Yes everyone walks a certain bridge. Every living being does. And that bridge is Life. Life, I believe is a bridge walked between Birth and Death. And it is upto you to make that Walk worthwhile to you and to others. Making the most of the time you have been given and being the best that you could be is in your hands, not anyone else's. It's a choice that you can make, not an obligation or a luxury that only some people are blessed with. Every living being has a conscience, therefore the ability to weigh what's right by themselves and others, and do the right thing by everyone. We can't all make a mark in this world so our names go down in history. But you and I can make a mark in our own worlds...our own little our own walk across the bridge. We don't have to wait til we are hit with a terminal illness or old age to value life. And we really don't know when we'd be on borrowed time or when we'd not even be given any time to think about it! So take a good look at your life now, the potential in you, the possibilities, the best that you could be, the goodness you can push into the limited time that you have been given.
Most people say it's not good to think about Death until you face it. But chances are, some of us wouldn't even be given an opportunity to 'face' Death...we'd just go in a second. Life is that fragile. I think the more you're conscious of Death and the more you are in acceptance of it, the more you will LIVE than just EXIST. But that doesn't mean you constantly think about Death or become negative about Life. It is the knowledge of the reality of our deteriorating bodies and uncertain fates that will make us reach places where we dared not go before. It is quite foolish to think that Death is not gonna happen to you or that it's nowhere near you right now. Who said that Death was timely and fair? Death is very much alive, as much as Life is. And I see Death as a positive aspect of life, cos the inevitable anticipation of it makes me wanna be more in touch with my inner self and what I can really do within the time I have been given. As long as you're aware that we all have one thing in common, and that is Death, I'm sure you can strive to live to the best of your abilities. Those are the people who know how to make the most of that walk across the bridge, i.o.w. Life.
I went to a funeral recently. A dear person had walked that bridge of Life, and had finally reached the once hazy other end of it. Beautiful words were said about him at the service and the Wake. His sense of humor was praised and his love of life was honored. And I thought to myself, time is precious, so are words, deeds and opportunities. When someone dies, people honor that person with precious words, honorary titles, distinguished awards, pomp and glory. But is he there to receive them anymore? What a waste of accolades and words? Don't get me wrong, it's good to give a good soul a respectable funeral, but wouldn't it be better if it was all said and done when he was alive, so that he could really receive them? Here, the bridge comes to the picture again. You could have someone in your life (near or far) that could receive the appreciation from you before they die. And if you're walking that bridge to the best of your own ability, you wouldn't wait til someone dies for you to acknowledge the value of those people in your life or their potential to reach out to others.
This blog is my e-diary. Some day when I'm not here, when I no longer breathe, when I'm not in a place where I can give you my words of appreciation, gratitude, admiration and love in the form of a Eulogy, I want my loved-ones and each and everyone that I have met in Blogville to know that without you, I'd be nothing. I'm not saying that just for the heck of it or to get some 'awww' comments. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. If not for the touch of each and every individual that had crossed paths with me in my walk across the bridge, the quality of my life would be poorer and my ledgers of having LIVED before I DIED will not balance. It is because of you (each and everyone of you) that I have realised a new depth in me, that I have discovered a new height that I could reach, that I have survived through my darkest moments, that I have stood still on the bridge on a lonely night and believed that I could GO ON somehow. THANK YOU MY MUM, DAD, SIS, GRANMA, FAMILY, TOTAL STRANGERS, DR.CHRIS O'BRIEN (last post), THE CLEANING LADY IN MY PRIMARY SCHOOL, CUZ D, MY YEAR-6 LITERATURE TEACHER MS.DORA, ALL BLOGMATES, BRETT, THE SMILING WOMAN AT THE ASIAN CAFE, THE TRAIN GUARD WHO ALWAYS SAYS GOOD MORNING TO ME, SNUGGLES WHO GREETED ME CHEERFULLY AT THE DOOR THIS MORNING, MS.A, ALL MY FORMER PETS, MOTHER THERESA, BABY DEE, FRIENDS & FOES! It is because of you that I'm what I am today. I thank you always. You were and still are, an inspiration to me. You all contributed to creating a standard that I wanted to live by. There were people who brought out the best (and even the worst) in me. There were people who scratched the surface of my heart and brought out new possibilities in me. And then there were people who dragged me down yet made me realise the resilience in me. And there were people who paved me new paths to reach new destinations that I never even dreamt I'd reach. When people adored me, I knew that I can be loved. And when some people hated me and rejected me, I knew that I won't be loved by all. Each and everyone of you made a realisation in me, no matter HOW it was don
e. You all made my walk across the bridge, the best it can be. And as long as it lasts, I will be the best I can ever be. And when I have reached the other end, I hope I made your walk a little easier and alot stronger too, no matter HOW it was done.
You can either wither away or burn brightly into the oblivion. Everyone DIES but only very few LIVE. Current Music: You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban
108 Cranium Signets:
*And I see Death as a positive aspect of life ... *
Well said Keshi. Yeah death cannot be seen as start or end of something, it is just an event,soul is divine.
But as Bhagvad Gita says,the wise mourn neither the dead nor the living,something we can can do is give it our best and move on.
May I add that in the bridge of life is like a one way street without any space parking nor u turns and only a few right turns.
Happy Week Keshi.
i so loved this post!
every word u said had so much truth in it! nice comparison to the bridge..
and mostly, the one thing what u said.. one day when we are not here.. this blog called e-diary would be the thing whr all will read to know me even after I'm dead! whatever feelings that we would write here would be passed on to the readers!
:) gud write up keshi
You can either wither away or burn brightly into the oblivion. Everyone DIES but only very few LIVE.
beautiful words there...very inspiring...
Very Profound. I am deeply touched. Its always wise to look back and thank all the people who have made your life here worth living. and its just bcoz of these people that you are what you are. I owe everything to my parents, wife and friends and i join you in thanking all.
"We don't have to wait til we are hit with a terminal illness or old age to value life."-so true, most often we value life when its in the last stages. Cheers, have a nice day.:)
Wonderful post, Keshi
It goes as a saying in Malayalam...which goes something like this,
'Death is a comedian who appears with no sense of scene'
A remembrance of the impredictability of death, gets us back on our rightful tracks...clearly history has shown life is not about enjoyment alone, its about virtues too...
and then you live to the fullest joy...i love the joy that rightful living grants me..not the happiness that unmindful pleasures offer!
Some say there's only ONE me, that even doesn't seem final....soul lives on, I believe so
Maybe the other end of the bridge offers hazy views, and clouds, but when we rise above all thsse aspects life is a celebration, and death is a beginning to a new life!
You put it up beautifully..liked the way you compared life to a true!
Happy week Kesh!
This is a lovely post! I agree- we all dont get a chance to face death and must be prepared spiritually and financial. By being a as good a person as we can be, kind and loving and have our finances in an order (some order)
You totally continue to inspore me Kesh....
Not many people can see Death or even Life as something more than face value....
The journey continues...
Very true about can come to you within a fraction of second and it can snatch away the life before we can feel anything at all...
Yeah everyone dies but only the few lives :D
PS: Nowadays I am into killing ;) with my blabbering :D
well said, my friend. straight to point and that too with an example of a funeral. there's no use of whatever u say abt a person unless they r around.
brilliant post Keshi..and very sweet of you to give such a special place to us(hope I'm in it :P) in your life!!
live or Die..
don't ever be regretful...that's what counts.... :)
Its a perfect post to remind of somethings in life on this dull monday morning...
thank you Keshiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
hmmmmmm ohh keshi dont think about 'when I won't be here" you came back didn't u? reincarnation :)
and seriously you always put up such wonderful & apt pictures:)
i was reminded of the book "tuesdays with morrie" by mitch albom.. the prof knows he is dying and he asks his friends and relatives to come and hold simulative funeral for him so tht he knows wat do they have to say about him.. :)
i re-read d last line over n over to grasp d whole beauty of this post...
so well put...d journey n d end...d bridge to wat i call my neverland...its peace we r scared of...we start to fall in love wid temp is temp aint it??
d words said abt someone after death r not mere words to honour dat person...i guess they r a source of inspiration...everyone in d end wants to live in memories...thru deeds n good work
i guess m jus ramblin
i loved this post keshi
The bridge (life) is surely an interesting place to be when all of us are going through it!
Glad I met you along the way :)
I just read this post very quickly as I'm heading out the door in a few mins.
How very glad I am that this was the first thing I read this morning as you totally inspired me Keshi, and I shall be thinking abt ur words all day long.
Thank you so much for this beautiful post & I thank you for being a part of my life.
Luv Ya!
I am so overwhelmed at such words of wisdom from a young person like you. Hope those who read it do remember and try to follow to whatever extent they can.
I had written a post in o3.indiatimes after attending condolance meeting of someone younger and related to me. I will transfer it here in near future. That shows the gist of what you said.
Take care
How beautifully u hav put life..I mean the words speak so so loud...
wat u said about death...that is so true..and that is why i hate when people spk of death as "ghostly/devilish"/
U've not even missed the opportunity to thank important people in ur life..everyone...even us
I mean anyone cannot be more positive towards what's happening..
I've been goin thru this all negative my life lately and this post kindaa makes me feel much better.
no big flowery words .....just a Thanks to u :)
only keshi could write something like so beautiful.
heartfelt dear...
keep rolling :)
Sorry. That post is already here. I posted it in Nov 2008 and you had given your valued views.
Take care
Hi,Keshi-that was quite inspirational..the first time I came across life being compared to a bridge,and,quite aptly so,when I think seriously about it..specially when I think of firm bridges,rickety bridges,bridges that break suddenly,et al..yes,each type represents a unique life somewhere in our world.
The post-funeral accolades-I used to wonder about them,too-but,I realized-it's good- even people who used to backbite behind a person's back when he was alive,come out and speak good about him after he,maybe the words are not really a waste,albeit a bit hypocritical.Sigh!!
Tks four counting us blog-mates as part of your inspirations..the feeling's mutual,of course!:)And,OMG that last quote-everyone dies,but,very few live..was great..makes me want to go out and live life better than I am,right now..:)(Read-'the little time I spend being annoyed or irked,needs to be converted to 'happy time',too')Tks.
I've always gained wisdom from you Keshi and always something to think about & reflect.
This is so true, why sing praises when one is gone?? Say it, say it now and say it sincerely.
Luv you much buddy!!!
Beautifully sadi hun!!i always believe in appreciating ppl for wht they r while they r alive coz thts hw its meant to be.
Whats the point in saying those things after he/she has died. This post jus shows the clarity of thought tht u have. Wish everyone cud see the light at the end of the tunnel and learn to live life in the true sense.
the last lines are SO very true... and so easily forgotten... we all really need to focus on living life... instead of surviving and withering away.
lovely post. :)
Hey Keshi ~
I just came by to read ur post again & be inspired all over again!
Gosh, whenever I read your posts, it just seems like the world is a good place as you make the world seem so much brighter!!!
I thank you for that!
And, I'm having some b-day cake for my sweet hubby very soon.
Come on over for a's very yummy!
I'll leave the front porch light on for ya!
Have a great day!
AHA :) loved this one! I read it at the end of the day but it still made my day :)
You echoed my feelings....and I felt a connection with you (not the first time) through this post.
I volunteer quite often - I am going to blog about my recent experiences soon, but the gist of this post is exactly what I would write - in a different perspective.
Thank you for giving us a chance to read your e-diary....its an honour!
Nicely written. The journey from the cradle to the grave and trying to find the meaning of life.
Here's a line that beautifully sums up."here's a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished.
if you're alive, it is'nt" :)
I also remember a song form Hindi movie Jurm, "Marne ke dar se na Jeena na tu bhool jaa" (Fearing death, don't forget how to live)
knock knock
who is there?
Yama who?
God of death!
God is it that time ?
K , I have lots of stuff to pack , w8 a sec..
Don't bother , we have everything out there..anyway I came in a coupe..
damn..k , ops
Yama comes rushing in and sees that the person has disappeared...
Shouts out , damn I have lost one more person to those angels ;)
ty Tarun!
**Yeah death cannot be seen as start or end of something, it is just an event,soul is divine.
Very well-said! It may be the end of one chapter, but it very well maybe the beginning of another.
**May I add that in the bridge of life is like a one way street without any space parking nor u turns and only a few right turns.
So true! And alot of WRONG turns too :)
ty Swetha!
Yes my blog is almost my own Eulogy :):)
ty Phoenix! :)
ty Zillion!
yes, even the not-so-good r'ships hv made me what I am today. Cos of all the bitter experiences, I've gained my strength.
**so true, most often we value life when its in the last stages.
Life is Terminal anyways ;-)
ty Devika!
**...clearly history has shown life is not about enjoyment alone, its about virtues too...
very true. The Enjoyment Im talking abt is in greater deeds, not just the 'having fun' and 'looking good' kind of joys :)
ur spot on! The soul travels for a long time. I believe in that too.
ty Crystal!
**life is a celebration, and death is a beginning to a new life!
well-said there!
ty Lavida!
yes Spirituality is a must in life...if one doesnt hv it, then one misses out on LIFE itself!
Hey Gypsy :)
hey Silvara u too sweetz!
**Not many people can see Death or even Life as something more than face value....
Thats very well-said. I see alot of ppl just EXISTING.
Hobo yes and Im glad it's still continueing for ya! :)
TC mate!
ty Quest!
**it can come to you within a fraction of second and it can snatch away the life before we can feel anything at all...
yes and thats why we should realise that Life itself is Terminal and do our best while we r here :)
ty Satish!
yes, words uttered at graves go totally wasted.
u r def in it Rahul!!! :)
ty Bro!
yeah...regrets or not, just be grateful for each day and make the most of it.
Arv hey :) Im glad it perked u up hehe...
ty Truthful!
:) yes I came back. But there will also be a time that I wont :( sadly, thats a fact of life.
ty Richa!
**"tuesdays with morrie"
I've got that book! Im yet to read it.
Looks like Im gonna love it :)
ty Mayz!
Yes life is temp and it ends in death, which may be another beginning.
**...i guess they r a source of inspiration...everyone in d end wants to live in memories...thru deeds n good work
I know. However they'd be a greater source of inspiration if ppl delivered it to the person in concern when they r alive. Then everyone wud start doing that and what a wonderful world it wud be :)
Rakesh hey Im glad I met ya too...and I hope u dun reach the other end before me ;-)
aww Margie HUGS!
Im glad abt that sweet girl :)
ty Jack!
I rem that post :)
hey Joyce tnxx hun HUGS! :)
**..and that is why i hate when people spk of death as "ghostly/devilish"/
thats cos they live pseudo lives lol! next time tell em to face LIFE fully and they'll start embracing DEATH too. :)
Rabbit ;-) wut abt u?
tnxx mate!
yes Jack I rem that post. Great one. tnxx!
ty Amit!
**specially when I think of firm bridges,rickety bridges,bridges that break suddenly,et al..yes,each type represents a unique life somewhere in our world.
thats well put!
** even people who used to backbite behind a person's back when he was alive,come out and speak good about him after he dies.
but wuts the use of feeling the LOVE and making up after someone is gone? :) Its of no use to anyone.
**'the little time I spend being annoyed or irked,needs to be converted to 'happy time',too'
Im trying my best to be that too Amit hehe...
ty Shionge n u too :) point glorifying someone when that person cant hear anymore hehe...
ty Ria! :)
sometimes I feel Im too idealistic but hey atleast Im not at the other end hehe...
ty Raysh :)
hey Margie Happy Bday to ur lovely husband! :)
Cake plz!!!
**Gosh, whenever I read your posts, it just seems like the world is a good place as you make the world seem so much brighter!!!
The world is indeed a good place...just that we r not trying hard enough :)
ty Shachi! :)
**I volunteer quite often - I am going to blog about my recent experiences soon, but the gist of this post is exactly what I would write - in a different perspective.
WOW I cant wait to read abt it.
I feel a connection with ya too...thats why I love blogging...cos I find so many special ppl here.
ty Suresh thats a great test! :)
**(Fearing death, don't forget how to live)
so true! Alot of ppl fear Death cos its the unknown...but so is Life. :) Thats what they forget to realise.
hey Vish!
haha cute one :)
What a lesson, Keshi. Thanks for an excellent peace of wisdom!
I am grateful that I met you!
I am so touched. Thank you, Keshi.
Wonderful thoughts!
I completely agree with appreciating a person when they are alive rather than praising them when they cannot be present to receive it.
'And I see Death as a positive aspect of life, cos the inevitable anticipation of it makes me wanna be more in touch with my inner self and what I can really do within the time I have been given
Everyone dies but only a few live!'
Very well said =)
then m deliverin those words to u right now keshi...
i think u r a great person n m proud to kno u...n i think i can b a lil selfish when i say i wish i knew u better
Every moment needs to be lived, every person who enhances your life in any way needs to be appreciated ... That is what Life is truly about !!!
As you talk about your blogs being you and your loved ones, I too reflect over the reason I began writing, so that people I loved knew who I was, and that I cared ...
The feeling is mutual Krys :) ty n HUGS!
tnxx to u too Venus!
ty Sugar!
There's really no point in telling sweet things abt a person is there, when that someone cant hear anymore :)
haha Mayz aww tnxx! :)
Im not a GREAT person Mayz...Great ppl r ppl like Mother Theresa, Dr.O'Brien, Gandhi etc.
Im just an AVERAGE humanbeing. The difference between me and most other AVERAGE humanbeings r that Im more in touch with my inner self. Iwant to highlight on the simple yet most imp aspects and values in life that most ppl disregard :)
Adisha tnxx sweetie!
And ur so right...ppl u love n care abt need to KNOW that u love n care abt em. Its imp to let em know while they can hear, see, listen and appreciate ur love.
You never walk alone, poppy doll-pearl. Different people walk with you in different stages of your journey on your bridge. Some bring you joy, some bring you anguish. When you come to the end of your bridge, no matter what emotional turmoil your companions had brought you, they would have at least done one thing: helped you appreciate the scenary as you walked along the bridge.
When someone dies, people honor that person with precious words, honorary titles, distinguished awards, pomp and glory.
That's sort of funny given that down here in the American South often times some of the best parties is after someone dies. What happens is that once the word has spread about someone passing all sorts of people start cooking food and taking it to the house of the the person who passed away. After that people start telling stories and sharing good times about the person who passed it isn't unusual to have people laughing their asses off in one room and others crying in the next.
Slightly weird? Yeah, but it serves to bring people together and celebrate the person who has died. And that's for people you just know or barely like. If the person is popular just magnify the situation. At the passing of my uncle last year at one point my brothers, cousins, and long time friends were drunk in his yard. Believe it or not I honestly believe my uncle would have loved it.
Great Post there gal... :)
Aww sweetheart...Love you too.. and I want you to be around Blogsville like forever, and keep writing good stuff.
Keep Rocking :*
Yes, I know that Keshi.
We all need to try harder!
Each & everyone of us!
Where did the 'care' post go? :-S
WHY did you delete it?
Another post deleted?
I dont know if u r really in a trauma,but next time u answer comments may I request you to please wear a helmet.
U under trauma or paranoia?
heyy... been a while since this one.. all well?
The following comment is for the latest post that you wrote but ain't visible now :)
I tried posting it 10 hrs back but my net connections got problems and had to save the comment in my mail :D
Comment from me and the arrow shot from a bow can't be taken back :D ;)
"Virtual word is not the best place to put your naked feelings across.....very true....had read an article by a psychologist on the rising number of online relations and crimes associated with it...the reason being that all inhibitions and other things are overcome for lack of fear in being face to face with the other person thus blaring out even one's most deep secrets, emotions and fears. Which would in most cases meet an unpleasant end... :)
I'm only a foolish humanbeing, walking the same path as you are I disagree :D :P as I am the perfect human being crafted by aliens :D
PS: Sometimes the funny bone gets activated even when I feel to comment something serious :D No control :)"
Have I started foreseeing things??? I thot I saw a post after this... ;)
Blog updated.
Just be aware of the Toll! hahah
(and some bridges have Trolls, too)
Rock on!
Wishing you an awesome day!
And a Hug!
A quote...
The bitterest tears shed over a grave are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.
-Harriet Beecher Stowe.
That quote is so very true, don't u think so, Keshi?
Well-said Saffy!
ty BB!
**Yeah, but it serves to bring people together and celebrate the person who has died.
It sure does! And it's all good. And I'd like it too. :)
ty Nidhi!
**.. and I want you to be around Blogsville like forever
aww...that brought memories of a good friend who said the same thing to me but she's not here anymore...she left blogville long time ago :(
ty Margie!
hey Crystal!
**Where did the 'care' post go? :-S
WHY did you delete it?
Sorry girl, I had to delete it. I thought it didnt deliver what it was expected to deliver.
HAHA Tarun!
That way can I avoid the MENTAL Trauma tho? :)
Tarun ur cracking me up now! but nah I aint an EGG ;-)
**U under trauma or paranoia?
Im in Parapsychological trauma! That means Im dead and still in Trauma lol!
hey Raysh ty sweetie!
I had a post up after this one. It all got deleted due to 'unavoidable circumstances' ;-)
Im bak now.
ty Quest for going thru so much of trouble to save that comment and then reply to me etc. Ur sweet.
**the reason being that all inhibitions and other things are overcome for lack of fear in being face to face with the other person thus blaring out even one's most deep secrets, emotions and fears. Which would in most cases meet an unpleasant end
I so agree. And thats why it becomes very difficult to make someone u'stand something over the net. cos we r only using WORDS here. And alot of the time, ppl get it all wrong. Sometimes Im baffled at the totally unrelated comments I get for a post I write. It goes to show how little the Comprension factor gets satisfied thru blog posts.
**I am the perfect human being crafted by aliens
HAHA Im sure u r!
Keep the humor coming :) I love it.
hey KK!
**Have I started foreseeing things???
now is the time u should go ard saying
ty Tarun!
Rex that was a good one!
And that toll gets paid at a heavy toll lol! Death at the end of it all :)
aww ty Margie n to u too!
Indeedz Margie, it's so very true.
**The bitterest tears shed over a grave are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone
I hv often seen ppl shedding tears and wishing for so many things at graves. Too late I guess ha!
woah!!!!!!!! that was a beautiful post. youre the most "thoughtful" person i know. :P like in no one ive seen thinks more. (the literal meaning applies too)
well, youve made me feel like giving my best to what i do instead of just "doing" it.
you mind if i do a 55fiction on this??
consider it a tribute :)
Woww!! Lovely post....great going!! :)
Hairini go for it. I'd love to read it :)
And tnxx!
WC to my world Anubha n ty! :)
Why in the world did I not come across such a wonderful blog before ?? :) I have to admit that this is certainly one of the most beautiful and thought-provoking posts I've ever read & that's what I plan to do today- read the rest of the entries in your blog... will comment ltr when I am done! :) take care sweetie :)
God bless you! :)
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