Heyy Guys! In the past few days I have been so very busy at work...absolutely hectic! No time to blog at all ***sobs heavily, blows her nose, sobs heavily again***, hence the unexpected irregularity of my omnipresence in Blogville ***looks down at her rusting bloggadallic wings***. And now that it's nearly Christmas, it's time for me to go on that much-deserved end-of-the-year sabbatical as well. I'm sure many of you will be on holidays as well, right? It's time to be merry and it's time to chillax with your loved-ones and fill your hearts with love and light. I love the spirit of Christmas (sans the commercialism of it all) cos somehow it makes my heart swell with LOVE (not that it aint there on other days)...but Christmas makes it even more special...it adds to the beauty and bliss of Love and Life. And at Christmas time, the joy of giving is universally celebrated, spreading the warmth of it all
through every gift that's given...be it for your loved-one or for a total stranger in need. Gifts arent always tangible...the greatest and the most precious gifts usually come in intangible forms. To express what those intangible gifts can be, I came up with this little recipe for a meaningful Christmas that you may like to read (trust me I'm working hard on this myself :)). This was written by me using my own experiences in life. So here it is:

...for that's the healthiest one
Drink the wine of Joy
...for that's the sweetest one
...for that's the gifted one
Wear the clothes of Smiles
...for that's the prettiest one
Hear the music of Grace
...for that's the coolest one
Do the dance of Peace
...for that's the happiest one
Sing the song of Truth
...for that's the neatest one
Give the gift of Love
...for that's the truest one.
With that, I wanna wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a great, fun-filled brandnew year! You guys have been my rock over the year 2007 and I THANK YOU all for being here for me always! I'll be taking about 10 days off starting this afternoon. During the break I'll be going to a few parties here and there, and hopefully I'd get some quality time to destress as well (without having to replace my brain that is!). I still haven't done my shopping o nos Im fretting to bits! ***feels electrocuted beyond
recognition***. I will still be online on and off, whenever I get time, but it won't be as regular until after the holiday season. Anyways,

My Christmas message to myself and all...May we never forget the less-fortunates, the war-stricken, the sick and the old, the dying, the soldiers, the babies in ICU, the hungry, the neglected, the poor, the disabled, the lonely, the depressed, the abused, the lost, the living and the dead...may we always remember.
As one last question for the year 2007. I wanna ask you this: What was the KINDEST thing you did in the year 2007? Ok, mine would be when I sent a load of money (when I couldnt really afford to) to my uncle when everyone backed off during his hardest time in March this year...and I will never ask him for that money in this life (or in another life), neither will I remind him of that favor ever again. That's my kindest act for year 2007 and I'm so glad I don't have stingy genes . Now what was your kindest act for this year? :)
OK folks, I hope you all have a good break. Drive carefully, be safe, be good and enjoy the fun times with family and friends! And don't forget the real meaning behind this season. I'm gonna miss ya all til I'm here next time, MWAHHHHHZ, take care now and see yous in 2000 and bloody 8! ***winks***
Current Music: Happy Christmas (war is over) by John Lennon
143 Cranium Signets:
Be well sweetheart, enjoy your time off and stay as beautiful inside and out as you are now.
Merry Christmas
Um ... exqueeze me
Exactly how do you expect us to make it all the way til 2008 without a doses of Keshi goodness? I don't think I'll be able to take it. I'm already going through withdrawals!
Have a great Christmas sweetie!
Its been crazy on my end as well.Stuff at work, the kid's school projects, and having to do Christmas errands. I've been kind of off the blogosphere myself. Have a great holiday and I look foward to getting all this stuff behind us with a new year. Ah yes, to all the people like me, Bah Humbug I'll be glad when summer gets back.
Polyphonic Spree do a great version of that song as well.
As for me, I think we should also take the time to not take the frustrations of people too seriously. I don't know how things are your way, but in America, everyone is so up their own butts with last minute doing and shopping frustration. It just never ends, and frankly, my 5 day vacation that begins tomorrow night at 5 can't start soon enough.
That said... 5 days to go until the big chubby red suited guy goes down yer chimney!! Hopefully, he brings you something nice!!!
Merry Christmas, Keshi! I hope Santa brings you something extra special this year.
Hi darlin'
I only have a minute as I'm going out to a big sale at a great store...to finish all my Christmas shopping....it will be fun as I got a great gift card from the lady I work for to my favorite store, so I'm going to shop for me too...yay!!!!!
I truly love ur little recipe for a meaningful Christmas.... BEAUTIFUL!
And your Christmas message was wonderful too!
Thanks for sharing it here darlin'
You have a HEART OF GOLD!
I guees the kindest thing I did in the year 2007 was pay all my brother's back taxes....and it was a lot of money!
But It gave me such joy to be able to help him out, as you know how much I love him Keshi!
What you did for you uncle was so special....just like special and wonderful you!
Got to run!
See u hun!
Merry Christmas!
Love ya bunches!
P.S I will be sending ur Pressie in the mail tomorrow!
Happy holidays kesh. I'm off for a week and a half starting tomorrow.
Have a blast!!
have a nice one and party hard on new year's!
kiss, kiss, kiss
whats the kindest thing I did this year?!! thats going to take time to think about really :D!
you did a wonderful thing for your uncle!! and I hope some thing really gr8 happens for you too in the coming year!!
God always rewards good deeds. may be today , may be tommorow, may be when you need it the most!!
wish u a very happy Christams and Damdarr 2008!!
hi keshi....wish u merry christmas n enjoy ur dayz..may all your dreams come true n b happy always
hugzzzz anits
have a wonderful christman and a happy new year Kesh!
Party hard!
We will miss ya!
peace & love
ah.. x'mas & new year break for keshi!! be well and come back fresh in 2008!!
muaxxxxx and lots of hugs!!!
merry christmas n a happy new year!
Keshi! Cant believe the year is ending so fast!
have a great break Keshi...have loads of fun and love.
My gift to you is in my heart, come and get it.
The kindest thing...donated money to some charity in Chennai, some for a boy who needs operation. Will do more next year. No money is worth a humans life, so when they are in need, we must give out, even if its all we've got.
Hi Keshi
Have a great holiday and a greater new year!! (Get Drunk LOL)
I will be back blogging Jan.7, 2008
Hugs !!
Hi Keshi,
Merri Merri Keshimaschhh!
I'm very impressed with your beautiful words!
I hope you'll come to my birthday party? I'm going to start tomorrow.
I cannot imagine without You?
I'll be back.
Hi Keshi
Happy christmas in advance :)
Hey Keshi Dear... Hw r u? Long time...
That's a real cute post... and a damn cute pic of Keshi darling as always. Merry Christmas.
This post remembers the same last year’s post of yours, very true what ever u have written here. Through activities or giving money I dint do any kindness on my own, but with dad’s money I have donated to some orphanages and have love to all is the kind thing I have done and could continue for the years I live.
It’s a warm wish of Merry Christmas and New Year dear. Have wonderful times with you friends and family on the Christmas and new year time. Hugggsss:) take care.
Hey hon, that was adorable, have a great time, and I hope to hear from you again real soon. Take care sweets, much love. :)
luvd yer post mate!! it ws pretty noiiice.. :D
well go ahead.. party hard.. take adequate rest... and well enjoy ur time out!! :)
MERRY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS & A LOVELY HAPPY NEW YEAR KESHI GAL.. Beautiful words and a gorgeous pic of urs... (speechless again) ;)
Happy X-mas Keshi, see u next year!!
hey been ages!! hope u have a great xmas!! loads of love!
merry christmas kesh!!
the kindest thing that i did was offer free blog templates! making blogville prettier even though i know i dont have the time!
hey i have a christmas present for you..send me ur mail id no..
Merry Christmas n exciting new year
I will never forget those unfortunate people.. especially children..
Keshi, I really love reading your post because everything that you blog here is meaningful. *hugs*
Merry Xmas to you to keshi!
(in my latest post, I assume that you're my English teacher.. haha.. just a joke. HOpe that you don't mind)
hi keshi...how r ya..;)
Have Safe and Happy Holidays...njoi the christams and new year mate!!!
Take Care Mate!!
Merry Christamas and happy new year Keshi. I will be off today until the 1st, bust time. Getting ready for X-Mas feast!:)
I sent some money for Salvation Army and Veterans this month and baked and sent some cookies to a family with kids who are not that well off. Feels good and I am ready for 2008!
Hugs to you, keep well and you are the kindest girl I know!:))
hey Keshi, lovely post!
Merry Chistmas to you too!
Have a wonderful year ahead!
Wishing you the same Keshi and let the New Year be at peace, joy and harmony.
Kindest thing I did? I'm not as kind as you. But I suppose the nicest thing I did was volunteer my time every week to work at a charity.
You have a wonderful inspirational blog and you deserve much happiness in 2008.
merry christmas to you, and a happy new year, keshi!
Your poem was lovely! :-)
Will miss ya during the festive season, hope you have a wonderful time with the family, and friends. Take care, happy new year and I'll see you in 2008, woohoo!
I feel so selfish. I cannot recall a single kind act!
Merry Christmas to you too sweetie and have a great season.Love and hugs.God Bless!
Thanks for the birthday cheer! I love your site - very Christmassy, and I love Christmas! It's my favorite holiday. Great music! I need to find someone like to you to help me spruce up my site! Happy Holidays!
Hi Keshi,
As usual your post is so full of nuggets of wisdom and joy in life. You deserve your holiday break from blogging. God knows you've done so much with your fantastic posts that have been the source of inspiration and joy for your readers. I believe that we have to perform our good deeds always since it is the way God wants us to do. And it should not be any big deal too. Didn't the Bible said, "let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing." If we do good deeds in the expectation that we will receive something good for ourselves, then the motive is still self gratification. But if we do our good deeds for the glory and honor of our God irregardless whether people recognize or appreciate it, then our reward will come from God. It is a classic example of whether we want praises from men or from God? Alas, most people prefer the former from the latter.
Thanks for the wonderful post. May you and your loved ones enjoy the very best of the holiday season. Have a warm and cozy day in Australia.
, December 22 is Krystynas birthday,
merry christmas to you, and a happy new year, keshi!
love u
Have a blast this Christmas
Get laid
Merry Christmas Keshi! I wish you happy holidays :)
Keshi, enjoy your time off, my friend, this has been a rough year, and there have been random kindnesses throughout the year, (and yes I remember your Uncle's down time, you are so precious), I hope 2008 is as lovely and then some as 2007 was, and I hope to see you into 2009!! You mean so much to me in so many ways.
I am feeling a bit more in the
Christmas spirit.
Now what is the nicest thing I have done in 2007??
Goodness! I dunno. I have done alot of nice things.
Gave to some charities, fed the homeless numerous times. Most importantly I think I have loved.
Loved family, friends, pets and strangers. I have smiled at people that I didn't even know. Tho many looked at me with no expression and alot times with glum written on their faces, but I smiled anyway. I have opened doors for people. I have said thank you and meant it. I have tried to be a positive spirit in this sometimes negative world.
All I can honestly say is what all I have done is simply not enough!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday.
I work half a day on Christmas day and off Christmas day. Back to work on the 26th. Then work half a day on New Year's Eve and off New Year's Day. Then back to work on the Jan 2 2008.
Not much of a holiday but I will take it!
Blessings to you and yours, always.
This was lovely reading...beautiful words & the thoughts....Wishing you also a merry Christmas and a wonderful year ahead!
Have a wonderful (well deserved) Christmas break!!
Enjoy your time with family and friends...creating memorable moments! (picture time: )
May the New Year bring you and loved ones...health, love, joy, and peace.
Hugs & Blessings
my kindest acts during 2007
1. offering my mom to God
(she was suffering too much!)
2. helping care for my aunt
(84 yrs old, and w/dementia!)
*both acts...out of LOVE!!
Merry Christmas to you.And have a great new year .
The act towards your uncle was very touching,very few people have that kind of heart.
Merry Christmas :)
enjoy the holiday season and have a fantastic beginning to the new year ... and honestly am too selfish to be benevolent ....
tc and have fun
Merry Xmas Keshi. x
wish ya to a merry christmas.....lovely poem/song.....
merry x'mas again...
tc :)
hey Keshi .. wish u nd ur family a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
God Bless !!
merry christmas and a happy new year!
see ya in 2008!
oops forgot abt the kindest thing i hve done...
i hve once held myself from farting in the a lift full of people..
does tht count?
Wishing you laughter,love, joy and much peace for Christmas and coming New Year!
that is another awesome pic of keshi-chan!!
isnt it too early to take a leave?? *sob sob*
wish u a very merry christmad and thanks for ur wonderful post!!
the kindest thing i did this year will be.. hmmmm hmmmmm...forgive my dumb ass colleague-chan lol
You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year!
Your poem was very lovely...and in the spirit of spreading cheer...
Happy Holidays, thanks for sharing your life in 2007 with us! Cant wait for next year!
Here's praying this new year will be your best yet. Have a very Merry Christmas Kesi.
Nooooooooooooooo...*faints*-how can Keshi go on blog-vacation?
Hehe...have a great break.Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
keshi..u indeed are a sweetheart :)
have a very merry christmas...
well me has helped a few ppl but not in any 'really big' way...neverthless tried all i could and it was appreciated cos it did change a few things for them...anyways enuff said! :)
cheers girl!
rock on!! :)
Girl..the pic was awesome as usual..!
Have fun..I just got finished my 3 day vacation at my aunt's place with my sis and jiju (sister's husband ).
Lots of shopping, catching up with friends and oh not to forgot, broke my nose too...lol !!!
2007 went away very soon for me..very very soon infact.
Training - two deaths in the family in a gap of 4 months, my uncle and granny - thesis...phew !!
About kind gestures...there have been many I guess, though donating money is not in that list. But then that aint all, eh ?
I'm proud for what you did for your uncle and this makes me proud of my dad, who was the only one around with my uncle with every possible help during his worst times, until he bade adieu last May.
His wife and kids-my cousins are with us now. I think that the greatest act of kindness and courage anyone can do. And I was there supporting my Dad whenever he turned to me for confirmation while the others were trying to tell him otherwise.
Does this count dear ?
Have a merry merry christmas.
And a lovely new year ahead.
Merry Christmas Keshi! Enjoy your time off.
@viva...nice blog..was jus passing by..newaz...i never got that sabbatical to enjoy the christmas,new yr, diwali etc vacations wen i was working...so i hope u ve a great time..merry xmas :)
Hello Keshi.:)
Am gonna miss ya while you are away. Enjoy those parties,prepartaions and make some tasty connections.;) ;) lol..:P
lovely post as usual.
What is the kindest thing i did this year?
hmmm..i am sure there are things. just hard to come down to one. Hmm..I got it.
to be there for a friend when no one wanted to stand by her side and through her turmoil in life at that time. I guess thats one of the kindest thing for now.:)
Merry christmas and happy Holidays Keshi.
i havent done anythin particularly kind this year.. infact i did nothing.. doing nothing to noone counts as kind? merry xmas..
Happy Christmas, keshigirl! Hope 2008 will be a great year for you :)
merry christmas and happy new year to you and your family. may the new year bring you health, happiness, and prosperity... not to mention good blogging material :)
//What was the KINDEST thing you did in the year 2007?//
Well i cant really answer that but, probably just being there for everyone through my and their struggles.Have a good time off happy holidays :)
A very Happy Christmas to you and yours Keshi. xxxx
enjoy your time, keshi... *hugs*
Have a great Xmas (I'm tired of writing "merry"! :$ ) and come back all rested and happy for 2008. We're waiting for you!
merry christmas keshi dear!!
hi keshi...wish you a merry christmas and happy new year.
you're a hot, smart, babe.
each year we just get stronger and better. have a nice time off!
rejuvenate :) BIG HUGS!
Merry Xmas to you too, it's been great fun riding the Keshi train in 2007. Best of luck to you in 2008! xx
i didnt do nobody no kind deed
but the kindest deed was done to me
i was going through a break up
i was hurting
and then an angel appeared
gave me her shoulder to cry upon
and she hugged me to her breast
and i was healed
oh ya
i did do a kind deed
i was at a champagne party
the host said it was non achoholic
so i guzzled a lott
i got tipsy
i went round kissing all the girls in the party and Mel
i am not gay
even when i am drunk
it happened like this
i was heading for Noushy
my lips all puckered up
some joker tripped me
and the kiss landed on Mels lips
Mel was surprised
He didnt imagine i was soo in love with him
(he was drunk too)
the bloke kissed me back
later on the host apologized
there was a fuck up
it was potent champagne
Kisses and huggs Niki
have a great CHRISTMAS
Merry Christmas Margie
a BLESSED Christmas to u blessed
get laid by a holy man
how cud i forget u !
wet kisses
hope u enjoyed your birthday
i apologize for my behaviour
but it was your fault
will u have a CHRISTMAS PARTY too?
but please please
please dont invite Mel
Keshi, Wish you very happy Christmas and enjoy your vacation. Have a nice time dear.
Waooww you are so humble. I have done nothing humble this year. Will try to do next year :-)
Wish you a Merry christmas and a Very Happy New Year!! Pithz
hi keshi,
i am really jealous of you. such a long break (going green with envy). enjoy your parties and kill all with your gorgeous look. please update us with some photos when you are back to blogging.
my kindest deeds for 2007 will be my cash contribution for buying stuff for the less fortunate during divali so that they too can celebrate the festival joyously.the other one will be buying christmas gifts for some orphans, organised by my college.
i can't seem to remember anything earlier, probably coz i never did anything memorable (sob, sob). anyway, merry mery christmas and hapy happy new year.
Have a Brilliant One
and a
Fantabulous Next Year!!
(if I didn't wish you b4... man! my memory i must be getting OLD haha!!)
I was there for a friend that lost his job, and needed somewhere to live until he was back on his feet.
He stayed at my place six months rent and bill free, with a roof over his head, and a fridge full of food.
It wasn't easy, and at times I would get frustrated with him, but he'd have done the same for me...
Merri Keshimaschhh!
I'm smiling hun, as ur Christmas card just arrived in the mail.
I loved it!!!!
So funny! Hehehehe!!!!
I so love to get mail!
You made my day!
Oh, I have to tell you,
Your handwriting is almost identical to a friend of mine in Denmark!
When I first looked at your envelpoe I thought it was from Vibsen, then I looked at the back and saw your name.
Two sweet surprises came in the mail for me today, as I also got a card from Vibsen (her real name is Vibeke, and we have been friends for over 20 yrs!)
It's Christmas day there now!
Merry, Merry Christmas darlin'!
Are you wide awake yet?
I'm planning our Xnas Eve dinner.
I'm making a chicken casserole, and apple pie for dessert!
We'll eat about 6 P.M, then I'm going to a church service.
I'm sending lots of love to you today dear Keshi....
P.S Please fogive me, as it was as late as today that I got ur pressie mailed.
Every time I went to the post office the wait was forever!!!!!!
So I waited till today...no wait today.
It shud get there in 7-10 days...at least that's what the guy that took my package told me.
P.P.S Merry Christmas to u Jim.
Smoooooooooches back to u!
Happy Christmas to you - although you're already there I guess.
Take care.
Hope Santa was good to you!!!
@keshi...thnx for visiting..blogrolling u...is tht ok??ve a fantastic christmas!!
chooo chweet!!
thanks million keshi-chan :)
wish u Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008!
It is nice to be here! Merry Christmas to you and your family! :)
Merry XMas and happy ny!!!!
Merry Christmas keshi. I wish best and best of your wishes to come to your life!
Merry Christmas Babezzzzzzz, damn my blogroll, it doesnt show me your blog updated even when you do it....i miss it out....
May GOD bless all his reserves of blessings and wonderful aspirations granted on you and your family, friends and dear ones along with making you attain all what you crave for.
Enjoy the flavor of Holidayyzzzz Kesh and keep rocking in 2008 too....
Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Merry Christmas!
May peace and plenty be the first to lift the latch on your door, and happiness be guided to your home by the candle of Christmas. (A Celtic Blessing)
Merry Christmas Keshi! And a Very Happy New Year to you too!
Merry X-Mas!
Enjoy urself!
:D :D :D
merryyyyyyyyyy christmassssssss
man i'm doing overtime :p
okay coming to ur Q"What was the KINDEST thing you did in the year 2007?"
KINDEST thing i have dont is kissssssssssed n hugggggggggggggged my gabbar..lol kisssssssssses him loadsssssssssss and huggggggggz him endlesslyyyyyy
ho ho ho ho ho ...lol
on a serious note...
mannnnnnnnnn am such a meannoooo i havn't done anything at allllllll :(:(:(
Merry Xmas keshi !
First of all, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas Keshi. Man, I wish I had a fan base like yours. Ha!
The nicest thing I did this year? The one task that made me feel like I made a difference happened at the laundry mat. I was folding my laundry when an older Hmong woman was walking around touching the dryers. She could barely speak English, but tried to ask me if they were hot. I wasn't quite sure what she meant, but I put my clothes down and showed her how to work the machines. I also helped her buy some items from the gas station that was connected to the laundry mat. She was so grateful for my help. I was happy to make a difference.
Sweet Keshi,
May your Christmas be merrier every year.
May you always have the reason to rejoice.
May your life be filled with joys.
I wish you a merrier Christmas and happier New Year 2008.
The kindest thing I did in 2007.
I kept on loving someone, reagrdless of the doubts and odds.
Cheers and God bless.
Merry Christmas and warmest greetings for a great year ahead !!
It is a beautiful thing that you did for your uncle. I can only say this, honey, what goes around comes around!
:D Something good will definitely happen to you.
You want to check out my post to see my "latest act of kindness", though it is more like latest humbling act. It humbled me more than ever!
Merry X-Mas chica!
merry christmas :D!!
happy christmas down under keshi!
Kindest thing I did this year? I prefer not to say... I once in a while do random acts of kindness that hopefully need no mention...
Wishing you peace in 2008!
Poppy doll-pearl,
Merry merry belated Christmas!!
and a happy happy new year ahead of you :D
My kindest thing was to write letters to soldiers. It was hard to do sometimes but I stuck with it ... over 300 letters and going strong!
Happy New Year!
Miss u Keshi.
What a great message! Hope your season has been merry and bright!
mis u gal!
Merry Xmas Keshi.
I think the kindest thing I did in 2007 was to forgive my husband, trust him more than I have ever trusted him by cutting him loose financially (divorce), but still honoring our "family unit" and its value to us all by not throwing him (100% disabled) out on the street.
My family and some friends are currently crucifying me for this - but no matter.
All my very best to you and yours in 2008, Keshi!
merry christmas and have a nice holiday week :)..
Hope you had a great christmas baby girl!
US is responsible for the death of Benazir
Happy New Year!!!!
merry kissmas babe.. keep it real
I hope your days make wonderful memories Keshi, mwah :)
To u too hun!! Hope u been okay! muuahhh long time rt!
Party on Keshi - Have a great new Year!!!!!!!!
when will you be back?
knock knock...hows everyone? Dun think I've forgotten ya...cos u guys r always on my mind.
TY each and everyone for the well-wishes here! And WC new friends!
I read ALL ur comments and I was so touched by the lovely greetings and also by all the kind acts u mentioned here. Every kind thought, word or deed is GREAT, no matter how big/small it is.
Also, I hope all of u had a good Christmas? A safe and jolly one? :) jeez guys I need a break from party FOOD! Im so sick of it at the moment.
Well I hope u'll all spend the last day of year 2007 (tmrw) having fun and making it a memorable one. Yeah I'll be at another party - God help me!
TC guys and I'll see u in the New Year ok.
And hey tnxx for coming here and leaving me sweet notes even when Im on a break. That really means alot to me. ***HUGS*** Will be bak to blogging with a vengeance soon ;-) damnn I miss blogging and reading all ur blogs! It feels like I'm suddenly crippled.
ok...gtg guys...
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of ya! MWAH! TC now.
Much love,
heyyy kesh... guess you would see this only i new years... hope you had a great time off!! and yes,.... very good questions all of this... need some soul searching!
@keshi..ve a great new yr :)...rock on :)
wish you a happy new year
To the Christmas Elves who have kidnapped Keshi...
You have been forewarned that if you don't give her back, you're going to be taking a serious beating.
You heard.
And when you give her back so that she can start blogging again, make sure that you told her we wished her a happy new year!!
Happy happy new year too!!
Happy New Year to you Keshi!!!
heya!!! i forwarded you my wedding pics!!
wish u a happy new year and lots of cheers!!!
Happy new year!! Keshi.
The nicest thing I did in '07...hmmm...tutoring my Korean friend in English, maybe...
Big hugs Keshi and all the best for '08!
Happy New Year girl!
warmest wishes for the new year...
lots of love and hugs!!
Margie and Nadine and Niki and Blessed and Menchie and Krystyna and ....
Hi,Keshi..wishing you a thrilling,delightful,scintillating New Year-and,praying that you're your usual smiling,cheerful self through the year.:)
Wish you a very Happy & Safe New Year Keshi!!!
ty each and everyone! HUGGGGGGGGZ!
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