I went to the beach and later on some of my friends went Fishing, so I joined them. Here are some pics both from the beach as well as the Fishing trip. First few pics are from the beach and the rest are from the Fishing trip. The roses are from my cousin's driveway.
Watching the waves, listening to the water, walking barefeet on warm white sand...that's all I need to escape from routine life. The fishing spot was also very beautiful....with shallow waters and fresh green shrubs. It was magically soothing to the body and mind. When I observe nature closely, I realise how very similar it is to people and the lives we live. (that inspired the captions of the slide-show pics btw). Nothing is permanent in life...just like how the fish that had it's lives changed in a second by my friends who were fishing, just like how the green shrubs were left all alone when the tide got low and the water disappeared (compare last 2 pics of the same spot, one with and the other without water), nothing is forever. Bonds, changes, separations, losses, reconciliations, storms, resurrections...they all make life what it is. And just like how nature remains content no matter what, humans also have an inherent quality of survival in them that makes them withstand the harshest conditions of life. Life must go on no matter what...cos we are part of nature...just like the trees, water, fish, stones, birds and the sands...we are nature.
We are made to flow like a river, cutting through it's rocky barriers, yearning to reach the final destination somehow...we are made to fly like a bird, soaring up in the skies and reaching the stars...we are made to swim like little fishes, taking each new day as it comes, be it the last day on Earth or not. When we steam in anger like hot water, when we calm down like snow, when we smile like the sun, when we shine like the moon and the stars, when we fall like how even some strong rocks fall, when we bloom like the flowers, when we wither in Winter, when we whistle like the breeze, when we kiss like the waves kiss the sands, when we wanna hold hands like the shrubs do with the shallow waters, it's only natural and that nature in us lives forever. And it's only native for us to endure the storms of life...and naturally, there's always sunshine after rain. So hang in there, through whatever the rough waves you may be riding right now. For the nature in you, will find you the shore somehow...I'm standing alone in this stormy weather, but I know that the nature in me will somehow hold me strong in these wuthering heights.
UPDATE: Just now, as I was about to publish this post, I got a call from my cousin D in NZ. My uncle who was going through a real hard time for the last 6yrs (the one who you all prayed for in my March post A Day Of Reckoning), finally got his miracle! This was his final hurdle. I can't believe I got the news as I was typing this very post...it's just amazing! I'm so happy guys and thanks so much for praying for him, it worked! This is just unbelievable! Nobody thought he'd come out of the hell he was in...finally he did! And I'm so glad me and my cousin D never gave up on him and did everything we could to help him til the last minute, when everyone else gave up on him...and we somehow won! That's what I'm trying to say through this post too...hang in there, don't give up, your time will come too! I'm dancing and crying now, for my uncle :*). Finally God looked his way! And that is enough for me to believe He is there. Cos even my uncle's lawyer said that this is a miracle. (this pic with him was taken when I was in Auckland last year).
This song always makes me hold on, and I'm lucky I saw REM perform this song LIVE in Sydney few years ago. Omg I still can't believe I got that call when I was about to publish this post! Hence I dedicate this post to my uncle's true courage and strength, that somehow prevailed when the whole world laughed at him...when his own brothers and sisters mocked him...when he asked for help and did not get any in return...when the very people he trusted did not believe in him. He somehow survived those wuthering heights...cos he believed in himself.
Current Music: Everybody Hurts by REM