorically"!
Stricking the right balance is difficult and is achieved over a prolonged practice of this phenominon. I believe that whatever be the case, we need to build a stronger self to counter the elations and the disapointments that we face in our "emotional marathon". Remeber, as long as you run the marathon as a participant, its gonna be fine. just run i would say, not thinking about if you would win or loose or end up being alone. for the person who wins the race would cross the line "alone".
Stirrin up some good food for thought now.
On a separate note, however, literally speaking, who would want to run from you? ;) he he
And ya, you've been blogrolled.
hello Keshi,
A lovely post!
Every word written by you in this/ur space, draws me/each of us closer to you ...
And the distance between us is only a Click away.
I never thought it'll end that way!!
I'm sure all our blog mates will agree and take up to writing again after reading this! (atleast those who've left) :)
On a personal note, I'd love Intelligensia to come back! She's not even moderating her comments on the last post which says she's leaving blogsville:(
Cheers to everyone!:)
distance to the within..hmm.journey to the center of me :)
How far am i?
about a feet or two away from my comp screen?
i couldn't agree more. ive got my own definition of distance: be close enuf to feel your friend's heartbeat, but not so close that you suffocate him/her with your breathe. :P
wowwww :0 awesome timeing..
just when i'm coming down to bridge the gap, you xome up with a post to match my mood keshikins :*
loadsaaaa lurv n bearhugs babe- let's close the distance n get all huggey, down n dirty-
N abt blogville, it's home away from home- soooo yeahhh, no can leave, they'll come ryte back- the real world is way to wily n dangerous n filled with weird bums to live in it for too long, without being back to genuine peopel n tough love :)
loveeeeeeee n yeahh, let's get set , you n me, for some HOT GIRL ON GIRL LOVE--
this is sumthn i know, but needed to be retold.. n u told it so apt n at so apt time ;)
love yah..
totally agreed- healthy distace- space- depends on person to person-at times losin frnz maintaining the distance, at times suffocatin them n gettin suffocated..
i aint a nosey person at all, but i ask all my frnz, if they wanna tell me sumthn, they shud ryt throw it at me rather than waiting for me to ask them.. this leads sumtyms to confusions tht i may not b interested.. but its juz how i am..
and also, i dun like much wen ppl get nosey with me :D
but ppl who r distancing from blogville, i say i dunno why do they chose to close down one channel of expressing themselves..
i think we are somewhat alike :)
right now i'd rather distance myself from ppl...but this only till i can regain proximity with my own self
..hope u get wht i mean..tc ji :)
It's kind of simple. If you know what should be the distance one needs, you know how much proximity to maintain. Talking about two sides of the coin!
But, the simplest things are probably
the hardest to achieve. That's why we
never manage to maintain the right distance..err..the correct proximity.
So when in doubt I go back to myself. Like Hemant said, you are the only answer for yourself.
Did I make sense?
Great poser, Kesh. Great post.
Hi Keshi,
Your words have caused these feelings so strong.
Somewhere euphoric is where you know you belong.
So make a wish upon that shining star.
And the distance between, won't seem so far.
keshi, u bowled me over(again n again) with those first few sentences. can u imagine that i've read n re-read them more than 4 times before writing this comment. frankly speaking, this post carries the mark "keshi's style".
comin to the content of the post, wht u wrote is true to the core. even am a lonely runner in this race of life. life seems to suck sometimes but wht's LIFE if there r not enough sorrows as there r joys?
miles away frm da dear ones...
yet a thought away frm their memories...
good to see you back
Hey Keshi,
You are never too far away from thoughts...even when am unable to comment....
cheer up...those distances are all in the mind....and you are as close as ever. :)
yo! kehi's back ..muah...don't distance me whatever you do... n neway i never got the right distance right ..i always mess up with distance..am i dyslexic ?( help i need to get a med apptmnt) :P
Just so happy to see an optimistic post coming from you. The biggest fear tht cud come true was to lose a friend like u! I hav lost many so far.....I lost some to time, some to distance and some to death as well!! And like u said i too hav ended up being hurt by the ppl who couldn't understand the meaning of proximity or probably felt too stifled by me. The result was that i started distancing myself from ppl and realised tht no matter wht there will always b such ppl and on the other hand there will also be a handful of ppl
who will value ur proximity and will always remains by ur side no matter what. I hav found tht friend in my bf, i feel proud to say tht my bf is my best friend
coz i hav shared everything under the sun with him. And i also feel lucky to hav met ppl like u who hav made me feel special even though they r not physically
present near me. I knw even though u r nowhere around me, ur presence is still felt Keshi. *Hugs* I wonder why hav i never asked for ur email id!? I feel the need to extend our relationship beyond this blog coz now its much beyond it! Whay say hun?
exactly wat i have been tryin to do in all my relationships...but i feel m not really good at it...coz i lose ppl...i need to learn that...n m learnin it d hard way...
touching words... :)
i feel,i am too young to experience such things in life. and i dont think i have had one either,till date.
this only happens when u try getting too possessive about people and so ur emotions. that inturn will also make the other person know ur week points.
this is not the case with just the people whom u meet in person. These days ppl try having the same kind of emotional bond with ppl even online.
Hi Keshi, howdy?
At last, all the projects are done and we are free to enjoy our Winter vacation now. We will be off to Disney World for 10days this weekend, will be back blogging on Jan 1st.
Have a wonderful new year celebration in advance, see you later. Take care , hugs! :))
I tried so hard to keep a distance from my friend who needs the space yet at the same time never forget to nurture it too.
Unfortunately....some friends thought out of sight out of mind so poor Shionge will always try to figure out if it is worth it....
helllo mate ...
i m back from my forced marathon which took me away from blogville ... but i hope that I didnt distanced myself from you all :)
hope u are doing good ... and thanks for the concern during the mumbai terror attack ...
bye for now !!!
take care
~ hiren
Hey Kesh..I feel the distance that some people are soon gaining..both outside and inside blogville..it hurts deep down..as the distance will soon increase..but it really doesn't matter 'cos there is a certain bonding we share with the people whose company we later miss..so don't worry..they'll all remain in our hearts...forever..n ever! :)
Well,something happened, something that jolted u coz in last 3-4 weeks u have just possted 3-4 times in comparison to 3-4 post a week.
Yeah one need balance proximity and distances. What I say and believe is friendship is like waves (u know those electo-magnetic ones) and one has to be in friendship.
Often we drift apart and friendship fades away.
I wonder if there has to be a balance of proximity and distance when we think of yourselves and just trace our feets and see where we are going.
Guess something major had to happen for u to stay away from Blogosphere.
i donno how to hang in the balance..in fact, i'm right now wonderin why keepin balance is givin a cynical expression such as "hang in the balance".so anyway, the best way outta this, perhaps, is to leave it up to the other person..let him/her call the shots etc.tats of course assuming he/she bring some sane thinking to the situation.i mean, given tat tis better to be safe than sorry and best to avoid hurtin someone or gettin hurt.All the same, if u find that the person doesn't mean much to u,(again hard stuff to determine) keep a distance, as a rule!
however, having said that..i don't understand why we should not take the plunge and simply go for it!!n tell ourselves tat it's perfectly fine to get hurt once in a while :)
beautiful piece Keshi.it made me look inward and think.really really think :)
I don't need to say anything toyou. You know all. :-)
‘I have been slapped hard on my face’ true! We can’t expect to be closer like how we are with someone. Few are intense within to not extend there boundaries in fear or unlike others. There we get signs that warn us in advancing our steps, if we could not understand or invisible then we yet to conclusion and get to miles in distance. I felt recently when I was yet to know someone’s private, I get silent as my answer and I stopped there from getting further so to change my topic. Thus realize me my distance.
hey keshi,
such a thoughtful post. Its so very true that we make mistakes in judging the needed distance so often and get hurt in the process. I have done this soo many times. I get s close an too attached to my frens that it hurts so bad when they leave or change.
Wow! keshi this post made me really think.how t maintain a distance and still be close.I know that even though I am miles away from most of blogville I still feel a sense of closeness which I treasure.
yup distance this reminded me of pachu..he was very close to me.andwe were jsut one soul..the closenes..i missed too much..! again the distance !
And now i dont even have his number and he doesnt bother to call me..all that happned in jsut one day..!
Sometimes we go too far..cover too much of distance in small time ..time that we cant come backdistance that we cant afford to cover again..or the map is lost or forgotten:)
Nice post ya..:)
this was really big comment
blog world is my retreat but destiny's child is more like a social platform so i find the need to find a personal private space for which i have a different blog [secret]:P
but here i echo on your sentiments... distance is very required.. better be safe than sorry
Hmmm... Thought provoking.
'perfect', 'perfection'... Reminds me of Salvador Dali. One of his quotes is my motto - Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it.
As far as distancing goes, well... Time can do so many things. Period.
Peace. Be well.
How much distance one needs or can bear depends completely to the person. Some need more space, some can't even be alone for a couple of days. Normaly in Astrology you can see it pretty good how someone 'ticks'.
You must respect, that people have very different need. Sometimes it's hard to see when people would fit pretty well together... but can't because they 'tick' so different.
hey Swayam WB!
**or is it just thta people change as you go along... they are not the same individual as you go along...
mebbe thats wut it is...some ppl just drift apart with time. And some others only wanna be close when they want to...
ty Devika!
hey Hemz :)
ty Rex n WB!
**I think it is pretty far. A long distance call for sure.
aww...sometimes I too am so far away from the world..yes. cos sometimes its better to be that way.
relax Hemz :)
hey Lavida!
**distance can be good but like you say how far is too far?
thats right, we'll never hv an ans for that. we just hv to go with the flow, cos it differs from person to person.
I agree Lover...experience it is.
I agree, we r own friend/teacher.
**what matters is one's judgement-instinct
Spot on! thats why I believe that Instincts is the best gift we hv been given.
tnxx Hemz!
**people change kesh...and the change some times hurts the people who r very close to them
I know..but how d u cope when ppl change overnight? imagine u really liked someone in blogville, u believed they liked u too, u were best buddies and then all of a suddden they decide to leave..and when u email them, they dun even reply to u but to others. how wud u cope then? or wut does it mean?
hey Southy!
**but in personal life i hv paid a very heavy price coz of distance....
aww...does it mean u were emotionally disconnected with them?
hey Jay!
**I keep the rest of the world at a distance
good to be that way...we always need to keep some space.
ty Ankur!
yes it hurts us...but I wonder if they ever hurt too?
ty Suresh!
and hey dun apologise...feel free to interpret my posts the way u want, not the way I want :)
**If he has to be close with Simran, he would have to distance himself from his family specially his mother.
brilliant analogy on proximity and distance there! thats so true...getting close to one thing may require us to distance from something else.
u got me thinking. tnxx!
Hey Angel tnxx!
yes..instead of broadening the gaps n distances, we need to close em up...we need to bridge the differences.
ty Deepz!
**sometimes distance kills oneself. so be careful
how d u mean it kills oneself?
hey Anuz nice new name!
yes we all get disappointed with something in our lives...and that sometimes brings out the best in us :)
**I generally keep in touch most of the time, I never distance and make it a point.
thats a good thing! always stay connected somehow.
hey ty Hobo!
**Be what you are no matter it is sufforcation for others or lovable for others.
I agree. :)
aww tnxx Arunima! :)
ty Multimenon!
**the flip side now is tht i dun trust anyone post it..ders the comfy zone,but its al blank beyond tht..and der r times wen the past haunts me too..
I agree. that has happened to me too. And now I hv drastically distanced myself from some ppl who were very close to me before! I think its a survival mechanism...and its ok to be that way. If thats wut suits u, do it.
ty Rahul!
**in this world littered with terrorism, depressions and choas , a little proximity goes a long way to make a person feel that he's not alone...in the blogosphere.
I agree. And thats why I feel really sad when some bloggers claim they're done here. why? if they r still alive, how come they suddenly stopped being themselves?
ty KAP!
**"how to know the RIGHT distance"....
Instincts is ur best guide..
hey ty Prakar!
**These days I am more close to blogville ...and at times I feel very lonely..I think I don't have the right balance
I feel that way too...u may wonder how on earth can Keshi be lonely in blogville, cos she has alot of FRIENDS right? Thats not true. I hv alot of ppl coming to my blog but I hv only very few FRIENDS. And some ppl who used to be here before and claimed to be my FRIENDS, hurt my feelings badly. So now I feel lonely at times...at times I wonder if anyone really CARES...but its all ok. Cos as long as I care for me, as long as I continue to be myself, as long as I dun distance myself from me, I'll be ok.
ty Hemz for sharing that with us!
**To the problems in your life you are the only solution”
true! cos u r ur best companion.
Im glad ur gonna stick to that now :)
I agree Saffy, to each his own.
hey Casper WB n tnxx! :)
**Remeber, as long as you run the marathon as a participant, its gonna be fine. just run i would say, not thinking about if you would win or loose or end up being alone. for the person who wins the race would cross the line "alone".
yes thats true. but if ur running a marathon with no one around u, wuts the point?
hey ty Rakesh!
**, literally speaking, who would want to run from you?
:):) I dunno...some ppl just do.
aww Passerby I missed ya!
**Every word written by you in this/ur space, draws me/each of us closer to you ...
so does that mean ur bak?
hey ty Shrav!
mebbe some ppl need a break...but I dun u'stand wut quitting blogs mean...it doesnt make sense to me.
hehehehe Vish cute!
**distance to the within..hmm.journey to the center of me
wow nice one there mate!
ty Sawan!
**be close enuf to feel your friend's heartbeat, but not so close that you suffocate him/her with your breathe
ur spot on!
I never suffocated anyone tho, but it seems some ppl wanna run away from me anyways. any idea why?
hahaha look who's bak! HUGGGGGGGGZ Jane I miss ya! Where hv u been?
maybe they fear they would get addicted to you :P
btw Jane..
**- the real world is way to wily n dangerous n filled with weird bums to live in it for too long, without being back to genuine peopel n tough love
thats so true! and some ppl think that the net is crap. they should take a good look at the REAL world then!
so wut if this is a fantasy world...I still love being here...cos its this FANTASY is REAL to me :)
hey Richa HUGZ!
me neither...Im not curious...Im too open for that ;-)
**but ppl who r distancing from blogville, i say i dunno why do they chose to close down one channel of expressing themselves
Spot on! I dunno how they stop being themselves all of a sudden.
ty Trinaa!
**right now i'd rather distance myself from ppl...but this only till i can regain proximity with my own self
good one girl! thats what i did during my break.
ty Soul!
**If you know what should be the distance one needs, you know how much proximity to maintain.
true but the problem is many ppl dunno that Distance to begin with. Like u said, sometimes the most simple things r the hardest to achieve.
aww that was quite touching Veni, tnxx hun HUGS!
hey Satish tnxx mate! :)
**miles away frm da dear ones...
yet a thought away frm their memories
awww u must miss ur loved-ones alot. well the distance u hv between u and ur loved-ones is just geographical...cos they r always in ur heart arent they.
hey Stygian tnxx! :)
hows u?
aww tnxx Pinku, that means alot to me. HUGS!
haha TT!
Im the same and I mess up alot of my r'ships. wut to do..born with a distance-measuring deficiency lol!
hey Ria tnxx hun MWAH!
yes I feel ur soul dancing in me too..even when Im not in my blog :) isnt that wut ultimate proximity is WOW!
**And like u said i too hav ended up being hurt by the ppl who couldn't understand the meaning of proximity or probably felt too stifled by me
I agree...it has happened to me too. some ppl just REJECTED me on the face, when I tried to be friends with them. Some ppl r so rigid its so sad.
Anyways, not everyone is made for everyone else. That may be why. But atleast we found each other. And Im glad ur BF is always there for u.
I left my email in ur blog :)
*HUGZ* n tnxx Ria!
hey Mayz!
**but i feel m not really good at it...coz i lose ppl...i need to learn that...n m learnin it d hard way
me too..I seem to lose ppl faster than a rocket cud reach space :).
thats why I like to keep a certain distance with everyone...cos the moment I try to get closer, ppl start leaving me.
ty Archana!
yes, when ppl try to be possessive, it gets suffocating and annoying. Im someone who always needs her personal space.
** These days ppl try having the same kind of emotional bond with ppl even online.
I agree. online or not, ppl who r supposed to CONNECT will connect.
yeyyyyyy Asha is gonna be bak woohoo! :)
Im so happy sweetz!
aww HUGS Shionge!
**some friends thought out of sight out of mind so poor Shionge will always try to figure out if it is worth it....
I agree...some ppl believe that out of sight means out of mind. but is it really?
WB Hiren I missed ya!
tnxx Crystal!
**but it really doesn't matter 'cos there is a certain bonding we share with the people whose company we later miss.
I agree. they can tell their minds that they're off blogs and that they dun wanna see their friends again, but I wonder if their hearts cud do that. Cos I know mine cant!
hey Tarun tnxx!
**Well,something happened, something that jolted u coz in last 3-4 weeks u have just possted 3-4 times in comparison to 3-4 post a week.
yes ur right...something 'jolted' me badly and that has left me scarred for awhile now. I dunno if I'd ever be the same again. but lets see.
*HUGZ* u hv always been a genuone FRIEND to me, no doubt. And I thank u for that!
hey Krithika u make perfect sense with ur comment. tnxx!
** "hang in the balance"
I know! :) it makes u wonder why u wanna HANG in if its BALANCE isnt it.
i dunno who means wut to me unless I get to know em first...and when I try to get closer, some ppl hv put high barricades already. I wonder why?
hey tnxx Addu!
no I dont know EVERYTHING :) Im learning too...
OMG Jeevan I got the same reaction from someone recently...total SILENCE for something I wrote. That sorta told me that they didnt wanna be in touch with me. Its very hurtful tho...cos this person needed me badly in blogs. And now they choose to shut the door on my face. ppl r strange.
**Few are intense within to not extend there boundaries in fear or unlike others
very true. they hv built mental walls and dun let some ppl in. sad state of affairs. but its ok..mebbe Im not their kind.
ty Prashanti!
** I get s close an too attached to my frens that it hurts so bad when they leave or change.
story of my life LOL!
ty Starry!
**I know that even though I am miles away from most of blogville I still feel a sense of closeness which I treasure.
aww now thats a very sweet n warm thing to say HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
true...miles n miles of spaces between us but we r only a heartbeat away from each other. Amazing ha!
hey ty Crazy n HUGS!
**Sometimes we go too far..cover too much of distance in small time ..time that we cant come backdistance that we cant afford to cover again..or the map is lost or forgotten
well-said! sometimes some things happen too fast and some distances and proximities gained r hard to erase.
ty Phoenix!
** distance is very required.. better be safe than sorry
yes but keeping a distance does not mean no proximity at all. :)
tnxx Kartz!
**Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it.
I love that quote. So true!
yes TIME can do many things to today's distances and proximities.
hey ty Murane!
**You must respect, that people have very different need. Sometimes it's hard to see when people would fit pretty well together... but can't because they 'tick' so different.
I so agree. we all 'tick' differently. :)
Sawan so some ppl r ppl-phobic, hence the distance?
So, how far away are you from the world?
Actually in one sense I'm too damn close. As simply as I can write I am not happy with the area I live. I don't care for all the anxiety ridden middle class people I live around who while not wanting their lifestyles to change are not willing but yet scared they can maintain it. The consumerist society that runs commercials showing people buying happiness with credit cards. And a culture that seems to embrace the lowest form of banal entertainment and behavior.
One of the reasons I set out blogging was to connect with people who didn't live all their lives in watching the latest antics of Hollywood stars and their scandals. The blogging world and its people are the ones I'm closets too.
hey BB thats a great point on distance and proximity!
**One of the reasons I set out blogging was to connect with people who didn't live all their lives in watching the latest antics of Hollywood stars and their scandals. The blogging world and its people are the ones I'm closets too.
Spot on! thats why Im here too. my REAL life is full of ppl who FOLLOW A PATTERN. And Im so bored with it. not many u'stand me or my views of the world. they think Im crazy :) All they want is more n more WANTS...and the very shallow wants I mean. Im not saying Im deep and special, but I feel I live in my own world where only very few ppl belong...and believe it or not, I found em in blogs! And thats the same reason why Im here.
aww...does it mean u were emotionally disconnected with them?***Obviously not, or else i wudnt be taking it as my loss.
gud mornin kesh...
** know..but how d u cope when ppl change overnight? imagine u really liked someone in blogville, u believed they liked u too, u were best buddies and then all of a suddden they decide to leave..and when u email them, they dun even reply to u but to others. how wud u cope then? or wut does it mean?
it means they lost a gud friend...take the positive side...u lost frnd who thought that going away without responding makes her high or anything...then she lost a frnd in u...but u have to go into their shoes to...must be family probs...anything which she cant tell and cant come online :(...anything can happen in this world kesh....but i am not ready to loose anyone tho...:(...it may be a very bad exp for me to loose someone :)..
i posted something come and check :)..
its d other way around wid me...when m close to ppl everythin is ok...but d moment i try n keep my distance i lose em :(
Even though Obama won the election and I have a good idea some things will get better for the reasons I listed in my first comment I'm still considering expatriating to some other country a few years down the road. Also, please forgive my horrible spelling and messed up sentence structure I was typing far too fast.
Keshi.. Even I never understand how to keep distance! When I am friends with someone, I am same with all. I don’t understand this concept of distance. Of course I know the limits of friendship or any relation, I never cross those, but yeah.. Keeping distance is something I can’t do, I don’t understand. Some people are so aloof where as some are so friendly! I am honest with everyone. And that’s wt I do with any relation andy friendship!
Since i have always felt very content with whatever i had in my life in the form of emotion and people, i have never tried to venture any further also never allowed anybody else to tresspass into my territory which helped me stay close to whatever i had.
Interesting post mate... well... I think I do take off now and then but always manage to return back to the usual slot :)
Hope you have a lovely day there... cheers...
Southy so u were geographically far away and that made u lose em?
So Hemz that means u wud u'stand if I did the same thing to u? WOW!
Mayz keeping a healthy distance is often mistaken as drifting apart...thats why some ppl leave.
BB come to Aus! :)
ty Prachi ur so like me!
** Some people are so aloof where as some are so friendly! I am honest with everyone. And that’s wt I do with any relation andy friendship!
Spot on! Im the same...Im the same kinda FRIEND to everyone. But some ppl build walls...I dun u'stand how.
Good to know that Sunita. Way to go! :)
Thats good to know Arv. tnxx! :)
@i know u wud not do the thing of leaving me abruptly...and i believe that to be true :)...so dont say that one more time :)..
but u said u wud u'stand ppl doing such things...read ur first comment abt it here :)
hemz u said this:
**but u have to go into their shoes to...must be family probs...anything which she cant tell and cant come online :(...anything can happen in this world
so if I did that to u, Im sure u'll u'stand?
forcing a distance and going through an emotional ordeal is akin to killing oneself!
lolz.. yeah cought me!!
love yah!!
**Cos as long as I care for me, as long as I continue to be myself, as long as I dun distance myself from me, I'll be ok.**
very well said ..i too blv the same...but what shall we do abt the lonliness...it makes me sad at times (most of the times these days) :(
okok i know we haev to go into their shoes but...y r we discussing this...?....its not like i am goin to leave u...and i am hoping the best u wont leave me :)...and dont leave its a warning...well i am poor in warning people tho :p..lol...now stop abt people leaving...i got hurt enough in a year no more for the new year :)...
It was hard to hold back tears looking at the video. Let's make someone happy this festive season - someone who doesn't have anyone to count on. Let's pray for peace.
Opens and offers keshi a chilled can of beer and some barbecue spicy chicken.(one for the friendship?)
Is the weekend near?
thought provoking post... i really like. :)
i would like to believe i'm an email, a phone call... a word, a look away for the world that matters to me.
blog or no blog.. it's that proximity that i cherish.
babes yeah i have been wondering this for a while too, dunno wats the perfect distance....
infact i am clueless as to why have so many people left blogville....i was away n all this happened dunno what to do...
anyways next week i will be back to my normal schedule so hoping i will resume back to normalcy....this week is gonna be a wee busy.....but yur still on nd back of my mind...
hugs mia.
As always... a thought-provoking post...
My experience... being saffocated in a relationship that leave me half broken, half exhausted... distnace i learn is necessary... ah yes it IS so difficult to judge just how much.
Ppl going away from blogville... i hope they come back soon... i miss 'em all!
The shortest distance between two people is a smile, or so they say ! Well, in today's world I believe distances have become very metaphorical. People who are far away, maybe close by heart and those who are physically close, might as well be from different planets. And some cases, people in maintaining the closeness of far off relations, forget to care about those near.
Sigh !!Most times, it's hard to judge the proximity required. Still what you say is true. No matter how big or small the distance, it's up to us to gather close and work on a better world for ourselves and those around us !!
Signing off to come back again ... :)
adisha !
In blogsville being close and far is pretty much like a dream. You try to keep close but not too personal and its healthy. Far is something when people not like to be too close and be happy distant watever you say. Its more like being an introvert/ extrovert. How far I am? Hmmm in my mind its close but my presence can be far beased on how much time I am able to spend.
I agree Deepz...we should always let our Spirit decide how far/close we should go...and we should never force ourselves on anything.
;-) Richa...
Prakar the answer to loneliness is to find company in urself...cos thats the best friend u cud ever find, who'll be with u always.
Hemz I was just asking if u wud u'stand it if it was between u and me. Thats all. :)
Kulz I wish everyone had a heart like ur's.
Tarun now that wud be awesome. tnxx mate! Move over, I need that couch space ;-)
Spot on Rasyh! Blog or not, the proximity felt in our hearts is wut counts. Cos some ppl live under the same roof but r worlds apart in their hearts!
btw I cant comment in ur blog :( fix it soon girl!
Mia some ppl hv left blogville cos they cant balance the distance properly...either they r too afraid of getting close to ppl or mebbe they dun believe in net r'ships.
ty Sunshine!
yes Distance is very imp in EVERY r'ship...but keeping a distance does not mean u lose all proximity. thats a mistake alot of ppl do...they either suffocate their partner with too much closeness or they distance way too much.
hey Adisha tnxx!
**People who are far away, maybe close by heart and those who are physically close, might as well be from different planets.
very well-said! Thats why I believe in net friendships too..net or not, if 2 hearts can CONNECT, they will. Whereas some ppl who live under the same roof r worlds apart.
hey ty Priya!
**in my mind its close but my presence can be far beased on how much time I am able to spend.
I agree. In out minds we may think we r close to someone, but in their minds it may be totally different.
yes buddy, u r right
*** How far is too far?
goooood question... though i am not sure we know about it till it really becomes tooo far to deal with.
Personally, i don like it far, i miss blogville a lot... thnks to the blogger blocked at my work... and the stupid project...plus have gone thru shit in life cuz of the "too far" funda... i wish i cud have everyone i am fond of an love so dearly rite next to me ... otherwise its like black screen b/w me n thm... cant see wts up the other side... don like tht feelin at all :(
Hey Keshi....
Felt like I just needed to read this for the confusions that I had been having:) Gaining distance closing Proximity....
Thanks is all I can say:)
tnxx all!
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