*You do a tag in your blog that requires you to answer the question
'What are the best qualities about you?'. And you say something like
'I'm very forgiving, I have a big heart etc'. Now imagine in real life you have a tiff with one of your mates. And now you can't seem to forgive or forget...you find yourself keeping that anger in you for months and months, vowing yourself never to speak to that person again, dismissing their presence and attemtps to patch up with you. Suddenly your so-called big heart is nowhere to be found. So what exactly are you doing now? The exact contrary of what you claimed yourself to be.
*think about it, who you believe you are is not always who you are*
*You may claim you love your parents alot, but when your mum asks you how your day was, you say
'I'm tired mum' and you just go into your room, turn your PC on and chat with your net friends, while your mum sits alone outside and watches TV. If you really love someone, then you wouldn't take them for granted. So you said one thing about loving someone, but you are doing something totally different when it comes to acting upon those words.
*careful, what you say is not what you always carry out*
*Let's say you are someone who hate being rejected and that you believe in treating everyone with respect. But imagine that you continuously reject a person for some reason. You think you are way too cool to associate this person and you disregard them intentionally...or you act as if they don't exist. So what are you doing now? Quite the opposite of how you want to be treated or what you claim your values are.
*watch out, how you like to be treated is not how you always treat others*
132 Cranium Signets:
me first:D...:P...:D..
i have learnt from mistakes in my life and now i practise what i preach with God's help..
if i can control all these, ill be a good person.. and i am on the path.. hope i will succeed..
yes i am starting to believe that i am what i am
i cant help but say it was a wonderful post...its alwez better to acknowlege our lacunae rather than hide them.
P.S:i dunno how u write things so well,i wish i cud think like dat :D
1..big heart...
yes i have seen lot of people saying this and yet at last they act so cruel it hurts more...
2.i actually had tears when i read this...i did it when i was in my engineering...as if i was the topper and i was so tired stupid me...now i dont give a chance to loose my parents love :D...when i say i love i do it as long as i live...and not to hurt them....
3.watch out, how you like to be treated is not how you always treat others
good words sweets....that should wat everyone should...:)..
terrorists is the people i dont want to talk...**update your memory, what you want from life is not what you always give out to others
gr8 words..
5*beware, what you see is not what you always get*
i realized this very soon as i came to know the back stabbing :)..and i am on alert all the time :)..
6..candy house i like the pic u choose for this point....i told u when i became friend to hemz...he is a rocking guy ..
7.paper flowers
the next thing i should do is ask everyone wat they think...even if its a stranger...
8Are you really who you believe you are?
i believe in friendship ...i am not believing everything blindly but..friends some times make happiness spread...i belive in being with my parents and not them down for any reason...i never lied to friends abt anything..so i stand as i am ...dont want to change for now...future is not in my hand...
beautiful post sweets just loved it...:)...it made me look back and see the things or mistakes i have done..thnks to u...love u loads...hugs :)...
regarding the competition in my page there is a suspense prize too... the suspence prize is based on the gender of the winner.. myte be a book or a soft toy or something really creative
so kesh! you can still try :P
me first after soooo many days :P....i am choooo happyyy chweets :D......
It is a bit like being a parent and wanting your children to behave in a certain way and not say certain words, and yet, you find yourself doing or saying the exact same thing you told them not to. :D
makes a lot of sense Keshi. u make me think with all ur posts :) we shud catch up some time :)
do invite me for ur "greek wedding" , wnt ya? :P
so true...so many times we just write good stuff, we speak good stuff but when it comes 2 actions we conveniently 4get all of them or rather we r not strong enough to follow those convictions....
it's said "be the change that u want"....
am guilty too of this on many many occasions...hopefully we can all have enough strength to practice what we preach:)
Very true Keshi!! Its like we talk of ideal things and the advice we give is also very idealistic. But when it comes to real life scenario....we all know somewhere inside tht we cant react in an idealistic manner then! Coz as u said we are human.
However, wht we can do is realise wht we really are....wht we say abt ourselves is not really wht we r...its actually wht we aspire to be. The good qualities tht we mention abt ourselves is wht we wud like to have.
It surely helps to be realistic here! And another thing tht we need here is immense amt of guts to admit wht we are. I know there are certain good qualities which hav been often taken advantage of!
I also hav some bad qualities due to which i hav unconsciously hurt ppl who mean a lot to me. But i hav realised them too....to go back and ask for forgiveness for my misdeeds. How can i advice ppl to do something when i myself dont practice that!
Thats the reason why i dont believe in giving advice. I only give my opinion to ppl who matter to me. Also, i believe we cannot solve somebody's problems....the person in trouble is the best one to do that! We jus cant see the matter as an outsider and solve it.
the only thing I feel that is so different from wat i want to do, is my work..
i try to and always say that i enjoy life every moment... but right now, my work life sucks...
time for a change :)
u mk me think way to much babes! my profs cud learn 4m u.. ;)
A very relevant post with some apt thoughts! Ways to make life better and happier! Thanks for the insights!
i have done it so many as times..
when i think abt it now, i feel ashamed of myself!
things happn and yeh, unknowingly we sometimes do thngs which we don't mean or didn't mean!
it was a very beautiful fact tht u wrote! Need to tel u thnx
i try to practice what i preach and succeed most of the time. but it wasn't like this forever. i have lived and learnt. now i don't judge and so i try not to preach. i am human, not infallible and yes i do make mistakes.
No, I am not 100% but yes, we should always try to be what we believe we are.
example :
I havent read the post except the last paragraph and I accept it. But yes, I wish to read long post but I find it tough.
I am what I am...I check that every morning after I get up and every night before I go to sleep! :))
I never cared much about how the world thinks of me....But I have seen I can't be an Unkind or an unloving person, howsoever the world treats me! :)
Good post Keshi,
why do you get into this deep thoughts at times...I think you are lovable and loved by many, my dear :)
love, always
such a beautiful posts...
ofcourse ive done many mistakes.. rectifying so.still learning not 2 commit anymore in the future.
we are humans...we tend to make mistakes... look for a change... to the good and and bad...knowingly or unknowingly... mistakes are a part of our life... leaving behind a good experience or repentance for our deeds.
I might have, don't think I remember now! :D
Such an honest post ! So hard for a person to be the perfect version of themselves even half the time.
That's becoz every person and every situation are unique. Not necessary that any one reaction can be generalized.
Could be - someone has done something that Should not be forgiven .Or someone in time has realized talking to their parents about their day cozes their parents endless worry, so has started shutting off. Or the person rejected was coming on too strong. Or sometimes, you get a boost of over - confidence by example from an unexpected place :)
Terrorists, well, they are so brain washed, I don't think they are capable of thinking by the end of it .
Well, saint's we are not, and cannot be but if we self analyze and listen to the advise of those close to us, we have a good chance to being the best we can be !!:D But we need to be careful of throwing about those " I'd never ... " or " I always " types of sentences for we never know what tomorrow brigns ...
Amazing post Keshi ... u're very surely becoming one of the people I'd love meeting some day !!
Dats such a wonderful post Keshi..Luvd it. *Hugz*. U always wake the 'inner me' ..make my inner self to think a lot..
I never say out things lyk- I have big heart..forgiving heart..
But honestly, I DO think stuff lyk that..Stuff which do not always turn out to be right..Sometimes I shock myself with contradictions of my own thoughts nd reality..
Its not so easy to come out of the story book 'us' nd stare at the 'real life us'.. But I'm happy that I'm atleast TRYING:)
i know i do give a lot of advice to people but i can t take these advice to myself... i dunno y, i guess it s easier to give to someone than to actually apply them to urself! But i m sure as human we don t really like to criticize ourselves and we have the tendency to say more often our qualities than our defaults but at least we should recognize when we re making a mistake and assume the consequences. Yes i said I can forgive people but i can t forgive her, yes i can adapt myself easily in a new environment but i can t work with my new colleagues... by assuming ur mistakes u can work on it and improve urself if u re willing to do it of course.
tc sweetie.
Great Post.
As I went on and on with your post, I realised how many facts I agree upon, that you have put through. Yes there have been times, when I was preaching to someone and realised hey when i was in d same situation, i dint do that, how easy it is though to preach. Yes there have been times, wen i felt, in fact knew, I was living a lie. Yes there have been times, when I needed assurance over my acts, coz even I felt I had done wrong. Yes there have been times, when i disregarded someone for a reason, thats so stupid.
Yes I have done it, but i confess and have tried and avoided doin such stuff.
Thanks for the post :)
Real eye opener. Hope people read, understand and do reality check. I am not a saint but not an outright sinner too. One can lie to boss, peers, friends, family but the day one can lie to self it is beyond redemptions. Put yourself in other's shoes before you say anything or take any action. Your consciene is the best guide. The incident when Jessus asked one who has not sinned to throw the first stone is very apt. These I feel are the cardinal principles of life.
Take care
Nice post!!
I try very hard not to define and identify w/ qualities coz like you say I have exhibited opposites all at once. As humans we are capable of it all.
I had been acting the complete opposite of myself or the opposite of what i claimed i was. i knew what i was doing was very unlike me but i kept doing it anyway. the worse part was that i knew and still did nothing to change it. and the WORST part is what i was doing was that i was doing too much good for people who dont deserve it. that was my mistake.
but the good part is i wont have regrets. atleast i was doing good.
nevermind .. i am babbling. :/
this post spoke directly to me. you had me from the first line..
Have you ever done something that is quite the opposite of what you believed you would do? I have.
imo, we are constantly changing... as individuals. hence, to know urself completely at all times may not be possible. but yes, we need to make that attempt.. that effort in realizing how we've changed and to what extent...
and yeah, i do admit to having hurt some ppl sometimes, strayed frm what i believed i was/am... and i have attempted to make up for it as best as i could. unintentionally if i've hurt someone, i don't know... i can only hope not.
not a saint... just trying my best to be someone i'd like.
I am not a hypocrite :) And as you know I am reposting my old poems in my poetry blog and I find that I haven't changed my views , at least not yet..hope I never will :P
I am an ordinary individual whose five senses are always tested and he fails most of the times...
This tongue doesn't have any manners. These eyes don't know when to pull the shutters. This mind always tresspasses.
Yeah.... I am still not awake....
***Living inside a Storybook can take it's toll on Reality some day in your life.***
Very nicely put.
Hey Keshi, I agree with you that most times we find it easier to give advise than to act out our advice. It really is part of what makes us human but of course it is something we should aspire to change. About saying we have a big heart, I think I have that problem. I am generally a cheerful person and I hardly get upset but when angered, I find that I am not as forgiving as I would like. Working on it though :-))
Are you really who you believe you are?I have enough sense to say from the beginning, no. For years I, like most other I guess, built this view of myself that only held my better points, both real and imagined. That was when I had no demands on my time and attention when I was free and single.
As with most thing in my life marriage changed that. At first it was just my wife and dealing with her expectations that were both helpful in that she wanted me to be a better person and harmful in that she wanted me to change in ways that I could not or that were not true to me. Continuing my education is one thing but trying to make into what her narrow idea of a success was did nothing but strain our relationship to the point that we only stay together for the kids.
I have found that I am far more than the sum of my parts, both good and bad, and now just try to overrule the bad and promote the good. Although I have over the years come to like my fellow Americans and people in general less and less. Far too much in the way of excessive egos, greed, hubris, and general mistreatment of others that have no way to defend themselves.
Funny you should post this as I did that experiment survey from Donn's Blog and posted the results........
I'd be friends with with a blacksnake with a festered arse, only if ya held it's head!
Everyone deserves ta be befriended.
Until you give me cause to dislike you, then we remain friends always.
Respect me and I will respect you.
Friendships have been destroyed over trival things and differences, I as an example may not be your idea of a great person to hang round with and as most would know our cultures are so diverse but we remain friends cos we accept our differences no matter what they are. I like you cos ya have a cute ass, beautiful eyes and a nice set of........words ya put ta paper.
You like me cos ..........ya young and naive!
Keshi, I read and read this post and I was shocked! I think I am a good person but when you sit and think about all of what you have listed and lets you know that there is a lot of room for improvement!
Everyday of my life I pray to G-d to be a better person! I hope it is working.. I need a lot of control over my anger issues from time to time..
Damn Keshi! You got me thinking!!
Hi Keshi
I always like to think I'm God. LOL
Great post or book? :)
I have another post up. Still one a week.
Next week I'm off to Mexico. Just joking at something which is anything but a joke. I hope they get a handle on it.
I am going away though.
you really put a great idea here KESHI. this is so true and i totally agree with you.
everyone must keep it real but before that, they must know what was actually real.
great post!
this was one thought provoking post.. loved it to the core.. ofcourse at times we don't pratise what we preach.. with me it is different I hardly go into preaching.. if i say I forgive I'd also add that I don't forget.. and vice versa...
we should rather make the world aware of what we are rather than build a false image of ours and keep struggling throughout our lives to make that look real! that is insane and a waste of time...
my point is why do we have to project ourselves differently..
not saying i was always this clear about myself and yes there was a phase when i did a lot of preaching but then this question hit me long back that whether I am doing what i am telling others that i am doing.. and voila! i am working on myself from that day...
glad to have read something like this..
it's high tym v stopped lyin' 2 ourselves...if v cant b tru 2 ourselve...v cant be tru 2 ne1 else...
wow, I'm away for a few weeks and find your blog in a totally new style!!!
Looks coooooooool!
I just went on reading on and on as the reality seeped into me... I just don't know re, who I am, what i am, why I am... Its all suchh a mystery, life is becoming greater than life-size to me gradually... wish I could depart with all the realizations.
Nevertheless, it was a great realization Keshi, Keep 'em burning. :)
Your right that we sometimes take gifts (parental affection) for granted!
and ya, we doing the opposite of what we think/say is clearly an indication of not knowing oneself. Obviously a part of everyone!
now this is something i go through quite often.. im this tom who does things very daringly.. where in actuality im scared of it.. like climbing up on the water tank which is on the terrace to check the water levels [i'm scared of heights] i kill cockroaches with one big whack! [i am scared of cockroaches] im roam about in the dark as if im an owl [but then im scared of darkness]
awesome post as always
Wow your messages always come at the right time for me.
Perfect for relection.
You're rigt
who you believe you are is not always who you are
Love this song and the pictures are great.
And I like the song with lyric.
Have a wonderful weekend, Keshi!
Good post. We do this oh so often - but its important to have the self realization of your own actions and keep growing....I find myself a way better individual than 10 years ago - when I moved to the US by myself....
We should swallow our pride and be humble....
The friends in our life will tell a lot about us.....and most of it will be true....
well i dunno... i always believed that to err is human. and yeah i do love myself A LOT. but i always respect everyones opinion and respect them for who they are. and actually others feel so too.. and when others dont accept me the way i am, well i dont like that, they cant make me feel inferior and get away with it.
it seems a pretty lame and shallow comment and ill come back and recomment if i can put it in a better way. :)
been missing ur hell lot of posts...still took time to read ur party post (previous one)...it was fun..
keep rocking gal...and dont forget to carry ur ids for party...hehehhee
Of course I remember you. I am bad with keeping in touch and am loosing interest in my blog. So, unfortunately, are the people who read it. No sweat. Hope to get back on track by june. Hoping, more like
Hey Keshikins
M finaly back... n hopin to be around more often :)
everythin changed... the look of ur blog and the profile pic too...LOL
good read after a long long time :)
so true... we r not always who we think we are... and sometimes our own behaviour confuses us as well
and at the same time, its so hard to digest that we r not exactly wt we preach and think... we are not wt we want to be.
the true "US" is actually someone who is a stranger to us.
nice post Kesh...as always :)
Yep, I am ME! No one else can be me, lol
we r all hypocrits...not even one of us can deny that...
n we live in a hypocrite world wid hypocrite values n beliefs...
v see prince charming or cinderella everytime we look in d mirror but when someone else does that we consider dat person a narcissist
i claim to b rude n a devil...i claim to b a narcissist n everyone arnd me agress
You know Keshi... I've been reading blogs all over, and forgetting to comment. See I'm so messed up? :/
Okay coming back to comment after reading the last part of ur post :)
Okay read it all, and I'm back :)
That song playing on your blog is kinda scary... for me. And the photos of old classics knock something in me. Some years back I was an oldie lover. I got too carried away with them. That's why. The song suits it just fine. You shook me for a moment Keshi.
I'm a person full of contradictions maybe. Some, if not "full" of them. I am happy to tell you that I'm the one who has the guts to admit every single time what my fault was. I know not many have the courage to bare themselves in today's world. That's where my confidence in myself comes from.
Your posts always leave me wondering Keshi. How do you ever do it??
Are you on some social networking site? Or on some messenger? I would like to connect with you. Do let me know.
Take good care.
Hmm, thought provoking Keshi! But what prompted this?
I actually think, I'm self obsessed But as you say, I may not be exactly what I think I am. I may be a very humble person :P he he
soryyyyyyyy for being late lemme post this bfore commenting :P
this is real attack to a persons superficial beliefs...after reading this..am sure.many wud discover the things they've been covering up....
I surrender ma'am I truly agree that i truly am no completely wat i think to be...and i am not stubborn to disagree..well more than that i am ready to accept..and so i am to change for better....isn't that the spirit we all shud hav...
am sure..u must hav thot a lot bfore riting this :P
Brain resources draining away :P
hmmm.. for someone who lived alone for some 7 yr now and always prefers being alone, all those listed is an alien subject, Kesh...
i am with my parents now yet restrict myself to my room.. i am yet to practise the 7 sins of life...
Practical Philosophy..Agree with & loves every word written here.
I did want to counter few points but I guess its not important..was deducing it to mirco level.
The big picture is as you've put it brilliantly - "The Storybook You and the Real You need to be reconciled"
Picture perfect!
Hemz u FIRST-maniac!
Good on ya Chriz, tho its not that easy to do! Im sure u will succeed cos ur such a calm, loving and pleasant person overall. u really r!
hey ty Anwesa! :)
I think you are pretty nice.
ty Hemz!
All those ppl who claim they hv big hearts r not always like that. Time and experience with many ppl hv taught me that.
I know u love ur parents alot :)
Chriz I took part oyeah! :)
Hemz ur so happy abt being FIRST? lol ok!
yes Menchie, its like the mother crab asking the baby crab to walk straight :)
Sawan, GREEK wedding? no ways! :)
ty CN!
**be the change that u want
spot on!
And if u cant be that change, plz dun preach or expect others to treat u that way :). Thats wut I believe in.
ty Ria that was a very good insight!
**Thats the reason why i dont believe in giving advice. I only give my opinion to ppl who matter to me
Spot on!
I may sound like Im preaching in my blogs, but they r all opinions...and a whole lot of lessons for MYSELF too. I write so that I can come back and read my own thoughts written long time ago...and see how I hv progressed or deteriorated.
Blog posts are a good measurement of personal development.
ty Arv!
we cant always HAVE what we wanna HAVE in life. So we end up working in areas that we didnt ever dream of.
I hope things improve for ya. TC!
hey Trinaa I hope I didnt make ur brain hurt tho :)
tnxx hun!
ty Rakesh!
yes...writing such posts make me become a better person too :)
I always say i am very selfish to begin with... :)
now there is a degree of everything... even how much u love ur life!!
So when people answer, you have to take this on face value... coz nothing is 100% true except truth... and there is no such truth exists!!
So my point is.. we try our best, to be what we are... we do our stuff... but we all suffer from the paranoid of life... we pretend... all of us mock... some way or other!!
but ya... rather than asking who we are and believing it, i agree to u that friends, family and ppl arnd u r d ones who can answer this honestly... so we shall listen to them... and those who dont do this... are arrogant and self centered!!
Still... who we really are is what we believe we are... :)
u know... i have heard this... ppl say oh i want someone real in my life, and then they run after handsome... a guy or a girl who doesnt look good, but who is good enough to be with you is ignored coz they are good looking... it doesnt matter whether they are good human or not!!
Asking ourselves and finding out who we are... the first step to that is knowing do we know what others are... can we see the truth with naked eyes?? Unless we can see that, we cant see this one too... it all left to pretending then!! :)
aww ty Swetha!
the fact that u openly stated u felt ashamed of some things that u did, means u hv 'realised'...and that ur ready to change.
Cos some ppl dun even REALISE...thats the saddest part.
ty Utopia!
**now i don't judge and so i try not to preach
I agree. Some ppl preach, judge and label others but fail to realise that they themselves need a whole lot of improvment in their lives.
Hobo tnxx!
Actually my posts may seem long, but they are not really long :) Cos of the pics that I attach to the posts, they get stretched and also cos of the small width of the template, the posts seem longer.
Devika tnxx!
**But I have seen I can't be an Unkind or an unloving person
true! I can never be that either.
I may be lovable yes but there r ppl who reject that 'lovableness' in me...they simply disregard it as nonsense. And I sympathise with them :):)
true Archana, we r human...but we cant make that an excuse when we do something hurtful 'intentionally'.
Good to know that Asha :)
ty Adisha!
**Could be - someone has done something that Should not be forgiven
true, I agree.
**Never, always...
Thats right. dun PROMISE ppl or preach to and judge others, if u urself cant be any of that.
It's not abt being a Saint, it's abt being the best that u can be! :)
ty Vani!
**Its not so easy to come out of the story book 'us' nd stare at the 'real life us'
very true!
And Im glad that Im atleast TRYING too.
ty Cess!
***Yes i said I can forgive people but i can t forgive her, yes i can adapt myself easily in a new environment but i can t work with my new colleagues...
Very good examples!
And thats what I mean...we often GENERALISE our qualities but fail miserably when we face individual situations.
ty Nidhi!
**Yes I have done it, but i confess and have tried and avoided doin such stuff
good to know that! That means u r progressing, not stagnating in one place. Great!
Very good example there Jack @ Jesus story.
**One can lie to boss, peers, friends, family but the day one can lie to self it is beyond redemptions
so true. ppl r often too quick to judge others, talk abt others, live in lies etc but one day they'll wake up n realise how much of a lie they hv been to THEMSELVES.
ty Lavida!
yes we r human thus prone to making mistakes...but each time, we hv to become better ppl..not worse. We hv to progress, not stagnate.
aww ty Experience :)
** it. and the WORST part is what i was doing was that i was doing too much good for people who dont deserve it. that was my mistake.
Im glad abt that too! Cos I always went out of my way to be kind to ppl who prolly dun deserve it. But it still makes me glad that Im not a cruel or heartless person.
Good on ya Raysh!
**and i have attempted to make up for it as best as i could
me too.
And ur right, we r constantly changing...and I just want it for the BEST. Not for the WORST :)
Good on ya Vish :)
ty Suresh!
**This tongue doesn't have any manners. These eyes don't know when to pull the shutters. This mind always tresspasses.
Yeah.... I am still not awake....
I like the way u put it..not AWAKE. wow!
tnxx Tairebabs!
o well me too...I believe I hv a big heart but sometimes Im so upset I shut down completely :)
ty BB!
**I have found that I am far more than the sum of my parts, both good and bad, and now just try to overrule the bad and promote the good
So true. This is what MANY ppl do. In that process, often our bad qualities get hidden and stay unattended.
LOL Steve ok! ;-)
**Until you give me cause to dislike you, then we remain friends always.
Respect me and I will respect you.
I so agree. Well-said!
ty Ne!
**Everyday of my life I pray to G-d to be a better person
yes we hv to PROGRESS, not STAGNATE. Thats what I meant from this whole post.
As humans, we will make mistakes...but if we dun learn from em and become better ppl, we r only rotting in one place forever.
ty Bev!
**I always like to think I'm God
HAHA quite an apt comment for this post!
I just landed from my holiday Mexico, Im holding a ham sandwich and Im abt to sneeze...wud u like to sit next to me? LOL!
hey ty Iriz!
**everyone must keep it real but before that, they must know what was actually real.
very well-said!
ty Pink_Orchid and WC! :)
**we should rather make the world aware of what we are rather than build a false image of ours and keep struggling throughout our lives to make that look real!
I so agree and very well-said there. I see some ppl saying one thing but doing a totally different thing when it comes to real life experiences. We all do that sometimes but atleast I admit to it. These ppl dun even REALISE what they r doing. And thats the saddest part. Cos they think they know it all and that they r the best of humans on Earth.
ty Pooja!
**f v cant b tru 2 ourselve...v cant be tru 2 ne1 else
Spot on!
hehe Murane WB :)
hey Diya tnxx!
yes...some of who we are is a mystery..but not ALL of it :)
ty Pisku!
yes its a part of being human but we cant always make that an excuse :)
ty Phoenix! :)
yes Im like u too...I say Im not scared of this n that, but in real Im so bloody scared lol!
hey ty Krys! :)
Im glad u like the song too.
yes Shachi its all abt personal GROWTH.
**We should swallow our pride and be humble....
Spot on! So many ppl r so egoistic and proud. They simply cannot let go. Must be hard to be who they are.
**The friends in our life will tell a lot about us.....and most of it will be true
very well-said!
ty Harini!
** i always believed that to err is human.
yes I agree but being human cannot always be used as an excuse. we must admit to our mistakes and learn from them.
hey Nirmal tnxx! :)
De.vile hey its great to hear from ya :)
I may not comment in ur every post, but I certainly hvnt forgotten ya...thats why I digged my old posts and came to say Hi to ya :)
Hope all is well with ya. Did u hear from Ashes recently?
ty Div n WB! :)
**its so hard to digest that we r not exactly wt we preach and think...
true and thats when Pride n Ego sets in.
yeyyyyy and that ME rockz! @Caz
ty Mayz!
**v see prince charming or cinderella everytime we look in d mirror but when someone else does that we consider dat person a narcissist
I so agree. ppl called me narcissistic, branded me as hvn personality issues, judged me, hated me, called me fake, jobless etc etc but I find those very ppl hv deep issues that they need to resolve first. Sad state u know.
ty Sunshine_girl!
** I am happy to tell you that I'm the one who has the guts to admit every single time what my fault was
great to know that. Cos not many ppl r like that. Most live in denial.
Im glad u like the song and that classics theme of this post :) Im a huge fan of oldies hehe.
Rakesh u r a humble person with cute long hair :)
**But what prompted this?
Many ppl that I've known, including myself.
ty Joyce and Im so glad ur bak :)
**and i am not stubborn to disagree..well more than that i am ready to accept..and so i am to change for better..
Good on ya! Cos thats what we all should aim at..at being BETTER ppl.
Rat ur like me then...I value being alone. :)
ty Sugar! ;-)
aww u too Phoso! :) ty.
So many times i have done things which i didnt believed in, especially in my professional life, but what to do...Its an annoyingly helpless situation.
ty Ankur!
yes ur right...most of us PRETEND. We show a great, smart, beautiful side of us to the world, just so that we r admired and loved. But the real us live deep inside of us and come out when we r faced with real life situations.
I see ppl in blogs write beautiful n assuring things abt themselves. but in a situation that should bring out that side of them, they show a very different side of them.
**can we see the truth with naked eyes??
I agree. Can we? if not, we r all living a mockery.
Good Morning sweets hoz ur weekend gone...hoz the sunshine doing today :)...
you are rite keshi, we are not
what we think we are.we are more tan all dat. until a few yrs a go , i tot i knew evrythn abt me , how i wld react n such n such situation n all that , growing up..i found m not what i thot i was & now i make no predictions of myself. why fetter myself within a fairytale image f myself...one can be just about everything.
sometimes even better tan d storybook me , sometimes a lot worse ....but who cares , i jus wanna live as me whoever that is or however i am ..
p.s i alwayz wonder how you put across things so clearly. i love your thought process, there is a natural discipline in it.
sry fr being late ... hv been awfully busy and away frm home hence away frm net during nights when i am free... i am in a town called kurnool and net is still not a necessity here .. so ... anyway .. back to your post ..
true very true what u said ... as far as i go i think i do practice what i preach .. though there has been an incident where the situation got the better of me .. just once .. but i guess even once is enough eh ??? :)
nice one ..
Hypocrisy isn't alien to humanity; and you know it. Ah well, as the French say - C'est la vie!
It's not just about "I am what I am..." Here is my take on that statement, "I am not what I am; and what I am not, that is precisely what I am."
Peace. Be well.
"Who we really are does not live in our academic qualifications or our certificates or our job titles or our assets...who we really are live in those small gestures, those simple deeds and those things that we say and do to others in our day to day lives."
All I can say is this one is a masterpiece.
Hi,Keshi-I'm impressed with this post-really..The question'Are you really who you believe you are?'..was the clincher...and,to be honest,I don't have an answer to it at present.
But,coming to the first part of the post-yes,I've sometimes done something that is quite the opposite of what I thought I would do...and,it's usually been my instinct which said'To hell with it-go ahead and take the risk'..and,it worked!:) On the other hand,I do believe in practicing what I preach,by first preaching to myself..haha..
'What are the best qualities about you?'is an interview question..I don't think anyone can give a 100% honest answer-I'd leave it to the opposite person who knows me,to tell me!And,try and improve on myself if he/she gives some constructive criticism.:)
This post reminds me of the phrase'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you':)Good going!!I would hereby like to extend an invite to u to write a guest post for my 'inspirations' blog..please..topic-your choice!TC.
hey Hemz :)
yes Southy :) we all do that.
hey Enchanted HUGS!
**i found m not what i thot i was & now i make no predictions of myself. why fetter myself within a fairytale image f myself...one can be just about everything.
I agree...now I dun make any promises to anyone..neither do I act as if Im the best thing that happened to humankind lol!
hey TR ty and WB!
I agree..we do make mistakes but never make the same mistake TWICE :)
hey Kartz!
**I am not what I am; and what I am not, that is precisely what I am.
I didnt get that lol! what did u mean?
ty Satish! :)
It isnt a masterpiece...it's a very simple aspect of life...just that we dun often realise it hehe...
ty Amit and ty for being so honest!
neither do I hv an ans to that qn...cos I dun think Im always the person that I WANT to be.
**On the other hand,I do believe in practicing what I preach,by first preaching to myself..haha..
LOL good one! wut d u think Im doing? I preach to myself in my blog so I rem to stick to my words haha!
awww i loved this post
n so mannyy thingss..tht i could sooo relaatttee too..
Well, that was a parody on the famous statement we all like to give - I am what I am. (No offence to Chriz! For that matter, I include myself, too!)
Try reading it closely. Just keep your own post in mind.
Remember that this online thingie gives us a mask. We are comfortable behind this mask. We keep our identity to ourself. And it is prolly with a handful that we reveal who we actually are.
We try to put forward an image of someone we are not. We cannot be like that in real life. Virtual life gives us that opportunity.
I do not mean to say - everyone of us dons this mask - but lets say a *majority* does. I would love to be proved wrong. Unfortunately, from my experiences thus far, I have been proved right.
I hope it makes *some* sense now. Or have I made meself a laughing stock. :| :(
Cheers, anyway. :)
tnxx Ani and Kartz!
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