A No-Frills Brain

A Brain-In-Training **Another day I was cooking at home, and my cousin (not really dumb but can be dumb at times) walks in to the kitchen and switches off the stove. HUH? Did I even witness that? Worse, I kept on cooking! 2 seconds later, my brain told me about what he had just done. So I turn to him and ask 'Why did you switch it off when I'm still cooking?'. He goes 'Cos we are going out tonite'. Wow my dear brother, so we are going out tonight which is still some hours away, and I have to leave the chicken half-cooked on the stove-top, just like how your brain is half-functioning right now? I don't think so Timmy! Cmon add your brain into the cooking..it needs some defrosting for all I know!
Powerful Brain Repellent
**I have a friend who is an Internet user but don't know much about computers...to be precise, she doesn't know about computer Viruses etc. No probs there, cos alot of people don't know much techie stuff unless they work in the IT industry. But a terrifying discovery took place when she asked me this bizzare question one day. 'Keshi I want to protect my PC from viruses...what do I have to do...should I spray disinfectants on it?'. OK that's enough my friend...plug it off and take it back to the vendor please. That way the PC will remain sane too! Cos my brain died a violent psychotic death for a minute or 2, right after that question from her!
A Brain Ride**One night I was just sitting on the couch sipping coffee, thinking how beautiful life is. Not for too long, cos 5mins later I got a deadly phone call that sent me on a shock spiral staircase! A friend of mine rang me to find out what the time was! WTF?? Where was she ringing from - from Mars? I mean cmon, did she have to ring me to find out the time provided she was still on this planet? Worse she was ringing from her mobile phone which probably has a clock ***rolling eyes and it wont stop***. No she wasnt trashed or on drugs, neither was she coming back to life after a deep coma or from a scene from the movie Castaway. However, I'd like to believe that she probably was in the middle of a brain transplant!
Brain Drain**My mum's bday is on the 28th of June. All her friends know it and have been wishing her every year on her bday. Let's call my mum J. One Sunday in March this year, we went out to a party and came home to find a message on the Answering machine. It was from one of her closest friends R. I put it on speaker and it went like this: 'Hey J it's R here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetie!'. I felt like I was listening to that message while being electrocuted! This must be my rebirth cos I didn't know my mum's bday was in March!! Or is this our house that I'm checking messages from? I looked to see if it's the correct house...yes that's our dining table, that's my photo - yes it was our house AMEN! So it was my friend's mum who was probably going low on her brain's battery power...not me!
Brain Killers**One day I was walking down the street and I see this young guy trying to take a new couch into his house. The couch is wider than his main door, but who asked him to take it in horizontally? I saw him standing there, staring at the door like he was wishing the door was wider awww. How about trying to take it in vertically brother? If that thought don't get developed by your grey matter, then throw a bomb and break the door so it would be wider? Even better, buy a new house with a wider door cos you'd feel smater then. And that way I don't have to die a slow and painful death watching you either!

Share with me some super-dumb encounters in your life.
Current Music: I Want To Break Free by Queen
103 Cranium Signets:
Keshi..Lol at those instances...ROFTL...u have got a wonderful narration buddy...
Well, the first super dumb encounter that comes to mind is dating my ex for 4 1/2 years.
Pretty dumb! LOL! He was the definitely the wrong guy for me!
I won't go into alot of details but he and me were oil and water and why I tried to mix the two for 4 1/2 year is beyond me!
I said to a friend, who is one of a twin, I have your birthday noted down in my book, but when is your brother's?
love this post!!!!!! how are you today? I am great just not emotionally thats all hehehe!
Hi Keshi
Reading this is just what I needed
You got me laughing...so funny!!!!
Ive been feeling rather down today...missing my friend that died!
She would have enoyed this too, as she had a great sense of humor!
Thanks for the smiles Keshi!
LOl! Lol! Lol!
I can't think of any super-dumb encounters in my life at the moment...maybe later!
Hope you are having a good day!
I need to go cook dinner now...am making vegetable lasagna...it is yummy!
P.S It was like a summer day here...I went on a run for 4 miles...made me feel so alive & refreshed!!!!!
LOL .. Those were really funny.
One time I was in a department store and was looking at the suits and some sales lady comes up to me and says "are you here looking at suits?"
I almost said "No, I'm looking for some cool thongs to wear while I'm working the stripper pole this weekend". But, I didn't cause you know I'm the model of decorum and manners. ;-)
Hi Keshi
Another funny post. I think there are times we all suffer a brain burp or two.
Very recently, I found myself outside on a very cold, snowy night wearing only--well let's say not much.
My door shut and jammed when I was letting my dog outside.
I deal with a crazy person (myself) everyday.
Hi Keshi
Now I'm really cracking up. I just read your comment. Did we just cross cyberlines?
Soooo funny!
Right now my brain is fried and have been too busy to blog and visit. So this is really just a quick one to say hello. :D
You have to be....
The SWEETEST person on earth!
I just read your comment at my blog, and you can't believe how much it helped me!
It's so very true...you are so very wise Keshi Darlin'!
Thank you luv!
You are an ANGEL! for sure!
My lasagna dinner is ready...can you smell the aroma?
Time to eat!
Nitey nite swt hrt!
Thanks for being such a caring friend!
Love you!
Oh! My God.. a great post with loads of funny instances. Particularly the Virus one ;)
keshi -that is unbelievable about someone wanted to spray disinfectant on the computer- is that for real!!! haha. I can't think of any dumb things to tell you -I usually chronicle my own ones, as you know :).
This poem is for you Keshi....
For all the kindness you have shown to me with your care & concern!
Thank you darlin'!
Isn't it nice
that friendship brought
the two of us together...
'Cause friends may come
and friends may go
but we'll be friends forever!
'Keshi I want to protect my PC from viruses...what do I have to do...should I spray disinfectants on it?'. ****
you get this, seriously????? I hope you said YES
The most moronic encounter so far was during a period a few years back when unusually i wasn't going ard with anybody during that specific period and one of the female gym mate asked me how did i managed to cope up with the hormunal outburst....sigh*
I read this on pri's blog and found it so pretty:
> Hello God, I called tonight
> To talk a little while
> I need a friend who'll listen
> To my anxiety and trial.
> You see, I can't quite make it
> Through a day just on my own...
> I need your love to guide me,
> So I'll never feel alone.
> I want to ask you please to keep,
> My family safe and sound.
> Come and fill their lives with confidence
> For whatever fate they're bound.
> Give me faith, dear God, to face
> Each hour throughout the day,
> And not to worry over things
> I can't change in any way.
> I thank you God, for being home
> And listening to my call,
> For giving me such good advice
> When I stumble and fall..
> Your number, God, is the only one
> That answers every time.
> I never get a busy signal,
> Never had to pay a dime.
> So thank you, God, for listening
> To my troubles and my sorrow.
> Good night, God, I love You, too,
> And I'll call again tomorrow!
> P.S. Please bless all my friends and family too.
Amen brilliant keshi, you have some immagination!!
much love,
i am a sceptic
i dont believe 2 ppl can be friends or lovers forever
i take this as a challenge
i will make u and Margie fight
Hi Keshi
We're going to have to stop this. Someone's going to start talking. LOL
I think we've got some sort of telepathetic thing going on here. I sure hope we're not sharing the same brain cause one of us is in serious trouble, but I'm not sure if it's you or me.
LOL Keshi .... You have analysed me so well ... You will never find any one more D than me :)
That was very hillarious post babez and the images of hapless cats made it more worthwhile to read.
You analysed people who get to your nerves so well!!!!
Imagine a guy packing lunch from home 2 work, he packs the lunch and keeps it on the newspaper stand every day. Thats coz, thats where he hangs his car keys... Then, he forgets to pick up his lunch every 4 out of 5 days!
He drives half way 2 work, and comes back 2 pick it up! ROTFLMAO!
Thas only with the lunch box... there's more with the wallet, the office ID, jacket, and would you believe, even the socks!
And this has become a tradition!
Now that parents have moved in, I am a laughing stock and a gr8 source of entertainment for them!
Someday, god forbid I should forget 2 wear my trousers! Or worse, my underwear!
ROTFL.. one more...
This guy most times climbs 9 stories by stairs, to reach home, coz he forgets there's an elevator!
No prizes for guessing who is this booby!
LOL love the way ypou write!!!
dumb encounters! Using calculator to find out (0.5 * 2) not only the students .. the lecturer too!
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows.
More quotes from William Peter Horn
haha lol...had a good laugh with your post! people like to ask question like...say im eating now...tey will ask question like 'Eating ah?' n my answer wil b like...'no...im dancing' haha...
tcare keshi
my dumbest encounter to date was to think i cud find love on the net
love can only be found in the real world
where u can see smell hear feel and taste
the net is no substitute for the real
Ok, I admit that SOMETIMES I wear sunglasses indoors [e.g the supermarket/ newsagency/ green grocer]! Sometimes. ;)
the calculator rusts your brain
u stop thinking
u rely on the gadget to give u answers
looney gal in UK
really funny post :)
ROTFL .. keshi do u also talk like tht on first dates .. cause thn m sure i want to ask u out ..
haha .. i wud have jus died laughin .. thts d best way to die u knw ;)
ur such a cracker ..
cheers mate !!
late night calls..."are you sleeping?" eeerh not anymore :P
You've got an award! Check my blog for details!!
lolzz.... man i'm in splits!!! ok now. regarding dat one abt the stove... dat ones took the cake!! :D
as for the time.. well i remember doing that myself...
this happened sometime in april... me and neal had just shifted into our new apt.. Adi a frnd had turned up to stay arnd for a few days... so it was like this, that we dozed off.. after much pranks on each other... and woke up at noon... refusing to blv all the clocks in the room.. we have abt dozen or more, inclusive of all forms!!! adi ws up by the time we woke up adn we blamed it on adi for tampering wid the clocks...
I called up a frnd of mine and confirmed teh time.... :D
may b ur frnd ws gng thru the same scenario?????
as for dumb moments, sample this: u r at work, and someone calls u up adn asks you, "hey, wot r u doing??" duh!! wot am i supposed to be doing at work??? play football, or contemplate as to why teh walls have been painted white and not red/blue or for that matter any other ghastly color????
nice one :) i hate it when iam doing something and some asks me 'are u busy?'
my fav always will be in kerala, which is famous for rubbernecking and curious comments, where i was reading a newspaper in the train, whn the guy next to me asked me 'reading the newspaper, eh?'
or the time i took an auto to the go to a bar and the autoguy asked me why i was going to the bar?...told him tht i hve to pray..
i think sometimes our brain short circuits and the result is wht u wrote abt....
Such a fun post and loved those pictures. Poor kitty:)
oh man wht a smashing post :D
but d best part of d post was the pics of cats u put up wid dose expressions..lol
I guess mine would be when they ask the obvious.
Like i was working late one evening and this guy who always ask the obvious goes again.
"You still here?"
Its like "DUH!" you see me here don't cha?
Like tell me something i don't know. *roll Eyes*
It gets to me.
Hi Keshi, long time... loved your 'funny' post. But its true, sometimes I get so pissed off with these kinda dumb things from people around us. One of my friends once wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the New Year. And even dumber of me I replied back with a THANK U, SAME TO U. And then we both realized and burst out laughing.
Haha.. very funny post Keshi.. Like the way you handled it.. TK
Ha ha ha!That was hilarious though a bit wicked ;)
So hard to name one incident with so so so many which keep happening to me,thanks to those souls who keep eating my nerves!
Good one dear,hugs!
I go back to the days, just braking head how about virus affecting computers, that funny to think now. Cool post of different dumber’s, nice reading dear… I liked more the half chicken part.
LOL...thanks for the early morning laugh.
keshi-chan these guys are innocent and lovable.
i like them lol
maybe the first one thought a pretty girl like u doesnt not recognize his face.
hes so polite!!
Hey wat's happening Keshi.. Long time no hear. Am doing good and still alive you know..> Talk about cranium deficiency, i had your blog address in my blog and yet was wondering how to get to ur site all along LOL
perhaps it had been a while since i last blogged :-D
Nice post...will b back soon Keshi...time is running out...running ahead...running away...
aawww it ain't that bad is it kesh?
Oh gosh, between my father and my younger brother, I have about a million of these, though I'm not sure I could tell them as well as you have.
With my father it's mostly getting words wrong etc, like bionic paint instead of organic, or the time he said that his vest was 3D due to being stripey, Adidas ice cream LOL, he meant Haagan Daas. Oh gosh, Maria, and don't ever tell I told you this one, she hates it when I tell it and so I never do, but in Danish a chef is called a Kok, so anyway she and my sister were talking one day and my sister says, My Dad is a good cook. No, Maria replies, he's not a good cook he's a good 'kok'. :-D My brother would be able to remember so many more of these, but one of his was upon seeing one of those pushchairs into which one can place a carry-chair (forget what they are called), exclaimed, wow, that's clever, a buggy with two handles to be pushed from either side, words to that effect anyhow. Giggling away here at those memories and yours. Thanks for them, xo
The best one of my encounters that comes to mind is the time that we had a crazy, freak blizzard. (It hardly ever snows here, so a blizzard of all things was nuts!) We lost electricity for days and with the wind chill factor, we hit below zero a few times. Needless to say we were all COLD and sitting next to our fireplaces or cuddling up to our dangerous back up kerosene heaters. My aunt had enough of it and declared, "This is ridiculous! I am not going to freeze any more! I am going out to buy an electric blanket!"
We stared at her, hardly able to keep a straight face and then mu uncle replied, "So after you make it back through the icy roads, what are you planning on doing with your ELECTRIC blanket?"
LOL!!!! I guess she was going to snuggle with it until the electricity was working again????
That was funny!
I must say/ do stupid things too... mostly in Mornings. I'm not a monring person :D
tnxx Shiv! :)
hahahaha Blessed I can say I did something similar too...for that long as well LOL!
LOL Andrew that was neat!
Kaylz u gotta stop focusing on the bad side of life sweetie. Think abt happy things...listen to some good music...go to the beach...ur alive girl, enjoy every minute!
**She would have enoyed this too, as she had a great sense of humor!
Im sure she'd be reading this from somewhere and laughing too :).
Like I told ya in ur blog, I see death as a funny thing too. I know its a very sad thing as well, but hey who said life isnt sad as well? :) U see, both life and death r both sad n funny :):). I know when I die someday, I'd be making a joke out of that too LOL!
here's one to make u laugh:
Keshi dies and goes to heaven. The gate-keeper says ur late. Then Keshi says, yes I know..Im the LATE KESHI now anyways. LOL!
HUGGGGGGGGGZ! Now plz send me some of that vege lasagna YUMMMMMMM!
hey Jay tnxx!
**No, I'm looking for some cool thongs to wear while I'm working the stripper pole this weekend"
hahahaha! I cudnt stop laughing when I read that :):)
LOL I cant believe that we were at each others' blogs writing similar comments! I think u hv my brain...hang on, that means I had ur brain? LOL ok Im pretty dumb I know.
**I deal with a crazy person (myself) everyday.
Im not surprised. Cos I deal with such a person too. Its me btw LOL!
So is ur butt still frozen?
Menchie take a break and defrost ur brain sweetie. MWAHHHHHHHH!
hey Veena tnxx! :)
Lee girl r ya outta that dress now? :)
** is that for real
yes its REAL. I aint telling any lies u know. But Im still in shock.
aww Margie that brought a tear to my eyes...HUGGGGGGGGGGZ n ty!
U r the same kinda friend to me...always by my side. Im so blessed to hv found ya here!
hey LaVida!
**you get this, seriously?
Im serious. I've got some ppl in my life that eat my brain...they've left alot of holes LOL!
hey Southy!
**and one of the female gym mate asked me how did i managed to cope up with the hormunal outburst
LOL hahahahahaha! did u ans her?
Clover hey!
btw that wasnt written by me..it was written by Pri I think.
Jim ur evil.
lolz Alok is that u? I dun think so!
hey Ashu tnxx :):)
hahahaha Iceman u serious???
**he packs the lunch and keeps it on the newspaper stand every day.
ur kidding me rite!
LOL! Im the opp. If there's NO elevator, I'd go to a building that has one. HAHAHAHAHA yes me mega dumb!
and plz dun ever forget to put ur trousers on! :):)
hey Cheesy!
**Using calculator to find out (0.5 * 2) not only the students .. the lecturer too!
LOL hahahahaa!
hey Jim!
**You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows.
wut made u say that in this post?
hey Anits tnxx hun!
**'Eating ah?' n my answer wil b like...'no...im dancing' haha...
hey TQM!
**my dumbest encounter to date was to think i cud find love on the net
but its possible u know...it doesnt always happen but it CAN happen. I know such ppl who met on the net and got married too.
tell me, is LOVE always perfect in the real world too?
hey Nora tnxx!
** I admit that SOMETIMES I wear sunglasses indoors [e.g the supermarket/ newsagency/ green grocer]! Sometimes
LOL and tnxx for being so honest! :):)
tnxx Deepak!
hey Anuj matey hows u? :)
**keshi do u also talk like tht on first dates..
yes..d u want me to be any different? haha!
But if the guy is super-dumb I prolly wont talk at all. LOL!
Who r ya currently dating Anuj? ;-)
hahahahah Dalicia!
wut wud u be doing in the middle of the nite if not sleeping...prolly the macarena? :):)
aww Lover ty! I checked it...so sweet of ya!
lolz Sam tnxx!
**I called up a frnd of mine and confirmed teh time.... :D
may b ur frnd ws gng thru the same scenario?????
haha u did that too?!!! Well nah, it wasnt the same scenario...cos she asked for the time and then hung up. And later told me to forget abt it. LOL!
**wot am i supposed to be doing at work??? play football
haha tnxx Tys!
**or the time i took an auto to the go to a bar and the autoguy asked me why i was going to the bar?...told him tht i hve to pray..
LOL so funny!
My brain has alot of holes now...due to other ppl's brain short-circuits. LOL!
hehehehe ty Priya!
lolz Dhruv Im glad u like it n tnxx!
**Its like "DUH!" you see me here don't cha?
hahahaha yes! Some ppl ask the OBVIOUS n I get so annoyed. But I guess I sometimes do that too LOL!
hey Priyanka sweetie long time indeedz! Hows u? :)
**One of my friends once wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the New Year.
heyy Pij tnxx ;-)
hey Sameera tnxx sweetie!
U know Im a wicked witch sometimes LOL! :):)
**thanks to those souls who keep eating my nerves!
hahahaha! Lets call em nerve-eating-worms.
hey Jeevan tnxx mate!
btw I cant comment in ur blog since last 2 days...whenever I click on the Comment link, it crashes. Check n fix it Jeevan.
Nadine tnxx hun LOL!
heyya Niki!
** these guys are innocent and lovable.
innocent yes..cos their cranium seem to be still developing. LOL!
**maybe the first one thought a pretty girl like u doesnt not recognize his face.
I recognised him and smiled...thats when he came over to me and asked DO YOU KNOW ME. lolz!
hey Vikz WB!
**i had your blog address in my blog and yet was wondering how to get to ur site all along
LOL ok! mebbe u need some vitamins to restart ur brain. hahahahaha!
Glad to hv u bak here :)
hey Ghosty time isnt running anywhere...we r. TC man!
Lisa it is THAT bad lol!
Hows u?
hey Autumn ty so much for sharing such FUN stories from ur family times. LOL I had a good laugh!
** Adidas ice cream
LOL love that the best! Ur dad sounds SO CUTE!
**he's not a good cook he's a good 'kok'.
OMG hahahahahahaha! Nice one! Im gonna use that alot now lolz!
**wow, that's clever, a buggy with two handles to be pushed from either side
Neat ones my dear. ty so much for making me laugh today!
hey Outdoorsy tnxx hun!
**So after you make it back through the icy roads, what are you planning on doing with your ELECTRIC blanket?"
ok I'll tell u a lil secret now...I myself cudnt see what was wrong with ur Aunt wanting to buy an electric blanket until I read ur uncle's reply. OMG IM SUCH A TRUE BLONDIE!
Zhu I aint a morning person either...I do the dumbest things early in the day...hang on, I do em in the afternoon too. :(
did you really feel like what you narrated or you exaggerating? b/c to me they r just normal hiccups ;) maybe i am cranium-deficient ;)as for my dumbest thing.. well there r many.. one of them that comes to mind is once i was talking to someone on the phone and at the same time frantically searching for my cell-phone ;)
**did you really feel like what you narrated or you exaggerating? b/c to me they r just normal hiccups
OK maybe I exaggerate everything Jitterz!
Poppy doll-pearl,
I see one of these gray-matter-challenged species almost everyday, and this member of the species is making me feel smarter and smarter ;p
The 2nd kitty picture is really cool! Where did you find it?
BTW, I've answered ur question at my blog....we can make all the jokes we want at their expense....(evil cackle)
Hi Keshi
I'm just getting ready to head out the door with Jake...for another training class.
You cracked me up again!!!
**Keshi dies and goes to heaven.
The gate keeper says ur late.
Then Keshi says, yes I know...I'm the LATE KESHI now anyways. LOL!**
You are too FUNNY girl!
Thanks for the laugh!
Gotta go...I'll be back later to see your new post.
:D ;)
haha Saffy tnxx hun!
That kitty pic is from the net I think...I cant rem. :(
Margie hey sweetz hv a great day with Jake awwww...
lol me n my Late tales!
Jitterz why d u think I exaggerated em? D u know how I exactly felt during those encounters?
i said that in jest.. but still, someone wishing me in march instead of june wont be a cause of so much furore..
anyways.. so how are you doing? :)
Yes i did...:)
k Jit.
**but still, someone wishing me in march instead of june wont be a cause of so much furore
mebbe it is for ME?
LOL wut did u say to her Raj?
ok.. my mistake :D
Jit ur constant need to be 'correct' is annoying sometimes. Im being honest here. :) Im a drama queen and my life runs on 'HYPER', so yeah Im not NORMAL like u. Im sorry abt that.
And Jit I wasnt angry when I said that...I just said the truth. When friends try to question my feelings here (serious or funny), I feel Im being judged for no reason. To some ppl, I may sound funny, and to some others, I may sound stupid and blowing things out of proportion. I really cant help how someone feels abt me. THIS IS ME. And if u think Im exaggerating things, then maybe I am...but its how u feel.
'Keshi I want to protect my PC from viruses...what do I have to do...should I spray disinfectants on it?'
babe, this is the best!!! hehehehe..
i just can't think of even one incident to share right now. my cranium level going down i guess! :P
LOL Ammu u can always get a cranium refill from where I get it.
I gave her a one word reply and thankfully she didnt asked for a live demonstration of it...:P
hahahaha Southy!
btw I wanna know ur ans to her LOL!
When I started reading the post , I thought I am gone hear stuff that is gonna give me the feel "Oh Man I am so smart" kinds.
But seriously its not that dumb! probably you havent met the kind of people who are like real dumb!
okie one small example,
there is this women who sits next to me in my office! I am in like early twenties and she is like late 20's , she got loads of work ex n is probably gettin double moolah than me!
She got a lap top from office recently n like I am there to answer all her questions (work related and otherwise) she loks at the lap top n then the charger n then v innocently shoots her question
she:what is this for? (charger)
me(shocked): this is to charge ur lap top, you know its on battery now@ n battery isnt gonna last forever!
me: (just a look)
she: okie, so where do we put it?
u ben to icanhascheezburger.com?
LOL JK WC n ty!
That was seriously a cranium eating scene!
nope Brian...I'll check it now :)
ha..ha...the virus thing was contagious!!!she actually said that!!!
dumb, dumber and dumbest...thanks to them we get the much needed humor in our lives...
My reply was, masturbate...lol thats why i said thankfully she didnt asked for a live demo
ROFL..Keshi,I thought I was the only unfortunate one who is witness to and observes such dumbness actions.(That,of course,doesn't mean that I don't do dumb things now and then.LOL).
The best one was the guy in the store asking'I think I know you-do you know me?'...Now,that's an interesting pickup line for my list.:)
Re. super-dumb encounters in my life- I'll need half a day to return to normalcy,then,I'll think..this week's been 'ugh',work pressure wise.:)TGIF.
lolz TA yes tnxx to them we get some laughs! :)
haha Amit yet that guy was a dork!
btw Amit..
**I'll need half a day to return to normalcy,
Have you ever come across people running really low on cranium?
Oh Yeah, Everyday I work with many people who still think George W. Bush is an intelligent man and that the Islamic bogeyman is hiding under their beds. If these people represent the average American, which may well be the case, everyone better start learning Chinese because they will rule the world in a few years.
hey BB lol!
**everyone better start learning Chinese because they will rule the world in a few years.
hahaha yes!
oh u know girls smile at strangers sometimes.
so he was not sure. poor boy lol
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