Many of you wanted to know how my Move to the new house went. Well it was quite moving hehe. Hey Bev copying your clever lines here girlfriend ;-). The new place is alot more spacious and more homely for some reason. I like it. And guess what - I fall asleep easily in my new room. Nothing fancy about it but there's something in that house that makes me sleep like a log (knowing what a hyper-active hopeless insomniac I am, I feel good after a long time). Although the Move was stressful, it was a great opportunity to get rid of old/unwanted stuff and start afresh. It was also a great opportunity to keep aside some clothes for the Salvos. Now AB knows about my drama-queenish life cos of the huge number of jeans/tops/shoes that I own. While alot of kids are starving in Africa, I own a big closet full of clothes and shoes - I know Im guilty as hell, stop looking at me that way. I haven't attained Nirvana as yet alright. But the Move and AB's recent 'Jeans' post got me thinking real deep. This time around I put aside 2 big bags full of 'good' clothes - no they are not old or damaged, they are pretty good and I have only worn them like 2 or three times. I just thought I'd learn to let go of few of my fav things in life, and donate them to someone who probably never had a pair of jeans/top like the ones I own. So yeah, there are 2 huge bags waiting to be dropped at the Salvos. I feel great letting go, really. What have you let go of lately?
Another revelation happened over the weekend when I visited an old uncle of mine at a Nursing home((where very old people live). He was put in there cos he had a fall and broke his hip, and he now has to fully recover before going home. So on Friday night I drove there and it was my first visit to an Aged/Nursing home . I have been to a Hospice before on a charity mission, but never been to an Nursing home. Well guys it was one hell of an experience! The moment I walked in I was in tears, yes tears. Every room I passed by had some very old person (probably nearly 100yrs old) living in isolation, the TVs on but heads down in deep slumber, some staring at the walls with sad droopy eyes. Some had old photographs on their bed-side tables, some had their many medals on display. It was quite profound, what it all said to me. Some of the oldies were there for recovery and some were there permanently cos they had no one to lookafter them at home. It was heart-warming and quite sad at the same time. These are the senior-most citizens of the society - they are humans who were once young, just like us, and have now become physically incapable. We all have the same fate, none of us can escape this fate no matter what. It broke my heart to realise how short youth is. I mean I knew that before but as I walked among hundreds of very old people in that Nursing home, they were a living example of how fragile humans become with age. I thought of Cazzie then. Cos she works for a Nursing home in Melbourne. Now I understand why she's so full of love and compassion. I went and said Hello to an old man who looked like he needed some company. He said 'G'day Mate!' as I passed him so I stopped and talked to him, asked him how he was and what he's upto. He was very happy to talk to me, said that he was there permanently and that he's bed-ridden. He looked like he missed his family/past very much. I just want one thing guys - to die before I couldn't walk/sit up by myself. I don't wanna live like that, stuck in a Nursing home, not being able to do anything by myself, having strangers to bring my food, lift me up, take me to the toilet etc. I'm sorry guys but I don't wanna live that long. The mockery of this human life is truly shocking. At one stage of our lives we feel we can do anything...only to realise that with age we become totally helpless creatures. btw I'd be a very stubborn and cranky oldy who wouldn't even know how to knit. And I'd still want my Queen, Dire Straits, Nirvana and Guns N Roses CDs around. And hell yeah I'd still blog from my wheelchair. But I wouldn't know how to wear my sexy clothes and not look ridiculous :(. What kind of oldy would you be?
And on Saturday night I was invited to a BBQ at a friend's place. He and his wife built a beautiful mansion recenlty, so they invited few of their friends for a swim and then a BBQ dinner at their new home. So we all went there and as my sis drove us that night, I could have alcohol without worrying about having to drive back etc. If I drive to a party, I make sure that I don't drink at all - not even a glass of wine. I'm too responsible, that's me...I'm a law-abiding citizen guys hehe. So cos it was my sis who drove that night, I had 2 glasses of Chardonnay and later on a glass or 2 of Baileys. Another friend of our's (call him J) who drove his own car to the party that night was totally stoned after dinner. I mean how irresponsible is that? You don't drive and then get trashed, knowing that you have to drive back home that night?? It's putting himself and others at risk. Anyways, not my problem. But nah wait a minute, it did become my problem! How? Cos when we were getting ready to go home, the guy who invited us to the party asked me for a little favor. What was the favor? Well he asked if I could drive J's car back home as he was drunk 'over' the limit and I was 'under' the limit. EXCUSE ME, who asked J to drink like that??? And how do they know if my blood alcohol level was under/over? Whether it was under/over the limit, what if I get stopped by cops? Would it be any better than J getting stopped? I was under the influence of alcohol too and hell nah I don't wanna lose my license/get fined/get demerit points/get my ass into Prison to save J's ass. Now who would do that? Only an idiot. I said 'NO, I'm really sorry I can't do that kind of favor'. Did anyone think about me getting into trouble with the cops? No one uttered a word then, except J. He goes 'Well if you can't help me, that's fine' with a disappointed look. HUH! How can you call 'driving under the influence of
alcohol to save my heavily-drunk friend's ass' a Help? Actually I'm helping everyone by saying NO to it. Cos I won't drive when I've had alcohol no matter how small/big the amount may be, cos that's just my policy. We both had drinks and we both should not be driving that night, full stop. While J is a nice guy and have been a great friend of mine, I'm sorry I don't do illegal favors, not even to friends. Woud you have done it?Revelations and revelations and revelations. I'm liking it phewww!!
Current Music: I Want To Break Free by Queen
136 Cranium Signets:
there's something in that house that makes me sleep like a log
If I remember used to see some ghost in your old house right??
No wonder you are logging in sleep these days :P
What kind of oldy would you be?
When dad was hospitalised and I had to visit him almost every day...looking at old peoples surrounded by huge apparatus, just to help them survive was kinda painful for me to watch. I would prefer dying rather that living that kinda life.
sorry about your uncle, exciting news about the new place. I would love to move.
I am the grouchy old guy that takes the kids toys when they land in my yard. I don't drink much anymore and never when I go out. Why take the chance? Uunfortunately you still have to worry about the other guy - that's why I don't go out on New year's or the 4th of July where I know folks are drunk on the road.
Well I am glad you can sleep better in that house.. as a hopeless insomniac myself i know how important that is...
What have i let go of lately? Him.. just not the memories and pain yet.. working on it
What kind of an oldy will i be? hopefully a content one who knows she lived her life wtihout regrets
Would I have done it? no .. i dont drive under the influence and dont like it when others do
Good read the post! I have been and helped senior people so I can exactly feel what you felt there! Life is like that isnt it...even I pray to god take me before I make someone else's life miserable :D
and one thing I want to compliment about ...actually two things :D
1. for giving I always do that &
2. drinking and not driving ;)
Hugggggs my gal ...
Absolutely not. You were totally correct not to drive back. If you ahd got pulled over, or had an accident - who would that have helped?
More power to you k.
Wow! we've got a law abiding citizen amongst us...:), which reminds me i shud become a bit responsible too, having consumed a bottle of rum, talking on the phone and driving from one place to another, thats been a routine offlate...ask uttara and ishita they've always spoken to me while i hv been driving...lolz
hey keshi..never drink.
but even then i wouldnt want to get into that kind of a situation. i owuld say call a cab and go pick ur car up tomorrow. really.
but it takes some strength to not get pressured into these sits. with friends.
if u have a separate road for ladies, then gentlemen, like me ;-), have a separate road.
regarding drinking or speeding or being adventurous, i always say, know your limits.
u know its raining in chandigarh
And i m glad finally u r at peace in ur new place...:)
I sleep well also in our new place, it is much nicer than the old one and the area is also much quieter too, no caqr smashes at the massive round about we used to live near.
I work in a hospital now Kesh...but I did work in a Nursing Home from age of 14 years. I too hope to live life out as an independant person, so right now is the time to look after ourselves, mind body and spirit...and then we can try to be the best we can later in life from this.
Look at the young superstars and models of today...they will end up with osteoperosis and all sorts of things...all because they don't eat a balanced diet now and they exercise too much robbing their bones of calcium needed for strong healthy bones.
Kudos to you Kesh for talking to the gentleman, they are all human..that is what people forget. It angers me when people talk to elderly people like they are kids, coz they got dignity!!!!
As far as drink driving is concerned, if people are gunna drink they ought not even take a car. No excuses are good enough when you kill or mame someone for life after a car smash coz u drank and drove...NONE!!! I see it, I hate it, and it needs to stop.
Kudos to you again Keshi for not drink driving :)
Good to know that you are feeling homely in your new home...So you too an insomniac is it??? Same here :) Cheers mate :)
You gals fill up the closet however big it is... ;)
Regarding J i guess it depends on how drunk I am... mostly I dont drive when I drink. I etiher go with someone else or take a cab. I dont want to be busted by the cops and loose my license. So I guess I would have done the same thing as you.
Looks like you had a nice weekend...
u seem to have had a roller coaster weekend.
its touching to read about your trip to the old age home! sad how families just discard them as though its their old clothes!! guess life is like that!!
i know i will be spending the last days of my life in one of those places!!
hi keshi,
u did the right thing; i would have done the same.
Are u gonna throw a house warming party? :)
I went to a Alzeihmer's nursing home in Christmas & it was a very touchy experience I was not myself for a few days!!
Stay Beautiful..!!
Hi Keshi
Copying my lines. LOL
I don't even copy my lines.
We have a law here that states the person holding a party has to see to it no one drives drunk. Bars, pubs, etc... must try to prevent their clients from driving when drunk.
For me, I don't and will not drive if I have even one drink.
Nursing homes--It is very, very sad to see people sitting there just waiting to die.
More crime happens in nursing homes than on the streets. We never hear about it.
I got smacked on the head in a nursing home. I wrote a post on this delightful event in my life. It ranks up there with puking my guts out.
Just today, I saw police at a nursing home. Someone was stabbed.
Still Tuesday in this neck of the snowy, cold woods. I write when normal people sleep. All writers are a bit odd.
You fall asleep easy--no way gal. You pass out because you are drunk.
Moving is near the top of the list as one of the most stressful events in our lives--and maybe not getting sex or getting it. LOL
Hello Keshi..
I just thought I'd learn to let go of few of my fav things in life, and donate them to someone who probably never had a pair of jeans/top like the ones I own.
Thats really something noble. and its not that easy to just give things up. Really a sweetheart i must say. :)
Abt the nursing home, I like the thoughts and emotions that u wrote up there. A real good one and a thought provoking one. I personally think that someone of us are probably mean or just plainly unconcious abt this stuff.we treat old people like shit and as if they are of a lower beings sometimes. i have seen that happen. and it just dawn on me when i read the part on how they were just like us young, healthy and strong once. How important it is to do/treat people how we like to be treated many times. I am glad that u wrote that up. Cause it spoke to my heart. :)
What kind of oldy would you be?
A well groomed, healthy, gentle and loving oldy?? I hope i can still walk until the day i die.Its scary to think how we would deterioate any time. ..
*chills up my spine..
And i hope i dun be a grumpy old drumpy lady who has been discarded to die on her own. Lord have mercy.. *its scary to think of it..
Woud you have done it?
Abt da driving..yeah if i am below alcohol limit and not at all close to tipsy i would. That means just a glass.. but if i hit more than that which is da usual case than nah i dun think so...Like u said putting another's life at risk and ur own. Between yeah he is irresponsible to hit the bottles and not able to hold it up knowing that it has to drive. *roll eyes* Its admirable how u stood no matter what!! that takes great courage keshi. i admire that.:D and also baileys ROCK~!! !i had that last weekend as well..;D
When I was in college I used to deliver pizzas for a local pizza joint. Every once in a while we would get an order to take some pizzas to the staff at one of the nursing homes. It was a terrible place. The old folks there would be in the front room and some of them in wheel chairs would start towards me and ask me to take them with me. They would say "get me out of here" and stuff like that. It was really terrible.
I so need to get to the gym and eat better...I want to be like Tina Turner and Oprah. Tina is pushing 70 if she isn't already and Oprah is over 50 and they look good for their age. I don't ever want to be a burden, I want to be active in old age...hopefully I will if the stress of life now doesn't kill me first!!
hey keshi....
Moving into a new place is always so much fun... Thats why i keep moving my butt all the time... lol... yeah i know that was as bad a joke!
Well my best wishes to ya... may u find all the peace and love u want at ur new home!
And well... about the favor thingie.. what u did was absolutely right....
Well its kinda hard and weird to imagine keshi in prison! lol....
well.. and about aging and youth n all.. well.. thats life i guess!
and keshi bloggin from a wheel chair? how weird is that now!?
lol.. any ways... haffun lady!
oh the music:I want to break free!!
"A lifetimetime without sex?" LOL!
great to hear that you feel like homy to ur new home :)
yeah,its true Keshi,youth kinda pass so soon so better enjoy it while it last :)
Have a nice day,Keshi dear!
hugggsss!and dont hate Vday that much!LOL!
Yeh you said it girl.. life is indeed a mockery and somehow we all fall for the trap. In a way guess it's better to die early than having to live through the hell waiting for death to visit. Sigh!!
You have inspired me to go through my old clothes and give them away as well.
I am scared to grow old. I don't want to. There is nothing fun about it. I don't care what anyone says.
Maybe more than being old, I'm scared of death. When you get old, you die. That is inevitable. That is what scares me most.
As for the driving home, you did the right thing. You shouldn't have been asked to drive J's car home in the first place, and I wonder if they actually thought you would. They should know you are not dumb like that.
Break Free Keshi girl
u neednt be wat u r expected to be
u cud be anyone u choose to be
u cud even change every day
one day a blushing virgin
the next day a hott man eater
I am active in old age...
the only prob is
i cant get it up for my wife of 26 years
TASHA , turns me on though
Interesting stuff Keshi. I'm glad you decided to donate some stuff. It's not only Africa that has extreme cases of poverty however. Look around you and if you look hard enough you'll see someone who needs stuff.
I don't think I'll dread growing old. See this post someone made on aging and my response. I think the end of life is the most interesting bit.
//We all have the same fate, none of us can escape this fate no matter what. It broke my heart to realise how short youth is//
People forget easily, we get frustrated easily and we are lazy. Imagine what we would feel when were 60 and breaking bones like nobodies business!
The key word is CALCIUM! get alot of calcium, enjoy ur freakin life, eat all you want (but dont waste food), flirt all you want and make people happy. In the end, when youre 40 and lookin back, daymn sure you must be lookin back at dat sexy you and not at dat grumpy you. And yes, spread are licensed to it!
Hi babes !!!!
Good to know you like your new place ;))Home sweet Home!!
you know what One of my Dreams "To start a NGO" but i dont know what to do wr to start.
i second ur decision on ur not "(so-called) helping" ur friend. u said it right wen u said u did a big favor to everyone by saying NO. maybe the hosts themselves cud drive the J guy. and he shudve had the common sense not to 'over' drink. and if ur frends think of u as rude as to ur explanation abt not driving him home, then i guess id term them as less thoughful.
How is your life at new house ?
good day
Keshi girl, you seem to be having rockin time there in downunder.
Btw I am getting a big J on your blog for attracting so many comments. ;) I thought I am going to enter the first comment for your post, but by the time, I come to your blog, I can see already 20-30 comments in that post. :(
And one more request,
can you avoid those italics font style for your post. It's not comfi to read it on your comps.
hey keshi i had a conversation in Pink Gingers blog with(Mr bob). did u read that and "am i wrong there" ..dont know just wanted to know ...i dont like him
hey keshi,
your post touched a chord...i remember going to this old age home a few yrs back for xmas carol singing and it was so painful to see the old angels wiating for us to come just so that we can bring some entertainment in their lives and they have someone to talk to...its sad to see how selfish our genenration has become!
Keshi, you are a star.. a real star :)
I just thought I'd learn to let go of few of my fav things in life, and donate them to someone who probably never had a pair of jeans/top like the ones I own.
This is so cool... I don’t know if I have let go anything like this. May be sometimes I let go my desires.. my expectations.. some small things which I want to do.. just because I can not fulfill them. But not by choice definitely, this is something I am forced to do. And I don’t feel nice about that also. So I don’t think this is counted here :)
I just want one thing guys - to die before I couldn't walk/sit up by myself.
Me too keshi.. because I think it’s not only painful for the person, but more to his family.. or rather painful to everyone who sees that person!
You will be very seet oldy goldy dear. Always surrounded with your grandchildren, friends and family :)! U will be a lovely grandmother. Because u r so fun-loving.
I will be a very irritating, depressed, cribbing and unsatisfied oldie I think.. or may be totally opposite.. like.. very quiet, not expressing any kind of feelings! Don’t know...
I'm too responsible, that's me...I'm a law-abiding citizen guys
I am so proud of you :)
I'm sorry I don't do illegal favors, not even to friends. Woud you have done it?
You did the right thing indeed. And is really very brave of you to say NO in the situation. Ummm.. if I would have done that?? umm.. don’t know. I would have wanted to.. but I am a kind of person who don’t know how to say a simple NO! I know this is not right, but many a times this happens that I am forced to do many things even if I don’t want to. Han.. I have not done anything illegal because of this till now, that’s a different story. But this is my nature and I am not sure if I would have been able to do that *sigh*.
whta kind of oldy i'll be...looking at my behaviour i guess grumpy, disgruntled and yeah still rocking \m/
driving and drinking....pretty unsafe
but doing illegal favours for friends ..not asked to do any till date..but if asked i guess i'll do for dose special ones
hai dear,
how are you?
New house is cool haan...
May the new home bring all sorts of happiness and lots of sleep :)
much luv,
I think I will be the type of old person that says lots of inappropriate stuff at the wrong times. That and hit things with my cane real hard=D
that's a interesting post keshi,
by the way, what kinda of a job do u do? n how do u get time of all these things? i don't get time to write a post on my blog....
Nice post. Glad to know you like your new home!
It seems u had a different weekend. Glad to know the new house makes u satisfy; that's a best thought to give our old cloths to those who haven't.
Some times the age doesn't do with helpless, if we see many young’s are helpless of not being able to do anything by them self, lift them up, take them to the toilet ext. In India their are few old people above 100 years are still taking care of them on their own by working. As u said i also don't like to live helpless creature, but i have no choice to do all on my own.
I couldn't digest of drinking and driving, it’s against law. Your replay to J is right keshi.
"What have you let go of lately?"
lots keshi, but if I lose my short temper somewhere, that will be best :D
"What kind of oldy would you be?"
Dunno....oldie...I want to stay fit...and as u as long as I can look after my ownself
Would I have done took the right decision :)
I don't want to grow old aim is to die healthy (and rich) at 60...I depended on my parents for the 15 years of my life, don't wanna depend on my family for the last 10..
i think sumone here just mentioned "house warming party"?:) sooo...when is it?! aahh i wish i cld be there too! Moving to a new plc is really exciting..I've done that so many times while growing up...but now i've been here in del for the past i think...ummm...14 years now! phew! Hopefully we'll be moving to a new plc a couple of years from now...! To answer ur ques "What have you let go of lately?"... i think u know very well as to what I've been trying to let go of...and although it may not be for the greater good of all...but it's helpin me a lot!:)
and growing old is a scary thing...growing old and helpless that is! My dad's now in his 70's...very active and a real do it yourself kinda guy! *touchwood* and ditto for mom...and I'd like to be like and independent...and ironically, though I wish for them to be with me for a long long time...I wouldn't wish the same for myself...I wanna die before i get too old and weak to move arnd and don't want to depend on it fmly or nurses/docs. I picture myself with my grandchildren...reading them stories and tucking them into bed :)
And u did the right thing! And ofourse I would've done the same thing in ur plc! Drinkin and driving is a strict no no!
tc dear...long comment after ages...phew...! :) *huggs*
Sounds like you had a weekend of wisdom and of fun.
Letting Go! Is a brilliant feeling. The weight is lifted.
Compassion and love.
Dont think about getting old.
Think about living every moment of your life.
May you have a peaceful life in your new home.
hugs for you
Great post keshi..I'm glad you gave some of your good posessions away.
Whenever I go to a hospital or old folks home I am always jolted into being thankful for my blessings.
I think when we become depressed or feeling sorry for ourselves a visit to one of these places will put things in perspective.
I don't think it's a matter of getting old, it's being old and in poor health, that's what I don't want.
It's funny, we come into this world as a baby, needing to be fed and cared for and for many elderly that's how they leave this world.
You did right by refusing to drive your friend home. Even tho you could be perfectly safe to drive, something can happen to bring the cops into the situation such as another person running into you even if it's not your fault.
Or a brake or tailight that's out and they stop you for it then they smell your breath and you are in trouble.
Good job keshi, I'm proud of you.:)
Revelations indeed! May be very happy at your new place..
Great post, Keshi!
I don't want to end up in a home like that either. I'm hoping my wife (a nurse) will give me "the sleepy needle" before I'm too bad.
And you did right not driving. Good for you!
I am also letting go of a lot of my stuff like clothes, jewellery, shoes, etc cos Im moving too!
I dont wanna be a oldy! I wld any day prefer a short sweet life!
What u did was perfectly rite with J! I wld do the same as well!
TC & have fun girl! :)
Letting go is always good.I pack loads of things and donate to GoodWill!!
I love that old hand,most beautiful sight.I plan to age gracefully!!
Drunks! I don't like them.If you are a friend, real one ie,you will not provide Alcohol and let them drive!!
Glad your move went ok.
I just want one thing guys - to die before I couldn't walk/sit up by myself
Me too. :)
damn cool
congrats for ur new house!
I am glad you are settling down in your new house.I think if you have not worn any of the clothes you have in your closet in the past year ,it needs to go and thats what I do.there are so many people out there who would love to have any clothes. I have visited a nursing home and I also have the same feelings like you.I really don't want to be in a nursing home.I pray to God to take me before I get to that stage.I think it is really sad to be just lying or sitting there all alone sometimes with just an occasional visit from a child or a relative.not to be able to do the things you once did.and be dependant on someone else.Somehow when you grow old people forget that you were once a healthy young person who contributed to this society.
interesting read!
but i defly say that if one is going to drive the car shud never drink!
Cool, finally you got a place where the board says no flirting with old old men.
Good you like that place and have fun.
and yes rajbir's always driving when he calls...!!! forgot to mention that in my comment!....and half d time m worrying abt whether he's payin attention on d road...!
I once told uttara that i've got so accustomed to hearing the sound of traffic when i talk to rajbir and the sound of the local train while talking to her (uttara)...that I'd probably miss that background environment when we talk face to face!!! :P
its late dear...G'nite!!:)
No i wouldnt have done it either !
About old age, its an inevitability that all of us are heading to. Wonder what all the clamour is about ?
As Shakespear said,
all the world is a stage
All of us have our entrances and exits !!
Thought provoking !
You did the right thing Keshi. How did he get home?
hiii Keshi!!
too glad2know that ur new place s comfy n u r sleepin me s thinking,may be i should move to a new place very sooooonnn!!!!
and wht hav i go off lately?lottss of things!and the most imp wud b i made a frend f mine to let go off a part f his salary to support a sweet gal's education!
...the oldage homes,i have been to 2 of such places!and its totally sad and sorrowful!!and then i feel my grandma n grandpa is so lucky to have such loving children who r takin care f them day in and day out!!and i hop i can take care f my parents too,lik that!!
..i think i wil be a pretty irritating and angry oldie!!hehe!!!!me ws wondering how it wud be!!!i wud shout at the fly when it flies around,at the food when it doesnt taste gud, blah blah,without knowin its my age thts the problem and nothin else!!!
and yep,too happy to know tht u have donated to the children in Africa!
thank u for this nice post!
take care!!
hiii Keshi!!
too glad2know that ur new place s comfy n u r sleepin me s thinking,may be i should move to a new place very sooooonnn!!!!
and wht hav i go off lately?lottss of things!and the most imp wud b i made a frend f mine to let go off a part f his salary to support a sweet gal's education!
...the oldage homes,i have been to 2 of such places!and its totally sad and sorrowful!!and then i feel my grandma n grandpa is so lucky to have such loving children who r takin care f them day in and day out!!and i hop i can take care f my parents too,lik that!!
..i think i wil be a pretty irritating and angry oldie!!hehe!!!!me ws wondering how it wud be!!!i wud shout at the fly when it flies around,at the food when it doesnt taste gud, blah blah,without knowin its my age thts the problem and nothin else!!!
and yep,too happy to know tht u have donated to the children in Africa!
thank u for this nice post!
take care!!
God for you and sticking with your guns on the drinking and driving thing! I don't get the ad about no more sex after drinking and driving -- is castration a normal punishment where you are for that? Because, if so, I'd never drink AT ALL.
Good decision, keshi:-)so resonsible of you:-)
I don't want to live that long where I have to depend on others to do everything for me. Actually I might not live that long anyway cuz of the way Im eating;-) I hope ur uncle recover soon:-)
and glad you like ur new place:-)
Yay on the move!! That's always the most troublesome part - trying to get to sleep in a new place...but good for you.
What kinda oldy hmm? Well...I love my food and I love my fashion so I might be a roly-poly stylish oldy with lots of rings. I'd hate that kinda life - I need space and freedom and nature at that stage.
I think you did the right thing by sticking to your morals about the friend. If he knew how you felt on that issue it was wrong of him to even ask you. While it's not illegal to drink and drive when your 'under' the limit if you don't feel comfortable about it then don't. It was J's fault for getting himself trashed with no way home. If it was such a big deal - he could have stayed the night there or called a cab and picked up his car the next day. Lots of options lol. I wouldn't have done it either.
Hi Keshi!
Very emotive post.
Congratulation - about new house!!!
Nursing home is very needful.
But it is really sad "youth is very short".
Sometimes we have to say: NO.
Great post, pics and as always
this beautiful music!
Best to you Keshi!
What have I let go of lately?
my catlik religion and Pope Benedict
my old wife
my need for sex
(only i need now is Love)
i let go of some clients who dont pay well
i handed over the consultancy in iNDIA to a reformed alcoholic
while i go looking for greener pastures in the US of A
the same applies to my indian gfs
these guys require a lott of wooing
the firangis move faster
i now hope to convert cyber into real in the west
z000nie hopefully there r no ghosts in this house :(
yep I wanna die young too. I dun wanna be a burden to myself or to others.
Phos I dun think u'll be a grumpy granpa LOL! Ur too sweet for that :)
Aditi I always knew u as a content and peaceful person. Im sure u'll be that when ur an oldy too awww...
**Him.. just not the memories and pain yet..
HUGGGGGGGGGZ! So another jerk is out there somewhere who broke this sweet lil girl's heart?
Dawny I know ur a very caring soul.
ty for saying I did the right thing HUGGGGGGGGZ!
10 seconds is too long a wait to read the shit , TASHA, rites
mostly she is grouching
she has 4 beautiful kids and a great hubby (only she dont no it)
Trundling that's right. And even tho I knew I wasnt totally trashed like J was and that I was pretty ok to drive, I didnt wanna take any chance with the cops. Cos they take alot of random breath-tests at nite. I have a very clean Driving record and I dun wanna wreck it cos of someone else's irresponsibility.
Southy hey it's not a joke...I mean u driving under the influence of alcohol/while on mobile fone! Goshhhh if u did that here u'd be fined on the spot and ur licence may get cancelled. Seriously, it's a big risk ur taking - not only for urself but also for other road-users.
Just imagine this Southy...u were drunk one day but u think ur OK to drive. So u drive and then u hit someone - cos u never know wut can happen when u have alcohol in ur system. And wut if that person dies/gets crippled for life?
Plz dun take chances with ur/anyone's life!
I'm saying this cos I care for u Southy and I wanna give u the right advice. I know u know all this already, but doing it while knowing what CAN happen is wrong.
Huggggggggz n TC!
Rose wud u believe it he drove bakk in that state?
**but it takes some strength to not get pressured into these sits. with friends.
yep! It's such an uncomfy situation and Im a person who CANT say NO to ppl I care abt. So when they asked me to do that favor, I was kinda put on the spot and at first I was like 'ok why not'...and then suddenly it dawned to me that I should b doing the RIGHT thing...not the FAVORABLE thing.
aww it's raining Kumar? How nice!
** always say, know your limits.
yeah thats right. And especially when ur a designated driver.
ty Unplugged Im at peace indeed :)
Caz thats great that ur in a quieter and car-smashes-less place now :) It always feels great when ur in a fresh place after a long time.
o so u work in a hospital now.
**so right now is the time to look after ourselves, mind body and spirit..
so true! this is the time to start preserving good health for a very long time.
**It angers me when people talk to elderly people like they are kids, coz they got dignity
Im an oldy by heart :) I love talking to older ppl and wud u believe it I have an 85yr old French friend for 10yrs now. My forner neighbor. She's such a darl!
**No excuses are good enough when you kill or mame someone for life after a car smash coz u drank and drove...
well-said Caz. I have read so many true stories where irresponsible drivers took away someone else's life/crippled em for life. And it doesn't take alot of alcohol to do that!
KK so ur an insomniac too? Then we can continue cooking chicken biryani all nite long LOL!
** I etiher go with someone else or take a cab
thats the right thing to do. Im proud of ya KK. It certainly isnt macho/brave to drive when ur's actually a crime that one should be ashamed of.
ooo look who's here...PHLEGER :) U were missed. Wut were u upto?
weekend wasnt really 'good' but not too bad either hehe. How have ya been?
Deepz ty!
**sad how families just discard them as though its their old clothes
thats so true. As long as Im alive I wud never do that to my mum.
u'd be in a Nursing Home? awwww...I cant imagine u there hehe. btw Im single now, no kids, no one else who cud lookafter me at home, so I wonder wut wud happen to me when Im 65...mebbe God should do atleast one thing right in my life...take me bakk b4 Im old.
heyya Aidan hows it goin mate?
** have recently let go of the last remaining shreds of my christianity... does that count?
it sure does! o well as long as it sets u free, it's great :)
u'd be a pretty interesting oldy hehe.
**am going to be traveling, adventuring and living it up until i die.
nice! Way to live it up. And pinching bottoms too LOL very cute! I'll make sure I work in ur nursing home as a nurse and mind u I'd be ard ur age too and it wont be fun pinching a saggy bottom ROFL!
**it takes more guts to say no to your friends than those you dont like
true. I mean it's soo very hard to say NO to a good friend. But I just had to, in this instance.
**By the QUeen are awesome, the we will rock you version of "i Want to break free" is wicked
'We will rock ya' version of 'I want to break free'..where can I find that mate?
ty Fergal!
Suga hey tnxxx!
yep Im not the same for a few days now...the experience has left me in a state of shock...seriously this life stinks. Eventually we all age, crumble n crawl in our beds till we die. pathetic.
Bev heyy hows u sweetie?
**We have a law here that states the person holding a party has to see to it no one drives drunk. Bars, pubs, etc...
well thats the way it should be.
yeah I rem how u got hit on ur head at a Nursing home.
**More crime happens in nursing homes than on the streets. We never hear about it.
I guess that happens cos the residents r mostly helpless. How sad.
**You fall asleep easy--no way gal. You pass out because you are drunk.
hahaha good thinking babez!
**one of the most stressful events in our lives--and maybe not getting sex or getting it
Not getting sex apparently makes u hostile. Now I can u'stand my rather cross self LOL!
ty Amy! :)
**we treat old people like shit and as if they are of a lower beings sometimes
correction there sweetie...not 'we'...u and i dun treat oldies that way. Only some heartless bastards and bitches do that. Pardon my language but I hate ppl who dun treat old ppl nice.
**A well groomed, healthy, gentle and loving oldy?? I
Im sure u will be that n more Amy! u'll be sooooo sweet and composed too. Unlike me..I'll be a walking accident LOL!
U like Baileys too? awww :)
btw cud u believe J drove bakk in that state!
Jay heyy hows u?
**They would say "get me out of here" and stuff like that.
OMG thats soo very sad!
Tasha Im sure u'll do well in old age. Cos u look amazing to be a mum of an 8yr old already. So yeah, u'll be just fine.
yep I admire Oprah and Tina Turner. They rock! Fabulous, sexy n healthy women!
**will if the stress of life now doesn't kill me first!!
lol cmon u'll b rite sweetie! Just do ur exercise and eat good food. And most importantly, cut the worries away. they r not worth it.
hey Ice dude :) u move ur butt alot? LOL great!
**Well its kinda hard and weird to imagine keshi in prison
haha yeah! I'd be so cranky that I'll start walking on the ceiling.
yeah i'll be a granny blogger too...why not ha? ;-)
Ghee sweetie u like Freddie? I love him! if he wasnt gay I'd have married the dude :)
** dont hate Vday that much
na Ghee Im gonna start a campaign to boycott Vals Day. It reeks.
Johno heyy!
**In a way guess it's better to die early than having to live through the hell waiting for death to visit.
indeedz! Why do we have to be fed by tubes and looked after by others just so that we breathe! what for?
AB thats great that I inspired ya.
**I am scared to grow old. I don't want to. There is nothing fun about it. I don't care what anyone says.
yep. I dun care wut ppl say abt getting old gracefully etc etc, I just dun like old age. It's a curse. Thats how I see it. And we say all the nice things abt getting old cos we have no choice!
dying...well Im not scared of dying. It's better than being 99 and totally incapable.
yeah my friend should not have asked me to do that favor for J, knowing I had drinks too. its a bit silly.
Saby heyy!
**one day a blushing virgin
the next day a hott man eater
I prefer the 2nd one LOL!
ellooo Azuka!
**It's not only Africa that has extreme cases of poverty however
yep...even tho Aus is a developed nation, here too there r needy ppl.
Well I went n read that post, tnxx! And I even left a comment :). Whatever said n done, I dun like old age Azuka...I dun want to live that long. We have no choice and thats why we keep saying old age isnt so bad. What if we had a choice? Wut wud u choose?
hiya Ghosty!
**enjoy ur freakin life, eat all you want (but dont waste food), flirt all you want and make people happy
indeedz :) ty!
Poo hey tnxx sweetie!
**"To start a NGO"
wow wut a babe! Well u should. Im sure there r ways to get started. Did u check the net?
And I'll check ur convi in Pink Ginger's blog, ty!
heyy Shitrint ty for agreeing with wut I did.
**maybe the hosts themselves cud drive the J guy. and he shudve had the common sense not to 'over' drink.
but he was drunk too :):). His wife cud have helped and I suggested one wanted to listen to my safe suggestions that nite! It seemed like everyone had their eyes on me as if I was being a terrible friend. Seriously I lost it big time when I went home. I thought Im not goin to any parties with em again.
Deepak its all goin real good matey, tnxxx :)
heyy Nirek dun be J..actually so many comments r a hard job to handle, so ur lucky :)
U dun like Italics...aww I luuurve em. Ok lets see what I can do abt it.
Ekta thats great u did something for the oldies....its really nice.
**its sad to see how selfish our genenration has become
hell yeah! Some of my own cousins hate their in-laws and dun even have time to lookafter their parents. It's very sad!
Prachi hey ty sweetie and I will email ya soon HUGGGGGGGGZ!
**. May be sometimes I let go my desires.. my expectations.. some small things which I want to do..
well it isnt easy. When I put aside my pretty tops, I was like WTF I LOVE THAT TOP! But I had to think again n again...and then I cud see the bigger picture. Im lucky to b able to buy such clothes. And there r girls out there who can only dream of such tops.
It takes time Prachi. Let it happen naturally. Dun force urself.
**because I think it’s not only painful for the person, but more to his family.. or rather painful to everyone who sees that person!
indeed. Alot of oldies r taken care of cos they have to be. Its actually a headache for the younger ppl.
Prachi dear tnxx for saying I'll be a sweet ol' lady hehe. But I dun think so. cos I'll miss being young..cos Im a lover of youth and I'll miss being that...and that means I'll snap at everyone LOL!
**I will be a very irritating, depressed, cribbing and unsatisfied oldie I think.. or may be totally opposite.. like.. very quiet, not expressing any kind of feelings!
really? awww...if we both meet somehwere when we're old, then I can keep u company :)
Im like u...I can hardly say NO to my friends. When they first asked me, I said OK...wud u believe that! Then quickly I said NO...cos
i thought it was wrong to do that kinda favor. J has to learn a lesson too. And by saying No to him, I was being a true friend.
Desperado heyy!
**whta kind of oldy i'll be...looking at my behaviour i guess grumpy, disgruntled and yeah still rocking
Im sure u'll listen to Nirvana too ha :)
**but if asked i guess i'll do for dose special ones
U disappointed me mate. Wud u do it at the risk of hitting someone else on the roads? Plz say NO! Friendship isnt abt saying YES to anything, it's abt teaching ur friends to do the RIGHT thing too. Dun u agree?
I am glad you are liking your new home. Will you be sharing any pics?
Good for you on giving up stuff for donation. That is wonderful. I do that every year. I use to give my stuff, our stuff to a place called Goodwill but now I am giving our stuff to The Catholic Action Center. The reason for the change is becuz the people that vist the Catholic Action Center or God's Warehouse get there stuff for free where as at Goodwill there is a small charge for things.
Nursing homes--oh they just break my heart. I watched my grandmother die there and my father-n-law. It tore me up walking in and smelling the air: a mixture of cleaning solution and urine. The look on the elderly faces was usually not pleasant. They either looked comatose,asleep, so lonely, in pain and/or so sad. To say it broke my heart would be an under statement! Both my grandma and my father-n-law were place in those places since they needed care they could not get at home.
And my grandmother went thru a slew of care tenders. People who were supposingly qualified but stole from her, ignored her, over medicated her, etc.
My father-n-law was place in a nursing home at the very end of his life---he didn't even live 2 weeks in a nursing home.
I use to tell myself that I needed to volunteer myself to visit nursing homes but how good would I be when I would be crying the whole time?
Props to you on your music selection. Freddie Mercury sure could sing. I had forgot all about that great song "I want to Break Free".
ANd your Lambada song the other day---well, I played the song a bunch of times!
Later Tater!!! {{{{HUGS HONEY BUNNY}}}}
heyya Grunty!
** think I will be the type of old person that says lots of inappropriate stuff at the wrong times. That and hit things with my cane real hard=
LOL really?
heyy Arun!
**by the way, what kinda of a job do u do?
Im an IT professional...I have loads of time with my PC ;-) ;-)
ty Ash!
Jeevan heyy Im glad u agree, ty matey!
Neihal even I have to let go of my's a learning process tho.
**I want to stay fit...and as u as long as I can look after my ownself
good on ya!
Ganesh u sound like a very independent guy...good on ya!
hey Ish HUGGGGGGGZ! Good to see ya here again :)
yep I know what u r trying to let go of Ish.
**I wanna die before i get too old and weak to move arnd and don't want to depend on others
same here. I look at my mum and think...atleast she has me and my sis....who wud I have? So its better to die young than become old n lonely.
So Southy is always driving with the fone? Not happy to hear that at all.
heyy Trinity ty!
**Think about living every moment of your life.
yeah but the old thing came into my head when I visited the Nursing home. its so very sad.
Top_Cat heyy tnxx!
**It's funny, we come into this world as a baby, needing to be fed and cared for and for many elderly that's how they leave this world.
thats right. Isnt it ironical!!
** another person running into you even if it's not your fault.
**Or a brake or tailight that's out and they stop you for it then they smell your breath and you are in trouble.
thats right. I mean Police do alot of Random breath-tests at nite. And wut if I got stopped?
Gautami hey ty! Hugggggggggggz!
Dickeybird heyy hows u?
**I'm hoping my wife (a nurse) will give me "the sleepy needle" before I'm too bad.
she cant do that right...I mean its illegal isnt it? now I wish I had a nurse-husband LOL!
Has_To_Be_Me heyy!
**I dont wanna be a oldy! I wld any day prefer a short sweet life!
me too.
its great ur donating stuff. Where r u moving to?
ty Asha huggggggggz!
**I love that old hand,most beautiful sight.I plan to age gracefully!!
yeah that hand is sooooo heart-warming ha.
Sanjay I sometimes wonder where all my blogger friends wud be when we all very old n grey...wud u think of me?
Punjabi ty!
Starry ty sweetie!
**I think it is really sad to be just lying or sitting there all alone sometimes with just an occasional visit from a child or a relative.
yeah...and for someone like me who's hyper and always on the go, I dun think I can be in one place watching TV all day...yukkk!
**not to be able to do the things you once did.and be dependant on someone else.
so true! thats even worse.
ppl often forget that we too will be old and helpless some day...just like these oldies!
Forest I agree. Drink-driving is a serious offense!
heyya Priya!
**finally you got a place where the board says no flirting with old old men.
LOL! That oldy who talked with me was staring at me- poor thing...I must have reminded me of his old flames hehe.
Kavi ty!
**About old age, its an inevitability that all of us are heading to. Wonder what all the clamour is about ?
yes we all have the same fate. But it's a very sad one isnt it.
Nora ty!
How did J get home? Well guess what...he drove bakk!! I asked him to get the hostess to drive him bakk...cos his home wasnt too far from there. No one was listening to me!! I felt like screaming.
Shammu heyy!
**and the most imp wud b i made a frend f mine to let go off a part f his salary to support a sweet gal's education!
thats just brilliant!
** wud shout at the fly when it flies around,at the food when it doesnt taste gud, blah blah,without knowin its my age thts the problem and nothin else!!!
LOL really? I can picture ya gettin totally pissed by a fly hahahaha!
hey Malnurtured_Snay WC n tnxxx!
**I don't get the ad about no more sex after drinking and driving -- is castration a normal punishment where you are for that? Because, if so, I'd never drink AT ALL.
LOL ok. I didnt get that ad at first either. btw that pic was taken from a Road-Safety website. Later on I got what it meant. If u drink n drive, CHANCES r u may have a car crash...and there's a big risk of being DEAD or CRIPPLED for life or end up in PRISON for killing someone else.
So can u have SEX when ur DEAD/CRIPPLED for life/In Prison? And Im sure thats what they meant.
Mommy heyy!
** Actually I might not live that long anyway cuz of the way Im eating;-)
U know wut...when I read that line from u, I REALLY had tears in my eyes! I felt I had to protect u and let u live longer, cos ur a mum and a wife. So my advice is that u should take extra care of urself from today...for ur's and ur babies' sakes too. Eat healthy, exercise, worry less and always be happy...n dun forget to blog - the true reason behind our smiles :) HUGGGGGGGGGZ tc!
heyy Silvara! :)
**I love my food and I love my fashion so I might be a roly-poly stylish oldy with lots of rings. I'd hate that kinda life - I need space and freedom and nature at that stage.
definitely! Im that too so thats why I'd be really cranky when Im old LOL!
**While it's not illegal to drink and drive when your 'under' the limit if you don't feel comfortable about it then don't.
I agree Silvara. Im sure I was UNDER the limit that nite (I never go OVER anyways) and that I was safe to be the driver. But I cudnt take any chances cud I have? I mean I knew for sure that I'd not be have a car crash, but what if they stopped me for a random breath test? Thats what i was more worried abt. I have a clean driving record n I dun wanna wreck it either.
ty Krys!
yep Life is short and so youth is shorter :)
Saby heyy!
**my old wife
dun lie now.
**my need for sex
(only i need now is Love)
get some Viagra then? LOL!
**i let go of some clients who dont pay well
//continue cooking chicken biryani all nite long//
If we cook chicken biryani all night then by morning it wont be as chicken biryani it will be Chicken blackaagi (tamil) :)
if u ask me
SEX is highly over rated
i once put up on my blog
a kiss and a cuddle is sometimes more pleasurable than a FUCK
a lotta women agreed
Yes, it is a strenous task packing & unpacking when it comes to moving house but the good thing is when we realise we have junks too :D
You did the right thing Keshi, I wouldn't want to take the risk to drive too. Anyway, the way J put it as if you are obligated to send him home. Yep! Very irresponsile indeed.
Heyo Poppy-doll pearl, congrats on having a new room good for sleeping in :)
Is it near a river or anything like that? Seems very soothing for the soul.
G'day Jim!
Huggggggggz Blessed!
I know ur one of the very few kindest souls ard.
**The reason for the change is becuz the people that vist the Catholic Action Center or God's Warehouse get there stuff for free where as at Goodwill there is a small charge for things.
thats so thoughtful of ya.
Im so sorry to hear abt ur granma and FIL. Thats so very sad to die in a Nusring Home. But I know that some families dun have ppl/time to lookafter their senior family members at home. Its the reality of life and its sad.
** People who were supposingly qualified but stole from her, ignored her, over medicated her,
Seriously? Thats ridiculous. I mean paying to be lookedafter and then being robbed! How can anyone steal, worse from an old person? thats simply very insensitive!
**I use to tell myself that I needed to volunteer myself to visit nursing homes but how good would I be when I would be crying the whole time?
I always wanted to do that too. But being the ultra sensitive person that I am, I dun think I cud do that. I mean I'd be crying the whole time LOL! and that wont be healthy company for the oldies.
Im glad u agree with on the drink-driving issue.
**Freddie Mercury
I wanted to marry him if he wasnt gay hehe. gawwwwwd I love his songs and his voice. He's the ultimate entertainer wasnt he! One of my biggest regrets in life is not having been to a LIVE Queen concert :(
KK heyyy :)
**then by morning it wont be as chicken biryani it will be Chicken blackaagi
LOL I didnt mean to burn chicken all nite long..I meant to keep on cooking more n more biryani so we can have enuff for weeks. U seem to be a bad cook (like most boys r)...ok let me cook, u can watch..rolling eyes n runs away quickly b4 KK hits her :):)
Jim hi again!
**a kiss and a cuddle is sometimes more pleasurable than a FUCK
u cud use some decent lagunage for a change cant u?
Shionge ty!
** Anyway, the way J put it as if you are obligated to send him home
thats right. I felt really wierd when he said that. I mean Im not his personal care-taker am I? lol!
heyyy Saffy ty!
**Is it near a river or anything like that? Seems very soothing for the soul.
lol def not near a river. Its near a busy road too :) But the room is quite soothing and bigger than the one b4...that maybe why. Also there r alot of trees ard, so it's quite nice.
Words are not good or bad or indecent
WORDS are just WORDS
a means of communication
u dont censor words
FUCK is a great WORD
means diff tings in diff contexts
like Fuck u (i dont give a damn)
wanna fuck (wanna make love?)
Fuck i been had (exasperation)
some guys (ladies) say Effed
when they mean fucked (screwed)
say it like it is
just do it
i love America
these guys dont mince words
unlike VEST and the British
the Aussies (british deported convicts) are pretty cool too
i recollect Manuel a childhood friend
His parents were groomimg him to be a padre
he wud say bloody basket to me
when he wanted to say Bloody bastard
WORDS .....
the greatness of America
these guys first bomb IRAQ killing thousands
then their love and charity takes effect
the RED CROSS (american insitution) is sent in to nurse the survivors
and they build schools and hospitals
they did the same in VIETNAM too
I m a threat to the public on the road even without having consumed alcohol, but seriously speaking i know my limitations and capabilities and i never cross them. As far as what ishita said, by now she knows my schedule very well, mostly i m at work, i dont take calls then, the time when i get free and come home thats not an appropriate time to call them and disturb them so obviously its when i m commuting i talk to them.
u just cant label America
i just love to hate to love to hate ... america
GOD bless America
only when America votes Hillary as the next Prez
then only will America be a truly great nation
we have had enuff of BUSH and the moral right
let gays and lesbians marry
dont put the brakes on stem cell research
dont proclaim christianity as the state religion
let americans choose their religion
dont persecute commies as u once did
then only
God will bless America
maine kuchh jyada hi bol diya
and i intend to migrate to america to make beeg bucks
Jim this post isnt abt America??
Southy heyy :)
**but seriously speaking i know my limitations and capabilities and i never cross them.
ok thats good hehe.
I hear people talkin' bad,
About the way we have to live here in this country,
Harpin' on the wars we fight,
An' gripin' 'bout the way things oughta be.
An' I don't mind 'em switchin' sides,
An' standin' up for things they believe in.
When they're runnin' down my country, man,
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
I read about some squirrely guy,
Who claims, he just don't believe in fightin'.
An' I wonder just how long,
The rest of us can count on bein' free.
They love our milk an' honey,
But they preach about some other way of livin'.
When they're runnin' down my country, hoss,
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
aww... hehe.. y is it that the prince charmings turn to frogs these days?
I hope you post pics of your house. it sounds interesting.
And I would've made the same decision as you regarding that ride home.
P.S. I admire you for parting with your good clothes. I don't think I can. :D
a new house! good for you. :)
well atleast i am gonna make some ppl laugh out there!! LOLZ!!!
btw god doesn't want u now!! so u stay put and look for ur purpose in life!! and u have a wonderful life ahead of u... just keep walking!!
Hi Keshi,
Sounds like u really like ur new home huh... HeHe..(No pics ah?)
Wow.. Spring-Cleaning & 'donating' to the needys.. Same as me... HaHa.. I think i gave away 3-5bags.. Full of Soft Toys & Clothes..
I've been to a few nursing homes during my secondary school days & poly days.. Feel so bad for them.. There was once, i "talked" to this old lady.. She kept crying & crying.. The worse thing is she spoke non-stop & i dun understand a single word, but my tears flowed together with hers... Then there is the other old lady, she said her sons & daugthers 'threw' her in the nursing home cos they find her a burden & told me to come visit her when i'm free.. She even ask me to buy some things for her (a clock & a fan).. Sad to say, i didnt go back to visit her.. Called the nursing home & told them i wanted to go with my frenz, but they said alot of crap to shoo us away (cos a lot of paper work & procedures to be done if we were to go visit them as an outside individual).. Tats why my frenz & i didnt go back.. So sad..
Well anyway, great to hear tat ur uncle is recovering & oing back home soon... It isn't nice to stay in the nursing home.. (Feels like being thrown away kinda feeling..)
Sometimes ppl always say "If wanna die, just die straight away.. Dun wan to suffer so much & be burden to anyone...." (Reminds me of my grandma.... will blog it up later..)
Jim ok!
R2K will be there soon matey ty!
Aditi it's cos the Prince Charmings r orginally frogs so they easily go bakk to their roots.
rem our kindy poem
Girls r made of suga n spice
boys made of frogs.
LOL shortened it.
I'll try to take some pics soon Menchie, ty! :)
ty Andrew!
Southy oh ok then :):)
Deepz Im sure u'll make em laugh awwwwwww...
God doesnt know WTH he is doin with me hehe.
Thumbelina thats nice of u to give away alot of stuff like that.
aww that lady wanted u to visit her...well I know wut u mean...some Nursing homes dun allow visitors just like that. Its sad.
yeah I wanna die b4 I hit 50. LOL I know thats way too young but I dun wanna be a burden to myself and anyone else.
ty sweetie!
@ Keshi..
no way will u be a walking accident...TOO HOT!! for that..and dun think that way..*smack *smack
And Baileys..
yeah it comes close to ice cream or cold mochaa with caremel of somethang..lurve it esp when cold. Taste YUMMY!! And da punch i love is there is alcohol in it and yet taste creamy and good..
And J,
yeah..Think if i was da family i would probably ask him to stay if he till da next day or somethang...
yeah hope he is fine though..
Cheer Gurl..weekend is coming again..;)
I am quite obssesive about drinkin' & drivin' too..
good for you.
None of the men in my family have ever lived long enough to make it to a nursing home so I don't worry about it.
If I did live that long I would be chasing all of the old ladies night and day..I'd get the orderly to sneak in truckloads of Viagara..
although it is hard to look cool when you are strolling down the halls with my parts swingin' around and the back of your gown wide open but none of those old ladies can see very well anyway...
maybe I'll splurge and get a testie tuck WOOHOO!
LOL Amy ok then Im a Hot accident :)
btw I love Baileys too...especially when chilled to max.
I rang J after I reached home. He wanted to go on his own. No one could stop him. So yeah we couldnt do anything. Besides he lived close by and yeah he's ok. tnxxx sweetie!
LOL HE u crack me up! Hahahaha @gown wide open!
I hope u live longer than me. So u can tell me all the gos of blogville when u reach there :)
Aidan I'll check that out tnxxx!
**Hehe pinching saggy bottoms, at least i dont have to reach quite as high...
LOL Aussie men r quite sensible and satisfied in any situation!
**yeah I wanna die b4 I hit 50. LOL I know thats way too young but I dun wanna be a burden to myself and anyone else.
- Dying before u hit 50?! Are u kidding... 50 is still so young esp if you have ur own family... U would wanna see ur own kids get married & have kids... U would wanna speng time with ur grandchildren & watch them grow up...
My Grandma didnt had the chance to do tat... **Sob Sob** (already updated my blog)
I know its too young...but my dad died when he was just 44.
**I know its too young...but my dad died when he was just 44.
-wat happened actually if u dun mind me asking.. Sorry.. U could email me if u dun wan to put it in here..
na I can tell u here. Most of my blogger friends know the story and I have written abt him few times b4.
He just suddenly died at 44 from his first heart attack. He was not sick or anything. He was a very strong and well-built man. He just died just like that Thumbelina.
**He just suddenly died at 44 from his first heart attack. He was not sick or anything. He was a very strong and well-built man. He just died just like that Thumbelina.
- Tats so bad.. Sometimes heart attack just happen to anyone all of a sudden.. Nothing can prevent it from happening.. No one knows how cos it just strikes anywhere anytime...
I know tat u feel very sad & bad abt ur dad's sudden disappearance but u shouldn't limit urself to live how long.. I guess he wouldn't want u to do tat too.. He would want u to enjoy as much as you can cos he couldn't.... He would want u to be happy & not limit urself..
ur so very kind Thumbelina..I have tears in my eyes rite now. ty HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**Helps u to wipe off the tears..**
It feels great when someone understands how we feel. :)
hmm.. u're right.. i think we have hit upon a big truth here
Hmmm, Jim has plenty to say huh?
Keshi,Thumbee Jingle Bells
On the roof ringing bells
Having fun in the air
screaming pain in the air
don't leave me empty
in the cold air :(
Let the pain go away
Happy days are on its way.
I am trying to make you guys laugh :)))
Sorry Thumbelina.....i have written Thumbee in this poem .....
Thats life ...HUGZZZZ to both of you ;))
Take care
finally a thing on which we differ...yipeee :)..just kidding
well my reply was to d point whether i would do something illegal for my friends...keep ur present case aside...if to save a friend i would have to i will...even if means doing something which i dont like..agreed u need to change ur friend's ways but still...maybe tht illegeal thing is the last thing I do for him
hiya, you've left a message for prachi on my photoblog.. have conveyed the message on your behalf.
Good job Keshi for standing your ground!:)
Its not safe at all, we've had quite a few cases of people who drink drive and then kill some innocent passerby with their driving. Its utterly irresponsible and selfish i would say.
Keep going gal:)
wheres the party tonight? am happy for ur new move :)
lol@ raj
yeah most the time he talks while driving.. but he is a safe driver am sure :)
n one more thing he is much capable than wat u n i can think of heheh am sure he will drive safely while kissing some1...HAHAHHAHAHAH
yeah i wil get it recorded so that u dont miss it
touching, revelaing, thought provoking. eh well....need rest
, Hard talk directed at married women,
The "sleepy needle" is illegal, but I'd hope she'd be able to do it deceptively, or show me how.
Heyyy great to know that you sleep peacefully in the new place...that great to start with !
Beautiful thought Keshi...loved it so much ...LET GO something is really noble n it requires a real heart to do it...n uve done it babes..that's lovely!
it really feels good to do charity work. Im helping in my college fest. We're organising a run to help donate to an org. which takes kids off the streets and gives them a better life-educating, clothing them.
as for letting go.. Im slowly letting go of my unreasonable temparament. feel like im pms-ing al l the time!! lol!
I'd say driving while even a little tipsy is a very dangerous gamble.
Hi there...First time here....actually not quite...I've been reading your posts for quite a while but everytime I think of commenting...the next post comes up and I m like whoa... :D...nyways...enjoyed reading your posts...and the songs that go with it :) and I know old age always hurts...did you see the movie Shararat by Abishek shows the plight of all the old people who've been deserted by their children...well....a lil bit of foresight should tell them that they'll be in the same situation a few years later....very good post...appreciate that :)
Hey..U have had an active weekend and a lot of digest! My parents too say the same thing "We dont want to be depandant on anyone, anytime"..Well...its a phase of life...We have to go through that right? If others are smart and lucky, they wil be around you!!! :)
Bravo to you for refuding a phoney help...U surely knew to say NO even if you had some alcohol to drink! :) Kidding :)
i sure hope TASHA will read Hard Talk
Indeeds Thumbelina ty so much!
LOL Aditi!
we r too sensible to be in love ;-)
Saffy u know Jim is such a big fat chatterbox that he gives me a migraine...
awww Poo that was so sweet, HUGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty so much! LOL I did laugh...wut a funny girl u r! :):)
I feel so happy to have found so many lovely ppl in this blog world. Ppl who go out of their way to make me feel good n happy. It's such a rare thing in the real world sometimes. dun u think? Cos ppl r so busy with their lives that they dun stop to find out if someone's feeling sad etc. But u had few mins to spare for me and I really appreciated that Poo. ty so much!
haha @Thumbee...she wud luv that nic hehe.
MWAHHHHHHHHH! I feel better already, ty sweetie.
hey Grunge Prince ;-)
**if to save a friend i would have to i will...even if means doing something which i dont like.
Saving a friend is different. Ofcourse I'd do that too. btw I wud have saved my friend J from the Police/accident/Prison by saying wut I had to say...cos Im sure next time he wont be taking that risk :)
but hey good on ya!
WC Nessa n ty!
Yes Prachi is one of my sweetest friends here. And u have a lovely blog.
Geet ty!
** Its utterly irresponsible and selfish i would say.
I think so too. ppl keep saying they know their limits, that they're safe etc etc. How can u be safe when u drink n drive? There's no safety there at all and thats very selfish to believe that for their own purposes.
Uttsy heyy how did ur bday week go? I hope it was alot of fun :) No House-Warming party as yet...cos Im still recovering from the move LOL!
**yeah most the time he talks while driving.. but he is a safe driver am sure :)
Uttsy I know Southy is a good driver etc but it's not SAFE at all to drive while being on the fone.
**n one more thing he is much capable than wat u n i can think of heheh am sure he will drive safely while kissing some1
LOL that Im sure of!
U have a lovely day girl HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
ty Phoneix :)
Jim alrite chatterbox.
Dickeybird tell me how too.
Seema yeah it took a big chunk of my heart with it when I put few of my fav tops into that bag LOL!
Ego ur such a noble soul, and ur sooo young. I admire u doing all that kinda charity work at this age. Im so very proud of u.
ALL THE BEST SWEETIE! Im sure it will do well.
The_Phoenix I totally agree. U cant trust a tipsy conscience can u.
Prits WC n ty!
So I neva let u comment ha? LOL Im so sorry. Im glad u finally managed to commen here :)
**....a lil bit of foresight should tell them that they'll be in the same situation a few years later
so true! I always tell that to myself. But hey I dun have kids yet and Im actually dreading them..cos I feel every kid somehow ends up doin it to their parents in one way or the other and it MUST HURT alot.
heyy Scribblez :)
**We have to go through that right? If others are smart and lucky, they wil be around you
awwwww thats so sweet of ya, ty n huggggggggz!
Saby get over Tasha..she's happily married.
Very good
Tank you
Love you
to say and do ,Saffy ,
r u married ?
i love married women
except the woman who is married to me
i hate marriage (the institution)
why cant we just live in for as long as we love each other ?
till death do us part is a fucking fairy tale
where did david santos pop up from ?
a new kid in town?
Vday is round the corner ..
And for all those not getting the loving, here’s to MUCH chocolate, ICE CREAM, Pink DILDOS, gaining 50 bazillion POUNDS and vowing to work that shit off…which we NEVER will, but it feels good to make that resolution, doesn’t it???
i miss Margie
It broke my heart to realise how short youth is
life is short as well.. but not many realise that. they think they gonna live forever and there will always be a 2moro. ignorant aren't they?
btwn.. hows it going with u honey? :) missing ya!
Oh.. I got a new nick...
Thumbelina = Thumbee
Wow.. Keshi & I have a poem in our names.. Thanks Poo!
Keshi, i really like this nick - Thumbee... HeHe
Thumbee a.k.a Thumbelina
i clicked comments on your new post
i gott blogger not found
for the record
i was first
hey Dave ty!
Ammu ty n hugggggggggggz! How have u been? I missed u too...
hehe isnt that a cute nic for ya Thumbelina? :)
Yeah! It is..
Thumbee a.k.a. Thumbelina
I've worked with the elderly for a cumulitive of almost 9 years, on and off starting in 1988. Often they're just people whose skin is more wrinkled and they have a few more problems. I don't cry when the folks I work with die, not because I'm callous but because its in the normal order of things and if I allowed myself to feel that kind of grief I couldn't do this kind of work.
The ones where you end up wishing they'd die, and not out of meanness, are the ones who are in terrible pain or the ones whose minds are gone.
I always say, let me get run over by a bus or something rather than end up like those people!
Meister u must be a very string woman for having worked in such a place. I know that I can never work in such a place...cos I'd b crying every few mins :).
**I always say, let me get run over by a bus or something rather than end up like those people!
thats so true!
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