Wednesday, June 20

Tears Of Hunger

WARNING: Upsetting/Disturbing images ahead!

Celebrities and wealthy people all over the world spend millions on weddings, divorces, possessions, leaders waste money on wars...the average person complains about not having enough...but these kids have nothing to say...cos nobody seem to hear them anyway. I'm not rich neither am I a charity worker, but on my bday this year, I'm going to donate whatever I can to kids in Africa. I have no party this year and I'm not doing this out of guilt...but I'm doing it out of compassion...out of love...out of pure humanity. I'm not going to be here forever and I won't be able to take my possessions with me when I die. So many kids are starving to death every single day while some others are dieting their lives away or spending a million just for a day as if this life is all about SELF. What have you done to make someone else's life a little less painful to live?

Current Music:Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen
Current Music: New Kid In Town by The Eagles

102 Cranium Signets:

Blessed said...

I think that is so wonderful
Miss Keshi!
I wish I was more self-less.
You inspire me!

Anonymous said...

I adopted two girls in India :) Its sickening to see celebrities waste all that money when they can use it to change so many peoples lives.

Maybe James Packer should consider the same as what your doing.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull idea!!!

Ram said...

its definitely a noble cause. but many-a-times i wonder whether any donations actually reach the needy at all or gets eaten up in bureaucratic mess.

not all celebrities are the way you described. take angelina jolie, bono (of U2 fame), michael schumacher, to name a few.

txandi prost said...

commendable, keshi. as for myself, i have been there, images etched into my retinas, unfiltered by the lense of a camera; nostrils filled with the unadulterated air of desperation...

seen too much, know too much. may explain much about me...


Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

This is a statement. You have produced and written a short story that should be on the forefront of our minds. Thank you for this.

Africa, is but one country, now if we could see how many there truly are ... even in the United States we have children starving. One of the largest countries in the world with many resources. Shameful.

krystyna said...

Hi Keshi!
Thanks for inspiring!!!

J said...

looks like we are thinking alike today :)
agree totally!

oh and btw did you ever check out this li'l thing that we started few months back (

(a request: the bottommost pic in the post is too painful to the eyes..i would take it out..)

Sharda said...

This is the real passion you have .Pictures are heart breaking.

Anonymous said...

I am always hesitant to give to Overseas Aid agencies, many high high administration costs, and only about 40% of world vision goes where it is needed. Not to mention my issue with the Christain-a-fying the world...

How ever it is very noble to give of ones self, be it money or time...

On ya Keshi, it is good to see the spirit of Generousity is not dead:)

*** side note the ammount spent on cosmetics each year could wipe out world debt, imagine the difference to the world that could make**

Jay said...

There really isn't much that people can do other than to put pressure on our governments to actually commit to doing something about poverty and hunger.

If you added up all the money that celebrities and the average person "waste" each year it would probably be a fraction of what is really needed. And, you have to give everybody credit for how much money the do donate to worthy causes too.

But, as long as we are wagging our fingers at groups, let's not not forget the Church and the Bush Administration for their "NO CONDOMS" policies. It's an outrage.

Rani said...

click on it everyday, it donates a cup of food to a starving child somewhere in the world. ITS FREE too. this is the best way to donate -- its food getting to a starving child and it doesnt cost you anything too...
its nice that you're gonna donate money on ure b'day.
i try click on this website whenever i can. it really helps. i do try donate whenever i can =). its a good cause !! try the website and spread the word!

Jewel Rays said...

A splendid post Keshi.

***the average person complains about not having enough...but these kids have nothing to say...cos nobody seem to hear them anyway.


I am speechless right now after reaching this post. My heart aches. And to know someone like u is great stuff. I have a hand with this african kids. Hope to see them personally someday!:)

its so true eh. Not only celebrities even us think we have the biggest problem today when the real thing is out there. Thank you for this post. *Hugs*

~Jewel Rays

SamY said...

hmm ... I am not against giving to them ... but I'd be more than willing to do my part in enabling them help themselves ... but I guess their current situation stands way below that :(

I havent done anything thus far but for small contributions on my b'day. But I definitely want to sponsor for a child's education :). I'd definitely do that in my lifetime.

dharmabum said...

oh keshi, this is the first thing i saw this morning and it makes me so sad. the one thing that i consciously try and do is never to waste food. and if there comes a situation when i have do it, i go hungry the next mealtime.

god bless u keshi.

La vida Loca said...

I am really touched :)
BTW when is your bday? ^I am all blushy for asking you this q^

AmitL said...

Lovely thoughts,Keshi..good for you..even we do our bit,in India..there's an org called World, we contribute yearly,for one kid's education and upkeep throughout the year.And,every year,we get a pic from them,of the kid- a sort of 'thank you''s not expensive,and,it gives one the satisfaction of doing a wee bit to thank God for taking care of us,na?

Impressionist said...

Those pics are terrible!
that is a wonderful thing ur doin keshi!
I wish i could do something about it too. sad that i'm not workin!

peace & love

cm chap said...

True keshi... We all need to do more.

Sunil Parashar said...

Hello Sweetu....:)
How are you?
How's life?

Sorry for being late here.....was busy settling things.:)

Reading this post of yours i'm quite sure that some day you are gonna make difference. Never drop this idea.

Take Care! :)

AakASH!!! said...

'There comes a time,
when we heed a certain call...'

remember the song? If only more and more people were sensitized, this world would be a better place.

You have found the gift of compassion, Keshi!

Anonymous said...

Only when you see these kids, you realize how very fortunate you really are to be sitting in front of a computer and blogging. Great you decided to do something for a noble cause.

Anonymous said...

I love how you wrote this. Good on you Keshi. x

Die Muräne said...

Cool! Because I have more than enough for myself, I donate some money almost every month. Not just to Africa or South america, but also to organisations who help people in need or ill here in Switzerland. It's only a drop but I think it's wonderful if you can share.

Anonymous said...

I was talking with this lady today,
she told me about her shopping habits. She got only 2 sareez for >5000 USD! I jokingly asked her about charity and she goes : yes I do that as well.
Now its always an individual's decision to what they want to do with their money or self but Giving is surely a great feeling.

My dad once told me that if you give from your right hand, your left hand should not know about it.

I feel just opposite.

One should spread the word,specially when something is for a cause. is something I prefer.

Good to hear your birthday plans.

keep it up

di.di said...

you go girl!

I think this is great. you are an amazingly giving person. you have a heart of an angel...A heart that I think everyone should have.

Radha said...

Wow, thats great Keshi !

curryegg said...

I saw these in the documentry too... Hope that they will have a better life...


radiohead said...

nothing !! :(

Anonymous said...

Good for you Keshi. We need more people to give what they can to help save those without hope.

All Is Whole said...

I always used to help childrens or older people by giving them money or food. I know its not enough but i think if people like us do it even in round robin fashion then those people can get atleast something to survive.........

My philosophy : Giving is not Taxable, then why be so miser!!!!!

Smiles :)

Anonymous said...

It's very true. The Corporations that lead governments have made people believe that you cannot survive if you are not part of the system.

That very system leaves who it doesn't need behind.. to die.

We are the world, and we can support the system, or we can support life itself.

May we all make time do something about the situation that the system is trying to blind us to.

Thank you for a very neccesary reminder Keshi.

Anonymous said...

I have stopped trying to wonder why it is acceptable for children to starve to death in the this world.

DICEY said...

Girl, you might be vain but you're not superficial.

Life said...

sgood thought keshi :)

may god give u more strenght to do more..

happy birthday in advance

Take Care

Vishesh said...

all we can do is what? blog about it i guess...but how are we going to save these children and how are we going to save earth?? i am having a idea in my mind for a long time,for it to work i will need a lot of help..

if you are interested in knowing this is the way can do it
start a blog and invite people from
different societies.....there we can share about what is happening every where...slowly with enough build up we can submit what we learnt to the UN...every blogger who accepts the mission will have to try and find out stuff about what is happening in their society and should come up with ideas....what do you say keshi? shall we do it?

happy birthday!

may the omnipotent bless you.
with love,faith and hope
the light shines the brightest

Shionge said...

What can I say are so noble to make the effort...:) I did my small part whenever I can too but mostly to the Red Cross and to my friends who badly need some financial assistance.

Elina said...

Wow Keshi!

The pictures are so so saddening.

**Celebrities and wealthy people all over the world spend millions on weddings, divorces, possessions, leaders waste money on wars...

- So true! I agree with you with 2 hands raised up high! Why dun they just donate these extra cash they think they have too much to these ppl... **Sigh**

**the average person complains about not having enough...but these kids have nothing to say...cos nobody seem to hear them anyway.

- Ya. I admit i do complain at times too.. Am feeling so ashamed of myself :( I guess from now, i'll complain less..

**I'm going to donate whatever I can to kids in Africa.

-Keshi, u are so great!!

**So many kids are starving to death every single day while some others are dieting their lives away

- U made me feel so guilty!

**What have you done to make someone else's life a little less painful to live?

- I've helped to collect aluminium cans for the old grandma staying around my area. Whenever i buy any canned drinks, i would rinse the can then keep it in a bag. Sometimes, i would purposely buy cannd drinks instead of bottled or packet drinks home so tat i can help this grandma. (Am i being silly? LOL!) When the bag is filled with cans, i'll bring them to the grandma. Does tat count??

Miss & Love ya!


Unknown said...

hello keshi

Thanks for visiting my blog and dropping a hi. Do keep visiting.

Btw.. great post. Really touching

FH said...

That's exactly what I said to Arvind yesterday!!
This rapper on TV was saying he wipes his sweat off his brow with $100 bills! So shameless and so shallow!!He should give away his "sweat" money to Angelina Jolie so she can use it for a good cause around the World!!

Aditi said...

its a wonderful idea.. and shows what a wonderful person u are..

Poo said...


It breaks my heart when i see children suffering like this :( there is so much suffering in this world

Its very nice of you to donate something for these children

TC Keshi

Helen said...

Hi Keshi,

That's awesome, do it.


Margie said...

I'm just heading out the door to work(still hobbling around)and only have a minute.
Oh, these pics broke my heart!

I'm proud of you hun!
Such a good thing to do!

I get an email daily from a site called
You click to donate food for the hungry.
I click every day.
It's a very good thing to do.

I give a little each month to a very good organazation....a little does help those in need!

Gotta run!
HUGS to an Angel!


Princess Banter said...

I'm totally with you on that. People who are from developed countries (like the US, UK, Canada, etc) don't know poverty until they've been to India, or Indonesia, or Africa, etc. Living in a trailer park is not the end of the world... for some people, that's even luxurious. I hope people can realize that sometimes, our problems are not even remotely near the real problems of this world...

Sense's Lenses said...

happy b'day, keshi- it's great to want to do something like this on your birthday. we did donate to a charity on my son's birthday. maybe we should make it a family tradition and do so on all our birthdays.

TiG said...

Good work, Keshi! You are doing something, which is better than most. :)

Anonymous said...

wat shocking photos!!
my heart is paining with u, keshi-chan(>__<)
that is the nicest bday thought ive ever heard!!

Nanditha Prabhu said...

that was a thought provoking is inspiring too!

toby said...

Well said, keshi. Sadly, the wealthy have never cared about those less fortunate than themselves; and they never will. So it is up to "ordinary" people to make a difference as best they can.
"Day dreamer" refers to a "James Packer"; would that be the son of the media tycoon, Kerry Packer, who was famous for losing 10 million pounds in 4 hours in a London casino? But it's not just rich westerners who do this.
Final thought: Jesus said, "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven". Many religious rich types seem to forget this.

Kay Vee said...

keshi, those pictures are really unsettling... and touching. i wud like to join u too in contributing to make life a little better for these children.
how are u going abt it? how do u make sure that wat one donates really reaches them?

take care!

PS: is ur bday around the corner?

Priya said...

Its your birthday right. Happy Birthday girl.

I do send money every year to the kids school who need help.

You did a good job!!!

gP said...

human tragedy is supposed to bring us closer, but at this very moment darfur is facing a crisis worth solving. But then the powers that be are busy fighting invisible demons.

A noble cause will take you far, wish you well Keshi, may all of us join hands.

The heart is where, another heart is.

diyadear said...

good work keshi... im so proud of u :)

ari4u said...

A truck load of hugs to you..... I have been missing in action for a long time and i really missed you.

This post made me get goose-pimples all over as i realized how self-centered human beings are. I do my part whenever i can to help people in need.

Your cause is noble and i hope you get all the blessing and prayers they have to offer in return for your kindness.

More hugs... i really missed you.

Mauricio said...

Stong images!!!!

Here in Brazil is not diferent...

take care

oceanic mirages said...

hats off to u lady,
hope others also understand the lesson of love n humanity soon.

--Sunrise-- said...

Those pictures sent shivers down my spine, Keshi, and I am sitting here in my chair right now - at 12:32 a.m. - feeling the aftertaste of sadness and of physical shuddering. If you don't mind me saying so, it would have been nice to have had a warning note about the pictures that were to follow. They are a part of life, a part of our Earth, no doubt, but I would still have felt better knowing what I was going into. :) Just a thought, Madame...

Many happy (belated) returns of the day, Keshi. I hope you had a wonderful one.


Keshi said...

Blessed I wont feel satisfied till my money reaches a poor kid like this and makes him/her feel better.

ty for the encouragement darl!


U did? WOW Day-dreamer I admire ur compassion.

James Packer is getting married to Erica Baxter today in Nice at a ceremony that costs $6 MILLION! I wonder what that expenditure wud serve in the end? Feeding Caviar to A-list guests at a flash hotel and all for just one day?? I beg for some sanity!


Southy I know India has alot of poverty too..I think India's wealth distribution is highly flawed...there's the very rich ppl having all the money to themselves living in palaces, and then there's the very poor ppl dying in hunger and hv no place to live...

Im glad my post inspired u.


Keshi said...

hey Rama!

**whether any donations actually reach the needy at all or gets eaten up in bureaucratic mess

I know...there ppl who steal that money b4 it goes to the children n families. Best way to assure that it goes to em is to adopt a child...then u can hv their monthly updates etc posted to ya. Im gonna adopt a child...right now Im finding out details on how to go abt doing it. Im not rich at all, but I know I can afford to feed n clothe a child with the extra money that I sometimes waste...

**angelina jolie, bono (of U2 fame), michael schumacher,

definitely! They r divine and I honor them for doing that kind of real service.


Txandi seems like u hv seen alot...

It's really heart-breaking isnt it.


Inside WC n ty!

I's all over the world. I know US has it's share of poverty too. If I had the kind of money that some rich ppl hv n waste on shallow stuff, I'd give it all away to poor ppl...just give...there's no other happiness that can match the happiness u get from giving to someone in need...


Keshi said...

Krys tnxx hun!


Jitterz tnxx! I will check that website out.

**the bottommost pic in the post is too painful to the eyes

I know..when I first saw it, I wanted to cry so much...and I was at work..hehe. I put a WARNING msg now.

I didnt put up one more pic that was just TOO MUCH to look was too HEART-BREAKING and I nearly collapsed when I saw it. I decided not to put it up. It's a pic of a extremely hungry and dying boy doing something u'll never imagine!


SM speak alot.


Keshi said...

I agree Aidan. But if I adopt a child in Africa, I'd get monthly updates on his/her progress...and that way they cant cheat me.

** Christain-a-fying the world...

:) I agree.

**side note the ammount spent on cosmetics each year could wipe out world debt, imagine the difference to the world that could make

hehe Im so with ya on that one Aidan!


Jay ty!

**If you added up all the money that celebrities and the average person "waste" each year it would probably be a fraction of what is really needed.

I know!


Is Bush a hard-core condom-hater?


Chocolte its now on my favs list..and Im clicking on it many times a day. ty for directing me there sweetie HUGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

Amy I know u hv a passion for charity in Africa..I hope some day ur dreams will come true.

**Not only celebrities even us think we have the biggest problem today when the real thing is out there

I agree...we r always complaining when we already have so much! nods my head in shame...


Samy u hv done alot compared to some ppl who r so rich n dun do nuttin. Im proud of ya.

** But I definitely want to sponsor for a child's education

thats what im gonna do...


Dharma ty!

yes...wasting food is another bad habit..n some ppl dun eat at all when they can afford to eat!


SaffronSaris said...

Poppy doll-pearl-pinky (!!)
Remembered when I was really young, there was a period when the news kept flashing malnourished African people, I thik they might be Sudanese or Ethiopians. What was scary was that this very young child was bent over from hunger, and vultures, smelling death, were a few meters behind him. I have no idea if the cameramen did anything to save that child, but the scene has haunted me since.
I'm trying to think how I can do my tiny bit for them--donations are out of the question coz u never know if the money actually goes to them or into someone else's pockets.

Keshi said...

awww LaVida :) My bday is on the 25th of Mon. Im blushing too LOL!


Amit ur great!

thats what Im gonna do too..the thought has been on my mind for a while now...this time it's gonna take place in real.


Rajeev u can only do wut u dun worry...there will be a day when u can do it, and then u shall. :)


Keshi said...

Chap ty!


Sunil WB!

I've been well ty and urself? U were missed. :)


Aakash I sang that song back in school as part of a concert hehe. Great song!


Ish very true!

**Only when you see these kids, you realize how very fortunate you really are to be sitting in front of a computer and blogging

we take everything ard us for granted. Just imagine if we were in one of these kids' shoes! ppl just dun stop n think.


Keshi said...

Nora ty sweetie!


Murane hey hows u?

**I donate some money almost every month

u r VERY generous and so compassionate. Im proud of ya mate!

There's no greater joy than the joy u find in Giving no matter how big/small it may be.


Anony ty!

**My dad once told me that if you give from your right hand, your left hand should not know about it.

I agree with ur dad too...when u help someone, u dun say it put loud. But like u said, if it's for a good cause (a global issue), it's good to spread the others may get inspired too.


Diva hey WB!

tnxx hun but I dun think Im any more special than anyone out there...its just that I stop to think, and some others dun...and if they do, they'll be doing what Im abt to do as well...



Radha WC n ty!


Keshi said...

ty Curryegg!


Anuj dun worry...there'll b a time when u CAN do something...then rem this post n serve the less fortunates...Im sure u will.


Susan ty sweetie!


Good on ya Prashant!

**My philosophy : Giving is not Taxable, then why be so miser

very true. And there's no greater joy than the joy u get from Giving.


Taqdeer ty!

**That very system leaves who it doesn't need behind.. to die

I agree....if they dun belong, they r left to's so unfair. And I really cant imagine that in the 21st century, children r neglected n left to die like that!


hey Andrew!

**I have stopped trying to wonder why it is acceptable for children to starve to death in the this world.

exaclty my thoughts too mate! Its beyond comprehension.


P said...

What a wonderful touching/inspiring post!
It really is time all of us just did our part instead of sitting back...

Keshi said...

hey Dicey!

**Girl, you might be vain but you're not superficial.

I really love wut u said :) tnxx hun!!


hehe Vikas tnxx but its not my bday yet...its on the 25th of June.



Vish tnxx! but it aint my bday yet :) it's on the 25th of June hehe...

Its a great idea.

**with enough build up we can submit what we learnt to the UN

but d u think the UN is capable of doing solid work? I dun trust em. they havent done anything abt the major issues yet so d u think they'll take our work seriously?

I will join u if u start it...but I dun think UN is our best bet to get things implemented. We hv to think of another way. In the meantime Im going to sponsor a child in Africa...thats my next big project.


Shionge thats really generous of ya!

As they say Charity begins at home. If u cant help ur friends n family when they r in need, there's no point helping strangers.



Keshi said...

Thumbee ty sweetie!

**When the bag is filled with cans, i'll bring them to the grandma. Does tat count??

u r doing GREAT! Thats a very noble cause and Im so proud of u. HUGGGGGGGGZ I miss ya!


ty 666 n WC to the jungle :)


Asha heyy!

**This rapper on TV was saying he wipes his sweat off his brow with $100 bills!

LOL serious? Who's this guy? wut a pathetic ego.


ty Aditi!


Poo Im not an angel (tho I wish I had wings hehe)...Im just a girl...stopping to think..:) ty n HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Hello Helen...I will, ty ;-)


Margie said...

Before I leave (have to to to ER, and get an xray...just to make sure my toe is not's still very sore)I want you to have this little poem...I wrote it for you today Keshi.....


Each kind heart is
like a sun
that shines upon the
passing crowd....

You are so unselfish
You will never have to be sad
as your heart
never hides
a cloud!

HUGS Swt hrt!

P.S I'll let you know later in an email of my results of the xray...keep your fingers crossed for me....ok!

Keshi said...

Margie I know u wud hv already started on ur journey...ur an exceptional humanbing. HUGGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty for telling me abt that site.


Banter hey thats so true.

**I hope people can realize that sometimes, our problems are not even remotely near the real problems of this world...

Spot on! I hate it when ppl whinge abt petty me I hear it all the time!!


Sense tnxx hun but my bday is on the 25th of June :)

**we did donate to a charity on my son's birthday

How wonderful! Not many think like u. Im proud of ya.


Tida WC n tnxx hun!


tnxx Niki MWAHHH!


Keshi said...

ty Nanditha!


Toby hey ty!

**So it is up to "ordinary" people to make a difference as best they can.

I agree...cos the wealthy r too carried away with their money.

**Day dreamer" refers to a "James Packer"; would that be the son of the media tycoon, Kerry Packer, who was famous for losing 10 million pounds in 4 hours in a London casino?

yes. He's one of the richest in Aus...this is his 2nd marriage and to model Erica Baxter. The wedding which is taking place todays costs more than $6 MILLION! Just to feed the already rich n the famous and just for one day!

Imagine what that kind of money cud do for kids in Africa..

**It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven

I totally agree! They will hv their day too...


Trinnie tnxx hun!

Im going to inquire abt sponsoring a child thru World Vision. That way I'd get to know what's happening to my money n also, I'd get updates of the kid Im providing for. It's really not much...something like $50 a month..I dunno how much it'll cost u from India. U can find out from World Vision.


Thats good work Priya!

nah its not my bday yet...its on the 25th of June :)


ty so much Ghosty!

** But then the powers that be are busy fighting invisible demons.

Spot on! wuts that abt ha? Gawwwdd some ppl r so blind. So much money is being wasted!


George said...

Keshi ... you're a beautiful human being.

Keshi said...

Diya tnxx for the encouragement!


Ariiiiiii! :) WB! I missed u too. Hope ur doing fine.

** i realized how self-centered human beings are.

thats true...and u know everyday I hear someone whinging abt not having enough money, or the car/house they want, or this n that. Im actually sick of it!

I know u do ur bit..ur a very kind person Ari.


Mauricio WC n ty!

I know that Brazil, Sri Lanka, India etc etc face the same issues...


ty Deepti!


Sunrise Im really SORRY for the trauma I may hv caused u by giving u no Warning on the pics. Now I hv added a Warning msg, tnxx to ur thoughts.

Its not my bday yet..its on the 25th of June :) tnxx anwyays!


Keshi said...

Saffy I know that was heart-breaking to set eyes on it!

I also hv another pic I didnt put's just HORRIBLE...what that kid is facing. It's just even beyond imagination.

Im thinking of sponsoring a child...that way I can keep track of his/her progress and also know if my money is being used approriately.


Perspective thats right..its NOW or NEVER.



Margie HUGGGGGGGGGZ! Is ur toe getting worse? OMG tc of it sweetie. I hope the xray comes back with nuttin broken. GOOD LUCK!

that poem is so very special! TY!!

**You will never have to be sad
as your heart
never hides
a cloud!

love that bit. I guess if each one of us finds what true happiness is, then we'd never hv toi be sad...and in Giving i find joy.

Do let me abt ur toe...Im praying it's nuttin serious.

TC Margie!


George we all can be beautiful souls...just that soem dun stop to think.



Sam said...

and the pain, hurt adn anger comes back again!!!!!
the pictures are heart-wrenching, and dreadful.... and somehow makes me feel thankful that the little ones i know don't have to go through the same fate!!
oh... and if there is some typo error do consider, coz i a blurry vision right now, thnx to the pics!!

someday in 1996, 0600 hrs: I had stepped out for my early morning classes on science.... happily munching away to a pack of the most delicious chocolate cream biscuits.... i was about to cross the street... i felt a tug on my trousers... a little kid, probably 3 yrs old, was asking for a biscuit.... i was revolted by the sight.... i walked on.... and then i was somehow compelled... to turn back and handover my entire packet to him..... couldn't finish mine... just didn't feel like it.... i was too disturbed for an entire day.....
in the evening it was mum (as always) who calmed me down and since then till today... somehow, i always feel angry at the injustice, the glaring disparity between the haves and have-nots... i dunno, but i don't think i can put my thoughts into words!! It's just that I do as little as I can... by helping out an orphan with her education!!

Dawn said...

Disturbing still thats the truth
A very worth writing post
I try to help as much I can...

God Bless All

Keshi said...

Sam u rem that incident so well cos it stuck in ur mind for a reason...and look what a great thing u r doing right now...educating a lil girl. Thats just so very noble of ya! Im very proud of u.

tnxx for inspiring me Sam!


Dawny yep it's the TRUTH, just the way it is...unedited n all.

Sad ha...

When I see it, this is what comes to my mind:

So you think you have problems?
So you think life is forever?
So you think hurting your friends is fit revenge?
So you think you don't have enough?
So you think life is bad for you?
So you think you're too fat?
So you think you don't have a house/flashy car?
So you think being devoted to God is praying everyday?
So you think life is all about you?

Just think...


Margie said...

Thanks for informing The Toe Fairy!
All is ok!
Nothing broken.

Hi again Keshi....I just got back a little while ago....had to wait a long time for an busy at ER tonight.

I'm soooooo tired, have to get to bed.
Hope you are having a good day.

Sorry I have not replied to your last 3 comments on my blog...
I'm so far behind with everything this week.
I really appreciate your kindness!

Nitey nite dear!

P.S You are so welcome for the verse...glad you liked it.

Poo said...

Hi Sweetie ...Good Morning :) How are you ?

Autumn Storm said...

That's a beautiful gesture, Kesh, good on you, you've such a sweet heart.
Happy Birthday for Monday, xoxo

Vishesh said...


no offece to anyone reading prejudice against americans is gone...i only hate your bush...

anyway the idea would be i guess if we submit it to them...we can show the countries' heads at their level what we are capable of,nothing else :)

Varsha said...

These are distrubing things. And to think we fuss over food, waste food, and the works. And some people are just dying to have any food that is even edible. Its time, not just the celebrities but we all introspected a bit and did our bit for humanity

KK said...

That's a great Idea Keshi!!

lee said...

That is such a kind and good idea that you've had to do that. What upsets about me about people starving is this -there are countries where people are dying and yet the government of that country can somehow find money to spend on arms, but not to look after its own people - tragic.

Keshi said...

Margie IM so glad ur toe is ok. Told ya na that the toe-fairy wud take care of it ;-)

Miss.Accident now no injuries this weekend ok? :) GOD BLESS! Im trying to say that to myself too LOL!


Poo Im very well ty sweetie n u?


ty sweet Autumn!


Keshi said...

Vish thats a great idea..Im in!

agree abt the UN too.


Varsha I totally agree!


ty KK!


Keshi said...

Lee hello hows u?

**there are countries where people are dying and yet the government of that country can somehow find money to spend on arms, but not to look after its own people

very the US.


White Magpie said...

The pics were real disturbing esp the last one..All I can say is to create some consciousness in everyone. We see many celebrities blowin up money but there are a lot of them doing their charity work not caring for the media. Methinx everyone settles down after their initial burst and gets back to life. A classic example would be Britney.

Everyone rich or not needs to do it in their own way and you will do your bit on this birthday..Way to go K.

lee said...

hi again, keshi- I mean African countries - they actually spend money there on arms - I have read that somewhere - instead of feeding their people-criminal really.

Romeo Morningwood said...

Everybody anticipated that an African Utopia would blossom after Colonialism unwravelled in the 60s. The plundering by the Brits, Dutch, Portuguese, Belgian, and French Masters was to give way to a New Day of Proud Native Nationalism and Prosperity.

Now we watch as ancient tribal hatreds have resurfaced and the slaughter in Africa has stunned the world. The inhumanity of hacking limbs and atrocities waged against neighbours is something out of the darkest corners of the human imagination. How can these people, even armed children, turn into monsters.
It seems like the cruelest place on Earth.

For many outsiders the gruesome events of the past decades would suggest that this continent requires a new Landlord and that the people are incapable of correcting the situation. For others the interference of global corporations and thriving balck markets still has a stranglehold on the basic economic systems.

We are all Tanzanians as the saying goes..and 150,000 out universal Mother, Mitochondrial Eve, pushed some of her children out of Africa to find greener pastures. The entire world needs to care about what happens to our home. Now it is synonymous with starving children.

Even the continent is shaped like a human skull.Is it possible that as a species we will expire in the place that we began? Westerners are reaching a saturation point because Aid has been flowing to the same spots for 60 years and the need has increased not decreased. I am certain that many believe that Africa is a lost cause that is beyond repair.

I noticed that more attention was given in the MSM about the two white rhinos being poached than the tens of thousands of children that died that very same day. said...

Thank you for the eye opening pictures. Sooooo sad. I wish I could help them all!

Unknown said...

Truly admirable job, Keshi.
I appreciate you

Vest said...

Most of the happiness in this world consists in possessing what others cant get.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

mathew said...

really amazing and thoughtful way to celebrate your birthday...there are still good people out here!!

Keshi said...

hey Magpie ty! And ur right...everyone has to do their own bit, rich or not. Well-said!


Lee ur Sudan and sad.


HE ur comment was chilling! Cos it made great freaked me out tho..the skull-shape of the continent n! How did u learn of all these?


Javagirl tnxx hun!


Keshi said...

Harsha ty!


so well-said Vesty!


and u r too Matty, ty!


Keshi said...

My cuzn just told me that he's adopting a kis from Africa...I didnt even know he was doing it. he's gonna tell me all abt it. How to make a donation so that the right ppl get it etc...

Just letting u all know that I've set on my journey...ty all for the encouragement!


Shiva said...

Just reiterating the words of Gandhi, " We have enough to satisfy our needs, not our greed" Let us let them live.

Keshi said...

Such wise words...ty Shiva!

I admire Gandhi...he's just what this world needs.
