Thursday, June 25

Somewhere I've Never Been...

The Day I Flashed Myself To The Doctors!
Ok I know I'm vain but hey I aint superficial ok! Yes, that rather 'sentimental' day of the year has stumbled upon me's my Birthday today! And I'm telling you all this cos I'm an average, selfish, attention-seeking humanbeing who would love to get some kisses, hugs and wishes on this day that I was born some 'aeons' ago! Atleast your Love would make me feel like a baby again and not some prehistoric dynasaur aging into extinction right? THANKS ALL IN ADVANCE for the Love on this day! ;-) Now are ya ready to learn how to love? Then read on...yes Keshi is giving you 'lectures' even on her with it.

Unplanning My Life...
Some of my friends asked me what my 'plans' were for today *I hardly PLAN anything anymore*. Some others asked me if I was going to 'throw' a party *wonder who would CATCH it*. Some asked me if I was going out at night with friends to 'celebrate' *ehh CELEBRATE what? The fact that I was born on this day or the fact that I'm still alive? I choose the latter*. A friend asked if I was gonna get pampered on this day with a nice haircut or a glam-doll look with a hot new outfit *I lookafter myself even on an ORDINARY day*. Actually I'm doing none of those things today. Woke up to some lovely surprises by mum and sis, and alot of txt msgs, cards, calls and whatnots from far far away. Kath, Cess, Ria, Kavi, Joyce, Maddy and Margie you guys were the first to wish me this year - THANKS for remembering me so dearly lovelies! I'm at work right now and the rest of the day will go as usual, but with floodgates of bday wishes opening very soon! My wonderful cousins and mates are planning a huge bday party for me on Sunday. I begged them not to but they insist that I attend it or they are gonna torture me with a cattle-prod! I think I will go.

A Year Younger Today...
I realise something new this year. Something 'fresh' and 'youthful' about me. With every birthday I seem to be getting 'younger';-). Surprised? Now don't get me wrong...I didn't mean that with every birthday I get a Botox done or that I end up looking like a Barbie doll with FF boobs that never stop being perky! Now that can never happen with Age anyways...our BODIES can only get older. But yes, our MINDS can get younger, that is if we want to. What I meant by getting younger with every birthday was, that my attitude and approach to life and people around me has become youthful and fresh...innocent and purer than before. Yes we can learn to be pure again, if we try. Now let me tell you WHERE I am today, after all these years of LIFE on Earth. Now I'm able to forgive easily than I used to be...I wonder why I couldn't do it before...I wonder why people so stubbornly hold on to their egos that might make them regret later...even I used to be like that before, but not anymore. Now I can apologise more easily too...I used to have a little bit of pride and take time to say Sorry...but now whenever I'm wrong, I say it out loud, just like how a kid would. Now I can apply that wonderful quote by Morrie Shwartz (in the book 'Tuesdays With Morrie') 'Love is the only rational act' to my life than I could before. When someone hurts me, I still get upset and react a little, but I seem to hold no grudges anymore..not for too long anyways. Now I seem to feel my emotions fully than I used to before...I used to run away from my emotions, as if they were a beast. Now I let them flow fully and I let them make me the person that I'm supposed to be...just like a child. I live it like it is. I'm a confident and honest woman, yet a sensitive and a blunt child. I'm 'living' more than I used to. I have realised the pangs of life that I often seem to have I give them attention and just go with the flow...just like a careless kid, careless about what's around her and what people would think about her next move. I don't think and act 'collectively' anymore, just to be safe or to feel appreciated..I am myself, I make decisions alone and I'm not afraid of being laughed at. I trust people more than I used to...I don't force my opinion on them anymore and I trust that they can handle things themselves. I'm no longer afraid to show the sensitive side of me...I'm not going to pretend that I don't cry or that I'm not a drama queen. I have realised I'd rather be as soft as a child than as hard as a rock that never 'felt' anything. When I hear music I'd just get up and dance no matter where I am...for my mind cannot deny the rhythm it want my body to follow. I'm more responsive to people now, both loved-ones and total strangers...what is the value of life if you can't be responsive and pay attention to one another? Now I believe in the simple life than I used to...I see the beauty of living a normal day, even if it's my birthday, just doing some gardening, chatting to mum, having a good nap and taking a nice long bath. To me, that is a Celebration of Life. I don't have the perfect life but I know I do appreciate life every single day in a way that most people don't.

The Mind Lasts Longer And Is Stronger Than The Body...
With every year of Life that I have gained on Earth, I have mentally shed my 'adulthood' and gained 'youth' in quite a 'mature' way. With every physical change that has happened in me, I have gained mental substance. I no longer wish I was still 18 or 21. For why would I crave for a place I have already been to? I'm glad about 'where' I am today. I'm in a good place. I don't stand infront of the mirror and feel that I'm fat, old, look a lil less pretty than last year or that I need someone else around to make me feel special and loved. I stand infront of the mirror and see a woman who has grown alot through her experiences, one who loves herself no matter what people say, who is able to really smile through her tears, who loves her looks just the way they are with all the flaws and all, who knows that holding on too tightly to our physicalities, titles, pride and whatnots won't take her anywhere, who has somehow realised that Love is really the only rational act...just like how wise 'young' professor Morrie Shwartz had believed. I'm still learning but I have gained so much wisdom, strength, knowledge, love and light over the years, and I have only become 'youthful' towards life, and alot more positive about life. I'm not as broody, moody, stubborn, vengeful, proud, unforgiving, foolish, materialistic, selfish or as angry as I used to be. To me, that would be what being 'old' is like - being grumpy and cranky, and holding on to the past too tightly. I'm now in a place that I'd never wanna swap with someone else, not even for the world. I have just entered a 'place' in my life that I have never been before, and I couldn't be happier. I aint Mother Theresa hell nah, but I just know that Love somehow wins at the end of the day. And this is where I want to be. What more could I want ha?

Keep getting 'younger' my friends...with your attitudes to life and others. Don't shun Love in the name of looking tough...for Love is the only 'rational' act. And as a birthday treat, I want you all to comment on that quote ;-). Tell me what you think about it. And Happy Birthday RIA for the 23rd of June! Thanks all and have a good day!

L O V E I S T H E O N L Y C U R E F O R A L L W O U N D S & S C R E W U P S - by Keshi ofcourse! ;-)

Current Music: The Power Of Love by Celine Dion

95 Cranium Signets:

Priya Joyce said...

happy b'day dear..ur first b'day after i joined it's special for me too :)
hugs njoy the day..and yeh I simply liked tat
"one yr younger thing"

wat a thought to begin a new yr of lyf :)

hugs to u:)

Margie said...

What a beautiful post to share with us on your b-day.
It was beautiful!
Thank you, keshi.

Now have a great day!

I'm off on a walk with Jake & hubby now as it's such a beautiful evening here and I want to get out & enjoy it!



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Keshi! I tell you I read your post and almost felt refreshed myself.

I am glad that you are at a place where you know and see all that matters is you! nothing else.



Menchie said...

Happy happy birthday keshigirl! I hope this day brings you much love, peace and gorgeous men! LOL!

krystyna said...

Happy Birthday to you Keshi!
May your day be filled with joy and happiness!

Love & hugsss
Take a rose from my blog. It is for you.

La vida Loca said...

Happy birthday Keshi darling :)
May you have a long, happy and full filling life.

Suresh Kumar said...

Happy Birthday Keshi! And loads of beautiful messages in this post! Aging in reverse... thats superb.. A person is as old as he thinks... rite..

Celebrate the life! Keshi...

AmitL said...

Hi, Keshi!!Here's wishing you a very happy,dazzling,scintillating,birthday!May you always continue growing younger.:)
This was a lovely post,befitting the occasion..yes,you're not superficial(I wouldn't agree to ur being vain,though..replace that word with self-respectful)..yes,avoid the 'cattle-prod'and attend ur bday party.:)
Happy birthday to Ria too! Hope she had a great day and has a great year.
Lastly, the quote'Love is the only rational act'-I totally agree- that's the secret of the law of attraction,isn't it? Love begets love,and the more of it we spread around with a smile on our faces, the more we're making the world a nicer place to live in.:)Cheerio and have a lovely day,year,years!!:)

rayshma said...

habby habby budday!!!!
here's hoping this one and the ones that follow bring you tonnes and tonnes of luck and love!
have fun, gurl!
and stay safe! :)

prabirsaha said...

Happy Birthday to you;
Happy birthday to you;
Happy birthday to awesome blogger Keshie;
Happy Birthday to you....hip hip hooray!!!

Have a wonderful day...

Hemanth Potluri said...

Happy Birthday to my sweeeetessssttt heartttt :)....:* ya soo much year younger hehehe :) true...may be u go to a pub he says ur kid so dont come here :P...heheh :)...

the post was just awesomely beautiful :)..loved it to the core...:)....i woke soo early i cant believe my eyes :P..soo nice to wish ria...

happy birthday to ria also :)..belated tho :)...

i am soo excited ...where is the party sweets :) me my number is 99******* hehehe :) ya....


Saim said...

Happyz Buddayz Keshi:)
what a beautiful post...u give us a gift today as well wen it should be the other way around.
About the quote:- nothing can be truer, it's love on what te world lives, take away love and what remains, really?

Btw...hope u get smeared by chocolate fudge today:P

Devika Jyothi said...

Birthday wishes with all my love, Keshi dear :-)


Anwesa said...

happy b'de,dear keshi!!!
d post was a lovely read...may u b d happiest person on earth....

krystyna said...

Happy Birthday to your friend Ria too!

Think Tank said...

Happy b'day kesh...check my blog. and hav an owesum life ...wishing for everyday of ur life :)

Lucifer said...

perfect post on ur bday keshi :)

wishin u a vy happy bday...keep smilin...n keep being d beautiful person u r :)


Tarun said...

Hey Keshi ...

Where are the sweet toffees and candy bars and lolly pops, and paper hats and paper masks.


Many happy returns of the day.
May u continue to live with wisdom and charm and health and consciousness.

I cant forget ur b'day. No I m not stalking u, my elder brother celebrates his b'day today too.


Belated greetings to Ria as well.
Blows up the trumpet and hoots for wine or beer.

Satish Bolla said...

keshi, many many happy returns of the day. good to see that u got a year(or more) younger today. after all, that's wht we want in life.

as u quoted "love is the only rational act", i used to believe the same. at least till a few months back. but having seen so many illogical breakups, i've given up thinking so. for now, humanity is the only rational act

Margie said...

Dear Keshi
Thank you love, for the sweet comment on my blog!
It warmed my heart & soul!
I feel exactly the same way!

Going to bed now, been a long day & I've just finished putting all my outfits together for the destrination wedding...we leave a week from tomorrow.

Nitey nite, Keshi.



Rashmi said...

happy birthday... have a fantastic year ahead...

PS : Gotto know its ur birthday from Farha's blog

Nirmal said...

Happy bIrthday sweety...have a wonderful year ahead..

Mona said...

Happy Birthday to you Keshi! May the coming year be full of joy and success!

Trinaa said...


Swetha Padakandla said...

wowieee.. celebrations!! :D

wishing you a very fun filled birthday! enjoy the most...

let god bless u!
and a very big huggg to u!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Bird Day Keshi!!!

Just read the first few lines... Will come back to read the rest of the post later...


ZB said...

Hey, Many Many happy returns of the day.....Lovely post, warmth and honesty....I just woke up, will come to read it fully(sitting in the office, of course):))))))))))

Sig said...

Hey!! Happy birthday darl!

You need to get on FB so that I can remember these things!!! I forget everyone's b'day! :D

Hope you had a great day babe - totally deserve it :D

Anonymous said...

Best wishes Keshi. I hope it was a great day for you.

- Sugar Cube - said...

Hey wish you many many happy returns of the day! Have a wonderful time ahead ! Wish you the very best!

"Love is the only rational act"
I don't know what to say on that.
I believe you cannot make logic out of love.Hmm guess there's a deeper meaning.*thinking*

MARIA said...

Happy Birthday to you my beautiful friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Keshi =)
That was a beautiful post. :)

Lena said...

Happy Birthday, Keshi :)
Sorry, I havent been around lately being damn busy with work and personal stuff, but couldnt not wish you on this day :)

May everything in your life be a blessing for you. Be happy and make other people happy, just like you do :)
And I wish you would smile always, no matter what :)

take care, girl,

Lots of love and hugs,

Suree said...

hey happy bday

SaffronSaris said...

Happi Birthday to you
Happi Birthday to you
Happi Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!

Hugzzz!!! Hope u have a great birthday today, and stuff yourself silly with cake and ice-cream (or whatever catches your fancy)

Am caught up with something right now. Will you be a dear and remind me to post something next Tue??

SMM said...

Happy Birthday keshi :)

Have a blast and a wonderful year ahead :)

Kelvy said...

Happy Birthday dear keshi...May u hav wonderful years ahead!!!!

Talking To My Soul said...

Love..Hugs..Kisses...Have them all, darling.

Many many happy returns of the day, Kesh.

God bless you. Smile always.

Yes, I am alive. Will send you some proof. On their way.


I'll try 2 be truthful said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, have a beloved life:)

reading your blog i had always thought that our birthdays might be quite close (coz both of us are cancers! ) and yes I'm blabbering but u know what ?? tomorrow is my birthday :D yup 26th june :D

ok am now going back to reading the post:)

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

woooohoo such cool cranium siglets even on a birthday.
I dedicate " singlady-beyonce" to you :D

Hiren said...

Happy Birthday Keshi ... wish you a wonderful day to kickstart a great year ahead .... hope u njoi the day to the fullest .... and you indeed have grown a year younger :)

Hugzz ...

take care!

Nikhil Menon said...

Many many happy returns sweetie..:))) as Priya said,its ur first since I've come in too.. YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I am throwing a party on my blog shortly after my health is back to normal..:))

Take care.. :) u ll always be there in ma prayers.Wishing u life's best for a wonderful day and year ahead.. :))



Dee said...

Happy Birthday Kesh!!

I hope u have a wonderful year ahead.


Rakesh Vanamali said...

Keshi, wishing you a very happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead! May the coming year be absolutely rocking!

Teline said...

again happy bday darling, can t comment on the quote, i m french, i don t understand it :P nah my brain is way to slow to make any rational comment :P
tc doll

Tabitha said...

Happy Birthday Keshi :)
My Birthday is in June toooooo....Have a fantabulous year ahead..God bless ..Take care :)

Adisha said...

Many Many Many Happy Returns of the day Gurl !!!!!

It's sooo amazing that you are growing in just the right way - young and mature , and can still introspect enough about yourself in order to see how you've changed over the years ...

As for the quote - Love IS the only rational act ... since it's the most natural thing in the world to care for another ... to feel for a person whose close to you and do for them , all that comes naturally with that feeling of closeness ...

Jeevan said...

how do I forget dear, when I know u share my mom’s birthday!

Wish you many more happy returns of the day :)

I feel I’m on the way you’re, learning something everyday without reason and being simple is always nice, thus we understand life from least and what really needs. Loved this post keshi, so much confidence here. hugs

Akshat said...

Happy B'day K!!!

Have a blast!! You already must be having right???

You know what......I miss you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I doubt I'd last another day before I plunge back into my blog!!!


Love you!!

Take Care

tulipspeaks said...

Hey.. Happy Birthday Keshi!


Anonymous said...

Happy B'day Kesh. Wishing you the best ;)

Ratzzz said...

hugzzz dear... many more happy returns of the day....

and u know.... instead of commenting on morrie's quote i ll cross quote something...
"I won't have everything in my life unless i have love" - School of life

"I love u and u love me... thats my gift.. take it and don't ask why" - Of only...

keep rocking dear

Jay said...

Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy

Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy Keshi baby! ;-)

Mysterious Mia said...

happy birthday darling...may god shower his choicest blessings on ya. sending u lots of love across the continents n babes.....get yruself a drink at pontoon for me ;)

that was a real sweet post....n i totally concur when u say getting younger by a yr....

btw wishing u many more birthdays to come.....lotsa hugs n love to u toooooo....mia...muuuuwah

Shachi said...

Loads of warmth, barrels of hugs, heaps of kisses, and gazillions of LOVE to you on your birthday :)

May you be blessed with a lot of peace, contentment, joy and laughter this year :) May you be blessed with good health this year :)May all your dreams come true.


Margie said...

Hi Keshi, darlin'
I'm sure u heard, Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson died sad!
They are gone much too soon.

Keshi, can you do the Moonwalk for me?
I'll always think of u doing it for me as u mention doing it for me so often!

Love ya!!!!


Margie said...

I knew u wud be in shock, just as I am Keshi about Jacko passing!
It was not so much a shock about Farrah as she was sick for a long time!
But I still can't belive it about Michael Jackson....I too loved him & his music.
It makes me so sad how troubled his life was...may he RIP and Farrah too.

Yes, life is so precious yet so fragile...*HUGZ*


Vest said...

Happy birthday sweet lady,XOXOX

Vest said...

Keshi; The Email messaage in full was too large to post as a comment.

Vishesh said...

hey latea sonalum latesta sonlaren
- happy happy birthday :D :D :D

Sometimes I wish I could become a baby again...but ya mentally I can turn into a kid any time I want ;)

Vaisakh P S said...

happy birthday keshi :)

Toon Indian said...

Belated happy b'day dear..really sorry to come so late didn't visit any of the blogs..was checking out twitter!
Are you on twitter??
Have a great weekend..and by the way how old are you :P(jus kidding) don't answer that !!

Anonymous said...

To be honest I skip the post to say : Happy Birthday !

WarmSunshine said...

hey HAPPY BIRTHDAY Keshi... may you have many many manyyyyyy more with every one you love :)

May God give you happiness and contentment every step of the way...
Sending love ur way!

*muah* :)

Prakhar said...

Belated Happy B'day dear :)..wishing u an awesome year ahead...and many more like it :)

Anonymous said...

wasnt online for a while.. and see i missed your birthday..

belated birthday wishes..

may the good lord bless you and guide and may his mercy and grace be with you now and for ever..
have a great life bud.. and keep blogging snd keep spreading the love through your words..

belated burthday wishes to ria too :)

anits said...

hi darling hpy bday!!!! big hugs frm how u spent ur day?! may god bless u....tcare n hv fun yah?!

Kalpana said...

Happy Birthday Dear!!! Wishing wonderful time ahead for you!!! :)

Kartz said...

Greetings on your birth anniversary, Keshi... :)

Pray you get the best life has to offer.

Peace. Stay blessed.

Kartz said...

Greetings on your birth anniversary, Keshi... :)

Pray you get the best life has to offer.

Peace. Stay blessed.

Gayathri said...

happy birthday keshi..
and really loved your post.. desperately wish if i could also throw away all those shackles of ego and pride and be free like a baby!
well put!!

Arv said...

Buddaaaaaaaaaay Wishhhhhhhhhhhhessssssss :)

Happy Birthday da :)

lots of luv


Die MurƤne said...

happy birthday hottie!

send you a million kisses :)

Jack said...


Last 3 days I have been trying to catch up but have not succeded. It is 2 posts + 1 from old ones. I will come back tomorrow and read.

Take care

Unknown said...

Belated Happy Birthday...

Yeah, the mind can get younger by day!!

So I normally, say, when people ask me my age...I reply

23 year fresh..

And seems, you have chosen the Birthday to be the time, when you ponder over the sentiments....and years passed by!!!

Enjoy ...its ur day, ur week, ur year!

Trevor Penn said...

Hugs, kisses and lots of luv, Kesh...

Special wishes for a special person. :-)

joie de vivre said...

ohh m the last one to wish i actually had no idea about ur bdayy..
never mind
wishes wud b the same..either first or last

we all love you, happt birthday


Keshi said...

THANKS each and everyone for ur lovely wishes here!

They mean alot to me MWAH!


Dalicia said...

happy birthday my dear!! stay strong..and be all you can be :D

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

Happy birthday keshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so sorry i didnt read your post before..

hmm... if you feel like a kid, you should love birthday parties, right
:P i get it, but still... i loooove them, thats why

and bout the qoute,
Love is the only 'rational' act.

hmmm i dunno... love as in, the love to do something is what makes you do the something well. it makes you put in youre best, cos what you like is the best in you!!! so it is only sensible to do what you love!
so yeah, love IS the only rational act.

so happy birthday to the one person who has so drastically changed the way i look at things and has made me think and look around a lot more. Thanks for making a difference in my life.


Kathy said...

heyaa kesh.. hope u had a great time on ur bday! stay blessed! :)

luv ya always! muahh..


Commander Zaius said...

Happy belated birthday my dear friend!

"I hardly PLAN anything anymore*.
I actually prefer it that way mostly. My in-laws are "planners" in that they don't move without an in depth discussion on all the possible outcomes and drawbacks on something as simple as what restaurant they want to eat at. It is soul numbing and someone is always complaining about where we didn't go.
I prefer just to jump and move and hope everything goes okay. Often it doesn't go okay and disaster results but I'm generally happier.

muthu said...

Belated happy B day Keshi...

have a great year ahead.

Am so sorry to have missed wishing U on ur B day....

And yeah looking @ your quote from "Tuesdays with morrie"

I remember the story that is said by morrie in the same--

the one with the two waves--

1 of the waves would put out a sad face & when asked by another passing wave "whats the matter??"

It will say about the way he is going to crash & break at the shore but then the other wave will say--

We are a part of the ocean. We are not single waves...

As in like that --- people are not alone as long as they themselves think so...

Cheers... :)

Stupidosaur said...

Happy Birth+3day!

Keshi said...

ty each and everyone for ur warm and loving bday wishes!

Keep the love going :)



Priya said...

Belated birthday wishes to you Keshi:))

White Magpie said...

Belated one Keshi. I know you must have had fun as always.

I thought love was always "irrational". Cuz it happens inspite of all the odds. Cause the passion increases inspite of the brief insanities. And we love those who hurt and hurt those who love. Irrationally Rational.

Prashanti :) said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG The first time I miss some of your posts and its your bday by the time I return ??? I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry kesh.

Wishing you a very very happy belated bday and loads of happiness and good wishes for every bday to come :)

Keshi said...

tnxx Priya, Magpie and Prashanti! :)


RiĆ  said...

thanks a ton for wishing me thru ur blog gurl. :) and doesnt thinking come so naturally to us cancerian babes! :) Although i must say i loved the theme of the post.

How do we know said...

Happy Birthday baby!!!

How do we know said...

you really, really rock.. i wasnt around for a while.. but this is such awesome comeback!

ancientmariner said...

a tad too late..but wishes galore from me for your bday...

Keshi said...

tnxx each and everyone of ya! :)


Miss Komal said...

Belated birthday wishes from my side .

You are a prolific natural writer,as if one is inscripting exact thoughts coming to their mind without any extra effort.( quite a job for me ! )

Wishing you the best in life.