This is my motherland, this is Sri Lanka! I want the world to know how beautiful a land it is, and amidst all the bloodshed, tears and sufferings in the last few decades, my country did not lose it's strength and beauty. It is all still there and I know she will rise from the ashes and deliver again. Where the British once ruled, where the kings once reigned, where the Buddha once visited, where the temples and nature hum tunes from the heart, where the genuine smiles live, where the lakes and flowers tell you stories, where people will warmly welcome you into their homes, where money is not everything, where the simple life is appreciated, where the culture is rich, where the paddyfields and mountains echo peace, where parents and elders are your God, where the sound of the village temple bells offer you pure bliss, where the green green grass takes you home, where baby Dee lives, and where Keshi was born... :)
Please watch this video with Sound. It gives you a brief intro to where I come heritage...where my heart really is wherever I may go...where my father was born and where he died...where my memories rule...where my culture and life was shaped into what I am today...where my childhood years were spent...where magical beauty lives forever. Watch it to the end, cos I am in this video too ;-) *oii not the monkey ok!* Can you tell me which part I'm referring to when I said I'm in this video? Let's see how clever you are. Good luck and hey have a beautiful weekend! Let Love somehow take you Home...for there is no other place on Earth like Home!
Friday, May 29
The Land Of Mystical Beauty!
Posted by Keshi at 12:03 pm 91 Cranium Signets
Thursday, May 28
Mocha Chocolata Ya Ya...

Current Music: Take A Chance On Me by ABBA
Posted by Keshi at 2:39 pm 96 Cranium Signets
Monday, May 25
Thank God!

I was going to be in London on the 15th of May for a wedding, and then to Paris...after everything was planned for the trip including my saree, tickets etc, my trip suddenly got cancelled due to some urgent work here at home, but in a rather mysetrious way...and then something else happened that pushed me into buying the place w.o. any prior plans at all! Everything happened so fast, totally unplanned and under alot of pressure. Eventually it all turned out to be for the best. I guess certain events happen in our lives for a pretty good reason. Now I strongly believe in Destiny more than ever before. I have just signed the a couple of weeks, I get the house that I bought through my own hard work and with no HELP at all except from one person. Thank GOD! ;-)
Current Music: Now I Can Dance by Tina Arena
Posted by Keshi at 2:59 pm 154 Cranium Signets
Tuesday, May 19
Looking Back Before Going Forward...

Posted by Keshi at 10:54 am 128 Cranium Signets
Wednesday, May 13
Living On The Edge...

btw I won't be regular with blogs as much as I'd like to be for the next X amount of days/weeks, I don't know. It all depends how my fate unfolds in the next couple of weeks. But I'll be here checking comments, publishing them and dropping by your blogs whenever I can. I

Current Music: Hello by Evanescence
Posted by Keshi at 5:07 pm 66 Cranium Signets
Friday, May 8
Read My Heart!

On to materialistic things now. Take a good look at this pic. It was taken 2 days ago. Well I'm going to give you a list of possible things that I may be wishing for behind that 'look' on my face. All you've got to do is guess the right answer. Kapish? Let's see how many of you can read my HEART or how many of you are good psychologists or clairvoyants, whatever it is! :) Good luck!
What do I want from Genie right now? What am I thinking of right now?
1. Wedding plans with Diego *whopppa!!*
2. Brief getaway in Europe
3. Making a Vesak lantern *and shoving it over someone's head!*
4. Buying a brandnew unit of my own
5. Hoping some people would get a life, if not some therapy!
6. New shoes Keshi new shoes yes yes yes! *orgasmic yes!*
7. Going to Hollywood and trying my best to become the next Penelope Cruz!
8. Breaking into Diego's house at night! *there's a reason for choosing NIGHT btw lol!*
9. Enrolling for a Spanish degree at Uni *como estas Amigas? right now I'm only a Google dependent Spaniard*
10. Saying yes to a hot Aussie bloke who asked me out
Current Music: Genie by Christina Aguilera
Posted by Keshi at 3:14 pm 75 Cranium Signets
Thursday, May 7
Iranam Pavasa...

oba ruva chaaya...sanga we paaya...
Current Music: Ganga Addara by Vijaya Kumaratunga
Posted by Keshi at 12:17 pm 82 Cranium Signets
Tuesday, May 5
Te Queiro Diego!

A hot Colombian guy has landed in my regular coffee shop as the new coffee-maker since last week. OMG! And he's soooooo hot, body and soul. At first sight, I thought he's Ricky Martin's brother, yes he looks so much like him! *no gay jokes plz*. He looks so good...great face, hot

Current Music: Volveras by Ricky Martin
Posted by Keshi at 3:05 pm 139 Cranium Signets
Monday, May 4
Broken Beyond Breaking...

~~Skin the sun
Fall asleep
Wish away
soul is cheap...
Lesson learned
Wish me luck
Soothe the burn
Wake me up~~
Current Music: Dumb by Nirvana
Posted by Keshi at 5:03 pm 101 Cranium Signets