Tuesday, April 7

She's Just Not That Into You!

Ok I was not going to blog this fast (cos I just posted a new post yesterday) but I really had to get this outta my system today. Someone called me a 'Supernerd' for not even making an attempt to find a partner! ok I have heard of Supercomputers, Superhumanbeings, Supercentres, Superbowl but hey Supernerd? LOL! Maybe that person is right but how does not wanting to have a partner make me a nerd? Can someone explain that to me please, thanks! For the record, I have always been a nerd in school *received prizes for almost all subjects, every year, from year 1 to year 12* and then I topped my HSC batch *highest in Applied Maths*, and then in Uni too I continued my Nerdism fortunately or not *topped my batch in Comp Sc*...and no it doesn't stop there, cos among my family members and friends I'm labelled a magnetic nerd, apparently cos I know too much and also cos I'm 'strangely interesting' *I don't mean to brag here but it's what they call me*. Even when I go to family gatherings, I usually end up chatting with the oldies or with the kids, not with the My-age crowd. That maybe why they think I'm 'strange'! And now this person calls me a Supernerd for not wanting a man? *stares at the wall like a nerd with a cape..what else can I do ha!*

I always thought being a nerd was to do with Studies, big soda-bottle glasses *I didn't wear any though!*, an outdated sense of fashion *trust me I'm not that either!* and appearing as 'boring' to the 'normal' crowd. I don't mind that though, cos I love being myself and like I have said countless times before, I'm not a follower...I lead. And even if I don't have any followers myself *lol*, I love leading myself and being lead by myself. I'm quite comfortable being who I am. Having said all that, does the term Supernerd for not being interested in finding LOVE fit my personality? Apparently I'm a human knowledgebase that scares men! HUH? Well I do know most men don't like women who know alot but that doesn't mean those women are not fit for love? Is it fair on me to be called a Supernerd for living a single life quite comfortably? Come to think of it, being called a Supernerd is way better than what Aunty B *a Marriage-frenzied lady who once chased me around to get me hooked* would call me - 'Dead' that is! I mean just cos I don't notice hunks winking past me, just cos I reject all romantic proposals, just cos I yawn when people kiss infront of me, just cos I puke when a guy says I LOVE YOU KESHI, just cos I have a mental 'ignore' button when a guy gives me glued attention *except when he looks like John Abraham ofcourse, which hasn't happened yet in my life btw*, just cos I find conventional Marriages boring, just cos I'm happy reading a book on a Sat nite when all my girlfriends are busy making out with their men, just cos a good blog post or a debate gives me brain orgies not Brad Pitt, just cos I'm not advertising myself out there to find a man, just cos I told off a guy who was acting like he was God's gift to women, just cos I have better things to do than to go buy sex toys to try out with my BF *I'd rather buy a hot new cell phone*, just cos I roll my eyes at my friends who go condom-shopping while I'm having a lazy Sunday afternoon sipping fruity cruisers and listening to music thinking what my next blog topic would be, does that mean I'm boring and geeky? Hang on! I AM geeky cos that's my field of work, dammmmn! But hey that has nothing to do with Romance right? I mean WTF. Ok shutup it's official I'm a nerd. *enrolls for the Nerd Of The Year competition!* Atleast I won't be a misfit over there!

btw, please check out Shachi's blog...she's one great writer with awesome pics et al, that I came across recently. You've gotta check her out guys! *just cos a nerd says so ;-)*

Current Music: That Don't Impress Me Much by Shania Twain

161 Cranium Signets:

Utopia said...

Hahah! Well I liked that description of yourself. I wish I knew what I was. Somewhere in between I guess. But I don't like tags and I don't like definitions and like you said "I lead myself" and I love that sentence. Same here I lead myself and honestly I quite love being me and I like the me I turned out to be :D! Btw I am single too, almost 26 years old and marriage isn't anywhere in sight. I'd love to get married and have babies and do the whole thing but then there is a right time for everything. I love my work and however cliche it sounds but I do learn something new every single day and I feel all of us women have such a long long way to go and so many interesting people to meet, intriguing experiences to have. Sigh! Sometimes I feel I just started. :D Have a good day Keshi.

Deepti said...

Loved this post ... and yeah I hate setreotyping :)you go girl :D

Swetha Padakandla said...

hmm.. seriously u r not a nerd! coz i too sometimes fall in the same category like u and am not nerd [winks]

dont worry abt wht the world tells u.. be as u r! :)

nd did the title come from the movie "he's just not that into you"

hmmm.. bt ur title is awesome cool to convert it to girl kind.. keshi style! :D

take care

Hemanth Potluri said...

hmmm...thats a diffrent thing i have read :)...

**I love leading myself and being lead by myself

i love this sentence...it diplays so much of u :)..

**just cos I have a mental 'ignore' button when a guy gives me glued attention *except when he looks like John Abraham ofcourse, which hasn't happened yet in my life btw*

i hope bips reads this sends john to u :)..

its a total different post sweets..being nerd is not rong..but its unique...everyone is nerd in some cases..so unique person's we are :)...

Gud evenin to u hoz the sunshine today :)..


Shachi said...

Thank you Keshi :) for linking my blog up in this post!!!!

Be who you are.....most people are jealous of who you are and so what do they do? Say such stupid lowly things.

I got a lot of crap until I was single - I used to live by myself here in US and everyone thought something is wrong with me :)

Now that I am married, I am on a CONSTANT baby-bump watch - even casual acquaintances come and advise me that I should start thinking about kids - totally blows me off! It's such a personal thing for a couple and I would dare go tell someone what they shud do w.r.t this issue!

Always believe in yourself, always think positive, never lose hope or get discouraged, and keep your inner circle of loved ones tight around you so that they protect you whenever you need it!


♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

lol lol lol!!!!!!!! i cant stop laughing at the last part!! just the day before yesterday, i told one of my friends that id didnt see his call cos id put my phone on silent and had left it in my cupboard cos i was ignoring somebody. i just said i was ignoring a "somebody" and he goes, "ooo i know i know, somebody huh? new guy??" and i told him it was a girl for crying out loud!!!! people so cant accept that your single!!

and the nerd bit so gets to me! kids go around calling each other "nerd" without even knowing what it means! and those people can barely frame sentences and i dont see whats so cool in being stupid!

Anonymous said...

Am I a 'Supernerd' ?
If yes, I am searching another 'Supernerd'?

Devika Jyothi said...

Interesting Keshi,

When I remained unmarried at my 30/31 years of age.. a colleague said, Women should get married -- especially the thinking ones...else they end up being a nuissance to the society!

I still am not sure if what he said was correct...But looking at some, of course not you, I feel he had a point! :)

anyway, Nerd or no nerd -- be happy,


Vaisakh P S said...

Thats defenitly a new one... being called a "super nerd" for not making an attempt.. lol.

I was thinking that you would be referring to your "Aunty B".. :D. She gave up on finding someone for you? :D

Devika Jyothi said...

Oh yeah Keshi, in that respect I should also add...

I have been a good nuissance inside the home for my silence-loving husband...and very cleverly he directed me into blogging....Now, I doubt if I am turning into a nuissance for bloggers...

But just working on the "benefit of doubt" fringe.... :)


Southpaw unplugged said...

U spend ur sunday afternoons sipping fruities and listening to music and u think u r nerd! Ahem ahem...alright u got some serious competition here...:P, On sundays i get up early as usual like a good man...ahem ahem, freshen up, hv my shower, breakfast, etc and hit the sack by 9am again...:D, wake up at 1 pm, quickly make my lunch, eat and go back to sleep by 2pm, wake up again at ard 7.30-8pm make my dinner, eat and go back to sleep by 9.30pm....:D Now beat that...:D

SaffronSaris said...

U changed ur layout!! I like :)
Been trying to post some stuffs over at my side, hence have been slow in coming here.
Hope all is well with ya, eh?

J said...

nerd or no nerd, that virgin pic is hilariously priceless. I am sure you are not going THAT route yet ;)

!Teq-uila Del Zapata said...

you are not nerd, not even 10% and far from a geek.
i happen to be in a profession which requires gluing to PC for millions of hours, but still i am more game than so called most people.
I thought u were spoilt bad girl(*lol, that is my definition of being kool)
school marks, college marks, winning competition is not nerdy or geeky.its more about ur attitude towards sticking to things.
I happen to be part of hacker culture(hackers are not intruders, hackers are programmers, i will explain to you sometimes), geeks and nerds dont have a life, they are obsessed with few things.
But u r quite amicable. infact who so ever told u being nerdy, go slap him TWICE(one from my side!)
and how come people go condom shopping, it takes less than a minute to buy an entire box of condoms.
I know a lot, infact at times people have tough time accepting all that, but What the heck, that's me. that has nothing to do with my being romantic or lovable or loving.
I can assure u that person, whom you will love will one one lucky bustard.

Nachi said...


*Keshi puking in the corner while Nachi steals her doughnut and runs away with it*


...anyways, *hi5* fellow 'human' knowledge-database who scored a premium in applied mathematics. i guess we have a lot more in common than we actually think we do. so see you in the 'Nerd test' face-off. but i must warn you, i play dirty to win...

i like being the super nerd. its better than wearing one's undies over one's pants and flying around the entire universe in the same.

Arv said...

Hmmm... I like this change... I like the way you have replied to this bloke who had called you that :)

you are fab gal :)

take care... cheers...

Utopia said...

Oh and I forgot to mention I think being a super nerd is super cool. I'd love, so love to be smartest one in the room and if there is one thing that gives me an inferiority complex is someone whose smarter than me , eleoquent, knows what "he/she is talking about or was a winner academically in school/university/work all the way. I only eva envied people who had all the brains Hahaha! Believe me a lot of men out there find intelligence a turn on infact most men I know would and the ones who don't well they don't matter really! What say?

Princess said...

hi keshi,

Single women are strong personalities yaar..
Good for you and bad for all men ;)


Anonymous said...

Eh, I'm a nerd. And I like it. No glasses, no slogging without having fun, but still, I'm a PROUD nerd. :D

Anwesa said...

ahem..i luv being nerdy..keshi,u'v got company in the league of nerds..

Vaisakh P S said...

"Single women are strong personalities".

I would say, "Single individuals with an aim or a vision are strong personalities".

Anyone can stay single, but thats not gonna prove anything.
But if they are into something, may be something totally outrageous, something thats gonna make a change... a difference, then it has a meaning. And its worth it.

venuss66 said...

Hi,a nice post. Do what you like and be yourself, Keshi.

Kartz said...

I can relate so much to tht... Had the same prob in my baccalaureate days. Women found me way too *nerdy* just 'cos I'd clarify stuff and argue with professors... Utterly lame and thankfully, I am not with 'em. I am no chauvinist, but ppl like tht put me off big time...

*hi5* Ms. Nerdy...

Lets hope ppl get the msg... ;D

Peace. Have a nice day.

ash89 said...

ur so not a nerd! Ur just different and thats great! If evry1 was gaga over their bfs, who'd knock sense into them? ;)

rainboy said...

well all i can say is i am the male version of you

i like it being myself.

i guess,that makes me a nerd too.

tc n peace

Priya Joyce said...

One thing that Inspired me here is when you talked about not believing in conventional marriages.

I'd fully agree to it...and moreover it's your life and you can choose what to do and also u are mature enough to decide for yourself.

that's all

Anonymous said...

I like your view on this.. Marriage is NOT everything.. sometimes that alone time is what seems to get a person through the day!

SO you like computers and reading and such.. I say GREAT! Damn does this comment tell I am kinda like this also! hahaha I have made great marks and such in school.. But sometimes ONLY YOU can decide when it is time for you to go out and find "The ONE" You seem to be happy in your decisions and well I say Keep it that way!! Keep on making your mind up for Keshi and well if that makes you a SUPER NERD! Just put on a pair of your CUTEST Blahniks and your outfit to go with it.. And Not give to S&$T's about it! lol

If all else fails.. GO SHOPPING!

See Ya Later,

Jeevan said...

I see you’re one girl among many got the chance to turn the usual practice of women, forced into marriage in short time they turn womanhood. I get to see marriage is not the only thing people have to depend or the purpose of living, and they have thing to born to live on there mind. I read this the same series in new format. I hope u has the courage to live individually, but also I wish your life partner happens on your desire.

Talking To My Soul said...

SUPPANERD!!!!!!!!I mean Supernerd! Oh Kesh! I wish the world was full of Supernerds. It would be such a good place to be in. :D

Remain the Suppanerd or Suppageek. Whatever suits you, lady. Hurrray!


Anya said...

friends hunting for condoms when i type this comment.. super nerd! you rock...


and experimenting with new templates kesh?

where did the video disappear? u usually have a youtbe video on the side bar!!


hard-ons can happen to even 3 month old kids.. its just the flow of blood... :P

curryegg said...

Girl! You have changed your blog layout.. Good change.. :)

By the way, I don't think you are a NERD although I have never met you in person. Getting a partner or not has to always depend on your choice. I believe you know when is the right time for you, right?


FH said...

My kids are called nerds too and I am very happy about that. Trisha doesn't have a boyfriend by choice, may be she will get one in college or not, doesn't bother me. If she never gets married (as she says!), I would support her.
We didn't have many choices in India or the opportunities as you have.
If you feel that you can be happy without anyone or expecting anything from others, then that's wonderful, I love it for you. Why listen to others or what they say anyway? :)

ruSh.Me said...

I don't know...May be you are a nerd... You have a Twitter layout... Not many guys can do that; with the amazing CYMK color coding!!

I feel amazingly nice (Read:Sexy) when a guy asks me something technical..!!

Tarun said...

I knew you the moment I read your blog first that u were a fire-cracker that too a pyrotechnique one. :D

Thats why I like to call u Blog Jockey.

Believe me when u say you are kinda a misfit,I know what u talking about.

I think u would be a misfit among all nerds too.

Well as for love life and marriage,there isnt anything certain ...

Take Care K

Shravan Vijayaprasad said...

I almost think i'm a nerd too!! :) an unconventional one just like you!! :)

and i don't think you repel guys as such, as you said, you're strangely attractive!! :)

and you puke when someone says I LOVE YOU KESHI??

I don't mind you having a horrid time, I do love you keshi!! :)

Vishesh said...

lol, I never top anything :) ;)

Whitenoise said...

You're being read by fellow bloggers, therefore you are a nerd amongst nerds. I, myself, prefer the term "eccentric", but what-the-heck... ;-)

rayshma said...

i'm a closet nerd.

as for the so-called "well wishers".. well, they wish you in a well. perpetually. if it's not "get married'... it's "u need to have a baby".. then another baby... and the cycle just goes on. you let them walk over you once and they'll take that as permission to treat you as a doormat!

so well.. suit urself.. and do what makes you happy. coz nobody should be more important to you than you!
better nerd, than doormat, eh?! ;)

pisku said...

Loved reading this!
And welcome to the 'now certified nerds' club

Akanksha said...

I loved this post, Keshi :-)
Even I was called a nerd while I was in school, But ,Thankfully, not any more!

I really don't understand how can people associate being a nerd to being single.Strange...

"I am not advertising myself in front of guys" - This was an amazing line! I jst love it!

Good work dear!

Jack said...


Whether you accept it or not but this remark of someone calling you Supernerd did touch a raw nerve in you. However I must also add that the person who made this remark is either very jealous of your success or is totally ignorant that being a nerd is not being unromantic. I firmly believe that everything is destined and you will be found by one who would also meet your expectation at the appropriate time without you or anyone realising it. WOW! Topper throughout life but do not let it go to your head. Keep your feet firmly on mother earth.

Take care

Hiren said...

hmmmm ... i always complained why arent there some hot geeky females in my organization ... but sigh... one of such rare species is there in australia ... :(

dont worry abt the ones who call u nerd; they are plain jealous abt the fact that you are still able to enjoy your bachelorhood ;)

Nirmal said...


dont be surprised when u hear some thing like ULTRAnerd next time......

Anil Sawan said...

u r a nerd???? [wide open mouth] :O

Margie said...

Never,, never change anything about you, Keshi!
Just follow your heart even when your head says... No, follow, me!
Follow your dreams without reservations-wherever they take you.
Pick a direction for your life and follow it until it's time to follow another.
You will be given signs along the way; you only need to follow them.
Feed your soul whatever it craves!

You are so real & I simply love REAL people like you!
Honest, true & the REAL DEAL!
Never be anything or anybody else..like you ever could...no,no, it would never happen!

Miss you!

With love....


Margie said...

Oh, I forget to mention your blog looks just fabulous, darlin'!


Lucifer said...

i heard nerds r amazin in bed...says not me but a research carried out on me...hehehehe!!!

so i wonder wat a supernerd wud b like...niceeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

**magnetic nerd

now thats suits u perfectly...u dnt need to attract anyone...it comes naturally to u...

**I puke when a guy says I LOVE YOU KESHI

hawwwwwwww :(
thnx for d warnin thou :P

anyway supernerd or not...one thing i kno is dat u r a superhuman...n stay d same always...even if dat means wearin those glasses n big momma panties...


Nikhil Menon said...

haaaahhaaahhaaahhaaaa!! Lovely post kesh..U be yourself and that's really being best.We like you the way you are and would love you this way and no other.. :D

On being single,personal preferences I say.And on leading,ur rite.U are a born leader and I am a humble soldier under you.

Btw,I have this strange feeling that I started all this.. :( I called u a super star and not what you have writen down here..

*weep weep weep

Take care sis,coz I care.. :)


Hemanth Potluri said...

Gud mornin sweets...hoz the sunshine today :)...just mailed ya pls check :)..


Rià said...

ha ha interesting post gurl!! :) I m sorry i hav been missing in action. Monday was my last day at work coz i was going on leave from Tuesday so i worked till late and on Tuesday i cudnt access the internet coz the server was done! *Damn the server* It was so frustrating to be at home and not access the internet. :-/ Anyways i m fine now and my internet is up and running. :)

Hemanth Potluri said...

ok i love the new profile pic :).its yellow and its beautiful just like u :)...and template is soo apt to :)...and ...wats with ur test lol :P..heheh..mailed ya back :)...


Veni said...

Hi Keshi,

Calling you nerd just because you dont want a partner yet....its so lame....those people need a dictionary....dont care what others say...better nerd then lame right : )

Rià said...

And hey good to c ur new look, seems like u r trying to give a different look to ur blog and hey another sweet flower as ur disp pic looks cool!! :)

Dalicia said...

keshi...i love you girl. u r smart!!! beautiful...and best of all...you just get better and better.

i was cool til i came to the states. realized what a nerd i am....hahaha NERDS ROCK! esp. the hots ones

Keshi said...

ty Utopia!

So Im not alone. Great! :)

**then there is a right time for everything

I agree. And no one can forward the clock of life. It all takes place according to how LIFE comes towards each one of us.


Keshi said...

ty Deepti!

I dun mind the 'nerd' tag, but to be called a nerd for not hvn a man is ridiculous lol!


Keshi said...

hey ty Swetha!

Im certainly not a nerd when it comes to love cos I still get turned on by some guys. ;-) All's not dead yet lol!


Keshi said...

ty Hemz!

ur right...we r all unique, hence we r all nerdy in some ways! :)

Bips...mmm Im really not interested in what she has to say. So I dun care. lol!


Keshi said...

aww ty so much Shachi!

ur spot on...always be who you are, no matter what ppl say.

Actually I can deal with the Supernerd tag more than I'd be able to deal with a BF lol!


Keshi said...

HAHA Harini I simply love ur witty comments! keep em coming girl.

**people so cant accept that your single!!

So true. Its like a death-sentence for some ppl, to be single!


Keshi said...

hey Hobo come on over ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Devika!

**a colleague said, Women should get married -- especially the thinking ones...else they end up being a nuissance to the society!

I guess its ur colleague who's a nuisance to the society :)

Being a nuisance to the society doesn't depend on age, sex, marital status, color or creed. It's a very individual matter.


Keshi said...

Vaisakh I did refer to Aunty-B in the post :)


Keshi said...

hey Devika!

**Now, I doubt if I am turning into a nuissance for bloggers

What others think abt u shouldnt matter to ya...u just follow ur passion.


Keshi said...

HAHAHA Southy r ya serious?

Now thats a Meganerd! Its a compliment btw :)


Keshi said...

hey Saffy yes I did a major blog makeover :) Im glad u like it.

And Im doing well ty!


Keshi said...

ty Jitterz! :)

** I am sure you are not going THAT route yet

hmm WHICH route???


Keshi said...

aww ty Anuz! ;-)

**geeks and nerds dont have a life, they are obsessed with few things

well thats what they say...that Im obsessed with INFORMATION and that I dun hv a life beyond computers and gadgets. lol!

**condom shopping

even if it took 5mins, I'd rather be doing something else in that 5mins haha!

From the looks of it, ur a Supernerd too ;-)


Keshi said...

HAHA Nachi u can hv all the doughnuts no worries at all! ;-)

**but i must warn you, i play dirty to win...

hang on, wait! plz do not ask me anything on HSC work anymore...cos I cant rem lol! It was ages ago and no I dun intend to rem Applied Maths anymore either yuk! :)

Superman or Supernerd, I think I'd look hot in red undies and a cape...what say?


Keshi said...

Arv ty!



Keshi said...

hey ty Utopia!

I agree..being called a Supernerd is way better than being called a Superidiot lol!

**Believe me a lot of men out there find intelligence a turn on infact most men I know would and the ones who don't well they don't matter really! What say?

really? I think its true to a certain extent...but I find that most men like PRETTY women as their partners and INTELLIGENT women just for conversation. Wut say?


Keshi said...

ty Aiz!

I agree...but u hv to be comfy being single, in order to be a strong personality. :)


Keshi said...

HAHA Ki WC to the club then! ;-)


Keshi said...

Anwesa I like ur 'nerdism' its great! ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Vaisakh!

**Single individuals with an aim or a vision are strong personalities".

I agree. But to hv a vision and to make a difference to the world, marital status shouldnt matter at all.


Keshi said...

aww ty Venus!


Keshi said...

ty Kartz!

**just 'cos I'd clarify stuff and argue with professors

ok I dunno abt those girls, but I like nerdy/geeky guys ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Ash!

**If evry1 was gaga over their bfs, who'd knock sense into them?

HAHA good one girl! :)


Keshi said...

ty oo7!

**i am the male version of you

o thats great! then we should meet up :)


Keshi said...

hey ty Joyce!

yep. these ppl wont and cant change who I am. but I love to analyse what they think abt me :) Yeah, that proved it..Im a nerd!


Keshi said...

hey Ne!

** Just put on a pair of your CUTEST Blahniks and your outfit to go with it

LOL good one!

And I believe ur quite a nerd..in a good way that is! ;-)


Keshi said...

hey ty Jeevan!

**I hope u has the courage to live individually, but also I wish your life partner happens on your desire

aww what a beautiful n genuine wish there mate. TY!


Keshi said...

HAHA Soul I like Suppageek! ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Chriz!

**friends hunting for condoms when i type this comment.. super nerd!

HAHAHAHAHA good one!

cant u see my vid? its there :( let me know.


but dun they hv to get aroused first?


Keshi said...

ty Curry for the feedback on the template! :)

** I don't think you are a NERD although I have never met you in person

so if/when u meet me u might change ur mind? lol girl!


Anonymous said...

Now I can picture you as a 'sexy nerd'! No, actually, that's an Oxymoron... he he

Nerd or whatever, you're a wonderful person :) And neways, I never had any problems with nerds, was one myself when I was in school.

Keshi said...

aww ty Asha!

u must be the best 'Indian' mother in this world! Seriously, u hv such a great attitude towards everything and ur so wise. Ur kids r very lucky!

**If you feel that you can be happy without anyone or expecting anything from others, then that's wonderful, I love it for you

TY so much! u give me more confidence and strength.



Keshi said...

lol Rush.Me ok maybe Im a nerd in my work area but not when it comes to love girl! I still know how to kiss...TRUST ME PLEASE LOL!

**I feel amazingly nice (Read:Sexy) when a guy asks me something technical..!!

yes...sometimes I flaunt my techo skills to a guy Im interested in. often it doesnt work cos Im a well-known Jerk-magnet!


Keshi said...

hey ty Tarun that was a neat description of me lol!

**I think u would be a misfit among all nerds too.

HAHAHAHA good one! I think u know how I feel? ;-)


Keshi said...

aww Shrav u r 'delicious'! I mean in a SWEET way hehe. TY!

I love ya too! ;-)


Keshi said...

Vish dun u lie now! ;-)


Keshi said...

HAHA Whitenoise!

**therefore you are a nerd amongst nerds

Thats just spot on! I guess only nerdy ppl blog alot...seriously. I mean my cousins n friends ask me if Im mad...when I say Im a blogger that is!


Keshi said...

ty Raysh!

**i'm a closet nerd.

I like that term now! I used to call myself a closet-nympho lol!

I agree totally..better a Supernerd than a doormat!!


Keshi said...

Pisku Im glad ur in there...I knew u would. ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Akanksha!

I was a nerd in school but I was very outgoing too..and outspoken. I was not the quiet kind of nerd lol!


Keshi said...

ty Jack!

no Im serious I didnt get upset by being called a Supernerd. I just wanted to know the connection between Nerdism and Love :):)


Keshi said...

ty Hiren!

omg I was thinking the same...why cant I find hot geeky guys here, cos all geeks here r fugly lol!


Keshi said...

Nirmal r ya the original ULTRAnerd? ;-)


Keshi said...

Sawan Im just one of the million nerds on Earth!


Keshi said...

aww ty Margie!

So nice to see ya here :) missed n missed ya! U ok?

**Pick a direction for your life and follow it until it's time to follow another.

beautiful! Thats my mantra in life. :)



Keshi said...

And ty for the feedback on my template Margie! I like this one better too.

Im hooked on this one at the mo. Lets see how my mood changes ;-)


Keshi said...

lol Mayz u crack me up NERD!

**i heard nerds r amazin in bed

who said that? Albert Einstein? LOL!

or is it that u hv experience with nerd? ;-)

o I know...ur a nerd urself and I rem ur TIGER talk LMAO!


Keshi said...

Nikhil hey tnxx mate!

**U are a born leader and I am a humble soldier under you

yeah and the only person Im leading is MYSELF!

Superstar or Supernerd, Im blessed to hv Superfriends like u. ;-)


Keshi said...

Hemz ty!


Keshi said...

Ria WB I missed ya!


Keshi said...

Hemz I keep changing it a zillion times!


Keshi said...

ty Veni!

**better nerd then lame right

haha how true!


Keshi said...

hey ty Ria :) Im so into a NEW look now hehe...


Keshi said...

hey Dal tnxx babez!

** was cool til i came to the states. realized what a nerd i am

HAHAHAHA! I think I was cool til I was born. lol!


♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

U sounded like me :P

I was a nerd myself if u count academics but still I was never treated like a nerd coz I was top in games and girls too ... :P


nerd for not wanting a man...I think that term is frigid..which I so know that u r not one :P... Ohhh! i think that person must got the meaning from the program Beauty and the nerds :P


supa dupa hilarious :P

btw don't forget to kick his ass from me for an unsuccessful attempt to call ya frigid... u r not one :x

Keshi said...

Rakesh I knew u wud hv been a nerd in school..just dun ask me how :)

** 'sexy nerd'

kinda like that term...is it the same as 'nerdy sex' tho? LOL!


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Supernerd for not being able to find a partner?????????? Phew! That makes me one helluva nerd and I damn well like that!

Keshi said...

yes Bro even I was quite outgoing and outspoken tho I was a nerdy in studies.

**i think that person must got the meaning from the program Beauty and the nerds

HAHAHAHA! Is there such a program really?

Im glad u think Im not a frozen brainbox! tnxx bro :)


Keshi said...

hey Rakesh!

**That makes me one helluva nerd and I damn well like that!

lol WC to the Supernerd club!


Nachi said...

is that even a question?? of course you would look scorching in just that particular part of the outfit.

Yay! Hooray! for Keshi in red undies and a cape...


go Keshi!

Keshi said...

tnxx for confirming that Nachi but Im supposed to be the Supernerd, so red undies, cape AND soda-bottle glasses...hot? I think not. LOL!


Anonymous said...

:))yeah absolutely serious, if i m not travelling on sunday,then thats what i do...:)

Anonymous said...

Ahem ahem...and i'll take that compliment with a bear hug...:D

Toon Indian said...

nice post, truly Keshi istyle :P

Sakshi Arora said...

Have i read a smarter post in a long time? Hell, no!

And c'mon, be fair..guys these days, like intelligent, thinking women.

SMM said...

Hey Keshi...now the question is when are you getting married. Post marriage the question will be "When is the good news?" So you can never really get away from the questions.

I don't think being married or being single is such an issue as long as your happy. And show the finger to those who say any differently. What guarantee is there that you will gain eternal happiness after marriage?

Arjunm arried me cuz I could spar with him on an equal level (so he says - I tell him I am the only girl who got him confuse din his own words). Alot of my guy friends get turned on by intelligence. A dumb blonde (I pretend to be one when it comes to filling up my playlist on my ipod - that's one job I totally hate) is god for dates is what they say or fr a short-term relaion, but at the end of the day they want some one they can talk to on their level without dumbing it down for them. And there I'm sure you can beat all the dumb blondes. It's the men's loss babe not yours.

Live life on your own terms and if you meet someone along the way whose terms match yours, then think about it :)

AmitL said...

Welll,u know,u 'blog-nerd',Keshi..hehehe..please don't get bugged..I couldn't resist that quip after reading ur post.Now,let's see-the term 'supernerd'-I'd conjure up an image of a gal in pony tails with thick horn-rimmed spectacles,nose always stuck in a book..:)But,being termed a supernerd coz u don't attempt to find a partner?No way...I'd label u a 'smart nerd',rather-how's that sound- a smart,magnetic,blog nerd:)..tsk..see,that's what happens when one is on a short break from work-the imagination runs riot...so,let me say,just remain the nice person u are,and ignore those 'nerd calls'.:)BTW,Whew-I didn't know u're a class topper from school days...congrats!!

AmitL said...

And,tks for the link to Shachi's blog-am checking that out now..always happy to read new talent on new blogs!

Maddy said...

*except when he looks like John Abraham ofcourse, which hasn't happened yet in my life btw*,

Hahaha!!! Good to know you are not 100% supernerd!!

Take care girl,Be yourself

Urv said...

Keshi is a nerd! Keshi is a nerd! Keshi is a nerd!

Hehe.. Just kidding babes ;) Won't say that again..

Keshi is a supernerd! Keshi is a supernerd! :P :P :P

Lucifer said...

**ur a nerd urself and I rem ur TIGER talk LMAO!

grrrrrrrrrrr!!! :P

Suresh Kumar said...

If loving oneself is termed as nerd, then we are all nerds... What special about you is you love yourself very much and that is a god given gift.

But I wish that you do find your soul mate at your earliest, if you have not found out till now. Note that soul mate may not necessarily mean a life partner.

La vida Loca said...

oh that is coz nerds dont look beyond the books. you know?

Did I say I love the new template?

Gauri said...

:):) Dropped by while surfing the net. Enjoyed reading post ..will be back soon :)

Unknown said...

after a long time on your blog..
hey keshi..i just took first round of interview,,,to a poor thing...:)
marriage seems to be the most funniest thing....!

Kartz said...

Aaahhh, glad to know that! ;)

Coming to think of it, you'd asked me to dance with you on Valentine's Day... :)

*Now seriously considers Destination Oz ;D *

Trust all is well.


Adisha said...

hey keshi.

Firstly, congrats for being successful in all study endeavors .

Secondly, the fact of matter is people just don't Get it when someone is different and wants different things from like than they do. It's sad but true about life. Kudos to you for living life the way YOU want to !! Keep at it gurl... for we have but one life to live ! That we know of anyways :))

On another thought I just don't get why someone would call you a nerd for that ?! THAT person really needs to read up some more , I guess, for the proper applications of " nerd ".


Commander Zaius said...

Keshi, I'm a nerd, I know nerds, I've seen more nerds than I can shake a stick at. Simply put, you have nothing in common with a nerd. Being your self prevents you from being a nerd.

Mysterious Mia said...

omh am having a hearty laugh....cos i dont think yur a nerd at all....yur a sweet lil angel.....yur like the charmed one heheheh.....

n yeah i wud so agree with u when u say u like to lead yurself.....well i have always thought that yur a trend setter n not a follower.....

keep its up darling....u rock!!!

Sig said...

LOL some people are scared of strong, intelligent women!!

What makes u a 'nerd' to some people may be exactly the same qualities that attract you to others.

Keshi said...

Southy thats the best way to spend ur Sunday. INDULGE in relaxation :)


Keshi said...

ty Rahul! :)


Keshi said...

hey Sakshi WC n ty! :)


Keshi said...

aww ty SMM u really made me smile. And every word u said was true!

**What guarantee is there that you will gain eternal happiness after marriage?

Exactly. I mean happiness is never dependent on external things or another person. It only depends on YOU yourself.


but sometimes I a massive dumb blonde too btw!

TY for the encouragement SMM luv ya!


Keshi said...

hey Amit I was LOL reading ur comment!

** a smart,magnetic,blog nerd

I like that! ;-)

Im sure u were a class-topper too? Im pretty sure abt that!


Keshi said...

And TY for checking out Shachi's space! @Amit


Keshi said...

LOL Maddy no Im only 99% Supernerd. I still hv 1% of LUST left in me!


Keshi said...

HAHAHAHA Urv ur such a BOY! I rem from my kindy days...boys were always bullies..lol cute tho!


Keshi said...

lolz Mayz!


Keshi said...

hey ty Suresh!

**Note that soul mate may not necessarily mean a life partner.

how true! u dun hv to be married or fall in love to find ur soulmate.


Keshi said...

hehe Lavida ty!

o yes even I love this template alot :)


Keshi said...

WC Gauri n ty! :)


Keshi said...

hey Crazy!

**..i just took first round of interview,,,to a poor thing

HAHAHA u did? aww...all the best girl! keep ur options open and dun hv too much expectaions. All the best and keep us posted on the 'funny' aspects of it :)


Keshi said...

HAHA Kartz!

U better love Aus first! ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Adisha! :)

** the fact of matter is people just don't Get it when someone is different and wants different things from like than they do

so so true! Its like they cannot simply digest the fact that some ppl dun hv the same expectations from life.


Keshi said...

aww ty BB! :)

I feel so un-nerdy now haha!


Keshi said...

Mia hey tnxx luv!

I dunno if Im trendsetter to others, but I sure am one to myself ;-)


Keshi said...

ty Silvara!

Yes he seemed scared of me LOL!

**What makes u a 'nerd' to some people may be exactly the same qualities that attract you to others.

I so agree!


Kartz said...

;p" Well, the place is fine. It is the cricket team I am against, remember?

And whatever happened to loving the person? ;)


♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

btw kesh, dont you find it real tough being a nerd?? ive tried so hard but never succeeded.. even when the rest of the world is studying, i have to blog or sing or sleep... with an exam tomorrow and only half of half the chapters completed, i still manage to sleep or fool around.. :D

WarmSunshine said...

Hey Keshi :)

All I wanna say is, be who you are. If this is what they call being nerdy, then I guess a lot of us should be one :)

Take care :)


Keshi said...

hehe I know Kartz. u only hate the Aussie Cricket team, ok alright, I believe ya ;-)


Keshi said...

Harini hey, being a nerd comes naturally to me, when it comes to studies..so it's not tough at all haha!


Keshi said...

ty sweet Sunshine girl ur so kind! :)


Aditya K said...

OMG...what a post.. one of the best for sure..
what an amazing insight and self assessment. wowwww.. a big aplause..
really loved few of your lines.. best among them : I love leading myself and being lead by myself
i really appreciate the fact that you accept being a nerd. :p (wink)
but its really gr8.. i m sure everyone including me would love to have an insight like you do. :)

cheers.. be the way you are..you need not change for "someone"..

Keshi said...

Aditya WC to my world and ty so very much! :)

Im glad that u cud derive some 'meaning' out of this post.
