Ok how did my Sucky-day go? Well it sucked big time. To be honest, to see so many men/women carrying flowers after work on V-day got me feeling a litttle blue. I was like WTF why can't I find my soul-mate? Not cos I wanted flowers on V-day but cos I feel awfully lonley sometimes, especially when I see so much romantic Love all around me. It's like Im on this eternal Love curse that I always attract jerks (got jerk-magnet genes here) and nothing works out for me. I'm such a big mush-pot and I'm living without Romance? There's something very wrong about that. Anyways please don't tell me that I'd find my man when the time is right etc etc. I'm quite tired of believing in that (rolling eyes here) and to be honest I don't think he exists. I think maybe Love God thinks I should just shut up and continue this way till I die? Well maybe it's time we sack Love
God then cos he's not doing his job well. Probably he's on drugs. Anyways, I'll be honest guys...though I hate V-day's marketing stunts, I still would love to receive flowers/chocs from a guy who truly loves me for who I am on any day. Problem is, there's no such guy. HAHA? yes haha! Anyways, on V-day I had to go to the shops on my way back home to buy a metal soap rack for my Shower. As I was paying for it, the cute guy at the counter asks me with a smile 'You're not giving this to him tonite are ya?'. I was like 'haha no ways, I wouldnt give this to him on V-Day'. Then I suddeny stopped on my mind tracks and thought to myself, 'btw Keshi WHO did you mean by 'him'?'. I lied to that check-out guy pretending that I had a man when I was really single. Now why did I do that?? Maybe I was a bit embarassed to say Im single and dateless on V-day, or maybe it was cos I just didn't think clearly before I answered him. Or was it my subconscious talking? Anyways, I then asked him what his plans were for that night, and he said that he's sitting at home too, doing nothing. Ok then I aint the only single person on Earth..I do have a check-out guy to share my doomed fate don't I, thanks alot for that Love God, duhhh! When I went home,
I had a single red rose, a heart-shaped chocolate and a cute Valentine ornament on my bed. Well I knew who it was from. My mum ofcourse LOL! Isn't she cute. She has been the never-changing 'Valentina' all my life..yes that's right. She loves me dearly and oh so unconditionally. So Shitrint sweetie it wasn't from a man and Aditi your guess was spot on :). I also received alot of txts/emails from cousins and friends. Rohit (4u2nvau) my dearest mate from Melbourne, sent me a txt rose and I think that was really sweet of him - his was the very first rose I got and I was thrilled to bits. My fav cousin sis asked me if I could be her Valentine..and I said 'no probs cos Im eternally single u know' hehe. And then all of you lovely friends here showered me with your beautiful V-day wishes, so thank you all! Quite surprisingly no guy here (except my sweet girlfriends) asked me if I (a very sweet gal you know) could be their Valentine:*(...I guess alot of the guys here are very shy? Or what am I thinking, they prolly have their Valentines already so who am I ha? Anyways thanks alot for all the wishes, kisses and hugs MWAHHHHHHHZZ guys!
This morning as I was waiting for the train, a bunch of teenage school girls came upto me and asked if I was some actress (couldn't catch the name properly) from this Aussie TV series. I was like WUT, no sweeties LOL! And then they giggled and went away (this photo was taken this morning by Mr.Nokia ofcourse). I wanted to catch that name cos I wanted to know if the actress they were talking about was HOT hehe. Btw on V-day I was smothered by so many roses on the train on my way back home. But it was nice to see various flowers, colors and boquets bought by so many people for their loved-ones. Simply beautiful! And I thought to myself...what a wonderful thing Love is. It makes us do the most beautiful things. I bought my mum and sis chocs as usual and my sis got us all chocs too. Well though I miss romantic love in my life, I'm blessed with various other kinds of Love and I'm thankful for that. Anyways could you help me fire Love God?
I wanna know what LOVE is...
I believe in pure love cos I have it with me. And the Love I have given so far seems to be the only genuine love I know of...no man could ever give that kind of Love back to me. Why? Does Love require so much effort? Isn't Love a natural feeling? Is it so hard to Love unconditionally? Yes I wanna know.
Current Music: I Wanna Know What Love Is by Tina Arena
182 Cranium Signets:
I know you don't want to hear it, but you will find someone.
For every one good guy you find, you will run into 10 bad ones. That's just the way it is.
I guess all you can do is keep meeting guys, and waiting till you find the guy that you click with.
I don't think there is anything more you can do, is there?
Maybe get your friends to help you meet different guys. You met Mr. Darcy at a wedding right? (I know that one didn't work out, but it certainly could have. There was potential there)
AWWWWWW! I'm sad to know you are feeling blue Keshi....me too, but for much different reasons!
You are so special...I just know someday you will know true love.
It actually took me a long time to find true love....
I don't know what else to say...
except...luv you!
Your mom is so sweet, and the picture of you is so beautiful!
I'll be back to posting on Sunday!
Take care!
I didn't even get a single gift :(. I worked 5 hours then had a class and went to play ping pong.
My mum did call because she wanted to hear my voice. Now aren't mum's the best?
Hi Keshi
The secret to finding a mate is don't look for one.
How many times have search for something and no can find. Stop looking and u can find.
I was looking for my brain once....ah, won't go there.
V-day here was S-day, a very large S. Wind, snow and cold.
I know Canadians are said to like the winter, but that is said by the Canucks who who head south at the first sign of a snowflake.
Not to worry my dear, you will find someone.
Keshi, I have this little poem for you.....maybe it might make you a little less blue!
I just wish I could help chase your blues away!
May your troubles be less
And your blessings be more
And nothing but happiness
Come through your door!
P.S oh, I made some chocolate chip cookies today and took them over to
our fire dept.....a real cute fireman smiled at me when I handed him the cookies....you would have liked him...he had the biggest dimples I have ever seen!
The song choice is perfect. The rendition is nice. It is actually the first time I’ve heard it. I listen to Foreigner’s rendition most of the time. Kinda have to if you know what I mean. LOL
One more little poem for you Keshi
I wish you lots of good luck
No matter what the day
I wish you lots of sunshine
And not a bit of gray...
I wish you lots of laughter
And never one wee sigh
And I hope no gift of fortune
May ever pass you by!
Just remember....I am your friend!
I am always loyal and true blue when it comes to friends!
Now, give me one of those big beautiful smiles....there you go!
What a smile...it is lighting up the world!
Awww, Keshi sweetie, I know what you mean. I also got sick of all the know it alls who kept telling me to be patient, etc. etc. etc.
Someone already said you'll find him when you stop looking. Well, I can attest to that. It was when I was so sick and tired of going on dates that went nowhere and decided to take a sabbatical from dating that I found him. A mutual friend of ours wanted us to go on a blind date. I said no I didn't want to but the girl was very insistent so after about 2 weeks, I finally said yes just to shut her up. And wouldn't you know it, we're married now.
You're such a gorgeous girl so just chill, be your fabulous self and if the guys around you are too blind to see the obvious, well, then, they don't deserve you!
Gone r the days that your dream-boy coming on horse...
Your dream-boy is within you. Yes, if you find out who it is, then you get him.
All the Best
Have Fun
u can't know what love is from anyone else... :)
try thinking on these lines by some poet:
"ishq ki dastaan hai pyaare,
apni apni zubaan hai pyaare..."
again, different ppl - different interpretations... :)
rest assured u would get what u deserve...there's always a next valentine's day... ;)
And you would not believe all the frogs I had to kiss before I found my prince....
And one of those frogs was kind of ugly...and had a big green pimple on his nose....how could I have kissed him?
Makes me shudder just thinking about it!!!! LOl!
There is a prince waiting to be kissed by the lovely Keshi!
Hey, read the book....
My Boyfriend's Back..
I loved it....you will too!
It's true stories about true love!
P.S the author of the book is Donna Hanover
I just wanted to stop by and give you a big hug and I'm happy I could give you a laugh today.
Hi Keshi!
I agree with Wryter 07 that the secret to finding a mate is don't look for one. Tht's true!
I love this music.
Would I ask you (if it is not secret) - how you doing this music on your site?
Love and happiness to you!
Love is unconditional and eternal.
Love is natural, but differs according to each ones perceptions.
Love doesn't require effort because it flows from within. They are spontaneous and not cultures. Again all this varies from people to people. [This is mine.]
So who was the actress Keshi? Maybe you can be her double, you know, like when she gets sick, an understudy if you will!!!
Love ya too Keshi :)
Isn't Love a natural feeling? Is it so hard to Love unconditionally?***If u go by definitions and thumbrules u'll never get it. Who u think were jerks will go on to become somebody else's sweethearts coz the other girl may hv some other ideas, as far as u r concerned, since u hv a very clear vision abt ur expectation then dont sit in the blue, ur time will also come.
hey keshi how u doin? lol itsb een a while eh how u been?
my valentines day was worse than urs:P i was stuck at home.. there was a snow storm so skools n shit were closed so i slept in.. i found it hilarious that it had to be a snow day on valentines day:p soo it was a flopppp for me too dun worrie =)
Well, you don't have to worry about ME telling you the "when the timing is right" crap. Like you, I just don't believe it any more. And you know what? Even though I make (true) jokes about jerks and such on the blogs, I really don't care any more. Have I given up on love? No. Have I stopped looking? Yes. What happens will happen.
Here's the deal...BOTH you and I are great catches. We have so much to offer a lucky man. And I know that there are at least two men (one for each of us!) out there who deserve to be and want to be a lucky man. I'm just trying to not to worry about it while I'm waiting for our paths to cross. Oh yeah and both of us are not too bad to look at, either and that should help us out, too. ;) Actually, you are better than "not too bad" :)
cho sad :(.. i belive love is natural and unconditional.. but we put love with so many constraints that in meeting them.. it takes time of almost impossible..kind.. :(..
What happened?
The day started as usual, I got texts from everybody and then my frend called me and said instead of saying hello he said I love you dear. I replied me too love you. Touchy. Anyway. Then it was a normal day and by the evening all of the couples were busy and singles were hoping to get double. I had a very rare chance, a girl known to me and we are talking more now a days, was interested in a coffee. I kind of like her but one of my frend was with me and I didn't have guts to tell my pal to let me a have a coffee with her. Or tell the girl that I like her.
Keshi, if you want to enjoy heaven you will have to die. Post valentine day hugz and kisses for you.
AB plzzzzzzzzzzzzz dun say that! :)
nah AB I dun wanna meet ppl...Im actually tired of ppl telling me that and to be honest Im not that kinda girl..mebbe thats why Im single :):) and I still dun wanna change hehe.
***SMILEZ** @ Margie! :)
MWAHHHHHHH! U write the most heart-felt comments sweetie. That verse was just so pure and beautiful. TY!
Well u kissed a green-pimpled frog? LOL! awwww he cudnt have been that bad if he dated Margie.
Anyways ty for all the sweet msgs. I LOVE U lots and Im so happy that ur bakk...and I wudnt mind some of ur delicious choc-chip cookies cos rite now Im in the mood for stuffing myself with choch.
Azuka at the end of the day, who truly luvs u will reach u...and ur mum did. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Bev lol!
**I was looking for my brain once....ah, won't go there.
hahaha! rite now I feel like my brain's on a frostbite session.
btw I DUN look for a man hun...I dun go out of my way to meet ppl even. That doesnt mean I dun want someone to love. It's funny ha.
Yeah Foreigner's orginal version is nice too. But I like Tina Arena's version cos it's a female voice and it's apt for this post :). ty sweetie!
Menchie swt hrt ty so much!
** And wouldn't you know it, we're married now.
well thats such a beautiful love story! I know it happens at the most unexpected times. But u know with my life, it doesnt even happen at those times LOL!
Harsha tnxxx but I have killed that dream boy within me...I hate him now.
DJ hey tnxx!
**ishq ki dastaan hai pyaare,
apni apni zubaan hai pyaare..."
translation plz :)
Next Vals Day...o well I'd tear off the February page from the 2008 calendar hehe.
Krys I'll come over to ur blog to explain on the Music bit.
Alex ty!
**Love doesn't require effort because it flows from within
yeah thats what I know abt Love.
Caz I cudnt get the name well..the series I think was some Fugitives etc...it sounded like that :):)
Southy heyy!
**If u go by definitions and thumbrules u'll never get it.
I dun go by definitions. Love cannot be defined. But alot of the guys I have met defined it and made it conditional.
**Who u think were jerks will go on to become somebody else's sweethearts coz the other girl may hv some other ideas
yeah I know..there r better girls ard!
I dun believe in my time comin up. I really dun.
Tanvi awww HUGGGGGGGGGZ! I missed u so much. I remembered u yday and also on ur bday...
anyways...how have u been?
Ur V-day sucked too? awww...no roses from any young n handsome guys? How come? Ur such a sweetie!
Outdoorsy ty girly HUGGGGGGGGZ!
I know u havent given up on Love..neither have I. But I sure have given up on my dream guy. Seriously!
**Here's the deal...BOTH you and I are great catches
I think so too. When I wrote this post, I was thinking of u.
I really was.
Sujit heyy!
**but we put love with so many constraints that in meeting them
I dun. I never put constraints. It's always the guys that I have met who have a million conditions. I find that whacko.
Kumar hey Im not expecting Heaven...does true love only exist in Heaven? Is that asking for too much?
**I didn't have guts to tell my pal to let me a have a coffee with her. Or tell the girl that I like her.
awww...just be a MAN and ask her out today!! Let me know what happens ok? HUGGGGGGGGZ All the best!
now if i say anything further on this u'll find it rude...
Good day!
lol huggerrzz =) i noe u missed me=) ahah i miss those oldd days too .. remember wen we used to be like uppp tryna be first to comment on z00niez blog.. oh man good times
i come to ur blogg sometimes i always thought of leavin u a comment buh then i'd get distracted ahah finally got myself to do it=) how u beeennn hows everythinn.. wut did i miss lol its been like a year since i talked to u:p
nahh no roses=( my love lifez prettie messed up lol u dun wanna noe
hi keshi! do not worry, i am just a friend of puneet and manish. i was just wondering if you want to be a member of my blog!
sticktick.blogspot.com! i have some music on there but most of it is rap.... i have country songs on my music list that you might like. since you are really in to music.
Well Southy I dun think I said that everything u say is rude...but wut u said in ur blog (that best of luck comment) is rude. U dun agree? Well thats fine too.
Huggggggggz again Tanvi! yeah I rem the days when we were t000nie, k000kie and z000nie. I think there was a r000nie too somewhere there LOL! Those were the days ha!
Anyways it's been a long time since we chatted. I dun chat on YM or anywhere else anymore. U know I got bored with chatting pretty soon. My brain needs something new everytime. Well it's strange that Im not bored with Bloggin yet. Well u neva know..someday I may neva write again...yeah all of a sudden :)
My life? well wut d u think Tanvi? It's the same BLOODY thing LOL! Wut abt u? And u keep in touch with Rohit? I miss all of u...u know being together everyday.
Ur love-life is messed up? Well thats good. cos that means u HAVE a love-life. I dun. LOL!
Keep in touch. Dun go missing again, plzz!
Stickperson hey WC! I will check out ur blog pretty soon, ty :)
yeah I cant live w.o. Music.
*****Is it so hard to Love unconditionally?
yes it is...I am sorry to say so. It is all about accepatance (of the good, great, bad and very uggglyy) and that ain't easy :)
Happy valentine's day Keshi Gurl!!
Jerk-magnet genes? Don't think so... didn't your mom get your dad? So, don't worry, be happy.
That said, I knew what was hidden behind all that "I don't like V-Day" stuff ;)
And yes, most of the guys here are shy...
LaVida u said it girl. Thats how this world is.
hehe Shiv ty n same to ya!
Fleiger heyy!
**didn't your mom get your dad? So, don't worry, be happy
thats such a sweet thing to say, ty!
yeah I hate V-day for more reasons than just one. :)
yepp lol good times =)
lol i noe u dun chat nemore.. ur too coooool for ppl like us:p nah nah u wont stop bloggin though cuz u been doin it for like years now.. ok ill stop or imma jinx it
i dun talk to rohit as regularly as i used to.. he doesnt come on nemore .. n ive been kinda busy lol so yea i miss him too.. godd i misss old days =( life is a bit harder now ahah
oh n dun worrie i have no love life:p we too cool for guys yo dun worrie:p
yeah I miss those days and our lil chat sessions :)
I miss Rohit alot...I mean he used to be my best mate on IT.
btw I hear ya gal...we r too cool for losers indeed LOL!
hey d ya keep in touch with Priti? Any old IT-ites?
true love cannot be described in words. it can only be felt and yes it doesn't require any effort. when you are in true love, your heart doesn't race in beats, it goes on normally. in true love there is no need to hold onto the person forever, that person will be yours forever. with true love, there is no fear because you will know you can never loose it!!
i guess true love just defines who you really are!
keep walking and keep smiling!
take care!!
yeppp lol theyyy were funn =)
yea i noe i miss rohit a lot too .. hes been through so much i feel awful
i miss the old him lol remmeber he used to flirt wit every girl he saw.. and his stupid little jokes ahah i love that loser=)
n nah im nah in touch wit neone from IT.. except sebia thats it.. lol i stopped talkin to ppl like soo long ago.. arghhh imma keep sayin this buh life is so different now :p
Oh my gosh... thank you for the picture.. but damn.. do you have to be so far away!!?? If you don't find the true love that you search for... I'm just a blog away.. waiting on you ;)
U R so beautiful!
JD ;)
Okay.. you win.. "I love you".. I'm coming home!! Have dinner ready!
JD ;)
Aww.. Keshi.. lets pray to Love God to give Keshi her soulmate really soon.. while I am praying for me :p .. Lol. Same boat here Keshi.. dunno how I can make u feel better.. :)
and oh.. thats so sweet of your mom..
Deepz I really love wut u said abt Love.
**with true love, there is no fear because you will know you can never loose it
thats so true. There's no need to even try, or put an extra effort, when theres true love. Thats exactly wut I meant.
Tanvi yeah Rohit is so quiet it's scary...I mean I dun want him to be like that...I miss his old self too. In the sense, the fun Rohit. I wonder what he's doing right now....
I rang him a couple of times but he hardly answers his fone...:(
:) but beauty doesnt seem to bring one true love.
JD I LOVE U TOO awwwwwwww...
I really love the way u say it! MUOH!
Dina? How abt we cook together ;-) haha me being real cheeky now!
Viv huggggggggggz matey!
**Same boat here Keshi.. dunno how I can make u feel better
LOL aint there alot of lonely ppl ha!
tnxx Viv ur so sweet! I wont say u'll get ur girl today but I'll pray too :) but dun pray to that bastard of a Love God. Cos Im thinking of sacking Love God for all the ill-treatment he's giving us hehe. Wut say?
Yep, you look great! Happy Valentine's Keshi!!!
haha y did that feel like an echo..of my own thoughts to a certain extent..
i dunno is it that hard to find someone? or am i just that hard to get along with lolz
u will someone keshi.. because if someone as awesome as u doesnt then the rest of us have little hope..
Phos wheres my hug n kiss? awwww...
Aditi nah nah...I have lil hope if u cant find a man...cmon what a beautiful girl u r, both in n out. And u r not stubborn like me...u cud say im quite headstrong, independent and bit of a big mouth...mebbe thats why guys freak out LOL! But with u, ur such a nice girl...u know...the kind of girl that MOST guys wud like to be with. I find it bizzare that u dun have someone yet...really.
yea i noe.. i unoe wut to do.. i reallie want to have him back the way he was.. keshiii lets do something!
Tanvi u know Im a hopeless flirt...so I thought some of my flirting wud get back NV...but nah he didnt respond...I mean I rang him and left a coochi-cooing msg asking him how he is..he txted me bak but didnt ring me. I really wanna talk to him...I care abt him alot. I wonder if he knows that.
btw have u ever spoken to him on the fone? did he send u a rose on V-day?
loll keshi u crack me up
but honestly its so hard to make him smile these days.. hes so like cold now
and yea ive talked to him on the phone a couple of times .. buhh wayy back in the dayy.. its been a while.. we used to text once in a while.. he texted me on my bday that was the only happie text i saw from him afterr ages so i was happie =).. and yea he sent me that rose too n i think i forwarded it back to him lol
oops.. eventually we will have to go to him only.. so not sure abt firing.. hehe.. btw check my blog for a few pics of snow
wooow wat a beautiful portrait of keshichan!!!
Tanvi first of all let me tell u I feel so happy today...talkin to one of my dearest old pals this way again. U have that effect on me. ty for being here today HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ Tanvi!
abt Rohit..well atleast u have heard his voice...I wanna hear his voice and say to him that I care. I dunno if he believes me anymore...cos of that friendship posts shit that happend 2yrs ago. but yeah I have learnt my lessons now Tanvi. I hope he can forgive me and ans my calls. He only txts me and here Im dyin to talk to my mate NV...to hear his voice.
He's goin thru a tough time..very tough time. if my mum is no more, I dunno how I'll cope. I really dunno. U know how sensitive I am. So I mite stop all my communications with everyone. Yeah I can freeze totally just like that. I feel for NV. I really do.
I dunno wut else to do than ring him. Cos he doesnt ans emails either. Any oda ideas?
Keshi I don't want to say that you will find a guy when the time is right. I think the right guy is going to find you.You just keep being pretty (like you are now) not too many eyes can stay away from that pretty face.And when they get to know you they will find out what a kind and loving person you are. I don't like V-day because it does make a lot of people blue. I had a doctor visit on V-day.No roses or chocolates.but then I am used to it.too many v-days have come and gone. Take care Keshi.keep smiling.you never know when you are going to bump into MR Right.
Viv I'll be there soon :)
Niki ty babez!
yepp keshi.. this had to happen sooner or later lol.. is been FOREVERRRR =) imm still around though im kinda dead these days lol
and yea i noe ive talked to him lol i remember him calling me once like 10 times n hangin up n i'd be like WHO THE FUCK IS IT lol.. n he'd just laughh.. lol yea mann good times .. cant believe that happened to him .. i dun even noe wut to say nemore cuz i cant imagine wut hes going through
buh yea keep callin him i guess.. imma try soontimes too.. n i noe he rarely replies the emails.. well we'll think of something dun worrie.. we'll bring us the old rohit back soon lol hopefully =)
Starry how come u dun get flowers/chocs on V-day?
I needed a visit to the Shrink on V-day. It really stirs the blues!
ty n hugggggggggz babez! U have a good weekend now.
Tanvi I know..even Im like a dead woman walking these days. Seriously. it's like emotionally Im so drained and I need to be buried and reborn...I hope I didnt freak u out there LOL!
aww NV did that? thats sooo him..the fun-loving cool dude. A death of a loved-one can change a person completely. I have that experience Tanvi...when my dad died, I changed foreva...if he didnt die, I'd have been a completely different Keshi u know. I dunno if I'd b blogging even.
So yeah, the death of his mother has affected him deeply. I dunno if he'll b the same Rohit again...but we can try n bring him out somehow. Wut say? If I know where he lives, I'd even go to Mel to see him..thats only if he wants me to.
well darling.. it so happens that sometimes u have a valentine but cant go out n celebrate.. sighhh.. this val day sucked for me too...
n u know what?.. no one even sent me flowers or chocos :((((((
lol yea i kinda feel that way too.. i think i want a new life lol
yea keshi i can imagine.. i havent experienced a death of someone close to me.. i dont think i'd be able to be as strong as u guys have..
i noe we wont ever get the same old rohit back.. but we can try? if we dun try keshi then hes gonna be stuck like this for a long time.. hes shut himself off completely from everyone.. if i could just see him n be there for him cuz i noe i havent been like i should have.. but i dont noe wut to do i just want him to be normal.. seriously i'd fly to australia n walk up to his house too if i could
I'm a great cook! We just have to get me home to you!!!!!!!!!
JD ;)
m000nie u didnt get flowers/chocs? How come? Where was ur hubby on V-day? ok I'll be honest..if I wasnt single, if my partner didnt give me anything on V-day (unless ofcourse he's in prison), I'd kill him. LOL really. I mean young lovers should give something to each other (doesnt have to be expensive) as a token of love. Wut say m000nie?
Tanvi yeah....we can try. Ok I'll call him today. If he doesn't ans, I'll leave a another msg or 2 until he answers me. Now I hope he wont get annoyed with me LOL!
btw I need a new life too! shall I quit blogging and see how I go? Wut say? But really its blogging that keeps me sane...or else I'd in Antarctica fighting the Eskimos LOL!
JD awww...
ok now that really got u home to me ;-)
loll yepp call himmm so hes just so annoyed some day that he'll pickk up =)
lolll ANTARCTICA FIGHTING ESKIMOS.. OMGGG keshii u noe wut i just remembered... i unoe like a year ago u called someone a FAT ESKIMO.. ahahha n i found that so hilarious lol i laughed for like a month.. n then i'd call everyone a fat eskimoo.. omgg i jsut remembered that loll
and u noe wut came to my mind yesterday? lol remembered the valentiens day party of IT like 2 years ago .. omgg how fun was that? zillie organizin it.. lol IT used to be so fun back then.. i went through sebiaz blog n the comments for that v day party post n i just smiled at every comment.. time flies eh
LOL Tanvi I rem that Eskimo comment too...and I also rem u were laughing in ur sleep over that :):).
I rem the V-day party too...organised by Zillie LOL! I was some guest star that nite hahahahaha!
yeah good times r short. Nothing lasts forever and time sure does fly. U said that right girl!
loll yepp.. U FAT ESKIMO.. mann i still find it funny.. i think im just weird though lol... yepp u were sultry miss... ahah i readd everythin yesterday.. clearly i have no life these days =)
u talk to neone from IT nemore?
OMG yes Sultry Miss indeed! :):)
The only ONLINE life I have is Blogville. I dun chat at all (YM or IT). Do I keep in touch with anyone from IT? nope. Just u, NV, m000nie and Saby. The rest have disappeared.
True from the heart....This is the best thing I like about your posts Keshi...ohh ur Mum is a darling...:)
Actress ...Woooooooooooooo baby...HOT!!! you must be like....all flattered n all...right???
Have a nice day!!!
& I love this song!!!!
yepp same here lol.. just sebia thats it
everyones moved on lol.. we should have a reunion though.. that be funn =)
aritee keshii its almost 12 n i have 2 tests tomorrow n so i better go pretend to study n fall asleep while doin that..
i hadd fun catchin up wit u after ages.. keep in touchh.. imma visit here regularly lol ill try to =).. takee caree.. huggerz =)
awwww... was busy yaa... my nephew got operated.. :(((.. do pray for him
My mum is a child at heart...I love her so much she has no idea :)
ty Ektaran I hope u had a better V-day? :) Im sure of that!
Tanvi sweetie I was abt to ask u if ur planning to go to bed tonite hehe.
**i better go pretend to study n fall asleep while doin that..
hahaha always the case ha. Good luck for tomorrow!
Catch u whenever u have time. plz do drop in here when u can cos I dun wanna lose u too. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ n bye for now!
Keshi, i can understand this blueness. I will comment on your post in detail later. I would have definitely asked you to be my valentine... if i wasnt married :) You are a special girl, who can spread cheer and happineess in anyone;s life you choose to. Dont be so gloomy, life aint that bad.
Hugsss for you till then... cheer up
keshi, I must say that I don't really give a stuff about valentine's day -never have - I think it's just a big commercial thing. BUT having said that-when I saw a man walking down the street with a big bunch of flowers on Wednesday I wondered what lucky girl was going to receive them :). I went to buy some meat on Wednesday and had a little chat with The Butcher and that's as good as it gets :). He is quite sweet.
u talking like a looser!! i dont like this..
i will mail u soon as i have a story to tell "A REAL ONE.."
which should change ur perspective...
and dont say u dont have anyone. cos once u have etched in ut head even the right guy will seem to be wrong to u..
now stop being depressed.. I feel like kicking ur butt... lol
Love surely is a beautiful thing Keshi and it does make you do good things but it should be unconditional :) I'm sure you won't even realise and you will in love ;)
Stay Beautiful...!!
Hey Keshi mine sucked too....din step out of the house....it was soooooooo cold...and that was very sweet of your mom...well...i wish my mom was with me...cos it was so bad with no friends no family no nothing...the most depressing day ever...well...you have all my support in firing the love god hehe :P....Love will find its way soon...then all your wait will be worth it :)
awww m000ie wuts wrong? I will pray for him...goshhh I hope he is ok??
Ari ty so much for being here!
** I would have definitely asked you to be my valentine... if i wasnt married
awww I know :) I was only trying to make u guys guilty LOL!
ok catch u laterz then HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I'll try not to be gloomy...I mean sometimes its so very hard :(
Lee same here...I dun much care abt V-day gifts but its the very day that can give me the blues...it reminds me Im love-less for a very long time. I mean the romantic kind.
**I went to buy some meat on Wednesday and had a little chat with The Butcher and that's as good as it gets
LOL that really put a smile on my face. Good on ya! HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
btw I wanna see this Butcher now hehe.
Uttsy is here for my rescue yeyyyy, HUGGGGGGGGGZ! :)
**u talking like a looser!!
yeah babez...Im a loser sometimes. Big time loser. Im not afraid to admit that. None of us can b winners all the time. Neither can we escape being a loser sometimes :).
ok I'll check mail. ty n MWAHHHHHH!
Suga ty so much! Thats so true.
Priti Im not a guy but I'd like to give u a kiss and hug...HUGGGGGGGGGZ n MWAHHHHHHHHHZ! :)
V-day always reminds me that Im very single.
ummm feeling blue...well you were not d only one alone on V-Day...me too..if ths any solace..lol :D
and again the "titlted head" pic :)
oh yeah correct observation,im shy ;)
keep rocking dear
WW & I are on rfn what are ya doin'?
Desperado then we should get together and fire Love God..game for it?
HE heyy!
wuts RFN?
lol ok Im blonde sometimes.
that was so very sweet of of ur mom keshi! :)
somehow i dunno but im starting to think that one fine day some years down the line ill be thinking the same way as u...i hav started to think that only women are capable of loving truly, faithfully and unconditionally...women are the givers all the time. and i hate men now coz of a certain leech in a my life once upon a time...
of course ill be the first one to help u fire love god. but u know wat, in spite of all these things that i say abt love,. i still, wish, hope and feel that i find someone who can really love me back the way i do...but the way i see things arnd me...dominating partners, submissive partners, cruel love....one partner treating the other like a dog and the other passing it away in the name of love...just makes me think that love is just an illusion.
i feel the same way as u do wen u say that the love u had was true, pure love...i felt the same too and swallowed my pride a million times for someone...it wasnt worth it!
i hope there's a greater force somewhere listening to us...and i hope the force doesnt tilt to the side of the evil, manipulative kinds!
Happy Valentine's Day once again Keshi!
btw, i hav decided to stop looking for love coz that just means welcoming trouble.
You are the hottest thing down unda and you would be single for about a nanosecond here in Canada!
Those guys in Australia must be absolutely insane?!
You are so lucky that WW and I are past our prime...
especially WW(seriously).
We'd show ya...anyway since we're your big brothers we reserve the right to OK anybody that asks you out from now on...
(WW says me anyway)
I mean right f'n now!
Check ur mail keshi..
i replied
may be ur perspective changes
if yes then put a new post with a one liner or 2.. so that ppl know u r a new keshi :)
cos i dont want any1 giving u a lecture or sympathysing on u like this.. am sorry i cant appreciate this..
Shitrint aww u too? Plz dun turn into a Keshi...just cos I cudnt find a guy to love me the way I'd love him, that doesnt mean all men r bastards and all girls wont find a good man. Ur presious. U have a heart of gold. I just know. Cos u had the kindest gesture after my DAD post. I was really touched by what u did that day.
So there must be a very special man for someone like u ha? There has to be. The trouble with me is that I dun make an effort to find someone yet I complain. I know, it's stupid. but Im really strange. Sometimes I cant u'stand my own self.
Also I believe that Love will walk into ur life, if it's meant to be. thats why I dun take extra effort to find it.
Like u I have had my heart broken many times b4 (u know, like u said I was the only GIVER in the r'ship). Since my last breakup (the longest r'ship I ever had) Im completely frozen. I dun do anything these days. Even when Mr.Darcy proposed his so-called Love to me, I was so skeptical. Somehow I knew it wasnt gonna work. Not cos I didnt believe in Love anymore. I just have less trust in men. Once again not all men r like that anyways. Just that Im not finding those good men.
Anyways ty for being here for me sweetie. Dun lose hope...just be. Lets see what happens. HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
HE n WW HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I'm so lucky to have u 2 in my life...seriously I am. I always think of u too...I do. U wudnt believe it, u 2 make me smile when Im on the train etc...cos I think of some of the funny comments u 2 write here. U 2 2 fine men in my life.
**We'd show ya...anyway since we're your big brothers we reserve the right to OK anybody that asks you out from now on...
hehe so cute! I rem when Mr.Darcy scene was goin on, both of u warned me abt him. And that was so right!!
If I ever meet a man in future (a real one) :), u 2 r gonna be the first to know. Im so sure of that.
I feel so blessed to have blogger friends like u guys. Cos seriously I dun have such nice ppl in my life.
ok now let me be a tart and ask ya...if u cud, how were u gonna show me what Love is? ;-)
You need to go to the nearest record store and get Nelly Furtado 'Loose'.
I'm making chris listen to it.
Play Say It Right and catch up to us..if you can..
you need to email me someday so that we can do this in real time.
**yeah babez...Im a loser sometimes. Big time loser. Im not afraid to admit that. None of us can b winners all the time. Neither can we escape being a loser sometimes :).
if u say this change urself.. i cant have my friends saying this.. NEVER.. so u cant think this even in ur dreams.. NEVER!!
U have tofight it all long till last breathe no choice...
so u cannot be a looser.. simple and period...
A smile is a frown turned upside down.
A smile is painted on the face of a clown.
A smile brightens a dreary day.
A smile chases tears away.
A smile is a gift that shows you care.
A smile is priceless no matter where.
A smile is the key to happiness.
A smile a sure sign of success.
When you feel lonely in a strange place.
It helps to see a smile on another's face.
If there is any real magic around.
It is the silent magic of a smile's sound
awww Sweetie plss Smile ....See that smile? so pure and genuine......you know something you are so beautiful .... and people who know what is love only they can understand the purity of love :) and when some1 love you its not due to ur excellence of heart but the purity of ur heart .... loving someone unconditionally is something only a few do it!!
Uttsy ty!
Loser as in...loser in love...I mean it happens, doesnt it? Im so unlucky in love. I hate that u know.
HE I know that song...aww I just love it!
ok email me my dearest darling bro...kajole at hotmail dot com.
In another life maybe...BUT you need to understand that I found my soul mate so I am just being the best friend that you willl ever need...I have a few years under my belt and made lots of mistakes and lucked out.
I found the perfect gal and gambled everything to get her..somehow it worked and I do not have any real explanation but I know that I lucked out.
I want to see you find that special person and I am always here for ya.
WW on the other hand is conflicted.
Poo that was beautiful :) see Im smiling already. ty so much!
**loving someone unconditionally is something only a few do
yes thats right. Only few can do it...love unconditionally. And ur one of them for sure. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
HE :) Ur wife is one hell of a lucky girl. She's got the best.
that means alot to me...when u said u wanna see me finding that special person. ty so much for ur genuine friendship.
kekeke.. the only choc i ate on vday was kitkat which i always hv in my office drawer. :P
love is a very wonderful feeling ..it can only be felt not measured!!! People who feel Love know what it is ...love is not for 2 or 3 days its life long ... and very few know it...and thats the sad part of love!!
and not just me but "WE" are one of those few people ;)))
Love you babes ;))
Smile always ;))
OK Kesh I've taken over here. HE's a bit over the top. Not really, he's saying how he feels...
And that's great. We both do really care about you and what's going on.
Haven't actually read your post, just got the gist of it, and we've talked about this before, me and HE with you separately...
It's a recurring theme.
When HE says I'm conflicted, he's probably referring to my constant references about how beautiful you are and our agreement, like he said before, about how the heck you can't be with somebody Down Under...
It's true...if you were here, you'd have 100 guys lining up outside your door.
So it's hard for us northerners to figure this out. It's pretty basic to us. Beautiful woman + intelligent woman = not single woman.
So what the heck's goin' on down there, we wonder? We can solve all the world's problems, as we do every week, but we keep seeing the same theme in your blog.
So we've decided you need to move to Canada...
hey keshi! well.. I know u are a very beautiful person-inside and outside.. and I guess u'll have to really give ur unconditional love to the man who really realises ur worth...
I know Im young and haven seen as much as u.. but I've been thro jerks too! all i know now is that if my current bf doesnt last long then it aint my fault... cause my love is genuine... and he is a sweet heart :)
I gues the 'love god' is taking time cause he wnts u to have the best :) cheer up!! be + VE !!
Well, I love your picture. You will find someone, I feel. Don't worry about it so much; you're beautiful.
Hiya.. well I should say I didnt have fun either on V-day. I was in my office from 10am until 3am.. so as you can see.. the only thing that got my company was my work.. may she was my valentine (I should probably get best employee award for calling work my valentine).. anyways I am pretty sure, next year you will be singing a different tune on Valentine's day. Until then enjoy..
keshi, we both are in the same boat! LOL...dont be blue, look at me, all am Happy about it, hehe, atleast enjoying days that are tension free before a relationship ties me down! LOL!
*u can also take it as the ranting of a singleton!
Take care Keshi! and HUGSS for YOU! i hope u are feeling better tomorrow! TC! Tata!
oh my gawd...
i am stubborn horribly so.. and quite independent in my ways as well.. not to mention that i can have a nasty temper.. I wont say nething when i am angry, nothing mean or anything but i can get angry quite quickly.. not to mention i sure know how to pick em
maybe that is y i am still single
opinionated.. lets not forget i am opinionated and most indian men do not like their women to have a voice or a brain capable of thought
its BEEG WOOMANs Bday on 14 th
for more visit IMNUTSINCAPS
read the comments
i had a bad V-day too
i didnt get laid
even after spending my whole weeks salary on Candy and Flowers and Old Spice
, Homo sapien
i love u too,
r u gay too?
OK Kesh I've taken over here from the HOMO
its really simple dear
dont ruch where angels fear to tread
MARRIAGE can be hell
i no
i live in one
and i want out
u dont have to get married to get laid
dis is the 21st century, silly
in all this i just forgot to mention ....." U look very beautiful in the picture"
Love that photo of yours Keshi...you look so beautiful!
No worries… you will find a right person and wish u to get him soon. I feel this blog has created for Love. I just love this blog for this girl (keshi) who has always good thoughts, showing kindness to everyone in this earth, your sweet anger, the smile, hugs, kisses are priceless dear.
Have a great weekend. Hugssss:)
Cool site...I shall visit again.
About Canada: it's full of beautiful, loving people so one more wouldn't hurt
Aww Keshi - I know it sounds all patronizing and crap...but when it is meant to happen it will. A bolt of lightning will strike you so hard that immediately everything will be brighter and the world all shiny and new. Love is out there...just like the truth :P You don't need to look and then the moment you stop...it'll be there.
Chin up my sweetness - Keep smiling so all the cute guys see it and fall in love with you :)
Oh Keshi you worry too much....your Mr Right is probably sitting down in a corner, depressed wondering whether his Ms Right exists....its just a matter of time before both of you meet....
you look absolutely hot in that pic, no wonder the kids thought you were an actress....If I was a bit older and much better looking, I would have asked you to be my Valentine...(sighs)..If
thank u so much keshi for all those kind words... abt the post dedicated to u on my bliog, that was just instinctual. i felt i just had to do something! :)
thank u once again!
i hope too that one day i find true love and a man who loves me back the way i do...but u know i hav heard the experiences of so many women,i have seen my frends go thru the same. i hav been cheated on and i hav seen a guy do the same with my frend. and so i have so reluctantly decided to come to the conclusion that men are leeches and jerks. if there was any superlative word for it, id use that too...
but someone used to say once that love makes women go weak and blind. and it was so true. i am just hell bent on beliveing these words right now coz it gives me a kind of solace and its true too hearing wat other women hav gone thru...
i dont belive it wen u say that u dont understand urself at times. coz u are so AWARE abt urself...thats a great thing actually. and i wudnt blame u if u say that u dont take extra efforts. i think u and me and the other women out there like us are so exhausted giving and going that extra mile....why cant men do that? men will only take that extra effort wen they are pursuing us...once they hav us, they dunno wat to do...and just get disinterested!
im not discouraging u, somehow i relate to u...
i hope that ur quest comes to an end one day...but u never knw wen u hav found the "right person" becoz every single day is a trial and error day!
I don't know who the actress is, but you look HOT in that photo!!
The word "love" is exaggerated and over used!Love to me is caring for other person,support them and be there for them in their worst time without judging.It's nothing to do possessiveness and acting crazy and cheating on one another.And that's my two cents there.
You have a wonderful mom and that is what REAL love is Kesh!You already have it.Enjoy sweetheart.Don't try too hard to find love,it will come to you when it's good and ready!Hugs.
Keshi: I don't celeberate the valentine and no roses. But my heart is filled with all love from my husband and to me that is more than enuf when compared to those roses on a single day.
Your eyes are so powerful kesi, may be next time wear sunglasees when u check a guy... You are sweet, soft and lovable. Its all about the timing and he will come ....
welcome to d club.... :P
LOVE wow wat a great feeling ....
Belated happy V day wishes girl! Be happy u got something frm ur mom who loves u sooooo dearly! And im telling u its more fun 2 be single with the policy "Variety is the spice of life"!!!! heeee...
Hope u r feeling better now & not longing fr that sp person anymore! He is bound 2 meet u whenever its bound 2 happen!
first things first how did u in this
blessed world manage to get so many comments its amazing can u pls reply back with suggestions its amazing ,
coming to ur post it seems it must be a temporary state of mind coz u r beautiful and anyone would love to ask u for a date ,if not they r blind as a bat any way u must be experienced enough to find a answer which lies deep with you and no one can answer it .coming to defining love all depends on how u define love and what is unconditional love would u fall for a ugly short guy ?i don't think so there are always laws of attraction in love think again ,what ever u may say or do love is conditional practically speaking.
Goodluck Pal!
:)... Who would come to the rescue of a damsel in distress, if not a knight in shining armour....
It might not mean much,
it is a couple of days late,
there might not be a touch,
for we are so far away,
Yet as a single guy to a beatiful gal,
will you be my valentine, in retrospect.. :)
Hope that clears up some of the blues ;)
mmm... someone told me to move to Canada too; seems there's not shortage of eligibles out there.
The only good thing about Valentine's Day is when it's over, but Keshi, we are not alone in the world... I'm pretty sure there's more singletons out there looking for love, than there are couples.
take care sweetheart
lotsa luv ann xxxxxx
Dont seek any filmi funda frm me, coz it is not my area of "interest"
Anyways the point being, keep the chin up ....
Take a break.
U got Mr. Nokia along, guess what I think i got Ms. Nokia around ...
Valentine .... :S not my cuppa a tea though ...
the latest ppost on my blog is a little about "Her" though.
Hey Keshi,
**I'd find my man when the time is right etc etc.
Its time go find the man... See I didnt tell you what you didnt want to hear.
BTW I did give you a kiss on valentines day :p which you claim to be a smooch... :D
Ok jokes apart... Take it easy Keshi... Dont let it get on your nerves :) Keep smiling become the hot TV star ;)
Well Keshi...Hugzzzz and Kisses to you too....Have a good weekend :)
Hi Keski!
Your photo is great. You look very pretty and romantic.
Music and pics are amazing.
Thanks for your favor.( about video). I really appreciate it.
"U mite have to manipulate code a lil bit to suit ur preferences" - this is difficult for me. I want to have this same kind of you have ( under profile), and I have too large. What kind of manipulate I must do?
If it is possible say me liittle bit more about that.Thanks so much!!!
Best to you!
don't worry, you will have your true valentine by next v-day:-)
Dear sis...let me tell you one thing...as far I know about you and read from your blog... you aren't asked by no one! People have loved you and proposed you its just that you never felt the same or you never accepted them!
That leaves completely with the idea that you have something in mind whom you are looking for!
I would say...if you really want love to come to you just leave yourself free...dont keep any boundaries or rules and regulations...things are not as you say though I can understand the frustration when you dont find the right man...I used to think once but not any more...so I would say think from heart and not mind and one more thing...always love the person who loves us and not whom we want to love...may be its too much...but things have worked positive in that direction too :)
My best wishes and may your next valentine is full of joy and love ...:)
Hugggggggggggggggsssss dear
Hmmm...i wonder who the aussie actress was? I'm not too good with Australian tv shows otherwise i would know which one you look like! Maybe Natalie Blair who plays Caromella on Neighbours??
I had a boring Valentine's Day as well! But who needs boys when you have great friends?
Hey keshi..your post made me smile..becos although you dont need any special day to remember those you love, it IS kinda nice, gives us a chance to do something sweet, or extra special. Thats what most festival days are anyway..a chance to hang out and have fun for most caught up in a busy life... and Ive never felt that valentine's day is only for sweethearts. so everyone gets valentines..friends, teachers, children, uncles, aunts, cousins..:P. and you too kesh..
*heart* to you from me.
Ok I second Homo Escapeons comment about you moving to Canada:)
You know Kesh, I think you overthink this too much... It is a huge part of our lives sure, but dont let it dominate you. Just live your life, enjoy everyday with what you have and the people around. If you keep thinking about "him" er the lack thereof... how you gonna keep smiling for us all huh?
Forget "him" and lets start thinking bout KESHI and the wonderful gorjus person she is with the wonderful people and things aorund her:) Here's to YOU Kesh!! ;)
Now take the blue shade off ur face.. it doesnt suit you, i like you better brown:)
Hi Keshi
Sorry i am late..
That was a very honest and transparent post lady. *thumbs up for ya* ;)
And a real nice song there..
u look good in that pic.;)
And also valentines,
Keshi, i did not have a valentine on valentine's day as well..i was too busy working all night though it sucked to be working instead of being out with a date or friends esp.
and yeah i wondered what people would think of me as well.. Got a few roses & wishes yeah . But i did not really want to spend my time with jsut anyone. Or lets say i am not feeling all so valentine's day anyway..Work was on my mind. And somehow someone else was on my mind but yeah..(shouldn't be thinking.can't help it:P)
I had a blast with ma mates on thursday night.*boogey night* and yeah there were guys who came up but somehow i think having fun with girlfriends beats it all..;)IT WAS AWESOME!!! We rocked! haha:P if i was there, i would be ya valentine and made sure we had a blast. And i am sure we would.
There was one when i was in school i bought a mate of mine a heartshaped brownie. It was pretty and haha we went crazy!! talking crap basically.
Keshi, *hugs* sometimes we don't understand why life treat us differently. but than again, we have other things in the world or our lives that could wrap us so.
Darlz..u are a sweetheart. I am not gonna say u will find da man at the right time cause we have no idea what life presents us. But i just want to say take note of all the open doors that pass by..;) u just neva know sweetheart..
And yeah its fine with me abt that tag...;)
I hope to see u smile!!
You'll find one, but you'll have to sift through a lot of duds to find a real good'un. Get out there and start sifting...
Keshigirl, keshigirl, keshigirl.... :D:D:D
Belated valentine's Day wishes to you....
The love we get from our home is beyond compare, right? It is truly unconditional and warm... It is always nice to get that of the same quality from outside. But then, that happens only rarely...
Oh Keshi...I have been there.
All I can say is that you will be happy. You will find love. And when you do, its going to take you on one wild and fun ride!
Your knight is waiting...only he has yet to be discovered. And when he is, you shall be treated like the princess that you are.
oo oo maybe...thrs this one guy thts head over heels in love wit u, but is too nervous to tell u...can u blame him? wit a hottie like u arnd ne1 wud have cold feet :P
Dear Keshi ...thats real sweet post ..direct from heart !! =) I can understand ..many times before getting married I have gone thro this phase :-(...But you are lucky enough to have cutest mom and friends around. Sometimes we need to count on to the blessings isn't it ?
Many years I have been buying v'day cards for myself. Just to get hang of it :d :d :d
But trust me all this wait is worth for meeting the "man" of yours. I would prefer being single and wait to get a proper guy instead of falling in and out of those short lived affairs..you can not compare them with long lasting love in any way !!
In the world of instant love ; still there are good people around...and one is definately made for you ...so keep your fingers crossed !!
Cheers & TC
so u feel better now keshichan??
laughed @jerk-magnet genes.
im also same and eternal single lol
some ppl say love requires a lota money and good career.
i dont think efforts are much required thoo..
all we can do is work hard and keep in good spirits, right?
ur mom is choooo sweet!! happy weekend!!
An invasion of armies can be resisted. But not an idea whose time has come.
More quotes from Victor Hugo
Very cute post,Keshi...with 90 comments, I see everyone has already said what could be said.So,I'll just say 'TC'.
hi Keshi,\\i been away in AKL as u know
i read your post about your Dad - that's a beautiful post - thank u. i haven't read the next posts except for the latest one. all i can say is can u recall that analogy i wrote u sometime in the past re. waves & love?
one other thought - maybe u could offer a prayer to the remover of obstacles? ;-D
Happy Valentines Day! A bit late though...
howz ya doin mates.....
sorry cud not catch up on ya!
am pretty bad at being in constant touch with frnds & family! A kick on my ass for that!
So.. how ya doin?
Hoping you are less blue today!
It's early Sat morning here...we got snow overnight...good grief!
It was supposed to be spring like today...it is beautiful with the snow, but I am wanting spring so badly...
Well, guess I will just have to get out there and enjoy it...so, I'm off on a walk.
I know how to make spring come quicker...I'll write a poem about spring....look for it tomorrow...ok!
I'm going to call it...
Little Prayer For Spring
Sending smiles and hugs across the miles....wish you were here to help me eat these chocolate chip cookies....I still have some left!
Awww Keshi, romantic love is lovely, but don't fall in love with that ideal. So many people keep searching for that feeling (which is pretty temporal, even though it resurfaces fully developed later in a relationship) that they forget how to be happy just being. (You know the drill, the butterflies stop fluttering, hearts and stars stop appearing, and little things start irritating you about your love, and you start to wonder--"do I need/want to be in this relationship?") Make sure Keshi fulfills Keshi, buy yourself some beautiful flowers, my friend, take a long bike ride, write yourself a love letter, watch the sunrise on a beautiful beach... There will be plenty of time for love and hearts, but there's only so long that you're young and beautiful and able to live without concern for anyone else. You're awesome, Keshi, spend time enjoying how much fun you are.
Don’t be bashful…I promise not to bite. Or if I do bite, I promise you’ll like it.
Ewwwww…I just grossed my OWN self out!!
Let me start over…
*clears throat*
Hello, my dearies, if you should ever need to get in touch with me, for any reason a’tall, please feel more than welcome to send me a message via this here contact form. It will be sent directly to me and I shall respond accordingly.
Was that better? If not, please will you bee-yotches SEND me some DAMN mail, before I have to get all ROWDY in this piece! I mean, dang, I need LURVE too!
dat was TASHAA
** I was like WTF why can't I find my soul-mate?
#-o ... OMG u back in square one now ... lemme guess ... the next post is gonna conclude saying that "I am fine not having a romantic partner" ... he he
** As I was paying for it, the cute guy at the counter asks me with a smile 'You're not giving this to him tonite are ya?'.
it would have been really sweet had u :p
** I guess alot of the guys here are very shy?
honestly ... I am afraid of attachments :) ... no exceptions
** It makes us do the most beautiful things.
it makes people do the most craziest and sometimes even disgusting things and yet feel perfectly gud about it ... n its called cute *duh*
** no man could ever give that kind of Love back to me.
ur dad did :) ... and not every guyz like ur dad u know ;) ... such people some in our lives once in 5/10 years n we should let go of em ... they may not be perfect ... but hey! afterall we are just humans :).
** Isn't Love a natural feeling?
when its b/w a guy and a gal therz a gud chance of lust making em to call it love
** Does Love require so much effort?
for it to be beyond lust, genuine and like the love that ur folks have for u ... YES ... it takes a profound attachment to blossom into such a love that u speak of
** Is it so hard to Love unconditionally?
it is nutty ... coz in relationships people have expectations ... so it doesn't remain unconditional for long ... it comes down if people are willing to make compromises for one another ... I am sure u'd be ready to make some if it were for your parents ... for someone else to earn such, is difficult ... not impossible
I don't quite believe in being attracted to a person and then let it blossom into love ... its pretty much like deciding to love someone, only unlike an arranged marriage u have a choice to bail out
to feel love for another person and then an attraction ... thats seems more logical to me :)
as for what is love? to comfort, care, respect, watching your back, feeling of insecurity over you despite you not liking it, blah blah blah ... like your dad
someone who loves you, would be one whome u'd give the status of being a part of ur family ... who means to you as much as your folks ... genuinly ... with whome ur anger wouldn't last long ... for whome u care like a mother ... one who gives you a honest opinion and not just one that you would like to hear just to please you ... without expectations ... without lust ... without the necessity of a commitment ... that I'd say is true love
u'd have understood by now that IT IS INDEED HARD :) ... and that a deep friendship usually preceeds love ... esp when its w.r.t. a partner ;)
cheerios nutty
** "Is it so hard to love unconditionally?"
No! But it sure seems hard for some people to accept unconditional love when it comes to their doorstep.
hey read many of ur posts..liked a lot of them..cool..keep posting..:)
And while you're at it, may as well ask about the religious concept of "agape" or universal love - is it possible to respond to everyone with love in at least some sense?
Freud didn't think so; Jesus did.
Love is the source of life! love is the strongest feeling known ,it works in many different ways that are so beautiful and sometimes even strange,it's Love that can make us see more of the good in others and do not see as many faults.
keshi dear it's time for some
"Destressing" & "Recharging your Love batteries" I do hope you will find some magical Love that you will enjoy.
Awww!! Feel bad that you feel like this..hang in there!
Meeting the right man is really a matter of luck. I decided I was done with men after my last relationship. Out of the blue, my boyfriend walked into my life when I wasn't even looking for a guy! And guess what, I met him on the same day EXACTLY two years after I had parted with my ex.
Besides, if one gives the vibe that one is lonely or that one needs someone to lean on, it could scare prospects away.
well alot of people tell me ill find him here.. there.. this way.. that way.. blah blah blah.
i think love is a game of chances and trial and error.. u try and try until u hit the jackpot, its almost like gambling. everytime u play, you think uve got it.. u think its time for the big jackpot, but you end up loosing. with that loss goes part of ure heart, and it never really comes back. BUT, you will WIN once.. and im sorry that its not now, but it will come by.
secondly, all the flowers and candies and everything happy that u see on v-day is just a snap shot, you dont see how behind that relationship the guy's cheating on his girl, or the girls sleeping around or how they both are unhappy but too scared to steer away from the comfortable or how they feel trapped in that relationship.
i know it sucks to be single around this time, im single - I KNOW, but the grass is always greener on the other side and well with all the assholes u find, u'll find one good guy who'll be worth it (atleast thats what i keep telling myself)
KESH!!! sending love!!! you take good care baby!! and hey thank you for the b'day wishes!
Well, you know... hope is eternal and all :D
Keshi, You know what I did? Asked a friend out who is also single and told her if we could just spend V-day evening together for dinner with no strings attached.
I did it because it sucked to be alone that evening. And yes, we pretended that we were each other's halfs when we weren't. Lies I know but it doesn't hurt anyone except self :(
And oh, can I have your autograph please ;)
maybe because most love is one way nowadays, people dont really get who they want, and there is not much passion when what we are lookin for is money.
oh boy TANVI is here
i didnt recognize her with her clothes on
if i were u Keshi
i wud hire a real expensive gigolo with a body and a brain too (like me for instance, (besides i need the money))
and go on a vacation to Hawaii
then u wont feel blue for a moth or two
when u do
go on another vacation
money can solve a lotta probs u no
Mumbai guy makes sense
u save your money too
yes find a guy who is blue too
like the mumbai guy
** no man could ever give that kind of Love back to me.
ur dad did :) ... and not every guyz like ur dad u know ;) ... such people some in our lives once in 5/10 years n we should let go of em ... they may not be perfect ... but hey! afterall we are just humans :).
SAMY is right
KESHI is doomed to stay single
she aint never gonna find a guy who compares to her dad
not even 10 per cent
they dont make guys like dat no more
the mould has been destroyed
he was one of a kind
Ammu I was a chocomaniac on V-day..seriously. I ate so many and felt really sick in the night.
Poo ty ur a swt hrt!
**love is not for 2 or 3 days its life long
thats very true.
HE/WW LOL! That was who btw? :):)
o these Aussie men r big big flirts...thats abt all hehe.
ty guys...mebbe I'd really move to Canada...only problem wud be that it's so cold there!! :( Me a big fan of sunshine and summer...u know that dun u...
Ego awww...ur soooo sweet, ty so much.
** gues the 'love god' is taking time cause he wnts u to have the best
yeah and Im sure he's busy snoring. LOL!
Grunty aww ty n huggggggggz!
Akshay heyy u worked till 3am? gawwwwd! So ur Valentine was the PC? :) Well atleast I have a lovely man like u to share my V-day fate.
**I should probably get best employee award for calling work my valentine
LOL yeah.
hehe Shammu huggggggz!
**atleast enjoying days that are tension free before a relationship ties me down
oyeah..I think I've been doin that for too long now LOL!
Aditi lol u sound cute. Losing ur temper easily n all. I'm the same btw haha!
**maybe that is y i am still single
haha yeah...and thats same reason here mebbe :):)
ur right...most (MOST) Indian men dun like their women to have a super brain. I totally agree.
I totally agree Aidan..u cant hurry/force Love.
** If that shot is really you i wouldnt be worrying too much:)
hehe it is me.
**(hope stace doesnt see that comment or im in strife)
LOL cute! cmon she knows u n i r just mates ;-)
Saby ok I wont fall in love then...but I want a fairy-tale wedding..I dooooooooo :(
Ash ty!
Jeevan heyy!
**just love this blog for this girl (keshi) who has always good thoughts, showing kindness to everyone in this earth, your sweet anger, the smile, hugs, kisses are priceless dear
thats such a beautiful thing to say. What a genuinely beautiful thought. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ matey luv ya!
WC FreeCyprus n ty!
**About Canada: it's full of beautiful, loving people so one more wouldn't hurt
awwwwww...nice to see some cool Canucks dropping in here :)
ty Silvara HUGGGGGGGZ babez!
**You don't need to look and then the moment you stop...it'll be there.
u know wut girly...I tried that trick...stopped many times but it neva came LOL!
heyya Ganesh ty!
**If I was a bit older and much better looking, I would have asked you to be my Valentine...
hehe ur sooo cute, ty for that very sweet thought :)
Shitrint sweetie hows u?
yeah I know...MOST men r like that, I agree. I have been cheated on too. but like a grand idiot I forgave him cos of that thing called LOVE. Later I realised it wasnt LOVE, it was just that I was losing my sight...hehe. I got out of it after a painful breakup. And that was not cos he cheated again, but cos he decided to go with his parents' choice for him. How convenient for him ha? Well JERK. Thats all I can say.
**. i think u and me and the other women out there like us are so exhausted giving and going that extra mile....why cant men do that?
thats so true. U raised a very good point there. Tho I complain abt not having a man in my life, I really dun take any efforts to find him anymore. I have sorta given up on men. To be honest, I dun make any extra efforts, neither do I care. I've become immune to it now. And its set me free in many ways. I dun feel I lack something in my life - just that I feel lonely on certain days. And thats very rare anyways. So Im OK. Im sure u r too.
if no man comes ard Shitrint, just know one thing...u r too good, too smart, too sensible for this game ;-)
ty Nora ;-)
May your blues be less
And your joys be more
And no one but hunks
Come through your door!
Asha I totally agree. Love is being confused too with alot of other things.
**Love to me is caring for other person,support them and be there for them in their worst time without judging
thats so true.
ty so much and HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Priya thats great that u and ur husband share that kinda Love.
**Your eyes are so powerful kesi, may be next time wear sunglasees when u check a guy
hehe mebbe ha? tnxx for the tip ;-)
Vishnu ty, there r alot of members in this club it seems :)
heyy Has_To_Be_Me tnxx!
**its more fun 2 be single with the policy "Variety is the spice of life
I agree ;-)
Prisha heyy ty!
How do I get so many comments? hehe I have no idea. I just write wuteva and alot of ppl come here. No special secret/tac-tics behind it sweetie.
** don't think so there are always laws of attraction in love think again ,what ever u may say or do love is conditional practically speaking.
hmmmm well if someone rejects a person for their physical features, then that certainly isnt
Love. Dun u think? So I say Love is not conditional. ppl r.
Kris WC n ty!
2lbrl awww that was soo sweet! Wut a beautiful verse!
I would ofcourse :)
Keshi blushing now hehehe...
tnnx a ton swt hrt Ann!
**someone told me to move to Canada too; seems there's not shortage of eligibles out there
hehe I think so too. So shall we move to Canada Ann? ;-)
Tarun heyy!
**U got Mr. Nokia along, guess what I think i got Ms. Nokia around ...
lol u caught my germs now!
Anyways I'll b in ur blog soon ;-)
KK aww u did smooch me alrite :):) HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! But u didnt ask me to be ur Valentine dija? hehehehe...
**Its time go find the man... See I didnt tell you what you didnt want to hear.
LOL u cheeky guy! Nah I dun wanna go find him. Lets hope he n I bump into each other. If it's meant to be it will. Im a strong believer of Destiny.
Priti ty sweetie!
Krys tnxxx hun!
I'll come ard to ur blog to help u with the coding. Stay tuned.
Mommy ty for that sweet wish for me!
Dawny mah sweet sis HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**always love the person who loves us and not whom we want to love
I agree. But its so hard. cos u have to fall in love with the person too. There has to be a reason why u love that person. And if that means only cos he loves me alot, well thats the best reason ha. ty for that sweetie HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
WC Tohou_Lidia!
**Maybe Natalie Blair who plays Caromella on Neighbours??
close :)
yeah who needs boys when there r great friends like the ones I have here. ty so much!
Rose I missed ya. WB n HUGGGGGGGGGZ!
**so everyone gets valentines..friends, teachers, children, uncles, aunts, cousins..:P. and you too kesh
so true and that I have plenty! MWAHHHHH!
Suga ur such a darl. U somehow manage to put a smile on my face. ty for that HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**Now take the blue shade off ur face
I was wearing brown ones this morning and scanning alot of hunks on the train ;-)
Amy u made my day alot better wityh ur beautiful n happy comment. ty so much HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
So u had boogie nite? WOW how exciting! I wish I was there cos u know how much I love to dance. Anyways it's great to hear u had so much fun with ur mates. Way to go!
**There was one when i was in school i bought a mate of mine a heartshaped brownie.
LOL thats very cute! I rem I fell in love with a guy in Kindy only cos he used to sit next to me all the time. I used to go home and tell my mum abt him LOL!
well having friends like u ard me certainly makes me feel ALIVE and LOVED. I always thank God for that!
Trundling ty!
**Get out there and start sifting...
Have been doin that for a while and it seems nuttin's left after sifting thru ;-)
Srijith heyy ty!
**The love we get from our home is beyond compare,
true. That can never b compared.
o well lets wait n see ha :) ty so much sweetzz!
**can u blame him? wit a hottie like u arnd ne1 wud have cold feet
hehe who knows ha. Well I want a man to be a man n get on with it btw :)
Saaya WC n ty for that!
**I would prefer being single and wait to get a proper guy instead of falling in and out of those short lived affairs
true. Why d u think I dun easily fall in love :). I have many guys proposing to me but I know they dun have what I need. I just know. So I prefer to stay this way till I really see wut I need. better be single that be in a r'ship thats so wrong.
mwahhhh Niki hows u babez?
**some ppl say love requires a lota money and good career.
no ways. Money n career dun bring love. Just ask any celebrity :)
AmitL ty!
Love is a masquerade
some women just cant come out and say i want sex
WB Fergal!
**one other thought - maybe u could offer a prayer to the remover of obstacles
true...I must ha :) Mebbe Im a obstacle myself hehe.
Iceman ty :)
Im good n urself?
Margie ur an angel...I mean writing abt Spring when u long for Spring...thats a great way of thinking abt anything in life.
ty for being u HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGZ! I'll b there soon.
Helen sweetie ty so much n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!
**There will be plenty of time for love and hearts, but there's only so long that you're young and beautiful and able to live without concern for anyone else
so true...I totally agree. And I'll always keep that in mind, ty!
Jim u ok? :)
Samy hey ty! U made alot of sense, as usual.
yeah my mum n dad cud gimme that kinda love...but I mean no man cud me that kinda romantic love. No man cud honeslty love me.
**to feel love for another person and then an attraction
I totally agree. Cos the initial attraction can fade away easily.
ty so much for that Samy!
Praddy hey hows u?
**But it sure seems hard for some people to accept unconditional love when it comes to their doorstep.
hmm yeah true. But the love thats at ur doorstep need to be felt mutually too. I mean just cos a Love is unconditional on one side, that doesnt mean the other person HAS to fall in love straight away. Cos Love should be a mutual feeling Praddy.
Akshay_Bulbule WC n ty!
Paul heyy!
**is it possible to respond to everyone with love in at least some sense?
yeah it is possible tho it's difficult. Difficult cos we dun wanna even try.
Lera heyy ty!
**"Destressing" & "Recharging your Love batteries
I sure need some of that! :)
Pallavi ty my dear!
Julia heyy thats an amazing love story. ty for sharing that with us.
**Besides, if one gives the vibe that one is lonely or that one needs someone to lean on, it could scare prospects away.
nah I dun give out those vibes. I really dun need anyone to lean on. But as a human we all need some romantic love every now n then dun we :)
ChocolteLuva MWAHHHHHHH! Great to see ya here.
**all the flowers and candies and everything happy that u see on v-day is just a snap shot, you dont see how behind that relationship
I agree. Every r'ship is not a bed of roses. There r so many things happening behind those roses, candles and hunny-coated talk. I know what some of my friends r goin thru.
yeah the grass is always greener on the other side. I so agree. And like u said it's better to be single than to be in a shitty r'ship. Great friends like u always keep me sane and on the right track. Im so thankful for that. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ!
Neers ty sweetie!
Fleiger Hope it is. TY!
MG hehe u can have my autopgraph alrite...meet my manager cos he has copies of it. LOL!
**Asked a friend out who is also single and told her if we could just spend V-day evening together for dinner with no strings attached.
awwww thats neat. I cud have done that too but my mum was ard...she's the best companion I cud have for V-day :)
Ghosty heyy hows u captain?
**maybe because most love is one way nowadays, people dont really get who they want, and there is not much passion when what we are lookin for is money
thats so very true!!
Jim yeah Tanvi was here on Fri. It was GREAT!
Jim I agree...they dun make guys like that anymore. Everyone is so shallow these days.
And I'd rather marry a cardboard doll LOL!
Woody Allen is blue too ...
I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own.
Woody Allen
I've never been an intellectual but I have this look.
Woody Allen
If my films make one more person miserable, I'll feel I have done my job.
Woody Allen
If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.
Woody Allen
If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.
Woody Allen
In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.
Woody Allen
Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right.
Woody Allen
Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.
Woody Allen
Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions.
Woody Allen
Man consists of two parts, his mind and his body, only the body has more fun.
Woody Allen
Marriage is the death of hope.
Woody Allen
Most of the time I don't have much fun. The rest of the time I don't have any fun at all.
Woody Allen
Keshhhhiiiiii.. i am backkkk!!!!
happy belated valentines day to you sweetie!! muaaah. hope you had a great day.. mine sucked.. the most i got was an sms .. shoot me thru my head for expecting.. will ya? lol.. anyway , so i finally posted on my blog after wht feels like a century.. now im not going anywhere. i miss this too much!!
take care
yeah the grass is always greener on the other side. I so agree. And like u said it's better to be single than to be in a shitty r'ship
dont u ever forget dat Keshi
and u wont be where i am
and where my dad was
i wonder wat the next post will be ...
a lotta time and energy is wasted on Romantic dreams
when all we really need is a basic need ...
Abraham Maslow was right
if u dont get sex when u need it
u cant keep your mind on nutting else
True love is when u love the person even after your basic need is satisfied
dats wat makes the love of a dad or a mom or a sister soo beautiful
but then again if the basic need is not satisfied ...
it leads to incest
i have nutting more to say
bye guys
take care keshi.
n I love the foreigner version of the song..
Love. Romance. These things are out there. But sometimes you have to wait, and those times are all the more important and special. Worth the effort.
Or, so I hear!
And, super great pic.
Rock on!
How r we doing today?
Saby some great 'Woody' quotes there, ty!
**dont u ever forget dat Keshi
and u wont be where i am
and where my dad was
wuts wrong with ur's and ur dad's marriage?
**True love is when u love the person even after your basic need is satisfied
ty! I like wut u said there.
WB n HUGGGGGGGGZ Purnima! I missed u tonz!! Im so glad to see ur bakk for good. MWAHHHHHH!
btw wut were u thinking? u cud live w.o. me?
yep I like the Foreigner version too. The original that is.
Huggggggggz Rex ty! I know its there...finding it is the hardest part hehe.
Hey Southy Im gooood ty n urself? :)
Ok, I dont believe much in Valentines Day... any day is as gud as that... so now I will ask you... Will you be my valentine??? @-;- (This is a rose, if you cud'nt identify it :D)
Rexxy sexxy came last
and he walked away with the babe
life is unfair
KK too late chum
she walked away on the arm of REX
awww KK thats so sweet. Ofcourse I'd be. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty :) Cute rose!
Jim nah ur wrong...KK is my valentine and many mo now hehehehe.
hi keshi, it is me stick.
i was just wondering what you thought of my blog...
hey Stick it's a great blog...keep up the good work!
well, we all have our blues...it's okay..but yeah, it gets to you when u r single...and u wonder if that one guy is going to drop down from the sky. if that don't happen..it's okay :) we live in a modern world. don't need to depend on men
thats so true Dalicia, ty n huggggggggz!
Hey Keshi... came from KK's blog. Very cute post!!!!!! After this, who wouldnt want to be your valentine? :))
hey Viji WC!
awwww ty :)
Awwww… you really are lucky to have so many people who care for you – and they're luckier to know their Love is cherished!
Sunrise thats so true, ty!
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