I just have to show you all how suga-candy-cupcake-sweet some people can be, and how much sweetness they have in them that they just go out of their way to make others happy. Some people here have been really active in spreading Sweetness this week, and I just wanna thank them in my blog today. The beauty of their hearts need to be recognised...cos they touched my heart from across the seas. Needless to say, I felt really loved by them all. So here I go:
The Pursuit Of Sweetness...
Crystal is one of my dearest blog mates here...she's quite young but a very talented and creative writer. Apart from many awards and surprises she always gives others, she created this beautiful image for me, even without me asking her to do it. It just goes to show how much some people think about you and do things in their spare time just to make you happy. Now that kind of quality is very rare in this world today...cos we live in a world where people are always out to eat each other alive or put others down. So, I really wanna thank Crystal and let her know that she really made me glow looking at this image this morning. Thanks hun I love ya!
Sweetness Makes The Heart Grow Fonder...
Another such Angel of Sweetness is Pri, another dearest mate of mine here. She has a new blog post where she has invited people to dedicate songs to others, and through that post she really managed to make me smile alot...cos so many of my friends have dedicated beautiful songs for me over there. That sweetness will live in my heart for a very long time. So thanks to all those who dedicated songs for me and also to Pri for finding time and putting so much effort to make others happy. Sweetness cannot get any sweeter than that Pri, HUGS!
Every Dark Cloud Has A Sweet Lining...
I also wanna thank Hemz for always cheering me up with his emails, posts and the lovely images that he creates just for me. He's as sweet as suga candy hehe. I don't get time to post about ALL the nice images he always creates for me, but they r all in my heart. The one on the right here was also made by Hemz, just for me. I just want to take this opportunity to thank Hemz for being so patient with me and for always being there for me. And the sweet email he sent me yesterday had me smiling. You're a beautiful Sweetness Spreader Hemz, God bless ya!
Sweetness Knows No Distance...
My bestest bro Sourish has been a tower of strength for me in ways that's hard to express. No we haven't even chatted online except through our blogs, but I know I can always, I mean ALWAYS count on him. There's an emotional connection between us that don't need any physical validation. Simply cos he believes in me just like I do in him. And to me, that's all that matters. Today he left a very sweet message for me in Pri's blog...I was touched. Also, he gave me this unique award very long time ago and was upset that I didn't acknowledge it in my blog. aww I'm really sorry it took this long bro, but that's cos all your sweet gestures are always in my heart anyways. I love ya, thanks for being the sweetest bro ever...the brother I never had. HUGS!
Sweetness Is The Limit...
Ria is another supa sweetie pie. She has always been there for me and just this week I got an ecard from her...it really made me beam like happy bubbly sunrays :). Cos my heart was warmed and I felt really loved and thought of fondly. I always wanted to say alot about Ria in my blog, but I was always at a loss for words...cos she and I are so much alike and I felt that if I were to talk about her, it would be like telling you all about me again and again LOL! Yes, we are that similar in many ways. Ria, we may be miles apart but our hearts, souls and spirits are one. You know what I mean dun u? Thanks sista I love ya! And this is my fav pic of you, hence I put it up here :).
Some Sweetness A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away...
And this week, one other sweet thing happened. I had a long, sweet, loving, caring and funny message on my voicemail yesterday, all the way from Colorado USA. It was from Margie...the purest soul on Earth! Her message made me smile, teary, laugh, giggle and relaxed after a very long day. I guess simple gestures can't get any sweeter than that right? So thanks Margie for being the sweet-heart that you are...you brightened up my week by mega-watts of smiles. Luv ya tonnz! The bracelet that you sent me last year and the earrings that I sent you last year are so very lucky...cos they are near each other now! btw this is Margie and Jake...arent they SWEET!
Now I know ALL of you who read my blog are Sweetness spreaders in many many ways. Cos everyday when I check my blog comments, I smile away like there's no tomorrow hehe. I can't imagine how SOUR my world would be without you guys. So THANKS A TON guys for being here, I love ya all! Keep spreading the sweetness, cos we need alot of that right now. Be sweet to people in your nature, not just in words. Be the Sweetness that you want to see in others. And the Sweetness you give others will follow you like a shadow and pleasantly surprise you some day. btw this song is for ALL of you who make my life sweeter by being in it...if you're reading this now, this song is for you too. And even if you don't wanna say a word in my blog anymore I just wanna thank you for being SWEET to me whenever you could in the past...thanks, and sorry I never told you before. LOVE YOU ALL ALWAYS! Current Music: One Sweet Day by Mariah Carey
132 Cranium Signets:
let me be first to comment :P...
Well isn't the world sweet??
...Know none of them except Crystal....and yes she is verrryy sweet!!!..
There is a certain kinda sweetness in your blog....so shouldn't sweetness repel it....I am sorry my mind is full of book crap right now!! :P
Take Care..
Yay I am the first to comment!!! :P
crystal's pic is sooo sweet its pinkish shade is apt for ya :)...and collage mixture is supa cool.....
pri's post was very touching indeed..the dedication u gave me was soo sweet...i wanted to reply...my sickness made me postpone it :(..will do it soon :)..
hemz....he is tupid sometimes :P...u know that...
sourish i cant argue abt him :P...he is pure as crystal water thats a true fact...
ria her posts always leave a smile on me...
margie never spoke to her ...but will do it from today..get ready margie :)....
and the song u selected was sweet for everyone :)..
What a sweet post from a Sweet-heart!
Thank you so much for including me among all those other kind people!
You touched my heart!
I did not have the best of days and this sweet post made me smile!
Time for bed fo me as it has been a rather trying day but tomorrow will be better!
Nitey nite Sweetie!
Luv ya!
hey believe me kesh, its good to hav caring friends, rather than havin ones who we think we r close with , while they bitch behind our backs and get jelous with everythin we hav and smile at all our miseries...
Oh, I forget....the song is awesome!
BIG HUG and good- night.
Man, am I tired....I was watching John & Kate....Plus 8(love that show) and actually fell asleep....my hubby came down to the den & woke me up to come to bed...LOL!
U r surrounded by sooo much sweetness!! Awwwwwwwww
That was such a chooooo chweeet post. The way you show your appreciation and recognise your readers and friends definitely makes me think that you are from some other world :)
Joining you on your call to spread sweetness.
sweet...i used to be that sweet girl...now i'm like queen mary of scots! :P
Chrys,hemz n ria are utterly butterly sweet ppl.I love 'em too.. :) Its good to be having friends who care.
Take care sis n keep smiling.wishin ya sweetness all along in life.. :)
:) hey happy new year ' Sweets'
I've been a lil away ..thanks to work pressure !! looking fwd to get back to writing and reading...
Hope u had a good summer
nice..u deserve it
Sigh***will i ever see my name in such lists i doubt...:)
Thats a good list of ppl there, out of which i think i hv read Margie in the past thru saby...he once recommended me to read her page...:)
Girly... saw aayushi's blog dedication for u d first thing in morning.. Pri's dedicationg thingy has more songs for u than anyone else... noticed Mayzzz too..
d Spotlight is totally on u
:-) Keep Rocking...
im touched...thats soo sweet of you keshi...thankyou soo much girl (((hugzzz)))
and yes u know when it comes to being sweet, noone can top you...i dunno how u manage to find the time to reach everyone and touch their hearts in your own special way :)
like i always say, u rockk!
Damn it, Kesh! After reading this "sweet" post, I suddenly felt uneasy, immediately saw a doc and he says I am diabetic. Ha! ha! ha!
Sorry for the PJ. Honestly, there quite a few sweet people around which makes the world such a good place to be in. People who want nothing in return, just want you to be happy.
Include me in that list of yours or I will badger you with songs, images and other such things right away. Don't worry, just kidding. I won't do that but would pray you are happy always.
A sweet post from a real sweetie...
have a nice evening da... take care... cheers...
oh my god!..it was such a sweet gesture......
u r the bestest sissy too :P
by the way I kno hemu and aayushi are are sweethearts too...only i m not able to make a suitable award to recognize them...due to my workload..but will do it sooner....
Hey!!!how are u? yet to read ur posts..will comment soon..ok
hi sweety...wat a sweet post..really enjoyed it..hv a nice day k? n tcre..muahhh
wow!i m speechles.....tht was the sweetest post i hav ever seen. Its so sweet tht i m afraid i might get diabetes!! ;) Thanks a ton for all tht u hav said babe. :) It just made me feel so good abt myself. U r one the most wonderful ppl tht i hav ever come across. *Hugs*
Reads a sugary posts and goes off to eat some spicy chinese food.
Shall comment on the blog later.
The virtual world can be such a blessing too...
Beautiful words for beautiful people.
Peace. Be well.
keshi, that was so nice of you to pint out some very sweetie pies out in the bloggerville. will check out all those sweet blogs soon
Wow, this is one bunch of sweet bloggers (all of them including you)
But c'mmon can we now have some confrontation - agression - difference of opinion here???
Let's have some intellectually scintillating arguments... all in good spirit though.
I made a self video to wish someone a happy nu yr...
its a diff thing...they didnt even acknowledge it :P ...good in a way...i thought i made an ass of myself on video...
such is life...neways find me kinky readers...my blog is perishing :(
u r sweet too..in fact very much so! loved this post...some heartfelt dedications here :))
This virtual world is so darn real!
Btw-Keshi,it wasn't an header..its a total template!! :)
Check the link again!
And wuts with dropping by your blog tonight?
Whtssup? :O
i went to a doctor to check my fever out...guess wat he told..he said i am filled with sweetness which keshi rote today....u really made my day sweets...u really are sweets :)...well i call u sweets from long time so i copy rite it :P...
loads of love sweets and hugs to ..sleep well :)..
So much sweetness stretched here immensely dear :) must be glad to having such sweetness around you, am envious at u.lol! enjoy those feeling;) I wish you happy pongal.
:D :) :) :) :)
but someone stole a poem of mine :(
I m glad u re surrounded by sweet people u deserve it sweety :P
Get sweet sweeter and sweetest..
Nicely done
But but but...YOU are the sweetest! XOXO!!!!!!!!
i had been reading your name on lots of blogs. god why i did i take so long to come here...... this is such a cool blog....i liked it tremendously....
I guess I know Crystal and Pri!! and they both are super sweet! :) But apart from them, I'm still to get in touch with others, so I'm right away clicking on their links now :p!
Sp. mention: Crystal is a great writer!! :):)
The world is good to those who are good :) I'm happy for you :)
Friends add so much cheer to our lives :)
hey there keshi dear!!!
nice post...u are always so gracious!!!.....
and am missing u on my blog!!!!!
the post is just soooo sweet :)
The collage by crystal is awesome!!!!!!!
you got your bunch of people around you who love you for what you are...
happy for that.. and really glad to know all the names you mentioned..
god bless
And I am glad to hear you have lot of sweet friends in the blogosphere.. Your great personality is what I love the most.. :)
Keep spreading sweetness to everyone of us.. :D
My Interview
P/S: An interview which I did mention you. You're the best, keshi! :D
My 'sweetness' is HOT and comes with a bit of salt, sour...
A garam masala of sorts:
wanna try!? :))
love, always
Hi,Keshi...that was a nice 'thanks' to all your blog readers:)
U know,maybe that's the reason I'm addicted to blogging since I started..namely,I see much less of the nastiness of the real rat race world out here.People are much more friendly, people always rally around even in times of sadness, I don't hear any backbiting(most of the time.LOL)....
So, here's ending this comment with a 'Always be the wonderful person that you are!'to you.Cheers!!:)
PS:I'm just putting in the missing words of the last post..maybe u'll guess now!!:)
hey sweetipie....
tat was a real post.....howdy do eh...take care honey....
Thanx for the dedication. It is one of my favourite. I love those romantic lines in the middle para.
See my dedication to you. Jai Ho to you and your mission of spreading sweetness.
Hi Keshi
'How sweet it is!' - Jackie Gleason
Very nice post!
I hear hear that you're in a heatwave. Can you fax me some of that warm air. LOL
I was looking at myself in a mirror and after I pulled myself up off the floor, I noticed I have pimple on a certain place which no pimple should ever be.
(Not On My Ass!)
It’s on the tip of my nose. I have never had a pimple on my nose. I feel like Broom Hilda, the witch with a pimple on her nose.
I know, here’s the world going to hell, and I’m worried about a pimple.:)
Hemz thats cheating! :)
aww ty Akshat! :)
yes I can be SWEET sometimes...and at other time I can be sour, bitter, spicy etc etc!
hey Hemz ty!
They r all very SWEET ppl yes...including all the others here in my blog. I guess Im v lucky to hv so many sweet ppl in my life :)
Margie hey I saw ur latest post...all will be ok, trust me. HUGS!
Besides, rem Sweetness given will come back to ya? And since ur one of the very SWEET ppl on Earth, u will get tonnz in return.
TC luv!
Enigma I hv had all kinds of FRIENDS in my life :) Sweet, sour, bitter etc etc. So its great to celebrate the sweet ones every now n then.
HUGS and ur one of the sweet ones too!
lol Margie go sleep now!
Saffy thats cos I live in a Sugar castle in Blogville ;-)
hey ty Suresh! :)
**The way you show your appreciation and recognise your readers and friends definitely makes me think that you are from some other world
haha mebbe Im from Suga-pluto?
haha Dal o cmon, I think ur still very sweet!
hey ty Nikhil :)
hey Shoe_girl WB! :)
and tnxx!
u too Lavida..ur one of the SWEETEST!
hey Southy!
**will i ever see my name in such lists i doubt
aww why d u DOUBT that?
besides this was a list of friends who were SWEET to me, especially this week...so dun be sad now...u r all in my heart :)
hey ty Rat!
hey tnxx Pri!
no no no...ur the SWEETEST! :)
haha Soul!
** I suddenly felt uneasy, immediately saw a doc and he says I am diabetic
well didnt he prescribe insulin injections...which is Keshi btw. lol!
**People who want nothing in return, just want you to be happy.
And ur one of them.
I really love ur spirit...ur such a cool person.
ty for being u!
hey Arv u too!
hey Bro HUGS!
Now dun ever try to be an Uncle ok...lol! (see last post)
Bro hey thats really sweet of ya! They'll love it.
hey Krithika WB!
hey ty sweet Anits! :)
ty Ria and u deserve all the love!
haha @diabetes! o well, if u get it, just find a hunky diabetes specialist and u'll be right ;-)
*HUGZ* luv ya!
Tarun lol!
ty Kartz!
**The virtual world can be such a blessing too...
it sure can! tho some ppl dun 'believe' in virtual friendships. they r sadly mistaken.
hey ty Satish! :)
hey ty Rakesh!
**Let's have some intellectually scintillating arguments... all in good spirit though
I've had many such posts before so I thought I needed some SUGA now
Thats so v sweet of ya Mystique!
**didnt even acknowledge it
trust me, I've been there! sometimes ppl dunno how to or when to 'acknowledge' sweet gestures...sometimes they just dun wanna 'believe' in that sweetness. but guess what...its not our problem is it? Its their's!
*HUGZ* ur wonderful and keep doing sweet things anyways :)
aww ty Trinaa n u too...sweet as!
HUGS Crystal!
**This virtual world is so darn real!
I agree! this is where my SPIRIT came to LIFE.
I know its a template too lol! tnxx hun!
aww Hemz now Im the reason for a disease? LOL tnxx!
tell ur doc he needs to go back to Med school :)
Jeevan ur def one of those SWEETEST ppl in my life!
Vish cheerup...I left a comment there. dun worry...he/she will realise now.
u too Cess...ur one of the SWEETEST!
hey Aneesh Im a suga cube now lol!
awww u too Asha HUGS!
Im getting all dizzy from too much suga intake ;-)
hey Jyotsana WC n ty! :)
Its lovely to hv u in my blog.
hey ty Shrav! :)
hey Shalini WC to my world n ty!
**The world is good to those who are good
I agree. u've just got to see the GOOD in others for GOOD to come to u.
hey Sushmita HUGS!
Im sorry I've been away for a lil while...so cudnt get to all my sweet friends' blogs like before. but I dropped by ur's today :)
hey Prashanti ty!
yes...the collage is awesome!
Chriz u too..u always make me laugh and ur one of the sweetest guys around. ty n HUGS!
Curry that Interview rocked! WOW ur superb gal! And ty for mentioning me in there too :) I feel really honored!
*HUGZ luv ya!
Devika sweetie I've tried it...ur a super-sweet-spicy-licious gal! :)
Keshi....bak after an eternity here and trust I missed his place.
So apt though that my first post bak n u hv dis swt swt post...
btw...thnx missin me in 2009
the feeling was very much mutual.
drop by my blog...posted after a long time.
hehehe Amit ty!
Yes..amidst all the chaos in our day to day lives, Blogville is a blessing!
And ur one of those very SWEET ppl too...I'll mention that on another day ;-)
hey Mia ty darl!
hey Suresh Im so v glad u enjoyed that song...its one of my favs too :)
I'll check ur dedication to me once Pri publishes the comments. tnxx alot!
LOL Bev now a pimple on ur nose? o well, just use some toothpaste on it! :)
**I hear hear that you're in a heatwave. Can you fax me some of that warm air.
yes! I dun need to fax em to ya...just fly over wont ya? :)
hey CN WB we all missed ya!
I'll come see ya soon :)
awwwww, thts such a sweet post :) luv u too keshie girlie :P
Sawan u ok? u sound so distant...
tnxx n TC!
As always your posts really intrigues me. You have an amazing writing skills which can take people in a dream world ... expand their mind ... it's awesome.
The reason the other day I requested you to write something is because you have an amazing skill to touch people's heart ... and it somehow aligns to our mission of "inspiring humanity" :)
The truth is "Life is beautiful, Belief is powerful ... when you ..." To read the full post click here:
So ... keep shining ... spread your light and let others shine through your light :)
Viva forever ...
WOW Prabirsaha u really made my day with that comment of ur's! :) TY from the bottom of my heart.
* You have an amazing writing skills which can take people in a dream world ... expand their mind ...
really? Im glad. Its my intention to make ppl happy, forget abt their worries and live life to the fullest each DAY. Inpiring humanity is the word!
After all, we live a very short life...why make it complicated or any shorter right? :)
ty for the inspiration!
You are such a lucky person to have such suh-weet people in your life..and I know that you appreciate them...
and I mean all of them.
A true friend stabs you in the front.
Oscar Wilde
yellow!!more dedications for ya :D
babes, ur the topmost on the popularity charts ;)
So nice of you to appreciate all your dear friends.
What a coincidence, i did that too at my blog.
Taking this opportunity to thank you for dropping by at my blog too : )
**Hemz thats cheating! :)
lol...y is it cheating :P...
**tell ur doc he needs to go back to Med school :)
hahah he may kick me out if i say so :)...
gud mornin...sweets..hows the sunshine :)..
Its okay, i was just sulking a lil bit thats all...
thats a wonderful getsture of showing your affection to friends ....
i wud suggest you to control your intake of sweets though ... you dont need additional sugar with so many sweet friends around :)
I know it will be ok, Keshi!
I have faith!
You are soooo darn sweet, Keshi.
Thanxxxx for those kind words!
Thank you for being my friend!
i love d pic crystal has made for ya...yeah she is d sweetest!!!
n we all know how sugar coated hemu is...
u have great wonderful keshi n d reason for that is coz u r a wonderful person urself!!!
Yes, the doc prescribed Keshu-lin, something akin to insulin, but I am wondering how can the cause be the cure!!!! Do tell me...
Thanks, Kesh for those nice words.
Stay happy.
:) not at all distant.. i had my performance rating done yesterday :P obviously i was not happy :)
seems like this year is gona be anotr struggle work wise :(
hwz u?
hey Donno ty!
**A true friend stabs you in the front.
So true!
but u know wut...I've stabbed so many of my friends in the front and now they abandoned me. cos they cudnt bear to hear the truth right in the open and on their face! Now Im friend-less.
aww ty Pri!
ty Veni!
Yes sometimes we've just got to stop and look how much we HAVE, than how much we dun HAVE. And yes I HAVE alot of SWEET ppl in my life :)
tnxx to u too!
Hemz its CHEATING cos u just wanna be 1st to comment w.o. reallly leaving a comment thats relevant to the topic of the post lol!
Southy hey :) u know u n few others here my oldest friends and dun need to be in any list to be proved that right?
Hiren my suga intake has become so high Im dizzy like a spiral staircase now lol!
Im glad Margie. HUGS! :)
aww ty Mayz!
Hemz is also HONEY-coated! :)
haha Soul ok!
**but I am wondering how can the cause be the cure!!!! Do tell me...
o well, dun u know that the SUN can be the reason for warmth as well as heat? ;-)
Sawan awww thats not good news..but hey, work on it...prove to them that u CAN improve.
All the best!
sweetness should be spread every day.I thnk you are so sweet thats why I am attracted to your blog.Happy sweetness day Keshi.
keshi girl u r writing so fast, i have to read two more posts.you are such a nice human being, its but obvious so many people love you.
aww ty Starry!
I guess sometimes Im too sweet ppl get dizzy cos of me lol!
Anuz awwww ty! :)
**keshi girl u r writing so fast
haha! u know this week I was totally work-free...mebbe cos its the beginning of the year n all. So I blogged every single day! cos I know soon I wont be able to do that :(
How can anyone forget the sweet Keshi girl:)
Now that's one sweet post Kelle!You deserve all this and more :)
awww that was a very sweet post.. awwww n must say u r a sweet person too :) muuaaahh
awww ty Priya!
u too Sameera MWAH!
Ani u too hun tnxx n HUGS!
I like ur blog for its beauty not only for it for huge commints shows i ur popularity and marketings i am one of ur fan thank u happynw year
hey Mallikarjuna WC to my world and tnxx alot for ur sweet encouragement! :)
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