Thursday, April 16

The Hollow Tree

Full Of Empty
Man gets an education, an executive position, a suit and a briefcase. And he thinks he knows everything. But without LOVE there's no DEPTH in you...just like a hollow tree full of EMPTY.

Education doesn't always mean SENSIBILITY. Age doesn't always mean MATURITY. Your career status doesn't always mean CONSCIOUSNESS. How many times in our lives have we met people (including ourselves) who think they know everything but have screwed up big time? The truth is, no matter how much we think we KNOW, there's always something that is UNKNOWN to us out there. Learning never ends, but in the process of seeking knowledge people often disregard the basic elements of life and humanity. We often disregard them as boring, old, common, cliched etc etc. But in those elements lies hidden secrets and huge potential that many people fail to realise. Most of us go to our graves thinking we learnt alot in this life but having disregarded the very lessons that we should have spent more time and effort on practising. I believe that we humans have been given 'everything' we need to live a beautiful life. Just that we seem to love to screw up alot.

Learning To Unlearn...
So you've got a Uni degree or 2, you've got a great job, people think you've done well in life, you found your life-partner, you have a beautiful car and a house, you're cruising in life...but you don't have 2mins to listen to someone who's in pain, you don't want to hug a total stranger just cos you think it's fake and silly, you don't wanna forgive that someone who you claim hurt you long time ago, you hold on to a grudge for years and years, you think you know what Love is but you simply don't know how to put it into action, you are mangled in your own ego, you don't see the suffering of another as long as you're ok, you think you nailed it in life but you have done nothing to make someone else feel better? It's high time you learn to unlearn...unlearn all the misconceptions you have about the basic elements of humanity...such as Love, Compassion and Kindness. Give it a try...put them on a pedestal and worship them, not the God that you have never seen. Cos these virtues are indeed the God you have never given a chance to.

This post stemmed from witnessing countless empty-heads driven by brainwashing, politics and stupidity that don't bring any good to anyone. I'm apolitical, I can't seem to take sides...why? Cos there are just scoundrels on either side. Instead, I have opted for Love cos that's the clearest vision one can ever get. All the other paths are a waste of time and energy.

Blood, Sweat & Gunk!
14th of April was the Sinhala and Tamil New Year's day in Sri Lanka. Happy New Year to all Sri Lankans from around the world! Sri Lanka is so divided right now that same division has even spread to other parts of the world. It's appalling to see Sinhalese and Tamils taking sides and protesting in the streets in other countries such as Aus, NZ, UK and Canada. Why bring your home-problems to these countries too? If you chose to live overseas, that means you weren't happy back home. So why the sudden patriotism now? Go back home and try talking to the politicians or the separatists, or try living the experience of those who have truly suffered in this ugly war. Just wasting time and energy on meaningless protests and dumb online campaigns won't bring any solid results. What you can't solve within your own home cannot be solved by an outsider. Get over it people! One party is claiming they want Terrorism to end, and the other is claiming they want Acceptance, and both are so childishly trying to shut one another up. In that process, some are shamelessly supporting Terrorism and some others are irresponsibly promoting a War...they are both doing one and the same thing, and that is being blind to the real issue and fuelling more and more violence! Under all these banners lies EMPTYNESS, cos both parties are clueless and have no clear vision. Excluding one another is adding to the fire...the real solution lies in Inlcusion. No one reached Peace from hating, killing or turning a deaf ear to one another. Love, acceptance and respect is the only way.
Drop the guns, masks, protests and banners. Lift your hearts, heads, standards and spirits. Then you shall see clearly. I know I'm just talking to myself, cos everyone else seems to be blind, deaf and blood-thirsty arrrrrrgggg! Why are MOST people so severely cranium deficient??
Right now I'm torn between my Sinhala and Tamil friends, and I feel so alone. They don't see what I see and I can't understand why...

Current Music: Unmaada Sithuwam (one of my fav Sinhala songs)

149 Cranium Signets:

Anonymous said...

First? Do I get a gift?

Anonymous said...

I feel alone too.
Lets shake hands to kick Mr. alone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Keshi, I guess, the more educated the man is, he/she thinks he knows everything and actually becomes more rigid and reluctant to see the other side.

It's best to always try and empathise - feel what the other is feeling and only then you'll be able to see the other side, which may not be as wrong as it seems from here.

And that's actually a great thought - Worship Love, Kindness and Compassion! That's what has actually got the power to change the world. Not necessarily God

With regards to the struggle in SL, can't say much coz. don't really have a clue about history but ppl seem to take sides just to belong. I think that divides the world even further. As if it is not enough that we are all humans. Sad but that's Life and that's how the world is. But you do your bit Keshi - spreading love :) Cheers!

Shionge said...

Happy New Year to all Sri Lankans from around the world.

I feel that the more I learned, the less I know so having a degree doesn't mean anything if there is no wisdom gain.

Anyway....hope you are well Keshi babe ;D

Prashanti :) said...

Seriously !!!!!!!!!!!!!! what is it about people who travel so far away from home and live in a different country and instead of feeling happy when they see a person from their country, they wanna fight over these bloody issues ???? they sure need to grow up !!!!

I looove the song kesh.. its just so relaxing :)

Whitesnake said...

If you could come inside my mind would you even come close to understanding the way I think?
Amazing isn't it how we are all the same in the way we react to each event yet deal with it in different ways.

Unfortunately you nor me are going to be able to change anything. All we can do is sit and watch with disgust.
I remember a post I did about the caste system and how annoyed I was. Some prat pointed out ta me that the poo shovellers were the least of India'S problems and I would be better off dealing with something more important.

My answer to that..... F@*K YOU!

sorry ......but sometimes get a life"" doesn't quite work!

Feeling and being alone isn't that bad Keshi, it makes us dig deeper into our heart and soul to become better people .......

OH MY GOD did I really dribble on like that.......
Pass me the beer will ya babe!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year its our new year as well i mean the bengali new year...:))
Coming back to the post, i totally agree, thats why i keep reminding myself that i m not good, i m not the best, i am an asshole i need to learn a lot yet....:)

Richa said...

happy new year to u too babes..

yes, we do live such lives.. but i ask where is the time to hate when there is so little time to love..

Talking To My Soul said...

Education, good career and loads of wealth are not parameters of real success in life, Kesh. I agree with you. Wish people realised this.

The song was soulful though I understood nothing from the lyrics. Would you care to elaborate, Kesh?

By the way, I have woken up. And I am back.


Talking To My Soul said...

By the way, April 14 was New Year in India too. That's when the Hindu calendar year starts. Happy New Year, Kesh.


Arv said...

Live as One :)

Karthik Murali said...

Dear keshi ,
first of all ,being ur "Tamil" Friend , I mite say , i'm in perfect alignment with ur stated views , hence i can assuredly say , u aint need to have any conflict between ur diff set of friends, and most of all , ur definitely nt alone :)

and ur abs rite, when u meant, that terrorism and violence aint the solution for "the claim for the homeland" . its almost the same situation everywhere be it Kashmir,Sri Lanka or Israel.

Till the end, both sides aint gonna give up , and jus come up with new weaponry to eliminate the enemy , and there's no clear winner any given day.

Its never gonna stop , and as u said , any campaign against these ,be it real or online is jus pretty much useless.

Keshi said...

Soul here is the meaning of this song:

Crazy feelings just come into my mind...
Amidst the clouds from a distant past
A broken love that set fire to my heart
I'm alone now in a desolate house...
Amidst the frightening waves of a violent ocean
I own only the lonely and empty breeze
The falling mind is now my only solace
I'm alone now in a desolate house...
Among a thousand flowers I only longed for you
Why did that flower leave me and hide away
My hands still hold the scent of that flower
I'm alone now in a desolate house... ... ...

It's from a Sinhalese movie...this guy, he ends up living a LONELY life after a breakup...and lived in a Lighthouse, all by himself.

I feel that loneliness...cos the vast majority of ppl around me don't hv a clear vision..they r mangled in hatred and they think Im crazy :)


Anonymous said...

dint understand the song...

lovely read as always.. :)

i am on a mission to love everyone... i dont wanna hate anyone..

Utopia said...

i wonder why most of us tend to hold on to our regional identities fiercely and possessively. i hate tags. i am proud of where i come from, my heritage and culture but to carry it on my shoulder is ridiculous and this endless fight based on race, caste, creed and religion tires me now. the majority fail to be rational anyways.

Talking To My Soul said...

Let their mangled vision not affect you, Kesh. That's important. You are important. What you think is important. How you react to the world around you is important. Rest can go to hell.


!Teq-uila Del Zapata said...

That song sounded like one of south indian movies song.
You know people are so much living in false hood because they think what will others think.
Why should someone give a fuck about "what others think" the so called others are almost always and certainly not right about sharing love.
I wish to extend my self to do better for the world.

Vest said...

Keshi: Does not the eternal sorrow of life consist in the fact that human beings cannot understand one another, that one person cannot enter into the internal state of another.
It seems that once our world leaders get their cap and gown, all they need to do is open their mouths. Whatever crap and nonsense they utter becomes wisdom and all the codswallop, goodsense.
With regard to your goodself, it is rare for a person with your physical attributes to be equally gifted wih so much feeling for others.
What we really need in this world are sensible and helpful leaders who specialise in achieving the impossible.

Princess said...

true thoughts keshi,
I think you know the tamil saying "KATRADHU KAI MANALAVU, KALADHADHU ULAGALAVU"

suits every situation in life.

Iniya Tamil Puthandhu Vazhthukkal.

pisku said...

Its also because we tend to measure our success in the eyes of the world. Start measuring it on your own terms and things will sort itself out!

Priya Joyce said...

well..happy new year to u

sadly when we realize...the true essence...its too late..until then there's a great struggle with our our experiences...assumptions..our learnings(sadly wrong).

can call it the irony of life.

RiĆ  said...

Tht was such an amazingly true post!! And wish u a very happy new yr babe! :)

The most ignorant human is the one who thinks that i know everything!!

Talking To My Soul said...

Haunting melody, I say. The song is just tremendous. Thanks for the lyrics, Kesh. It's wonderful. It is.


Tarun said...

Hmm ...

Let me confess ...
I dont know everything but, I too have screwed up at different times in my life.
I guess most of us have,but thats no excuse, is it?

Having sad that,I dont want to repeat the same mistake/s again.

I wonder if by "unlearn" u meant letting go or forgiving.
It is something tough to do.

Between this, I wonder if there are a few things which are diffult to say rather than to do.

FH said...

Happy new year to you, hope you had a good start! :)

It's the life experiences which teaches you humility and life lessons, college degrees for survival.

Maddy said...

Happy Day Keshi girl. I could understand your feeling towards your sinhale as well as tamil friends back in your homeland.

Thanks for tranlating that lovely song. So deep and profound.

Happy weekend( yeah, I am going to enjoy my weekend here before yours starting)

Devika Jyothi said...

I understand ALL that you say here, Keshi

"They don't see what I see and I can't understand why..."

i too seem to be there
leaving it all to time,


rayshma said...

first of all... a belated happy new year, girl.

life is the best school we go through... every day is a learning session.. where you unlearn so much... and learn so much more...

the tussle between tamils and the sinhalese... well, i don't know enough to comment. but i believe that violence doesn't solve anything. whether it's tamil & sinhalese or hindus and muslims. and no matter what logic they use to justify it to themselves... they're ALL in the wrong! i don't know if i can do anything to change it... but i would do what i can.

Jay said...

Having lots of material things and a great education and all that doesn't mean much if you don't have people to share all the good times (and bad) in life with.

Diana Sahu said...

Compassion for fellow humans come from values but these days, the more and more people acquire wealth, a good position in the society, the more they lose out on human values....

This happened once. On my way to office one day, I saw a man bleeding to death. But none stopped by to take him to the hospital. Even the vehicle that hit him sped away. It was 10 a.m and perhaps everybody was in a rush to reach their respective offices. An old man, perhaps of 70 something, stopped by and took the man to a nearby nursing home. I dnt think people even have any respect for other's lives these days.

And a very Happy New Year to U...Its was our New Year too on 14th. They call it Pana Sankranti.


Adisha said...

Without love, and sensibilities a person wouldn't know the first thing about life. There are so many things that are basic to living the Real Life. there are many Intelligent people out there who have no consciousness or difference between right or wrong. There are so many things to life that we have yet to know and discover. Being successful and knowing how to live are two very different things, ain't it ?!

Anyway, Happy New Year to you ...


Urv said...

Belated Happy New Year :)

The problem is people having certain notions and perceptions. As u mentioned, most of us cannot unlearn. And thats where a lot of animosity comes amongst people.

Phoenix said...

its sad

its traumatic
if only men were educated in humanism...


i hope the ever raging war ends amicably!!


Rashmi said...

my school teacher had a term for such people- eductaed illiterates.. and i meet so many of such people everyday that its amazing how they proudly proclaim that they are educated...

very tru about what u said about people bringing fighting their domestic problems in other countries...if they are so unhappy about it, they should stay there and try to solve the problems... its so much easier to preach

happy new year...

nd yes, u were right abt samby... if he does not want us to intrude, then its fine with me... I was just worried about him...

have a great year ahead

Anil Sawan said...

happy new year to you too keshi darlin.. there are certain things which could not be explained to a second person. they need to realize it them selves. the more u try to explain, the more you could confuse him/her. so hang on. people would one day realize what's hapening. u and i got not many choices rather than waiting for tht day.

keshi darlin, i havnt forgotten the way to my sweet friend's home :)i was here last time u posted, but the length of the post scared me away :( a bit too busy at work re. lil presure building up here. u might have learned from news tht ubs had another huge loss this year, and it might think of laying off another 120k people :( the entire director board changed, have no clue on hows the change gona affect the offshored office in india :(

u tell me yar, hwz life? dnt u consider to be alone. u have lots of friends around ya and count me in the list any time :) if u feel like talkin just send me ur number and i wud call wen ever i am at work [ free calls u see ] :)-dnt blame me, its recession time, shud think of cost cutting!! :P

Suman Pant said...

Hi, it was the Nepali new year too... well, happy new year!

Okay, about education, yes many people think that educating oneself to have a stable career is the biggest achievement. In certain grounds it is important too, as in it gives that base to explore other worlds without really worrying about what you will feed on the next day.

The problem with this education is that it has become too career-centric. Its not acceptable to the society that you choose to learn something "only because you want to learn", it has to be a means to earn, learn is an optional thing.

Since it is so career centric, it is almost impossible to empathize-- mainly because you are taught to think of only yourself.

But again, there are some completely selfless ppl as well, who think that they are obligated to change the world and when they lose a small battle, they feel so low, hold a grudge against all those who are selfish, that the idea of empathizing is completely lost. What a big "superiority complex".

Well, i would say, relax. One does not have to be on the tip of their toes all the time trying to be perfect and making others perfect. Stay calm, do what you can do for yourself and others at your own pace. Take life as a trek, enjoy, relax and its okay at whatever pace you walk. Its not a marathon race that you HAVE to win. Infact if you run, u wont be able to enjoy the view you can see if you relax.

So, for me i dont think it is about selfishness or unselfishness-- even those people who carry guns believe that they can change the society for the better if they terrorize people. Their perception is --that gun would make it faster and they want it fastest than anybody else... betterment is just about being yourself, enjoying yourself and when you do that, you relax and also let others relax.

Suman Pant said...

well, i do have a degree, shall i pack some fries with it?


Kartz said...

Education should unlock the mind. Not cloud it into blindness.

The quest for knowledge is never ending. Even if it is knowledge of *love*.

'nuff said. Period.

Oh, and New Year Greetings to u and yours... :)

Peace. Be well.

Shachi said...

Keshi - can you please email me this song if you have it? I absolutely loved it - it's sooooooooo soothing. Do you recommend watching the movie too? As long as there are subtitles, it should be okay....

Learning to Unlearn - I LOVED that paragraph. I must confess - I FAIL to implement SOOOOOOOO many things that I know in my head - that I even preach people to do - that I have read and re-read and are clear to me....why? there are many reasons, but none that justifies my behavior. So there's definitely unlearning to do...and thank you for making me realize in one more way through this post!

Happy New Year to everyone in Sri Lanka and wish you the same as well :)

Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi

Great Post!

I once worked with a guy who held so many degrees he could wallpaper his house. To put it nicely this bloke didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

When it came to everyday life the bloke was brain dead. I felt sorry for the guy because he had all that knowledge locked in his brain, but he did not have life's combination to unlock it.


Shachi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Keshi said...

Rakesh ur already gifted so u dun need any more gifts.



Diana Sahu said...

Keshi, the song is magical yaa....if u dnt mind..can U plz send it to me at

Keshi said...

Hobo I dun think we should kick Mr.Alone away...cos it's him who found us our HEARTS.



Keshi said...

ty Rakesh!

**That's what has actually got the power to change the world

agree totally!

ppl r so blind...they just go on blind quests, following the blind, and not realising all the 'treasures' they hv IN them.


Keshi said...

ty Shionge!

**the more I learned, the less I know so having a degree doesn't mean anything if there is no wisdom gain.

I so agree! I hv come across so many so-called 'educated' ppl who behave like IDIOTS.


Keshi said...

ty Prashanti!

**instead of feeling happy when they see a person from their country, they wanna fight over these bloody issues

yes thats what they r doing over here now. Its funny cos they all look like dumbasses!


Keshi said...

ty Steve!

Im not surprised that someone actually told u that abt the Caste system. Cos majority of humans r deranged losers.

**Feeling and being alone isn't that bad Keshi, it makes us dig deeper into our heart and soul to become better people .......

I find solace in those lines Steve, ty!


Keshi said...

ty Southy n same to ya! :)

**thats why i keep reminding myself that i m not good, i m not the best, i am an asshole i need to learn a lot yet

if u feel ur not good enough, then u should do something abt it :)

I was like u...very stubborn, sometimes selfish and egoistic. I realised that none of that was making me a happy person...I chose a different path recently.


Keshi said...

ty Richa!

**but i ask where is the time to hate when there is so little time to love..

very well-said!

we hv so little time in this life so lets make the MOST of it. I dun u'stand why ppl waste time and energy on killing one another!


Keshi said...

Happy New Year to u too Soul!

And here's a cup of warm coffee, since u just woke up ;-)

Education is never the measure of real success. Even if ur the best doctor on Earth or the president of the USA, if u dun call ur mum or if u cant CRY, u hv failed.

btw this song is from an old Sinhales movie, sung by a well-respected SL singer, the late Gunadasa Kapuge.

this music video is not the original one from that's a remake with some new ppl. The original movie and the video is one of my favs.


Keshi said...

Arv thats right, but it seems alot of ppl cant u'stand that theory.


Keshi said...

ty Karthik!

**first of all ,being ur "Tamil" Friend , I mite say , i'm in perfect alignment with ur stated views

Im moved by ur caring gesture. TY my friend!

Here in Aus, so many Sinhalese and Tamils r at each others' throats. I refuse to take part in any of it, neither wud I take sides. Cos I know the Tamils hv a real need to be heard and thats ok. As long as they dun support Terrorism, they need to be heard.

And I dun u'stand why the Govt of SL cannot just stop all this nonsense and listen to what these ppl hv to say. A solution can only come if both parties 'accommodate' one another!


Keshi said...

ty Chriz!

The meaning of this song is in this comment very first comment here.

**i am on a mission to love everyone... i dont wanna hate anyone..

How beautiful is that! That should be the aim of ALL ppl.


Keshi said...

ty Utopia!

**i wonder why most of us tend to hold on to our regional identities fiercely and possessively.

very well-said!

There's a very fine line between loving ur Identity AND being greedy abt it.


Keshi said...

I agree Soul tnxx!

**How you react to the world around you is important.

But Im so alone and it makes me sad to see others killing each other this way...


Keshi said...

ty Anuz!

**You know people are so much living in false hood because they think what will others think.

yes thats what it is.

Its so funny how one creates an online group to HATE another, and then a 1000 others copy-cats join that group! makes me wanna puke.


Keshi said...

ty Vesty!

**Does not the eternal sorrow of life consist in the fact that human beings cannot understand one another, that one person cannot enter into the internal state of another

yes I know that but surely 99% of the world cant be like that?

I agree...the world need leaders than truly LEAD. The SL politicians r an uneducated group of IDIOTS.


Keshi said...

aww ty Aiz!

I hv heard of that quote before. Beautiful!

naanum neeyum onru :)

Hows that?


Keshi said...

ty Pisku!

**Start measuring it on your own terms and things will sort itself out!

thats so true. Everyone wants to FOLLOW. And there lies the problem!


Keshi said...

ty Joyce!

True...its often too late but it doesnt hv to be so! thats what pisses me off.


Keshi said...

ty Ria!

**The most ignorant human is the one who thinks that i know everything

yes and a whole lot of Sri Lankans seem to belong to that kind!


Keshi said...

ty Soul!

It's a very popular song in SL...its a lil abstract tho.

I often think of my dad when I listen to this song...cos I watched the movie with him...I was only a kid then but I still rem it.


Keshi said...

ty Tarun!

**I wonder if by "unlearn" u meant letting go or forgiving.
It is something tough to do.

not really. Letting Go is hard to do yes. But by Unlearning I meant, stick to the BASICS of life (love, kindness, compassion, goodness etc etc) is that so hard to do?

yes some things r easier said than done, but whats so HARD abt listening to what the other hv to say and finding a real solution to the issue at hand?

Isnt WAR harder than that?


Keshi said...

ty Asha!

**It's the life experiences which teaches you humility and life lessons, college degrees for survival.

very well-said!

I just wonder how many parents out there teach their kids real lessons of life.


Keshi said...

ty Maddy!

Its not only in SL anymore...the Tamil/Sinhala hatred has spread to other countries too. ppl r fighting here and in public too..its so ugly!

Enjoy ur wknd! :)


Keshi said...

ty Devika!

**i too seem to be there
leaving it all to time,

I know...Im trying to do that too...but I dunno if time will run out on me. will I ever see that day?


Keshi said...

ty Raysh! :)

**life is the best school we go through...

Spot on! but not many ppl wanna extend their hearts to strangers...


La vida Loca said...

Just read your lovely post.Have nothing to say.

Keshi said...

ty Jay!

**Having lots of material things and a great education and all that doesn't mean much if you don't have people to share all the good times (and bad) in life with

so true!

Among the SL ppl, they r bashing/killing each other just to feel superior. HOW UGLY IS THAT! Can it get any worse? No.


Keshi said...

Hey Diana Happy 'Pana Sankranti' to ya! :)

That story didnt surprise me...cos I hv witnessed very similar things! It used to shock me but now I hv lost faith in most ppl.



Keshi said...

ty Adisha!

**Being successful and knowing how to live are two very different things,

so true!

I see great examples of it within my own circle of fam and friends. I watch them in silence.



Keshi said...

ty Urv!

I agree ppl hv different perceptions abt life etc. BUT, to put someone down and walk all over him, just cos he's 'different' isnt even a perception!

** As u mentioned, most of us cannot unlearn. And thats where a lot of animosity comes amongst people.

true...ppl FORGET easily.


Keshi said...

true Phoenix n tnxx!


Keshi said...

ty Rashmi!

**eductaed illiterates

It's an apt term. Cos tho they r educated they cant SEE.


Keshi said...

ty Sawan!

**the more you could confuse him/her. so hang on. people would one day realize what's hapening.

I usually dun force my opinion on anyone but when they ask me to join these crap campaigns, I do hv to tell them how I SEE it all :) And that makes them so unhappy. I cant help it tho.

hey u dun hv to give me long excuses (as long as my posts!) as to why u were not here :) I do u'stand that not everyone can read my every long & boring posts. No worries at all hehe.

nah Im not in need to 'talk' to anyone Sawan. I may feel lonely sometimes but I wanna feel that 'loneliness' fully...cos it takes me to newer depths of my own self. I just dun want company ALL the time cos then I'd never know who I really am :)

TC n tnxx!


Keshi said...

hey KAP ty and Happy Nepali New Year to u too! :)

**But again, there are some completely selfless ppl as well, who think that they are obligated to change the world and when they lose a small battle, they feel so low, hold a grudge against all those who are selfish, that the idea of empathizing is completely lost. What a big "superiority complex".

Im not holding any 'grudge' against selfish ppl :) neither am I not relaxed. These r the ppl who want me to join their EMPTY deeds and I was simply saying that they dun u'stand my point of view. And them being friends of mine, does make me sad. If I dun hv any feelings left in me, then i'd hv to be a monk in the Himalayas hehe...

I is so career-centric.

**for me i dont think it is about selfishness or unselfishness-- even those people who carry guns believe that they can change the society for the better if they terrorize people. Their perception is --that gun would make it faster and they want it fastest than anybody else

Wanting it at their fingertips and at a split second w.o. a thought for the other's life itself is SELFISH isnt it? I dunno how u see it but I reckon its pure Selfishness. A person who doesnt hv an ounce of Patience or Tolerance is SELFISH.


Keshi said...

**, i do have a degree, shall i pack some fries with it?

wut d u mean? :) @ KAP


Keshi said...

ty Kartz!

**Education should unlock the mind. Not cloud it into blindness

That doesnt often happen in SCHOOL...I guess the parents need to do that at HOME (unlocking the mind that is).


Keshi said...

ty Shachi and I hv emailed ya the song :)

**I FAIL to implement SOOOOOOOO many things that I know in my head - that I even preach people to do - that I have read and re-read and are clear to me....

well we r like that sometimes. we dun always practise every single thing that we preach...but we must try to :)

u realised it...and thats a good start!


Keshi said...

ty Bev!

**I felt sorry for the guy because he had all that knowledge locked in his brain, but he did not have life's combination to unlock it.

o i know so many ppl like that!


Keshi said...

Shachi I emailed it..did u get it?


Keshi said...

Diana its wonderful to know that more ppl love this song :)

I'll email it to u soon.

yes it has a haunting melody that awakens many a misty memories from the past...its a v popular song in SL sung by a very well-respected SL singer..he's no more tho.

Will email ya soon.


Keshi said...

aww ty Lavida! :)


Hemanth Potluri said...

:( me no first :( :P....Happy new year to u sweets :)...belated tho...well better be late then never....this post is soo true :)..a person who thinks he knows everything is the most stupid of all the others...

hoz u been chweetz :)...gud mornin to u...:)..


!Teq-uila Del Zapata said...

>>>>Its so funny how one creates an online group to HATE another, and then a 1000 others copy-cats join that group! makes me wanna puke.

Looks like some story is to be told?

Diana Sahu said...

Thanx Sweets

Hemanth Potluri said...

u know i just love the new year pic of the kids...they are soooooooo sweet and cute..:)....


Keshi said...

Im good Hemz ty!

No one know EVERYTHING abt life, yet ppl fail to make the most of the very little we know.


Devika Jyothi said...

I do really know why 'that day' is so evasive,

it seems in a strange shadow play we lose ourselves...

Time running out -- you are true, one can never say for sure...but why don't people understand that in this short span of life, we ought to be living happily than to make a hell out of it all..

and Keshi, sincerely if you got any suggestion for me to improve things let me know, my dear

love, always

Hemanth Potluri said...

**No one know EVERYTHING abt life, yet ppl fail to make the most of the very little we know

yes true...u know there are lot of people who are having ego problems , jealous feeling's and speaking wrong abt others...and backstabbing...these people know that they are doin rong and yet they make rong things..its their nature...and sometimes good people get so much hurt because of this...

but u wrote the post good sweets tells everything abt how we can change our thinking :)..


Keshi said...

Anuz yes there's a story behind it :)

u know how the Tamils r rallying around the world against Genocide. While some hv a very valid point, some others r glorifying terrorism...and thats wrong.

but thats not the point.

Now the Sinhalese r also rallying around the world claiming they want the LTTE destroyed for good. I can u'stand that need too but I dun believe Terrorism can be eradicated thru Genocide.

It's one and the same thing!

So both parties are ignorant of the whole issue. And recently some Tamil youths are asking Oprah Winfrey to host them in her show so that they can tell the story of the 'Tamils' to the whole world. Now there's nothing wrong with that. I believe every humanbeing has the RIGHT TO EXPRESS. I believe in Freedom of Speech.

Now the Sinhalese are mad about what's gonna happen and hv started creating online campaigns and petitions to STOP the Tamils from going on Oprah. And some ppl wanted me to join those groups.

I dun support such EMPTY deeds. I respect Freedom of speech and I believe ppl should be allowed to say what they hv to say. And if we dun hv anything to FEAR, then we shouldnt hv the need to stop anyone from speaking in the open either. I dun fear criticism.

So these Groups r making me sick. They think all Tamils are terrorists and thats not fair. seriously! how dumb can ppl get? And Oprah is not an idiot to host terrorists...if these Tamil youths hv a genuine humanitarian request, then lets hear it too.


Keshi said...

My pleasure Diana :)


Keshi said...

ty Hemz!

**u know i just love the new year pic of the kids

:) yes thats a Tamil girl and a Sinhalese girl from SL (twins I suppose). Did u notice the traditional attire from both cultures?


Keshi said...

ty Devika!

**but why don't people understand that in this short span of life, we ought to be living happily than to make a hell out of it all..

I so agree. Why cant ppl SEE that?

I dun think u need any 'improvments' Devika :) u and I 'perfect' on our own. And we r both 'equal' on this spiritual quest of life. No one is above the other.


Hemanth Potluri said...

**Did u notice the traditional attire from both cultures

yup the dress code is different for both th gals...i soo love that pic and its my new desktop paper :)....i just want meet these cute twins :)...


Keshi said...

ty Hemz!

**these people know that they are doin rong and yet they make rong things..its their nature...

thats the saddest part.


Keshi said...

Hemz thats nice :)

The girl on the left is wearing traditional SL Tamil attire (pink one)..the girl on the right is wearing traditional SL Sinhalese attire (yellow one).

When I was lil, I used to wear the traditional Sinhalese attire (in white) for the school band. I can still rem how cute it was :)


Devika Jyothi said...

'No one is above the other.'

I so agree there Keshi,
again, I don't see many showing that minimum decency in communication, anyway...we two share the same views and talk about it...

those showing it will continue to throw their weights on others...i sometimes feel they do it without its pardonable from a personal viewpoint :)


Hemanth Potluri said...

**thats the saddest part

:(...yes..nothing can be done but just keep our mind relaxed now :)...

**When I was lil, I used to wear the traditional Sinhalese attire (in white) for the school band. I can still rem how cute it was

u kiddin me :)...i just want too see how lovely u looked in that dress ..i wish u had a pic of it :)....i wud have kept it as my wallpaper instead of this :)...

i should be scanning my chldhood pics to show how cute i am heheh :P..


Keshi said...

Hemz I need to do that too...scan some childhood pics of mine and put them up in my blog..I swear they'll scare ya cos I had eyes bigger than my lil face back then lol!


Keshi said...

hey Devika!

**i sometimes feel they do it without its pardonable from a personal viewpoint

yes cos we r still human, and from time to time we FAIL. But as long as we realise that, and not make the same mistakes again or atleast not to that same extent, then we r on the right path of 'purifying' our thoughts, words n deeds. Its a long road btw.


Devika Jyothi said...

true Keshi, its a long road :)


Hemanth Potluri said...

bigger eyes are good sweets :P...u can wink to any guy :P..heheh...well i wont be scared at all :P...and u wud be scared of mine if i put mine with the superman dress :P...


Keshi said...

Devika I said that from personal experience :) Cos I know I hv screwed up big time too.

but VERY slowly Im getting there...some day I hope to achieve close to what 'still point' means in Buddhism :)


Keshi said...

Hemz that must be a very cute pic of ya!!! LOL we wanna see it!


Hemanth Potluri said...

hahah....underwear on the top of the pant that one tho..:P...


Devika Jyothi said...

in that case, a journey together, ours will be :)


Keshi said...

:):) kids, its not such a bad sight!


Keshi said...

Devika u hv such spiritual intentions too? I mean serious meditation. WOW nice to know :)


Devika Jyothi said...



Hemanth Potluri said...

yeh i know...u know i wud love to see u in snow white dress :) wud be a wonderful sight...i mean as when u were a kid ;)..


Keshi said...

yes Devika LOVE is the only way. I recently found that out tho I believed in it from a long time ago.


Keshi said...

Hemz I was once a butterfly in my school concert (Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs)...but I didnt like playing that role cos I was so angry I didnt get the SNOW WHITE part lol!


Devika Jyothi said...

yes Keshi ...we all know it, believe it..but in the flux of emotions sometimes downplay its potential...and allow hate or irritability to take over...ruining only ourselves! :)


Keshi said...

yes ur so right Devika. And Im guilty of that too. And Im ashamed of some things that I hv said b4 in sheer anger and frustration.

I hope I will never choose that path in future.


Southpaw unplugged said...


Devika Jyothi said...

you are so lovable, my dear...a real human being :)

i think we should be free enough to point out to each other when we lose sight of things...because that does happen with me too...I stepback to think of it and correct myself, yet falter many a time :)


Keshi said...

hey Southy!

wut r ya thinking? :)


Keshi said...

I so agree Devika...we must learn to accept when we r wrong and also lead one another in goodness.



Devika Jyothi said...

sure, my dear :)


Hemanth Potluri said...

tey dint choose u for snow white...stupid teacher...they dint know wat they missed :P...:)..well if i was the teacher i definitely will choose u :)..


Suresh Kumar said...

Happy New Year !!! For us also, according to our calendar, new year begins on the same day....

But Keshi! When elders teach youngsters on how they can torture their minds with ambitions, dreams and desires; Is it easy for them to unlearn and learn new things...!!! It definitely needs more than an individual strong will!!! Lets Hope that every individual strives to achieve this....

Vishesh said...

well I agree :D

!Teq-uila Del Zapata said...

woho, cheap publicity gimmicks, i like that.
Wish i could do something cheap enough to get all that publicity, but what to do? i am so classy, can't do all that! (ROFLMAO)

Shachi said...

Got the song Keshi and emailed you back as well :)

Shachi said...

Forgot to say - "Thank you" - I heard the song 5 times already!

Tarun said...

Well Keshi,my opinions arise from what I see and where I stay.

According to circumstances which surround me, War is one of the easiest thing to do.

I guess it is easy because it doesnt need a reason nor needs support from any school of Logic.

Think Tank said...

U know what? i think this is just the right time for the world to end ..everything here sucks

Anil Sawan said...

some times some conversation could also tell you who u are :)

and i never said ur posts are boring alrite?

and i gave the excuse cos u deserve it. :)

be happy dear. worries and tears could make u fat :P lol

Jeevan said...

That’s why I mention in my profile as student. Because each and everyday I learn something unknown.

In Tamil there is a proverb which I believe is ‘ kattrathu kaialavu kallathathu ulakalavu’ (what we learn is hand size and what we haven’t learn is world size).

"Love, acceptance and respect is the only way. Drop the guns, masks, protests and banners. Lift your hearts, heads, standards and spirits." for a peace home there needs love and give and take, but not playing with guns and fire.

SMM said...

Hey Keshi....sorry just been really caught up and have joined this party late.

Happy new year to you too (the Bengali new year was on 15th April)

You know in my line of work, I encounter alot of learned and experienced people everyday. There are some who have this know-it-all attitude while I'v seen the biggest (in terms of stature and not my personal opinion) are those who are willing to learn from someone who is just 3 months into the profession if they have a valid point to make

Kartz said...

Totally agree with you, Keshi. But today, how is it possible? More often than not, both parents work! So, I do feel that schools should take up more responsibility in this regard. Nain?


Keshi said...

ty Devika!


Keshi said...

Hemz Im not fair complexioned...Im I really cant be snow white lol!


Keshi said...

very true Suresh!

Social interaction often mars all innocence.


Keshi said...

ty Vish :)


Keshi said...

HAHA Anuz!


Keshi said...

good to know that Shachi :)


Keshi said...

hey Tarun!

**War is one of the easiest thing to do.

Maybe it's the easiest thing to DO, but it's effects are not the most easiest thing to deal with!


Keshi said...

TT I kinda agree with what u said! SADLY.


Keshi said...

ty Sawan!

**and i never said ur posts are boring alrite?

long = not interested to read = boring



Keshi said...

ty Jeevan!

**what we learn is hand size and what we haven’t learn is world size



Keshi said...

ty SMM! :)

**are those who are willing to learn from someone who is just 3 months into the profession if they have a valid point to make

I so agree!


Keshi said...

Kartz parents need to realise whats MORE imp, money or the good character of their kids.


Kartz said...

That's my point. They aren't. A shame, per se. Which is precisely why I feel that schools shd go one better. Not that I am supporting it. I hope I wasn't misinterpreted.


Veni said...

Hi Keshi,

So lecturer was telling to us in class that does not matter what we know what we dont know is more important. But of course we all made a joke about it telling how we should know what we dont know...but later i realise the significance of what he said.

My heritage is from Sri Lanka too....i too deeply sadden with what's going on...i too dont see the logic by people protesting/online campaigns/etc....truly speaking since i'm born in i dont have much patriotism for my heritage as much as my parents do as they were born there. But that does not mean as a human being i dont feel for fact not only in Sri Lanka....but every place where there is peace is always in my prayers.

Keshi said...

o I get it now Kartz :) I was thinking u supported parents with young kids who work (I mean both parents).


Keshi said...

hey ty Veni!

yes...alot of ppl dont even know what they do know lol!

Abt SL..Im actually sick of it. I get irritated whenever I see it on news now!
