Wednesday, December 12

A Long Distance Call

Last Saturday I ran into 'someone'...someone I didn't wish to meet again...someone I never thought would stir a single feeling in me again...that when his eyes met mine that I'd just carelessly walk away...that I'd never have an inch in my body that cared for him...but every memory we made came back crashing down on me to haunt me for a while...the tender kisses, the warm hugs, the touch of his fingers on my back...his voice...his lips...his once much-desired presence in my life. Our eyes met...I saw a far away affection in his eyes yet a need to be distant from the woman he had just seen...he looked away as if he'd just seen someone who'd disturb his now happy life...I looked away thinking who knew...who knew that we'd end up being so distant and cold. Somehow I knew that I wished him well always. What our eyes just perceived spoke volumes to our hearts...our hearts then made a long distance call...a call to the times when we were so in love and when nothing else mattered. That time now seems thousands of miles far away.

Guys, I'm going out for drinks with the boys office colleagues. I need some good loving male company for a change, what say? Don't worry I'm ok. Have a good day yous!

Current Music: It Must Have Been Love by Roxette

133 Cranium Signets:

Southpaw unplugged said...

I need some change as well, m tired of the salty chilly strong breeze, lonely nights and endless drives throughout the day....

Ram said...

I need some good loving male company for a change

me too...hehehe..:)

Hope you're doing good Keshi.


Margie said...

Hi Keshi
Awwwww, it must have made you sad to see your old love again!
Take care swt hrt, and have a great time with the guys from your office!
Glad u are ok!

I'm going shopping for Xmas pressies' in a few mins....

I send you lots of HUGGGGGGGGZ!

Menchie said...

I think you are doing the right thing. there's nothing better than the company of good male friends when you're feeling a bit blah. Enjoy yourself and be safe. :D

Darshik said...

keshi gal..... i m glad ur ok.. bt hey cheer up... look at those lovely eyes... woahh... i m sure the boys will be more drunk wid tht than the drinks ;)

have fun....

dun think much wat u saw.. think u saw something which made feel a little *awww*... ;) heha


Sweetstickychewy said...

Hi Keshi.

I could identify with this post of urs. Written with ur heart.


And abt the night. I am excited for ya!! Its gonna be fun! Rock it gurl!


Sweetstickychewy said...

one more thing, thats a gorgeous picture of you. Totally loving it!


Anonymous said...

Looks like some feelings are still here... lots of emotions in the burning hot post! ;)

BUMBLE!!! said...

I'm so glad that my X was abducted by aliens. At least that sounds about right since I haven't seen her since summer of 2002.

I'm really hoping they don't bring her back either.

Maybe the aliens can take care of your problems too.

Have a better 1. Enjoy the drinks.

Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi

First, you have a good reason for knowing the group I'm writing about. No name please.

Past relationships have a way of coming back to haunt you.


Prats said...

aaawww, is the time...and i'm sure its gonna rock your life...sometimes even though you've let go, it comes tumbling back.....but its nicer to think back and smile rather than turn the face away...
hope you had a great time with the guys....ROCK IT UP....

love this of my favourites....


Margie said...

Hey Pretty gal!!!!
And my darlin' pal!!!

Guess what? ...I got you a Xmas you need to email me ur mailing address...ok.

I got a lot of shopping done tonite...yay!!!!

Now, I'm going to have some hot cider!
It's so cold here tonite!!!!

If you happen to see Santa around....tell him to send some warm weather to us here in FREEZING!!!! CO...

Nitety nite hun!
luv ya!!!!!

P.S I forget to mention....I love your pic look soooooo

Solitaire said...

I believe everything happens for the best. This long distance call does have a purpose.

The Phosgene Kid said...

If I was young again and in Auss-trail-ya I would be chasing your skirt for sure!!

Anonymous said...

I know that feeling when you see an ex who you do not see regularly Keshi. It is weird.

ceedy said...

hey thanks for visiting.....
seeing anyone who has hurt you or you have somehow tough...hope you had a good time :)

Karthik said...

beleive it or not I experienced the same two weeks ago at the railway station -:) my mind was also tumbling bad..sad thing i didnt see the far away love from her...u know wat i did the same thing i wrote a posting on the same incident in the blog:)-

Sam said...

I guess it does hurt wen goes thru such a situation... i hope i never have to go thru this in my life!!!
that's all i can say!!

tulipspeaks said...

we never want to cross path with them, isn't it? :) and when it happens, we become speechless.

hmm.. just like now :|


anits said...

all the best for tonite n enjoy k?!tcare keshi..muahhhh

Tys on Ice said...

its funny how realtionships shift their focus and nature given time, circumstances and distance...

but the soul will need a lot of time to heal...and a lot of drinks...

so hve a great time and give the boys something to talk abt :)

AakASH!!! said...

Hope is such a bitch, isnt it?

Hugs my dear! Hope you have a GOOD time!

Anonymous said...

Time, the power of it. Really. A person we love so much when the relationship is on and we feel the world would be nothing without him/her.

times change, relationships change, ppl change, the same person becomes the msot hated person.......

I hope you njoi the drinks out with the boys and have a great time!!!

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Head is an amazing thing, it churns out things from our memory and expects us to deal with it. I hope your party was good and males were loving enough :)

Cuckoo said...

Keshi dear, you did the right thing by deciding to go out with male company today. That's the spirit.


Mal said...

mail.comhi keshi!

the feeling you have just described is universal. you have to be inhuman to not feel that way. but the fact that you can walk away, reflect on and have fun just shows that you have moved on. way to go gal!


Pijush said...


I know how it feels so dont want to tell anything, so just enjoy tonight.. drink and rub as much as possible.. take care.

BTW: You are looking awesome in this pic.. I feel sorry for that guy who lost you :-)

gP said...

hemm...memories. THere is no stop to the powers of touch...or the touch of the eyes. may go for a drink...dont let them lay a finger on ya...ill b there checking. gonna poke their eyes and break their fingers if they do anything...muahahahaha

:P have fun keshi!

A said...

Past memories should bring a smile on you face, they shouldn't haunt you sweets!

Gud that you are fine! U shud be!

Jeevan said...

A Long Distance Call... keep a safe distance too dear;) Go and enjoy well.

Pri said...

hmm i can understand happens to the strongest of us...
sometimes all it takes is one moment to get us crumbling into the past...
dont worry..uve got ppl who love life and celebrate every moment!

lotsa luv,

AmitL said...

Hi,Keshi...that must have been some interesting moment-running into someone you didn't wish to meet again.I sense that the guy felt guilty about the past,for some reason,and that's why he looked away,which is something I never understand about human relations-there'd be no harm in his saying a hi-hello,even now,I'm sure,especially since you wished him well always.

Hope you had a great time with the office colleagues,later in the day...a post coming up on that,pls?

And,re the warning-hehe...surprised never end,where I'm concerned,I guess..wait for a post,perhaps,on what you wanted to know.

Alok said...

Now I can understand wht u meant (on my post) ... but u r such a cool girl ... i love ur attitude .... so many of us can learn how to live life frm u


Pritika Gupta said...

Njoi ur party!! even i need some break ..take me too..

Anonymous said...

I hope I never have to face this situation. Forgetting her was painful enough.

The Lover

P.S. I finally let go...

KP said...

back to da memory lane..hope u enjoyed da company of good loving male....:) njoy the life and have couple of more drinks for the heck of it........

Die Muräne said...

I hope you'll have a cool night out!
Good to let go and don't try to hold the past. There's always something new on it's way! mwah

Anonymous said...

you are still deep in my heart, you are
the closest thing i've ever had to romance
quite a mystery how ever we did drift apart
O sweet lady, when did we dance our last dance?

Anonymous said...

You know, I always wonder.. what draws two people together and soon or later takes them apart.

Yep have a drink girl.. and an extra one for me too.. On the Rocks!!

Anonymous said...

This was just lovely reading & I believe these kind of moments only add more meaning to live & make our existence memorable & I think they are to be cherished for life...Have a very nice time Keshi!

Reetesh Mukul said...

The music of life!

Jeya Anand said...

" I need some good loving company for a change"
I feel that way very often...And I am just waiting for the right one:)

And abt the loved one, i had hurt myself very much in taht case...
It hurts even more when u see him/her with her/him.....I know how it feels then...

Btw...How are you Keshi?...I had just finished my small set of exams....Still the bigger one are on the way..:(
Take care...Miss ur posts and u..:)

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

May I share the following sayings with you.

You will find more than the words.

Pearls mean tears.
~ Doris Lessing

There is only one real sin and that is to persuade oneself that the second best is anything but second best.
~ Doris Lessing

Trust no friend without faults, and love a woman, but no angel.
~ Doris Lessing

Only time will tell how much we care and how much we love.
~ Michael Chima

Alex said...


Its been a while. Had been busy with exams. Got back to my home.

I would like to do with some drinks too. ;)

K M F said...

wounderfull i enjoyed the change thats good too

Helen said...

Aaawww, I know how that feels, that crush of melancholy, wistfulness, and affection. Have fun with the boys, Keshi.

Cinderella said...

Girl, I totally get what you are trynna say here.
We walk on, but we never really get we ?
The patches are always there, to remind you of how things were and how they could have been...yet we walk on...
So walk on girl...go on....and make a beautiful quilt of all the itsy-bitsy patches, whether dull or colourful that you're gonna collect through your span.


Preeti Shenoy said...

OMG Keshi--I had expressed this very same thing in a poem of mine written long back..Shall dig it out and post it sometime.
Have fun!

Masood Ahmed said...

I am glad to see you strong.

Aarti said...

Hey keshi

Came over from Vik's blog.. lovely pic..

well, it was beautiful the way u've written abt the meeting.. life sure has its surpises for us na.. hang in there~~

hope u had a fun evening... :)

Gledwood said...

My bitch ex before last... distant and cold. While we were still together she told me she still talked to all her exes. (Not true on reflection. Only the one b4 me bc he knew me so she had someone to talk about me with behind my back) anyway long story short every intuition I had at the end told me SHE'S FOUND SOMEONE ELSE though she would not admit that... we have only spoken ONCE since "fracture point" in the last 5 years!

Tee said...

Awh :( Gosh, Keshi, I've had this happen before, too. (The Roxette song is perfect.)

Hope you had fun on your night out.

Paul Champagne said...

Sometimes our brains have filed someone as "old news" ... wouldn't it be nice if our hearts followed suit?

karmic said...

The ghosts of the past some days are never too far away are they? Take care.

Keshi said...

Southy u need some company in that den of ur's? ;-)


Rama d u need MALE or FEMALE company? :)


Keshi said...

Margie my darling how r ya?

Im a very confused girl u know...I was done with this guy and now when I saw him eye to eye after a long time, I get all those feelings again...and Im in tears. Silly me :)

**I'm going to have some hot cider!

yum gimme some too!

awww u wanna send me a's my addy:

Santa Claus
Gift St
North Pole.

LOL ;-)



Menchie tnxx hun MWAH!

I was pretty safe...dun worry sweetie. U care too much abt me..that was so damn sweet, ty darl!


Keshi said...

hey Darsh u hv been reeeeeeelly sweet to me! ty so much my dear friend!

** m sure the boys will be more drunk wid tht than the drinks

LOL! They did. And I was being very shrewd I only had 2 drinks. Gotta retain my sanity when Im with the boys rite!

Did u get my txt that I sent from the club? Sydney time ard 7pm...?


Amy I love u too hun n tnxx!

yes I had good fun ooh lala :):) We had some ex-workmates joining us too so it was one big evening of FUN...I caught up with some great guys I hvnt seen in years! It was really good.



Keshi said...

Zhu yeah...I dun think we ever get over 100%..the scars remain and the memories haunt from time to time.

tnxx hun!


G'day Bumble!

**At least that sounds about right since I haven't seen her since summer of 2002.

LOL awwww...


Keshi said...

Bev I know ;-)

tnxx hun!


Prats tnxx babez!

Yes I smiled later on...he smiled too...and we walked away.


SaffronSaris said...

Oooooo....did you still get that warm and fuzzy feeling you used to get?

Keshi said...

I sure do think so too Solitaire, tnxx!


Phos ahemm I do wear jeans too..LOL!


Keshi said...

It is weird indeedz Andrew!


Ceedy tnxx!

And yes I had a GREAT time last nite!


Keshi said...

Karthik I saw that post...fantastic title!


Sam even if u had to go thru it, its all for the good. :)


Keshi said...

Ammu I wonder if he ever thinks abt me the way I sometimes think abt him...


I had a terrific time last nite Anits, tnxx hun!


Keshi said...

hey thats true Tys...time, distance...they all change how we feel, or do they?

**so hve a great time and give the boys something to talk abt

I had a great time tnxx :) but u wudnt BELIEVE what they talked abt when we first sat down with our drinks! U just wudnt believe it! And just then I was thinking of wut YOU said here yday! I'd hv to blog abt it LOL!


Aakash yes HOPE is a bloody lying bitch!

:) tnxx!


Keshi said...

Ashu tnxx hun I had a great time!

**times change, relationships change, ppl change, the same person becomes the msot hated person.......

yes ppl change...but I dun hate him anymore..I used to tho :). but not anymore...cos I feel so lucky not to hv ended up with someone like him...someone who cudnt stick by his words. So yeah I dun hate him...I wish him well and I wish him strength to love his partner with all his heart and never hurt her the way he hurt me.


I felt that warm hug across the miles Iceman..tnxx, HUGGGGGGGGGGZ right back at ya!


Keshi said...

Lash the males were very sweet to me and really looked after me last nite...they r the best lot. Besides, the guys I work with r so cool, smart and the most understanding men I've ever met. White boys hv a way abt em that I really like. Im so chilled when Im with em.

**Head is an amazing thing, it churns out things from our memory and expects us to deal with it.

so true!


Keshi said...

Cuckoo I sure did the right thing..cos I felt so good last nite. Great company and a lil bit of Vodka did the trick :)

tnxx luv!


Mal tnxx mate!

**the fact that you can walk away, reflect on and have fun just shows that you have moved on

yes I believe so :)


Keshi said...

hey Pij tnxx! ***raises the glass at ya*** ;-)

**I feel sorry for that guy who lost you

aww tnxx but Im not sure if he thinks so too..cos he's got a new girl now.


hey Ghosty tnxx!

**THere is no stop to the powers of touch...or the touch of the eyes.

so true! The eyes speak fro n to the soul.

**let them lay a finger on ya...

hahahaha! Aww ur so sweet. FYI all 10 guys who came last nite (some of em were ex-workmates) gave me a peck on the cheek as soon as they walked in and again one each when I was leaving :)


Keshi said...

hey Anjuli tnxx!

**Past memories should bring a smile on you face, they shouldn't haunt you sweets!

ur right...but it depends on how it all ended too, doesnt it. :)


tnxx Jeevan!

** keep a safe distance too dear;)

yeah ur right...I dun associate him anymore...and he's got a girl now.


Keshi said...

ty so much Pri!

** happens to the strongest of us...
sometimes all it takes is one moment to get us crumbling into the past...

I totally agree! Sometimes its the strongest of us who become the weakest in a moment or 2...



hey Amit tnxx!

**I sense that the guy felt guilty about the past,for some reason,and that's why he looked away,

yes...mebbe he's guilty...finally I looked at him again and he looked too and we smiled. Thats all.

**a post coming up on that,pls?

lol u want a post on that? ok then! :):)

k in return of that favor, u need to do me a post on ur wifey. ok? :) tnxx!


Keshi said...

Alok Im so glad to know how u feel abt me..thats just awesome n tnxx!


Pritika come along hun...I'll make sure u hv a great time. And ur always safe with me...:)



Unknown said...

Hi Keshi dear,

yeah,have fun and go out!who knows?a new good memory might born?

hugs to you!!


Keshi said...

Lover I hope u found some new love now?



KP tnxx! But I dun drink all that much...I just go for the fun of it and max I'd just hv 2 or 3 drinks...n watch while others get trashed. LOL!


Keshi said...

Murane tnxx mate..aww MWAH! :)

I let go of him long time ago...but the memories can be so brandnew sometimes.


Stud u serious? :):)


Keshi said...

Jono I wish u were here!

** what draws two people together and soon or later takes them apart.

I too wonder...mebbe love isnt forever anyways...


Kalyan tnxx!

Im so glad u enjoyed this read. :)


Keshi said...

yes Mukul tnxx!


Jeya tnxx!

Just dun WAIT for the ONE to enjoy life...just go out with friends and colleagues, and have FUN. This moment is all we've got.



Keshi said...

hey Ori tnxx for those beautiful quotes. really loved em.

**Only time will tell how much we care and how much we love

thats by u and that one ROCKS!


Alex go hv some :)

and WB!


Keshi said...

KMF good to hear that.


Helen aww babez I wish u were here last nite...


Keshi said...

Ciderella HUGGGGGGGZ n ty!

yes the scars somehow remain..and some memories r still very fresh...


really PS? wow! :)


Keshi said...

Masd tnxx!


Aaarti WC sweetz!

ty for ur kind words...they really mean alot to me.


Keshi said...

Hey Gledz Im sorry to hear abt that.

**every intuition I had at the end told me SHE'S FOUND SOMEONE ELSE though she would not admit that.

hehe why do ppl just lead others on like that. I just dun get it. Im glad u ended it with her.


Tee I had GOOD fun :) tnxx hun!



Keshi said...

hey Paul!

**Sometimes our brains have filed someone as "old news" ... wouldn't it be nice if our hearts followed suit?

so well-said! my heart still carries the scars when my head has moved on....


ur so right Sanjay! they r just a heartbeat away...


Keshi said...

heyya Saffy dolly!

**....did you still get that warm and fuzzy feeling you used to get?

yes...n I had tears when I was driving bak home...


hey Ghee tnxx!

And yeah alot of great memories were created last nite. :)


George said...

Be well baby girl ... one gets into a lot of trouble if one thinks they can bring back past feelings. They were crushed once, one shouldn't play with them again.


Southpaw unplugged said...


WithinWithout said...

Yeah, Kesh, it's that inescapable, lamentable, sometimes beautiful, sometimes horrible tug of a former love...

Tough, huh? No matter who ended it or why, feeling those lost feelings again...

Great pic of you, those eyes...must have been hard for him to turn away...

But what is, just is.

phishez said...

Its always hard to meet your ex. But it can be made a hell of alot easier if you look slammin hot, and are with a gorgeous guy.

Hope you had fun with the boys.

Margie said...

Hi Sweetie Pie....

I'll reply to ur email tomorrow.
Now I understand this post much better..
I'm going to bed now, as I've had the worst headache all day!!!

Nitey nite darlin'!


Coco said...

love not meant... *sigh*

have patience, because the BEST is yet to come! : )

Hugs & Blessings

Globescoper said...

Hi Keshi

Before I leave for my trip to ?, I'll answer your question on my blog.

Yes there are--right under everyones' noses.

I be back in a week--I think. :)



dharmabum said...

have one for me too. make that too, actually!

Sneha P said...

aahhhh..thats ur past over the weeken eh?
neway..cheers to u girl..
have some vodka for me!!


Phoenix said...

notalgia revisited!it seems everyone is dealing with a bout of it nowdays...take heart!


Unknown said...

This one, just for u keshi!

Green light, seven eleven
You stop in for a pack of cigarettes
You don’t smoke, don’t even want to
Hey now, i see you check your change
Dressed up like a car crash
The wheels are turning but you’re upside down
You say when he hits you, you don’t mind
Because when he hurts you, you feel alive
Oh, now, Is that what it is?

Red lights, gray morning
You stumble out of a hole in the ground
A vampire or a victim
It depends on who’s around
You used to stay in to watch the adverts
You could lip sync with the talk show hosts

And if you look, you look through me
And if you talk it’s not to me
And when I touch you, you don’t feel a thing

If I could stay.. then the night would give you up
Stay, and the day would keep it’s trust
Stay, and the night would be enough

Faraway, so close
Up with the static and the radio waves
With satellite television
You can go anywhere
Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast and Berlin

And if you listen I can’t call
And if you jump, you just might fall
And if you shout I’ll only hear you

If I could stay.. then the night would give you up
Stay then the day would keep it’s trust
Stay with the demons you drown
Stay with the spirit I found
Stay and the night would be enough

Three o’clock in the morning
It’s quiet and there’s no one around
Just the bang and the clatter
As an angel runs to the ground
Just the bang and the clatter
As an angel hits the ground

Nadine said...

I hope you are okay Keshi. It's hard to see someone that you onced cared for and for it to be awkward.

Ash said...

Enjoy yourself Keshi :)

fergal said...

the question is: who paid for the call??! and what kind of plan are they on?

have fun ;-D

16 sleeps til i depart oz for dublin ...


AVIANA said...

Sweets I feel you on this one....

I have to say that all of my exes except for the most recent one, I can only say I don't care crap about...

i know if i saw my most recent one, the one who made all things crash...i don't know how i would react...

i know there would not be a long distance phone call from our hearts...i came to the strong realization that he never cared for me and he simply used me....i cared for him deeply...

i hope you had fun sweets! :)

Priya said...

Ur post makes me cold coz its winter here:)

wildflower said...

We all need good male company for a change Keshi...
hope u have had a great tYm...

Anonymous said...

wat a beautiful shot of keshi-chan!!
male company?? is he aussie or waaat?
ive never gone out with my Lankan colleauges. they dont eat wat we eat. they dont drink alcohol.
u are lucky to have somone like that :D

peter said...

Hi Keshi, this is my first visit...thank you for your kind words, they are appreciated greatly. Have a wonderful holiday season.

Helen said...

Aw, (wish you were here last night), that's sweet, we would have such a fun time!

Anonymous said...

serious about what?? that isn't me telling you anything, thats your your own concious:p

what i tell u is thing that last
u come to me in reainy days
teach me love in this way
u bring me joy and go away
never comes back like a clay
u say u love me just some day
so i keep it as my past tale
As this thing past is just a past


KP said...

"n watch while others get trashed. LOL"

heheh...well i am oppsite...i get trashed...2 or 3 drinks wont satisfy

so if we ever meet....u can be my designated driver......lolz

KP said...

oh btw india is touring the oz land....;)
do we got a chance...:)

plz since channel 4 is huge in oz land...we would like to get post on the inside information.....:)

KP said...

oh btw india is touring the oz land....;)
do we got a chance...:)

plz since channel 4 is huge in oz land...we would like to get post on the inside information.....:)

Globescoper said...

We thought you might be interested in this story if you have not yet read about it.

FOX NEWS REPORTS: Two dogs saved a toddler from drowning by pulling the boy out of a dam near Mackay, in central Queensland, Australia today.

An Andergrove property owner heard a noise and found the two-year-old and the dogs on the embankment of her dam about 11a.m. (AEST), police said.

The boy was covered in mud, had marks on his upper arms, and there were drag marks from his body in the mud, consistent with the dogs pulling him from the water.

Police said the boy had wandered from his home and his dogs, a rottweiler-cross and a Staffordshire terrier, had followed.

The child was taken to Mackay Base Hospital for a precautionary examination.


Dalicia said...

don't u just hate it!!!! and i've pretended that i don't know the person. but the person WANT to talk to me...gosh GETAWAY FROM ME!!!

Sameera Ansari said...

Ouch!Could sense the pain there darling,though it was of a time gone by.Such moments bring back a flood of memories.

Hope you had fun with your pals.Take care sweetie.Hugsss

DJ said...

you gotta unload your past before moving forward...
everything happens for the good...
so take care and enjoy...

btw, u look really beautiful in this pic...
sorry for not being able to drop by for a long time... am running on a really tight schedule for i m visiting my home at the end of this month after a long long time of 4 yrs...


Miladysa said...


Margie said...

How are u today Hun?
I have not had time to reply to ur email's been the MOST BUSY day ever!

Later tonight I'll be in touch!
Have to run as we are having guests for dinner.
I have to get the table set now...
the food is all ready.

TC darling'
Be back later to see your new post!



Keshi said...

I agree George...I dun think of him anymore..tnxx MWAH!


hehe Southy :)


WW tnxx mate! yes its still tough when u come face to face...

**But what is, just is.

U said it the best!


Keshi said...

Hey Phish tnxx hun!

**But it can be made a hell of alot easier if you look slammin hot, and are with a gorgeous guy.

yes I agree! I wanna atleast rent a hot hunk and then make and appointment with my ex. Just to show off :)


No worries my darling Margie MWAH!

U TC of ur guests now...and tell em that Keshi does the moon-walk for a kiss. LOL!


Keshi said...



Bev aww dun go! :(



Dharma :)


Keshi said...

Vitruvian tnxx mate and yes I had Vodka! :)


yes Phoenix..seems like it ha!


Iceman I love that song..the lyrics r AWESOME!



Keshi said...

Nadine Im ok now hun, tnxx!


Ash tnxx!


Fergal dun gooooooooo :*(

**who paid for the call??! and what kind of plan are they on?

LOL! I paid in tears...


Keshi said...


** came to the strong realization that he never cared for me and he simply used me..

so u never felt LOVE with him? Not even for a minute?


Priya HUGGGGGGGGGZ! U warm now? :)


Wildflower I LOVE male company ;-)


Keshi said...

Niki I went out with 10 Aussie white Sri Lankans at all. Im glad! LOL!

And I got home w.o. having sex, so dun worry I was with a safe group, haha!


Peter WC n tnxx!


Helen u bet!


Keshi said...

Stud :)

**thats your your own concious

gosh Im having a massive blonde-moment rite now. LOL! Wut d u mean? And wut's the past ur talking abt?


KP hey lol u reckless drinker!

**so if we ever meet....u can be my designated driver

no probs..I love to drive!


Bev I left a msg for ya abt it on ur blog. I was reading it on the news when I saw that comment of ur's too! SHOCKING coincidence.


Keshi said...

KP i'll make sure u dun get to see it LOL u cricket maniac!


Dalicia Im not all that hostile towards this ex of mine...tho he hurt me big time, I hv learnt to forget that bit...




ty DJ!

Wow ur going home? Enjoy it!


Miladysa tnxx n HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Keshi said...

Margie enjoy the dina with ur friends! MWAH!


AVIANA said...

nope not for 1 minute....

you realize cold hard facts later and even now, long after my realization, i know more than ever he never was an illusion i created...


Anks said...

Keshi, this post made me feel that you still have feelings for him... I may be being absolutely presumptious here, but thats the impression these lines gave

but every memory we made came back crashing down on me to haunt me for a while...the tender kisses, the warm hugs, the touch of his fingers on my back...his voice...his lips...his once much-desired presence in my life. Our eyes met...I saw a far away affection in his eyes yet a need to be distant from the woman he had just seen...

dont wanna be preachy here, but if you do harbour even the slightest bit of feeling here, I guess you should do something abt it...

take care... :)

Keshi said...

good on ya Lisa! :)


Anks hell na I dun love him anymore...just that when I saw him the memories came crashing down. We simply cant avoid that, can we? :)

tnxx anyways HUGGGGGGGGGGZ!


Nora said...

Oh, take care sweetheart. I know how thsi must've felt...


La vida Loca said...

ooo Keshi
Take care ok?

Keshi said...

tnxx Nora!


aww tnxx LaVida!


BUMBLE!!! said...

You're a veritable whose who of bloggers on here!

Keshi said...

hey Bumble u cant be serious? ;-)
