Yeah it's him asking you. What do you think ha? Sexy or should it be fatal? Anyways call me mental, I laugh alot. I like to laugh and I see the funny side of even the most traumatic situations (like the Trauma that is in this first pic). Seriously why would anyone wanna put themselves through that? Anyways when I laugh I feel great and relaxed. When I laugh I forget my blues and I feel the world is a wonderful place even if it still has alot of super idiots. I laugh at those idiots too cos cmon they are laughable LOL! Anyways, just yesterday I was laughing like a maniac at some silly joke someone said and then I realised I ran out of breath. So I was
trying hard to stop laughing but my body wouldn't let me stop it. For a moment I thought I was going to die laughing and that that 'Laughter is the best medicine' quote was wrong and it should be re-phrased to 'Laughter is the easiest method of suicide' (yeah I was thinkling of all that while nearly seeing the 'other' side). But nah I came back to life cos I could eventually gather myself and stop laughing somehow hehe.
So what are few things that make me laugh:
**Dead bodies in sunnies. Have you ever seen them? I have. In Bev's blog where she once posted a pic of an old lady who died but had glasses on inside the coffin. LOL I know I shouldn't be laughing cos that was a true story but who could resist rolling on the floor laughing when they see something like that. Why would a dead body need sun-glasses? To sun-bake in 'heavenly' beaches?
Dirty old men paying alot of money to get married to younger women (trophy wives) and then dying in these women's arms, perhaps after just 3months of marriage - having written off everything to their sweet hearts, who will then use it to their hearts delight - with so many younger men ofocurse! What a joke you mental sex-crazy senior citizens! If all you need is a pair of boobs to hang on to, get blow-up ones and save your money for your families or give it to the state for some real need.
**People who are nowhere close to sexy even when compared to Abu Bakar Basheer, but try hard to be. Like the pic of Steve in that blinding Spidey suit that Tasha had on her blog. OMG he looked revolting, somewhat like Spiderman-gone-mental. After seeing that pic I was laughing for like 3hrs! Seriously I can recall that pic anytime to make me feel better, even if Im in the middle of a nasty accident that cripples me for life. Go to Tasha's blog if you wanna see his pic but be prepared to go to rehab after that. Steve's pic will get me through toughest times for sure.
**Suicide terrorists. They make me laugh cos they strap bombs around them to kill people but they wouldn't even be around to see what happens. They just die and then what? What if he was the only one who died? What a grand idiot. I reckon such people haven't met their embryonic needs..simple as that.
**Bin-Laden type of mountain dwellers who's missing out on all the fun of city life. I mean who wants to live in creepy dungeons, with long beards, stinky clothes and unclean food/water, when you can have a ball over here. Don't Bin Laden miss Levis jeans, Rock music, Blogging, lamb roast and regular flat-whites? WTH!**People who blindly follow tradition. Here's an example of such a person. I know a lady who prays everyday...and what does she ask for from God (yes she asks for things from God!). And worse, she asks for MONEY! And if that's not enough, she's a gossip queen and quite a mean one too. I just laugh and laugh and laugh... ... ..LMFAO! I think even God must have been admitted into the hospital Laughing His Divine Ass Off.
**People who ask dorky questions. Such as meeting at the ma
ll and asking 'Are you shopping?'. What esle would you be doing at the mall, cooking lunch? I mean cmon! And there are some others who ask hideous questions such as 'When are you getting married?'. I feel like saying 'I'll be getting married tomorrow but there's one problem...there'll be no groom, just a wedding party for the sake of it and you'll be the pole-dancer and the pole would have full of pointy thorns that when pricked passes poison into your blood stream..would you like to come?'.
**I'm sorry but sometimes I can't stop laughing at certain accents. I know I'm not perfect but then there are some people who just make you laugh cos of the way they pronounce certain English words. Such as 'Ungle' for 'Uncle'. There are also some people who say 'Paarchus' for 'Purchase'. And once this woman said to me that she was 'Bregmant'. And I didn't know WTH she was talking about - I thought that must be where she comes from. Later on when she mentioned about having her first baby, I realised that what she meant was that she's 'Pregnant' - HALLELUJAH! And there was a friend of mine who says 'Oooltra sound' for 'Ultra sound'. LOL Im sorry folks but I can't help laughing at such words. Call me mean but I'm programmed to laugh at funny things. But that doesn't mean I make fun of them. There's a difference.
People with strange hairstyles. Mann there was this guy on the train the other day, and he had hair like Siberia. It was that big. He looked like he hadn't had a haircut in 90yrs or so, but he looked only about 25yrs old (how could that be). Anyways, that hair sure was going South-West and needed to be chopped off before he couldn't get through his own door.
**Myself. I laugh alot at myself cos I'm laughable, just like anyone else is. I can be pretty stupid at times. Once I was wearing a pair of sexy boots and walking down the street strutting my stuff, feeling glamorous and hot etc etc, and then ***WOOOOSH*** all of a sudden I was on the ground nursing my very bloody knee.
I went home looking like a train-wreck. Once I fell off a chair when I didn't have to. I just wanted to see if I could balance my body while lifting the chair off the floor while seated. THUDDDD! I fell down and hurt my back real bad. One bright sunny day I nearly got run over by a truck cos I just thought it would stop for me until I crossed the road, just like that hehe. And just today I hit my colleague's cabin wall only cos I was staring at that Bon-Jovi look alike colleague in our office as I was going to get some coffee. He didn't see me hitting the wall but I felt really stupid and then I laughed and laughed and laughed in the kitchen. Well he's married but hey who said you can't look!
Anyways, I'm as crazy as any person out there is. We are all laughable in our own unique ways and we should all laugh often. Laughter is the best medicine indeed and it's use it to your health's delight.
Ok apart from Keshi's There's-Life-On-Pluto kinda sex life, what else makes you Laugh Your Sexy Ass Off?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST DARLING FRIEND UTTARA! MWAHHHHZ and HUGGGGGGGZ! This post is dedicated to you Uttsy so you can laugh all day today :). And
today's music is dedicated especially for ya baby, have a good one and you know I JUST LOVE THE BEAUTIFUL SOUL THAT YOU ARE! You're a rare, extremely beautiful and precious butterfly that makes my life worthwhile. THANK YOU for being you. May all your sweetest dreams and beautiful wishes come true!
Current Music: Can't Get You Outta My Head by Kylie Minogue