Trying To Catch Your Stars?
Do you feel that in the brandnew year that you should stick to some goals? Do you feel that you should stick to those resolutions somehow? Do you feel pressured? If so, just don't force yourself. Take it as it comes. Life is never all pinned up. Things happen...things that are beyond our control. So, don't be too hard on yourself. Have a rough sketch of what you want out of this year but don't die over it. Just be. Go with the flow. For I believe in Life goals...not in just yearly goals. If in general, you are positive, hopeful, peaceful, loving, caring, sensitive of others' feelings, courageous, up for anything, then you really don't have to TRY to change much. Things will happen as it just have to adapt and grow from them.
Thanking My Stars!
Up until the beginning of year 2003 I was living in a rule-driven life. I was a perfectionist
(still am a bit :)). I wanted everything my way. I set goals, I achieved them all, I had more and more plans, and plans and plans. I was so sure I will achieve them all cos I have nailed them all so far. But, something happened in March 2003...something that I never dreamt of...never ever imagined would happen to me. Suddenly my neatly pinned up resolutions-list seemed so out of reach. Something that I never expected had just taken place in my life that messed up all my future plans. Now, was this in my resolutions list? NO. Cos it just happened...and it was beyond my control, and nothing could have ever stopped it from happening. Basically, it was written in the stars...but I'm thankful for both the good and the bad totally-unexpected experiences in my life, for it's them that has made me the person that I am today.
Stardust Sprinkles Itself On You...
Yes folks, some things that happen to us and our loved-ones are written in the stars...I believe in it. So just go with the flow, don't be too hard on yourselves and on others. If you can't live up to some of your NY resolutions later on in the year, it's ok. We are only human and some things just happen. Sometimes we are stupid, sometimes we fail and sometimes things don't go as planned...cos some things are just not meant to be. And that's really ok...we have to learn to accept life as it comes to us...then you're a winner by default. So, just enjoy life, give out the best in you to the world and you shall receive the best in return. After all, life is like eating an ice-cream...the messier you get trying to eat it, the more you have enjoyed, tasted and LIVED it. :) The Shining Stars In My Life...
btw I wanna thank each and everyone who gave me so many awards during this holiday season...I was totally stoked to bits! Sunshine girl, Mayz, Priya, Urv, Devil, Crystal, Multimenon, Lavida Phoenix, Richa, Venus etc etc...I'm sorry if I missed your name here but please know each and everyone of you are in my heart. MWAH! It's all of you that light up my heart and bring out the best in me. THANKS guys! And thank you so much for all the emails, cards and txts too. I will soon come back with some holiday pics etc...til then, keep shining and keep eating the 'ice-cream' in style...get messy I mean! ;-)
Current Music: Out Of Reach by Gabrielle
163 Cranium Signets:
Keshi, You just made me realize a lot in that short post of yours!
we are going to get messed up from time to time and not be so hard on ourselves.. so much is pressing against us sometimes that damnit we loose it!
And that is alright also! I dont kno anything else to say. I am leaving on monday and I am not going to be online until the weekends for awhile.. Gonna miss these posts here girl.. Here lately I can feel all of them right from the heart!
Love ya girl!
Like John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
You r so rite. Destiny has separate plans for us. He has a script with more twists and turns than a Hitchcock movie. And we cant and can never prepare ourself for such surprises.
I never ever thought I would blog in 2008. Then at then end of the year end, I had done 100 posts.
Lets c what year 2009 has stock in for us.
This year is gunna be an awesome year, I know it!
good to see u again a lot more.
happy new year keshi
*Have a rough sketch of what you want out of this year but don't die over it. Just be. Go with the flow.*
Yeah but would like to mould that to "Have a purpose go with the flow to the goal."
If anything would want to be more humble and less angry towards people.
Perfectionist not me.
One should always look to the future and learn from screw ups and infact look fwd to more screw up.
Ice cream for beakfast a good diea?
never made a resolution to stick to it... i know i am THAT Lazy... :P
Food is there just to eat it in ur own style.. as messy as u can..
enjoy d life as it is Lady.. or as someone said "Break d Rules"..
your posts r gettin mor n mor deep n interesting.hope u'll continue blogging 4 long long was a nice read.n happy new year 2 u too..
** Sometimes we are stupid, sometimes we fail and sometimes things don't go as planned...cos some things are just not meant to be
yeh we may fail :P...but dont loose hope :)...yeh may be those things r never meant to us :)...
that was a sweet read kesh :)...hope u r enjoying this weekend very much ...just rock it buddy :)...miss ya ..loads of love ..
"After all, life is like eating an ice-cream...the messier you get trying to eat it, the more you have enjoyed, tasted and LIVED it. "
then since my life is one BIG mess..i must be living it to d fullest!! :P
come back soon :)
das a really cool post to start off dis new year..Yeh ur right,to err is human and no one is a perfectionist by any means..
wel said akka..hope ur havin a great tym.. :)
take care..
That was a beautiful post heralding the new year.You are so right we make all these new year resolutions and then find it hard to keep up.I think we should be making life changes and not just for the new year and I do believe some things are written in the stars.Wishing you and your family a happy new year.
sure we need to relax from our self created inescable mess sometimes.
Couldn't agree more. I actually live by it - Live life as it comes. And as yet, life has been good to me touchwood. Neways, I wouldn't crib even if it were a little tough :)
PS. Here u go again with that scorching look... ;)
What our resolution needs to be it up, and breaking through all the barriers and walls..just for the sake that we can soar high, higher..and to the hightest peak..
And you rightly is nothing but an ice cream..we just have to be happy..whether we mess it up, or eat it up cleanly..:)..
I sincerely hope this year goes well for all of us..all those who've not-so-high-spirits the past year..
Love ya,
thats exactly wat i do ... (read as dont do) ... I have never ever taken any resolutions or made any plans for the new year :) (just that this time my family has resolved to get me married ;)) ...
I too believe in the stars and destiny ... all's written there aint it ?? :)
have fun mate ... take care!
my life is totally messed up...guess m livin it n enjoyin it fully :P :P
yeah but i agree wid ya...i believe destiny does play an imp role in our lives...brilliant post to start d new yr wid :)
starting the new year with a set of advises:P how u been??
"aankhen teri...itni haseen...."
won't translate :D
Well I think resolutions are like have to work really hard on them...but it surely feels great if you achieve what you resolved for :)
One more thing...I blv if I tell someone about my resolution...i wont succeed in that :D
Have a fantastic 2009 !
Luv ya
filled with new spirits as always Keshi...
hey..happy new yr..hope u ve a great yr ahead of u
thats a way to tell that you love us all.. good..
come back soon Keshi girl!! Love you!
Happy New Year!
...No, even i can't live by resolutions. i rather live with emotions and a lot of masala and messy eating etiquette. so what spice are you adding to your recipe this year???
my my my, i realize how i miss ur posts when u re not there, with the music ur choose as well it gave me the impression i can realize stuff i always wanted but i won t force myself toward the year to achieve them :P
I hope u had a great new year s eve. Wish u all the best for the year 2009 Missy.
PS: i m wondering what happened in 2003...
i blv in embracing life as it comes to me :)
this is juz another thrill :D
n check out wat i got for u..
stay happy...
keep smiling....
we can't cheat the stars and our destiny.. but we can B+
the long and short of it is - satisfaction
I agree with you that one must face everything the way it comes and live with happiness. One may make plans to change for the better but not be pressurised with that. I am sorry to hear something what happened in March 2003 changed you so much. If you wish to, please do share it instead of keeping it close to your heart.
Take care
Life & Plans..Oh my ,Have I ever Made One...Just kept on going all these years..
Good read Keshi,Have a fun filled year ahead..Happy New Year to You
could relate to it completely... u know you realize the harder you try the more the frustrations grow... the more it adds to your pain... hmmm n i definitely do agree somethings are just not meant to be... and its better off this way...
I feel enlightened! :)
Wish u a very happy new year, Keshi! Wish u wonderful days ahead! :)
i learnt a valuable lesson from you..coz even im a perfectionist.. and what yu spoke about is something i need to learn too :)
thanks :)
you have been awarded :D
i truly believe whatever should happen, good or bad, it will happen... though we always have a choice :)
Happy New Year!! :)
No resolution, no blue print, nah! Kesh. You can't plan life. A life planned is no life as such. Do you plan an adventure? No, you don't.
Come back from holidays soon. Stay good.
That was very inspiring!Indeed,no matter how much we plan,how much we strive,in the end what happens is already written in the stars.
Have a great 2009 dear! :)
Hi,Keshi!"Go with the flow"-yep,that's the key word for the New Year and every other year..being positive,hopeful,peaceful,loving..all are character traits that help us towards our goals,I agree.
Everything that happens,is for a purpose,good or bad-and,it's how you adapt to each situation that makes you a winner..but,isn't it easier said than done?I mean,there are times when,in spite of my best efforts,I feel cynical and irked-and,can't avoid speaking my mind to those causing it..LOL-but then,that's also part of the adapting,I guess!
Cheerio and thanks for a grt NY post...Happy NY and,u have some grt years ahead!!:)
:D i don't make NY resolutions :P
hmmm... that one hit me home somewhere...
have a great year mate... lots of love... Cheers...
I'm not a resolution person. If I want to make sure something happens during the year, I'll do my best to make it happen. But I mean, can one really decide at the beginning of the year what goals he or she wants to accomplish?
I mean there are just too many variables in play. Things change. Sometimes goals kind of fall through. With resolutions, we feel like we've failed which may not be completely accurate.
I agree totally with you Kesh. We just need to enjoy life and live it the best we can.
Keshi, You are a great writer and a great mind :) Could I invite you to write in
Thanks Prabir
life is like eating an ice-cream...the messier you get trying to eat it, the more you have enjoyed, tasted and LIVED it. :)
What a philosophy!!!
All the best Girl
Hello keshi di....HAPPY NEW YEAR>...and it was my budday too on new 14 :D
Love ya...
now resolutions.... just telling myself to be MYSELF :D
Last night I saw Taare Zameen Par again...Hope you have seen the movie Keshi...
Though the thread is different, this post is interesting Keshi...
I like most of your viewpoints :)
Happy New Year!!!
Thats what I am gonna do.. Take it as it comes.. No breaking head on planning things.. :D
Waiting for the pics babes ;)
Hi, how are you? You have beautiful and attractive eyes. I mean it. An award for you at my blog.:))
awesome post keshi..and yeah the best things in life are always unplanned, so my motto is plan to unplan!!!!
And I know only one way to eat an ice-cream :)(and I mean it)
First post on 2009! so how'd your new year go?
Yup swim with the flow..
personally I don't keep resolutions..
'coz I never achieved anything in resolution :P
Life was full of surprises for me..
still it's going.. let's see where it takes me
Absolutely hun!completely agree with wht u hav said. I used to b very finicky few yrs back and i was very rigid in my thoughts, but not has changed for me in many ways and i m glad tht i hav bcome more flexible now. :) It helps to accept things as and when they come to us. Hope to see u back soon! Take care and lots of love.
Wishing peace & prosper 2009.
Hey, Happy NY, Kesh!
Hey, Happy NY, Kesh!
Keshi, A year ago I invited you to sign up for my giveaway. I'm celebrating two years this time. It would be an honor to have you come and sign up for another try at getting one of my caricatures for free.
Life sucks at times and yet we still look forward with renewed hope and a desire to change things for the good... hope u hv a great 2009!
I for the most part don't try Hew Years resolutions since I have found personally that if I make a goal and don't start out on the plan right then my resolution will almost certainly fail. Then again my laid back attitude does not have me making any real habit of massive resolutions. Like you said if its going to happen it well.
I'm sorry, my mind is elsewhere tonight. I hope you had a great holiday and that we all have a better New Year.
The only resolution i follow is that, "If life's a bitch then i m gonna be the stray dog"
Good Morning sweets :) was the weekend :)....and hoz the sunshine :)..
yes dahlin @Ne
we will get messed up every now n then...if we dun, then we cant be LIVING life to the max.
*HUGZ* do come bak soon!
hey Suresh Im glad ur still blogging or else we wudnt hv met, right?
**"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
Spot on! I love that quote Lennon.
While we r busy planning, Fate is sitting in a corner, chuckling away :)
Caz I hope so too :) tnxx hun!
;-) Lavida
tnxx n same to ya Stygian!
hey Tarun!
**Have a purpose go with the flow to the goal."
thats what I meant tho all of it was not in the same line :)
**If anything would want to be more humble and less angry towards people.
I wish I cud do that too...sometimes I lose it big time with some ppl lol!
btw Tarun, no Ice cream isnt a good brekky idea! :)
"Break d Rules" it is Rat! :)
hey ty Anwesa!
hey Hemz hows it going?
yes...u may lose ur battle but dun lose HOPE.
Cos if we LIMIT ourselves to just a few goals, we will not see how LIMITLESS we can be :)
yes Trinaa u must be!
cos if ur life wasnt a mess and if it was all pinned up neatly, how exciting is it? :)
hey Nikhil ty :)
hey ty Starry!
**I think we should be making life changes and not just for the new year
Spot on! If in LIFE we r achievers by default, theres no need to make YEARLY goals.
Vivek hey WC n ty!
ur so right...we confuse ourselves :)
hey Rakesh!
yes...take it as it comes...
aww ty Crystal!
yes live life to the max, no matter what.
Hey Keshi,
I dont know butoften people tend to take this personally especially after a happening weekend.
Happy Monday.
hey ty Hiren!
**just that this time my family has resolved to get me married
WOW! does that mean I'll get invited to yet another beautiful Indian wedding this year? :)
A very happy new year to you keshi :)
hey ty Mayz!
yes, never shun Destiny...cos it never shuns us :)
Sawan yes I love giving advice cos usually its for myself too lol!
hey Prakar!
I know the meaning anyways :) tnxx!
**but it surely feels great if you achieve what you resolved for
I agree..
Happy New Year to ya too n HUGS!
hey Gypsy :)
hey Mav long time no see...hows u?
and tnxx :)
aww tnxx Chriz :)
hehehe Nachi MWAH!
**so what spice are you adding to your recipe this year???
Im adding some hot chilli n corriander ;-) and u?
**Cos if we LIMIT ourselves to just a few goals, we will not see how LIMITLESS we can be :)
my goals r very few :P like 1000 heheh...just kiddin :)..yes i feel i am limitless sometimes :)..
hey Cess MWAH I missed ya too!
Hows everything going with ya? Seems like ur having a ball! :)
TC n continue hvn fun!
Good on ya Richa!
n tnxx alot for ur kindness *HUGZ* :)
So true Arjun!
**we can't cheat the stars and our destiny.. but we can B+
Spot on! We cannot really go against our Destinies...we can only work towards them, if u know wut I mean :)
ty so much Jack!
Dun worry...I hv grown immensely from that experience and Im thankful for wut happened :)
Way to be CU :)
Swayam thats right..sometimes we put too much effort into things that dun need that much attention. And there r alot of imp things that go unnoticed in that appreciating simple things in life.
hey ty Shruti!
hey ty Phoenix!
And tnxxk alot for ur generosity too HUGS!
ty Lena!
I agree..we do hv a choice, but I believe even when we make choices, whats gonna happen happens :)
hey Soul ty!
Ur spot on! no one can PLAN an adventure.
hey ty Sameera!
Amit dun worry, this post didnt ask u not tell ppl off LOL!
Hey Vish Im the same :)
hey ty Arv n u too! :)
hey AB tnxx mate!
**I mean there are just too many variables in play
spot on! thats exactly wut I mean. There r too many variables, and most of em r not even included in our PLANS!
hey Prabir tnxx! :)
I will check ur site soon.
hehehehe tnxx Maddy ;-)
hey Meghna ur only 14? WOW! :) HAPPY BDAY DAHLIN!
hey ty Devika!
**Taare Zameen Par
nope hvnt seen it good? :)
hey Saffy HUGS n tnxx hun!
hey Urv good on ya! :)
pics will come soon hehe..
hey ty Venus! :)
hey ty Rahul!
planning to unplan is a neat idea!
**And I know only one way to eat an ice-cream
how? :)
very true Aneesh!
true Ria...I hv learnt the same over the years and Im all laid back now :)
Hi Keshi
Lovely post!
I had a great time while I was away soaking up the sun and trying to keep my clothes on.:)
I think we're all governed by a force or forces beyond our control. What happens, happens and it’s all cool.
aww ty Hobo and same to ya!
Happy New Year to u too Whitenoise! :)
Hows u?
Hey Rick! :)
very True Dewdrop n tnxx!
BB its ok :)
And I agree...laid-back is the way to be!
hey Southy!
**"If life's a bitch then i m gonna be the stray dog"
Now thats a noiiiice one mate! ;-)
Im good Hemz tnxx n u? :)
hey Tarun take wut personally?
Happy Monday to u too! :)
hey tnxx Sunita n same to ya!
haha Hemz so ur goals r LIMITLESS? LOL!
being limitless is cool :P...but unlimited is not cool :) how was the weekend...and how did u like the cat i gave :P..
hey Bev WB n HUGS!
I missed ya girl. Nice to know u kept ur clothes on somehow LOL!
I liked the cat alot Hemz! :) Weekend was very busy...Im still not back but found some time to reply to comments today hehe..
i know u wud surprise with ur post...actually i am not able to get wat to blog :(...any ideas pls...yeh one of frnd said i made all bloggers cats
Wonderful post .. We dream about a certain life but the "strs have something else lined up for us ..
Have a wonderful 2009 sweets ... Hugs and take care :)
I have my first semester exams starting tomm.
*Confused, bemused looks*
good one, buddy. but the way u ended the post made me break some resolutions i've made. u wrote something abt "ice cream" n i wanted to skip as long as i can. but now, am going to have one... ;)
superb mail, I really love your Posts. keep writing such good posts.:)
hi keshi girl..happy new year to u..may god bles u wit happines..n peace..tcare gal...hugsss
How was New year?
Any faab thing you did?
heyyy NUTTY! Wishing you a great year ahead :). Hope you had a great time during the holidays. Keep yapping ... he he
awww. ths a soo sweet of a gesture.. i m touched...
Hi keshi.... wish you a very happy new year....
beautifully written :)
ur absolutely right...i dont believe in being a perfectionist because the fun is being imperfect and yet enjoying every bit of it...
cheers and hope the new year is filled with happiness for all of us :)
Keshi Dear,
Prospero Año Nuevo!
You seem to echo some of my experiences as is,
Planning and resolutions doesn't work for me much.
I am also let go kind of guy.
But i am more of maths kind, If i can't control something, i really don't consider it as a factor.
I try to do my best, do planning for small time and small goals. that keeps me happy and no mammoth tasks on my list, no unrealistic promises. YES! but i try to do some wacky insane things.
Should's and must's and all those bindings suck. i mean for whom all those pretenses are for?
Happy New Year Keshi!! Hope it's full of nice things :)
This is so true..I also beileve in the fate funda..whatever has to happen will surely happen no matter what and theres always a reason to it !! So no use fretting over everything..
Its always good to enjoy whatever comes ur way and be happy :)
Happy New Year, Keshi.
I have missed you!!!!!
Missed you!!!
Missed you!!!
Even though I have been gone from Blogland for some time, you know I have kept you in my thoughts and heart!
Wonderful writing....thank you!
I don't make new year resolutions but I am going to start training for a marathon and I will run it...a promise to myself!
I do love to run so it won't be too hard.....hope not anyway.
Talk later.
I am heading out to dinner in a few minutes, soon as hubbby & son get home.
And, I think I'll have some yummy ice-cream (with apple pie) for dessert.
Bye, hun!
Take good care of your special and wonderful self!
This post carries so much courage keshi. What have to happen, will, when it’s out of our control.
“For I believe in Life goals...not in just yearly goals. “ Well said dear!
Hemz here's some blogging advice, since u asked:
Blog for urself...not for anyone else. Blog wuts in ur heart or abt wut ur interests r. Then u dun hv to ask anyone else abt wut u should write :)
true Deepti!
I believe wutever choices we make, we r only working towards our Destinies.
aww Tarun I hope all's going well so far then?
haha Satish Im sorry I was being a spoiler of ur plans :P)
ty DreamCatcher! :)
hey ty Anits!
Im a lil busy at the moment so I can only visit very few blogs per day...I'll come ard as soon as I get some time ok.
Crystal I had a good break..will tell u all abt it soon ok. :)
tnxx sweetz!
hehehe Samy ;-) tnxx mate n u too!
hey Richa MWAH!
hey Anks ty sweetz!
hey Pri tnxx dahlin!
Very true Tequila :)
Im a wild-flower...I dun need TLC or special care..I just grow on my own and free of any fuss too...
ty Dewdrop! :)
ty Prashanti!
yes...I believe in Destiny...or else we ALL wud hv been born with the same level of senses. :)
awww Margie dear u hv no idea on how many occasions I hv been thinking of ya, tho u were not in Blogville for a v long time! *HUGZ* I missed u too!
Marathon? WOW! Go for it girl! Im sure u can do it. ALL THE BEST TOO!
I hope u had a lovely holiday season Margz. MWAHHHHHH!
ty Jeevan!
yes..and that courage came from my experiences...:)
don't worry yaar. i somehow avoided having an ice cream... :(
Me feelsh nice you called me Sunshine Girl :P
you deserved those awards to bits baby :)
have fun and HNY :)
Stars... after reading this... i feel good bout all tht i have but guess wt - m being a lil greedy too...i wish i have some more too
good thinkin n great writin as always!!!
hope u had a a rocking start this new yr
Good on ya Satish! :)
awww HUGS Sunshine girl! :)
That nic suits u the most..cos u do spread alot of genuine smiles in Blogville.
hehe Div tnxx hun MWAH!
"Perfectionist" is what I'd like to call myself too... And then comes Dali.
Profound... Very.
true Kartz :(
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